Gym Boy

By Matty Matt

Published on Jan 18, 2002


Gym Boy Part 8

By Matty Matt

After tucking Jason into bed, I walked downstairs to find Jermaine. He said he wanted to talk to me about something, but didn't say what. We both just fucked Jason, and the sex was intense. Jason had a tight ass -- as would be expected from a virgin 9-year-old -- and the whole session was made even better when Jermaine got his fat cock up his son's tiny butt.

Jermaine wasn't in the living room but I found him in the den, lights off and the TV and VCR on. He was watching a straight porno flick. One black guy was fucking a white chick's cunt; another black guy was fucking her ass. Jermaine was clothed, but massaging his cock through his jeans.

"Sit down," he said, and I took a seat beside him on the couch.

Beer cans littered the floor. He must have had at least eight already. He handed me a fresh one from the six-pack he had at his feet. I took the beer and popped the lid. It tasted good and cold after hot sex.

"Whatcha watchin'?" I asked.

"Skin flick. I have a few but my wife hated me watchin' 'em. Said I was cheatin' on her if I did. Don't have that problem no more," he said, referring to the fact that his wife filed for divorce that day and was spending the night at her parents' house.

The sound was muted, but why use sound for a porno anyway? The action is what it's all about. We watched a bit more, then I asked, "So what did you want to talk about?"

"About you and Jason and me," he said, still watching the fuck video. "He sure is a slut, ain't he?"

"Jason? Yeah, he is. One hell of a good fuck, though," I said.

"Yeah. Tight little fag pussy, " Jermaine said. "I guess you don't think it's gross that I fucked my own kid, do you?"

I paused a moment, then said, "Depends. Do you think I'm sick for fucking your kid?"

"No," he said. "No, I don't think you're sick. When I was his age, I had fucked three pussies, had my dick sucked, even licked a few pussies. And not girl pussy either. Woman pussy. My brothers got some, too. They even got some dick, but I really didn't want that. All from adults. Nobody hurt us. Just fun sex. That's what it all was, fun sex. Guess it didn't matter that we was just kids. My little brother was only 4 when he got his first. He loved it, I remember. Guess it's OK if grown-ups and kids have sex, long as everyone is having fun."

He was clearly on his way to being drunk, most of his words slurred when he spoke. He reached over and squeezed my thigh for emphasis and smiled.

"You ever fuck any other kids?" he asked.

"No," I said. "Just Jason. Never thought about doing a kid. Never had a desire to. But he's cute, and horny, and willing to do it. What can I say?"

"I know," he said. "Been thinkin' about me and Jason, 'specially just now. Now that I went and fucked him. It'll happen again. It will. I'll fuck him, have him suck my cock. Yeah, it'll happen again. And I know he'll do it, too."

I couldn't tell if was happy about that or not. I knew I wanted to do it with Jason -- Jermaine too -- again very soon.

"You OK with the sex between you two?" I asked.

He nodded and finished his beer. He crushed can, tossed to the side with the others, and popped a fresh one.

"It's not the same for each of us. For me, it'll be 'cause I don't have any pussy and I don't like beatin' off. For him, it's because he's a fag and he wants cock. Big difference, you know? I mean, if I can get some pussy, fuck Jason, I'm gettin' the pussy. He'll just have to go somewhere else for cock. Like to you. I can leave it. It's convenient, having a cocksucker for a son, that's for sure. But that's it for me; just convenience."

"Would you mind if he kept doing it with me? I really like Jason, he's a sweet kid, and I like the sex we've had so far," I said.

"No problem with me. Come over anytime he wants to do it and have fun," Jermaine said.

"You don't think I'm a pedophile, do you?" I asked.

He gave me a weird look. "Nah. Any guy who sucks my cock like you can't be no pedophile. Besides, I fucked him, too, and I know I ain't."

We watched the video a little more.

"So you had sex as a kid, huh?" I asked. "I'd love to hear about it."

"Had lots of sex as a kid. And with grown-ups, like I said. That's why I'm cool with Jason and with you. That's a part of my life that I look at and still enjoy. Now he's doin' the same, sorta. It's all good."

"How old were you when you first did it?" I asked.

He thought for a moment. He finished his beer, burped, them got another one. I was still working on my first. I think this was his eleventh.

"Six," he said finally. "Yeah, six."

"Tell me about it," I said, my cock getting hard again.

"Well, my momma had to work nights. She and my dad never married and he just left one day when I was still in diapers. That's what my momma said anyway. So it's just her and she worked nights at the hospital. Us kids -- I have two brothers, Scotty who's three years older than me and Calvin who's two years younger -- us kids went to our neighbors place after school. We would eat dinner there and get our baths there. Momma paid 'em to look after us. They had two boys, Shawn and Timothy. They was 12 and 10 when I was 6.

"Anyways, we would be at their house everyday after school and we was always goofin' off. You know, playing kickball or stickball or football. Sometimes we'd watch TV. I remember watchin' a lot of stupid cartoons. Smurfs, or some dumb shit. Or we'd go around the neighborhood and mess around at other kids' houses and do the same shit there.

"We were walkin' by some project -- I grew up not far from the projects -- and we saw this man who waved to Shawn. I never seen him before, but momma always said to keep outta the projects or you'll never leave alive. Lots of drugs and other shit goin' down there. So I didn't know the man, but Shawn did. Shawn says to me, 'If ya ever wanna get your dick sucked, go to him.' I asked why and Shawn said, 'Cause he'll suck it. Or his wife will. And they pay.' I said 'How you know that?' and he said, 'Cause they paid me.'

"Now I was all interested. Never had my dick sucked. Played with it a lot, but that was it. The idea of gettin' it sucked was cool. But not from him, from his wife. I told my brothers that night after we had our baths and were in bed. We had to sleep in one big bed when we was little. And they was all into it too, especially Scotty since he was older and had heard about blow jobs already.

"So next day after school I tell Shawn that we wanna go see the man and get paid for gettin' our dicks sucked. He said he'd talk to the man and see if it was OK if we all came by. So we was all over at a friend's house and Shawn and me went over to the project to this man's house and knocked on the door. The man was all happy to see Shawn and we went in and we talked for a bit. Then Shawn said that me and my brothers wanted to get our dicks sucked and get paid. The man said to me, 'You sure you wanna?' I said yes, by a woman. He said, 'A woman huh? Hang on.' He went to another room and I heard him and a woman -- I guessed his wife -- talkin'. Then the man and the woman came out and was checkin' me out.

"They was in their 20s, young you know, no kids that I could see. They used drugs. You could see in their eyes and I saw vials of crack or whatever in the living room where we was. Then the woman says to me, 'You got a big dick? 'Cause if you don't, I ain't gonna suck it.'

"I said mine was huge and she said, 'Is that so? Let's see it.' I got scared but Shawn said to ahead. I said to the woman, 'Let me see your titties first.' She started laughin' at that. 'My titties? Boy, you sure got balls, even if you don't have a big dick!' and she laughed some more.

"Meanwhile, the man and Shawn was sittin' on the couch and the man was feelin' all over Shawn's crotch. And Shawn was feelin' his. Then the man pulled Shawn's pants down and started suckin' his cock, right there in front of all of us. I didn't believe it at first. Then the woman says, 'OK, boy, I'll show you my titties, but you is gonna show me that dick.'

"Then she took off her top. She had no bra on and her boobs flopped when she pulled the shirt off. They was OK lookin', I guess. Kinda small but for a 6 year old, big enough. 'You like 'em?' she asked. I nodded. 'Touch 'em then.' She sat on the couch beside her man who still suckin' Shawn's cock. I stepped over to her and reached out for a tittie. She grabbed my hands and rubbed them all over her boobs. 'You like that?' she asked. I nodded.

"Then she reached over and unsnapped my jeans and yanked 'em down, showing my dick. It was hard and she started playin' with it. 'Look at this,' she said to her man. He stopped suckin' Shawn's dick and sat up to look at my pecker. He said was nice and played with my balls a bit. 'You wanna get paid for this,' she asked. I said yes. She said 'I'll pay you a dollar to let me suck it.' I said OK and she sucked my dick. Just like that. Shawn was now suckin' the man's cock, or tryin' to. The man says to me, 'You like that, don't ya boy? Gettin' your little dickie sucked?' I nodded. The woman kept suckin' me and it felt great. Then she stopped and handed me a dollar. Shawn got two, I guess for suckin' and gettin' sucked.

"The man handed Shawn a bag of weed and told him to give it to someone. We left and I went back to my friend's house to tell my brothers and Shawn made his delivery. That's what it was all about for them. They used kids to make their dope deliveries in return for a little sex and a dollar.

"I didn't know it was all bad 'cause it felt good and I brought my brothers over. Pretty soon we was all gettin' sucked. I fucked the woman and Scotty fucked her and the man. The man gave Scotty ten dollars to let him fuck Scotty and Scotty said OK. He said it hurt a lot but he liked the money. The man and woman had friends and us kids had sex with them, too.

"Scotty started doin' drug runs for 'em when he was 11. He got caught, though, and went to juvie hall. Had a lot of problems with drugs over the years. Me, I just did it for the sex. I wanted no part of the drugs, I just wanted sex. And I got lots of it."

"Wow, that was pretty cool. The sex part, anyway. All that pussy for you and you got paid for it!" I said.

"Yeah, it was. Believe me, I was lovin' it. My brothers liked the gay stuff as much as the straight stuff. Guess they figured it all felt good, so why not?"

"How long did you guys keep going back?" I asked.

"I stopped after maybe a year. They wanted me to start runnin' drugs for 'em. Pretty fucked up when you think about it. A little kid bein' a dope runner. But Calvin did it, though I don't suppose he really knew what he was doin'. I knew I didn't want any part of the drugs so I quit."

"You and your brothers ever get it on together?" I asked. Gay incest stories -- especially real-life encounters -- always got me off.

Jermaine smiled at me and said, "Yeah. Yeah we got it on, too. Mostly Scotty and Calvin, though. I never did much. I mean, they sucked my dick and all, but they wanted me to suck them and I just wasn't really into it. So they ended up doin' that stuff with each other."

"Tell me about some of that," I said. I was horny all over again, thinking about this hot stud of a man as a 6-year-old boy getting it on with his 9-year-old and 4-year- old brothers.

"Well, like I said, we started goin' to those people's place to get our dicks wet. Both Scotty and Calvin was doin' it with both of them. You know, both suckin' both their cocks and pretty soon the man had Scotty suckin' his dick, too. I was there when he first did it. Didn't seem to bother him none. Just did it. The man -- you know, I can't remember his name or his bitch's name -- was sittin' on the couch and he told Scotty to get on his knees and suck him just like he had sucked Scotty. My bro do just that and seemed to like it. I know the man did. He kept sayin', 'Mmm, you a natural cocksucker. You do that so fine!' and Scotty kept bobbin' up and down on it. He didn't have no big dick, the man, so Scotty was able to do pretty good.

"Calvin was just standin' there, with his pants all the way off, watchin' 'em do their thing. I think he had his dick sucked by the man already. Then the man saw Calvin -- remember he was only 4 -- and says, 'Hey boy, you wanna do like your big brother's doin'?' and Calvin nodded his head yes. The man moves Scotty outta the way and little Calvin moved over and put the man's cockhead into his mouth. That's about all he got in, too, the head. The man loved it though and rubbed his hands all over Calvin's body, I remember. He reached back and played with Calvin's butt. He only needed one hand to rub both cheeks at the same time. Calvin tried to get more in his mouth, but just the head was all he could do."

"Hope you don't mind me saying so, but that sounds really hot," I said, interrupting him.

"I guess if you're into that, it would be," Jermaine said. "Anyway, so Calvin and Scotty had fun with the man, and the man fucked Scotty, too, later on. So when my momma picked us up at the neighbors later that night, we was all horny about what we did. So we all get into bed and momma kisses us goodnight and Scotty starts feelin' me up. He said he wanted to do things with me. I said I didn't want to but Calvin said he did. I was layin' in the middle and Calvin and me switched places so they could play."

"What did they do?" I asked, stroking my cock through my pants.

"Kissed at first. Both the man and woman liked to kiss with their tongues so they both knew how. So they kissed and Scotty took control and unbuttoned Calvin's pajamas and kissed all the way down Calvin's front and pulled down his bottoms. Calvin's cock was hard and Scotty sucked it in. Big smile was on Calvin's face. So Scotty is blowin' him and I'm just layin' there watchin'. I didn't wanna do it but it was OK to watch them go at it.

"So Scotty blows Calvin and then Calvin says, 'Let me do yours.' Scotty moves back up and takes his pj's off. Calvin slides down and starts suckin' Scotty. Scotty always had a pretty big cock. I guess it was about 4 inches then. So Calvin tried to suck as much in his mouth as he could. The man's cock was too big to do much with but Calvin sucked on Shawn's and Tim's too and he good with theirs and did pretty good with Scotty's. So Calvin is suckin' Scotty and Scotty is groanin'. He pulled up Calvin by the legs and they start 69in'. Then Scotty puts Calvin on top of him. Calvin is still suckin' Scotty's cock but Scotty puts Calvin on his knees, and starts lickin' Calvin's little butthole."

The thought of a 9-year-old black boy licking his 4-year-old brother's asshole was a real turn-on for me. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock, really starting to beat off listening to this hot sex tale.

"This shit's really getting' you off, ain't it?' he asked me.

"Yeah," I said.

I squeezed his crotch and his cock was still hard, even though he wasn't watching the porno anymore. Reliving these sex stories was getting him turned on, too. I rubbed his crotch with my left hand as I jerked off with my right. Jermaine made no effort to stop my from groping him.

"What happened then?" I asked.

"So they kept doin' that and I was watchin'. Scotty really liked licking Calvin's butthole and I could hear Calvin moanin' with pleasure even though he had Scotty's cock in his mouth. Scotty asked Calvin if he could stick it in him and Calvin stopped suckin' to say yes. So Calvin turns around, and I kid you not, sat on Scotty's cock.

"I said, 'What are you doin'?' and Scotty said, 'I'm fuckin' him!' and I said, 'You can't do that with a boy only a girl.' And Scotty said, 'Well take a look.' I did and I moved down to see Scotty's cock deep inside Calvin's butt. I asked Calvin if he liked Scotty's cock up his butt and Calvin just nodded. So they fuck like that for a while till Scotty almost yells, 'I'm cummin'!' and he gets all rigid. Guess he came. Then Calvin gets off him and Scotty sucks his cock till Calvin said he had to pee. I guess he came, too.

"They stopped then and asked me if wanted to do that but I said no. I said maybe you can suck me but that's it. They both sucked me a few times for a while after that. It was pretty good, I guess."

"You guys do it after that?" I asked.

"Yeah, lots of times. Plenty of chances when you got to sleep in the same bed, you know. Scotty and Calvin kept messin' around for years. When they found girls they stopped it. I did catch 'em fuckin' though when we was in high school. Calvin was fuckin' Scotty. They was embarrassed but said that it still felt good. I guess I was 15 so that would have made Calvin 13 and Scotty 18. Don't know if they still do it or not. I don't much talk to either one no more. Scotty did time for drugs and Calvin just kinda drifted away."

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. He was getting close to passing out, it seemed. Maybe he was just taking a break. I just sat and looked at him. God, he was a stud. Absolutely beautiful. In some ways he looked like Jason Taylor of the Miami Dolphins, but a little more masculine.

"If there's any consolation to all of this, I'm not going to ask Jason to do any drug runs for me," I said.

Jermaine looked up and smiled at me.

"I know," he said. "I know you ain't gonna hurt him. Just teach him about all the fun sex can be."

The clock on the VCR read 9:40 and I needed to get up for work in the morning.

"I should probably get going," I said.

He nodded his head. "You wanna blow me before you go?" he asked.

I smiled back at him. "I'd love to!"

"Good, 'cause all this sex talk and this video is gettin' me hot."

He pulled down his jeans and boxers and spread his legs. His fat cock was getting hard as I kneeled on the floor in front of him, grasping his cock by its base and sucked in the head.

"Yeah, man, you suck on my cock," he said.

He was really watching the video, now showing one black guy fucking the chick's cunt, the other fucking her mouth.

His cock got fully hard and he tried his best to shove the whole thing down my throat but I could only get seven inches in. I ran my hands over his belly and chest and squeezed his balls as I blew him.

He grunted and held my head down on his meat. I reached under his balls to try and finger around his asshole. I reached it but he stopped me.

"You like my butthole, don't you?' he asked.

I nodded with his cock in my mouth. He scooted up on the couch so that he was almost off it, his asshole now exposed.

"Go ahead, finger my butt. I dig that. But don't stick your finger up."

I rubbed his asshole and kept sucking his cock. He stopped shoving my head on his shaft and massaged my shoulders instead. I slipped off his cock and started sucking his balls. They were big with small wiry hairs covering them.

"Yeah, man, suck my balls!" he said. He absently started stroking his cock, wet with my spit. I decided t take a chance and go further south and licked his asshole.

"Oh, shit, you like doin' that?" he asked.

"Yeah, I love sucking guys' assholes," I said.

"Then go for it," he said.

I started rimming his hot asshole for all it was worth, sticking my tongue out and getting a good taste of him. His asshole was musky and tangy and tight. I couldn't get my tongue up his ass. I replaced my tongue with my finger, rubbing it all around his pucker, which was now wet with my spit. I returned my mouth to his cock and swallowed five inches at once. I got the tip of my finger into his asshole and I heard him clench his teeth. Unless he stopped me, I was determined to finger him. I sucked harder, wanting him to cum in my mouth.

"Oh, yeah, baby, oh yeah, you keeping suckin my cock, man! Oh, shit, oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!" he yelled.

I got my finger into his asshole to the first knuckle and he shot four thick spurts into my mouth. I swallowed it all and the heat around my finger was intense. He started calming down and I removed my finger from his asshole. I sat on my knees, and looked at this hunk of a man, legs spread wide open, cock softening in front of me.

"That was good," he said.

"Thanks," I said. "But I do have to go now." He nodded and just sat there, half drunk, mostly tired.

I saw myself out and jerked off thinking about Jermaine as a kid getting it on with his brothers on the way home.

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