He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Jun 24, 2007


"Mad that i am going to go out with Kevin again tonight"

"why would i be mad at that the love of my life is over there"

All i could do is smile and think how bad it would have gotten. I already have two psycos after me i really don't need a third.

"So this Kevin guy whats up with him" said Shane

"he isn't your normal really really hot guy. He is to nice. But hey he could surprise me."

"yeah i guess so." said Shane.

"well hey i gotta get to school so i'll see you guys after word"

"hey Jay why don't i give you a ride then we can all eat at viggie world later." said Paul

"umm, well i have my car..."

"you know i just wanted to talk to you about a few things." said Paul

"uh. Yeah ok"

"well you guys go ahead. I am going over to my moms house so i'll meet you guys there later."

"ok sounds cool"

Shane lft out. I went up stairs to get my stuff. I came back down stairs and Paul was waiting at the door.

"you ready" said Paul

"Paul what was that"

"what do you mean"

"the whole .i have a few things i need to talk to you about" gig Paul if it's aout you still being in love with me i don't wanna hear it."

"do you not want to hear it because your scared feeling are going to get aroused"

"your damn right. Listen ok me and Shane are friends. I am not about to give that up. Besides i am not some guy that goes around friends backs and go after their men."

"well. Your not going after your friends man. His man isn't coming after you either."

"then what the fuck would you call all that stuff you were saying earlier"

"listen jay do you love me."

"Paul please... Ok i have enough stress on my mind"

"will you just answer the fucking question!!!"

" YES PAUL!!!"

"good because i do to"

He walked over and kissed me. I wanted to with draw but i didn't. Just then the door opened. It was Shane.

"hey forgot my keys. Haha see you guy later"

He didn't see it lucky me i though.

"Paul i a going to drive myself to school. We will not have this conversation again. We need to move on."

"so wait if you are so worried about Shanes feelings then what if me a Shane broke up. I mea Jay baby give me some kinda hope"

"first i'm not your baby and second even though i was with you first and he went after you. Paul two wrongs don't make a right."

"yeah but Jay... I really do still love you"

"I know you do. Maybe some day we will be together again just not today."

"yeah i know"

"hey i got to be getting to school"

On my way out the door i got a text from Kevin. It said he bueatiful. And asked me if i wanted to meet up later. I quickly replied "yes" forgetting about Paul and Shane. I replied again. "Would you mine meeting some of my friends." he answered "I wish it was just me an him but he would meet my friends if i would meet he parent lol" i responded "lol ok that would be cool". God he was so comical even on really bad days like this morning he would do something that would make me smile. I went to school and had an OK day. Then as i was leaving i saw Kevin Parked out side. I waved to him.

"hey cutie" i said

"what are you looking in the mirror"

I just smiled

"so were are we eating at" said Kevin

" Well it's this really good vegetarian place down the street my two friend Shane and Paul are there waiting"

"ok well i'll follow you"


We drove down there the place wasn't that busy so we found a table quickly. I looked around and i saw Paul wave over to me. I took a deep breath and walked over.

"hey you guys. This is Kevin, Kevin that is Paul and Shane" me pointing to let him know who they are.

"nice to meet you. Jay said you were hot but damn" said Shane

Paul poped him on the hand and said .down tiger your mines. I looked at Paul we crossed eyes and then looked at the menu.

"so how did you guys meet." said Paul

"Paul you know how we meet" i said

"Jay it's fine i'll tell him how" said Kevin

"oh yes do tell" said Paul

"well I was checking Jay out on the train. And when i got off the car. I dropped my farecard. He walked into my butt and then he went on about how sorry he was. Then... Well i just asked him out. Haha pretty funny story huh"

"yeah very" said Paul as if he was upset.

"well what about you and Shane Paul, how did you guy meet"

"well you see me and Jay use to go out and then Shane and i got into a fight. Later we fell in love together."

Kevin looked at me.

"oh i see."

I looked at Paul and then said

"yeah but he was really going for Shane the whole time nothing to big."

" what do you mean nothing to big. You have been in love with me since forever."

" what Paul yeah OK." i said sacasticly

"don't deny it Jay"

"Shane has Paul been drinking you know how he gets" i said

" No he hasn't... Paul what the hell is going on with you." said Shane

"Oh nothing i just hate when people lie, like you did this morning Jay."

"Paul what are you talking about" said Shane

"when you walked through the door he wasn't talking about weather or not you would get mad if he went out with Kevin again. Jay you want to tell him or should I." "Paul what are you doing" i said

"fine i will tell him. Shane i am still in love with Jay and i love you to. He didn't want me to tell you because he vauled your friendship. But he said it to, he said he loved me." said Paul

"You know what fuck this i'm out of here" said Kevin

"Kevin wait please" i said

" Jay i though you were diffrent the way that you said you heart had been shatterd. But i see that you are no diffrent than the other guys out here"

"Kevin thats not the case"

"what is then Jay honestly."

"Jay then tell me why. Do you love this man" said Kevin

"I did but not who he has become"

"you will always love me. Jay i'm am about to lose Shane here because i love you. Hell i'll scream it so everyone canhear me"

"Paul no don't do that"


Every thing stopped. I looked around embarassed. I ran out the door. Kevin came after me.

"your a fucking nut case man" Kevin said to Paul

"hey but your man is in love with me"

Said Paul

Shane got up and slapped Paul to the ground.

"you a worthless peice of shit Paul. Go to hell"

Shane came out side. And sat down beside me as Kevin held me.

"Jy listen thank you." said Shane

"for what you loved Paul. I feel so bad"

"No Jay don't you knew Paul for four years and you chose my friendship over you bengin love with him"

"Shane i'm so sorry I never ment to make this happen."

"shh. It's ok Paul did this to himself it's not you fault."

"Hey Jay listen it's going to be ok, i'm not going anywhere" said Kevin

"wha... Really, listen i'm so sorry you had to deal with that. It wasn't suppose to be..."

"Jay i know. Your a good man. Thats why i still want to be with you"

"Thank you"

"He Jay i'm going to head home, goodbye"

The way that Shane said goodbye sounded weird. Kevin told me that he wanted me to meet someone. I agreed. The next thing i know we are at my old house.

"what are we doing here."

"oh this is were i live, or rather should i say where my parents live i live across town" it's such a bueatiful house."

"yeah i know."

"wait how do you know"

"because my parents sold it i lived there before you guys moved in."

"what are you serious"

"yeah i am"

"ok then what is the first room on the upper level of the house on you left"

"on your left is a bathroom, the room stright as you go up the stairs is the master bedroom with a bathroom in it that has red tiles on the floor. The room to your right is a bedroom that has a closet in it. On he inside of the closet it says "Jay" in it it will have a picture of me my mom and my dad on he inside."

"wow you did live here before, why did you move"

"well kinda didn't have a choice parents sold it with out me knowing. I had to move"

"Damn i'm sorry"

"no it's ok. I like my new house alot no memories there"

"i see. Well if your ready to come inside let me know."

"i'm not going to spoil the evening"

"ok then lets go in."

We went inside and his parents greated us.

"hello how are you doing ma'am" i said

"oh honey thats cute but you can call me Gen i don't want to feel old,"

Then Kevins father came from around rthe conner.

"and you can call me Franz"

"well hello how are you doing. My name is Jay"

"Kevin thats so nice you are bringing friends home, but when are you going to bring home a woman i want to be a grandmother soon." said his mother.

"umm. Mom about that. Well i have a surprise for you."

" you have a girlfriend, is she you sister Jay"

"umm. No sorry" i said

"mom, Jay is the person."


"mom Jay is the person that i'm bringing home to the family."


We left and drove off.

"Jay listen i'm so sorry i though they would be cool about it. I had no idea they were going to kurk like that"

"no it's fine, it happened to me except i got a house out of it" i said

"let me take you home. I take it today has been a really bad day for you"

"yeah. I just need to stop into my place and get a few things."

"yeah sure no problem"

Kevin drove to his condo. It has to be worth atleast 2 million. He went in ans security talked too him they were pointing at the door asking him to leave that he no longer had an contract with the comapany. I got out the car. And walked over to the doors.

"Kevin what is going on here"

"they cut my contract."

"who cut the contract i don't understa..."

" my parents"

"can't you open up a new one"

"yeah i guess i can."

He went to the front desk and the rejected him. We left, he said that he would try a hotel. I offered for him to stay at my house. I don't know why but he refused. He went inside the hilton he room was 300 a night. He gave the credit card number. And it was declined with insufficent funds. He was shocked he got into a huge argument with he manager telling her it was 200,000 thousand in the account. He got on the phone and called the bank they said all the money was withdrawn from his accounts. I walked over and asked the man how much would it be for 3 months. He said 27,000 dollars. I gave him my card. I have no idea i have only known this man for a few weeks and i just spent 27 grand on him. Before the guy could swipe the card Kevin told him to stop.

"what are you doing" said Kevin

"uh getting you somewhere to stay. You don't want to come live with me"

"you are about to spend 27,000 dollars on me. You barely know me."

"the reason why i trust you is because you stood there beside me before you knew i was rich. You called tou made sure i felt like something important. You stood beside me after what happen with Paul tonight. And now that you know that i'm rich you don't wantme to spend it on you."

"Jay i just don't want you to feel like. This guy can't support himself."

"No because one day if i'm down and out i don't want anyone to see me that way"

"but it's crazy Jay they took my house they took my money. What else did they take."

Just then we herd a tow truck pulling away his car. He ran out sidee yelling

"hey man what the fuck are you doing" said Kevin

"repo man pay the note" said the guy towing the car.

"Fuuuuck man this can't get any better i'm going to call my uncle and see if he can help me out."

He tries to use his cell phone but the service has been cut.

"Here use mine"

"Jay i really don't know how to repay you"

"just stay faitful"

"i promise i will"

He got on he phone and dialed the number.

"hey uncle mike, umm well tonight hasn't been a good night at all... Oh she told you... What and she said it was your fault,

How is that possiable...oh i see did she disown you to...well if she keeps doing that she won't have anyone...well right now i'm staying with a friend...yeah i may just come up there until things die down, down here...yeah thanks uncle mike"

"how did it go" i said

" well he asked me to come up there and live with him for a few weeks"

"so are you going to go"

y"i'm thinking about it, but i don't want to leave you down here."

"i'm a big boy i can handel mines, but you issues are a lot worse so maybe you should go up there for a little while. It would be good for you. And if it only for a few weeks then we can still talk and be together."

"yeah i grew up in philli so i guess i have some old friends to see."

"yeah it's just like going on vacation."

"yeah but i still have to remember why i'm going"

"forget the reason why just think yu get to see some old friends that should make you happy"

"yeah i guess"

We went over to my house Paul was out side the doors. I got out the car telling Kevin to stay inside. I walked up to him.

"what the fuck do you want now Paul"

"i wan...wanna talk."

"about what, are you drunk"

I looked down at his arm he was high

"Paul what the fuck is that. How long have you been shooting up."

"thats n...n...nothing"

I waved for Kevin to come here. Paul fell backward i caught him before he fell.

"J...Jay i'm sorry about wh...what i did."

"what ever Paul right now i'm worried about you dying. How much did you have"

"one hundred cc's"

"fuck i knew i should have payed attention in class i don't know howmuch that is."

"Jay thats almost a full surienge." siad Kevin

"what Kevin, what do i do"

"we need to get him to a hospital. NOW"

i hopped in my car and drove off speeding this time being aware of the cops. I got to the emergency room with out hearing sirens behind me that was a relief. We got Paul in there they took him in the back. From that point on i believed it was in Gods hands. The doctors had to pray because i guess that much would put a guy big as Debo from "Friday" out. Man this shit was crazy. I though to myself. Man i never want to see a hospital again. The doctor told me that they almost lost him. But they got him stable. That was a load taken off. And then i thought if i don't go back to Paul he will kill himself. I have no clue. What i would do if i lost him yeah he may have put me through hell but i did still love this man. And this is the fourth year. All i could do is wait for him to wake. Kevin stayed by myside the whole night. I drank so much coffee even though i never drink coffee to stay up. Me and Kevin just played games to pass the time by. And finally Paul awoke. The doctor came out and talk to us. He told us that we couldn't be long because the meds they gave him would wear him down. And he shouldn't try and stay up. I understood. I went in to see him Kevin waited out side. He said what ever Paul had to say was none of his concern so he would stay out side. I entered the room.

"hey how you doing" i said as i sat down beside his bed.


"yeah you had like 100cc of heroin"

"yeah that and i feel like a complete ass. I messed up big time like really big"

"yeah Paul you did"


"Paul you know what. Sorry is getting old your 20 years old i'm 18 and i know that by doing shit like this it's kinda stupid and pointless. And i have always been the one to tell you the truth what you did was so fucking imature."

"yeah i know it was..."

"then why did you do it, hun Paul give me a good reason."

"because, this is serious. There really isn't any point of me being here if i can't be with you."

"you had to make it a sappy love story didn't you"

"Jay what i'm feeling for you is unnatural. I shouldn't be trying to kill myself..."

"no because that is not proving anything. Who knows what the future holds. May be Kevin and I will break up or Shane leaves town but you never know."

"yeah i never know when you will lay beside me again. I never know if you and Kevin will break up. Jay i never FUCKING know if Kasey is going to come back. I have to many people in the way of me and you i have confessed my love for you. And you say actions speak louder than words. Well really i so far just showed you that i'm a psychopath"

"how long Paul"


"how long have you been shooting up"

"Since the day i broke up with you."

"Are you serious.

"Shane helped me calm down but then after hanging out with you feelings returned. And thats when it happened."

"Paul i'm going to get you some help."

"your to nice to me Jay, can you do me a favor"

"what is it"

"can you tell Kevin to come here so i can apologize to him."

"uh, yeah."

I walked out side and Shane was at the door also with Kevin. Shane looked pissed. The glare in his eyes towards me made my bones quiver. He walked into the room and brushed me with his shoulder. I stoped him. He turned around and swong at me. I drew back making him miss.

"man what the fucking is your problem"

"my problem, you want to know my problem. Well Jay the problem is you. You always have someone chaseing you. But this time no you had my man chasing you. This time he almost died. Jay we will never be friends ever"

"Shane i had nothing to do with this whole thing. When I saw Paul and he was tellingme about his feeling i told him to not go there. So if you think that i was backstabbing you fine believe it. It's not like i fucked him. But that was you who did it wasn't it. I'm not going to sit up here and beg and plead for your friendship. Shane your one kookie muthafucker. So you know what fuck it i don't want your friend ship run off you little piece of shit try and find some one else. Be sure to keep them from me. Although i would never cheat. That doesn't mean they won't fall in love with me."

He ran up and tackled me. Kevin pulled him off.

"you guys need to knock it off." said Kevin

"what do you know. Your nothing but another victim in his grip" said Shane.

"hey listen man i had a real fucked up night Jay was being really nice me on the other hand i won't be. So d us both a favor go in there and see Paul and shut your fucking mouth while doing it."

"you know..."

"didn't i say close your fucking mouth"

"you know what fuck you Kevin"

Next thing i know Kevin pops Shane in the mouth.

"i told you i wasn't as nice as Jay. I also told you to close your fucking mout because i had a bad day. So just go in that room and talk to Paul."

Shane just left with out seeing Paul

"sorry" said Kevin

"no need he had it comming"

"your harsh with the words you can really make people flip." said Kevin

"haha yeah i guess but Paul wants to see you"

"why does he want to see me"

"i don't know go ahead in"

We both entered the room. Paul was still awake but looked as if he was getting really drowsey.

"hey Paul siad Kevin" he as trying to as friendly as possiable.

"hey Kevin. Well i know that you have only know me for about a few hours and you already hate me. But i thought that it is only right and appropriate to apologize about what happen today from the resursant to the house and now here at the hospital. I should have kept to my self my feelings. You seem like a good guy Kevin, and i'm sorry that i did this to you. Although you will still hate me after i finished atleast i can say that i was man enough to look you in the face and say i'm sorry for my actions and mean it. I hope that you and Jay go on happy and joyful for along time. I don't know where my place is yet, But i have understood that it is not with Jay. And once agan I sincerly aplogize about this."

He then started to drift off. And the mechiness went crazy Paul went flatline. The doctors and nurses ran in there. Pushing us out of the room. All i saw when they were trying to recisitate him was his eyes half open and his head leaning to the left side. I collapsed.

Next: Chapter 14

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