Harry Potter and the Magic Mirror

Published on Apr 1, 2023


Harry Potter and the Magic Mirror 7

HP Story 07


Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the property of J.K Rowling. Copyright belongs to J.K Rowling.

Since neither was able to cum yet, orgasms didn't drain them as much as boys who could shoot. Plus the fact that 12-year-olds typically have lots of excess energy and Harry and Draco recovered fairly quickly. So they stirred well before the other three. Harry certainly liked the erotic image of Draco's hair and face covered in the remnants of the George's load. The part that hadn't been licked off him at least. But he knew they could both use a rinse. He caught the blond's eye and gestured towards the shower room. Draco took his meaning and they both got up, stretching their muscles after the inevitable but minor cramps one gets holding various positions during sex.

They took adjacent shower heads. Harry wasn't particularly dirty, since he'd just spent a hot time in here with Oliver a little while ago. So he took the opportunity to watch, and admire, Draco's form and cute face as he rinsed himself off. It was nice to be this close to the other boy, without the mirror separating them as it had their first such encounter (though Draco didn't know Harry had been there). As he thought back on it, underneath his resentment for Draco's seemingly malicious personality, there had always been an attraction between the two of them, even from that first day when Harry had refused Draco's offer of 'friendship' while they waited for the sorting.

"You're very cute" Harry said, softly, without thinking. Draco turned abruptly, wiping the water from his eyes.

"You really think so?" he asked, face beaming into a smile.

"I... Yes."

"I've always thought you were cute too." Harry returned the smile. "I thought so that first day, when I met you on the stairs" Draco continued. "I wanted to be your friend, right from the beginning."

"Yea... but the way you spoke to Ron," Draco cringed "it just, I'm sorry, disgusted me."

"I felt bad about that right after I said it. But... I don't know, I just couldn't take it back. I don't know why." There was a pause, Draco continued his shower, rubbing soap on his body idly. Eventually he continued, "I'm sorry. To you and him. If you think he'll give me the chance, I'd like to apologize."

Harry considered this. "I'd like to find a way to make that work. Ron REALLY hates you, so it might take a while. But, I think Hermione would help bring him around. She's usually the one who's the most level headed. If we both work on him, we might be able to convince him that you want to make amends."

"I do. But I'll also need your help to figure out how to deal with my father. Merlin! The Malfoys aren't... nice... to people. He won't like hearing about this. He'll see it as a sign of weakness."

"But you'd like to change how treat other people?"

"Yes. I don't want to be like that." Another pause, and Draco look Harry squarely in the eyes. "Especially to you."

"Oh? You want to be NICE to me?" Harry asking, responding in a lighthearted manner with a bit of playfulness in his voice, taking the hint he thought Draco was dropping.

"Actually... no" Draco smirked conspiratorially, "I want to be NAUGHTY with you. Very VERY naughty." And with that, he leaned forward and kissed Harry.

The other boy immediately kissed him back, having sensed the kiss coming. They came together, arms around each other, each probing inside the other's mouth with his tongue. After a minute their hands slowly started wondering over each other bodies, rubbing backs, tickling sides, cupping butt cheeks. It didn't take long for either of them to get hard again, hard hairless cocks rubbing against each other as they pressed together. The soap from Draco's torso ran between them, lubricating their bodies as they ground against each other, still kissing.

The showers were still running. So between the noise of the spraying water on the tiles and their own focus on each other, they didn't notice that three teenagers with them had recovered from their post-orgasmic haze and were watching this unfold.

Oliver was glad to see this happening. He'd always had a protective instinct towards Harry and part of his hesitation in bringing Harry into his sexual relationship with the twins had been the age difference. With Draco, Harry had someone his own age to explore with. He shared this thought with the twins, quietly, their faced huddled together so as to keep the other two from overhearing them. The twins agreed.

"However," Oliver added, "I think that when you lose your virginity, it should be with someone with experience, who cares about you, and can make it a fulfilling time for you." He cocked an eyebrow at the twins. "Perhaps the two of you would could help in this regard?" he asked, smiling. The twins returned identical grins.

"Great idea" said Fred.

"Absolutely" echoed George. "In fact, Fred, since I was Draco's first blow job, it seems only fair that you be his first fuck."

"Mighty nice of you brother. But, let's be honest," he said, looking over again at two cute boys, who were still furiously making out. "There's really no BAD option here. Only two very cute ones." George slapped his brother's arm, playfully, in agreement. "Oliver, why don't you go tell the two love birds over there about your idea."

"Sure" their team captain replied. He got up and walked, slowly, over to them.

"What are you planning?" George asked softly, as soon as Oliver was out of ear shot. He could see the wheels turning behind his brother's eyes.

"Oliver is so concerned about giving THEM a first. I think there's a first that we can give HIM afterwards" Fred replied, barely loud enough to hear.

"Oooooo... this sounds like fun" George said, leaning closer so that they could whisper together.

Oliver approached the two boys as they continued kissing, nearby shower sprays keeping their bodies wet with the warm water. In any other circumstance, he would have been rock hard. But his balls were depleted just now and so his libido was a bit sated. Even so, he was still sporting a semi-hard on.

He waiting until they paused for air and then cleared his throat. They started, and pulled away from each other slightly as they turned toward him. But they each kept their hands around the back of the other, maintaining their embrace.

"Sorry" Harry said.

"Don't apologize! I'm glad you two have hit it off. This certainly wasn't how the afternoon started out, was it?" he asked, smiling.

"No. But..." Harry said, turning back to look at Draco, "I'm really glad this is how it's ending."

Oliver paused for a moment, to give Draco a moment to let Harry's compliment sink in. "Actually, we were thinking that it shouldn't end yet."

"What do you mean?" Draco asked.

"Well, I know from a combination of experience and hearsay that losing your virginity is MUCH better when you have a considerate lover. One who is also experienced. The twins think you're both cute and I can vouch for their experience. You've both had some firsts today. But not the biggest of them all." He paused for a moment, letting them consider. "Both of you could go to bed tonight, virgins no more. And the twins would make it quite... wonderful... I think. And, this could be something you'd also both experience together."

They both stood there for a minute, continuing the light embrace, lost in their own thoughts. Then Draco rubbed Harry's back a bit to get his attention. When Harry look at him, the question plain on his face, Draco nodded slightly. Harry returned to nod, and the both smiled excitedly as they turned back to Oliver.

"We're in" Harry said.

"Great!" Oliver turned back towards the locker room and walked back to the twins. They'd been watching the exchange and Oliver saw them lean back away from their huddle as he walked towards them. They'd obviously been whispering to each other; about Harry and Draco he figured.

"They're game" he said to the ginger teens seated on the bench.

"Nice" replied Fred.

"Thanks mate!" said George. "We promise to give you a good show" he laughed, as they got up.

While Harry and Draco quickly rinsed off the soap from their bodies and drie off, the twins got out a bunch more of the fluffy towels (thank the stars the house elves kept the locker room well stocked) and laid them out as a layer on the wide bench to make it more comfortable.

When the two came over, the twins instructed them on what they should do. They had Harry and Draco get onto the bench on their knees, leaning forward onto their elbows, ankles at the edge so that their feet could dangle off. They put them very close together so that their hips and elbows were touching. The twins wanted them leaning against each other, feeling the other rub past as they were being fucked. The bench's width was just perfect to allow for them to curl their fingers around the far side. And that meant that there was also enough room for them to cross their arms in front of them and rest their forehead on them if they wanted.

Oliver's cock started back towards full mast at the sight of it. Two perfectly formed, pale, smooth, nicely rounded pieces of boy ass were jutting out, both owners surrendering themselves to him and the twins. "You two don't have to stop making out" he said encouragingly. They took the hint and started gently kissing, not moving from their prostrate positions. He liked that they were into each other, and liked watching them make out, but he also wanted them distracted. He gestured to the twins to stay where they were for a moment and went back over to get the camera that Fred had hidden before in the pile of clothes. He took the opportunity to snap a few shots of the two, soon to be deflowered, asses in front of him. Their puckering rosebuds exposed, cocks and balls slightly visible between the two pairs of legs. When he lowered the camera from his face the twins got into position, kneeling on the floor behind each of the boys, Fred behind Draco and George behind Harry.

George used his wand and cast the cleansing spells on both Harry and Draco, making them pristinely clean both inside and out. Now, all the twins would taste was boy. (And maybe a little raspberry with the flavor component of the spell.)

As George was casting, Oliver tucked the camera behind him and started to walk around to the other side of the bench. "Now, Harry, Draco, just close your eyes, relax, and let them work on you" he said, soothingly. When Oliver saw them comply, he got down on his knees just in front of them, and framed their faces in the camera's viewfinder. He REALLY wanted to capture this moment. The twins immediately picked up on his plan and so waited until he was in position. When they saw that he was, they set to work. In unison, they stuck out their moistened tongues and licked the boy flesh in front of them, from the taint and up into the puckering rosebuds, swirling around them.

Both Harry and Draco's face exploded with a mix of surprise and ecstasy. Harry moaned contentedly, low and soft, having had Oliver do this to him on a little while ago he knew what it would feel like. But Draco, without even realizing it, let out a very loud and high pitched moan, almost a squeal, his head snapping back as he did so, the amazing feeling radiating from his hole was that overwhelming for him. Fortunately, both were so overcome that they kept their eyes closed, losing themselves in the sensations. This allowed Oliver to capture the moment perfectly with the camera, getting both expressions of ecstasy as twin tongues probed their boy holes. The twins continued, prying the cheeks apart with their hands, rolling their tongues around, lapping and probing at the now not-so-innocent boys in front of them. The moans from Harry and Draco continued, rising and falling in reaction to the various sensations the twins were gleefully administering. They twins shared glances occasionally as they continued, part congratulatory, part conspiratory, both with huge grins and thanking the fates for how this day was unfolding.

After a couple of minutes, the twins started to differ in what they were doing the boy in front of them. Each was exploring various parts, licking their hairless balls and taints, jerking their cocks (which were rock hard again) and slowly probing with fingers to loosen up their rings. They were each listening to their respective partner's reactions to their ministrations, and giving each of their 'spots' more attention as a delighted moan indicated when they'd found one.

After getting a few more shots of the two gorgeous faces, lost in the oral sex and tactile teasing, Oliver came back around to where the twins were and continued his photographic endeavors. He got more great shots, some of them quite close-up, of each boy's bum and ball sac, often with an enthusiastic tongue gliding over the skin. Their cocks were sticking up so straight towards their bellies that they were virtually invisible from behind. He went to the sides and got a few shots of that angle as well, seeing the twin's faces buried between the pale cheeks in front of them, tongues probing deeply, continuing to elicit moans from their recipients.

Oliver could see the twin's cocks were also rock hard, both leaking copious precum, no doubt spurred on by the prospect of the 'virgin territory' they were about to explore. The twins moved again towards probing the boys with fingers, now two at a time, scissoring them, eliciting more moans of pleasure from the once rivalrous pair.

After another few minutes, they judged that Harry and Draco were finally ready. Oliver crept back around in front of them, hiding the camera behind his back in case they opened their eyes. When he saw the twins remove their fingers and lube up their cocks, he put his head close to Harry and Draco and whispered to them in a soothing tone.

"Are you ready?" They nodded, neither really trusting their voices at that moment. "Good. This may hurt a bit a first, but I PROMISE you're going to start enjoying it really soon. Just relax your hole as much as you can." The twins had lubed up their cocks and were ready. Oliver looked up at them and nodded, pulling back a bit to get in position again with the camera. This was ANOTHER moment he really wanted to capture. The twins each placed one hand on the hip of the boy in front of them and the other held their cock, lining it up. Harry and Draco both breathed in sharply as they felt the hardness start to press at their rosebuds but fortunately, in Oliver's mind at least, they kept their eyes closed.

Both cocks and boy holes were well lubricated and so the twins started to slip in with very little pressure. Both Harry and Draco let out very tiny whines of pain, but said nothing, and continued breathing deeply. They concentrated on relaxing as the twins, fighting every instinct in their body that screamed at them to ram their cocks into the velvety warmness enveloping their poles, moved slowly. After about a minute or so, their five inch cocks were completely buried inside the younger boys and they felt their balls rest against the bottom of the hairless butt cracks in front of them. They paused there, letting their lovers get used to the new sensation.

Oliver took several more shots, watching as Harry and Draco's faces morphed from pain to normality. It wasn't pleasure yet, but that would come soon. The twins started moving in and out, first in sync with each other, but eventually getting into different rhythms. As such, the blond and brown topped heads started to bob back and forth, just a bit, at different rates.

The pain was starting to give way to pleasure, Oliver could see. So it took a couple more shots and then stowed the camera below the bench, out of sight. He leaning in close again. "You both OK?"

"Yea?" Harry replied, almost as a question, clearly still getting used to it.

"Yea!" Draco said, must more confidently. He was taking to this much more quickly than Harry.

George, now getting into a good rhythm with Harry, started changing his angle, poking around inside Harry, searching for what we knew must be around there SOMEWHERE.

"George... what are you... OH FUCK!!!" Harry shouted, as George found his g-spot with a hard stab of his cock. He grabbed Harry's hips more firmly in his hands to help ensure his aim stayed on target.

"Ah..." George moaned, feeling warm tight hole clench around his cock. "You like that mate?" George asked, rhetorically, hitting the spot again with a well-placed thrust. But Harry answered anyway.

"Yes. Oh FUCK! YES! Right! There!" Harry moaned between each thrust. The pain of having the cock inside him had already subsided for the most part. This new sensation completely moved Harry past the pain and into pleasure at what was being done to him. He came up from his elbows to his wrists, leaning back into Fred's penetration, a smile formed on this face as he let himself be fucked harder.

Draco, hearing Harry's utterances, opened his eyes and watched the other second year's transformation. "Harry... what happened? Why are you..." and then Fred also found that some spot which HE had been looking for inside the lithe little blond, "OH MERLIN! OH! OH!" Draco moaned, echoing Harry. "Oh yes... yes... yea... right there!" Rather than sitting up, he instead put his head down on the bench, arching his back, and raising his ass into the air invitingly. Fred accepted the invitation gladly. He increased the speed of his thrusts, matching his brother's increased pace of pounding Harry's ass, doing his best to hit Draco's g-spot with each penetration. "Yes! Oh yes! Don't... don't stop..." Draco moaned, then just kept moaning incoherently, having lost the power of speech for the moment, face also morphing into a smile like Harry's, though he couldn't see this from his current position, even if he had opened his eyes. He was completely enveloped by the sensations the hard cock was giving his insides as it pumped into him with a new steady rhythm. It was so intense, so delightfully overwhelming.

The twins were also riding new waves of pleasure, coming from a few sources. There was of course the amazing pleasure of having you cock sinking into a tight warm ass. And there was also the additional pleasure of knowing that their lover enjoyed what was being done to them, especially since finding the g-spot, almost at the same time, a moment before. But there was more here. Neither of the twins had ever fucked a boy younger than themselves. And knowing that they were taking the virginity of their lover just heightened the experience that much more. They turned their heads to each other, not slacking in their rhythm, and looked into each's other eyes, sharing a look, and knew that the other was feeling the same. Their bond strengthening the experience still further.

As they looked forward again, Oliver caught each of their gazes in turn, echoing their expressions of excitement at the initiation they were now undertaking. He brought camera back into view and arched his eyebrows. The twins both gave him nods in return, indicating that they were OK for the filming to continue. They ALSO wanted to be able to look back on this day and have a more than just their memories as a reminder. Harry couldn't really take issue given that it was his idea to start shooting pictures in the first place. And Draco... well... he'd probably enjoy the pictures once he got over his shock. That is... if they ever told him.

Oliver got quietly back to his feet so as not to take Harry and Draco out of the 'happy place' they'd entered in their minds. He went to the side of each boy, getting a few shots of them being fucked from behind by an identical redheaded teenager. Both were now leaning back into the cock that was pounding them. Harry was up on his hands and knees pushing back into George in opposite rhythm to the penetration, the two of them moving in opposite directions as George pulled out, then together again as he moved back into Harry, being careful to never fully take his cock out. Draco was doing something similar, though he didn't have as much range of motion from the angle he was in; head down, ass in the air.

Oliver knew he was capturing a few cock-thrusts each time he depressed the shutter button. Wizarding camera images were never still, and he'd seen enough dirty pictures is own wizarding porn collection to know what to expect. He leaning in close to the ginger crotches from above to get good shots of the cocks moving in and out of the, no-longer-virgin, boy holes. George even slowed down a bit and pulled his cock out a little further than before, so that one could see a bit of the rim of his mushroom head pushing on the puckering ring, spreading it open, as he went in again. Then he got back into his rhythm; Draco was too lost in the pleasure to take much notice of the brief interruption.

Oliver then sat on the bench just to the side of Harry, inches from his arm, placing the camera on the bench to get the lowest possible angle. He aimed the camera back through the kneeling boy's legs, getting shots of his rock-hard cock, smooth crotch bereft of hair. The cock barely moved as George fucked him, he was that aroused. It was so tantalizing; Oliver wanted to reach out and tease that cock, tease his balls. But he didn't want Harry to notice him yet. He was enjoying the photography too much. He got up and went around the front of the bench to get a few more shots of Harry as George rode him. The gentle smile on his face was priceless.

Oliver went around to the other side of the bench to get the same shots of Draco. He cock was just has hard, just as tempting. Oliver barely restrained himself from reaching out and jerking the younger boy. He contented himself with a few shots with the camera. Easy to come back in a moment and fulfill his wish. But he wanted shots of Draco's face as well. The blond's head was off the side, eyes similarly closed. But whereas Harry's expression was one of gentle pleasure, the Slyntherin's was something far more. The blond continued to moan softly, almost inaudibly. Oliver had to lean close to hear it, and when he did, his own already hard cock jumped. "Oh yes" he whispered. "I've wanted this, for soooooo loooooong."

For Draco, this was a moment of pure ecstasy, and not just of the body. He had suspected that he loved the taste of cum. And his recent experiences with his own team's hazing ritual, and now his former rivals turned lovers, bore that out. But THIS! He'd fantasized about having a cock inside him, but had no idea that this was the missing piece. He hadn't realized how... empty... he'd felt before now. This was a craving he hadn't consciously realized had been there. He'd had no frame of reference. Now... now he KNEW that he wanted this, and as often as possible. He loved having a hard cock throb inside him. That from now on he'd crave both this AND the taste of cum. He would try it the other way as well, the one doing the penetrating. Variety was good, he was sure. But he doubted he'd ever feel as wonderfully satiated as he was now, throbbing cock opening up his ring, ploughing his insides, poking that delightful spot inside him that he'd only been able to find with his own fingers on rare occasions.

Oliver, not knowing the exact thoughts inside Draco's head but guessed something like it as he watched this play out over the boy's expression. It was SO amazingly erotic. He took several shots of blond face, dripping a bit with sweat, capturing his facial expressions as Draco was going through this realization. Fortunately for Oliver, Draco also kept his eyes closed like Harry, similarly unware of the continuation of this pornographic photo shoot.

Wanting to capture this from every possible angle, Oliver walked behind the twins and whispered softly, so that only they could hear, "widen your stance." They immediately realized what he wanted. They shifted their positions, so that their ankles were much further apart, and then continued thrusting. Oliver squatted down on the floor between the ankles of each twin to capture the action from underneath, getting nice shots of the smaller packages of the younger boys and their smooth cheeks being penetrated by the twin's larger cocks whose large balls bounced back and forth with the rhythm.

The twins were really getting into the pseudo-exhibition of showing off for the camera and decided to add a little something to the photos. As Oliver was squatting down between the ankles of each twin, the other one reached down with a hand and teased his brother's hole a bit, eliciting moans from the recipient. Oliver then stepped back to get a nice shot of both twin's backsides as they continued humping the boys. He got great shots of their asses as they went forward and back, both framed by feet of the lovers, hanging off the edge of the bench on each side of their legs. Fred looked back at Oliver and, wanting to show off more it seemed, pulled George (who didn't resist) into a tongue wresting kiss for the camera. Oliver almost came just from that sight, but managed to hold it in.

The team captain had moved fast. His entire set of shots had only taken a few minutes and all four of the boys were rapidly approaching orgasm. Oliver put the camera back under the bench and then whispered again to the twins, "I'm going to get them to cum again, but you guys hold off when they do. I know it'll be hard, but trust me, I've got an idea." The twins each grunted a bit in frustration (they REALLY wanted to shot) but gave reluctant nods. Oliver walked around to the front of the bench.

"Harry, Draco" he said, to get their attention. The twin stopped their motions to help the two boys focus. After a moment, both looked up at him. "Get up on your knees and lean back a bit." Each twin kept their hands on the hips of the boy in front of him to keep their cocks inside and guide them into their new position. This left them with their ankles off the edge of the bench and in a place where Fred and George could still easily take them from behind. But it left room on the bench in front of them, which Oliver got onto and kneeled in front of them. "Let's test Draco's theory, eh? Make use of that quick orgasmic recovery ability." Both gave him looks that were part quizzical, part excited, and part fearful. The twins smiled deviously behind them. Oliver lubricated their hairless crotches with a quick bit of wand work and then started wanking each of them. Both Harry and Draco started moaning softly in response. Then he nodded to the twins who immediately started their humping motions again. Harry and Draco both started moaning loudly at this. The dual stimulation being even more overwhelming that just the fucking had been. And neither thought that was possible!

It took less than a minute for Draco to cum, body shuddering with orgasm and voice cracking another octave higher as he moaned through it. Fred immediately stopped his motions. The pulsating of Draco's hole was almost enough to send him over the edge and he wanted to see what Oliver had in mind. So he fought desperately, but successfully, to keep from cumming in the blond's ass. Seeing and hearing this sent Harry over the edge in a similar way, shuddering with dry orgasm just like Draco. George wasn't as close as Fred was and so was more easily able to hold back.

Oliver gave each boy a moment to come down from their orgasm. As their breathing slowed he spoke again. "Now, sit up off of their cocks and turn over onto your backs, with your knees off the edge of the bench." After pausing a minute to get their wits about them, they slowly complied, the twins stepping back a bit to give them room. Both ginger cocks were slick with precum and so hard they could probably have hammered in nails into a board. Turning over was easy for the boys. The bench was covered in a few layers of towels so none of their skin clung to the surface due to the sweat and moisture. Plus, their knees were starting to ache a bit anyway and, now that the orgasmic haze was lifting a bit, they were glad for the new position.

Once they were in position, Oliver continued. "OK, now grab your knees in each hand and pull them back towards your shoulders." As they did so the twins immediately got into position. They certainly didn't need to be told what to do next. Each Weasley knelt on the bench, pushed the small pair of legs back locking their elbows into the backs of Harry and Draco's knees, lined up their cocks, and slowly entered the delightful velvety tight ass in front of them.

The younger boy's faces screwed up slightly in discomfort as they re-accustomed themselves to having a cock inside. Oliver gave them a second to get used to it. But he needed them to be 'in the moment' to ensure that this was truly special for both of them. "Open your eyes." They did so, looking up at him. He held each gaze for a moment, then continued. "Now look at each other." The mutual attraction that he's seen between them in the showers was still there; even a bit stronger now. "Now, look up at your lover." They did so, each locking eyes with the cute redhead inside them. "Every time you think back on this, remember how they looked. Remember how amazing this FEELS. Remember that you experienced this here, with people who care about you, and that we were all together." As he finished, the twins started up again, slowly fucking the ass of the cute boy underneath them, both of whom started moaning again. It was easier to hit their g-spots from this angle and the twins made good use of that fact.

Oliver surreptitiously grabbed the camera and walked around behind the twins again. He got shots of their torsos and backsides, now leaning over their lovers, whose ankles were in the air. As the gentle rhythm continued, Draco crossed his ankles behind Fred, and put both is hands on Fred's ass, pulling the boy in with each thrust, enthusiasm obvious. This further reinforced Oliver's (correct) suspicion from the moaning he'd heard earlier that Draco was a natural bottom. As he pulled Fred into him, the ginger's cheeks spread apart, exposing his puckering rosebud. So Oliver got a good action shot of this as well. He then leaned in closely, camera near the floor, to get shots from underneath. He watched Fred and George slickly enter the cute tight bums, balls lightly slapping the boy underneath them. But he could see that their balls were starting to retract, indicating that their orgasms were not far off.

The twins sensed that they were getting really close, but George wanted Oliver to get a few more shots from this angle. So he pushed Harry's legs back a bit further so that he himself could lean forward all the way. He started making out with Harry as his thrusts continued, eliciting new moans from the boy. Fred did the same with Draco.

As most people do when they're being kissed passionately, Harry and Draco both closed their eyes as the twins leaned in. The twins slowed their pace to keep from going over the edge, and made out with their lovers for almost a full two minutes. This allowed Oliver to get bunch of shots of the two fucking pairs. Harry and Draco with their legs in the air, George and Fred pressing against them from above, slowly sliding in and out of their asses. As the kissing progressed, they each slid a hand down to wank the hard and hairless cocks of their lover. Oliver got a few shots of this and then quickly stowed the camera in Harry's locker as he'd previously discussed with the twins. They didn't want to risk Draco seeing it.

Seeing that Oliver was finished, the twins pulled back from their kissing and picked up the pace; both of fucking and wanking. Harry and Draco were moaning almost constantly now. Oliver had a devious thought and sucked on each of his index fingers, slicking them up, as he stepped behind the twins. He placed each of his hands on their smooth cracks and then slowly put his finger inside their asses.

That was all it took. They both went over the edge at the same time, shooting rope after rope of cum into Harry and Draco. Oliver continued to move his fingers rhythmically and this helped to keep the twins moving as they unloaded, continuing to hit the g-spot as they did. This g-spot pounding, the wanking they were getting from the twins as they came, and combined with the sensation of having cum flood their insides, was all it took for yet ANOTHER orgasm to claim both Harry and Draco. The four of them stayed frozen for a moment while they came down from their high. As the twins softened they pulled out and laid gently on their lovers, but not with their full weight, kissed them softly and gently, as their breathing slowed.

The twins just laid there and held their two young lovers for a bit, tuning out the world. Eventually though, Oliver, who was still hard and still unsated, cleared his throat purposefully. Fred glanced over to him where he sat on the bench a few feet away, gently stroking his cock as his eyes wandered over the four naked boys in a rough pile. After a moment, Fred remembered the plan he'd hatched with George earlier.

"Don't worry Oliver, we haven't forgotten you," Fred said encouragingly to his team captain, though he didn't shift from his position lying on top of Draco. "I plan on doing to you what I just did to the lovely Draco here," he said, stroking the blond's cheek affectionately with one hand and turning to smile at him. Draco smiled up at Fred when the heard the compliment. "But I need a minute to bounce back. Why don't you go rinse off for a bit while we... disentangle ourselves?" Even though Fred was hiding it well, his tone was a bit off. It always got that way when he was hatching a scheme. Oliver knew the twins well enough that he should have detected it, but he was just so riled up and horny that he missed the slight clue.

"Oh... Yea, sure. Thanks." Oliver got up and walked leisurely over to the showers, started one up, and stood under the warms spray, facing away from them, letting it wash over him.

Fred watched him walk over. When the water started up and Oliver was, for certain, unable to hear them, he lowered himself back down on top of Draco, head cocked to side to that he could whisper to Harry and George as well as Draco underneath him. "We've got a little surprised cooked up for Oliver. You guys want to help?" They both giggled and nodded enthusiastically. What 12-year-old boy wouldn't jump at such an invitation?

"OK, Draco, do you have a strong grip?" The blond responded by smiling and grabbing Fred's arms, squeezing tightly. "OK OK!" His grip loosened. "Wow! You DO have a strong grip. You're going to have to tell me about that sometime" he said playfully. "But we have to talk fast. Harry..." he said, turning to the brown-haired boy "do you still have that camera of yours... in your LOCKER?" The was why he'd told Oliver, back when Harry and Draco were showering, to put the camera in Harry's locker when he was done snapping pictures. He opened his eyes wide and gazed intently at Harry, doing his best to tell him to play along.

Fortunately, Harry picked up on the signal, and quickly took Fred's meaning. "Um... Yea! I left it in here the other day I think." Harry rightly guessed that Fred wanted to use the camera, but that they needed to pretend it had been sitting idly in Harry's locker this whole time, lest Draco suspect they'd taken shots of him earlier. Harry had no idea that it had been used by Oliver during his deflowering. Fred explained the plan he'd hatched with George to the both of them.

"You both in?" he glanced over to check that Oliver was still in the shower. They nodded. "Great. Draco... do you, um, mind being on camera a bit?" Fred asked, as nonchalantly as he could.

"You'll keep these safe Harry?" he asked.

"Absolutely!" Harry replied.

"OK then." This was a relief for all three Gryffindors who, while enjoying the erotic nature of the photography, still felt a pang of guilt for potentially taking advantage of Draco. While he still had no idea about already having a starring role in today's photographic endeavors, he really couldn't be THAT mad (if they eventually told him) if we was so ready to be a part of capturing Oliver's upcoming encounter that the twins planned for him.

"OK. Follow my lead and wait for the signals" he whispered quickly as he heard the water in the showers turn off. The four of them slowly got untangled and got off up the bench, stretching their muscles as Oliver toweled off. After a couple of minutes Fred sat down on the edge of the bench and beckoned Oliver over, who came and stood beside him.

Fred cast a lubrication charm on himself and started rubbing his cock slowly, languidly, and fondled Oliver, purposefully drawing Oliver's attention to get him riled up again. Also, to cloud his brain just enough that he didn't ask too many questions. It worked. Oliver's cock had gone down a bit during his shower but it sprang right back to attention.

"So, Harry and Draco now know what it's like to FEEL a cock inside them. But if they're going to learn... properly, then they need to SEE what it looks like too." He paused for a second, letting Oliver's sexual tension build a bit more. "So, I want you to kneel on this bench, straddle me, and slowly lower yourself onto my cock. Then they can watch up close. Sound good?"

Oliver was verse and so loved getting fucked just as much as being on top. And the twins had been with him many times and knew all his spots, so he readily agreed. He was so horny! He quickly got into position as instructed. George, ready with his wand, cast the cleansing and lubrication charms on Oliver has he slowly sat back on his haunches, lining up his hole with Fred's cock. Fred leaded back on the bench, pulling Oliver down with him, and started kissing him. A drop of precum leaked from Oliver's cock and landed on Fred. His excitement was so high the stuff was flowing pretty freely.

Had Oliver been more clear headed, he might have been more aware of his surroundings and recognized this as the same trick the twins had used to get Harry and Draco to close their eyes a little while ago. But he didn't. As such, he didn't know that Harry was squatting just behind him, camera in hand having retrieved it from his locker. As their kiss continued, Oliver lowered himself onto Fred's cock, the lubrication spells doing their jobs, him expertly relaxing his hole so that the pain was almost non-existent. Oliver moaned, in a relaxing and releasing way, his 'itch' finally being scratched. He put his hands to either side of Fred's face, kissing him further, and gripped the back side of the bench. It was quite comfortable and just the right width for him to lay prostrate on it like this. He was gripping one side while his ankles draped over the other, Fred flat on this back underneath him, crotch at the edge, so that the ginger boy's legs were completely off the bench, though his knees were at a right angle, feet flat on the floor.

Harry and Draco both watched closely as Oliver's ring opened up and enveloped Fred's cock. Harry was watching through the viewfinder as, inch by inch, it slipped inside, and he snapped several shots. Draco was just over Harry's shoulder, watching just as intently. Oliver sighed contentedly when he bottomed out and just lay there for a moment, enjoying the sensation. Harry backed up to get a few wide-angle shots of the pair. Oliver enjoyed the feeling of Fred underneath him has he bent forward with cock buried inside him, his own hard prick grinding into Fred's abs. Fred put his hands on the sides of Oliver's ass and gently set him in motion, pushing on his hips to get him moving so that the cock slide into and out of his ass.

"Oh fuck, yes! Merlin, Fred, I really needed this. Watching the four of you... it was just SO HOT!" He continued slowly bobbing up and down on the hard cock in under him. Now that he was finally getting laid, there was no rush. As Harry got a few more shots of Oliver from behind, Draco walked around and got down on his knees, right in front of the pair, chest just a few inches from the top of Fred's head as he laid back on the bench, and looked Oliver in the eye as he rode his lover. Oliver guessed that Draco just wanted to look from a different vantage. He would soon be proven wrong.

Harry got back up to his feet and continued snapping pictures as he also came around the pair, getting good side views of Oliver's cock as is bobbed up and town in time to his own motions as he impaled himself on Fred's pole. Eventually, Oliver noticed Harry with the camera when he turned his head and he froze. Harry continued to walk around and stood almost right in front of Oliver, just next to Draco.

"Harry! What are you doing? Why are you..." he started to climb off Fred, but Fred was ready for this and pulled his arms around Oliver tightly in a bear hug, holding him down, still in the prostrate position with his cock inside him. Draco, right on cue, grabbed Oliver's wrists and pulled them forward so that his arms were out straight and so had no leverage. The blond leaned back so that most of his weight was behind the motion. Oliver wasn't going anywhere.

"What the fuck?!" Oliver exclaimed, not really out of anger or panic, mostly from surprise.

"Well..." Fred said. "You've been such a great... mentor... today with Harry and Draco. You showed them such a great first time." Oliver looked back at him quizzically, wondering where this was going. "Well, George and I wanted to return the favor by giving YOU a first."

"What do you mean? You guys and I have done everything there IS to do" he said.

"Well... not quite EVERYTHING" George said from behind him. The other Weasley twin had also lubed up his own cock after casting the spells on Oliver. He'd been stroking himself as he watched the two of them go at it and he was now at full mast. He approached Oliver from behind and got down on his knees, right between his brother's legs. Harry and Draco knew what was coming and Harry had the camera ready, and perfectly lined up.

Oliver's heard George moving behind him, his face had a puzzled expression on it, but he couldn't twist his head back to look because of the way Draco was pulling his arms. He felt George's cock press against the outside of his hole just above his brother's. As the realization dawned on him of what the twins had planned his expression of surprise was... priceless.

Harry captured that exact moment PERFECTLY with a shot on his wizarding camera. George was meeting resistance and increased the pressure on Oliver's ring. Finally, it opened and he began slipping inside. Oliver's shifted from surprised and contorted as the pain/pleasure of the second cock inside him took hold.

"Oh. OH! AH! OH FUCK!" Oliver half yelled, half moaned. George slowly worked his cock inside, inch by inch, Oliver's face contorting in new ways each time he moved in further. His moans softened a bit as it continued, but Oliver never fell silent. Harry couldn't tell if they were moans of pain or pleasure, and Oliver himself couldn't have said for sure either at that moment. But this didn't dissuade Harry. He figured the twins knew what they were doing and so he kept snapping pictures of Oliver's expressions, backing up every now and again to get the image of all three of them.

"God, Oliver. I always love being inside you. But this! You're SO damn tight! You're even tighter than Harry was" George said, voice going up a bit as he surrendered to the amazing sensations radiating from his cock.

"Yea bro. It's so amazing feeling your cock slip along mine while it's inside him" Fred said, feeling similar sexual energy spiking to his brain.

George finally buried himself all the way inside Oliver and paused, letting the older teen get used to the double penetration. He rubbed his shoulders soothingly. Fred loosened the bear hug and started stroking his back, so that both of the twins were trying to comfort their team captain. Draco also slackened his grip, but didn't let go. This was just TOO HOT to let it end, the blond thought. He'd never conceived of such a thing even in his wildest dreams.

After a minute went by, Fred spoke softly into Oliver's ear, but loudly enough so that all of them could hear. "Does it hurt Oliver?" he asked.

"Yes" Oliver replied, but there was no real strain in his voice. In fact, it was almost a question, as though Oliver wasn't quite sure what he was feeling.

A pause.

Oliver opened his eyes. He'd shut them tightly before as George had pushed inside him and had kept them tightly closed in pain, pleasure, and concentration.

He looked down into Fred's eyes, an intensity in his gaze now.

Another pause.

"Do you want us to stop?" George asked.

"No... HURT ME!" he half-shouted, pleadingly, still locking eyes with Fred. Then he shifted his hips slightly, lifting himself off of the two cocks inside him, then lowered himself back onto the huge girth their combined poles created, groaning. Fred shifted his gaze past Oliver to lock eyes with George, and they smiled at each other, huge grins splitting their faces as Oliver reacted just the way they had hoped he would. With that, Draco and Fred both completely released their grips on the older boy; they knew Oliver wouldn't recoil now.

George took the lead. He was the only one with any serious range of motion anyway. He slowly drew his cock out of Oliver, moving very slowly as he didn't want it to slip out when he neared the tip. The TIGHTNESS of Oliver's ass was amazing. So was the feeling of his brother's cock running along the bottom of his own as he slid along. He pulled most of the way out and then slid back in, a bit more quickly.

Feeling George's cock slide inside him elicited another moan from Oliver. The intensity of what they were doing was overloading his senses like nothing he'd ever experienced before. The... stretching... feeling his rectum was sending to his brain made his head swim. But underneath that was a pleasure as well. He'd once been with another boy who really got off on getting spanked. And he knew from childhood that it was painful being on the receiving end of a hard spanking. Yet his partner had really gotten off on it. 'Perhaps there IS something to this whole S&M' thing he thought as George sped up his pace, fucking Oliver faster and harder.

Each time George bottomed out inside Oliver, he deliberately pushed his lover forward slightly. The wasn't just to impale him completely, it was also to make the older boy to slide forward a bit. This had the effect of making Fred's cock slide out a bit as well and so his brother could also experience the felling of Oliver's overstretched hole moving across his shaft.

Harry moved to the side of the trio, getting good shots George slamming into Oliver and their team captain rolling with the motion. He then moved around back to get several very good close ups of the two hard cocks splitting open the ring of Oliver's flawless ass. George continued his insistent, but not brutal, pounding of Oliver's hole. Every now and again he'd shift his position so that the SIDE of his cock ran along his brother's, stretching the tight ass in a different way.

After another minute, George paused, both to catch his breath and to allow his libido to calm down for a minute. The three of them were so aroused there was no way this was going to last TOO much longer. But he wanted to stretch it out. Also, there was one other thing he wanted to give to Oliver; he had an idea for one last bit of eye candy.

"Hey Harry" he said, turning to look back at the boy who'd stood back to watch the trio. "Do me a favor. Get on the bench and lay flat on your stomach, facing us." Harry complied. He still had the camera in his hands and kept it with him as he laid down, putting it on the bench in front of him just next to Fred's thigh.

"Thanks mate." He turned his head forward to look at the blond. "Hey Draco. Would you like to swallow another load of mine?"

"Yea. But don't you already have plans for it?" he said, jokingly.

"I have plans for my NEXT load" he said, patting Oliver's shoulder. "But my LAST load is just over there if you're willing to hunt around for it" he said, nodding towards Harry's bum. Draco looked puzzled for a moment, then realized what he was getting at and his face turned... hungry... as he went to kneel on the far end of the bench. It took Harry a moment to catch on as well. His expression turned from surprised to excited. He'd certainly enjoyed getting rimmed earlier and he wasn't about to say no.

Draco got on the bench behind Harry, put one hand on each cheek to spread them open, and then dove forward, shoving his mouth into Harry's ass. The spell had left it perfectly clean from before. There was a slight bit of sweat and so there was a slight taste of... Harry... in what Draco's tongue first picked up. He loved that taste as well. He licked around the opening but was soon probing deeply with his tongue, sucking as much of George's load out as he could. It tasted just the same as before, but with that little dose of Harry in there.

Harry, for his part, was in pure ecstasy. His hole was one of the most sensitive parts of his body. Feeling Draco attack it (there was no other word) made him moan uncontrollably at the top of his lungs.

George could tell that this had the desired effect. They were still paused in their fucking motions, but he felt Oliver's hole flex in excitement and could see his cock twitching as he watched the young pair. Fred, noticing that Harry had conveniently left the camera right next to him (forgotten when Draco started eating him out) picked it up took several shots. The angle was wonderful. Harry was completely lost to the world, so overcome was he with the sensation of the hot tongue probing him. The expression on his face was exquisite and Fred framed it perfectly. He also got some amazing shots of Draco, face half buried between Harry's ass cheeks. One particularly good moment was when he pulled his face back for a moment, but stuck his tongue out straight to keep probing Harry's ring, then sucking on the rosebud, slurping up another few drops of George's load. That shot was definitely a keeper.

As soon as Fred was finished, George started in again Oliver. As he did so, Fred also started whispering in his ear, adding to his excitement.

"Oh, yea, Oliver. Your ass feels SO tight like this. I love feeling my cock slide against your insides at the same time as George's." This got Oliver moaning again. Between that and the fantastic sight of Draco's young blond face eating out Harry he was ready to cum very quickly.

"Fuck! Yea... Oliver, I'm gonna seed your hole!" And with that, he let loose six sizeable shots of cum inside his team captain's ass. He kept up his fucking motions as he did so, and even after he'd completely shot it all, squishing his load all around Oliver's insides. The feeling of his twin's load gushing past his own cock and slicking it up while it was still inside their lover was all Fred needed. He unloaded inside Oliver as well just a short time later.

Oliver could feel cum leaking out of his hole. There was so much of it, and with the way the two cocks spread him open, it was impossible to keep inside. He was so close himself and wanted to try something. Could he cum without touching himself? He leaned back off of Fred (who he'd basically been lying on top of) and got up on his hands enough so that his arms could take his weight. He shifted his body a bit to change angles. Fred was still hard enough, and certainly slick enough, for him to ride his cock and made sure it jabbed his g-spot. He did so and a wave of pleasure was added to the stimulation he was already feeling.

After ten self-inflicted thrusts of the cock against his prostate Oliver screamed out "I'm cuming!" The four of them looked towards his cock which exploded a second later, all without him touching it. He'd been so stimulated for so long that his balls had had plenty of time to churn up a nice big load. The first three shots arced out and hit the wall of lockers behind Fred's head, depositing several drips on the boy as it flew over him. Four more shots hit Fred's head, splattering his hair, forehead, and face. Several more, less powerful, shots sent more goo onto Fred's chest and abs.

Oliver's breathing took a few moments to return to normal has he came down from his massive climax. He pulled off of the now largely deflated cocks in his ass and squatted back, still kneeling, and still enjoying the wave of pleasure that was washing over him.

Draco decided to take advantage. He got up from where he was kneeling between Harry's legs and went around the bench to get at Fred from the other side. Harry whined a bit, jokingly, about the loss of Draco's attention to his ass. But he had to admit that they blond had made him fell ready good and had pretty much gotten 'all he'd cum for' Harry thought with an internal laugh. Plus, he had a feeling what Draco was going to do next and he wanted to watch.

The blond knelled on the bench, leaned over, and started licking Fred clean beginning with his abs and working his way up. Harry, Oliver, and George watched this unfold, transfixed by the cute blond's eagerness to chase every last drop he could find. It was such a hot sight.

George, seeing that Draco was hard again, guessed that the erectile potion they'd given him still hadn't quite worked its way out of his system. He got up and stood behind Draco as the blind was working his tongue up Fred's body and started fingering him. His digit slipped in easily even though the lubrication spell had work off; there was still cum inside him which slicked George's finger as he slid past the puckering ring. "Oh, Merlin!" Draco moaned, sitting back a bit, and pushing himself onto George's finger.

Watching his twin attempt to bring Draco over the edge one more time (did this make FIVE?) Fred decided to help. With Draco's tongue tracing a path along his torso he was close enough to reach over and start wanking the blond. The two of them somehow got into a rhythm, the strokes coming in perfect time with the fingers pressing on his g-spot. Draco moaned even more intensely, his voice going up again. The stimulation for him was delightfully overpowering. He was licking delicious cum off a hot boy while being fingered and wanked at the same time.

The interesting side effect of this, both Harry and Oliver noted as they watched, is that he could now barely 'keep his mind on his work' so to say. Whereas he'd started licking up Oliver's juices in a determined and systematic way, careful not to miss a drop, he movements now were rather erratic. He keep at it with his tongue, but was spreading at around just as much as lapping it up, so overcome was he with the stimulation the twins were giving him. He managed to lick a little of the load from Fred's face before Fred grabbed Draco with his free hand and pulled him into a kiss. They gently tongue wrestled for a bit, Draco moaning into Fred's mouth. Fred enjoyed tasting Oliver, and found it funny how he was doing so indirectly, being fed the taste from someone else.

'Why not cap off the series' Oliver thought, picking up the camera on the bench next to him. He took several shots of Draco making out with Fred, and a few shots of his crotch, gently rocking back and forth as it was worked on front and back by the twins. They were going at Draco intensely, wanting to get him off a final time. After just a couple of minutes of him moaning into Fred's mouth while being wanked HARD, and the two fingers constantly probing his g-spot, he went over the edge a final time, pulling back from the kiss has he did so.

"Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh yesssssssssssssss" he moaned, voice quivering in time to the twin's synchronized motions. He shuddered several times and then stilled. "Stop! Please!" he nearly screamed, the over stimulation becoming too much. They did and Draco dropped forward, panting, head resting on Fred's torso.

Moving carefully so as not to make too much noise, Oliver got up and stowed the camera away again. He figured Draco would forget about it, at least for a time, in his post-orgasmic haze. With any luck, it would be till at least later tonight. This would give them a chance to get shots out of the camera in a secure place in case he had second thoughts, or suspected that there had been more photos taken than they had let on.

Oliver looked back at the four of them strewn across the bench, each enjoying their post orgasmic bliss. He was feeling the same way himself and just stood there for a while, enjoying the sensations his body was giving him and the erotic sight off all these cute naked boys in the locker room.

After a few more minutes he said, "Shall we shower off and head up to dinner?"

"Yes!" they all said, in unison, then laughed. Each slowly made it to their feet and headed into the showers.

As with most writers, I thrive on compliments. Please leave Kudos here or send me an email: darlock90 over at Yahoo.

The more praise and encouragement I get, even a brief "I liked your story because..." the better. And, the more comments I get, the more likely I am to write further chapters. As always, feel free to add any suggestions you'd like to see in future chapters.

Also, I'm going to be posting here on nifty less frequenly. I like the other site because it allows me to see the number of hits I get and also edit stories (for typos and such) after the fact. So please follow me over there for subsequent chapters. I'll continue the story on that site for sure. Not sure about nifty.

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