He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Oct 9, 2007


I hopped on the phone and called Adam.

"they have Shane"

"wait, what are you fucking kidding me." "no listen this is my husbands life on the line here i need a person that knows what they are doing."

So as i realized that it is now or never; had to get ready to save my husband. Adrian came up to me and looked at me. Was this his way of reassurance, that everything would be fine in the long run, for god sakes i mean i am only 18. Paul came through the door with out knocking or anything.

"Who the fuck you think you are busting in here like you the popo." i said.

"well if you wanna get Shane back you are going to have to be ready for this."

"what do you mean." said Jaun

"well this person that is asking for this ransome."

"yeah he is a cop" i said.

"wrong he is the chiefs son" said Paul

"wait i don't understand what you mean" I sad

"well you put his kids god father away, his dad works so much that he didn't have a father figure in his life. You put him away and this kid is pissed. "

"so he doesn't really have the power to kill Shane." said Jaun

"i never said that i mean he is the cheif of policeses son. So yeah you got some problems on your hand."

"well i have three peoples lives to save and if i don't i don't know what i would do."

" whoa Jay three people" said Adrain

"yeah he has Kevin and Justin also" i said.

"got damn it Jay what kinda shit do you get yourself into man" said Jaun.

"I don't know you think i just sit in my room and say, well today i think i get my husband and some friends kidnapped with a ransome of bailing someone out of prison." i said sarcastically.

"well at least we know where this kid is."

"oh i forgot to tell you he isn't really a kid he is about 20." said Paul

"Is there anything else that you are forgetting to tell me before i go all co ops."

"good luck" Paul said

"luck has never been a friend of mines, and adrian i know what you said but i am going alone. I am not going o but you guys in harms way." i said

"Jay let me tell you so..."

"No let me tell you something, i have only known you for a few weeks now. I need to do this alone. Please don't ask me why i just do. Ok."

"yeah i understand." said Adrian.

"thanks for understanding." i said

"just because i said i understand means nothing. Listen you right, i have only known you for a few weeks and that is the issue. I want to know you longer. You are my brother. If you go out there you can die and i am not about to take that chance. So Jay i don't know what to tell you but i am going with you and there is pretty much nothing you can do about it." said Adrian

"i really can't talk you out of this can i"

"Hell naw, what did you think this was, Dr. Phil and you tell some body something and they take the advice."

"fine we go but whe are going in style."

I call in a favor to an old friend with benifits and he gets me a all black CO ops outfit. I was scared as hell. I didn't know what to expect i was nervous. If i die tonight. What would my family say. What would they do. I couldn't let a police officer like that roam the street i had to stop him and his entourage of crooked cops. We arrived and parked a mile away from the docs, and walked through the woodlands to the warehouse. I go into the back and climb to the top. And go through the window i see Justin and Kevin tied together, bloody, dirty, and near death. I saw Shane he was in a worse condition his face was swollen as if he was beating every second of the day my adrenaline was pumped. I climbed down onto the the lower level and started to untie Kevin and Justin. Shane was guarded so i had to wait on the others. I saw Adrain drop down and hit one of thry guys across the head and took his guns he threw one to Jaun. And slid one of them to me. I finished untieing them. I herd a gun cock i looked to see if it was one of my brothers, then i felt the coldness of the gun against my left temple. Some on grabbed me and then my brother jumped out. Kevin and Justin woke up and and yelled out my name. I saw a man run from the side and pulled the trigger to his gun. The bullet flew across the room hitting Adrain in the left temple. His head jerked and he droped. I looked at his body fall and it seemed like he would never hit the ground. I lost it i got up and broke free from the guy and kicked him in the throat. I saw Jaun run over to Adrains' cold body. I saw Jaun had a laser on his chest i ran in front of him and i was hit in the chest. I looked into Jauns eyes and he caught me he fell to the ground with me, holding me and i was taking my last brethes. I felt my body go cold, so this is what it feels like to die, how interesting i always though it was going to be a quick way that i was going to die. I know that i died for a good reason. I herd the goons walk over to Jaun, I can tell he was scared i was trying to hold on and fight for life i couldn't sit there and let them kill my little brother no matter how long i knew him. I had to try and save him. I looked at the conner and i saw a gun over there in the conner i got up and climbed to it. The guy shot me in the back and i fell; that was not going to stop me from saving my brothers life. i got the gun and it wasn't loaded. I started to lose focus, i should have went alone. But now was not the correct time for the "would have should have could haves" When i though all was lost...it was. I was waitng for a hero to bust through the door but no one came. I was out...I awoke at the local hospital with Adrian by myside. How did i get here who came and saved the day. I looked around the room, all i saw was Adrain bandaged up. i looked at the time it was 11:22 am, what is the date, i looked over at the calander and it was March, How the hell did this happen, i tried to move my arm to page the nurse into the room, but my arm was paralyzed, i tried to speak, and i couldn't talk at all. I was in a coma i take it from how long I was out. I felt alone and I started to cry.Then i saw Shane open the door. He had flowers, Adam followed him in. He droped the flowers on the floor and ran over to my bed.

"oh my god Adam call the nurse he woke up"

"hey, you how have you been" I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out i wanted to tell him how happy i was that he lived and ask him how did he make it out. i had so many other things to ask him but all that would come out of my body was tears. He brushed his finger across my head, and stared into my eyes. Paul rushed into the room, and so did Jaun. I didn't see Kevin or Justin  where were they did they make it out safe was all i could think about now. I began to cry more rapidly, then i just passed out. I awoke a few days later according to my calender with big red X's crossed off. i tried to see if i was still paralyzed an indeed i was. i tried to speak and i could, i looked over to Adrain, he was still there he must have been asleep because it was about 10 oclock at night, although that is early to me he had alot more to recover from. I called for help and then i saw Paul rush into the doors, he looked at me and smiled as tears rolled down his eyes, i was confused as hell, first he was trying to break my heart now he is crying on the fact that i have awoken...again...

"hey you" "hi" "i am so happy that you woke up" "What, i am so confused why are you happy" "Listen Jay i know that i was being an complete dick to you and i aplogize about that." "what do you think this is Paul you can keep treating me like shit and expect for me to keep runing into your arms, you must be out of your damn mind." "whos else arms are you suppose to run into" "my husband' "yeah right you been out for over 5 months you need to play catch up" "what is that suppose to mean" "you ask him" Then Shane walked into the door, Paul looked at him and then just left giving him an evil look,

"what the hell is his deal" "i need to ask you something" "what is it" "have you moved on to someone else" "um..." "um...are you serious, what happened to us getting married as a matter a fact where is the ring" "listen Jay i didn't know if you were going to wake up or not, i need someone to love me and..." "and you just so happen to to just give up, that nice to know" ":Jay what would you have done" " I would have waited i always wait, if i knew that there was a slight chance i would have waited. but i guess i am not worth it right." Adam walked through the door and i saw the lamp reflect off of something, It was the ring that Shane gave me for out engagement.

"You know what i know where it went" he looked at Adam and then Adam looked at me, and looked off to the side. "you left your mark Shane, in more places than you know, but it is ok, that is all i have to say" "Jay...um i think i need to go, i'm sorry" A few weeks later i was out of the hospital, and ready to go, but before i left i talked to the doctor. He told me that Adrain is brain dead, and if he was to wake back up then he would not remeber anything his hippocampus had been damaged really badly, and he may remeber somethings but only for a shortime, he said that he need to run some more test, and see what they could do. The next couple of weeks were going to be some of the hardest ones that i would have to endure, i was in a wheel chair, and Jaun was in and out of the country he had to because he had his carreer to attend to. my mom hired me a nurse, it was a hot young guy named Riggie, Riggie was a college student that was studying to become a doctor at a local undergrad school. He was about 19 Taller than me, kind of muscular, and a smile that would put dentist our of business if every one had one. His personality was amazing, to be a really hot guy he wasn't cocky at all. He treated me really nice. Only onething about him he was a "waste" see a waste is a man that is straight and he is wasteing all of his sexiness on women, and women calls a sexy gay man a waste because he is wasting his time on well... men like me and you, and he was a "nacho" to because he is nacho man and unlike somepeople they go around and start sleeping around with mean that are nachos. I got a letter in the mail, and i read it. It was from my college they were wishing me best wishes on my recovery, and was wondering would i be able to start the next semester. I saw a van pull into my drive way and reportes jump out, they were yelling through the door, Jay how does it feel to put half of the police force away, Riggie walked out of the door and made them go away. "how long have you been doing that" "well this would make it the 9th time today, how are you holding up" "well i still have no feelings in my legs, and i am having some complications breathing, and besides a broken heart that needs some mending, GREAT, haha. I'm doing fine. "sorry about what happen to you" "well good came out of it, the city has but away alot of dirty cops and all of us are still living" "yeah, i mean the other thing about your wedding" "oh" "i mean i am sorry but, why would he not wait for a guy like you" "i don't know i guess he couln't marry a vegetable." "Well vegetable or not i think you are a great person, i hope you find happiness soon." "are you sure your striaght haha" "i am 100% straight, but i have a gay brother and i try to be really supportive because our parents aren't" " well good bless you" "i'm only human and i am trying to do things right" "cool" "as a matter a fact my brother is coming over in a few minutes" "oh cool" "you should talk to him i think you guys would click greatly" "umm... no," "what Jay you guys are like the same person you have everything in common" "he isn't in a wheel chair and i am, and i am pretty sure he is not going to be wanting to be pushing a helpless defensless man around in a wheel chair." "you would be surprised" "no thank you" "ok he is a pretty hot guy" "i bet he is but i don't think that i am ready for someone right now, besides it would be akward going out on a date and have to use the hadicapp section." His brother knocked on the door, he walked in and Riggie wasn't lying that man was so sexy i think i felt some feeling in my leg, he was the same height as Riggie, his hear was dirty blonde, and he had a sexy 5 oclock shadow that made his green eyes even more pieiceing, he had on a blue motocycle jacket and a blue and black helmet under his arm. I roled out of the kitchen, to get a better look and everytime i got closer he got better looking. "Ryan this is Jay, he is the guy that i have been telling you about" "Nice to meet you, i hope you are recovering" Ok lets stop for a second, i thought Riggies smile was nice, this man had a better looking smile teeth is pearl white, and his little side smirk is like a 14 year old girl seeing the backstreet boys in person ( when they were still instyle) he walked over to me and shook my hand. Child i almost fainted. Then i herd a knock on the door, it was Paul. "hey everyone" said Paul "hi" i said Ryan walked away with Riggie "i see that you are up and about" "what are you talking about i am sitting in this chair" "umm...sorry...well i just thought that you should know" "thank you" "i know that it is going to take sometime for you to trust me agian but i want you to know that i am here for you no matter when you need me" "Paul it is going to take a lot more than time for me to trust you agian" "i understand" he teared up and then left. "who was that" asked Riggie "To be honest with you, i don't know, he was someone that is really sweet, and then he changes back and forth from someone so sweet to someone so evil. He won't have the chance to do that agian." Well that is all for now people thanks for the reading sorry i have been taking so long to post them, just trying to stay focused on my work at school thank again loves :-*

Next: Chapter 24

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