Harmless Flirting

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jan 14, 2017



Written by Eugene Marvin –aka- NPhillydogg@aol.com

Adam and I climbed into bed around 12 or 1 o'clock a.m. [Friday night]! We were exhausted [and drunk]! We slept [for the most part] through the night! It was about 6am [Saturday morning] when Adam shook me awake, telling me to get dressed to go fishing!

`FISHING...?' I thought, still hungover and wanting to sleep for another 6 to 8hrs! But he was persistent, dragging me out of bed and into a cold shower, making me wake up against my will! We took showers, then had a little egg and bacon [and lots of coffee] for breakfast before grabbing the fishing gear, the cooler [full of beer], and headed out to the boat! We sat out in the early morning sun, drinking [like hillbillies] at 7am, getting toasted well before noon!

I hadn't been fishing since I was a kid! I caught ONE fish to Adam's 3! We packed them on ice, then started to head in! We were unloading when a man in a motorboat came drifting our way!

"That's Tom..., my divorced neighbor from across the lake...!" informed Adam, waving to his friend as we tied our boat to the peer!

Tom turned out to be about 40yrs old, 6'1", 210lbs [non-muscular], w/balding brown hair, and a big Grizzly Adams beard & furry mustache...! He had on a typical red flannel [hunter's] shirt, blue jeans, and boots! He pulled up to the peer, then climbed out of his boat with a case of beer with him...!

"I saw your lights on over here last night..., and thought I'd chance coming over to say hello...!" he greeted, politely! "Been a while since I've last saw you up here...!"

"About 3yrs...!" stated Adam. "I had my ex-wife and SON with me then...! He's 16 now!"

"Wow...! Where does the TIME go...?" asked Tom [holding the case under his arm], waiting for an invitation...!

"This is my brother, Grant...!" introduced Adam! "I bought him here cause he's having problems with his marriage...!"

"OH..." sounded Tom, holding out his huge callused hand to shake...! "...welcome to the club...!" he joked, squeezing my hand as we shook! "I bought a case of beer..." he offered, as we unpacked the boat! "...if you don't mind me hanging with you fellas for a while...? Kinda gets lonely out here on the lake...!"

"No problem, Tom..." offered Adam, sympathetically! "...the more the merrier! We caught plenty of FISH, if you don't mind helping us scale and gut them...?"

"Lead the way!" said Tom [sounding happy just to have the company]!

He explained how most of the properties along the lake were now time-shared by the owners, awarding them a hefty profit during the summer season! "Only problem is as soon as you get to know someone..., its time for them to head back home...!"

"Ever thought of moving back into the city...?" asked Adam, as he dumped the fish into the sink to be cleaned!

"Never!" answered Tom! "I love the quiet too much! My job sends me in my work for the month through Federal Express, and I do 95% of my work online...! The only real time I need to go into the city is for conventions..., learning updates, etc.!"

"Sounds like a dream!" said Adam [liking the sound of it for himself]...!

"What do you do when you get horny...?" I couldn't help asking [knowing men were meant to seed]...!

Tom blushed...

"Well..." he paused, taking off his cap to scratch the back of his head...! "...there's online PORN..." he admitted [meaning he jacks off], "...and when I feel the need for something MORE..., there's a widow I visit a few miles down lake..., her husband died a few years ago and she's been slowly getting herself back into the `dating' scene...!"

"She good...?" I dared ventured [pushing the envelope]! "She give good head...?"

Tom paused [thinking]...

"Well..." he answered, twisting half of his face in thought! "...I guess she hasn't had a lot of experience...?...I don't think her husband was really into oral!"

"There's got to be a better way of getting off than THAT...!" I said, glancing down at his crotch, wondering how often he jacked off...?

"If there is..., I have YET to find it...!" he laughed, rolling up his sleeves as he started scaling fish! Adam went outside to fire up the grill again, while I started on sautéing the vegetables!

"How long've you been married...?" I asked curiously, chopping up the veggies on a cutting board...!

"10yrs!" answered Tom, gutting the fish to pull out its guts and the worms it ate...! "You...?"

"5..." I said, "...but we've been together for 8...!"

"Kids...?" asked Tom [keeping up the conversation]!

"No." I answered! "You...?"

"2..." he said, "...a boy and a girl...! They used to come down for a month or so during the summers..., but now that they're older, spending quiet time at the lake with their ole man is the LAST thing they want to do with their time...!"

"Maybe Adam's right..." I suggested, "...maybe you SHOULD move back into the city...? Be around PEOPLE...! Spend some time with your kids...? Get LAID more often!" I joked!

"There's more important things than getting laid...!" said Tom [rinsing his hands off and drying them with a dishcloth]...!

"Like what...?" I asked [curiously]!

"Piece of mind!" answered Tom.

"I'd rather have a piece of ass...!" I nitpicked [getting under his skin]!

"So what're you doing up HERE at the lake...?" he questioned. "There's no ass' here..., just a lot of quiet for piece of mind' and `reflection'...!"

"THIS was Adam's idea..., not mine!" I assured, dumping my veggies in a skillet...!

"Obviously your brother thinks THIS is what you need MORE than a piece of ass...!" reasoned Tom [leaning back against the sink!

I couldn't help giving him the onceover [again], my eyes zeroing in on the bulge behind his zipper...! Tom looked down to see if his FLY was open...?

"How's those FISH coming along...?" asked Adam, walking in [just in the nick of time]!

"All ready for grilling...!" said Tom, passing Adam the plate full of fish as Adam started to season the filets before taking them outside to grill!

Tom followed him as I added butter and seasonings to the veggies...!

"So THAT'S your brother, eh...?" he asked, standing beside Adam as he started gently placing the fish on the foiled grill! "Mind if I ask you a personal question...?" he asked soon after. "Promise you won't get angry...?"

"What is it...?" chuckled Adam, curiously!

"Is your brother gay...?" asked Tom [out of the clear blue sky]!

"What makes you asked that...?" questioned Adam [wanting to know WHAT gave me away...?]!

"Nothing..." said Tom, looking back to make sure I hadn't snuck up on them...! "...it's just a VIBE I guess...! I caught him staring at my crotch a few times while we talked...! That's all! He seems like a cool guy, otherwise...! Believe me, I'm NOT judging...!"

"Kind of sounds like you ARE...!" said Adam [getting slightly defensive]...!

"I'm NOT, really...!" assured Tom, sensing the sudden tension between them...! "I believe in `live and let live'...! I don't have anything against The LGBT Community...!"

Adam smirked...

"He's not gay..." he defended, checking the coils to make sure they were burning white! "...he's..., -bisexual, I guess you'd call it...!

"He and his wife started doing these `swinger' parties..., and she eventually LEFT him for another man...!"

"Damn, that's rough...!" said Tom. "Was it one of the men they fooled around with...?" he asked, curiously!

"I think so!" answered Adam. "It's still a sensitive subject..., so don't SAY anything to him about it unless HE brings it up...! Okay...?"

"No problem!" agreed Tom, turning his beer up to his furry mustached lips!

30 minutes later we were all sitting around the outside patio table, drinking ice cold beer and eating perfectly seasoned grilled fish and sautéed vegetables with wild rice! The conversation eventually turned to family! With all 3 of us now divorced or separated, none of us were too keen on marriage at the moment! We each had a story to tell [Adam's wife cheated on him with her boss; my wife left me for another man (Hunter); and Tom's wife just fell out of love one day]...!

"It all happened right out of the blue..." he said, as we sat around patting our bellies and picking out teeth]...! "...I came HOME one day and she suddenly said she was tired of taking care of me and the kids...! She wanted to get OUT more, SEE new stuff, DO different things! It was as if she'd outgrown me...! I was busy working in an office all day, while she was hanging out with her friends, spending money we set aside for our retirement...! She wanted a divorce! No explanation! No couple's therapy! She was just tired of having ME as her husband and wanting me OUT of the picture...! I didn't even fight her on it...! I just let her have whatever she wanted..., -which equaled up to everything...!...getting the house, custody of the kids and child support...! The ONLY thing I had left was the lake house..., so I decided to live out here and work from home! Believe me, it's much less stressful, and all I have to do to get dressed for work in the morning is to throw on a pair of underwear...!" he laughed, still sounding a tad hurt after all these years...!

"Damn, that's tough...!" said Adam, popping the cap on another cold beer...!

"So...you sleep naked...?" I asked, unable to get the mental picture of him getting out of bed naked to throw on his underwear...!

Adam burst out laughing! "What's so funny...?" I inquired!

"Tom ASKED me, while you were in the kitchen, if you were gay...?" he chuckled [at my expense]! "And now here you are asking if he sleeps naked...! Is that ALL you got out of his story...?"

I blushed.

"Please don't be offended...!" said Tom!

"Depends..." I said, looking him directly in his gray eyes...! "...on how you feel about gays...?"

"Like I told your brother..., I don't have ANY problem with them...!" said Tom!

"Have you ever been WITH a man before...?" I asked suddenly [perhaps disrespectfully], but if MY sexuality was in question, why not his...?

"No." answered Tom [plainly]!

"WOULD you...?" I dared ask [getting even more personal]! "I mean, its not like there's a lot of options out here...! The Internet..., the Widow..., your HAND...! What if a GUY offered you a hot blow job...? Would you be interested...?"

Tom shifted [uncomfortably] in his seat..., while Adam just looked amused!

"Depends on the guy, I guess...!" answered Tom!

Adam's eyebrows went up, as he turned his beer up to his lips...

"What if I offered...?" I questioned! "Would you let ME suck your cock...?"

Tom chuckled [nervously], as Adam and I awaited his reply...! A quick glance at his crotch told me the answer...as a fat LUMP started to form just under the zipper...!

"Is HE serious...?" asked Tom, looking to Adam for help...!

"It's just a question, Tom..." said my brother, wanting to KNOW his friend's answer also!

Tom looked me directly in the eyes...then looked at my DSL lips...!

"Yes..." he answered, honestly...! "...I suppose I would...!"

No one said anything for the next few moments...as we all took swigs from our beer bottles...! Now that I'd opened Pandora's Box, what would I DO with it...?

I took one more deep swig..., then got up from my seat and knelt before Tom...!

Tom looked a bit skittish, as he alternated looking nervously between Adam and me, wondering WHAT he should do as I reached up into his lap and started kneading his crotch! His cock felt FAT underneath the denim!

Adam continued to drink [and watch] as I undid his friend's pants...!

"Waitaminute now..." protested Tom [weakly], once he realized this was really about to happen [as I reached into his open pants to wrestle his 8" erection from his underwear...!

"...you're really serious about this...?"

"Go with the flow, Tom...!" suggested Adam [intrigued], "You said you had no problem with homosexuals...!"

"You also said he WASN'T gay...!" countered Tom [as I pulled his cock into view]!

The cock was fat and pale [Tom definitely didn't sunbathe], with sprouts if black hair reaching up out of his zipper! Tom watched [wide-eyed] as I leaned in and started licking his head and shaft..., painting it wet with my tongue! Almost immediately he moaned..., then started to pre-cum, the fat [red] helmet tip oozing forth a big pearly droplet as I licked it away, tasting its sugary sweetness...! Tom waited with bated breath as I circled the dick tip with my oral muscle..., then took him in my mouth, closing my lips around him [his cockhead nearly filling my oral cavity completely]...!

"ohmygosh...Ican'tbelievethisishappening...!" gasped Tom, feeling my hot mouth wrap around him! How long had it been since he had a blowjob...? Was `the Widow' THAT bad at giving head...? –I wondered!

I could tell Tom was uncomfortable, sitting outside at the patio table, getting his cock sucked in broad daylight...! I mean the likelihood of someone walking up on us was slim, but you never know who might drift by on a speed or a jet-ski boat! But despite his reservations, he remained still as I sucked him, holding onto the arms of his seat [like a carnival ride] as I started bobbing my head up and down in his lap!

"th...this doesn't bother you, Adam...?" he asked, looking over at my brother [as Adam continued to watch us and drink]...! "You're not PISSED at me, are you...? For letting your brother suck my cock...?"

"Not at all..." assured Adam, "...we're all grown MEN here...! No one's forcing anyone to do anything...!" he explained!

With Adam's blessings, Tom settled back in his seat [relaxing more], his legs spread widely at the knees! His pants were still up around his waist, so I really couldn't see how hairy he was [other than his crotch]!

Seeing how this was Tom's FIRST TIME with a guy, I decided to take my time and give him a long slow beejay, instead of the `fast and furious' one I gave Adam last night! I figured Tom would appreciate it..., and even if not now, somewhere down the line when he's at home jacking off by himself, he'll think of ME [instead of the Widow] as the first guy who made him cum!

Tom's cock was standing stiffly between his legs! His hairy balls were still confined in their resting place in his pants and underwear, so I couldn't GET to them like I wanted to! Instead I focused on licking and sucking his hard shaft, slowly sliding my lips [sensuously] up and down the solid column of flesh until his cock was slick with spit and gleaming in the sunlight!

"Hows bout refills...?" asked Adam, getting up from his seat, taking the cooler with him to refill with more beer! Tom noticed Adam sporting a hard-on through the big bulge in his khaki shorts! His eyes were glued to it as Adam walked by, heading back into the house! "I'll be right back...!" he said, taking the empty bottles with him!

"You and Adam are REAL close, eh...?" asked Tom, looking back down at me as I tongue the underbelly of his cock, bathing it thoroughly [prolonging his pleasure]...!

"Yeah..." I answered, "...he's been very supportive of me since I've come OUT to him...!" I admitted!

"Is HE ga..., I mean, -bisexual also...?" asked Tom, curiously!

"No...!" I answered [not wanting to put Adam's business in the streets if he wasn't ready to expose himself as such]...!

"oh..." said Tom [almost sounding disappointed]...! "...so you two never...?" he questioned, without really coming out and asking directly...!

I pondered the question in my mind for a moment [as I latched my mouth back around his cock and resumed sucking], wondering should I divulge that Adam has already let me suck his dick...?...or should I simply lie and say `no' again...? My decision was MADE FOR ME when Adam came back out of the house [carrying the refilled cooler] stark naked and sporting major WOOD! Tom did a DOUBLE-TAKE when Adam walked back out [cock bobbing in front of him like a springboard], then replaced the cooler on the ground between them and handed Tom a fresh brew...!

Tom wasn't able to take his eyes off Adam's cock [at eye-level]! I simply came up off Tom, then took Adam's between my lips and started sucking...!

"So...you 2 DO mess around...?" smiled Tom [finding his own answer]...! "That's hot!

"WHEN did you 2 start fucking around...?" he inquired!

"When Trish put me out of the house..." explained Adam [standing beside Tom's chair as I painted HIS cock all over with my moist and delicious tongue]...! "...Grant invited me to stay a few nights with him and Linda...! I was telling Grant -over a few beers, that Trish and I hadn't had sex together in MONTHS..., and Grant offered to let Linda give me a blowjob...! One thing lid to another, and we ended up in a 3some! My first! It was awesome! Then I noticed Grant going DOWN on Linda after I'd already cum in her...! THAT told me that my brother was into some weird shit I didn't know about!" he laughed!

"We TALKED about it, and he admitted to me that he was bisexual now! He said I wouldn't ever have to worry about being horny again, that HE and Linda would always be there if I needed to get off! Then he got down on his knees in front of me and sucked my cock! I came so fucking HARD that my testicles took 2 days to drop back down!" he joked!

"And he's been sucking your cock ever-since...?" asked Tom [still watching us closely]!

"Well..." hesitated Adam, "...we really hadn't had the chance to hookup again until this weekend...!" he admitted! "I've been so busy with the divorce and moving..., I wasn't even aware Grant and Linda separated until I went over to his place to see WHY he wasn't returning any of my phone calls...! I'd probably STILL be in the dark had I not got the building manager to open the door for me...!"

I came off Adam's cock, spitting out his cockhead as I licked and lavished my way down his urethra towards his low hanging balls...!

"Thanks for getting me out of my depression...!" I said, looking up at him as I sucked one of his hairy nuts into my mouth!

"Wish I had a brother like THAT...!" sighed Tom [having gone through HIS divorce with no emotional support whatsoever]...!

"Consider us ALL part of the same family, now...!" smiled Adam!

Tom slowly jacked his own cock as he watched me polish off Adam's nuts, suckling one big hairy ball, before spitting it out and suckling the OTHER big hairy ball! Adam just stood there like a lamppost as I took both balls in my mouth and spin-cycled them, swirling them around in my mouth, giving them both thorough washings!

After a few minutes of ball-loving, Adam pulled me off his sac and pushed me back down towards Tom! But instead of blowing Tom to completion right there and then, I motioned for him to remove his pants, making him STRIP naked right there on the back porch, as he pulled his flannel shirt and t-shirt off overhead and tossed them in a pile with his pants on the deck! I spread his hairy legs and leaned in-between his hairy thighs and started bathing HIS balls as well...!

"Oh fuck..." he moaned, slouching down in his wooden seat as he allowed his heavy sac to fall out over the edge of his chair! I scooped them up in my mouth and started washing them like a professional ball-bather! I don't think Tom ever knew his balls could be so erogenous, which was a SHAME because Tom was already in his 40's!

"ohmygod..." he groaned, leaning back in his chair, pulling his baseball cap down over his eyes [shading them from the beaming sun]! "...I've never had anyone concentrate on sucking my testicles so meticulously before...! It feels WONDERFUL...!"

I swirled my wet tongue around his testes in tiny circles, then sucked them in and out of my mouth as if sucking a 2headed cock! Tom ooo'd and aah'd his approval, spreading his legs wider for me to have better access! I was practically leaning against the deck [on one elbow] bobbing his balls in and out of my open mouth like a teabag, while Tom steadily jacked himself to the new thrilling sensation...!

Not to be outdone, Adam dragged his chair over to face in front of Tom's, then took a seat facing him, legs spread, balls centered, so I could simply roll over in HIS direction and lavish HIS balls as well! Which I did! Spitting out Tom's hairy sac to roll over in the other direction and start sucking my brother's boss balls!

Tom's balls were bigger, and hairier, AND hung down lower which made them easier to teabag! Adam's balls [while big] where more satchel, allowing me to easily get both balls into my mouth at the same time! I licked and bathed them thoroughly, giving them a real spit-shine before rolling back over and taking Tom's nutcrackers in my mouth and roasting them over the open pit of my mouth!

I went back and forth between the 2 of them for a while [about 15-20 mins], before I climbed back up on my knees and started sucking Tom's magnificent cock again! By now he was ready to boil, as he took my head in his hands and started forcing my mouth up and down his cock, gagging me several times when he went too deep [wanting it in my throat]!

"Can't deep throat yet...?" he asked, watching me back off to recoup myself a few times! "I suspect if Adam gets HIS way..., you'll be deep throating cock by the next time you come back visiting...!"

"Hell..." said Adam, staring directly at his neighbor [from across the pond]! "...I don't see why he can't learn THIS weekend...!" he joked!

"I know ONE WAY we can try...!" suggested Tom [with Adam's permission]...! "I saw it done to a WOMAN in an online video once...!" he added, motioning for us to get up, then directing me to strip and lay back over the table with my head teetering off the edge...!

Once in position [with my head hanging upside-down], he got in front of me and fed his erect cock back in my mouth and started face-fucking me...! "THEY say in the video that THIS position best aligns the throat with the shape of the cock..., allowing straight passage into the esophagus! She took 3 men in this position to completion!"

"Let's DO it!" thrilled Adam, giving me the thumbs up and a goofy grin [putting me in the test-pilot's seat]!

At first Tom's thrusts were short and controlled, he fucked my mouth as a warmup, not as a way to get off! Then he started going deeper, slowly stretching my throat muscles as he cockhead started to bang into the back of my mouth! I had to FEND for myself, learning through `trial and error' how and when best to open my throat and when to breathe! Of course I gagged a few hundred times, but he WAS able to go deeper than usual more and more often [with every thrust]...!

"Let ME try...!" said Adam, seeing how much success Tom was having!

Tom pulled out of my mouth as Adam got in front of me and took over! He placed his hands on my shoulders, then aligned his cockhead to my lips as I licked and suckled the head [upside-down], then he started feeding it to me, little by little at first! Like Tom he started off slow, then started going deeper, sliding in further, making me gag several dozen times as he ignored my discomfort and kept going deeper, MAKING me take him!

"Oh yeah..., look how his throat balloons whenever my cock passes through...!" he thrilled, pointing it out to Tom!

Adam fucked my mouth and throat for a full 8 minutes, before finally pulling out, his cock all slimy and covered in mucus...! Tom quickly took his place, bending at the knees as he aligned his cock with my mouth and shoved back in...! Almost immediately his cock speared straight for my throat, causing my neck to balloon! He held onto the edge of the table [leaning in over my head] and fucked my face as if it were cunt!

"Ohfuck...he's taking it DEEPER...!" he thrilled, pulling back so Adam could see, before plunging back into my mouth, straight down into my throat [his pubic hairs scratching against my bottom lip and chin (balls slapping my nose)...]!

My own cock was rock-hard in my stroking hand! I couldn't believe I was finally getting the throat fucking I always wanted! All I could see [from my upside-down position], was Tom's hairy sac slapping against the bridge of my nose, coming for my eyes! He fucked and fucked, building up speed and momentum, his groin slamming into me with practically every stroke, his cock pommeling my widening throat with ever increasing velocity! I had to let GO of my cock or risk coming all over myself before Adam had a chance to cum...!

"OOHHH FUUUCCKK..." groaned Tom, pulling out of my mouth at the last second, stroking his slimy tool as his balls bounced underneath his blurred fist! "...I'm coming...!" he announced, as I stretched my mouth open and extended my tongue for the landing...!

"Arrhhhgggg...!!!" he yelled as the first volley of pure white seed shot out his flaring cockhead, and SPLAT directly against my stubble chin! I readjusted my head so the next spurt could hit my mouth, but it splattered against the TOP of my lip, clogging my nostrils! The third wad hit my left cheek, while the fourth one ricocheted off his knuckles and landed across my jawline! I finally got my lips back around his cockhead in time for the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eight wads to fill my oral cavity, allowing me to TASTE his sperm for the first time! Tom shook and bucked like a BULL during orgasm, each JERK of his body sending another jolt of cum into the roof of my mouth! I swallowed as soon as I could, then suckled his softening shaft for the rest...!

"Ohmygodthatwasgreat...!" he said [all in one breath], as he pulled away [reluctantly]..., letting his rubbery penis fall limply over his depleted nut-sac...!

Adam's cock was still fully engorged when he stepped up to take his place..., using his cockhead to smear the remains of Tom's wads towards my open mouth..., using his cockhead to FEED me another man's deserts! I graciously sucked the cum remnants from Adam's cock, then took his meat into my mouth as he set up his own steady fuck pace...!

Adam had used my mouth before..., but this was the first time he was going to be able to achieve maximum depth! I knew he was looking forward to it, as he leaned in over my head and started to fuck my mouth! Starting over from the beginning, he took his time to re-open my throat as he slowly pushed his cockhead through my throat-ring, sinking straight into my esophagus...!

"Feels like Tom's load's coating your throat..." he moaned, staring down at me as he watched his cock slowly disappearing in my mouth...! "...making it easier for me to fuck! Your throat feels just like pussy...!...only tighter...!" Of course I had no rebuttal for Adam's revelation, as my throat was full of cock! All I could do was lay there, head hanging off the edge of the table and hope not to pass out before my brother blasted my tonsils with his seed!

I could feel him going deeper, his cockhead reaching further than Tom's as it passed back and forth through my throat like a piston...!

"LOOK..." thrilled Adam, pointing at a LUMP in my throat...! "...I can SEE my cock moving through your neck...!" he glee, as the imprint of the cock slid back and forth with each thrust! I wanted to jack off [to blow my wad in a hail of bullets and bright lights], but I wanted to make sure I got my brother off first...!...HE was more important to me!

I lay with my head hanging backwards off the edge of the table while my demigod brother fucked my mouth and throat with ever increasing speed and depth! Soon I was able to just hold my mouth and throat OPEN for him to fuck, as he sped straight through me like a speeding train! I reached up and grabbed his thrusting hips, feeling the power with every forward stroke! I could feel Adam's ass cheeks tighten and clench every time he thrust forth, burying his cock in my throat! Eventually he started pounding me hard, practically forgetting that I was just a guy [his brother] with marginal oral experience [at best], and not a legit `pussy-throat' like some of the seasoned cocksuckers who's been doing it for years! I could barely breathe, but I wanted him to get off in the worst way...! I wanted this to be the BEST blow job he'd ever had!

I was so intent on getting Adam off..., that I didn't even realize I'd triggered my own [hands free] orgasm until Tom shouted out that I was coming all over myself...!

"UMMFFF...UMMFFF...UMMFFF...UMMFFF..." I groaned [muffled], as each explosive spurt landed clear up to my chin, neck, chest, and stomach...!

Adam saw my throbbing eruption shooting out [unattended], and suddenly speared me balls-deep with one final stroke before unloading a shit-load of hot gushing cream straight down the back of my throat!

"Arrrhhhhhhgggg...!!!" he yelled as he came, my esophagus milking his pulsating shaft as it spit spurt after thick creamy spurt directly into my stomach to be digested!

I was able to BREATHE through my nose as his cock remained lodged in my throat, feeding me directly! Like Tom, Adam too jerked and bucked during an intense climax, each move sending another wad excreting onto my taste-buds!

He pulled back after unloading in my throat for a full minute or two...!

"That was WILD, baby bro...!" he said, exiting my mouth as he stumbled backwards, reaching for his beer...! "You FINALLY deep throated me...!"

I sat up on the table [the blood rushing to my head]..., feeling a little oozy...!

"Why am I the only one a total mess...?" I joked [my body covered in my own cum]!

"Maybe a swim...?...to wash off the stink...?" suggested Tom, as Adam and I hunched our shoulders and all walked down to the peer to jump into the lake...!

__________________________________ This story writing by EUGENE MARVIN aka NPHILLYDOGG@aol.com __________________________________________ To leave comments, questions, and/or suggests, write me at address above, or hit me up on Facebook for updates on what I'm currently working on.

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Next: Chapter 24

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