Harry Potter and the Loo of Desire

Published on Dec 28, 2022


Harry Potter and the Loo of Desire Chapter 14

This work is a parody of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and it is not endorsed by either J.K. Rowling or her publishers. As a parody, this work is protected under the Fair Use Doctrine.

The characterizations in this work deviate significantly from the original, and this does not imply these characterizations exist in the original work. The author received no financial compensation or endorsements for the production of this work.

All characters in this story are fictional. This story depicts sexual acts between consenting minor males. This story is meant for entertainment purposes only and in no way reflects reality. Please be aware of local laws or ordinances that may prohibit the reading of such material.

Comments regarding the story may be sent to dricshae(at)gmail(dot)com

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Harry Potter and the Loo of Desire

(A Parody)

Chapter 14: Greasing Up for the Final Push

Harry could not imagine what the others saw when he and Neville got near each other, but at times he thought he spied jealousy. Harry and Neville reminded each other all the time they needed to work on their friendship, and Neville hit upon a big key. He acknowledged time apart seemed just as important as time together. Neville like to work alone the greenhouses, as Harry leaned when he made one too many visits. Neville told him it served as the place where he could clear his mind and think without thinking. Harry understood and told Neville how he liked to disappear up in the clock tower where the loud ticking drowned out his own thinking. Thus, the learned to purposefully pry themselves away from one another for long stretches of time, and that's when he saw envy on the faces of others.

Two weeks after their intimate encounter and important talk in the greenhouse, they shared another very important moment. Harry did not know how he knew, but he sensed the moment arrived by the way Neville acted when they orally satisfied one another under the covers late each night. Thus, he called again on his connection to a prefect, namely Ass Cleft, to utilize the prefect's bathroom. That alone impressed Neville, and it set the stage for one of the most serious moments between them. Harry did not play any games. The two experienced one another fully, and Neville appeared to enjoy being the bottom as much as the top. The two teenagers worked slowly with one another, and it brought them closer together than Harry ever imagined.

"Don't you two look sweet," Hermione said as she walked through the main courtyard on a brisk morning in late March. "Ron's got a note for you from Ass Cleft and Diktor."

"Okay," Harry said while continuing to hold Neville's hand while they both read.

Each young person dressed in heavy wool jacket to keep out the damp, cold weather common to Snogwarts during the spring. Iron-gray clouds hovered overhead and threatened to unload on them like an overly excited toddler who drank far, far too much at one sitting. However, being cooped up inside the castle started to get on everyone's nerves, and any chance to breathe fresh air came as a welcomed relief. Even the Boobbeatons and Spurmstungs availed themselves of the break in the rain.

"He says it about the next challenge and whether you know what it's going to be."

Harry frowned.

"Of course he read it, Harry," Hermione said with a hint of irritation at his naïveté. "Besides the fact he's fucking Diktor, he is your best mate... I think."

"He is," Harry replied and saw the smirk on Neville's face from the corner of his eye.

They talked about friends and the role they should play in each other's life. Neville let it be known he did not want to interfere with the relationships Harry built with other people. Harry tried to share his friends as much as his boyfriend wanted. Hermione sat down next to him.

"You know he's jealous of you two," she told him.

"Why?" Harry and Neville asked as the same and drew both of their attention.

"'Cause he knows his relationship with Diktor probably won't survive much past the end of the school year. Diktor will go back to his life in Bulgaria and as a world-famous fappitch player, and Ron will go back to The Bunghole. They have to totally separate lives. You and Neville will see each other over the summer, and then pick it up at the start of the new school year. Ron will come back alone."

"Told you," Neville muttered.

"Least one of you is thinking outside of himself," she said and nudged Harry so hard with her shoulder he almost knocked Neville off the edge of the fountain retaining wall.

"Well there's not a lot I can do about him and Diktor, is there?" Harry complained and he nudged her in return. "I didn't tell Ron to fall in love with him. I never even told them to start dating, and they hid it for a while. This is on him, and not me."

"True, but Ron always had you to fall back on... or into... or whatever it is you two had going on with each other."

"Told you," Neville repeated, and got rewarded with a frown from his boyfriend.

"And everyone knows you and Neville decided to go the `just me and you' route," Hermione stated in a scoffing manner as she glanced between the two teenager boys.

"We did not," Harry intoned, and he did not sound convincing to himself.

"It doesn't matter if you said it aloud to one another, it's still a fact. Neville, you agree with me, right?"

Neville looked up form his book with a suitably serious expression on his long face. He glanced between Harry and Hermione, but gave no indication what he thought. He cleared his throat once.

"We never discussed it," he replied.

Hermione's right hand balled into a fist and rose slightly from her lap.

"But I did assume we'd be exclusive with one another," Neville said in a rush. "There's still a lot I'm learning that Harry is showing me, and he's been around the block a few times, so I just thought he was giving it a rest for a while."

"Around the block a few times? He's a bloody tour director," the brilliant and volatile young witch snapped.

Several people paused and looked at them, but found something else of interest when Hermione's gaze darted around the courtyard.

"And what's wrong with wanting to be just with Neville?" Harry half-complained and closed his book since it appeared the conversation would continue.

"Nothing, except coming from you it's like hearing He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Fucked say he's decided on which gender to be. It's almost unnatural, Harry. You're the Boy-Who-Came in more than one sense, you know," Hermione grumbled.

"You did get a round a fair bit," Neville added, and yet it did not sound condemning.

"A lot of us get around a fair bit, and that's perfectly natural. Just look at Dean! It's also perfectly natural to decide to try something different... to try and be a little different," Harry exclaimed at both of them. "And why is it all of sudden I'm the bad guy when it comes to Ron `cause he didn't think things through with Diktor?"

"I'm not saying that at all, Harry, so put a sock in it! I'm just telling you how this probably all fell together in Ron's head. Oh, I agree he's a prat when it comes to this topic, so don't bite my head off or I'll rip yours off," one of his best friends warned.

"Sorry, sorry," he apologized and held up his hands as though he stood any chance of holding her back from a fit of anger. "Don't forget when he and Tony got together he cut everyone off from his body."

That the relationship only last two and half months did not negate the fact Ron became monogamous for the duration. Harry caught Hermione and Neville eyeing one another. He knew he caught them on that point.

"Hermione, what is it your really trying to tell me? And if it's that me and Neville should behave differently, you know what I'm going to say," Harry decided really throw the topic open.

"No, I wasn't going to tell you that, and, yes, I know what you'd say to me," Hermione rejoined and glared at him for a moment. "I think I'm trying to warn you Ron might be a little peevish and why. I heard him say he's happy for you, but... I don't think he understands how you two came together. None us do, really."

"Harry was nice to me, and you know I've been sweet on him since the first day," Neville plainly stated the truth of his position that everyone knew.

"Neville doesn't treatment like the Boy-Who-Came. He kind and handsome and he's helped me out quite a bit when other people wouldn't," Harry answered, and part of his response made Hermione wince a small amount.

"We all know it's genuine, but it..." and the smart young woman paused while looking at them.

"Didn't seem possible or logical?" He finished for her.

"Not that, more like an option no one really considered before."

"'Cause people thought I was a breeder," Neville said, and his voiced sounded lower.

Hermione looked away.

"I'm not, you know, and Harry seemed about the only one who didn't really believe it."

"Plus we wanked together so much."

"Yeah, made a right big mess a four or five... dozen times."

"All right, all right. I don't need to know the details, and I'm sorry, Neville," Hermione growled the words.

"Besides, if you were going to pick someone for me, who would it be if not Neville?" Harry challenged.

"Honestly? I seriously thought you and Diktor might get together. You're both in the tournament. You both play fappitch. You're both skeeters. His background is rough, not as rough as yours, but you both know hardship. It just seemed like you two would gravitate toward one another," she elucidated her answer without pause, and it meant she thought about the subject in the past.

"She makes a fair point, Harry," Neville said and did not sound aggrieved.

"He's handsome, I'll give you that, and he's been pretty decent to me, but... no, I'm not really attracted to him for a relationship. He's good at sex, but... I've always know sex is just that: sex. It doesn't tell you if you're really compatible with someone. Neville is a better for fit for me in almost every way," Harry thoughtfully replied because, like Hermione, he also thought about the subject at length.

"Thanks, Harry," his boyfriend said through a grin.

"You don't have to thank me for telling the truth."

"Ugh, you two!" Hermione groaned.

"What? Jealous, too?" Harry prodded her.

"Maybe a little. Sabine is great and all, but I know she won't think of me once she gets back to France. I'm in the same boat as Ron, but at least I'm aware and prepared for how it's going to end," she told him. "Don't let this go to your head, either of you or either head, but a lot of people are looking at you guys and feeling envious. We all saw it at the loch challenge when you saved Neville, Harry, and then he turned right around and saved you. That kiss told everyone everything."

Harry glanced at Neville and saw the teenager go flush. Harry knew he blushed as well. The relief he felt at allowing himself to admit his feelings toward Neville that day burned brightly in his mind. He twisted his fingers into Neville's and squeezed them.

"And ever since then, you two seem so... not just happy, but... content. That's the part that gets everybody's goat. We can't even tell if you're fucking `cause you two always act so calm around each other."

"Look at Neville's face," Harry instructed her.

"I know you're probably rutting like wild pigs, but every other couple sits in the hallways snogging `til a professor breaks them apart," she said and rolled her eyes. "I come out here to tell you Ron's got a note for you, and you boys are just sitting here reading. Sure, you're holding hands, but... reading!"

"Don't worry, Hermione: he'll root me so hard and long later I won't be able to form proper words for the rest of the night."

"Harry!" Neville gasped and nudged him with his elbow.

"Am I lying?"

"No, but... now I can't read."

"Sickening. Just sickening. The great Harry Potter's been domesticated!" Hermione loudly complained.

Harry laughed and retorted: "Keep going like that and you'll turn into Elphaba, Hermione!"

She let out with a loud bark of laughter. Hermione stood while she continued to chortle and looked at them. Harry saw a peculiar light in her eyes, and her halo of bushy hair accentuated it.

"What?" He prompted her.

"I never thought this before about anyone, but I really hope it works out for you two. It sort of gives me hope that all of us might have a chance for something like this. Yes, I'm envious, but within reason."

"Thanks, Hermione," Neville stated with obvious appreciation.

"Ugh, and he has to be so nice about everything!"

"It's part of why I love him," Harry quietly added.

Hermione made a face like she might throw up. Harry and Neville both laughed as she stomped away in her usual fashion, and her heavy hobnail boots created mini peels of thunder. Neville squeezed his hand, and Harry glanced at him.

"So, uh, the reason I can't read..."

"Greenhouse or bed?" Harry asked while standing.

"What about both?" Neville suggested, and Harry started pulling him away before the last word came out of his mouth.

Later that afternoon Harry went to the Hufflepuff entrance located in the lower levels near the kitchen and waited. It did not take long before someone bedecked in brown and yellow eyed him with suspicion as he stood next to the barrels. Harry sighed in relief since he did not want to wait around for too long. Neville promised him another round after dinner.

"Hi, Wayne, can you please tell Ass Cleft I got his note and I'd like to speak with him," Harry said to the house member.

"What for?" Wayne Bostock, a second year, asked in apparent suspicion.

"Well, I can tell him later I politely asked you and you wouldn't help."

Harry knew the weaknesses of the various houses, just as all other houses knew the weaknesses of the Gryffindor members. Wayne looked momentarily panicked. Then he nodded his head.

"Could you go stand over on the other side of the hall across from the kitchen door?" Wayne requested.

Harry complied and went to wait away from where he knew the Hufflepuff entrance lay hid. Wayne, a little shorter than him with hair about the same color, disappeared behind one of the large vinegar casks. Harry then heard a strange staccato rhythm followed by a soft grinding noise. Many people said the Hufflepuff's put up the best defense against infiltration of their house, and Harry started to believe it. He stood where asked and listened to the sounds slipping out from under the kitchen door. It sounded like either a multi-person jousting tourney took place or the house elves threw an all out fight. It seemed plausible the house elves always made such a clamor while preparing the evening meal for an entire school and a large number of guests.

"Harry!" Diggory's voice called out a few minutes later.

Harry smiled at his friend and fellow competitor. Over the months in which he engaged with Ass Cleft, he felt as though they did develop an honest friendship. A loud bang and clang rang out from behind the kitchen door.

"Are they always this noisy and how do you stand it?" He asked as he moved toward his friend.

"We've got sound deadening spells inside our house. You should've been here for the kitchen riot of eighty-nine. The entire castle heard it `cept us," Ass Cleft said, and Harry noted the way he subtly lead him away from the entrance of his house.

"So... any guess as to the what they're going to put us through?" The young man inquired without any preamble.

Ass cleft dressed in the standard Snogwarts uniform of black pants, white shirt, a tie in house colors, and house color sweater. However, they clung tightly to Cedric's body and accentuated all the best parts of his trim physique. His light brown hair, still mysteriously sun-streaked even though the weather kept them inside most of the time, rose and fell in alluring waves. The gray eyes lent him an unfathomable quality. Harry felt the crotch of his pants grow tight. He knew what lay under the clothes and what the elder teenager could do with his assets.

"Not really, but it has to be something more intense than the first or second challenge," he replied. "Plus it will be timed again... or at least our earlier times will come into play."

"Probably, but how? That's what I want to know," Ass Cleft quipped.

He then reached down and casually rearranged his male parts. Harry saw them outlined, and memories of their encounter in the prefect's bathroom with Diktor Kum flooded through his brain. His pants began to tent outward, and he saw the Hufflepuff take at look at it.

"Any idea where they might hold the last challenge?" The tall young man asked and continued to fondle himself through his pants.

"Um... ah... maybe... don't know," Harry stammered as he watched the outline grow in size behind the long-fingered hand. "I... um... not the, ah, Perverted Forest or, um, the loch again."

"No, probably not," Ass Cleft smoothly said while his fingers lazily traced along the full bulge in his pants. "Could it be in the castle?"

"Where?" The younger of the two teenagers asked as his throat went dry while gazing outline of the cock he once sucked and that reamed his butthole so wonderfully.

Diggory spun in a small circle as he looked around. Even though he did not intend it, his profile came close to making Harry sputter and forget about the fact Neville would be waiting for him that night. The image of a naked Neville stretched out on his bed reading a book and talking about the latest flora that captured his attention went a long way in calming Harry. He gradually realized he would rather bath in the emotional warm of his boyfriend than luxuriate under the sumptuous beauty of the Hufflepuff prefect. However, seeing Ass Cleft in a state of arousal still fired up Harry's engines. It would happen to any normal person, he reasoned.

"Must be going to take place outside," Ass Cleft said, and again his hand slid down to his rigid organ.

"Maybe they'll have us run races `round the fappitch pitch," Harry humorously guessed.

Diggory, however, turned and looked at him with a single eyebrow arching up toward his perfect hairline.

"Feel like going for a bit of walk, Harry?" Ass Cleft queried while his fingers drummed on the length of his shaft as he thought.

"Bit as in little or as in a ways off?"

"Not far. Actually, pretty close by. You gave me an idea."

Harry looked at him in an expectant fashion.

"The fappitch pitch, silly. No one's used it all year `cause they called off the season, and haven't you noticed the way Hagrid's been wheeling around loads of soil and seeds and fertilizer?"

Despite the occasional visit to his massive friend, Harry spent more time worrying about the challenges and falling in love with Neville to consider the comings and goings of the keeper of the grounds. Thus, Harry could not ignore the observation of the bright and handsome wizard.

"Yeah, all right, let's go for a stroll," he agreed a few seconds later.

Since they started on a lower level, it did not take long to reach the main entrance. A few students lounged around the stairs and wandered in and out of the great hall. Most sat studying books or notes. Despite everything else that occurred within the castle, it still served its primary purpose as an educational facility. Thus, hardly anyone watched as Harry and Ass Cleft walked past. When they exited the castle proper, Ass Cleft stopped and stared in the direction of the fappitch stadium.

"Notice anything odd, Harry?" The absurdly handsome young man asked and pointed toward the one place that made the younger wizard feel in his element.

"N..." he began to reply, but then stopped. He stared at the quiescent sport facility. It seemed normal at first glance, but then he caught a strange fuzziness, a wobbliness around the image. "Did someone cast a glamour spell?"

"Let's go find out!" Ass Cleft declared, threw an arm around Harry's neck, and dragged him onward for a short ways down the main road. Fifteen meters later he appeared to want to turn, but then halted. "Well, what have we here?"

Harry glanced down, and the companionable arm thrown across his shoulders made him feel something other than companionable. However, he forced himself to really look. A series of signs spaced along the edge of the road warned of a mud gnome infestation. Anyone who ever got bit by a gnome knew the bite to be painful and often led to an even more painful infection. It would serve as a very good reason to avoid going into the field.

"Somebody put a lot of work into this camouflage glamour," Harry muttered as the gnome holes did not seem entirely inhabited.

"Good eye. Probably Flitwick. I can't think of anyone else aside from Dumbledore who can charm such a large area."

Diggory gave him a tight squeeze, and Harry's pecker grew harder if at all possible. Not only did Ass Cleft look good, he smelled spectacular. Whatever cologne the older teenager wore nearly wove a spell. Of course, Harry thought, enhancing a fragrance would not be beyond the abilities of a skilled spellcaster like Ass Cleft. Harry fought to refocus his thoughts since they turned to stripping his friend naked and doing everything sexual he could imagine. Harry's imagination ran far and wide.

"Let's get a closer look, huh?"

The statement did not turn out to be a question. Ass Cleft continued to lead Harry forward, and he more or less willingly went into the field supposedly infested with nasty, wild little humanoids that could attack in a swarm. Harry's mind briefly flashed with memories of the Merscots. The two traveled no more than ten meters when they passed through the edge of the glamour. However, three meters past that they hit a magical barrier. The barrier did not obscure the view. Both boys gaped at what they saw.

"Hagrid," they said in unison as they gazed a the largest hedgerow Harry ever saw.

"It's a maze," Ass Cleft whispered.

"How can you tell?" I can't see a path anywhere down below. It just looks solid to me," Harry rejoined.

"That's how I know it's a maze. Besides, ever see the one at Longleat's? This reminds me of it. Flitwick cast another glamour spell over it so we can't make out the configuration. See how it shifts and gets fuzzy?"

His friend pulled him in close and pointed. Harry forced his mind away from the virulently lewd thoughts trying to take center stage and cast his gaze outward. Just as Ass Cleft stated, the top surface of the immense hedgerow did not look the same for more than three seconds. It made his eyes water to stare at it for too long. The density and size of the hedgerows made him nervous.

"We have to complete a maze for the last challenge," he said to himself as his nose drank in the scent of his friend.

"Something tells me this isn't any ordinary maze, not if Dumbledore had anything to do with it," Ass cleft quietly remarked. At the same time his hand began to gently massage Harry's left pectoral. "He must have planned this from the start `cause it would take a half a century to grow something like this."

"Um... uh... unless they, um, got M-Madam S-Sprout to, ah, help," Harry stammered out his reply. "N-Neville's been d-d-doing most of the p-preparatory work for her all y-year."

"Are you cold, Harry?" Diggory inquired as his fingers deftly toyed with Harry's nipple.

It became too much. Harry slipped out from the inviting and warm arm. He stared longingly at the handsome face that looked confused. Half of his brain urged him to pin Ass Cleft to the ground and do a number of salacious thing he never got to attempt in the prefect's bathroom.

"Harry?" His friend asked in a concerned.

"You are so good looking," Harry burbled and felt his face heat. "And I want you so bad right now!"

Ass Cleft flashed him an even more inviting smile and his left hand returned to the bulge in his pants.

"But I can't, Cedric. Oh, gods, I want to... I so, so, so want to, but Neville. We, um, sort of agreed to be with just each other for a while."

"Oh, right. So it is true: you and him have gone monogamous," Ass Cleft said and nodded his head. "I'm not surprised knowing you. You're kind and loyal, Harry. I admire that. So it's going good with Neville."

"I think I've fallen completely in love with him, and that's why I can't do anything with you even through my head is telling me to show you the stuff we missed in the bathroom. I couldn't do that to Neville."

Ass Cleft leaned forward and kissed Harry on the his right left cheek. Harry want to cram his tongue down Diggory's throat until he could taste the young man's asshole. The small show of friendly, simple affection left Harry shaking.

"Neville must be the luckiest boy in Hogwarts to land you. If it weren't for me and Roger, I'd've made a serious go for you after the first challenge... and especially after our little party with Diktor in the prefect's bathroom. I've had more than few wet dreams over that," Ass Cleft said in a rather sentimental manner.

Harry's mouth fell slightly open to hear Diggory considered him for a relationship. He stored that knowledge and realize he could never tell anyone, especially Neville or Ron. Of course, he could not tell Séamus unless he wanted everyone to know. Harry's sense of lust and want battled with his sense of dedication and loyalty. The later defeated the former through a series of complicated tricks.

"You have no idea what that means to me, Cedric. You are everything any guy could ever want in a person," Harry mumbled.

"Except I'm not what you found in Neville," Ass Cleft rejoined.

Harry opened his mouth to reply, and he found no words. His brain told him Diggory spoke an incredibly complex truth. Neville fulfilled something in Harry he discovered gone missing for almost all his life. His head started to bob.

"Neville doesn't care that I'm the Boy-Who-Came. He doesn't care that I'm the Harry Potter. We make each other feel good about who we are. I'm safe with him, and I pretty sure he feels the same way about me," Harry tried to explain even the tiniest bit of what he felt and thought regarding Neville.

"And I'm fairly certain I'm feeling pretty jealous right now. I love Roger, and I think he loves me, but what I hear you saying is something really different. Not sure I've heard more than three other people every say anything like that, and two are my father and his man. What you found is really special, Harry, and I hope you realize it," his friend in such a serious tone Harry worried he somehow offended him.

"I do. It helps to get reminders from people I trust," he responded.

Ass Cleft's face lit up as he spoke the last part of the statement.

"Yeah, I do trust you. You've more than proved yourself to me. Right now is a good example, Cedric."

"Thanks, Harry, that means a lot to me," the young man said through his smile. "And you're one of the few people who actually says my first name right."

"Hermione beat the correct pronunciation into me."

Diggory snickered.

"No, I'm serious. Starting in our first year, each time we said the name of someone wrong, mainly hers, but other people's, too, she'd punch me and Ron in the stomach. Spent half my first year completely winded because of Hermione," Harry told the older teenager the true story.

"Well, tell her I owe her one," Ass Cleft said through a chuckle.

"You really want to owe her one?"

The two regarded one another for a moment. Harry knew the tales about Hermione spread throughout the school, and more than enough people wore bruises from her to testify to what she could do. Diggory began to frown a bit.

"Ah, maybe not," Ass Cleft finally said the sensible thing.

"Good, because she charges a steep price," Harry concluded that topic. "Think we should go find Diktor and Foul and tell them what we found out?"

"I was just thinking that as well," his friend rumbled. "One last thing: if you and Neville ever get to the point where maybe it'd be okay to slip a third party into your time together for even a few minutes, could you maybe add me to the list."

"You're already at the top, Cedric. All ready at the top," Harry replied, and he meant it. He planned to broach the subject with Neville as soon as he felt it might be appropriate.

The two teenagers then turned and left the exceedingly intricate magic behind them to go find their tournament counterparts with very important news. As they did, Harry felt more certain than ever his friendship with Cedric Diggory became even tighter. If possible, his brain began to debate who would actually receive the top spot on the list should he and Neville decide playing with a third would be fun: Ron or Cedric.

As night cloaked Snogwarts and Harry returned from the stables where the three younger male contestants met the female contestant, he slipped into the dorm room to find Séamus already asleep since he picked up a spring faun cold. Harry already knew where Ron would be secluded with Diktor until he ran the risk of violating curfew. Dean, as usual, would arrive well after Ron. None of them ever figured out how the dark-skinned teenager got away with it, and Dean refused to tell.

"You look concerned," Neville said when Harry sidled next to the bed.

Before he could say anything, Neville reached up, grabbed Harry's jacket, and pulled the Bi-Wizard Tournament champion to him. The kiss Harry received stilled some last lingering doubts in his head. When it ended, he wasted no time in stripping off all his clothes and sliding naked into Neville's bed. To his delight and surprise, his boyfriend only wore a tee-shirt. Harry pressed his naked body against Neville's.

"Harry, what's wrong?" The somewhat taller young man said as he moved over to make room, although Harry remained all but glued to him.

"It's a maze. It's a gigantic, scary-looking maze, and we can't figure out how it's configured or what else might be in it," Harry explained in a rush.

"Charmed? Obscurio or glamour?"

"Ass Cleft thinks Flitwick put a glamour charm in it."

"You'll never break it," Neville murmured. "What's on your mind, Harry? You're usually pretty talkative about the challenges."

A small conflict continued to wage in him, so he followed the rule they put in place about telling the truth and said: "Diggory wanted to know if you and me wanted to entertain a third in bed."

His boyfriend's mouth became slightly ajar.

"I told him no. I said it was just me and you for a good long while so we can really get to know what each other likes."

"I hope you didn't say it was forever," Neville mumbled.

"Wait! Are you saying you might be interested?" Harry asked and did his best not to sound excited.

"Not right away, but... it's Diggory, Harry, and you know I liked to toss one off listening to what happened between you two and Diktor."

A smile slowly grew on Harry's face.

"I thought you'd ask about Ron first, so... Ass Cleft, huh? Really?" Neville said and sounded a bit confused.

"So you'd be fine with Ron, too?"

"I don't know. Not sure I'm up for getting plugged by him. If his willy gets any bigger, he might have to list it as a weapon."

"It's a good sized one, but not that big," Harry lightly chided his boyfriend. "Now Kenny Towler is a monster! Ever see him naked or with a stiffy?"

Neville shook his and looked worried.

"Doesn't matter, though. Right now it's just me and you. I don't want it any other way," he confidently told his boyfriend since he resisted the temptation with Cedric. "I liked what you said to Hermione down in the courtyard today."

"Which part?" Neville queried.

"All of it, I guess. I know we're still new at this relationship stuff, but it already feels like it's working out like it should... and I don't even know what to expect."

"Neither do I. Sometimes it scares me because I think it's going to end and I won't know why."

"Well, we need to work to make sure it doesn't end. I get the feeling this is going to last a long time. I don't know why," Harry told him.

Neville kissed the side of his head.

"It's stupid of me to say this `cause maybe I'm too young, but I do love you, Neville. I'm in love with you... who you are. What you are. And I really just like you a lot, too."

A show of strength took Harry by surprise, and he suddenly found himself lying on top of Neville. Harry loved it when his boyfriend acted in a decisive manner because, while not infrequent, Neville did not like to impose his will on anyone. He suffered from that type of treatment most of his life and, thus, avoided doing the same. Harry looked into the depths of Neville's eyes. While he did not fully believe one could discern anything of another person in such a manner, he found his boyfriend's blue eyes to be very expressive. At the moment he saw so much he could not decide exactly what came first.

"It's never stupid for you to say you love me. I want to tell you ever day, sometimes every hour, how much I love you... how much you mean to me," Neville responded and sounded almost angry. "That day of the second challenge changed my life, Harry. You changed it. I was already in love with you before they came and took me and put me in that box. I was the only one who smiled when they took us to the loch `cause I knew what it meant."

Harry pulled himself forward so he could kiss Neville. His erection slid against the side of Neville's. Few would ever guess the depth of passion contained in the shy teenager. On more than one occasion Neville pushed Harry to the point of joyful exhaustion as they physically expressed their emotions to one another. Thus, as he soundly kissed the boy he loved, Harry began to gently move his hips back and forth. Neville's hands crept downward under the blanket and clasped his buttocks. He kneaded and pulled them apart. It switched Harry's motor from neutral to drive with the accelerator pedal pushed to the floor.

"You know this marks every night for over three weeks?" Neville whispered into to his mouth.

"So you're saying we should stop? I mean, we did do it this afternoon," Harry questioned.

"Um... I ready for more if you are!"

Harry answered the only way he could: he slid down beneath the covers. The blanket got hooked on his shoulder and got pulled down. Harry understood Neville's modesty, but sometimes it got in the way of the real fun. As he reached Neville's crotch, his boyfriend did not try to replace the covers. After their first anal session, Harry discovered just how much Neville liked to watch. The shy young man spent over three years as a voyeur secretly witnessing the sexual games and trysts of his roommates. Harry got told stories of events he could not recall because they seemed average and unworthy of note in his estimation. Neville watched it all, and told Harry he spent hours secretly masturbating. Thus, when Harry started the across-the-room wanking with Neville, he unwittingly tapped into a powerful part of his boyfriend's mind. Thus, Neville liked to watch when they engaged in sex.

After gobbling up Neville's perfect piece of turgid meat, at least in Harry's estimation, hands ran through his perpetually messy black hair. The shy teenager also began to wage a losing war against Harry's hair in trying to tame it or make do what he wanted. Hence, causing it to become further mussed became a signal in their budding rituals. It meant Neville would loosen his self-control and let the action lead. Harry applied himself to pleasuring his boyfriend. It only took five minutes before Neville swung around so he could do the same to Harry. The first moments of their emerging sexual relationship in the greenhouse showed both boys enjoyed both giving and receiving fellatio. Moreover, Neville's skill level grew considerably in a short amount of time. His studiousness paid of handsomely.

Somehow in Nevillle's earnestness he crawled onto this hands and knees in order to slide his rigid tonker in and out of Harry's mouth while his own head went up and down like a bobber with a fish hooked below. It allowed Harry to simply lay on the bed and enjoy the best of both worlds with very little effort. Neville took over without any opposition. As he marveled at the growing confidence in his boyfriend's satisfying his needs and wants, Harry realized it turned him on to no end. His hips began to thrash about while Neville kept his face impaled on Harry's erection. The head of Neville's dick slid around Harry's the top of Harry's throat. A heap of minutes flew by as the moment of release drew closer and closer.

"Gah, Neville," Harry groaned around the cock in his mouth as the semen exploded out of him.

His body flailed about. The pecker on which Harry dined grew increasingly harder as Neville gulped down the juice flowing into his maw. Balls than once bounced on Harry's chin lay safely nestled next to the stiff shaft as Neville's climax neared. Without knowing what his boyfriend intended or why. Neville suddenly lifted his hips. As his did so, he went off like a rocket. A thick rope of spunk burst of out of the swollen head. It splattered across Harry's face, but some landed in his mouth. A second volley also drenched the cheek of the marked wizard. More drops popped out and landed everywhere.

"Shit, Harry, sorry," Neville panted as his orgasm ebbed.

"Why? That was fun. I like getting messy," Harry breathlessly rejoined.

"Fucking hell, wicked," a third voice joined them in a growl.

Ron sat on his bed, cock in hand that spat out sperm, and grunted while a huge smile crossed his face. Harry looked up at Neville. Neville bowed his head down, at first with a panicked expression, but then he began to laugh. They glanced over at Ron who continued to milk his spewing organ. The boyfriends began to laugh even more. A third, deeper chortle joined them.

The novel parts of this work, including characters, plot, and setting, are licensed under

Creative Commons LicenseCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The characters, plot, and settings originating in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire remain licensed to J.K. Rowling.

Next: Chapter 15

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