Guardian Angel

Published on Jul 12, 2022


Guardian Angel Chapter 5

This is a martial arts/comic book style story that was suggested by a reader. We're collaborating on the story. The idea is his, the outline is ours and the narration is mine. With all the stories I'm working on by myself, I don't have the time to do many of these, but if I'm interested enough in the idea, I can be persuaded. Expect this story to appear one chapter every 2-3 weeks, usually on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. The College Magic Cycle gets its new chapter once a week, usually on Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

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Author's Notes

·        If you want to be informed of new stories, send me an email and ask to be put on the notification list. I'll send a notification. Everyone will be on the bcc line so your email address will not show to other members.

·        I have created a google group for people who want to get more information about my stories in that format. Only I can view the member list, so data should be secure. If a reader sends a question my way, I will post the answer to that group after removing any information about the reader. It's a good way to get more background information if you want.

·        Up this weekend will be Elf Master chapter 7. Next week during the week will be Bellus Cinaedus chapter 5. Both are already written.

My Stories on NIFTY

Guardian Angel Chapter 5 (Dreams of Eros)

The azure sky. Clouds. Fresh air on his bare skin.

Tim blinked, a confused expression on his face. Then he looked around. Yes, he was flying above the clouds, held in the arms of a man. A huge man! His height surely surpassed ten feet. And a winged man! Two very wide black wings protruded from the behemoth's back, each longer when outstretched than the height of the giant.

The giant's entire body radiated a warm red light that obscured his features so that Tim couldn't see what he looked like, but he felt strong arms wrapped around him. It was cold above the clouds, but the winged man's body was warm. Even the man's skin was warm and luminous, as if he were made of solid red light somehow. The red was as bright as the hottest fire, contrasting with those wings that were as black as the darkest night.

The flight seemed to go on forever.

The strangest sensation came over Timothy. It was as if he were simultaneously held in the luminous being's arms and contained within him. Tendrils of light reached into his body, entering his ears, his mouth, his nostrils, his ass and even the slit at the end of his penis. It was a strange feeling as if he were being fucked in every orifice of his body at once by warm strands of light. It was painful, but also pleasurable beyond anything he'd ever experienced. He lost himself in the light as he plunged into an endless radiant orgasm. And the cold that had been chilling his backside went away.

When it was over, and the teen went limp in the grip of those strange tentacles of light, he heard someone inhaling loudly, and realized it was coming from his captor. The young man raised his gaze to look at the colossus, right then a gust of warm air came from that invisible head, alongside a purple mist that hit Tim's face, causing him to feel drowsy. Slowly he drifted into sleep.

When he came to consciousness, Tim found himself lying on a warm surface, soft and yet sturdy. He opened his eyes ... and got the shock of his life.

He was held in the hand of the same winged being but that being was now at least sixty feet tall. He felt small and helpless, like the tiniest mistake on the giant's part could crush him. They were no longer flying, but the giant was walking with enormous strides through a garden filled with giant sized trees and flower bushes. Around the garden was a massive colonnade with columns that dwarfed even the giant being who carried him.

Tim eventually found the strength and courage to speak. "Who are you?" he asked, looking up to that mysterious face he couldn't see.

His captor didn't ignore him, and that resplendent head bent down to look at the tiny captive, who hoped for some answer, no matter if it was going to be comforting or threatening. But nothing came, and after a few moments the giant averted his gaze from Tim to open a set of massive doors and carried him inside.

There was a side table along the wall, a table of equally Brobdingnagian proportions. The being looked around for something. When he found it, he held Timothy supine in his palm. In his other hand he held a teardrop shaped device. He rubbed the narrow end against the helpless teen's ass. Tim could see that it was shaped more like a rounded cone with a very broad base and a very narrow neck.

When the luminous giant moved the narrow tip toward Tim's ass, the teen realized what was about to happen, much to his horror.

"Oh no! No, please!" he cried, instinctively pressing his legs together. "Don't do it. You'll rip me apart!"

The colossus froze and stared at him, showing some hesitation.

"Please." Tim insisted. "You'll hurt me with that thing. Why are you doing this to me? What do you want from me?"

He heard a thunderous voice uttering some unintelligible words. His captor seemed to hesitate a few more moments, then shook his radiant head while a loud sigh came. Then, the tip of the cone was pressed against Tim's sphincter, and the teen howled in pain.

That thing was big, and Tim didn't think it would fit inside him. But the giant continued to press inwards with a slow but inexorable force. When he tried to get away, the giant closed his mighty fingers around his body to prevent him from moving. Then the teen tried to relax his anus, and that worked to some extent, until the width of the cone began stretching him painfully. He thought his ass was going to rip apart. The pain was unbelievable, and then the widest part of the cone slipped inside him, and his ring closed tightly about the narrow base.

Tim was could barely see for the tears flowing from his eyes, and he was crying ugly sobbing cries. His rectum felt so full that the pressure pushed against his bladder and made him piss all over the giant's hand. But the giant said nothing. Instead, he took the long chain attached to the bottom of the massive butt plug and fastened it to a small hook protruding from the wall. Then he sat Tim down on the table and walked out of the room.

Tim lay there in pain for several minutes before forcing himself to stand on wobbly legs and survey his environment. The room was more than a hundred feet across, and the ceiling was lost in darkness. Furniture made for giants was arranged in the room like it was set up for conversation. Tim could walk around the table and almost reach the far side before the chain brought him up short. The table must have been twenty or thirty feet off the floor. When he walked back to the other side of the table, he could see that the hook was out of his reach. If he were more athletic, he could possibly jump high enough to grab the hook, release the chain, and then maybe swing himself back so he could fall onto the table.

He reached down and tugged on the chain, but the plug was held tightly inside his ass by that massively wide base. He was getting frustrated with his lack of options, so he paced back and forth, careful to avoid stepping on the chain because when he did, it pulled momentarily on the plug and pain shot through him. He was looking down, wondering if he could possibly land on the cushioned bench below him, and that's when his balance betrayed him. He stumbled and found himself balancing precariously on the edge. He windmilled his arms, trying to remain on the table, but he overbalanced and fell on his back and then slid off the table.

In a mere moment he landed on the soft cushion of the bench and then bounced off. He almost struck the floor headlong, but the chain caught him just before his head struck solid stone. If the plug had caused the worst pain he'd ever felt when it went into his ass, the pain when his fall was arrested by the plug, and he came to an abrupt stop six feet from the floor was even more excruciating. He screamed himself hoarse as he hung suspended from that plug in his ass. He'd just about caught his breath when he felt his ass relaxing. The wide part of the cone was about to pop out of him. He held his hands below him to shield his head from the fall that was coming, as the plug stretched his asshole slowly but irresistibly. When the plug popped out of his ass, Tim managed to land on his hands and then fall roughly to the stone.

His ass was on fire and the palms of his hands felt like they'd been struck by a hammer; his whole body ached from tumbling over onto the stone, but the damage wasn't life threatening. Timothy lay there for a few minutes until he caught his breath and then forced himself to his feet. He put his hand back to feel his aching ass. It felt bruised, but there was no blood. He sighed with relief and then decided to explore the room he was in from the perspective of the floor.

There wasn't much in the room aside from the furniture, several wooden chairs with cushions, benches (again with cushions) against the walls, the side tables against two of the walls, and a large table in the middle of the room. Timothy crept to the door. He was glad it wasn't closed, because he knew he'd never have had the strength to open it if it had been.

The covered walkway surrounding the garden was about seventy feet across, with a ceiling more than a hundred feet overhead. Massive columns thirty feet wide or so were separated by spaces about seventy feet wide. The green area in the center of the garden was almost two hundred feet wide and probably six hundred feet long. Tim walked among three-foot-tall stalks of grass and between fifty-foot-tall rose bushes until he came to a deep pool. He bent down to take a drink and jumped back in terror as a massive 30-foot-long carp broke the surface near him. He was getting thirsty, but he was afraid to get too close to the water.

Tim backed away from the water and crept through the grass. A shadow passed overhead, and he flung himself to the ground in fear. Then he found himself laughing as a butterfly with a two-foot wingspan landed on a flower nearby.

He was still laughing when he heard something moving through the grass. He drew back under one of the rose bushes just as a dragon burst through the grass. It didn't resemble a modern dragon, but rather one from mythology. It was a serpent, six feet long with short legs and small wings on its back. It looked around, and its forked tongue flicked in and out of its mouth. Its head turned toward Tim and charged on its stumpy legs.

Tim ducked behind the bush and then darted off towards the covered walkway. He was hoping to get back into the room he'd left behind. Maybe he could close the door all the way. Despite the short legs, the dragon was faster. It ran into Tim and sent him sprawling across the ground. He rolled to get up and the dragon batted him with its head again and sent him sprawling. Every time he stood up, or even crouched on his knees, the dragon used its head to knock him down. He was bruised and about ready to just give up when he realized that the dragon hadn't bitten him or clawed him; it had just knocked him down. He rolled over and lay on his back, hoping he wasn't doing something stupid.

The dragon touched him with its tongue. When he didn't try to get up, it touched him again. He lay there and let the dragon touch every part of his body with its dry tongue. It was a dragon, but it was just playing, like a rambunctious dog or cat. He lay there until it grew tired and left him alone, strolling back through the grass, waving its tail back and forth as it went. He let out a long laugh and lay there, the sheer absurdity of his situation driving him to ever greater bouts of laughter.

He'd been carried through the air by a luminous colossus, glowing with red light supported by wings that were black, yet somehow seemed to radiate black rather than just absorb light. The colossus had raped every orifice of his body, an experience that was strangely pleasurable and painful at the same time. It had been like an anime he'd seen where a bishonen was molested by tentacles, a scene that he'd found so erotic despite its depravity that he'd masturbated to it repeatedly. Then he'd been attached to a chain by means of a giant plug that had been shoved inside him and he'd been left on a table. And he'd been stupid enough to get too close to the edge of the table and fall off, only to reach the end of his tether until that giant plug had been pulled out of him by the irresistible force of gravity.

He'd wandered around in a world built for giants. He'd been almost swallowed by a giant fish, then he'd been terrorized by an enormous butterfly. And finally, he'd been chased through giant blades of grass by a six-foot-long dragon who'd only wanted to play with him by batting him around until he was bruised and aching in every part of his body.

"What worse could the fates be planning for me now?" he yelled into the sky above him.

And that's when he remembered what happened to characters in mythology who tempted the fates. A larger shadow passed overhead. At first he thought it was an eagle, but then he saw the feline body beneath those massive wings. It let out a tremendous hunting shriek, then turned on a wingtip and flew towards him. Its beak was open, and its claws were outstretched as it dove. At that moment he knew that he was dead. He was too tired and too sore to get away.

But what the fates bring, the fates alone can relieve. A large leather bag nearly as big as he was landed about 10 feet away from him and the gryphon turned at the last minute pounced on it instead. There was a line attached to the leather bag and something was pulling on it, leading it away. Then the blue sky was covered in a lavender radiance as another luminous colossus towered over him. This one was light purple with brilliant golden wings.

"Thank you!" he cried out as loud as he could.

Then he heard the rumble of thunder... No, wait, it was a loud voice, falling toward him from the newcomer's undistinguishable face. Tim couldn't make out what the giant was saying, and barely managed to recognize the words "DISOBEDIENT" and "PET."

A massive hand as large as he was reached down and scooped him up. At this point he didn't care if the giant shoved a plug twice as big as the last one up his ass and put him on an even shorter chain. He was just overjoyed to be alive.

He did wonder where the lavender giant was taking him. He went through double doors leading into the main hall and then off to an atrium. On a table there sat a glass castle, and Tim could see a few vague silhouettes inside it.

The giant stopped in front of the castle and looked at Timothy's dirty body. He set the teen down on top of the tallest tower and went to the pool in the atrium where he filled a bowl with water and then brought it back to the table with him.

When the giant picked him up again, that deafening voice thundered something incomprehensible. Tim could only make out the phrase "NEED LESSON". He didn't like the implication behind those words.

Tim found himself turned over, so he was lying on his stomach across the giant's hand. Then the titanic being carefully placed two fingers together on his other hand and brought them down sharply on the boy's upturned buttocks. It hurt like hell. Despite being only two fingers, together they were a foot or more in width. The giant struck him eight more times, each time hurting worse than the one before. Timothy was in pain and there were tears in his eyes, but he refused to let the giant see him cry.

Once the punishment was over, the little guy heard the words "... NEVER... RUN... AGAIN..."

Then the behemoth picked up a brush that looked for all the world like a toothbrush with a head two feet long and a foot wide. He dipped it in the water and then vigorously scrubbed Timothy's body, first on the front and then on the back. Luckily the bristles were soft, but it was still uncomfortable to be manhandled like that.

When the luminous giant decided that he was clean enough, he took a soft cloth and dried him off. Then he lifted a section of the roof off the castle and placed Tim inside. The floor was transparent, as were the roof and the walls. And there were three other guys in here. At first he thought they were strange beasts.

One was a small guy with pale skin and blond hair, a lot like Ariel, except he was wearing rabbit ears, a jockstrap that looked like it was of fur and a round tail sticking out of his butt. The second was similar, but he had olive skin tone and brown hair. He had cat ears, a small orange thong and an orange and black cat tail sticking out of his butt. He was wearing orange and black body paint and he looked like a tiger. The third had darker skin, a light brown or deep olive. He had tight and curly black hair and full lips. He wore horns that curved back from his head and a brown loincloth. He had a goat tail sticking out of his butt.

They were coming in Tim's direction, so he walked over to meet them partway. They looked like guys in animal costumes, good looking guys in animal costumes. And the costumes were like the gay version of sexy animal costumes for Halloween. Of course, the animal tail butt plugs were different from what you saw on the street.

"Hey guys," Tim said, "is there a party I didn't know about?" He was hoping that a little joke could help to break the ice.

The satyr came up and looked Tim's naked body up and down. "Your master decided to keep you naked today?" he asked. He put a too familiar hand on the teen's butt and added, "and no tail either."

Tim stepped back and said, "I don't know what you're talking about. Where are we? What are those giants?"

The tiger guy came up and said, "Your master, the giant who owns you. He must have been away from home for some time. It's been fashionable for the last few years to dress us slaves up in costumes. This is my master's favorite costume, but he also owns a wolf costume for me and a horse costume."

The bunny guy came up and joined them. "When I was taken, the fashion was for traditional ethnic costumes. My master liked feathered headdresses and loincloths for me and Jake over there was usually dressed like an Egyptian."

"What is this place?" Tim asked.

"Do you mean the glass castle, or this villa?" satyr guy asked, gesturing around the room.

"Both," Tim said. "Who are these giants, and what do they want with us?"

"Who are they?" the bunny boy asked. "They're something powerful and I think they're very old. They find humans they like, humans that enjoy the kinds of things they do to us. And then they take us and make us ... well, we're kind of like pets to them."

"And you like this kind of thing?" Tim asked. "I mean the animal costumes and the being manhandled by giants, and nearly being eaten by dragons and gryphons."

Tiger boy laughed at me and said, "You must like it too, or you wouldn't be here. I don't think they take people who don't want it somehow."

Timothy blushed. That hit a nerve. He couldn't say that he'd liked everything that had happened, especially not being attacked by gryphons and dragons, but he had liked the feeling of helplessness when he'd been carried around by the giant, and he'd loved the feeling the tendrils of light when they entered him. And the butt plug and chain? At the time he'd been angry, but looking back on it, he thought it was kind of exciting. And on some level, he was wondering what he would look like in one of those animal costumes, maybe a wolf ... or a dragon!

"Yeah, I can see it in your eyes," the satyr said with a smile. "You like it. Don't try to say that you don't. Besides, there are benefits."

The bunny boy chimed in, "What year is it out there? I've been living here so long I don't know much about the outside world anymore."

Tim said, "2022. Why?"

Bunny Boy replied, "The last time I was back home, it was 1937."

"That can't be," Tim protested. "That would make you 85 years old, and you don't look a day over ... 16?"

Tiger Boy said, "It's true. I don't know if it's the giants who do it, or if it's the food, the air, the water or whatever. It's different here."

"I think they're really angels," Bunny Boy said.

"Nah! They're aliens from another planet," the satyr interrupted. "It's like all the stories when I was growing up. Mars needs women! Except the aliens are gay and it's the guys they're after. I guess I was lucky; they took me, and I've never looked back."

Tim glanced in the other room and saw that the conference or whatever it was the giants were holding was breaking up and they were beginning to move toward the doorway. A weird suspicion came over him.

"Did you know them before they took you?" he asked. "Did you ... you know, have sex with them before they took you?"

"No," said the satyr. "They never meet with you before they take you. They just meet you and take you when you want it most. I was about to get lynched by a mob around a burning cross when my giant took me. One minute I was there, and the next I was flying in his arms."

"Same with me," Bunny Boy said. "I'd never met him before in my life. I was outside a jazz club. I'd followed a guy into the alley to suck his dick, but there were some other guys there and they ... well I think they were going to beat me up for being queer. Next thing I knew I was in the arms of a giant."

"Me too," said Tiger Guy. "I was on the bridge, standing over the river. My dad and his brothers had just beaten me after finding out I was a faggot. I thought my life was over. That's when I jumped. The giant caught me."

The red giant with the black wings was the first to reach into the glass castle. Timothy didn't even try to get away this time. In this small enclosure, there was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. He felt the giant's hand wrap around him and lift him into the air.

Tim heard that the thunderous sound of breathing again, and he was surrounded by that hot, scarlet mist.


Timothy woke with a mighty pain throbbing in his ass. He'd had a heck of dream last night. It must have been brought on by having Ariel's big dick inside him. His lover (boyfriend? Master?) had broken his formerly virginal hole in roughly when they came home from the waterpark.

Tim had made tacos for dinner and all three of them ate. Konrad remained sullen throughout the meal, replying with monosyllables. After dinner, Ariel had Konrad do the dishes since Timothy had cooked. He seemed angry but unwilling to press the issue.

Timothy got out of bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Ariel must have already been up because he wasn't anywhere to be seen. He got cleaned up and dressed. He was wearing only a pair of gym shorts and his purple collar. For just a moment, he remembered his dream and wondered what he would look like with a pair of dog ears and a butt plug shaped like a tail. He absentmindedly reached back to touch his hole and he jumped from the pain. He didn't know if he hoped Ariel would leave his ass alone or if he would take him roughly despite the pain.

He walked out to find Ariel sitting at a table with a notebook and a pen. "Go tell your father it's time to get up. There's a lot to do around this place today."

Tim went over to his father's bedroom, the smaller bedroom that used to belong to him, and he knocked on the door. "Dad, it's time to get up," he said. "Ariel wants us both in the kitchen now."

Konrad hadn't been asleep. He'd been lying in the twin bed that used to belong to Tim before Ariel had forced him to change rooms. He hadn't wanted to get up and go out to face the little punk who'd made his life hell. And now he was being summoned, summoned like a servant in his own house. He had to set things right and restore the rightful order in his house. When he got a chance, he was going to work out and hit the punching bag downstairs. He wanted to make sure that he was ready before tackling that punk and making him pay.

Once both Tim and Konrad were present in the living room, Ariel made them kneel side by side on the carpet. Tim was excited and getting aroused at his act of submission, but Konrad was getting angrier by the moment. Being humiliated by this slightly built teen was the most degrading thing Konrad had ever been forced to endure. It was worse than the beating he'd taken from Ariel's powerful feet. He remembered that experience in vivid detail, the feeling of those feet pounding him into submission, the way they seemed to dig through his defenses and hurt him all the way to the bone.

Konrad inhaled sharply and made himself stop thinking about it. The memory of that beating triggered something inside him and he started to get hard. He'd become aroused when Ariel had kicked the crap out of him, and that fact disgusted him in the cold light of day. If he didn't watch himself, he'd end up like his weak son Tim. He glanced over and noticed his son's erection pushing against his shorts. How had he fathered such a pathetic faggot? The kid was enjoying all this.

"It's time to lay down the rules," Ariel said in a clear and commanding voice. "The housework around here needs to be done and I have very strict rules for cleanliness. Up until this point, all the work has fallen on Tim, but that's going to change. Connie works all day, so Tim will continue to make meals every day. And he will also be responsible for unloading the dishwasher when he comes home from school and tidying up the house after dinner, while Connie loads the dishwasher and cleans up the mess in the kitchen."

Ariel lifted one leg and held it out at a right angle. His red sock brushed against Tim's face sending shivers of pleasure through the submissive teen's body. He slapped his lover's cheeks with his foot, not hard enough to hurt, but more than hard enough to be felt. Tim inhaled the scent of warm sock mixed with the odor of Ariel's feet, not an unpleasant and dirty scent, but the unmistakable scent of foot.

Realizing how his son looked enraptured by that experience, Konrad couldn't prevent himself from frowning.

"HEYA-HUP!" Ariel exclaimed. Then he pivoted on his strong hips and leg and slapped Konrad across the face hard with that same foot that had barely touched Tim.

Ariel let out a loud "TCHI-YA", and in an instant he switched legs. He brought the one that he'd used to slap the older guy down on the floor to support his weight while his body swung around the other foot slapped the mature man in the face so hard that he fell backwards onto the carpet. A moment later his foot came down hard on Konrad's groin. Ariel smiled as his socked foot ran along the man's hardening cock.

Because of his own special nature, he was instantly aware of the older man's desires. Unlike the son who got excited by being dominated with words and willingly gave himself over to servitude, the father got excited when he was beaten hard and forced into submission, but he still craved it deep inside where he couldn't admit it even to himself. For now, he could satisfy both of their needs, but the time would probably come when he would need to find someone else to satisfy Konrad. The pleasure that Tim felt seeing his father dominated and controlled was at war with the fact that he was sharing his lover in some ways with his father. And Ariel knew that in the end the novelty of seeing his father as a fellow slave would give way to the sense of weirdness Tim was already feeling.

Ariel felt a compulsion to find someone to satisfy those needs Konrad felt deep inside but refused to acknowledge. If he were doing what he was supposed to, he would find a human to satisfy Tim's own unique kinks as well and move on to his next project ... but he didn't want to do it. He wanted to keep Tim for himself. He justified it by reminding himself how hard it would be to find another who could satisfy Tim's desire to be dominated and his light masochistic need to be physically abused (but in a gentle, loving manner). Most of the men he'd seen and assessed weren't a good match. They couldn't be trusted not to take it too far. Tim wasn't assertive enough to tell them "no" when they went beyond what he was comfortable with. The teen needed someone who would always know without being told. He needed Ariel.

The apparently young master removed his foot from Konrad's groin and gave him a knowing smirk. The mature jock with the dad body blushed at that look. The man knew that he'd been found out. He was ashamed but excited at the same time as he lifted himself back onto his knees. He didn't know whether he hoped Ariel would refrain from kicking him over again, or if he hoped that he would.

"On Sundays," Ariel announced, "Tim will do the sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, and dusting. He will also fold the clothes and put them away. Connie will do the yard work, scrub the bathrooms, complete any maintenance that needs to be done and do the laundry. If you finish early enough, Tim can watch his anime in his room and Connie can watch football in the living room. You'll both be getting up early so you can complete all your work on time."

"Yes master!" Tim exclaimed. He was happy that he wouldn't be doing all the work himself anymore, and he was happy that Ariel had taken charge and given him his instructions.

Konrad sighed in disgust at his son's pathetic submission to this guy. He'd just started to shake his head when he heard "HUA-TA!" and felt Ariel's powerful foot strike out fast as lightning and slap him in the face.

"Ke-hia! Hu-ai! He-ah! Ya-hee! Ku-thya! Da-ta! Tse-ka! Ku-tchei!"

Ariel struck Konrad several times, alternating with left and right foot, while his victim groaned, trying in vain to fend off the offending feet with his big clumsy hands. Then the blond shifted again to his other leg and turned his back to his victim, smirking maliciously while cocking his raised leg, glancing back, winking at Tim. Son and father knew what was coming: the former grinned in excitement, the latter cringed in helpless fear.


Ariel's heel slammed hard against Konrad's chest, knocking him backwards onto the floor. He saw tiny silver spots before his eyes and when they cleared, the blond youth's foot hovered over his face bearing the same look of disgusted contempt that someone could show while looking down on a beetle, wondering if he should squish the repulsive beast or not.

"Did you have something you needed to say, Connie?" Ariel asked.

"Yes master, I understand your instructions," he said through gritted teeth.

"Good," Ariel replied. "You'll be beaten less if you remember who's the master in this house. Notice that I said you'd be beaten less, not that you wouldn't be beaten. I guess you need to be kicked around a little to make you remember who's the boss in this house."

Konrad's face went red. It was anger because this punk was dominating him so easily, but it was also embarrassment. He remembered those words. They were almost the same as the words he'd used on Tim's mother so many times. I guess you need to be slapped around a little to make you remember who's the boss in this house. It was like this pint size punk was his wife's revenge on him for his own behavior over the years. He was even small and blond like she's been.

His cheeks were burning with shame when he whispered, "Yes master. Anything you say master."

"Anytime you think you're man enough to put me in my place, you can try it, Connie," Ariel said. "Do you want to try it now?"

Konrad felt a rush of anger, and then a feeling of shame. He wasn't ready to take him on and they both knew it. He wondered why Ariel was taunting him this way. What did he want from him?

"No master," he said shaking his head. "I don't want to try it now."

Ariel smiled down at him and said the most devastating words he could have chosen, the words that Konrad himself had uttered so many times to both his ex-wife and his son. "You're the one who makes me kick you around, Connie. You keep bringing it on yourself. If you didn't keep fucking up all the time, I wouldn't have to kick you."

Other than the word "kick" these were the same exact word's he'd used himself. It was like the smaller blond guy was reading his mind or something. What he didn't know was that Ariel was speaking the truth. Because of who and what he was, he didn't really have a choice. Or rather he had a choice, but it would pain him to ignore the aching need he felt coming from Konrad, the need to be punished and put in his place. Deep inside he knew what he'd been doing to Tim and his mother Delores had been wrong, and he felt a need for someone to punish him for it. The need was so strong that Ariel couldn't ignore it, even though he'd come here for Tim, not for his father. He had to get some help before he got so caught up in Konrad that he lost sight of Tim, the boy he was supposed to be helping.

Ariel was brought out of his own reverie by Konrad mumbling, "Yes master."

Tim couldn't believe his ears. He heard Ariel using the same words his father had used on him so many times in the past, the same words he'd used on his mother until she'd packed up and fled one day. It was like a fantasy come true to have someone come in and use those same words on his abusive father. Even though he wasn't religious, he'd prayed for just this event. It was like someone had been listening, and he was eternally grateful for whoever that could be.

There was a distant roll of thunder, as if Tim's gratitude had been acknowledged. Ariel looked perplexed. It couldn't be, he thought. HE never acknowledged human prayers and thanks anymore. But the sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. If that weren't a sign from HIM, he didn't know what else it could be.

While Tim and Konrad worked, Ariel slipped noiselessly out of the back door and glanced up to the sky. He couldn't go to the top of the sacred mountain and ask HIM in person. He would have to talk to his brothers. If what he was thinking was true, it was unprecedented in almost 2000 years.

The blond boy sighed. Then the spot where he had been standing suddenly looked empty, while the sound of wings flapping scared away a couple mockingbirds from a nearby tree, and a few dry leaves were scattered around by a warm gust of air.


Ariel returned not too long before Tim had finished his work. He was still folding the underwear while his dad was finishing the yard work. The teen was lost in thought, cold sweat oozing from his pores. He couldn't say that it wasn't fear, but even more it was the anticipation of trouble coming. It was like that feeling when you knew that a fight was coming, and it felt like ice water was running down your spine. He kept glancing over at Ariel who was sitting on the couch playing his flute. The music was uplifting, but it couldn't compete with this feeling of impending conflict.

Ariel put down the flute and said, "Alright Tim, tell what's wrong."

Tim finished folding the last of his dad's boxer shorts, then said, "This weekend has been great, the best weekend of my life in most ways, but we must go back to school tomorrow. Rick will be there, and so will his evil minions. They aren't going away, and we've made them angry. They're going to take it out on us. I'm prepared to fight, but it's going to be nonstop trouble all day."

Ariel walked over and put his hand of Tim's shoulder and stated simply, "If it comes to a fight, we'll fight – and we'll win."

Tim sighed and replied, "I know we'll fight, but win? I'm not sure I can take them. I'm not afraid to try, but I'm realistic about my chances."

Ariel stepped back and lifted one leg and gently placed his red socked foot on his boyfriend's shoulder. Tim couldn't help but smile when he looked into Ariel's laughing eyes.

"Do you doubt the power of these feet to put those bullies in their place?" he asked.

"No, but there are a lot of them," Tim insisted. "It's not the same as fighting one guy."

Ariel shook his head. "It's not. It's harder, sure," he admitted. "But we can do it." Then a mischievous grin appeared on his lovely face, while he took his foot off Tim's shoulder but didn't place it on the floor. "And now, my little slave, for the sin of doubting your master's power..."

Tim gulped, seeing Ariel's foot pointing at him. He had almost forgotten that side of his relationship with his lover, and he still wasn't sure what to think about it. The young man realized a part of him wanted to be dominated by Ariel, yet the most reasonable part of his mind hated having pain inflicted on his body.

But if that was the price for staying with that awesome guy, Tim was eager to pay it fully.

While the older teen was thinking that, Ariel's face softened a bit and his foot quivered for a moment. Then, it sprang to action. "HIA, HIA, HIA, HIA, HIA, HIA!" Moving like lightning, that red clad weapon struck him in the abdomen, the chest, both sides of the face, his chin, and his nose in rapid succession. His leg moved like lightning, but it was surprisingly gentle. Tim knew that those feet could lay him out on the ground in no time flat, but this time his foot struck with a firm but painless force.

Then Ariel walked over and put his strong arms around Tim's waist. "So long as you're wrapped in the wings of my protection, you'll be safe."

For just a split second, Tim imagined that he was surrounded by powerful black wings, wrapping him in a protective aegis that could ward off any harm.

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