Good Times Better Times

By Chris Richberg

Published on Jun 5, 2001


Same Disclaimer As Before:

Disclaimer The story I have written has to do with *NSYNC, and male/male relationships. I do not know if any members of *NSYNC are gay or bi or what their sexuality is. This story is purely fictional, and not meant to imply anything about the members of the group. Also, Lance doesn't have a twin brother that I know of, unless he's been hidden by the government for some twisted plot of theirs. I seriously doubt that, though.

First I want to say thanks for all of my friends that read this story, and the ONE person that I didn't know that read it, and decided to e-mail me. I'd like to thank that person a lot, and just say that I told you I'd write chapter two and here it is. This is basically an idea that I came up with when I happened to be bored sometime. I hope you like reading it, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to e-mail me.

Dedication: What I forgot to do last time was dedicate this story to a few people that I know. Those people include Lex, James, Sarah, John, Dani, Kate, Casey, and Samantha. I think that's a big enough dedication for now.

Reading the same warning:

Warning If you are below the age of 18 years (21 in some cases) then leave right now. This isn't intended for virgin eyes. (LOL) If you are offended by male sex (even though there is none in this installment) I wouldn't start to read this story, get hooked, then get disgusted later when I get into detail about what two gay males do together.

Chapter 2:

Do you know one of those mornings where you just wake up and feel invigorated? Well, the morning after Josh's phone call, I felt incredible. I don't know what it was, but just being in bed with a warm body pressed up against mine just made me feel complete. I just sat there for thirty minutes, staring at the ceiling, going over my life in my head. I had the perfect job, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect friends, the perfect everything! That's when I realized that there was something bound to happen to me that would change all of that forever, and I wouldn't have the perfect everything anymore, my life would be utter chaos.

I should actually go back in time a little bit to when I first met Jacob, and how we got together. I know its always a nice story when two people fall in love, and my and Jacob's love is no different. There was just something about him that I was attracted when I first saw him in the club in Florida. I had been staying with a friend while I finished shouting my second movie. It was that night that I decided to go to a new club opening.

It felt like a good idea at the time, and later I realized that I was very lucky to be at that club that night because I met Jacob there, and we shared our first kiss in the bathroom. It might not seem romantic, but you had to be there to actually understand how wonderful it was.

I was sitting at one of the booths, not really in the mood to dance. I just wanted to sit there, and watch the people, study their faces, and try to guess what they were thinking. Whenever I am bored, it is a game a play with myself. Its quite fun actually, and doing it with another person is even better. Anyway, I had been sitting there for quite a long time, before a man asking if I minded if he sat down across from me interrupted me. I didn't really have a problem with it. He seemed like a nice person, and at the time I liked to idea of conversing with a total stranger. You can see now that I've grown out of that.

I can't really explain the feeling I had when I saw him, and he sat down across from me. His eyes sparkled with this radiance that I had never seen in another human being before. His smile was so exquisite, and he was just the most beautiful person I had ever seen. I was immediately attracted to him, as you can tell, and it struck me as odd since I had never really believed in love at first site. However, right then and there I had fallen in love with Jacob Bass, twin brother of James Bass, better known as Lance from *NSYNC.

Jacob and I conversed that night, and it seemed that we both had a lot in common. By the end of the "first date," as I like to call it, we knew practically everything there was to know about each other. From then on, we tried to spend every waking moment together. He would go to photo shoots and movie sets with me. I would go on tour for a little while with him and his brother. It was then that I felt on top of the world, and that I was one of the luckiest people in the world to have one of the most perfect lives.

Back to the story now, and to the bedroom where I last left off. As I said before, I had been lying there for thirty minutes, until I was brought out of my life thinking when the hands around my waste tightened, and I was brought closer to that warm, luscious body. I turned on my side to face my lover, and kiss him on the lips. Morning breath didn't really bother me, but it seemed to have an affect on Jacob, since he gave me this weird face after I kissed him.

"What?" I asked giving him a surprised look.

"It's nothing bad," he said trying to cover up the sick feeling all over his face. "I've just never kissed you when I first wake up. It's something new to look forward to. But I would like to ask that you brush your teeth before kissing me. I don't know about you, but I dislike morning breath."

I started to pout, and I knew I would get him with it. I always joked with him that way. I made it seem like he had hurt me in some way, and he would become sympathetic and think he did something wrong. I found it very enjoyable, especially in the morning.

"Oh, babe, I'm sorry," He said hugging me, and massaging my back with his hands. "I didn't mean anything by it. As if someone like you could ever stink." I was having so much fun, I decided to go even farther, and I started to cry a little bit. Or at least that's what I made him believe, since my face was buried in his chest. "Oh no. Please don't cry, sweetie. I didn't mean anything by it, honestly. I love you so much. You DO NOT stink! You have a wonderful smell, and I just love it." At the end of his sentence I couldn't help but chuckle. "Wait. What was that?" At that moment, I knew I would have to give it up.

I pulled back out of the hug to look at him. He stared at me with a confused look on his face, and I knew he could tell I hadn't been crying. I just stared at him, and after 5 seconds I started to laugh uncontrollably. I feel off the bed, and kept on laughing on the floor. He got out of bed as well, and walked over to where I was lying, laughing my head off, and crouched down.

"Would you mind explaining to me what is going on?" he asked looking down at me.

"Why, whatever do you mean, Hun?" I asked very nonchalantly, before laughing again. He just stared down at me, then smirked. I knew what that meant, and immediately I shut up. The smirk could only mean one thing: it was time to run! I couldn't though. Since I was already on the floor, when I tried to get up, he just pinned me back down. He pinned both my arms behind my head, and straddled me. I knew what was coming, and I just stared up at him, trying to make a face that would get him to stop, but I knew it was useless. He looked down at me, gave me a quick kiss. Then, with one hand, he slowly went down my side with the tips of his fingers. To me that was serious torture. I am a very ticklish person, and when a foreign hand comes into contact with my side, I will convulse and laugh uncontrollably.

In the middle of doing this, the phone started to ring, but both of us couldn't hear it over my shrieking. Finally I quieted down a bit, so that I could hear the phone, and I pushed him off me with all my strength, and grabbed the phone.

"Whoever this is, you are a lifesaver!" I said trying to catch my breath.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT FUCKING TIME IT IS?!" the voice on the other side of the line shouted.

"Dani?" I asked looking confused, then suddenly remembering what I had to do. "Are you at the airport?"

"You inconsiderate asshole! Of course I'm at the airport! And someone, namely MY BEST FRIEND, was supposed to pick me up!!" she shouted, and I had to keep the phone away from my ear she was so loud.

"Dani, you have no idea how sorry I am," I said trying to calm her down. "Jacob and I kind of slept late, and we just got up, but not to worry we will be right there. Just sit tight."

"I've been sitting for three fucking hours!!" she shouted that final comment before I hung up the phone, grabbed Jacob, and ran into the bathroom.

*Note: It was after that phone call, that I knew the chaos had begun.

It only took me about 25 minutes to get ready, get into a taxi, and arrive at the airport. Needless to say, I gave the taxi driver a VERY generous tip for cutting red lights and speeding. Once inside the airport, we both ran to the terminal just in time to see Dani walking over to the phone again. I slowed down, and walked over to her cautiously.

"Dani?" I asked in somewhat of a terrified voice. She slowly turned around to face me. I could see that she had been crying at one time or another. At first I couldn't really read her face, but then I saw the hurt and anger in her eyes. She was totally pissed off.

"You little piece of shit bastard that I call a friend," her voice was a little above a whisper at the beginning, but it got louder as she went on. "Do you know how long I have been waiting for you to get your ass out of bed, so that I can go to the hotel and get a few minutes of sleep before I have to do an interview on TRL?!" At the end of her sentence was when she decided to get physical. She started to punch me in the chest, and then decided to be daring and punch me a few times in the stomach. I tried to deflect her rage as best I could, but most people should know women, when they are pissed, there is no stopping them. My cell phone started to ring shortly after her fifth punch to my stomach, and she finally stopped to let me answer it.

"Hello?" I asked tried to back away from her, but she kept on walking towards me.

"Hey, Nick, it's Josh," JC said. "I'm on the airplane right now, and I just wanted to tell you that I'll be landing in about 10 minutes. You still going to come pick me up?"

"I'm actually at the airport right now," I said finally stopping backing up after I bumped into the wall. Dani stopped also, but turned to face Jacob. "What flight number are you? We'll meet you at the terminal."

"Flight 141, and thanks man," he said before the line went dead. I hung up, and placed the cell phone back in my leather jacket. I looked over at Dani and Jacob.

"And you, little Mr. Perfect Man," Dani said, not trying to keep her voice down. "Why didn't you get your lovey dovey up, so that he could come pick me up?! Were you too tired from butt raping each other all night to wake up a half hour earlier?!!"

Jacob was at a loss for words, so I decided to jump in and help my boyfriend. I stepped in between them, and placed my hands on Dani's shoulders. She didn't really seem to like that very much; therefore, I immediately took them off. "Listen, Dani. We are both really sorry about what happened, and we will both make it up to you, but right now we have to go pick up Josh. That way, we can all get back in time for our appearances on TRL today." She turned around, and walked away from us. We followed at a discrete distance.

Five minutes later, we were sitting in chairs, near a terminal, waiting for Josh's plane to arrive. I should explain more about Dani, and what she does for a living. It's obvious that I am an actor, and that I'm pretty famous. I normally go everywhere in sun glasses, a leather jacket, so kind of nice shirt, khaki pants, and shoes. Very seldom, back then, did I get spotted. Dani was the same way. She would walk around in very pretty dresses, and wear sunglasses. She was a very accomplished singer, and rose right to the top at an early age, and was up there next to Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera as a Pop Princess. My boyfriend, Jacob, on the other hand, was not so lucky. Since he looked, and almost talked exactly like Lance, he was spotted all the time, and had to sign autographs in the best impression of Lance's handwriting his could muster, because he felt awful trying to explain to 12-year-old girls that he was his twin.

As soon as Josh got off the plane, we escorted him quickly out of the terminal, and down to baggage claim. On the way a very interesting conversation happened, as I later found out.

"Thanks for picking me up on time, for once, guys," Josh said looking at both Jacob and I. He gave us one of those award winning camera smiles, and then laughed.

"At least they picked you up on time," Dani whispered sarcastically.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he looked at her, and then at both of us a few times.

"I think I have to go to the bathroom," I said getting out of the situation as quickly as I could. "Yup definitely have to go to the bathroom. I'll just be a minute."

"I'll go with you," Jacob said following me, as a quickly walked away.

"What's up with those two?" he asked pointing in the direction that we just fled.

"Its not really important right now," she said crossing her arms. "All you need to know is that I am going to kill them before the day is out."

"Really? That should be interesting," he said trying not to laugh. "I can see the headlines now, `Pop Princess kills member of *NSYNC's twin and famous actor in fit of rage.' I'm sure the press would just love that." They both ended up laughing after his statement. Dani quickly got serious again, though.

"So what has been going up with you? How was your vacation? Did it work?" Dani always loves to ask multiple questions at once. It always makes people think, and get confused at the same time.

"No it didn't help at all. I actually got worse, I think. I just can't stop thinking about him," Josh said finding a seat, and sitting down in it. Dani sat down next to him. "I think I'm in love with him."

To be continued...

Well that was Chapter Two. A little longer than the first one, and it had more information. I hope all that read it, liked it. E-mail me if you have the time, and tell me what you think. I know people don't like to be continued's and I'm one of them, but I had to do it. E-mail is the same: Thanks for reading my story!

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