Harry Potter and the Loo of Desire

Published on Dec 25, 2022


Harry Potter and the Loo of Desire Chapter 10

This work is a parody of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and it is not endorsed by either J.K. Rowling or her publishers. As a parody, this work is protected under the Fair Use Doctrine.

The characterizations in this work deviate significantly from the original, and this does not imply these characterizations exist in the original work. The author received no financial compensation or endorsements for the production of this work.

All characters in this story are fictional. This story depicts sexual acts between consenting minor males. This story is meant for entertainment purposes only and in no way reflects reality. Please be aware of local laws or ordinances that may prohibit the reading of such material.

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Harry Potter and the Loo of Desire

(A Parody)

Chapter 10: A Lusty Challenge

Once everyone found out all the champions made it to the next round, it seemed the school forgot about the challenge. At the evening meal the following night, Professor Dumbledore announced the second task would take place on February 14th. While the majority of the students found it a hokey date on which to stage the event, Harry surmised it to be a clue. It also gave him about six weeks to prepare. He could not imagine how he should get ready.

"You know the prefect's bathroom tub has jets in it you can use to create a current. Maybe you can do some swimming practice in there. Ass Cleft would help you get in," Ron suggested a week later during history class.

The new semester started, but their schedules did not change. One class in particular worried Harry as he contemplated the change he would make. However and at that moment, the history class remained the best place to carry out a long conversation. Professor Binns rarely noticed when the students did so if they kept the volume very low.

"Maybe Hagrid could help you," Hermione suggested as she wrote down seemingly random words spoken by the professor. "You could use the lake."

"It's mostly frozen over, Hermione, in case you didn't notice, and it would be too cold to swim in for very long. I'd drown before I went ten meters," Harry said and rejected the idea. "I like the prefect tub idea."

"You know you'll get docked points if one of the prefects complain to McGonagall or their head of house," she warned and cracked her knuckles to make clear her stance on the issue.

"Not if he tells them he's training for the challenge," Ron countered.

The three glanced at one another. It sounded like a reasonable expectation. While some students continued to call Harry an illegitimate champion, most just wanted to see one of the Snogwarts competitors win. School pride tended to trump house pride, except, perhaps, in the case of the Slytherins. Harry enjoyed the fact the Slytherins avoided him after Hermione's brutal revenge on Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, but gossip started to build. He did not mention it during their discussion.

"So you've got two-thirds of the next challenge figured out. What about the last line?" Ron returned to main topic.

"Do you know your heart's desire?" Harry flatly asked one of his best friends. "What about you, Hermione?"

"Boobs," she instantly stated. "Boobs and maybe a nice set of thighs I can really hold onto while I get down there and start lapping..."

"Ew, Hermione, stop!" Ron hissed. "You want me to start describing what I do to Diktor when his pants drop?"

The young woman made a foul face.

"Besides, I don't think he can list body parts as his heart's desire," he concluded.

"It's got to be something important to me. If I still had my Nimbus, I'd say it was that," Harry opined.

"So it's a thing?" Hermione questioned. "Harry, did you ever see that muggle movie about the girl who gets tossed around by a tornado, and it had those sexy witches in it and the rumpled old wizard, and she said something about finding her heart's desire at home?"

"Yeah, The Wizard of Oz. I like it. The Tin Man is kind of hot."

Ron started to quietly laugh to himself.

"He went and saw it after our first year, and he thought it was hysterical," Harry explained Ron's reaction. "But Dorothy never really said what her heart's desire was... `cept she wanted to go home. I sure as hell am not going to claim the Dursley's house as that!"

"Well, you're going to have to figure out what it is you value most in order to get through the challenge," Hermione harrumphed when Ron would not stop giggling about the film. "After your brilliant showing at the first one, people are starting to expect a lot out of you."

"Me? Why? I didn't want to be in this dumb tournament in the first place. You know half the people in our school don't think I belong and I somehow cheated to get in!" Harry moodily said and felt his hackles rise. "And stop laughing, Ron. The movie wasn't that funny."

"What? Gimme a break, Harry. Those flying monkeys just about did me in!" Ron shot back and started snickering again. "But she's got a point. People are looking to you more than Ass Cleft to win this. Setting that dragon loose was inspired. Mental, but inspired."

"Don't encourage him, Ron," Hermione said and slapped his left bicep hard enough that several people turned their heads to find the source of the sound. "Besides, if this challenge is under water in the lake, he's got a bigger problem to worry about?"

"What? Bigger than the squid or kelpies?"

Harry let his head twitch back and forth as his friends discussed his problem. Hearing Hermione say she thought of a larger issue with the challenge made his blood run cold. He waited for her to explain.

"Yes. Did you forget there are Merscots down there? Think of the word clan and what it means, and then think of where this school is located," she elaborated.

Harry's mouth fell open. Ron's followed a split second later. A strange form of terror began to build in his gut. He snapped his mouth shut for fear a scream would rip out of him. Harry knew he could deal with kelpies. The giant squid never harmed anyone, and it saved Dennis Creevey on his arrival at Snogwarts. Harry could even envision figuring out how to deal with the normal merpeople, but Merscots presented an entirely different and more significant threat. He sat back and tried to calm his mind. However all he could think about came in the form of bearded half-fish people who could fight like the devil himself and generally displayed a much harsher temperament.

"Harry? Harry?" Hermione said his name and shook his shoulder.

"I think you've gone and shorted out his brain, Hermione," Ron grumbled. "You didn't do him much of a favor by reminding what's really down in those waters."

"No, Ron, she did help," Harry retorted in a thin voice. "I forgot all about them blighters. This changes everything."

Hermione looked smug and Ron appeared annoyed.

"Doesn't matter if I can't figure out my heart's desire if I can't get to it. I might as well just let the Merscots have whatever it is," he told his friends.

The three glanced at one another. Harry could feel the truth in his words. If the challenge did include squaring off against the aquatic Picts, then he truly stood no chance of completing the task let alone winning. None of the champions did.

"I'm telling you: Dumbledore plans to eliminate the lot of you in one go. What's he thinking sending you to face Merscots? There'll only be little pieces of you left by the time they get done. That and a couple of empty ale kegs," Ron theorized aloud.

Hermione hit him so hard on the arm Ron flew out of his chair and skidded almost a meter on the floor. A number of students started to snicker, and that drew Professor Binns' attention. Harry and Hermione pretended to take notes while Ron remained on the floor rubbing his arm and silently howling in pain. It took a while before Ron could return to his seat unnoticed, and then he glared at Hermione during the remainder of the session. Harry got absorbed in trying to fight off his sense of fear and foreboding.

During lunch Neville could barely get a word out of him. Harry only stated he discovered a new difficulty with the tournament challenge, and then sank back into his own thinking. The Merscots presented what could only be called an insurmountable problem. After lunch he went to classes and remembered none of what got discussed.

"Harry, what is it?" Neville asked as they sat next to one another on his bed following an early dinner.

"It's... real trouble," Harry mumbled as he envisioned a swarm of Merscots tearing him to pieces.

Ever since the days surrounding the Yuletide Dance, Harry and Neville developed a habit where they would sit next to each other on one or the other's bed to study or talk. Sometimes pants would disappear and they would watch as they individually masturbated to orgasm. However, it did not matter to Harry what they did: he found comfort in Neville's quiet presence. For three weeks he wrangled with his feelings regarding his dorm-mate and friend. Neville did not appear to be in the same quandary. Now with the terrifying new aspect of the challenge confronting him, Harry needed Neville's solidity more than ever.

"How bad is it?" Neville inquired in a small voice.


"Barking Bartleby, Harry, why would you want to go and mess with Merscots?" The normally reserved teenager exploded into voluble concern.

Harry reviewed the entire issue of the next challenge, referencing the lines of text he excised from the dragon butt-plug that sat on his nightstand like a trophy, and focused on the middle line. The clan never seen on land, as everyone surmised, could only mean people under the water. The regular merpeople never referred to themselves as a clan, choosing instead to call themselves a race. Merscots, however, clung to the traditions of their distant highland and lowland cousins.

"That's totally mad. Why would they make you face something like that?" Neville remarked after listening.

"Ron thinks it's Dumbledore trying to kill all the champions at once," he replied.

"Dumbledore is daft, I'll give you that, but the Ministry would never let him get away with this."

"What if the ministry and the other school heads are in league with him? This tournament would rank right up there with the fifteen-twenty-six one that did kill all the champions."

"Didn't you say that happened during the dragon challenge?" Neville asked for clarification.

Harry nodded and said as if reading from a book: "In nineteen hundred and ninety-five the champions entered the water to find their heart's desire, and no one ever saw them again... at least not in one piece."

In a complete surprise move, Neville snaked his right arm around Harry's shoulder and pulled him into a tight side-hug. Harry could feel himself melting into it. It gave him a sense of both comfort and security. He also loved the way Neville smelled, so he surreptitiously deeply inhaled.

"No, I refuse to accept they're just going to send you to a slaughter," Neville intoned with a fierceness Harry seldom heard from the young man. "There's got to be a different explanation."

"Let me know when you find out what is `cause I've been banging my head against it all day. Besides, it was Hermione who remembered the Merscots, and you know how she thinks," Harry glumly said and pressed his body closer to Neville's.

`Maybe if you know what your heart's desire is before the competition and could save it and let them take something else..."

Harry waited to see if his friend would finish. When Neville did not, Harry said: "Neville, I'd still have to go retrieve whatever it is they're sending down there. It wouldn't matter: I'll still have to go."

"I can honestly say I really don't want you to die in some stupid contest."

Part of Harry's mind seized on Neville's words and tried to make more of them. Harry wrestled within himself with a reminder that while they enjoyed a close friendship, Neville never made so much as a single advance on him. Twice in his past he misread the signs from someone and made an ass of himself that emotionally tormented him for weeks. Harry did not want to jeopardize his relationship with Neville by imaging it to be something more simply because he felt lonely.

"Thanks, that's... nice to hear, Neville," he replied.

"Why do you have to go and say it like that, Harry? You've become my closest friend and it'd kill me if anything happened to you," the subtly handsome teenager railed at him.

"No, I didn't mean it like. The whole situation depresses me," Harry tried to deflect, but he kept hearing the word friend in his his mind. "I got lucky with the dragon `cause you pointed me in the right direction..."

"So did Hermione, so I don't get all the credit."

Harry smiled in a sad fashion because he wanted to give Neville all the credit.

"You've got some weeks left, so there's enough time to research this and find a way around it. Didn't you say it was one of those books that taught you about dragon etiquette? That's what saved you, Harry: information and knowing when and how to use it," Neville spoke as one who truly believed in the power of knowledge, and it made him equal to Hermione in that respect.

"I guess you're right, Neville. Thanks. I supposed spending endless hours in the library is better than moping around," he quipped.

"That's the spirit, Harry!"

Harry smirked because the subtle sarcasm he intended got lost on the recipient. The topic of the challenge wore on him too much throughout the day, so he changed the topic. He asked if Neville approached Madam Sprout about becoming her full-time, recognized student assistant.

"No, not yet. Start of term is always pretty crazy. Besides, it wouldn't take effect until next year. Only fifth years and higher are allowed to be assistants," Neville reported with the certainty of one who knew the subject. "Oh, did I tell you she awarded you and me with twenty points for getting the planters ready over the holidays. She said it showed initiative and dedication."

"She's right, Neville, but you should've got all the points. Without you it wouldn't have happened," Harry tried to demure.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Try to avoid taking credit for things you do?" Neville bluntly asked.

"Oh, you're the one to talk," Harry returned. "You don't want to be recognized for how smart you are. You beg off every time I say it was you who helped me get through the first challenge, and don't get me started about the Yule dance. You came through for me that day in spades, Neville, and you know it!"

"And you don't get that I got as much out of that as you did. I didn't ask you to the dance just for your sake. I wanted to go with someone... and I really wanted to go with you," his dear friend sternly rejoined. "All this year you've been different toward me, better... like a real friend..."

Harry pulled away a bit, but not completely out of Neville's hold. He liked it too much. He stared the shy teenager as questions mounted in his head. However, one very specific point needed to be addressed.

"I am your friend. When are you going to get that through your head? You're almost as thick as Ron like that. Look, Neville, I really, really like you," Harry interjected and then softened his delivery. "Take right now. It's like your trying to protect me from the tournament challenge, and... well, it feels good... nice."

He saw the blush crawl up Neville's neck and the odd smirk that flickered on his lips. Harry quickly started to mentally kick himself so he would not read too much into the reaction, He remembered Neville's overall shy nature and how he reacted to what could be construed as intimate moments.

"I didn't want you to think you'd failed the challenge before it even began. I've done too much of that in my life. I hate it, you know, when that voice in my head starts saying it's not going to work out and I shouldn't even try," Neville said in a flinty manner.

"We've all got that voice in our head, you know? Sometimes I'm too stupid to pay attention to it when it's trying to save my life... like when I freed that dragon. He could've killed you all," Harry reminded his friend.

"But he didn't. I was there, Harry, and I heard and saw everything. You made that deal with it, and that took guts while his claw was on your back. That was bravery."

"Sometimes I think people forget there's a fine line separating bravery from dumb luck or stupidity."

"Yeah, and it's called courage. That's what I admire most about you, you know? Your courage. You go out and do things even when your afraid. I want to be more like that," Neville stated while he looked down.

"Neville," and Harry shook the young man a little as he said the name. "Don't think I'm more than I really am. I'm not anything special. I'm mostly lucky. It may look brave, but don't mistake for it what it really is. I do stupid things that should rightly get me killed. I get Ron and Hermione into all sorts of trouble because of it. It's not fun, if that's what you're thinking. It's terrifying some of the stuff we get into. I need to start wearing brown pants when I head off to do something without thinking about it."

Neville appeared to get the joke reference and he smirked.

"Listen, mate, my life... the stuff that happens to me, don't be envious of it. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy... well, okay, maybe I would if it were Holdequart, but I wouldn't even wish it on Malfoy. If I could get it to stop right now, right this instant, I would."

"You'd be bored in a week," Neville plainly stated. "Harry, I've watched you for three years now, and you can't help yourself. I know you can't. Maybe you are mental, but I've seen how you can't sit still when something doesn't seem right to you. It's how I know you're going to go through with this challenge. All I can do is help you prepare and get ready. I want to be there for you, in your corner, and maybe give you at least one person to come back to."

Harry could not remember what got said after that. He knew he sat talking with Neville for at least another hour before they called it a night and went to sleep. Over and over his mind kept replaying the last sentence he could remember. Neville wanted to be there for him, to be a reason to return from whatever foolishness into which he got himself. Time and again he argued with his brain telling it to stop jumping at flights of his imagination and taking it as reality. He told himself repeatedly Neville simply presented the finest in what friendship meant and how one should act. It kept him awake nearly the whole night.

By the Friday of the following week Harry realized he reached both a crossroad and a dead end. He read as much as he could on the Merscots, and what he found he found disappointing. Most of the information came from gossip, hearsay, and secondhand accounts. Real, living witnesses proved impossible to find or prove. It all read like guesswork to Harry. On that Hermione and Neville agreed when he showed each on independent occasions what he learned. It seemed legend, myth, and rumor might be his only sources of information, and he did not trust it. Thus, when classes ended on that Friday, Harry went to the Hufflepuff house to discuss it with at least one champion.

"We need the others on this," Ass Cleft said within seconds after hearing only part of what Harry stated.

It took them ten minutes to reach the quay where the Spurmstung ship docked. It appeared to be some sort of cross between a Spanish galleon from the sixteenth century and a British dreadnought from the early nineteenth. The wood seemed to be stained black, although Harry thought it could be wood itself. With sails furled, the masts and spars looked like charred skeletal appendages, and the rigging resembled nothing more than cobwebs. They saw barnacles and other crustaceans dotting the sides of the vessel. The cannon ports got replaced with portholes, and light glowed from most of them. The entire ship creaked ever so slightly as it rocked in icy waves that traveled the spots of open surface on the loch surrounding three-quarters of Snogwarts.

"They could go to war in that thing." Harry commented as they drew near the vessel.

"They probably have by the way some of the Spurmstungs talk about it," Diggory rejoined. "Look, they've got sentries posted."

Cedric's sharp eyes spied the Spurmstungs dressed in dark cloaks standing watch at several points along the gunwales. They did not move, yet it seemed they watched everything. Harry and Ass Cleft only got within four meters of the ship.

"Stop!" A thickly accented voice yelled at them. "Turn back."

"My name is Cedric Diggory and this is Harry Potter. We need to see Diktor right away!" Ass Cleft replied in a confident voice.

"Go away!" The guard told them.

"No," Diggory calmly returned. "We need to see Diktor and we need to see him now. This is about the tournament challenge, and it's important!"

A rustle of heavy material, almost like canvas, floated down toward them. Harry saw a number of the sentries raise their arms. He started to back up, but Cedric grabbed his jacket and held him place. A tense standoff ensued.

"Diggory?" A familiar voice shouted down from the main deck a couple of minutes later.

"Kum!" Ass Cleft shouted back.

"Why are you here?"

"Potter's got some bad news for us, and you really, really need to hear it."

Harry could hear murmuring between the Spurmstung students. After a minute a gangplank lowered from the side of the ship until one end touched the dock. A dark figure then stepped from the ship and traveled down the length of the plank. Slowly the image of Diktor Kum came into focus. The ship itself appeared to obscure the details of the passengers. Harry suspected magic.

"What is it now, Harry?" Diktor said in short manner.

"Ever hear of Merscots?" Harry bluntly asked in return.

"What is this thing you say?"

"Come one, we need to go to the library so you can understand this, Diktor," Ass Cleft said in his usual diplomatic fashion.

The Bulgarian gave both of them a hard, long stare. Following half a minute of tense silence, he turned and shouted to his schoolmates in his native language. A short conversation took place. It ended when two of the sentries raised their hands. The gangplank then started to rise.

"Let's go."

Less than ten minutes later the three champions stood in the library at a table with a book Harry grabbed from the shelves. He already referenced it once, and knew the exact page to find. Seconds later the two other champions leaned over and started reading. Harry watched their faces. Ass Cleft already appeared concerned before he started to scan the text, but he looked increasingly grim with each passing second. Diktor Kum's face froze into an immobile frown. Harry waited for them to finish.

"You think we are to meet these Merscots?" Diktor asked, and he no longer sounded petulant.

"None of the other creatures in the lake call themselves a clan. It's all... very Scottish," Harry replied.

"But these words say they kill us on sight!"

Harry nodded. Cedric's perfect eyebrows crept toward one another and almost touched. Harry then saw a ripple of emotion he never thought he would on Diktor's face: Diktor momentarily appeared afraid.

"Dumbledore is sending us into battle," Ass Cleft mumbled.

"He's sending us to get killed," Harry amended, and then explained what Ron theorized about Dumbledore's intent.

"This is... what you say, mad! Krackhead would never agree to challenge like this," Kum spat.

"Did he know or understand what is in that lake?" Diggory asserted and pointed out the window that Harry knew to be in the wrong direction.

The Bulgarian skeeter seemed uncertain. Harry closed the book, picked it up, and returned it to the shelf. When he returned to the table, Ass Cleft and Kum exchanged a series of furtive looks. It did not need an explanation.

"I've been struggling with this... knowledge for the past week. I've talked to the smartest people I know and they can't figure out a way for me to survive this. That's when I knew I had to tell you guys," Harry admitted to them.

"And Foul?" Ass Cleft inquired.

"One of you will have to talk to her. She won't even give me the time of the day unless one of you are with me. I don't exist when you're not around."

"I'll take care of it, Harry. She'll listen to me."

"And if she do not listen, then she make her own choice," Diktor warned.

The three of them shifted on their feet. None of them ever sat down. Harry knew he could not since the topic of the challenge filled him with nervous energy. He glanced at the two older teenagers. He hoped they would give him some words of encouragement.

"You see this like plug riddle, no?" Kum asked him after a lengthy silence.

"You need to know when someone is setting you up to get murdered. This is the real difference between right and wrong, and that riddle doesn't even compare," Harry stated.

"You are good man, Potter. I have respect for you."

Harry blushed at the compliment.

"Seriously, we owe you for this one, Harry. You didn't have to tell us..."

"Centaur shit, Ass Cleft: I had to tell you," Harry interjected. "I'd like to think you'd've told me if you found this out first!"

Cedric and Diktor both bobbed their heads.

"Say, do you still have your key to prefect's bathroom?" Harry inquired.

"Yeah. Why?"

"'Cause I need to practice my swimming. So if you think you owe me for telling you about the Merscots, let me borrow it," he carefully formed his request.

"I'd have to open the bathroom for you. The key is attuned to Hufflepuffs, just like the Gryffindor key would work for you and not me," Ass Cleft told him.

"Oh, yeah, that makes sense," Harry replied. "Well, okay. Let me know the next time you can let me in, would you?"

"I can let you in now? I've got the key with me."

Harry planned on going later, but he changed his mind since it required Ass Cleft to let him in the prefect's bathroom. He nodded in agreement.

"You are to go swimming in tub? How is this?" Diktor inquired.

"You saw how huge the tubs are. I mean, the regular bathroom easily held five of us," Harry replied.

"You can get ten people in the Prefect one," Cedric said and his cheeks grew a little flush, "Plus, it has these water jets that can set up a flow... a current you can swim against. A lot of prefects use it for that from time to time."

Harry got a distinct impression swim practice did not rank high the list of uses for the glorious tub.

"This I must see," the famous Bulgarian said and started to walk away.

Harry and Ass Cleft exchanged a glance, and then went following after their fellow champion. When they caught up to him in a few steps, Cedric took the lead. Although Harry did not need the guidance, the Hufflepuff lead them the fable bathroom. The indicator showed the room to be empty, so Diggory extracted the key from his pocket. He inserted it into the lock, muttered a spell, and it unlocked. He pushed the door open. Harry saw the prefect's bathroom in the past, but it always amazed anew. Diktor looked flabbergasted.

"Go on in," Ass Cleft instructed them while glancing up and down the hall.

Harry trotted inside, and Diktor immediately followed. Diggory also stepped into the bathroom. He door closed, and the glass instantly frosted over making it impossible to see in or out. They all heard a much larger click as the locks slid into place.

"This is... like palace," Diktor say while spinning in a circle and admiring the room. "Who need bathroom like this?"

"Apparently Dumbledore and some his cohorts back when they were students," Ass Cleft stated. "I heard they worked on this bathroom all through their fifth and sixth years. After that, other prefects added more to it... updated some of the fixtures and the tub. It sort of grew over time. None of the headmasters told them to stop even when they took over a classroom to give them more space."

"That's mental," Harry happily mumbled.

Diktor walked further in toward the tub roughly a third the size of an Olympic-sized pool. Gold faucets and nozzles occupied one quarter of the gleaming white tub with a sea-blue tile bottom. Harry thought he could detect a faint hint of lavender in the air as he, too, walked toward the tub. Cedric brought up the rear. The three of them stood at the edge.

"This beyond what I could imagine," Diktor whispered as he knelt down and stuck his hand in the water. "Warm."

"Well, it is a bathtub for all intents and purposes," Diggory rejoined.

Before either Harry or Diggory could move and without so much as a by-your-leave, Diktor quickly started shedding his sturdy clothing. It took both Snogwarts students by surprise when the muscular, tight form of the Bulgarian became fully denuded of clothes. Once naked, Diktor jumped into the tub.

"Oh, so much better than okay," he sighed and let his body float.

Harry tried to contain himself, but his dick sprang to life. Diktor looked as if he stepped right out of sports training magazine and into real life. He did not know what to think when he felt Cedric's elbow hit him in the head. Before he knew it, Ass Cleft stripped down to his skin. He leaped into the tub as well.

"Come on, Harry! You'll love this!" Ass Cleft encouraged him when his head broke the surface. "Besides, I heard it's not even your first time here."

"That was ages ago in my second year, Ass Cleft," Harry rejoined as he slid his feet out of his shoes.

"Still counts!" Diggory shot back and laughed, and Diktor did as well.

Harry pulled his clothes off as fast as he could. In ten seconds he hauled his pants and underwear down, freeing his lower torso and a straining erection. Skipping any fanfare, he jumped into the tub. Warm water encased him and he sighed, sending up a stream of large bubbles. He pressed his feet down and stood. The water level remained at his mid-chest, so he fanned his arms out to keep his balance.

"It's shallower at that end and deeper over here," Ass Cleft informed him and pointed in the appropriate direction.

Harry felt a set of arms slide around his chest, and he nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Why you no take me here on first run?" Diktor hummed into his ear.

"Didn't have a key," Harry confessed as the strong hands glided across his stomach.

"And you didn't figure out how to sneak in?" Diggory inquired as he walked closer to them.

The water altered the image of Ass Cleft below the water line, but Harry still liked what he saw. Unlike Diktor, Diggory possessed a lean, taunt body like he imagined a swimmer could achieve. A tremor rippled through Harry.

"Uh... no, but I sort of remember last time... ah, with you... guys." Harry stammered as hands continued to rub his body, and he could feel Diktor press against his back. "Don't forget I was still getting over having a dragon shit and step on me."

"Such amazing thing to see," Diktor whispered in his ear, and the statement confused Harry a little.

Then a second set of hands joined the first. Ass Cleft glided up to him as though he transformed into a myrmidon. Long arms reached Harry first, and they drew Diggory in very close. Harry looked up into the stunningly handsome face.

"You're a better person than I ever thought you were, Harry," Ass Cleft cooed the word. "First you figured out the plug and shared it with us. Then you warned us about the Merscots. You like to think of others before yourself, huh?"

Harry shuddered when he felt Cedric's body slide against his and the young man's erection nestled on his hip. His head began to swim when Diktor's hard-on rubbed along the crack of his bum. No fantasy Harry concocted in his head could match what spontaneously occurred. He let one of his arms reach around Cedric's slender waist, and the other ran down the side of Diktor's butt. His tournament colleagues gradually trapped Harry between them. He did not complain.

"You know when I said I owe you?" Ass Cleft purred the question.

Harry's head bobbed up and down as if on a spring.

"Now it's time for payback."

Diggory then dragged his amazing lips down Harry's left cheek.

"You have earned this, Potterovich," Diktor growled in his ear, and it made Harry's knees grow weak.

The two older boys sandwiched Harry in the most delicious way he could imagine. Ass Cleft pressed him from the front, and Diktor from behind. They began to move and gave Harry no other choice but to move with them. Soon the trio stood in the shallow end of the tub. The water only rose to the bottom of Harry's thighs. A strange form of paralysis took over when Diggory and Kum began to simultaneously lower themselves. Harry trembled.

"Harry, relax," Ass Cleft said to him.

"I, ah... ooh," Harry started to say, but he got cut off when his dick slipped into Cedric's mouth.

The supple lips slowly gobbled his hard meat, and Harry groaned in pleasure. Aside from the constant masturbation, Harry went without real sex since his one fling with Dennis. A picture of Neville flashed through his mind, and it gave his excitement a momentary pause. However, when Diktor spread his butt cheeks apart and applied his tongue to Harry's bumhole, everything in Harry's head turned to mush. The slick, wet mouth muscle slathered over his little fleshy starfish. It prodded and pushed, and it gradually dug deeper into him.

"Oh, Merlin!" The words tore out of him in a mighty exhale.

Diggory worked on his pecker like a consummate professional. He used techniques Harry never experienced, and it sent jolts of electricity through his body. Ass Cleft managed to wrap his tongue early completely around the shaft as his head moved up and down. The end wiggled and teased the sensitive portions of Harry's rod. Sometimes Cedric slipped the tip of his tongue into the foreskin and worked the edges of his glans. It made Harry fear he would ejaculate in short order because he wanted the experience to last.

Behind him Diktor worked on his backdoor like a handyman from the previous century: with care and precision. It seemed every muscle in the young man's body got trained. The tongue punched at Harry's anus, going ever deeper and loosening him up. He could not wait to find out why. His sphincter got soaked with Bulgarian spit as Diktor tried to impale Harry on his tongue. It set the innards of the youngest of the trio on fire with wanton cravings. It slowly started to make his lap dance and twitch.

Ass Cleft pulled himself off Harry's cock and stood up. He grinned as he studied Harry's face. In response, Harry felt dazed.

"Who would've thunk you got such a nice body and cock, Harry," Cedric said in a low, husky voice. "You wear those baggy clothes all the time and it hides everything."

"This good butt," Diktor's voice rose up form below. "The Weasley talks about it all the time."

"Yeah, ah... Ron, um, sort of likes to park there, uh, between, you know, boyfriends," Harry weakly responded.

"And good to your roommates, too. You've got hidden depths," Ass Cleft muttered through a smile.

"I can't take this," Harry blurted.

Despite Diktor's presence at his rear, Harry sank down. His hands slid over Diggory's wiry form, and then to the front where they took hold of just over seventeen centimeters of dick. Harry retracted the foreskin, releasing the cherry red head inside, and stuffed it in his mouth. Given what Ass Cleft did to him, he wanted to fully return the favor. He did not stop his forward progress until his nose got buried in a soft patch of pubic hair. Even then he tried to get more in.

"Wha-a-a-a..." Ass Cleft stuttered.

Harry began to twist his head back and forth. Diggory's cock slid around in his throat. At the same time Harry felt powerful hands begin to knead his shoulders. Diktor moved in closer and his pecker scraped along Harry's right cheek, and it left a slippery little trail. While he very much wanted to bring Ass Cleft to an orgasm in his mouth, the Bulgarian tool pressed against his face called to him. His mouth remembered it very well. It caused him to pull his head back.

Diktor moved around Harry and stood extremely close to Diggory at an angle. Ass Cleft angled his body in the same way, and his pecker popped out of Harry's mouth. The two older teenagers nearly faced one another. However, Harry saw what they intended. He looked up and watched them kiss for a few moments. Thus, he grabbed both erections, held them together, and opened his mouth wide. While Harry only got the heads and little of the shafts into his maw, Ass Cleft and Diktor let out a twin gasp. Harry sucked on the two cocks as through they might suddenly produced honey.

"Are all Gryffindor people this skilled?" Diktor asked as his voice dropped half an octave.

"Yeah, I think so," Cedric sighed.

The peckers in his mouth differed from one another, but Harry wanted both for just that reason. Ass Cleft's cock felt velvety, and the foreskin moved around with ease. While just shy of a centimeter longer, Diggory's dick did not possess the same girth as Diktor's. The foreskin on the Bulgarian piece of meat felt tighter and did not give as much. It made the skin feel smooth and taut. Harry raised his hands and took hold of the twin sacks. He almost let the peckers slide of out his mouth when he found nearly identical sets of testes. However, his main goal remained clamped between his lips.

A tasty, slick liquid, not cum, dripped onto Harry's tongue. Pre-cum oozed from Diktor's slit. In contrast, Ass Cleft's only produced a drop here and there. It mattered little to Harry. Two of the best prizes in the world belonged to him at the moment, and he planned to make the most of it. His colleagues seemed prepared to let him feast to his heart's content. Minutes passed by as Harry tried his best to get both tools as far into mouth as he could. It made his jaw ache, but he even enjoyed that. He ignored the kissing and whispering he heard above his head as he remained squarely focused on one double-object.

Harry nearly got angry five minutes later when a strong hand pushed against his forehead and forced him to back off from the dicks. Then Ass Cleft's hand slid under his armpit and lifted him to his feet. Before he could protest, the beautiful lips pressed against his slightly swollen ones. A tongue slithered against Harry's, and he got treated to Diggory's legendary kissing skills. For close to a minute Harry got to enjoy a kiss unlike any he ever received, and it made his stomach tie into wonderful knot. While that happened, Diktor's hands ranged around his body for a second time. It ended when one found his cock, latched onto it, and began to stroke him with serious intent. Harry's entire form shivered with sexual energy.

"This one feels ready," Diktor's voice rumbled around him.

"I am," Cedric said after pulling away from Harry's face that tried to follow and keep the kiss going. "You?"

"Very much want it," the visiting student said in a portentous manner

"Well, you're the guest, so I guess you go first."

Harry's head snapped from side to side as he listened to the polite conversation he did not understand. It got all the more confusing with Diktor relinquished his johnson and Ass Cleft replaced the broad hands with long, almost delicate fingers. It seemed everything the young man did he did with expertise and style as the hand flowed smoothly up and down his shaft. Meanwhile, Kum turned and lifted his left leg. He braced his knee on the edge of the tub. Harry gazed down at an ass only a god should possess. He sighed.

Ass Cleft then hauled on Harry's cock while pushing at his back. Diktor, at the same time, reached around and pulled apart the nearly symmetrical quarter-globes of flesh. Cedric continued to guide Harry, and Harry quickly understood what to do. However, Ass Cleft did not release him even after they neared the target. Instead, and in an unexpectedly delightful way, Ass Cleft positioned Harry's cock at the entrance of Diktor's gut. Diggory then pushed on his butt.

Harry got to enter the behind of one of the most storied fappitch players of his generation. Diktor muttered in his native tongue as Harry slowly crept inside. He wondered how the Bulgarian compared him to Ron, and then he grinned as he realized the absurdity of it. In the midst of his pondering, he reached the end as his hips pressed against the beefy buttocks. As Ron did the first time, Harry gyrated his hips.

"Ah, you have truly known the Weasley," Diktor commented, but the words sounded slushy.

"Yeah, he's been behind me more than a few times to be honest," Harry replied.

"Is he anything like Charlie?" Ass Cleft inquired. The young man the kissed Harry on the shoulder as his body pressed against his back.

"Mmm... don't know. Never got to know Charlie like that," he answered and pushed harder with his hips.

"Korabãt mi na v'zdyšna vãzglavnica e pãlen sãs zmiorki!" The words jumped out of Diktor at a furious rate.

"What?" Harry and Ass Cleft exclaimed together.

"Go to village, Potter! Go to village!"

"I think he means go to town... er, get on with it," Ass Cleft attempted to translate.


Harry hauled back on his hips until only the head of he dick remained in Diktor, and then he thrust forward. Kum let loose with another string of Bulgarian words. That seemed to be the cue, so the youngest of the trio went at it in with full intent. Diktor's hole encased Harry's hard member in spectacular tight warmth. That it was Diktor Kum, himself, made Harry feel a bit delirious. Ass Cleft made it a touch worse when he started to slide the length of his cock along the crack of Harry's butt. In a natural reaction, he thrust it back when he pumped away on Diktor. Then Harry started to wiggle his bottom around and stood on his toes a bit and never failed to keep his pace.

"Harry, what... oh, crikey," Ass Cleft began to say, but then sounded surprised when the head of his pecker popped into Harry.

Harry sighed with deep contentment when Diggory grabbed hold of his shoulders to keep himself steady. With each advance and retreat from Diktor, Harry buried more and more of Ass Cleft's erection into his hole. By the end of the sixth cycle, the Hufflepuff got inserted up to the base of his shaft and his balls gently slapped Harry in the saddle. With both his front and back satisfied, he started to move faster and faster. Ass Cleft and Diktor grunted in counterpoint to one another. Harry also made guttural noises as the head of Diggory's cock constantly brushed against his prostate knot. It made his head swim a bit more.

Part of Harry's mind remained alert and clear. It recorded his memories in as much detail as it could. It also told him the Bulgarian got partially left out. Hence, Harry tested the limit of his ability coordinate actions. He reached around and took hold of Diktor's fantastic piece of meat. It felt hot in Harry's grip. A single squeeze caused the eastern European to warble something in Bulgarian. With that, Harry timed his stroking so his hand went down while his pulled mostly out of Diktor and forced Ass Cleft's deeper into him. The water became frothy around the three bodies as it churned from the combination of moves.

The only oddity came when Harry periodically visualized himself both fucking and getting fucked by Neville. A strange fantasy world got crafted in his head involving three different young men who variously filled and satisfied him. Harry gave up trying to sort it out and simply let his mind wander as he slowly dissolved into a heap of expanding passion. His entire body raged with carnal delight. He flailed away at the cock in his hand, and it seemed to grow harder and hotter.

"Oh, shit, Harry," Ass Cleft said as he hooked his hands around Harry's hips and drove forward with tremendous force.

Diggory's actions caused Harry to ram into Kum, and Kum made a sound like an enraged bear. His gut tightened around Harry's cock, and it proved too much. Harry fell headlong into his orgasm as his dick pumped out it's juice. He held onto Diktor's diamond-hard member as his brain threatened to explode. No matter which way he moved, another round of ecstasy greeted him. His dick and nuts repeatedly pulsed, close to the point of pain, as his climax sought to extend itself. Harry collapsed against Diktor in slow motion.

"Oh, god, Neville," he whispered against the Bulgarian's back.

Cedric stayed glued to Harry, and he lay against the youngest teenager panting like horse that just finished at Epsom Downs. Each of the young men trembled from spent energy. Heavy breathing filled the air. Harry decided he could possibly stay in that position for the rest of the day. It felt like an hour before he or Ass Cleft began to move. Gradually, the Hufflepuff roused and stood up. Harry wanted to complain against Diggory's actions when he pulled his flagging cock from Harry's ass. The handsome young man sighed.

"That was... unbelievable," Ass Cleft hummed the words.

Harry then took his turn at extracting himself from the Bulgarian and let go of the softening organ, although he felt loathe to do so. For one final time the image of Neville flashed in his mind as he exited the meaty rear end. Diktor grunted when the head popped out of him. Harry kissed the seeker's back.

"Tryabva da tantsuvash otnovo s men," Diktor said in an unusually quiet manner.

"What?" Harry and Ass Cleft chimed in unison.

"This is -- how you say? -- more than the expected," the visiting champion mumbled.

"It was awesome," Harry replied and felt his throat tighten "Guys... thanks for..."

"No," Diktor said and turned around. He took Harry's face into his hands and forced the younger Gryffindor to look at him. "You are honorable, Harry. You play tournament most fair. You watch out for Diggory and me... maybe Foul some, too. It strange thing to me when challenger does this, but it best of any sport. What we do here, we do for same reason: it is right and you are worthy."

"Well put, Diktor," Ass Cleft agreed and he massaged Harry's shoulders. "It is... more than a pleasure to share myself with such good men."


Harry glanced between the two and could not figure out what to say. He swallowed against the lump of emotion in his throat and simply nodded. He then got enfolded by the two who brought such intense pleasure to him. At the same time Harry realized he did not tell either one about the Merscots in the hopes they would reward him: he just did not want them to enter the lake without fully understanding the danger they faced. Sex could be frequently meaningless and trivial, but decency and integrity needed to be eternal. He smiled as the hard bodies pressed against him. However, Harry wished there could be one person more involved.

Next: Chapter 11

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