Guinea Pigs

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 8, 2005




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Sacerdote." came the word all around them.

One, two, three, four, five, thought Dane Parsons.

"Clepsydra." came the next word right on time.

"Damn it, shut up!" Dane shouted at the bare walls.


"Shit." Dane muttered.


"God, shut up, shut up, shut up!"


"Give it a rest, Parsons." Adam Boren suggested.

"They're driving me crazy!" Dane said. "This is like the Chinese water torture!"


"They must be studying us." Adam said. "They started out with small words, remember?"


"Yeah, but now, I don't even know what most of these words mean!"

"I know some of them." Adam pointed out.


"Well, so do I." Dane conceded. "But Jesus, they don't stop, not for, God, how long have we been here, days?"

"I don't know, either." Adam said.

"God, we've got to get out of here!"


"If you have an idea, I'm listening." Adam said.

Dane looked at Adam, felt rage at this man for staying calm. Shit, they'd been kidnaped, both of them! Taken right off the shuttle...somehow. Dane still didn't remember what had happened. He just knew he'd been in the shuttle bay, floating along as always, and then...pop! He was here. So was Adam, the mission specialist. The other five members were presumably still back on the shuttle.

As for him and Adam, they were now in a small room, featureless, only a single thing like a hospital operating bed in the middle of it. Adam was lying down on it now, Dane was pacing back and forth in front of what could have been a window...if there had been anything beyond it to see. All he saw was a featureless grayness, gray as the steel of the walls, ceiling, floor. The padding on the bed was also that same shade of gray. He didn't have anything to see but Adam, and nothing to hear (except Adam) but that litany of words. They'd begun with "cat, run, wash, shirt," but it had been a long time and they hadn't repeated any words since they'd started, near as he could tell. Now they were onto words that he was puzzling over, if he could puzzle over any word that wasn't replaced five seconds later by another word just as weird. First he'd tried to find some pattern, some reason, that these...whoever they were...were throwing the words at them. Learning their language? But there was no attempt to communicate. Just the words, that droned on and on and on and on and on.... He guillotined that train of thought. Those words...they were getting to him!

That's when he realized. "Adam...the words have stopped."

"Yeah." Adam sat up, relaxed no longer. "I guess they're done with whatever they were doing."

"Completion." came the word from nowhere.

"They've used that one already." Dane pointed out.

"I know." Adam hissed, shushing him with his hand-motion, down, boy, down!


Dane kept quiet, but was pretty sure they'd used that one already, too.

"Inception. Agitation."

That's when Dane felt it. Raw, unadulterated rage! He burst into action, but could only beat his fists against the gray walls, and yell. "NGYARRRRR!" bellowed out from his lungs, his eyes saw only a blur that wasn't just the grayness of the wall, his blood was pounding in his face, his heart was pumping furiously from the adrenaline....


And it was over, as quickly as it had started, panting, sweating, Dane sagged backwards. "Jesus." he gasped out. Looked over at Adam.

Adam was sitting on the floor. Whatever he looked, it wasn't angry.

"What'd they do to you?" he asked.

"They made you angry." Adam said, a weak quaver in his voice. "For was fear."

"Inception." came the remorseless voice. "Adjustment."

Dane felt the sensation again. "Oh, God!" He gasped out.

This time it was...reverence. Suddenly, he was worshiping at the altar of...everything! Like he saw the hand of God on everything around him!

And he saw Adam, who was crying. Actual wailing-type weeping, tears streaming down his face.

In his rush of beneficence, he started to go to Adam, to comfort him...and it was over. His sense of oneness with the universe ended, as did Adam's tears.

"God!" Adam said, as he wiped his face with the sleeve of his uniform, the one-piece blue NASA jumpsuit.

"Why are they doing this?" Dane asked.

"How the hell would I know." Adam said.

"Inception." came the word again.

"Aw, cripes!" Dane moaned.


And now Dane felt...what was this? Whatever it was, it made him feel great! It was like the emotion before, in that the world seemed wonderful, but now, it was not that he felt overawed, he felt...marvelous! Like the world was right and moving in accord with his whims.

He looked at Adam. At the clean-swept black hair, the sheen of the golden-skinned cheek, at the soft azure of his eyes, at the way his body filled out so pleasingly the otherwise shapeless blue jumpsuit, that made him.... "Oh, shit!" Dane said. "I'm in love with you!"

Adam smiled, and those white teeth shot knives into Dane's heart. "Yeah, me, too, with you." he said. "A lot better than those other two, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Dane agreed. "Sorry to see it go, even."

"Yeah." Adam said.

And they waited, as Dane drank in the sight of Adam, wanting to hold him so much, take him in his arms.

And they waited.

"I don't think they're turning this one off." Dane said.

"I guess not." Adam confirmed. "So what do we do?"

Dane swallowed hard. "What else? I mean, I want you and you want me, right?"

Adam didn't say anything.

"Right?" Dane repeated. If Adam didn't want him, too...."

"Of course I want you." Adam said. "It's just that it's them doing it to us."

"I don't mind." Dane admitted. "Hell, I wouldn't have minded before, even." He wasn't sure about the veracity of that, but if it would get Adam into his arms, he would have sworn just about anything.

It worked. Adam moved toward him and Dane felt as if an orchestra was playing triumphantly romantic music all about. Adam's hands touched his arms and Dane shivered, Adam's lips reached for his and Dane shuddered, Adam's lips pressed against his...and the shivers were gone, for they were born only of uncertainty, and that was gone now. He grabbed Adam's body and pulled him tight, was pulled in his turn and their chests collided.

God, Dane prayed to either his creator or the aliens, or both, he didn't care, God, whatever you do, don't turn it off until we're done! The thought that in the midst of making love, he might find himself holding a man who didn't want him any longer, not when he wanted Adam this much now!

He didn't dare restrain himself, not taunt fate by drawing out this moment. He kissed Adam's mouth hungrily, tore his lips away to send them over Adam's neck, to kiss and nibble the tender skin there while his fingers found the top of the jumpsuit and whicked it open eagerly.

"Oh, God, yes!" Adam murmured as Dane's lips followed his fingers down, and now he was sucking ardently on one distended nipple, tasting the nectar of that dark-hued oval as if it could produce for him the milk of the gods.

Adam's hands were flailing at him ineffectually, balked by his posture from reciprocating, and when Dane felt those hands pulling at the back of his jumpsuit and understood their meaning, he was glad to break off, rise up, present himself for Adam's pleasure.

Adam dove for Dane's body as he undid Dane's uniform, and Dane hissed in ecstatic delight as Adam's hands plied themselves over his body underneath the garment, feeling him while Adam kissed the soft indentation at the base of Dane's neck beneath his Adam's apple (Adam was kissing near his Adam's apple, Dane snickered at the irrelevant thought, then sighed as his so-tender skin was brought to life.

Dane started to remove his jumpsuit, and Adam stopped him. "No, not here." he panted. "Not while they're watching us. Next time."

"Then what?" Dane panted.

Adam's hands caught at his fly beneath the buckle, and undid that, and Dane understood.

"Up on the table, then." He said as Adam brought his cock out into the light of day, where it throbbed in unspent joy.

Adam obeyed, lay on his back and Dane climbed on top of him, presenting his dong to Adam's face, and as those so-soft lips enclosed upon him, he was fishing inside Adam's fly. For a moment he was baffled, having chosen the wrong direction for the shaft, and only felt the hairy balls and nothing beyond, then he realized his error and slid his hand back to the other side and there it was, thick, hard, pulsing as his fingers felt over it, and he gripped it and pulled it out, a rigid column of proud manhood boasting to the uncaring gray steel of its potency.

Dane paused then, for Adam's lips and tongue were dancing over his prick, sending surges and waves of passion through his body, then his eyes focused on Adam's cock like a hawk upon its prey, and he pounced, shoved it down his throat, wanting to take all of it in one gulp!

He made it more than halfway down the shaft before he was stopped by the unbending shaft conflicting with his unlubricated throat, and he was forced to withdraw, but it was a hard-fought withdrawal, him clinging to every particle of the hard shaft as he went, and Adam rewarded him by giving out a long, low croon that emanated from his heart as Dane pulled up, up, up, up...and off.

"God, you're hot." Dane breathed huskily. "This cock is burning my mouth, it's so worked up."

"Yeah, get me off, quick." Adam murmured back to him. "Who knows when they'll turn this off on us."

"I promise, Adam, that even if they do, I'll finish this." Dane said. "You deserve it and I won't leave you dangling."

"Me, too." Adam gasped. "Oh, God, do it, now, please!" he groaned.

Dane returned to sucking Adam's cock and Adam returned the favor. Any hope of talking now was past, Dane was lost within the joyful sensations racing through his body, he could only feel his cock in Adam's mouth, his mouth on Adam's prick, the two of them moving in harmony, intent on one common goal...climax!

Maybe the aliens were still meddling in their emotions for Dane found that his own passion built up the same amount that Adam was groaning, his need surged within him as Adam's groans wavered ever higher in pitch, his sperm pooled in his balls as Adam's groans reached a crescendo, and then, just as Adam's moans hit that magical sticking point where they burst forth and shatter, Dane's own cock struck orgasm.

He felt Adam's hot seed spurting into him while his own cock ejaculated vehemently into Adam's waiting mouth, Dane felt the kinship of matching climaxes seize him, his own body was so enraptured by this so-powerful delight that it downplayed everything else, he could suck on Adam's dong without the slightest difficulty, Adam's jizz was welcomed by his mouth, he could drink down sperm and breath without conflict of any kind, all because his own body was jetting jism down into his companion and for this brief period, so brief but so important, he was one with Adam and there was no hindrance at all to the giving and obtaining of pleasure.

Even when they were done, when their bodies subsided into limp rag-dolls of drained ecstasy, Dane felt this bond persist, it was like Adam had become a part of him, two halves of a whole matched up again, ready to remain so forever.

"Excellent." said the voice. "Confirmation and fruition."

Dazed, Dane grimaced and rose off of Adam's spent body, ready to endure whatever else these aliens were about to throw at him.

"No, Earth citizen, you need not fear, we are attuned now. You have now established your mating bond?"

"Uh?" Dane said. "Yeah, I guess we have." That was one way of putting what he and Adam had done.

"Excellent. We wish you to be happy during your voyage with us."

Dane suddenly realized.... "You're taking us with you somewhere? Back to your own world?"

"Of course." the voice said to him. "We have much to learn from you. It is our practice to take a mated pair with us back to our planet for more comprehensive study."

"How long do you intend to keep us?" Adam asked.

"Why, for the rest of your lives." the alien said. "It is why we need a mated pair. Your progeny will permit us to complete our review of your world and its dominant-species culture. After a few generations, we shall return your descendants to your planet and establish full contact. We regret the personal inconvenience, but it is a necessary precedent. Otherwise, we risk any amount of possibly-fatal error."

"I can understand that." Dane said, his voice a gurgle. Boy, these aliens had already made an error, a real doozy!

"Very good." the alien said. "We shall permit you privacy now that we are attuned to you. Feel free to reconfirm your mating bond until our return."

"Thanks." Dane said.

"Do you think we're really left alone now?" Adam said.

"Sure." Dane said. "After all, we're a mated pair of specimens from Earth. You and I are supposed to get busy making them more specimens. After all, they want to avoid any error."

"Especially the one they made picking you and me." Adam said. "If they're going to wait until you and I produce children, they're going to be waiting a long time."

"Which leads us to our first problem." Dane agreed. "When do we tell them how they just screwed up, bad?"

"They plan to keep Earthmen as experimental specimens, a couple of guinea pigs for aliens. I say we keep it secret as long as we can, for Earth's sake." Adam stated. "Otherwise, they might just turn the ship around and get themselves two more humans to replace us."

"And they might get luckier the next time around. I agree." Dane said. "Uh, you realize that means we're going to have to keep up the mating rituals for them."

"M-hm." Adam said softly.

"And the more time we mate, the less time the aliens will have to ask questions." Dane said.

Adam's hand slipped into his own. "I was counting on that."

Dane turned toward Adam with a smile. He just hoped the aliens didn't figure out their mistake until he was too old to appreciate it.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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