Good Times Better Times

By Chris Richberg

Published on May 28, 2001


Disclaimer The story I have written has to do with *NSYNC, and male/male relationships. I do not know if any members of *NSYNC are gay or bi or what their sexuality is. This story is purely fictional, and not meant to imply anything about the members of the group. Also, Lance doesn't have a twin brother that I know of, unless he's been hidden by the government for some twisted plot of theirs. I seriously doubt that, though.

I just wrote this story last night, and I thought it was a good idea at the time. First off I have to explain a few things about the story so you don't get confused while reading it. In this story, Lance Bass has a twin brother Jacob Bass. They are identical twins, except for their eye color. While Lance's eyes are a light green, Jacob's are a darker green. That will come into play in other chapters if I write any more. I play the character of Nick Veolla, and I am gay in this story, even though I am bisexual in real life. Jacob and Nick are already together, and this story follows the adventures of their love, and a little later the adventures of two other people's love. I won't say whom, though, so I can keep it a surprise.

Warning If you are below the age of 18 years (21 in some cases) then leave right now. This isn't intended for virgin eyes. (LOL) If you are offended by male sex (even though there is none in this installment) I wouldn't start to read this story, get hooked, then get disgusted later when I get into detail about what two gay males do together.

Good Times, Better Times

Chapter One:

My story begins as any normal should begin, at the beginning. First of all, I should start out with an introduction, though. My name is Nick Veolla. I am a 35-year-old actor, and I live in San Francisco, Hawaii, Australia, and a number of other places I can't think of right now. Most people enjoy good romantic stories, so I decided to write one myself, about real life experiences that I have had in my life. I must warn you beforehand, that this story is not for the timid, and I do like to go into detail about some aspects of my sexual life. Now that you've been warned, I think its time to proceed with the story.

I can skip most of my life, and go right to the part where I was 21, and start my life from there when I was a talented actor. I was just starting out at that time, and every major film company wanted me to do a movie or two. I happened to be in New York City on an October day, just sitting on a bench in Central Park, minding my own business, when a complete stranger happened to walk up to me, and sit down next to me. I didn't really think anything of it, since it's a free country, and I didn't really care who sat down next to me. It wasn't until he started talking to me, that I noticed he was there.

"You know what I hate?" he asked me. "When you try to get on the subway at this time of day, and you can't get to your train, so you miss it, then you have to take the bus, but there are no buses. The taxis are all full too, so you have to end up walking 8 blocks to try to get home. Then you have to rest in Central Park, but you're too afraid of getting mugged, cause you can in broad daylight. It's a sick world we live in."

I go through this every day when I try to sit down somewhere. There will always be a person that will sit down beside me, and start talking to me. What do I look like a Priest? Sure, why not. Unload your problems on me. It's not like I don't have enough as it is. " That hasn't really happened to me before. I only come to this city on business, and its usually short, so I don't really have time to stay and have a bad day."

He looked at me with some fascination before continuing. "I just can't stand this city anymore. It gets worse and worse every day. The people aren't much better. They always push you out of their way. Its like they have some place more important to go than you do. You know what I mean?"

I actually did know what he was talking about, but I wasn't going to let him know that, because it would have just prompted him to keep rambling on. Instead I just shook my head no.

"Well be thankful you don't." It just didn't stop him from going. I don't know what I look like, but I knew then and there I should change my look. I probably looked like one of those people that anyone and everyone can just come up and talk to out of nowhere. "I swear the city..." he finally stopped and stared at me with a funny look on his face. I was waiting for him to say something like `have I seen you somewhere before?' and sure enough: "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

"Me?" I asked rather nonchalantly. I didn't really want to be recognized in a park full of people. At the time I was wearing sunglasses, so I didn't really think anyone would recognize me.

"No, not you, the person sitting next to you." I turned around to face the person he was talking about. He had dirty blonde hair, and dark green eyes that sparkled. He looked to me to be about 22. He looked at the man with a certain curiosity on his face.

"No, I don't think I've seen you anywhere before, so I don't think you could have seen me anywhere before." He said with a deep, southern accent.

"I could have sworn we've met somewhere before, but if you say we haven't then I guess we haven't." I snuck a quick smile at the young, cute man sitting next to me, before looking back at the man who was busy looking at his pocket watch. He then looked back up at us. "I'm sorry, but I have to go now. It's going to be hell, but I have to find someway of getting home. It was nice talking to you."

"Same here." I said, lying through my teeth. I always did that with people who wanted to talk to me. I always made them think I actually enjoyed hearing about their problems. It was one of those habits that I had grown out of once I got older. After the guy left, I looked over at the radiant person sitting next to me.

"I'm Nick Veolla." I extended my hand, he shook it, and said: "Jacob Bass." We both laughed, and I pulled him into a hug. Once we separated from each other, I looked into his eyes.

"So, how was your day? Hopefully it was better than mine." I looked at him, and smiled. I couldn't help but smile at him. He always brought it out of me.

"I don't really know. Seeing you right now makes my life a whole lot better."

"What happened this time? Did they decide to fire you, or get you to quit?"

I asked getting a little angry. That was his third job, in almost a year.

"No, they decided to promote me, give me more money, and a bigger office." He said finally smiling with that one million dollar smile of his.

"OH MY GOD, THAT'S GREAT!!" I couldn't have been more ecstatic than at that moment right there. Well, except for a part later in my life, but we won't get into that right now. I jumped off the bench so fast; I didn't even think anyone could have seen me. I was jumping up and down on the group singing Hallelujah. I pulled him up off the bench, and hugged him with such force, that I think he couldn't breathe for a few seconds. I pulled away from him, and I just remember having this shocked look on my face. The shock turned to playful anger, when I punched him in the shoulder.

"Ouch!" He said while he grabbed his shoulder. "What did I do?"

"Don't scare me like that," I said, trying not to smile.

"Oh I shouldn't, should I?" He said grinning that evil grin he always used when something bad for me was going to happen. I started to back up, but it was no use. He was on me in a second. We fell to the ground, and he started tickling me. I was laughing so hard I thought I would pee. I was screaming `Please no stop!' but he wouldn't hear it. He kept on tickling me, while people walked by staring at us, thinking that we were nuts or something.

We stopped shortly after an old woman came by, and was staring at us for what seemed to be five minutes. We got up, straightened ours clothes, and headed out of the park. Since it was a nice day out, everyone was either getting exercise, or walking around talking to people they knew. It took us a long time to find a taxi that actually wanted to stop and let us get in. Once we were back at The Plaza Hotel, we went straight to our room, ordered room service, and stayed in the entire night.

We weren't disturbed until the phone rang at about 2:30 in the morning. Since I was the closest to the phone, I had to pick it up.

"Hello?" I said in a half sleep state voice.

"Hola, Chico," I knew exactly who it was when he said those two words. "Como esta, mi amigo?"

"Josh, are you drunk again?" I asked slightly annoyed. JC was in Buenos Aires getting some much needed vacation time. He called me up 24/7 until I turned off my cell phone and beeper. I was wondering where he got our hotel number.

"I am not drunk," he said, and I heard something crash. "I may be slightly intoxicated, but not to worry, I am perfectly capable of standing up." I heard another crash, and the phone was silent, until I guessed that Josh gotten up off the floor, and picked up the phone to say, "Ok I may be a little drunk, but that was only because it's a beautiful day, and I went to the bar looking for girls. One thing led to another, and boom I'm back in my room with a bottle of Tequila."

I sighed. "Did you come back to your room with anyone, Josh?" This always happened when he went on vacation, so I was expecting him to say yes, and that she was passed out on the bed.

Instead I got, "No. I didn't have any luck tonight, which is probably why I got so drunk." He said half slurring parts of the words.

"Josh, just go to bed. I'll call you tomorrow to get your flight number. You are coming home tomorrow right?" I didn't hear anything on the other line for about thirty seconds. "Josh, are you even there? JOSH?! HELLO?!!"

All I heard was a rustling sound, then a click as the line went dead. I had guessed that he decided to take my advice, and get into bed. He probably forgot that he called me. I just felt sorry for how bad he was going to feel the next day. I hung up the phone, and felt a shift in the bed. An arm came from behind me, and encircled my waste. Jacob gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Who was that?" He asked still half asleep.

"It was just Josh. He wanted to know how everything was going, and he'll be meeting us here tomorrow, before we have to go to Orlando."

"Why isn't he just going to Orlando? Isn't it closer?"

"Yes, but he has some business to take care of in the Big Apple, before he goes back to Orlando."

"All right." He said while yawning.

"I think we should get back to bed." I said, moving closer to his body.

"That's a good idea." I turned around, gave him a quick kiss on the lips, then put my head on the pillow, and was soon fast asleep.

Ok this was down at 10:30 on a Sunday night because I had nothing else better to do. I know it might seem a little odd and boring right now, but trust me it will get better. E-mail me at with questions, comments, and concerns. If I get enough e-mail, I will write chapter two, and post it. Or I will write chapter two, and wait for enough e-mails to post. How about I just say to hell with it, and post chapter two when I feel like it? Well one of those is going to happen. Thanks for reading my story by the way. Hope to hear from you!

Next: Chapter 2

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