Guardian Angel

Published on Jul 12, 2022


Guardian Angel Chapter 2

This is a martial arts/comic book style story that was suggested by a reader. We're collaborating on the story. The idea is his, the outline is ours and the narration is mine. With all the stories I'm working on by myself, I don't have the time to do many of these, but if I'm interested enough in the idea, I can be persuaded. Expect this story to appear one chapter every 2-3 weeks, usually on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. The College Magic Cycle gets its new chapter once a week, usually on Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

Up this weekend will be the Pack chapter 4. Next week during the week will be Bellus Cinaedus chapter 3. Both are already written.

Please remember that NIFTY is a free site that provides an invaluable resource for men like us. Please consider donating to help ensure that site remains available for everyone.

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Author's Notes

·        If you want to be informed of new stories, send me an email and ask to be put on the notification list. I'll send a notification. Everyone will be on the bcc line so your email address will not show to other members.

·        I am considering changing the name of the College Magic Cycle folder to Concordium since that has become a unifying theme in all the stories and it would allow me to tell stories outside the college. Tell me what you think.

·        I fixed the calendar problem in My Roommate the Alchemist. I was able to assume that the first day of classes was at the end of August.

·        My Stories on NIFY

o   College Magic Cycle

o   Jack and the Giant

o   Sacred Submissives

o   Bellus Cinaedus

o   Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel Chapter 2 (Guardian)

Timothy and Ariel were sitting in the living room. They were leaning against opposite arms of the couch and Ariel's feet were resting in Timothy's lap. Timothy was rubbing the left foot with both hands, working the firm muscles beneath the white sock. Ariel's right foot was pressing against Timothy's erect cock and massaging it, his strong toes pressing on its hardness.

Timothy was sighing and making small whimpers of pleasure, and Ariel was grinning at him. Timothy ran his hands up, over the sock and then inside the leg of his pants, feeling the solid muscle of his calf. Then he slid them back down to caress the foot again. He looked over at Ariel and the blond boy winked at him and blew a kiss.

Then Ariel moved over the side of the couch where Timothy was reclining, and he crawled over on top of him. "Tell me how much you want it," he said, leaning in to lightly brush his lips against the taller boy.

Timothy moaned, "I want it more than I've wanted anything else."

Ariel grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head, then he kissed him hard, bruising his lips. "Do you want it easy or hard?" he asked.

Timothy replied, "Hard, rough, as hard and rough as you can do it."

Ariel bit Timothy's neck and pushed his own erection against his. Even through their pants and their underwear, it felt good. Ariel moved to Timothy's lips and crushed them, sliding his tongue inside Timothy's mouth. Their tongues were dueling, and Ariel's was winning. Timothy surrendered and allowed the smaller teen to take charge. The blond boy thrust his hard cock against Timothy's again and again.

Timothy could feel his cock tightening. His breath caught in his throat and his dick spewed cum inside his pants. It felt like it his orgasm wouldn't end. He cried out in pleasure, "Aaagh! I'm cumming!"

Timothy woke up in cold sweat, his crotch was pressed against his pillow. He'd cum in his sleeping shorts again. His phone said 6:00 AM, thirty minutes before he's planned to get up. He rolled out of bed and threw his robe on. His dad was finishing his coffee. He took one look at Timothy's still bruised face and said, "I'll be home at 8:00 tonight. If you can wait that long for dinner, I'll pick up some KFC."

"Sure thing, Dad," Timothy replied. "I can wait."

Konrad was still in his guilt phase, so he patted his son on the shoulder and said, "See you tonight at 8:00 then."

Timothy was still angry with his dad, but he let it slide. If the pattern held, he'd be in his "nice guy mode" for another day or so, then he'd be back to his normal self. Once his dad had left, Timothy jumped into the shower and cleaned up the sticky mess from his wet dream.

Last night his father had come home late and hadn't bothered him, so he'd been able to finish his paper for government class. He'd only left a small mess for him to clean up before going to bed. His dreams had been incredibly erotic, and he was waiting for Ariel to show up so they could walk to school together.

Timothy didn't have a car and his father hadn't gone to the store to replace the milk he'd spilled all over the floor, so it was PBJ for breakfast again. He was lucky that he liked PBJ. He'd gotten dressed and brushed his teeth and was waiting for Ariel to show up. He was nervous, like he was waiting for his date to arrive. His head was still spinning from the kiss last night. What did it mean? Was he already falling in love with Ariel, or was he just in lust from being kissed for the first time?

Ariel arrived ten minutes before it was time to leave for school. He was dressed in black sweatpants and a gray t-shirt with chains on it. Under the chains there were words in a foreign language, saying "AMOR VINCIT OMNIA". He was wearing his black and white Vans and white crew socks again.

"Good morning," Ariel said, "I'm not too late, am I?"

Timothy replied, "No, not at all. I just need to grab some granola bars and an apple. I may need to skip the cafeteria again."

Ariel sat down at the kitchen table while Timothy grabbed his lunch and shoved it in his backpack. While his back was to Ariel, Timothy said, "About last night ...."

Ariel was suddenly behind him. "What about last night?" he asked.

Timothy turned around and blushed when he saw Ariel was right up on him. "You know. What was that...?"

Ariel grabbed Timothy by the collar of his shirt and pulled his face down level with his and kissed him on the lips again. "That," he said, "was a kiss."

Timothy felt lightheaded and his lips were tingling – so was his cock. "What did it mean?" he asked. "Why did you do it?"

Ariel smiled at him and replied, "I did it because I thought you wanted it, maybe even needed it. As for what it means, let's figure that out later. Did you like it?"

"Yes!" Timothy exclaimed. "It was awesome. What do you mean when you say we'll figure it out later?"

"It means that we'll have to do it again, so we can figure out what it means to you and to me," Ariel explained.

Timothy was putting his backpack over one shoulder now and grabbing his water bottle. "When did you want to ... you know, try it again."

Ariel shrugged. "If you're a good boy, maybe when we finish practicing tonight."

As they were walking out the door, Timothy asked, "And what if I'm not a good boy?"

Ariel smiled at him and said, "If you're not a good boy, you may just have to get a spanking instead."

He was laughing so Timothy had no idea if he was serious about that last statement or not. His dick seemed to like the idea, but he was afraid to push the matter. Ariel was so much smaller than him, but he was so much more confident and forceful, but if a kind of laid back, "who cares" sort of way.

When they got to 8th and Grand, Timothy saw some of the guys who often hung out on the corner. They were a little older than high school age, but not by much. Sometimes they let him pass without trouble, but sometimes they harassed for a while before letting him pass. Today looked like it was going to be one of the days where they gave him trouble.

"Hey, Tim-meee," one of the guys said. He was bigger than the others, with a backwards baseball cap, baggy jeans, and a white t-shirt. "Guys, it's our friend, Tim-may! What you up to this morning Timolina?"

Timothy hesitated. He didn't want to look like a pathetic wimp in front of Ariel, but he didn't want to get caught up messing around with these guys and be late for school. "I'm just walking to school, guys," he replied, trying to walk past them. "And I can't be late."

One of the other guys, a shorter, fatter guy with a wispy beard, stringy hair and a bandana worn as a headband said, "Hey Timster, can you spot me some money to buy a donut?"

Ariel stood back and watched this exchange. These guys didn't feel dangerous to him, just obnoxious. It seemed like their idea of fun was making Timothy uncomfortable. He glanced over his new friend's shoulder, past the three guys who were bothering him, and he saw the man who owned the corner store. He sighed and stared at the man. His eyes flashed dark, like shadowy darts and Mr. Thomason, the shop owner, turned toward the bullies. He sneered and grabbed his broom.

He rushed toward the three youths, poking them with the head of the broom. "Get out of here you three hooligans!" he yelled. "I don't want you standing around in front of my shop, scaring away decent customers. Go! Get out of here and don't come back."

The three guys weren't going to fight an old man, so they backed off and walked down the road, thankfully not in the direction of the school. Timothy gave Ariel a look that said, "I wonder what that's all about", then he turned to Mr. Thomason. "Thank you for that," he said.

But Mr. Thomason still seemed angry. "Are you two going to buy anything?" he demanded.

"No sir, Mr. Thomason," Timothy said. "We were just on our way to school."

He shook the broom at the two teens and said, "Then you get moving too. What's this neighborhood coming to anyway?"

They walked off to school. Timothy was shaking his head and Ariel was chuckling a little. "That came out of nowhere," Timothy said.

"It'll pass," Ariel said. "He won't stay angry forever. I'm sure he was just mad at those three and you were just caught in the splash zone."

Timothy was dreading his inevitable encounter with Rick Brower. He'd left the bully's homework sitting in his locker. He'd get his butt beat but he was going to fight him, every day if that's what it took. He was done following the Dao. He looked over at Ariel. The guy was so small that he was beginning to have second thoughts. What if Rick decided to make Ariel a target as well.

He saw Rick holding court on the back stairs again. He stopped and pulled Ariel back behind the wall. "Do you see that guy in the letterman jacket on the stairs?" he asked.

"The guy with the red hair and the scruffy beard?" Ariel asked.

"Yeah, him," Timothy said. "He's been bullying me for years, since elementary school, in fact. And I've been doing his homework for him. It's probably the only reason he's been passing his classes. And yesterday I didn't take it home because I wanted to spend the time with you instead of doing it."

"What will he do to you?" Ariel asked.

"Oh, he's going to get his hands on me sometime today and he's going to beat me up," Timothy replied. "But I've decided I'm not going to do it for him anymore. I'm just afraid that he'll decide to beat you up too if he knows we're friends."

Ariel said, "I'm not going to pretend not to be your friend. We'll just avoid him today and come up with a plan later."

Timothy sighed and said, "Mr. Demko, the orchestra teacher is heading for the side door of the tech building. He'll let us in, and we can cross over to the main building on the second floor and go down to the lockers before he gets there."

The boys rushed along the fence and caught up with their music teacher before he closed the door. He was more than happy to let them inside the building. He was one of the teachers who did care about the problems in the hallway, but he felt unable to do anything about it. The buildings were all connected on the second and third floors in case of too much rain or too much heat, so it was a bit out of the way to go up to the second floor, run across the walkway than go down the stairs to the first floor of the main building but it kept them out of sight of Rick and his minions.

When Timothy saw Rick's unfinished homework in his locker, he dreaded their inevitable encounter. He pulled it out and set it on the floor in front of Rick's locker just up the hall. He'd deal with the consequences later. He went back to pack his own materials for the first two classes, but he couldn't stop staring at the expensive textbooks with some concern.

"What's wrong," Ariel asked.

"Rick has the combination to my locker, and I'm worried about what he might do to my books and supplies," he said.

"Don't worry," Ariel said, rummaging around in his backpack and pulling out a lock. "Use mine and I'll use yours. He doesn't know my locker number."

They switched locks and Timothy couldn't help but smile a little at the thought of Rick being frustrated in his attempts to bully him. He and Ariel pretended to have a purpose while walking the hallways so the monitors wouldn't put them outside for being inside before the building was open. They were outside Ms. Dominguez's classroom where Timothy had his AP Literature class.

There didn't see anyone in the hallway, so Ariel pulled Timothy down to his level and kissed him again. "I'll see you later," he said then walked off to his own first class.

Timothy stuck his hand down his pants and rearranged his erection. He pulled it out just in time because Ms. Dominguez opened the door to the classroom and said, "You may as well come inside, Timothy."

She was smiling. The usual scholars always whispered that they thought Timothy was gay. They said that about all the smart, artistic scholars, but she'd always suspected it was true in his case. She'd seen him kissing the blond boy in the hallway, and she thought they were cute together. She just hoped the mean kids didn't bully them too much.

Even though he'd kissed Ariel a few times already, Timothy still couldn't get Samuel Tellez's feet and legs out of his mind. He didn't wear shorts that came down to his knees like the other students. He wore tennis shorts and they exposed most of his sexy jock leg, especially when he was sitting down. Timothy thought that having a ... boyfriend? kissing buddy? ... whatever Ariel was would make him pay less attention to hot guys like Samuel, but that wasn't true. The more he stared at the muscles moving in that brown leg, the more he wondered what Ariel looked like under his sweatpants. Did he ever wear anything else? Did he own shorts?

After first period, Rick was lurking in the hallway, waiting to ambush him, and Timothy didn't have time to run upstairs down the hall and back down the stairs to get to his next class, so he steeled himself for a confrontation and walked slowly with sense of foreboding down the hall. Rick saw him and smiled a predatory smile.

What Timothy couldn't see was that Ariel noticed one of Rick's minions talking to his girlfriend. They were both leaning against the locker. Ariel stared at the girl and gave her a dark look. She suddenly became overwhelmed by a temporary disgust for her own boyfriend. "You're a pig!" she shouted, pushing him away.

The minion stumbled back into Rick as he was picking up a good head of steam and both crashed to the ground. A sandwich bag fell out of Rick's pocket and slid across the floor. Students around them started laughing at their clumsiness and Timothy was able to get around them without incident. He praised his good luck. Meanwhile Ariel picked up the baggie and saw pills in it. He pocketed them and caught up with Timothy on the way to Orchestra.

"Did you see Rick and his minion run into each other and crash to the ground," Timothy said with a light chuckle.

Ariel responded, "That was some good luck there. He looked angry."

"Luck?" Timothy said. "It's like I have a guardian angel watching out for me today!"

Orchestra was Timothy's favorite class, although Mr. Demko seemed to be in a bad mood. The class made more mistakes than they did yesterday. It was clear that not everyone had practiced their parts. He urged the class to make time to practice and they agreed. Of course, Ariel and Timothy already had a study date.

The next class required Timothy to walk to the Tech building. Ariel had a science class, so he was headed the same way. They worked their way through the press of students in the walkway. Timothy had to stop in the bathroom on the way, and Ariel stopped with him. They'd just finished their business when two of the minions came into the room. Timothy zipped up quickly so he wouldn't get caught with his pants down, so to speak.

"We've got you now, Timmy," the larger of the two sneered.

"We're going to give you a taste of what Rick's going to give you after school," the shorter, greasier one said.

Ariel was standing back in the corner. He smiled at them and his eyes flashed gold, just for a moment. They were advancing menacingly on Timothy, but they stopped and looked confused for a minute. Then they turned and looked at one another. They took a deep breath and then the taller guy grabbed the smaller one and they started kissing.

Timothy didn't know what to think; these two were the quickest to call him a "fag" when they shoved him around. He washed his hands quickly and got out of there before they remembered that they'd come in to beat him up. Ariel merely chuckled to himself. He'd only hit them with a weak pulse. They should have just been enthralled with each other for a few minutes. For them to fall on each other like that, they must have been working from a deep-rooted desire. Of course, they missed their next class, and were late for the one after. They were so caught up in themselves that they missed one of Dean Nelson's minions taking video of them with his phone.

Timothy's AP Statistics class and Ariel's science class went well. Timothy thought that this was one of his best days yet. After class, they met up and ate lunch together. This was one of the prime times for the minions of evil to torment the other students, but not today. Conversations were carried on in hurried whispers and students gathered in small groups to watch the video of Clyde Esterhazy and Benny Martin making out in the second-floor bathroom in the tech building. It never went beyond some PG-13 heavy petting, but it was making its rounds quickly.

After eating, Timothy and Ariel went to the library. They were supposed to be reading quietly, but they were whispering at a back table instead. They were talking about mythology which prompted Timothy to ask, "What does your shirt say today?"

"AMOR VINCIT OMNIA," he said. "It's Latin for `Love conquers everything."

Timothy smiled at him and said, "By love do you mean love, or do you mean the god Eros?"

"Both of course," Ariel replied. "In mythology, there's no difference. The Greeks thought Love was one of the oldest gods, more powerful than Zeus or even Kronos."

"I thought he was the son of Aphrodite," Timothy said.

"That's a later story. Read Hesiod's Theogony," Ariel replied.

While they were talking, he'd moved his right foot up onto Timothy's lap, and without thinking, Timothy slid the shoe off his foot. He started to rub it, feeling the cotton sock move over the firm muscles beneath. He looked around to see if anyone could see him. Their table was at the back of the library, farthest from the door, so Timothy decided to just go with his feelings. He massaged the foot vigorously and then worked his way up the calf. The farther up the leg his hands moved, the higher the foot rose on his chest. When the heel had reached his collar bone, he was prepared to switch to the other foot, but Ariel slid his foot up until his toes were pressed against Timothy's lips.

Timothy inhaled and caught the faint aroma of foot sweat. His cock was straining in his pants and Ariel knew it because he'd slipped his other shoe off and was rubbing it against Timothy's groin. When Timothy opened his mouth, Ariel slid his sock covered toe just past the teeth. Timothy let his tongue rub against the cloth.

Then the first bell rang, and Ariel pulled his feet down to put his shoes on. Timothy started to get up, but Ariel put his remarkably strong hand on the taller teen's chest and pushed him back down into the chair. Then he grabbed his shirt collar and kissed him more forcefully.

"I'll see you, at the east gate at 3:00," he said.

Timothy felt he was floating the rest of the day. His afternoon classes went by without a hitch. It was afterward that his mood crashed. He decided to skip going to his locker. There was no way that Rick wasn't going to be waiting for him there. He went to the main courtyard of the school and waited for Ariel. He was looking around anxiously for his friend, so he didn't notice Logan White coming at him until he'd grabbed him by the arm.

"Rick wants to talk to you, Timmy," he snarled.

"Well, I don't want to talk to him, Logan," Timothy retorted. "I'm done doing him favors, and you tell him to get lost for me."

Logan twisted Timothy's arm and said, "You better think again before you go mouthing off to me, Timmy. I'm not as forgiving as Rick."

That's when Ariel came up. "Hey Timothy, we need to get going," he said. Then he held his hand out to Logan and said, "I'm pleased to meet you. My name's Ariel, and you're ... Logan ... White, Logan White."

Ariel had paused like he was trying to remember Logan's name. He stood there with his hand out, staring Logan in the eye, waiting for a response. The scene must have looked strange because some students were beginning to watch them.

"That's Ariel, Air-E-L," he said slowly, like he was talking to someone very dim witted. "In most western cultures, people shake hands to introduce themselves. It's to show that you're not afraid to come within arm's reach of one another. So, if you're not afraid, you should probably shake my hand now. You're beginning to look awkward standing there like you don't understand how basic human interaction works."

Logan let go of Timothy's arm and pushed him into Ariel. "We're not done, Timmy," he snarled. "I'll make you pay for that! You and you're little boyfriend."

They started walking. Once they were out the gate and heading away from school, Timothy said, "I'm sorry about that."

"Sorry about what?" Ariel asked.

"I'm sorry everyone back there thinks you're my ... boyfriend," Timothy said hesitating just a moment on that last word.

"I'm not embarrassed," Ariel said. "I'm sorry if you're feeling embarrassed."

"No!" Timothy replied. "I'm not embarrassed, I'm ... well, I just didn't want to ruin your reputation on your second day of school."

Ariel laughed. "It's not my reputation that will be ruined," he said. "I think everyone who saw it will remember that Logan White backed down from someone a foot shorter than him after being made to look foolish."

Timothy didn't believe that Ariel was missing the point. It was more like he was evading it. They stopped and had a pretzel on the way home because Konrad wasn't bringing dinner home until 8:00. He wondered if he should text his dad and ask if it was okay to invite Ariel over for dinner. He also wondered if it was a good idea to introduce his dad to Ariel this early in their friendship. What if he said something or did something to ruin his friendship? He had to face the fact that his dad was a jerk.

They stopped at the hot dog place again. They ordered two pretzels with nacho cheese sauce. They were enjoying them and talking about school. "Aren't you afraid that you've made yourself a target of Rick and his minions by stepping in to help me?" Timothy asked.

"What good would it do to be afraid?" Ariel shrugged. "Given the way they act at that school, they would have targeted me sooner or later anyway."

"You're amazing," Timothy said. "My life has changed since I met you and I have no idea to how I can ever repay you."

"Hmm," Ariel said, slipping his foot onto Timothy's chair and lightly tapping his upper thighs, "I guess we'll just have to figure something out."

Timothy let one hand slide down to play with the part of Ariel's foot that wasn't covered by the shoe. He felt kind of naughty doing that here in the dining room of the restaurant, but he didn't want to stop. He allowed his fingers play along the sock and then to the top of the sock where he rubbed the bare skin of his lower calf.

"Seriously, Ariel," Timothy said, his ears burning. "I'll do anything for you. I want to make sure you know that. Anything."

Ariel smiled and said, "I may take you up on that offer later. I think you and I want the same thing, but we'll have to see."

They finished their pretzels and then walked to Timothy's house. They put on a martial arts cartoon and watched it while they worked on their homework. Neither of them had a lot to complete, but it took a couple of hours.

"What's this cartoon called," Ariel asked.

"In English, it's called Judo Boy," Timothy said. "The main character is named Sanshiro, and he's looking for his father's killer. He knows the killer had a glass eye, so he's looking for a one-eyed man."

Timothy was watching Ariel to see if he liked he cartoon. It was one of his own favorites, and he hoped to share his love of martial arts anime with Ariel. His eyes kept glancing down to Ariel's sock-covered feet sticking out of his Vans. His breath was catching in his throat and his heart was hammering fast.

Ariel glanced up and saw Timothy staring at him. He looked back at the screen and said, "It's pretty good. I like the way Sanshiro moves, even if he does defy physics a little. And I can see that you like it too."

Ariel's eyes glanced down at the tent in the front of Timothy's pants and smiled. Timothy blushed and said, "I really like the way he jumps around and moves, and I like the way his feet strike the villain right in the face."

"And you like this Sanshiro's feet, do you," Ariel asked.

Timothy smiled and said, "Kurenai Sanshiro has powerful feet. The name means Scarlet Sanshiro. That's the color of the cloak made for him by his mother and the ... um ... the red socks he wears when he's not in his judogi. It's also the color of his gi."

"You can't really see his feet when he's fighting because of his socks," Ariel said, looking at the screen but keeping his perception trained on Timothy.

"You can still see the shape and power of his feet through those red socks," Timothy replied. "Since he's the Scarlet Sanshiro, the red draws attention to the power of his feet. It doesn't hide it all."

They watched the rest of the cartoon while they were finishing their homework. Timothy kept up a running commentary on the background. He'd seen all the episodes and it was obvious that he really liked the series. Ariel was willing to be impressed, not just with the action sequences but by the light that flickered in Timothy's eyes while he talked about the show. And Ariel watched Timothy's eyes closely. Every time Sanshiro kicked an opponent, he could almost see the reflection of those red socks flashing in his friend's eyes.

Then they decided to practice their music. They spent an hour or so practicing together. Playing with Ariel wasn't like playing with anyone else. Their notes wound around each other in a sensual dance, where each instrument enhanced the other and the melodies blended into a harmonious whole. When they were done, they were both out of breath. Glancing at the clock, neither of them could believe how much time had gone by.

They enjoyed an ice-cold soda on the couch. "I should probably be going," Ariel said.

"No, please don't go," Timothy said. "I could ... um ... massage your feet for you again."

Ariel smiled at Timothy and replied, "Do you want to massage my feet again?"

"I just thought that I could do it, you know, if your feet were hurting," Timothy said quietly.

"My feet don't hurt, Timothy," Ariel said. "If you want to massage my feet, all you have to do is ask me."

Timothy blushed deep red and said, "I'd like to massage your feet."

"I told you that you could do it if you asked me," Ariel insisted.

"Please can I massage your feet?" Timothy asked.

"Sure, Timothy," Ariel responded, "you have my permission to massage my feet."

Timothy took a deep breath and turned sideways on the couch, but Ariel continued to sit facing forward. "Can you turn around and put your foot on my lap, so I can massage it, Ariel?"

Ariel looked deep into Timothy's eyes and said, "No Timothy. You need to kneel in front of me and then you can massage them."

The silence hung heavy between them for a minute, then Timothy slid off the couch and knelt in front of his friend. He reached out with trembling hands and took hold of his right foot. Just as he was about to pull the shoe off, Ariel said, "You need to look up into my eyes while you're doing that, Timothy. I want to be able to see your face."

Timothy slowly raised his eyes until he was looking Ariel in the eyes. His embarrassment grew as he could no longer hide his eyes. It was like he was laying his mind and soul bare for scrutiny. He couldn't hide his desires from Ariel anymore. His friend (boyfriend?) could see that he loved touching his feet, almost as much as he loved kneeling in front of him, submitting to him. There was no judgement in those eyes, just ... acceptance and affection.

He pulled Ariel's shoe off. Without even noticing that he was doing it, he pulled the shoe to his face and inhaled deeply. He only realized what he was doing when he saw Ariel smiling at him. He set the shoe down and began to rub the slender but muscular foot. Timothy felt his dick getting hard in his pants. From the look on Ariel's face, he saw it too.

After rubbing the right foot for a while, he set it down and picked up the left foot. He repeated the process, even making a point of inhaling deeply from the shoe. Both boys laughed at that, breaking the seriousness and the tension. Then he rubbed the left foot, feeling the muscles move beneath the cotton, feeling the sock slide along the skin.

Then Ariel stared into Timothy's eyes and said, "You can pull the sock off if you want to."

Timothy stared back. Without looking down, he slowly peeled the sock off Ariel's left foot and lifted it to his nose. He inhaled deeply. The odor was an intensified version of Ariel's normal scent. He lifted the foot to his face and kissed the bottom of it, keeping his eyes locked on Ariel's the whole time. When he noticed that Ariel wasn't disgusted by the kiss, he did it again. Ariel wiggled his toes, gently prying Timothy's mouth open with his big toe. Timothy opened his mouth and let it inside. He sucked on it, then worked his way down each of the other toes. When he got to the littles piggie, he set the foot down and lifted the other.

Foot sweat is different in scent and flavor from other sweat. This was one of Timothy's longtime fantasies, and worshipping Ariel's feet was the first chance he's had to live that particular fantasy. The fact that he was kneeling before Ariel while doing it combined two of his fantasies into one. While his tongue was cleaning the right foot, Ariel moved his left to gently massage Timothy's erection through his jeans.

When Timothy had licked every inch of both feet, he set them down and said, "What now?"

Ariel grabbed Timothy by the shirt collar and pulled him onto the couch. Then he grabbed the hem of the t-shirt and pulled it over Timothy's head, leaving him bare chested. He was fit from running and swimming, but not as muscular as Ariel.

Then Ariel pushed him onto the couch onto his back and fell on him. He kissed Timothy more forcefully than he had before, forcing his tongue into his mouth and biting his lips gently. Then he kissed Timothy's neck, causing him to moan in pleasure. Ariel bit him gently on the neck, leaving a visible mark, then he kissed his way down Timothy's chest, leaving a line of hickey's.

"Now that I've marked you, your mine, you know," Ariel said, kissing the other side of Timothy's neck and once again leaving a mark that would be visible above the neckline of any shirt Timothy owned. "Do you like that idea?"

Timothy groaned in pleasure. "Please," he said, "make me yours."

"You are mine," he said. "You were mine before I came here; you just didn't know it yet."

They made out on the couch; their bodies intertwined with one another. They didn't take off their clothes, but Ariel kept pushing his hard cock against Timothy's through their pants. They were touching each other's chests, neck, and face. For Timothy this was all new. He'd never been interested in girls, and he'd always been too afraid to approach any of the boys he liked. His whole life had changed. It was terrifying, but he wouldn't go back if he could. This was what he'd always wanted.

They were too caught up in making out and enjoying the touch of each other's bodies to hear the door open. But the pressure was building in Timothy's cock. He could feel the cum rising in his shaft. He threw back his head and shouting, "I'm cumming, Ariel! Oh God! I'm cumming!"

"That's it, Timothy," Ariel exclaimed, "Cum for me."

Then they both did. They released primal screams of pure pleasure that echoed off the walls. It would have surprised neither of them if the neighbors heard them. Timothy almost blacked out from the intensity of his first orgasm that wasn't brought on by his own hand, but he was brought back to reality by a yell from the doorway.

"What the heck do you two f@$$^ts think you're doing?" shouted Konrad.

Next: Chapter 3

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