Hating Hunter

By J.D Louis

Published on Jan 17, 2016


Disclaimer: This story is entirely a work of fiction and implies nothing about the true sexuality / personal lives of the Home and Away actors featured in it. Their respective characters are property of the Seven Network, Australia.

There was nothing traditional about Hunter and VJ's "relationship" or their wedding; the boys sprawled naked across Hunter's bed having spent their bucks night together...soon to wake up together...and see each other before they exchanged vows that day.

VJ slept peacefully, recalling the wild night at the surf club as Hunter awoke to answer his buzzing phone.


"It's me. We need to talk." It was Trey.

"I don't want or need you for anything anymore." Hunter said abruptly before hanging up.

The phone rang again.

"What about the next part of our plan?" Trey demanded.

"Oh, that. I'll meet you in 10?"


Andy, Josh, Matt, Tank, Oscar, Spencer, Chris, Nate, Kyle and Zac gathered in one of the caravans for a men's meeting.

"I can't believe my sons are getting married today." Zac said, concerned.

"Yeah...don't you guys find that a bit suss?" Matt added. "Things didn't work out between them...now they're `madly in love'? I'm not buying it."

"Yeah...VJ didn't look too happy last night." Tank added.

"Do you guys think Hunter's holding something over Veej? It's the only thing that makes sense. And nothing's too crazy for Hunter." Josh suggested.

The guys all nodded in agreement.

"That settles it. We have to put an end to this madness." Zac said.

"There he is now." Andy said, noticing Hunter walking through the bush on his way to meet Trey. "Come on boys, whatever he think's he's got on Veej, we'll get it out of him."

It was like a witch hunt, or a Hunter hunt, as the guys marched Hunter back to the caravan, ready to interrogate him. Chris and Spencer pinned a naked Hunter face down on the bed as Andy and Nate pulled out their hard cocks ready to forcefully coerce his confession.

"Wait, let me handle this." Kyle said as he slid his fist up Hunter's hole. Hunter moaned and groaned, but his cries were nowhere near as earth shattering as they were when the prison guards fisted him. After some internal searching, Kyle found what he was looking for: Hunter's prostate. He squeezed and massaged it and before long Hunter felt himself fire a fountain of faggot fondue without even needing to touch his cock.

"I'm confused," Chris said. "How is making him cum torture?"

"Once...twice...maybe three times is fine," Kyle replied. "But there's 10 of us...and if we each make him cum the way I did...let's just say he won't be up for celebrating his wedding night...or the night after that. Trust me, its the Braxton way...it works every time."

By the 7th consecutive load, Hunter's cum supply had dried up...every last drop of his man milk was gone.

"Ready to talk yet?" Nate demanded.

"Never!" Hunter replied.

"Oh well, don't say you weren't given a chance." Nate said as he took his turn, making Hunter scream in pain as his drought-striken dick was forced to continue erupting on empty. But Hunter suffered even more dry orgasms as Oscar and Matt completed the process, to no avail.

Zac had slipped out during the fisting fiesta, and returned with a traffic cone from the shed and rammed it up his son's ass.

"You want this thing gone? Just tell us how you're blackmailing Veej. Simple." Zac said as the guys all left Hunter to consider changing his mind...

The guests gathered at the beach, 99% of them there to gawk at the spectacle rather than support the sudden union. Hunter had managed to wedge the cone out of his ass and hobbled to the beach - he wasn't about to let his last chance of getting VJ slip through his fingers. Once VJ was his for good they had all the time in the world to fuck...it wasn't a huge deal the marriage wasn't going to be consummated that night.

Hunter and VJ looked sexy as they walked down the sandy aisle, their wedding attire boardshorts in keeping with the low-key theme.

"Hunter King, do you take VJ to be your lawful wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health. For better, or worse. For richer, or poorer?"

"I do."

But when it came to VJ's turn: "Nup. No way in hell!"

The guests cheered in relief that the sham wedding was off, but applause turned to screams as 3 gunshots were fired; Hunter the target as his bloody body fell to the ground...

"Billie!! Noooooooooooo!! I told you not to do anything rash!!" Ash yelled as he arrived in time to see his sister pull the trigger.

"Someone had to stop VJ making the worst mistake of his life!" Billie sobbed.

"Besides knocking you up?"

"Stop it Marty!! We can't do anything about it now so just shut up!!"

"Sorry." Ash said as he comforted Billie. Damn it, why didn't she just trust VJ? Ash thought to himself as he recalled telling VJ and Billie he'd used his criminal connections to trace V3 to Marilyn and John. They agreed VJ would call off the wedding, but not before humiliating Hunter in front of everyone. Why oh why did Billie feel the need to make the son of a bitch pay further...by taking his life? Meltdown over, it was time to dispose of the evidence...

Elsewhere on the beach:

"I wasn't there for you growing up, but I'm glad I could do something for you now." Vinnie said to himself as he threw his gun into the ocean. He'd experienced first-hand just how manipulative Hunter was; there was no way he could stand by and let his son throw his life away on that low-life. VJ was only young; he'd find someone later on worthy of being Vinnie's son-in-law...

The crime scene was cordoned off as Hunter's body was carted away with Zac by his side. Although he'd been against the wedding he never wished death upon his recently discovered son.

With the gun now gone, Ash and Billie joined VJ as they broke the news to a tearful Marilyn and John and reclaimed V3.

I'M the one who doesn't want or need you for anything else Trey smirked to himself; recalling Hunter's words to him that morning as he watched the scene unfold from a distance. It wasn't the way he and Hunter planned it to unfold; but the desired outcome had been achieved. Now it was his turn as he drew his gun and aimed it at John; he was already a fugitive, he had nothing to lose by avenging his years of psychological abuse...

It was a happy, but overwhelming day for VJ, what with the safe return of V3 and the demise of Hunter. He was planning to celebrate later with Billie and V3, but for now, he needed alone time. As he walked along the secluded end of the beach someone grabbed him and began kissing him. It was Romeo.

"You like bad boys?" Romeo whispered breathlessly into VJ's ear.


"Good. Because I killed Hunter. I can't stop thinking about you..." Romeo replied. The third bullet had come from him.

VJ wondered how Romeo got out of jail, but in the moment of hot kissing now wasn't the time or place to discuss a minor technicality. At the same time he was conflicted: killing someone out of jealousy to steal their man sounded like something Hunter would have done; and VJ was done with lunacy. But he knew Romeo...that he was, as his name suggests, motivated by love.

They didn't need medical marijuana today to recreate the intensity of their prison fuck as they made love on the beach. They'd started with a bang...literally...but the studs agreed to take it slow and see what happens...


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