He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Aug 6, 2007


When we landed in the States it was around 3. I went to the limo my parents had waiting for us. I went home and looked at my house it was completely fixed up. Everyting was back in place. My parents told me that they were going to go and find them a house because they thought i was mature enough to have a house ofmy own. But my brothers wanted to move in with me so that we can all get to know each other better. Weeks passed by and my mind was finally off of Paul. You know it's funny i loved this ma for four years and now all of a sudden he was off of my mind. Graduation day was here i made the final descion on which college i was attending. And i left highschool behind i left with a 3.2 and i was happy with that. When they called my name i looked into the crowed and i saw Paul there. I tried to stay calm but he stood up and walked out of the room. After the other students got their diplomas i left to go to the after party my parents were having. Paul was out side smoking a cigarette. I went out there and he looked at me.

"surprised are you."

"yea you can say that. I mean what the fucking you tell me that you are going to be gone for years then you show up to my graduation."

"hey listen ok i am trying"

"trying to do what make this day horriable."

"no trying to tell you that wha evr the Germans did they fixed me. And where ever Jason and Ramiro are, well they aren't with me."

"thats nice"

"well we can be together now i'm cured."

" sorry but you see it's not that simple"

"why isn't it i thought you said you were going to wait for me."

"you know it's funny Paul because they way that you told me over in europe i could have sworn to god that you just wanted me to leave. And never return"

"no Jay thats not it"

"Paul i'm sorry but at this current time i'm seeing someone"

"no your not"

"so now your going to tell me wo i a dateing"

"yeah because you know you can move pass me."

Just then Reagan walked up to me. Reagan was the guy what i was seeing when i was in france i saw him at the airport and we chatted for awhile he was coming to america also and it would happen to be the same city that i lived in. When Reagan cup his arm around mines. Paul looked surprised.

"Reagan this is Paul, Paul Reagan."

"nice to meet you" said Reagan extending his hand. Paul looked at his hand and walked away.

"what is his problem. Said Reagan

" it's alot of problems with him lets go to the party."

I went home and went inside there was all of my friends standing there all together. We partied for hours and the next thingi knew it was night. I went out side to take out the trash and Paul was standing outside.

"what now first you come to the graduation acting like an comlete ass. Then you show up here what do you want now."

"why are you so mad at me."

"why am i so mad at you well let me think um... You just fucking walk out of my life and you think that everything is going to be cool."

" i was looking out for both of us. I didn't need yuan getting hurt. And i didn't want you mad at me."

"well Paul i make the descion wheather i'm hurt or not. And its funny as long and as hard as you fought for me you let me go so easily. So you don't have to worry you don't need to fight for me anymore."

"you don't mean that tell me you don't mean that."

"i'm sorry to tell you this Paul but i do i have found someone and i like him alot. I know what i want and i know where i'm going you need to get you shit together."

He walked up to me and grabed me by the arm.

"Paul let go of me"

"shut up"

"Paul seriously your hurting my arm let go of me."

He slaped me across the face. We started to wrestle back and forth he cliped me up. I fell. He grabed me by the arms and dragged me into the bushes.

" Paul stop it what the fu..."

He punched me in the face an next thing i knew i was spitting blood out.

"Paul just let me go."

He ripped my shirt of and grabed my arms and held them together. He was unbuckling my pants and pulling down

yqdmy boxer briefs. When he finally got them down he spit in his hand and lubed me up then went straight in. I have nevr felt pain like that before. I was barely lubed and now i had a huge cock in me. Paul had no mercy on me. I was begging him to stop. He took it as if i was beging him to go harder. I tried to scream but everytime i did i would start choking on my blood. He kept thrusting into me everytime harder and harder.

"you like that don't you Jay. See i knew you need me who else can fuck you like me."

"st... Paul...Plea...."

He kept going nothing was stoping him all i could do is hope that someone would come and get him off of me. I felt him moving fast fucking me. Then he locked up he was shooting his load in me. After he shot some of the load in me he went and shot some of it in my mouth making me swollow it. He kissed me then laid on top of me.

"see Jay i knew you wanted it i could hear you screaming."

"get off me." i said taking all i had left.

"and i thought the fun part had just began"

He got up off of me. And looked down at me. He kicked me in the stomach over and over.

"Jay you turned me gay. Now i want to love you and you hate me. UH... I can't believe you."

Then he kicked me in the chest. All that was running on my mind was am i finally about to die. I won't lie i was scared for my life. I wanted to go far in life. Paul kicked me in my balls and then said he loved me. After that he walked away. I layed there scared. Trembling with fear that he may just come back and kill me. I managed to get on my feet. My ass was sore from the pounding so it was kinda hard to walk. I went to the back door so that way i could sneak up stairs with out anyone seeing me. I snuck into the house and took the back stair well i went into the bath room and got into the shower. I cut on the water and just sat in the tub i broke into tears. I never would have thought Paul would be the one to do this to me violate. Just then Shane walked into the bathroom. He looked over at me and ran over.

"Jay...Jay sweety look at me. What happened tell me what happened."


"Jay who did this to you."

"no don't worry about it i'll be fine."

"bull shit either you tell me or i'll find out."

"i can't"

He looked me in the eye. Then i knew he knew who did it.

"it was Paul wasn't it."

"Please Shane don't do anything"

"bullshit. He fucking beat the shit out of you..."

He saw me bleeding from behind

"did he..."

I just shook my head. Then the next thing i know Shane flew through the door. I tried to stop him but he just ran he got in his car and speeded off. I ran to my room and put on some dry clothes. I got in my car and drove off after him. Yes i hated Paul for what he did but i need to keep Shane safe Shane would most likely kill Paul and won't think twice about it. I finally caught up to him after he was already at Pauls house. He went to the door and banged on it. When Paul came to open the door he kicked the door in making Paul fly a few feet back. I ran in the house i was in a lot of Pain. I went in and Paul gother up and back handed me and went for Shane. I hit my head on the table and my vision went blured. Shane yelled and i saw a body fly across the floor. My vision returned it was Paul. Shane got on top of him beating Paul senseless. I went over to Shane and pulled him off of Paul. Paul was unconscious and bloody. We left on the way back to the house Shane pulled over to he side and just screamed. I went over to him and huged him. He kissed me on the fore head and then looked at me.

"Jay why did you protect him you can't still love him after what he did to you."

"no i don't but i can'tlet him die."

"Jay i just don't understand how could you love somebody like him"

"somebody like him... Who am i suppose to love."

"You are suppose to love... Oh what the fuck."

He leaned in and kissed me. I didn't know what to do it was wrong because he was with Adam but felt right because... Well i don't know why it felt right it just did. It was also wrong because i was with Reagan. He withdrew.

"your suppose to love somebody like me."


"no buts Jay i'm in love with you. don't answer now but later. i'll give it all for you. And yes i know you herd it to manytimes before... And i have no clue how to change your mind an make you beileve that i'm telling the truth,but i am."

"Shane i don't know what to say."

"you don't have to say anything right now."

He walked to his car and pulled off. The next day i woke up Adrian, and Jaun burst in my room

"Jay what happened to you last night. Shane has been arrested." said Jaun

I got up to fast and fell. They helped me up.we went down to the jail they were holding him and bailed him out.

"thanks for bailing me out" said Shane

"no problem" i said

"i will reimburse you when i get to the house." said Shane

"don't worry about it. My question is why were you there." i said

"assult with a deadly weapon." said Shane

"against Paul." i said

"yeah see i am registered as a train fighter." said Shane

"oh i see." i said

"but it's cool Paul got what he deserved." said Shane.

"lets just go home." i said

We went back to Shanes house eat a little and talked about his experince in jail. He told me it kinda scary. Being pretty in there. All he tought of was way to make sure he didn't turn into bubba's bitch. It was night a little later. I had a few plans. Plans being that me and Paul was about to have it out. I got in my car and drove off to his house. When i got there his front door was opened he was there with Adam they were makig out on the couch. I saw a plant full of water and dumped it on both of them. Adam jumped up like he had seen available ghost. Paul's face was a little blacked in some areas but not so badly.

"what are you doing here" said adam.

"no the bigger question is what are you doing here making out with him." i said

"it none of your business Jay back the fuck of before you get hurt." said Paul

"what Paul are you just going to rape me again."

" haha your really funny." said Paul.

"no whats funny is you raped me and then you send Shane to jail..." i said

"wait Shane is in jail" said adam

"not any more thanks to me."

"i got to go and see him." said Adam

"no you stay your ass here. Your not going no were near him." i said.

"oh yeah who is going to stop me."

"don't test me Adam"

"i'm a cop you touch me you go down"

"i'm rich i kick your ass you go down"

"he has a poimt there Adam"

I turned around it was Shane. Then i saw Reagan come from upstairs with just a towel on. And another guy behind him. Holding hands

"wow this night just keeps getting better and better" i said

They broke hands and Reagan looked at me. He knew what was coming next.

"you were done." i said

"yeah Adam were done also."

Adam grabbed Shanes arm. I pushed him off of Shane.

"you just assulted an officer."

"you cops think yall hot shit but when your out of that uniform and not wearing that badge, or carrying that gun. Your just like everyone else. So bust a move so i can bust your ass." i siad.

"we will see later." said Adam

"yeah we will see."

Shane and I went home.

"i'm going to take a shower." said Shane

He left out the room with his shirt in his hand. I thought for a while and i thought. I got up and walked to the bathroom and took off my clothes i got in the shower with him.

To be continued.

Thank you guys for reading let me know what you guys think all comments are welcomed good or bad.

Next: Chapter 22

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