He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Mar 18, 2023


"the guy that did this to him is me, he needs to learn his place god damn!! He better never talk back to me or else he and i will have some serious problems."

"You fucking asshole how dare you do this to him I should come over there now and kick you fucking ass. I said"

"Well you mean that you can try to come over here and kick my ass because I don't think you got the skills to do it"

"You wanna bet"

"Hang up the phone Jay" Said Andre

I hung up the phone and sat down trying to take it all in at once things were bad for justin he was in really bad shape. I am not sure if he will live or die, Andre came up to me and grabbed my hands

"Jay things will be fine, he is going to pull through this he is a storng man" said Andre

"But that is not the point the point is that he never struk me as the type of man to do this, I mean yeah Kevin Cheated on me with him but the thing is he never acted violent. I just don't understand"

He hugged me, he showed support and comfort I really do think that he is the best boyfriend I have had yet.Weeks past and Justin recoverd and he moved in with Andre and me. There was no sign of Kevin anywhere and we wanted to keep it that way, But knowing my luck, Kevin would show his face and try and create havoc, and then later that night that is what happened. Kevin came banging at our door at about 2 am yelling and hollaring for us to open the door. Andre got fed up and hopped out of the bed and went to the door.

"What the fuck do you want man?"

"Where is Justin, tell him to get his shit and lets go"

"Man he isn't your fucking property that you grab when you want it"

I looked over at Justin and he was on the futon shaking and crying begging for Andre to keep quiet about him being here. He was crying from fear. I have never seen a person this affriad before. This had to end.

"Look Kevin Justin isn't here, you need to leave" I said

"Who the fuck you think you are talking to" Kevin leaned back and swung hitting me in the face.

Andre grabbed him and kicked him in the stomach, and pushed him down the stairs.

"If you bring your fucking ass here one more time I promise you, you will not be walking out of here,YOU GOT THAT!!!" said Andre

"Fuck you man I will be back, and you are going to wish you were dead" said Kevin

"Thank you guys so much, but I can't stay here with you guys, My being here is going to cause you guys unhappiness and pain and I can't have that you guys are amazing friends"

"No Justin Andre and I can handle ourselves you don't have to worry about us we just want to make sure that you are safe Kevin is danagerous."

"Yes, I know that is the reason why I have to go back to him"

"WHAT!!" said Andre

"Justin I don't think that is a good Idea, if you go back Kevin could kill you this time"

"If it means keeping my friends safe then that is all I want"

"No, Justin we will be fine" said Andre " It is our job to make sure that you are safe"

"Thank you guys you guys are great friends"

"Get some sleep" I said

"Thanks guys" said Justin

Andre motioned me to come outside the room when Justin fell asleep, about 10 mins later Justin was sleep I went out side into the hallway.

"Hey baby whats up" I said

"How are you doing"

"Good, lip hurts a little but I am fine"

"God Jay what the fuck is going on in this world"

"I have no Idea, sweety. The world really needs some work"

"Jay I just realized something more than ever tonight"

"Huh? What is that?"

"I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in this world and..."

"Andre I love you also, I love you so fucking much"

"Good, well what I want to ask you or really..."

He got down on his knee, I wasn't expecting this at all, he opened a black box with an engagment ring in it.

"Oh my god Andre"

"Jay I know it isn't legal except for in about 1 state but I am willing to go and marry you, so. Will you marry me?"

Then I looked up and saw Paul standing there, he looked at me, and Andre looked back and saw him there.

"What are you doing man" said Paul

"Asking my boyfriend to marry me what are you doing here" said Andre

"I can't allow you do do that" said Paul

"Excuse me Paul where the fuck do you get off telling him that" I said

"Because I love you, I love you jay and I know that I am a fuck up and I am getting help because I need you in my life. I miss you, and I need you"

Andre turned and looked at me. He dropped his head and walked away from me back into the room.

"Jay look at me please"

"What do you want me to see Paul, huh?'

"A changed man"

"Paul I can't be with you. I love Andre"

"Say you don't love me, look me in my eyes and say that you don't love me"


"You can't can you"

" Thats not the point Paul."

"Then tell me what the point is so that way i can get to it"

"The point is that I am marrying Andre"

"You never took the ring it isn't final yet"

"Yes Paul it is, good night"

I went back into the room to see Andre smoking a ciggarette and crying. I stood at the door, and he turned around and put his cigarette out.

"Andre, I am sorry"

"No, Jay it's fine Paul loves you and you love him you always have"

"I told him no, because I love you, and want to marry you" I walked up to him and kissed him.

"What, are you serious"

"Yes, Andre I love you, and your the man I want to be with"

He leaned in and kissed me, I kissed him back and we went to the shower because we didn't want to wake Justin I cut on the hot water and got in, I started to kiss his neck and his chest, He moaned when i started to suck on his nipples. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him as he kissed me all over my neck and I got down and started to suck his cock it was a lot bigger than I thought once it hit the back of my thoat i saw that it was a lot more that need to be engulfed, I tried deepthroating it but it wasn't possiable, Andre was huge, He got me up and looked me in the eyes and said he loved me he went down on me my head flew back in pleasure, he worked his toung around it making me feel the upmost pleasure. After about 5 minutes of that. I looked him in the eyes and turned over, I loved him so much and I was ready to take him,

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I want you to make love to me here,"

"I am pretty big and I don't want to hurt you"

"You won't hurt me, I know you won't just go slow"

He slowly slid his cock into me, Once his cut head touched my hole I was nervous, he soaped me up and then inserted it. I jerked in pain because it was not only long but it was thick. He finally got about 2 inches in me and stopped.

"Are you ok Baby?"

"Yes, go ahead but slowly"

He inserted more and more into me a few seconds later he had 7 inches in me and then began to move in and out after about 5 mins or so the pain started to subside. I began to moan. He kissed my neck from behind. As more time past He had his whole cock in me. Moving in and out slowly I knew he was making love to me and not just fucking me. I continued to jerk myself as he fucked me from behind, After about 20 mins he pulled out and we came at the same time. We put our towels around ourselves and headed back to the room to go to bed....

To be continued

Thanks for reading sorry about the lack of sex in the stories but you can bet you ass there will be a lot more coming

Next: Chapter 30

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