He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Jul 30, 2007


We started to feel some serious turbulence a few minutes after Adrian walked out the door. He came back in and took over to keep the plane up. He saw our destination a few minutes later.

"hey Jay you wanna hear something funny"

"please i need a laugh tonight"

"well you remeber how i said i could fly a Plane"


"ok well all i could do i fly a plane not land it"

"hahahaa you are so funny"

"hahahahaha i'm serious"

"hahahaha no your not, seriously we are getting close to the airport"

"JAY i don't know how to land a plane"

"oh my god your serious"

"uh yeah."

"when were you going to let me know"

"i just did"

"you ever herd what go up must come down"


"this plane went up, WHICH MEANS IT MUST COME DOWN"

"welll you know when the plane took off we had people SHOOTING AT US"

"Yeah i know but if you can't land this plane then we could have been shot and killed back there. Is it a point that we tried getting away when we are just going to die anyways."

"i'll get us down" said Adam

"so what they teach you guys how to fly a plane in training."

"no but somethings you just pick up on elsewhere"

"just let me know now. Am i or am i not going t die here. I'm to pretty to die, awww lord why me" i said

"Jay" said Adrian


"zip it" said Adrian

Adam sat down and took the controls.

"now lets see if i can remeber this"

"can you remeber this. What the fuck you mean can you remeber. You better" i said

"Jay let him land this thing" said Adrian

"while he is seeing if he can remeber i'll just be over here SAYING MY PREYERS"

"Jay if yu don't sit down"

"fine i'm sitting down. I'll be sitting here when this Plane goes down also"

Adam started to land the plane i felt us decrease in altitude. I saw him pick up the earphones and they gave him a clear for landing. After i said my sorries. I felt the plane touch ground. I looked around and we were on the ground with a safe landing. After we landed i went into the room where Paul was, he was foaming at the mouth. I saw that he had already injected himself. I called the airports emergency help they sent ambulances quickly for all of us that were hurt. I rode with Paul he looked as if he wasn't going to make it. I couldn't breathe. The guys were asking us question but it was in french. I wasn't able to answer. I saw that Paul went flatline, I passed out. I woke back up in the hospital.

"where is Paul" i said

"Jay calm down they managed to save him" said Adrian

I laid back down and became calm. If Paul didn't make it, it would have been my fault i should have never left him there.

"i want to see him" i said

"no you can't you need to rest up first because you are the one that almost didn't make it." said Adrian

"but i feel fine now let me go"

I tried to get up but i fell. My streght in my legs gave on me.

"see i told your hard headed ass to sit in the bed. Now i gotta pick you up." said Adrian

"get me a wheelchair i need to see Paul."

"Jay rest up"

"let me tell you something Adrain have you ever loved a man."

"no i'm striaght"

"well it the same as loving a woman... almost."

"where are you going with this Jay"

"well the thing is i love Paul, with all my heart and i'm not going to let that go. When he holds me in his arms i feel safe having a man grip you that way. When he kisses me with his lips having them pressed up against mines means something that is inreplacable. When we have sex. And he is ontop of me having that feeling of a man stregnth and warmth makes your body go wild. See i need to see Paul. I need to let him know that i am here, here to stay. Let him now that he doesn't have to worry, i'm not going anywhere. And neither is he..."

"you must really love him"

"you have no clue."

Adrain went into the hall got awheel chair for me and rook me to Pauls room. When i got to his room Paul was a sleep. I asked adrain to take me in. He did i looked over at Paul as he slept. I broke out in tears i was so confused on what was happing how am i suppose to fix this and make sure that it will stay that way. What was i going to do now.

"take me back to my room please" i said

"but you just got here" said Paul.

"oh your up."

"yeah i'm up "

"Paul we need to have a talk"

Adrian left the room Paul looked at me strangely.

"i know about the other two people. Ramiro and Jason."


"It's fine Paul i'm still going to love you until i die. But i want to help you with these issues because... Ramiro is causeing you to kill yourself with these drugs. And well Jason all that negative energy is making you feel worn out."

"listen Jay... I know that when you were on that Plane Jason told you somethings."

"yeah... So"

"well the thing is...Jay you can't get rid of them thats out of the question. They will continue to be here, and you should not have to suffer because of it."

"what are you saying Paul."

"what i am saying is that i'm going away for a while..."

"whoa hold fast, where, when, why, how long i mean we jus..."

"hold on Jay i'm leaving because, they are going to be running some test on me over in germany. I have no clue how long. But it will be a few years."


"Jay i'm really sorry." "P...Paul what am i suppose to do for years."

"find someone that only has one personality. Not three"

" so i'm taking it i'm talking to Jason right now because Paul wouldn't act this way."

"no it's Paul. Jay go find love."

"what if I already have."

"It can't be with me."

"sorry to tell you it is"

" Jay do you think i want for you to walk out of my life."

"i don't know, the way your pushing seemes that way"

"Well it's not. I just don't want to embarrass you."

"thats up for me to decide weather i'm embarrassed or not. I made a promise that i would stay by your side and never leave."

"Jay i want you to leave."

"wha... Paul you joking right."

"no i'm not go ok just get your things and fly back to the states."

"i can't believe your saying that."

" Jay i'm sorry but i can't be putting you in danger for me it's not fair and it's not right"

"Ok Paul you know all i use to do is live for the day that you would come back to me and tell me that you love me."

"well you have lived tha day"

"No i lived a lie"

I rolled my self out the room. Paul called me back. Just kept going. I wasn't going to cry anymore. I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired of dealing with these men. Yeah Paul hurt me but that is the last time he ever will. I saw the other guys standing in the waiting room.

"oh my god Jay your alive." said Shane

"yeah i'm good." i said

"no your not Jay what happened" said Kevin

"seriously i'm fine"

"well it just seemed like your upset"

"Jay can i talk to you for a second."


After we moved away from the other Adrain looked at me. He knew something was wrong.

"your lying what happened with Paul."

"nothing i'm good"

"Jay i'm your twin and you know how they say thay twins share a special bond well yeah lets bond."

" Me and Paul broke up"

" WHAT."

"why did you seem so surprised"

"Jay what happened you love him he loves you i don't understand"

"well Paul loves me. Not the other two people living in his head "

"so did he breakup with you."

"yeah besides he's leaving for some years"

"where is he going."


"what the hell is over there."

"doctors he says, they are going to be doing test on him"

"Jay i'm so sorry. You will be fine.

"yeah you know what fuck it i don't care water happens if thats the way he wants to play fine."

"Jay what are you talking about."

"Adrain i'm leaving"

"where are you going"

"going to Sweden"

"what the fuck is in Sweden."

"hot blonde people"

"what about mom and dad"

"we have to find them"

" yeah it would be nice"

"well lets find them because i'm spending my summer in Sweden."

On our way leaving al the other guys were standing their. Ready to go.

"what are you guys doing." i said

"we are going to help you find your parents." said Kevin

"it's not your battle besides i have put you through enough hell already"

"well we are kinda like this one big gay brotherhood so suck it up we are coming" Said Shane.

"ok i warned you guys."

We left out of the hospital and went to my parents house. This house was huge just from he front of it. The house was 6 stories high and the half the legnth of a foot ball feild. It was an party going on inside.

"what the..." said Adrain

"i though you said they were missing" i said

" they were gone for weeks they told me if anything happened to go and get you so that way you would be able to see them"

"let's go inside"

we went inside and there they were having a party i saw them standing on the stage. Joking and laughing hysterically. They saw me standing there with Adrain and they cut the music off everyone turned towards us.

"everyone my boys are home. Then i saw a boy about my age get on the stage. He lifted his head and looked out at us i could not beileve my eyes. I was one of three. Adrain looked at me and then looked back at the stage. Then i realized that Adrian had no clue of his existence. They guy hopped off the stage and walked over to us.

"hello hermanos. Me llamo Jaun"

" yeah me llamo Adrain

"y yo Jay"

"tu hables englis"

"yeah i do i was checking to see if you knew spanish"

" haha we do but the question is why didn't we know about you" i said

"well the thing is i was taken by accident i was the last born"

"ok this is a little t weird for me." said Adrain.

"why is that"

"well see i knew that Jay existed but not you."

"well you learn alot of thing eh" said Jaun.

Then my mom and dad walked over to us

"well Jay its so good to see you." said my mother

"why did you want me to come and see you" i said

"because hijo we missed you" said my dad.

"well i have to get back to the states and graduate."

"Jay we can't go back those guys are after us." said Kevin

"what guys what has happened." said my mother.

"it's along story but the marino family is trying to kill me."

"well not anymore i'll call them and tell them to stop or their company will go bankrupt." said my dad

"yeah right, they have a plan and they are going to fall through with it." is said

My dad walk over to the phone said a few words and came back to me.

"hey hijo no problemo it's fix you are protected now they won't be bothering you any more. Also me y tu madre want to say sorry."

"it fine but i need for you guys to be in my life not over seas. When are you coming back to the states."

"we can leave tommorow morning."

"are you serious."

"Jay we want to be in your life we missed so much of it. And we are so sorry and you need to get to know your three two brothers also." said my mom

"ok that sounds fine." i said

"well that taken care of so let have a feista." Said my dad.

It was the next day. And we were going to the airport. As we all got on the plane. I saw Paul stand there. He waved at me goodbye. And then the plan took off.

Next: Chapter 21

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