He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Jul 18, 2007


The guy that we almost hit looked just like me. We were twins. I got out of the car and went up to him. This was some spookie shit going on i got men trying to kill me because of my boyfriend. Y ex's choosing who i need to spend my life with. And now to put the cherry on top i have a fucking twin brother.

"hey umm..." i said not really knowing what to say with out making my self sound like a dummy

"hey" he siad

"i'm Jay"


"well i guess we are brothers"

"yeah i guess"

"umm were are you from. I flew in from europe."

"Europe were mom and dad is."

"yeah but they don't really consider you their son."

"yeah i know that but..."

"but what"

"ok first of all whats up with the tude man chill out second iv'e only known you for about two minutes and you are telling me what my parents think of me."

"what ever bro my life for the last couple of weeks have been pretty fucked up because of you"

"so wait you mean to tell me that you have always known about me. But thisis the first time that i have any kind of conection of you." "surprise. Deal with it ok you think i wanted to meet you."

"man what the fuck is your problem"

"you are my problem. We got people coming over there shooting at us trying to kill me and shit why you sit herein you bueatiful America and sleep."

"wel if yu think my life is so happy fucking go lucky take a look at this (showing him when i was shot) and if you think that is nothing take a look in the back seat it's a guy back their that he just finished stiching up because we were getting shot at all night. So clearly i am not sittng in this fuckinng country dreaming of pixies and fucking rainbows. Get your fucking facts straight."

"so why did they come after me."

"because on night this fucker wants to rob a store and he was going to kill me."

"well you obviously did something to piss the family off because they got our parents captured."

"man what the fuck i a seriously tired of all this kidnapping shit. If onemore person has me at gun point i'm going to flip"

"well this is all your boyfriends fault."

"hey leave him out of it"

"you know what fuck this all they wanted me to do was come he and make sureyour dumb ass is ok."

"who the fuck you think you talking to."


"man i maybe gay but i'll kick your ass"

"what ever i'm older"

"what the hell is that suppose to mean"

Paul got out of the car.

"Jay we need to get out of here now" said Paul

"were are we suppose to go" i said

"mom and dad has a private jet. We need to leave the country. Said Adrian.

"whoa wait i still have friends here that may be in danger. I need to get them.

"how many the jet can only hold 18 including he piolits.

"Were fine i need to call them now. "

I get on the phone and call around Kasey was in the middle of have sex when i called and told him to finish it up t gethishifh flyer miles but he needs to get to the airport ASAP. I called Justin told him to leave his house know and get Justin and head to the airport quickly. He did. About a hour later we were all there. We got on the plane.

"Jay what about Adam."

"don't worry he is on his way now"

Soon Adam arrived. When he got there all of us got on the plane. Then Adrian pulled me off to the side.

"jay we need to get off of this plane now"

"what are you talking about we just got on it"

"those are not our piolits. We need to get off here now."

"ok i'm going to tell them to give us a few and the can go on break."

I walked over to the guys and saw the piolits knocked out. I told the they could go on break and the pushed me half way across the plane. Paul got up and he knocked him out. I went up to him and screamed

"Stop ok got damn it what do you want"

"we want to make him suffer."

"please ok just leave us alone"

"no as a matter fact take the pretty one"

"they grabed Kevin and took him in a room and ripped his cloths off. They were raping him all i herd was Kevin yelling "No please don't and after that screams as he was taking a serious ass pounding. The other guy around him was yelling make his ass sore. I herd the hard thrust in and out of his ass. All i could do was cry and hold Justin as he couldn't do anything but sit there and listen to his boyfriend scream as the assult continued. Justine went over to the mini bar and grabed to glass bottles. He bust in the room and hit them over the head. One passed out he other pushed him causeing him to hit his head on the coner of the dresser. Then we all launched an assult on him finally makinghim fall to his feet. Then we pushed them off the plane. After we pushed them off. Adrian got in the piolits chair and started the plane.

"what the hell are you doing. Do you know how to fly one of these things."

"if i didn't do you think i would be behind this controller."

"man i don't know. Because lately people been doing alot of shit they don't know how to do."

"well sit the fuck down buckle up and enjoy the got damn flight."

"you know what Adrian."


"i'm telling mommy"

"shut he fuck up and sit down"

"on the forreal note. If you are going to be an asshole like this you could have stayed where you were and let me been killed it's not like you care anyways"

"listen ok i'll explain later why i'm acting like this just now sit down and shut up."

I walked over to Paul and picked him up off of the floor. He pushed me.

"what the hell was that for" i said

"oh god i'm sorry it was just a reaction"

"it's fine."

"where are they said Paul

"we threw them off the plane"

"while it was in the air"

"no we are about to take off now"

"who is flying this thing if they are out"


"your brother"

"yeah i had the same reaction."

"Hey you guys were about to take off can you buckle up" said Adrian

A few minutes later we were in the air. Justin started pukeing. Kevin couldn't find out what was wrong. I went over to him the way he was holding the hand rail he was scared to fly. Kevin laid down beside him and held him. I have never been the person to envy someone but i kinda wish Paul would hold me right now. For some reason he seemed to be distant from me. He sat all the way at the end of the plane when their was seats right next to me.

"Paul are you Ok."

"yeah i'm fine" as he got up and walked to another seat

"bull shit what is going on with you"

"Jay right now just leave me alone ok"


I had no clue why he was so upset. He looked at me like he wanted to hurt me. I was nervous and scared. What if Paul doesn't want to be with me anymore. Was it a waste of time. What is going on. I took my seat by the window and stared out of it. Shane came over and sat beside me.

"hey lover boy how you holding up." said Shane

"i'm trying"

"i see, you know Paul loves you he just has a lot going on in his head right now. So i think when all of these things cam down it will be a big diffrence"

"But Shane we made a promise and i hate that we are having problems it's to early for these issues."

"i know one thing Paul was one of the most greatful mean when all of us determined that he was the man for you."

"although you guys determined that for me i'm finding it hard to believe that he really wants to be with me"

" i think the issue is tha he is scared that he doesn't know how to love you correctly"

"well what is the correct way to love someone"

"give them your all and never stop. Make them understand that their fear are gone as long as you are around. Make sure they know that it only one person in your life and show that no matter what happens you will always be there. While staying true to yourself all at the same time.

"don't you think that may be a little hard when your in love you change a part of your self. I know i had to do a few changes when i got with Paul"

"then you don't love him, or should i say that he doesn't love you."

"where are you going with this."

"what i'm saying Jay is that when you are in love with someone the person should love you for you. You should never have to change youself in order to make one another happy thats how you know that what you have is real."

"so what should i do because for some reason, he isn't talking to me."

"he will come around wait on it."

"Shane i can't wait forever"

"No ones asking you to" said Paul

"Paul we need to talk"

"No we don't"

"what the hell has gotten into you"

"go to hell jay"

"whoa first i'm not one of yu friends that you can talk shit to. I'm your boyfriend Paul."

"you were my boyfriend. I'm done with you"


"yeah Jay i'm done with you. I have no clue why i sacrificed my life because i wanted to be with you"

"Paul you don't mean it take it back"

"i mean every thing i'm saying. I never loved you. Your beneath me. Your like one of my rugs i just walk across you because you mean nothing to me."

"Ok Paul i get it enough. Fine you hate me you want me dead. I understand i'll just stay out of your way"

"you better"

I walked over to the private room and laid down. Adrain came through the door

"hey little bro how are you holding up."

"oh now your considerate."

"well i never knew that love could hurt that bad"

"I thought that he loved me. But i guess the truth came out tonight huh"

"yeah, sorry about the way i've been acting."

"yeah it's cool"

"no it's not if i should be mad at anyone it should have been mom and dad"

"why you had them in your life all i had was a nanny until i turned 16 then she was out of there."

"i had two abusive parents that cared nothing about me. Dad would get upset with mom and punch her. Then after she would leave he would beat me up. Sometimes when he had some of his friends over they would rape me. No matter how loud i yelled or how much i fought. I just couldn't break free. I thought you were the one that had the easy life."

"easy mom and dad left when i was two i don't remeber anything. I almost run you over and then i find out. "holy shit i have a twin brother" this is not how i wanted my life to turn out but it did."

"well don't worry ok it's me and you on this one and i'm going to stick with you OK."

"yeah... Hey Adrian"


"if you knew about me why didn't you ever try and contact me"

"mom and dad didn't let me i tried Jay i swear i did."

"oh... Well anyways i'm just happy that me and you are here and we can finally be brothers."

"yeah keep you head up Jay things will work out for us soon"

"i hope so."

I went out of the room. And saw Paul listening to the radio. I walked pass him. He looked up at me and looked away. I just shook my head.

"something you gotta say" said Paul.

"yeah i got quite a few things to say. First i don't know what the hell got into you. And really i don't give a fuck. Number two if you hate me so much why did you stick with me for that long."

He stood up and punched me Adrain put the plane back on auto piolt and pushed Paul.

"what the fuck i your problem man."

"oh now you wanna come to your brothers rescue"

"yeah and if it mean whipping you little yellow ass then lets go papi"

"your half latino to dummy" said Paul

"yeah i know that. But if you touch my brother again your going off this plane. And i don't care if we are in the air or on the ground."

"i should have let you die that night"

"Paul, shut up" said Shane

"all of you guys are going crazy"

"no just you, i don't know what you did to the old Paul but i want him back"

"well he isn't coming back. Deal with it"

"Jay just sit up in the front with me, and stay way from him we still have about three hours left." said Adrian.

"Wait why Jay don't you wanna be next to me" said Paul

"what Paul you have bee acting like an asshole all night you wished i was dead and you broke up with me"

"what are you talking about i was sleep the whole ride after i was knocked out"

"Paul what is going on i'm confused"

"Jay lets go" said Adrian"

Paul grabbed my arm, then Adrian flipped out...

Next: Chapter 19

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