Gunther and Tom

By Chad CML

Published on Jul 5, 2001



This story deals with love and romance between teenage boys; if you do not enjoy this sort of thing, do not read it. Also, do not read this if you are not of age or it is illegal to do so in your locality.

This is my first attempt at an erotic story. I welcome your comments and/or suggestions. The characters in this story are real, as are some elementary aspects of this plot. Names of course, have been changed to protect the identity of the involved parties.

Last year I started high school at a small private Catholic school in the northern United States. After school on the first day, I was waiting outside the school waiting for my ride when I noticed this absolutely beautiful boy sitting by the door of the school. He was relatively small-probably 5ft 3in (160cm for my friends abroad) and not more than 110lbs (50kg/8 stone). The feature the struck me most was his beautiful red hair. It was the color of fire! I walked up to him and asked his name.

"Gunther, and yours?" he said.

"Tom" I replied, "are you a freshman here?"

"Actually I'm a sophomore," he told me.

"Sorry," I said, blushing.

"That's alright," he laughed.

Our little conversation continued until his mom pulled up in her car. I found out that he lived really close to me, just on the other side of the interstate highway, and his brother had the same name as I.

That school year dragged on, and other than the occasional greeting in the hallway, Gunther and I never really talked to each other. I noticed that Gunther really did not have many friends and people always seemed to pick on him. I always kept looking at him though and I fantasized about how nice it would be fun just to "hang out" with him.

The next school year, my sophomore year/his junior year, the first part of the year was like the previous year. I noticed that Gunther was a little bigger than he was before; he was probably about 5ft 6in (168cm) and probably 130lbs(60kg/9 stone).

My life changed totally that February when my dad took my brother and me skiing. My mom did not come because she was busy with my grandmother. Since we had made our reservations at the hotel only a week before, we could only get one room with one double bed. After the four-hour long drive to the ski area, we got to the hotel just after dinner. We had coordinated our trip with my younger brother's friend so my dad and I talked for a while to his parents in the lobby.

Whilst my dad and I were talking to my brother's friend's parents and a woman who turned out to be Gunther's mom, Gunther walked in. There were many kids there (it was a coordinated trip with many families) and Gunther and I were the only ones who did not have friends there. Needless to say, in ten minutes, we both had a friend there, due to our parents' suggestions.

After Gunther found out that I would be sleeping on the floor that night, he told me that he and his younger brother had a separate room with two double beds so they would not disturb his parents and sister. He also said that if I did not mind I could sleep in his bed with him. I obviously could not turn that request down. We slept together that night, in our boxers only, but we did not touch each other very much, to my dismay.

Gunther and I went to the ski slopes the next day and skied together. We took turns carrying my GPS to see who had a faster maximum speed. I did! I know I like to brag. After lunch that day, we were a little tired so we went outside and sat at a little bench next to the cafe. This was basically our first moment in private on the trip.

"Tom," Gunther queried, "do you have any idea why we haven't really talked much in the past year and a half?"

"No," I replied.

"Well Tom, this is really hard for me, but I think I can do it."


"Tom... I thought you'd hate me because I'm... well..."


"Yes, and how did you know?" he whispered and cried at the same time.

"Well everyone at school says it, and you're too cute to be straight," I grinned.

"You mean... you are too?"

"Yes, I am," I said whilst I put my arm around him. I looked at him and asked, "What does that have to do with you not hanging out with me?"

Gunther replied, "You're the hottest boy in school, and I was afraid you'd find out about me and hate me."

Gunther and I talked for probably an hour of valuable ski time. I ended up telling him that I fantasize about him often. We also learned that neither of us had told anyone else of our sexual orientation.

After our talk, we skied more, but this time we tried skiing, holding hands, on the little "bunny hills" that had very few people on them. It was one of the most fun things either of us had done for quite some time.

When we were done skiing, we went back to the hotel. Our parents and my brother's friend's went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. Gunther's mom ordered us pizza and we ate in the hotel room. Gunther's brother ate in his friend's room so we were all alone. Gunther and I kissed. And we kissed. And we kissed some more.

His brother came into the room mid-kiss and said, "I guess you told him, huh Gunther?"

"What? You know?!" Gunther exclaimed.

"Yeah, I saw those pictures of boys having sex on your computer, I didn't tell Mom or Dad though."

"That's good."

"I guess I'll go back to Aaron's room and let you guys do your thing," he grinned.

Upon conclusion of our dinner and kissing session, we went down to the swimming pool. We frolicked around in the pool for about an hour until it closed. Then we went up to Gunther's room and got ready for bed. We got into bed in our boxers like the previous night, but we kicked them off after we were in. His brother told us that he did not mind if we had fun with him in the other bed.

Gunther slipped under the covers and soon he was licking my six-inch cut cock. It was the most wonderful feeling I had ever felt. He started sucking it in my mouth and I gasped. I soon shot my load into his mouth and he swallowed it all. We cuddled for a while and then I decided to suck him also. I looked at his beautiful five-inch cut cock and started kissing it. Soon I tasted its splendor. It was amazing. It was not long until he erupted into my mouth. His cum tasted like the finest ambrosia served to Zeus himself. We cuddled up and fell asleep naked. His brother says he got up in the middle of the night and saw us laying together smiling in our sleep.

When we woke up the next morning, we looked out the window and found an immense amount of snow had fallen that night. We flipped on the television and there were advisories not to use the roads unless absolutely necessary and preferably with a four-wheel drive. Later that morning, Gunther's mom informed me that she was taking me home with them in their GMC Yukon that has four-wheel drive. My brother was going home with his friend's family in their Lincoln Navigator. My dad was staying another night with the BMW 323i until the roads were cleared.

We got into the Yukon, which was pretty nice I thought, for a truck. Gunther and I sat in the third row and sat together under a blanket. Pretty soon, we had been driving four hours and had only gone 100 miles (160km). His parents suggested that we get out on one of the snowmobiles and ride along side the truck for fun. We leapt at the opportunity, knowing that I would get to hold him whilst he was driving.

His dad stopped the truck and Gunther and I put on heavy clothes, got one of the snowmobiles out of the trailer and got on it. Gunther started it up and pretty soon, we were moving right along. I held Gunther so hard that I do not think he could breathe easily. I loved it though and so did he! We snowmobiled for a while then were tired of it and waved for his dad to stop the Yukon, and we loaded up the snowmobile and took off our snowsuits, jackets, gloves, et cetera. We got back into the truck and continued our trek.

After we got to the freeway, conditions greatly improved and we made it back to our homes in three hours. I had Gunther stay over that night, and we were so tired we slept past noon. We did not do anything sexual that night, but we did a lot of kissing and cuddling.

The next day was Tuesday and school resumed. I saw Gunther several times that day in the hallway and every single time we greeted each other and smiled. That day after school, Gunther and I had a long conversation concerning the fun of our trip.

The following day, there was a gas leak in the kitchen at school, so they sent everyone home at noon. Because my mom was not aware of this, Gunther drove me home. Since it takes 20 minutes to get home from school, we had a nice long chat in the car. When he got to my house, I said, "I love you Gunther," and kissed him on the lips. He blushed and returned the favor and comment.

I went into my house and asked my mom if Gunther could eat lunch with us. She said that would be great because I do not have people over very often. We had lunch then went upstairs to my room and lay down on my bed.

"Hey boys, I'm going shopping, I'll be back when Doug gets out of school," she yelled to us.

"Alright mom!" I yelled back.

We were finally alone together for several hours. Gunther whispered in my ear and I went into the bathroom and got some lotion. Gunther and I had slowly divested each other down to our underwear when I noticed he was not wearing his usual A&F boxers but rather was wearing boxer briefs. I commented that they looked hot on him, and then removed them as he removed my AE boxers.

I lay down on my bed and lifted my legs so he could apply some of the lotion to my hole. After he had completed that, I put a lot of lotion of his extremely hard dick. When we were all lubed up, Gunther entered me. It hurt. A lot. But soon he was totally inside me and I was getting used to it. He slowly pumped it in and out. His dick felt so good inside me. He started jacking my off while he fucked me and I grabbed at his ass. (Did I mention his ass is awesomely hot?)

We were moaning, yelling, and hoping that the neighbors would not hear! "Tom, may I cum in you?" Gunther asked.

"Of course," I moaned, "I want it!"

Soon he shot an enormous load into me. After pulling out of me and cleaning up a bit, Gunther and I cuddled up on the bed, kissed, and repeatedly said, "I love you" to each other.

"I loved making love to you, Tom," Gunther told me.

"I loved it too," I replied, "but I'd also love to do it to you."

"Sure, I'd love you to!"

Realizing that I had not cum yet in our little adventure, Gunther orally pleasured me until I came in his mouth. He loved the whole thing as much as I did!

"I love you so much, Tom!" Gunther explained as soon as I shut the door to his car. We were going on our first date together--Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, a movie we had both seen previously and had enjoyed. When we got to the cinema, we walked in hand-in-hand. Since there were rumors flying at school that we were gay, we really did not have anything to fear.

We purchased our tickets and food and walked into the auditorium. This cinema had only `stadium style' seating and we found a doublewide seat. We were sitting on it and he was leaning against me whilst I was stroking his hair. This attracted a few strange looks, but most people did not seem to mind it. We cuddled throughout the whole movie.

We went to his house after the movie finished. When we got there, it was late so we went to his room. I made love to him there. It was wonderful. I had thought his ass was great on the outside, but it was great inside also! It was so nice, warm, and tight. It was the most loving and beautiful act I had ever done with anyone.

After we made love, Gunther and I went downstairs outside into the hot tub. We took each other's clothes off and entered. We cuddled in the tub while the jets were cleaning us off. After we got out, we both noticed that both of us get very red after being in hot tubs because we have very pale skin. We dried each other with towels. I put my clothes on him and he put his on me, and we went up to his room again. The clothes we quickly removed and we went to bed feeling happy, refreshed, tired, and loved--all at the same time.

Gunther looked so cute lying in bed naked. I broke out in tears because I was so glad I had him. He did the same and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Gunther and I have been best `friends, countrymen, and lovers' (for those of you who don't know Shakespeare, it's from Julius Caesar) for six months now and are more in love than ever. We have gone on many dates and made love several more times.

------------------------------------------------------ If you enjoyed this story, feel free to e-mail me at I also have several instant messaging programs, but for privacy purposes, you will have to e-mail me to get the nicks.

Copyright (c) 2001 by CML

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