Gridiron Rivals

By fratbear

Published on Jul 19, 2001


Warning: The following story contains explicit descriptions of gay sex, so it you're under the age of 18, of a prudish temperament, or offended by the very notion of gay sex... please do fuck off now.

All of fratbear's stories (including the Sloan Cosgrove series) are available at:

"Gridiron Rivals: Part 1 of 6" by fratbear (

George sat in the hot water up to his chest, the steam rising over his neck and face as he relaxed. He took a deep breath, his broad, hairy chest expanding as he sighed. He could feel his muscles, sore from training all day, unknotting from the bubbling water of the hot tub. And if there was something important for George to be, it was to be unwound and relaxed. After all, the big game was tomorrow, and if George's team, the Eastern Arizona Trojans, managed to beat the Southern Texas University Bears, it would be the upset of the decade in college football.

George was typical of the ragtag Trojans, made up of players of all shapes and sizes, unlike the uniformly hulking profile of the Bears, which boasted the largest defensive line of any college football team in the South. George himself was the right shape to be a star football player: his stocky, muscular body was also used for weightlifting in his spare time. However, at only five foot nine and just under two hundred pounds, George found himself intimidated by the size of most of the other players he came across.

It had been a rough day, with the most intense exercise and drills that George could remember, but that was the price to pay if the Trojans had even the slightest hope of conquering the Bears, the defending champions of their division. George really had no idea how it came to be that the Trojans ended up at this hotel outside of Houston, with the Bears staying just two floors up. No matter, everyone else had gone to bed, even though it was only ten in the evening. George had tried to convince his team buddies to join him in the hotel hot tub to kick back, but no one else had taken up his offer.

George scooped some of the water up and rubbed it over the hair covering his thick, defined chest. He rubbed the water in until he could feel the heat soaking deep into his body. As he closed his eyes, his hand slowly slid down his chest back into the water, where it ran across his equally hairy stomach. George had what some described as a gut, but he liked to think it was just solid bulk. His hand stopped at the elastic waistband of his swim trunks. George opened his eyes and looked around. There was no one else in the steam-filled room. What the hell? He slipped his hand under the waistband, and almost immediately felt the swollen head of his stiff cock poking into his palm.

George gasped and took a deep breath as he wrapped his fingers around his shaft and slowly pumped its length. He bit his lower lip, closed his eyes, and threw back his head as he lovingly jerked himself off in the swirling water. Almost uncontrollably, he felt his mouth opening and letting out a long, guttural groan of pleasure.

That's when George caught himself. He stopped and quickly withdrew his hand from his trunks. What the hell was he thinking? He silently scolded himself for being such a sick, horny bastard. But, then again, what else would you expect?, he thought. A solid two weeks of nothing but eating, sleeping, and thinking of football. What was so weird about taking care of some other important matters?

Ah, fuck it, George told himself. Another twenty-four hours, and he could jerk off as much as he wanted. Or, more likely, he and some buddies would hire a hooker to satisfy them for the entire night. Whatever.

George's thoughts were cut off by the sound of the door to the room opening. He watched the shape of a person emerging from the steam, and standing at the edge of the hot tub was the bulky figure of one of the Bears' linebackers. He stood more than six feet tall and was built like a wall, with thick arms, legs, and a powerful, hairless chest. His shortly-cropped dusty-brown hair complemented his deep gray eyes and dusty stubble. He stood before George with a white towel wrapped around his waist.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the hulking Bear said, "I didn't know anyone else was here."

George recognized him. "No problem," George replied. "Your name's Chris, right?"

The linebacker grinned, surprised at being recognized. "Yeah, it is," he said. "You're with the Trojans?"

"Sure am," George answered. "Name's George. Just trying to relax before the game."

"I know how you feel," Chris replied. "Mind if I slip in?"

"Feel free," George said. He watched as Chris dropped his towel to the tile floor, revealing his completely naked body. George tried not to stare at the linebacker's cock as he slipped quietly into the hot water.

"Sorry, but I didn't think to pack my trunks before this trip." Chris sat on one of the ledges under the water. He stretched his legs and sighed.

"No problem at all," George said. He couldn't help taking his eyes off Chris' massive body, muscles and flesh stretching and relaxing.

"I bet your coach's been running you guys ragged," Chris said as he ran some water through his hair.

"You have no idea," George said. "I feel like all the muscles in my body are about to explode."

"You're telling me," Chris said, grinning. "You know that our coach wouldn't even let us see any chicks during the past week? He's afraid we're gonna have sex and drain our energy or something."

"That really sucks," George said. "Guess you've had to go solo, then."

"I wish," Chris said as he sighed, his large chest heaving. "Coach won't even let us jerk off."

"Well it's not like he can find out," George said.

"Coach has his ways," Chris said, almost jokingly. "How 'bout you guys?"

"Let's put it this way," George replied. "I haven't shot my load in more than two weeks."

"Really?" Chris said. "That's impressive."

George grinned. "But after tomorrow..."

"Yeah, but what's the big deal, anyway?" Chris sat back and relaxed. George looked at his face, eyes staring off into the steam. George wondered what was on Chris' mind.

Then George noticed something starting to poke up from the swirling water in front of Chris. George looked away when he realized that it was the head of Chris' cock, now completely stiff and red. Chris looked down.

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry," Chris said, scooting down so that his cock disappeared into the water. "I guess our conversation just got me to thinking too much about... you know."

George grinned, trying to turn it all into a joke. "Aw, you got nothing to be shy about. Not with a tool that big."

Chris smiled, partly out of bashfulness, partly out of embarrassment.

George shrugged. "You ever, you know, measured it?"

Chris hesitated, then grinned. "You know, I did... once. I'm sure every guy does some time or another out of curiosity. Eight-and-a-half."

George was surprised. "Inches? No way."

Chris pushed himself out of the water for a second, revealing his massive hard-on in all of its glory. It stood perfectly straight out from a tangled of soaked, brown hair and his large, perfectly formed balls. George nodded as Chris sank back into the water.

"Impressive," George said.

Chris nodded. "And you?"

George shrugged again. "Aw, you don't want to know."

"Sure I do," Chris said. "Come on. I told you."

"Okay," George relented. "Six-and-a-half."

"That's a good size," Chris said. "For a guy your size."

"I guess I am kinda small to play football," George said.

"A stocky guy like you?" Chris said. "No better sport."

"Greatest one in the world," George agreed.

There was an uncomfortable silence. Finally, Chris broke it.

"Let me see," he said.

"See what?"

"Your dick," Chris answered. "What else?"

"Why?" George said.

"I showed you mine," Chris said. "Besides, I'm here sitting bare- assed in this thing. We gotta be even here."

George thought. "Okay," he finally answered. "But only because you forgot your clothes."

George stood up, and for the first time, Chris could see his full, stout frame and powerful muscles. George was wearing a pair of baggy, fluorescent green trunks which he pushed down his hairy legs, revealing his soft cock resting in dark brown pubic hair. He took off the trunks and dumped them on the tile next to him.

"Show me that it's six-and-a-half," Chris said.

"Oh, come on," George replied, sure that the linebacker was putting him on.

"No, I'm serious. Call it curiosity." Chris reached under the water and stroked his shaft, demonstrating for George. "Just start stroking it and let me see."

George watched a grin slowly forming across Chris' face, and he knew it was from the pleasure he was giving himself. George felt his cock twitch from the sight, so he immediately wrapped the fingers of his right hand around the shaft and begin to rub and pump it.

Chris watched George stroking his cock. George grunted as his cock began to swell and stiffen. Within seconds, his bright red cock jutted out its full six-and-a-half inches.

"Okay, okay," Chris said, holding up his hands. "I believe you. Get back in the water."

George grinned and sat back down in the soothing waters.

"You ever weightlift?" Chris asked.

"Whenever I have the chance," George answered.

"I thought so," Chris said. "You're built like one."

"How about you?" George asked. "Football your only love?"

"Just about," Chris answered. "Football and sex."

Both players laughed. George watched as Chris' hand slowly sank back into the water. Through the bubbling water, he thought he could see the hand gently rubbing Chris' large shaft. Chris looked down at his cock as he stroked it, then he looked up at George. He noticed George watching in fascination.

"I just had an idea," he said. "Since we're both so horny from holding it all in for so long, how about if we both jack off here? It'll be our secret."

"You can't be serious," George said, but somehow he knew that Chris was being completely serious.

"No, really," Chris said. "I'm willing to sacrifice some privacy for feeling this good."

"Then go ahead," George said.

"No, it wouldn't feel right if I was the only one gettin' my rocks off while you just sat there, trying to wait twenty-four more hours. Come on. You'll feel better."

George sighed. "Okay..."

"Great," Chris said, his body sliding down a little until his erection poked up out of the water again. He wrapped his large, strong hand around the shaft and slowly pumped it, making small splashes each time his palm slipped across the sensitive surface of his cock. Chris let out a groan as his powerful chest heaved.

George reached into the water and grasped his own hard-on, pumping the stiff shaft rhythmically. He watched Chris' large cock bouncing up and down, and it only aroused George more. He slid down into the water. His erection wasn't quite long enough to break the surface of the water, but it offered Chris a full view of his pumping hand and cock just below the surface.

Chris watched the bearish football player across from him as they both pumped their erections. George slid further down, and his feet bumped into Chris' shin. It gave Chris an idea. George felt Chris' foot sliding across the hairs of his thick leg, slowly sliding up. He suddenly felt Chris' toes graze across his hairy balls. George groaned as Chris rubbed his balls with his toes.

"Oh, god," George moaned, watching that grin spreading across Chris' face again. "Where'd you learn to do this?"

"Southern Texas can be a really boring place," Chris answered. "So my buddies and I did a lot of experimenting while we were growing up."

"But... but you still go out with, you know..."

"You know what our motto is, George? Whatever feels good."

George groaned as a wave of pleasure shot through him.

"I guess this feels good," Chris said.

George nodded as he gasped. "Sure does. What else do you and your buddies do?"

Chris grinned broadly, then sat up. "I'll show you," he said.

He reached behind him and took his towel from the tile. He then pushed himself across the water until he was next to George's naked body. Chris laid the towel out on the tile behind George's head.

"Lie down," Chris said, patting the towel.

George pushed himself out of the water, his cock still red and stiff. He sat down on the towel, the head of his erection almost hitting Chris in the face. They both laughed. George then lay back, his stocky body resting on the soft, white cotton.

Chris stayed kneeling on the ledge in the hot tub, his chest looming over George's hairy body. George looked up into Chris' grinning face, hardly believing that this hulking wall of a football player was trying desperately to sexually satisfy him.

Chris ran his fingers of George's broad chest. His fingertips glided over George's pink nipples, which began to grow erect with pleasure. George moaned as Chris' hands moved lower, slipping over his paunchy, hairy stomach.

Chris suddenly pushed himself out of the hot water, the shadow of his huge body falling over George. Chris clambered up between George's legs and laid down on top of him. George groaned from the sheer weight, but also from the pleasure of feeling Chris' warm skin against his.

"We don't get a lot of guys like you," Chris said as he ran his tongue across George's chest.

"What do you mean?" George moaned.

"You know, stocky and hairy. Most guys on our team are like me."

Chris flicked his tongue over George's nipples. George groaned. Then Chris slowly began to slide down. George looked down, watching Chris' head moving down the front of his body.

Suddenly, he felt a moist warmth envelop the head of his cock as Chris slid it into his mouth. George cried out as Chris slid the entire length of his six-and-a-half inch erection into his mouth and down his throat.

George's strong hands found themselves in Chris' hair, holding his head in place as Chris began to slip his lips up and down George's shaft. Chris' large hands gripped George's thick biceps, holding down George's squirming body.

It was a beautiful sight. George on his back, moaning and groaning from pleasure, Chris' bobbing head between his thick thighs. Chris lay on his stomach on the floor between George's legs. George's legs slowly bent up involuntarily, his toes curling.

George grunted uncontrollably as he felt his cock sliding in and out of Chris' hot mouth. He wrapped his legs around Chris' strong, muscular neck and started to thrust his cock. The bodies of both muscled men undulated and heaved together.

Chris sucked harder on George's cock, the stocky man's pubic hair tickling his nose. He felt George writhing and thrusting harder, and he sensed that George was nearing a climax. Chris' hands moved to George's chest, groping mounds of hair and the large pectoral muscles. Chris' tongue worked back and forth across the shaft as it thrust in and out of his mouth.

George looked up, and for the first time he noticed a large mirror on the ceiling. He could see Chris' huge body spread out on the floor, his head in between George's legs, still bobbing up and down. He watched the sweat glistening on his own hairy body, and Chris' fingers pinching and rubbing his chest.

"Uhhhh," George groaned. "Oh, god, I think I'm gonna come."

With this, Chris sped up the pace, sucking harder and faster on his cock. A series of primitive grunts emerged from George's mouth as he felt the pressure building up in his balls.

"Uh, god, uh, uh," George grunted as he threw back his head and closed his eyes. He bit his lip as he felt the cum boiling up in his balls, and the first wave of pleasure surged through his body. George cried out.

Chris felt George's body jerk, and he tasted the first jet of cum spurting out of his erection. Chris sucked harder and massaged George's heaving chest.

"Uhhh, Jesus," George groaned as spurt after spurt of hot cum shot up and out of his cock. He couldn't stand it, anymore. Chris was still sucking away, and George was in sensation overload. He opened his mouth and yelled. The contractions in his cock slowed, still pumping out more cum, and Chris was swallowing it all. George's yell died as his climax came to an end.

Finally, all there was left was George's sweaty, heaving chest and Chris, his face still buried between George's legs, still sucking out whatever cum there was left in George's cock.

George's body finally went limp, his legs unlocking from around Chris' neck and falling to the ground. George lay there, breathing heavily, waiting for the stars to clear from his eyes.

Chris finally slowly slid George's still-stiff cock from his mouth and sat up. George looked up at him.

"Jesus Christ, that was incredible," George groaned.

"You learn a few things from experimenting with friends," Chris said.

George slowly sat up. "Let me do you, now."

"Naw, it's all right," Chris said.

"Come on, it's only fair," George said. "Just show me how."

George reached out with his thick arm and grasped the end of Chris' long shaft. He rubbed it with his fingers, causing Chris to moan.

George leaned over and lay down on his stomach so that Chris' hard- on jutted towards his mouth. George opened his mouth and let the large head of Chris' cock slip past his lips. George sucked on just the head as he began to pump the rest of Chris' erection with his hand.

"Oh, fuck," Chris moaned as George ran his tongue across the opening of Chris' cock, tasting the slightly salty precum oozing out.

Chris slowly leaned back until he was lying on the floor, his huge body writhing on the tile.

George took the cue and scooted up, trying to swallow more of Chris' monstrous cock. He managed to get about half of Chris shaft into his mouth, pumping the rest with his hand.

Chris ran his large hands over his body, rubbing the large muscles of his chest and abdomen, then sliding them over George's head. He finally put his hands on both sides of George's head and pulled his mouth off of his cock.

"What's wrong?" George asked as he sat up, still rubbing Chris' shaft.

Chris grunted before answering. "Nothing. I was just wondering... wondering if you'd let me fuck you."

"You mean, you'd do that?"

"Half the guys on my team fuck each other on a regular basis."

"Will it hurt?" George asked.

"It might, at first," Chris said. "But after that, it'll feel really good."

"All right," George said. "What do I have to do?"

"Just lie down on your stomach," Chris said.

George turned and laid back down on the white towel. He felt Chris massaging the muscles on his back. Chris' hands slid down, rubbing George's ass. George felt a finger graze the opening of his ass, and he moaned.

"Okay, spread your legs," Chris said, pushing on George's thighs.

George did as he was told, spreading and bending his legs so that his ass opened up for Chris. George closed his eyes.

Chris spit and rubbed the saliva over his cock, lubing it up. He slid his body up between George's legs, holding himself up on his arms until the head of his cock pressed against George's opening.

"Let me know if it hurts too much," Chris said.

With a moan, Chris slowly pushed the head of his cock into George's ass, causing George to grunt. A burning sensation shot through George's body as he felt Chris slowly slide his shaft into him.

"Uhhhh, god," George moaned as Chris continued to push in.

Chris closed his eyes as he felt his cock slide easily into George's ass.

"Brace yourself," Chris said. No sooner had he said it, he swiftly slid the rest of his shaft deep into George, his balls slapping against George's ass.

"Uhhhhh," George groaned. "Oh, god, Jesus, is that all of it?"

"That's all of it," Chris said, slowly lowering himself on top of George until he lay on top of his stocky body. Chris moved his hips, letting his cock move around inside of George.

George moaned, not believing how good it felt. He felt Chris' teeth gently biting his muscular shoulder. Then, Chris began to pull his shaft out. Chris then pushed back in, beginning to thrust in cock in and out of George's ass. Chris groaned into George's ear.

With each thrust, George let out a whimper and a groan.

"So... how, uh, does it feel?" Chris managed to grunt as he fucked George.

"Good," was all George could say as he grunted repeatedly. He felt the full weight of the linebacker pounding his ass.

"After this, I'll let you fuck me, okay?" Chris said into George's ear.

George nodded, the sweat forming on his body again.

"And then, uh," Chris groaned. "And then, maybe I can, uh, introduce you to my buddies."

George nodded again, not even comprehending what Chris was saying. All he could feel clearly was the long, thick shaft pounding in and out of his ass.

"Okay, you bear," Chris grunted. "It's time to fuck like a bear."

Chris pushed himself up, keeping his cock buried deep in George's ass.

"Get on all fours," Chris said, putting his powerful hands on George's sides and pulling him up. George grunted as he pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. Chris was on his knees now, still gripping George by the sides.

Then Chris began to thrust again, his body heaving up and down as he slid his cock all the way in and pulled it out to the head again. George's body pushed forward each time Chris thrust in and out, and low guttural grunts poured from George's mouth.

Chris slid his hands down under George. His right hand came in contact with George's own cock, which was rock hard with excitement. Chris wrapped his fingers around the shaft and began to pump it, causing George to groan again.

"Oh my god, fuck, fuck," George moaned as Chris continued to fuck and stroke him.

Chris suddenly leaned down, putting his full weight against George's back. George's arms, powerful and thick from weightlifting, strained to hold both of their weights as Chris wrapped his muscular arms around George's chest and hugged his hairy body close to him.

That's when Chris began the full assault, thrusting his ass violently and powerfully, pounding George's ass repeatedly. Both football players heaved up and down rapidly as they thrust together. They grunted and groaned together, revelling in each others' uncontrollable sexual sounds.

"Uh... fuck," Chris grunted into George's ear. "This feels, uh... so good. Fuck... I'm gonna... uh... I'm gonna come."

"Fuck me," George groaned. "Come inside me. Uh, god."

Chris pounded harder and faster against George, sweat dripping off both of their bodies. Chris closed his eyes as he felt the wave of pleasure surging through his body.

"Ahhhhh," Chris groaned loudly as he sank his shaft to the hilt and held it in.

George felt Chris' hot cum shoot from his cock and splash against his insides. Chris then began to thrust again as he shot volley after volley of cum into George. A long grunt poured from Chris' mouth as more cum poured from his body.

Then, Chris began whimpering as his climax came to its resolution, continuing to thrust, more weakly, in and out of George's ass.

"Uh... fuck," George groaned, and his flexed arms finally gave.

George and Chris fell to the floor together, Chris' cock still buried in George's ass. Chris lay on top of George, breathing heavily into his ear as their sweat mingled.

"Oh, jeez," George mumbled. He had a sudden urge to attack Chris.

Chris slowly pulled his dripping cock out of George's ass, and George rolled over, wrapping his stout, thick arms around Chris' strong body and pulling him down. Their mouths connected, and George kissed Chris deeply, still able to taste the remnants of his own cum in Chris' hot mouth. Their hands roamed over each others body. Chris' hands explored George's thick, stout, hair-covered body as George's hands glided over Chris' sweat-coated, fleshy body. Chris was a truly large man, not fat, but simply built big in every way.

Finally, Chris pulled away and looked down into George's face as they both struggled to catch their breaths.

"And now it's your turn," Chris said.

"What do I do?" asked George.

Chris rolled off of George and sat up.

"Get up on your knees," Chris said.

George did as he was told, pushing himself up into a kneeling position. Chris lay down on the towel right in front of George, spreading his legs on either side of George.

"You're in control now," Chris said. "Hook my legs over your shoulders."

George reached down and grasped Chris' thick legs, lifting them up. Chris helped by lifting his legs up and settling the back of his knees on George's muscled shoulders. George watched the muscles in Chris' abdomen and chest flex as the large linebacker curled his body. George felt the weight of Chris' legs resting on him. He looked down at his stiff cock pointing directly at Chris' ass.

"Go on," Chris said. "Push it in."

George grasped Chris legs and pressed the head of his cock against his opening. Then, slowly, George pushed his erection forward, feeling it enter Chris' body.

"That's it," Chris moaned as George slid his shaft in. "Yeah."

George pressed on until his pubic hair rubbed against Chris' balls.

"Uh, god," George grunted.

"Fuck me," Chris said under his breath. "Come on."

George slid his stiff cock out a few inches, then thrust it back into Chris. Chris heaved and moaned. George began to move rhythmically, pushing his cock in and out of Chris' ass. George's cock throbbed as it pounded into Chris, and both men grunted and groaned passionately as their sweaty bodies heaved in unison.

Chris reached up and gripped George's ass with his hands, pulling George's body closer, feeling George burying his cock in his ass up to the hilt. Chris closed his eyes, threw back his head, and cried out, and George reached down to run his hands across Chris' thick pecs.

Chris opened his eyes and looked up at George's stocky, thrusting body looming over his. He felt the stiff shaft still pounding in and out of his ass, and he could feel the heat of George's body building. He watched as George bit his lip, trying to hold back a cry of pleasure. George closed his eyes and let out short, ragged breaths, feeling the intense pressure building up in his balls.

"Uh, fuck," George finally grunted loudly. "Fuck, I'm gonna come. I'm gonna come in your ass."

"Come on, George," Chris groaned. "Come in me. Uh, come on."

"Fuck... uh," George moaned as he gritted his teeth. George finally let out a long, loud groan of sheer ecstasy. He felt the cum boiling up in his balls, the first wave of pleasure washed over him as the muscles in the base of his cock started to contract.

The first jet of George's cum sprayed out of his shaft and splashed against Chris' insides. Both men grunted and shook as spurt after spurt of hot juices spewed from George's cock and coated the inside of Chris' ass.

"Oh, god, uh, uh," George grunted raggedly as he thrust his cock rapidly, forcing out the last drops of cum and the last remnants of his climax. "Fuck..." he finally moaned as he stopped thrusting and let his head droop down, breathing heavily.

"Oh, god," Chris moaned, looking at the sweat pouring down George's thick, hairy chest. George finally opened his eyes slowly and looked down at Chris' spent face. George slowly pulled his softening cock out of Chris' ass and set the massive linebackers' legs back down on the floor.

George finally collapsed on top of Chris' body, his hairy body rubbing gently against Chris' smooth, fleshy body. George rested his head on Chris' massive chest, both men's chests heaving as they caught their breaths.

Finally, Chris spoke. "Would you like to meet some of my buddies?" he asked.

"Sure," George said.

"You know Brad Hardin and Chip Chadwick?" Chris asked.

"Of course I do," George said, looking up at Chris. Chris tilted his head up and grinned. "You mean they..."

"We fuck each other all the time," Chris said. "Surprised?"

"Yeah," George said. "I mean, kind of..."

George pictured the two men Chris was referring to. Brad Hardin was easily the most good-looking man on the Bears. A massive, two hundred thirty pound fullback with the friendliest face you've ever seen. Killer gray-blue eyes. Shortly-cropped reddish-blond hair and a neatly-trimmed goatee and moustache, he was a legendary lady-killer. His thick arms could crush smaller men such as George like a bug.

Chip Chadwick was kind of the opposite, looking like a dumb jock good ole boy. Six foot three and two hundred fifty pounds, covered with thick black hair, and sporting a three-day stubble constantly, Chip still managed to win everyone over with a trusting face and puppy eyes. Still, he was known to be the toughest tackle on the South Texan squad.

George tried to imagine the two behemoths entwined in throes of passion, but he just couldn't picture it. But he was feeling so horny that he was genuinely curious in seeing it for himself.

"When can we do it?" George asked Chris.

"Come on," Chris said.

"You mean now?" George asked.

Chris grinned. "Brad and Chip are always game."


Next: Chapter 2

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