He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on Jul 6, 2023


The next morning I woke up, to the smell of breakfast. I saw cereal and pancakes.

"hey you sleep good" she said.

"Yes, sleep great, you?"

"The best in a long time"

"I hope I had some doing in that"

"Haha yes you did"

"So what are your plans today beautiful,"

"Aww, your so sweet, I am going to go to the clinic and work on some work I have, you?"

"Not sure I am going to go back to my house and check on my friend, he wasn't feeling so great"

"oh what happened is he OK"

"yeah, just had a few old wonds opened up when he saw an ex."

"Wow must been a pretty crazy relationship, with a lot of abuse"

"Yeah, really crazy, and abue isn't even the word"

We ate breakfast and then I headed out, she kissed me again and it felt right. I got back to my place to see Paul laid out on the couch and Justin in his arms. I wondered what happened here last night, I tried to sneak past them but Paul woke up.

"Where were you last night, had m sick."

" what are you talking about went on my date."

"Do you like this girl or are you just trying to prove something."

"No i do like her for some reason I think she is amazing and want to persue it."

"So what your done with men"

"I thought I was but come on now cock is like an addiction"

"Never herd it put that way before but ok, fine"

He turned around and walked to the kitchen.

"ok spill whats eating you?" I said.


"bullshit, Paul I have known you for years, I smell that shit years away"

"I said it was nothing."!!

"Ok, now i now something is wrong."

"You want to know what's wrong the fact that I poured my heart out to you, and you shot it down, saying your with Andre, now he's gone and you didn't come to say anything to me."


"speechless haha, aren't we always"

"Doesn't seem to really matter anymore you seem to have someone now anyways."

I grabbed a bottle of water and then walked into my living room where Justin was. He was up and watching some TV.

"Hey buddy how your holding up?"

"Hey, Jay, i am doing well, Paul is great"

"Yeah, her can be"

"So what where you guys arguing about?"

"Oh, just a few past issues"

"Where is Andre,?"

"We, umm, he's gone"

"What happened, Oh babyboy it is a long story."

"Well I don't think I am going anywhere anytime soon"

"Well, Andre may have been HIV positive and then he was seeing another guy also. That pretty much sums it up"

"wow, I thought he wanted to marry you?"

"He said he did, but whatevr now, I moved on"


"Yeah, my moto is there are 6 billion people in this world why trip off one, go and get yourself another."

"I guess so, speaking of getting another, is Paul single."

"Oh, someone has a little crush"

"who?" said Paul

"Oh no one" said Justin.

"When was the last time you spoke with Adam, Paul" I said.

"Oh been a few days I guess, every since that..."

"I think you should call him"

"Yeah maybe I should"

I still wasn't over the fact that he raped me. I would get him soon, just waiting for the right time.

"Hey he said he would be over soon, and if you mind if Shane comes." said Paul.

"No the more th merrier."

"ok they are on their way"

It was time, Adam it is on time to get to work and put you away.

"Paul I need to talk to you"

"What are you here to say you love me."

"Umm, no but I do need your help."

"With what"

"Ok a while back Adam raped me and Shane knows all about it can you help me catch him"

"What, are you serious, of course anything for you baby"

"thanks but don't call me baby."

"Sure thing sweetness"

"none of those names."

"you know you like it"

Just ten it was a knock at the door, it was Andre.

"Hey baby I got good news, I'm negative and we can go through with the marriage"

"No hey baby my ass, Andre, it's over"

"But I don't understand what is going on"

"You tell your mind that, because you seem unable to remember me"

"Jay I really don't know what your talking about."

"Oh so the whole store, me calling you,"

"No what the are you talking about?"

"Your fucking re ridiculous, I saw you"

"Oh god no, you didn't see me"

"Then who did I see"

"My twin, Danny"

He pulls out his wallet and shows me a recent picture of him and his brother they were twins

"Oh my god."

"I'm sorry I never told you, I should have called you bck but I was getting your ring."

"Listen Andre, something has happened"

"What, Jay what happened"

"I moved on, to someone else after I thought Danny was you"


"You never told me you had a brother and things seemed down hill, I went to he clinic to get tested because we had sex bareback tha time..."

"Wait you had sex bareback with him?" said Paul.

"SHUT UP" we BOTH said

"I can't fucking believe you, did you really love me because you moved on so damn fast."

"Yes, I do, but I gain composure faster than most"

"I can't do this"

"Fine, isn't the first time i herd that line" I said,

I had no idea where that came from, but I was just fed up with that line and lost it, I really didn't care if Andre decided to dip out on the relationship the year was almost over with and it didn't matter any more. I was actually happy with Rach. I wanted to see how she is doing so I called her, just then it was another knock at the door. This tim it was Shane and Adam.

"hey guys, come on in." i said.

Adam looked at me, oddly, I guess he still remembers what happened and now he knew that I knew.

"Hey Racheal it's Jay calling to see how you are doing give me a call when you get the chance. Have a good day sweetheart".

"Who was that?" said Shane.

"Oh my girlfriend" I said.

"What?" said Adam.

Andre got upset and stormed out.

"Jay your not going to go after him?" asked Paul.


"Whoa, Jay what happened to you?" said Justin.

"I don't know but I like it."

"well I don't" said Paul.

"Quite frankly, I don't really care."

Where the hello did that come from, was today my bitch day. I was feeling real sassy today for some reason. And I loved it. But I knew that if thi continued I would lose some friends. I went out side gotin my car and drove off, to the river to sit there by myself. I was three just thinking and then a hand grabed my shoulder. It was Kasey.

"hey stranger been a long time since I last saw you" said Kasey

"Oh my god Kasey, how are you?"

"Been doing good, how are you?"

"Been doing great, besides the rape, engagement, break up, death obsticles, psychotic ex boyfriends and wait it is something else."

"wow, I think I get the point."

"Haha sorry"

"Wanna grab a bite to eat?" he said

"Yeah sounds good"

I forgot how good looking Kasey is, and to be honest he was the last thing on my mind. But seeing him made me happy after he just dissapeared. I wondered what he was intown for.

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