He Came to Me That Night

By jamal haughton

Published on May 20, 2007


"Oh shit" said Paul. Shane looked at the door to see Angela standing there watching. " see i knew you were worthless maybe Jay needs to see this" said Angela. When she said that I walked around the coner to see Shane and Paul still on top of each other. " hum and i thought i had something good Shane but i guess not, thank you for letting me know that i am useless, i really appreciate what youve done." i could barely get the words out of my mouth. Shane jumps out of the bed as I am going down the hall.

"Jay wait listen i made a huge mistake."

i turn and looked at him i just grined at his stupidity.

"naw Shane you can keep him i'm better off by my got damn self."

I kept walking i had to get away from this house. I knew i was still drunk but i had no other option home but to drive. As soon as i feel asleep and when Paul and Shane left, I herd a knock on my door it was Angela, i didn't understand why she had come here. Then she informed me that Shane was after Paul i didn't believe her at all for the most part. But when you think about it no matter how big of a bitch Angela was, she never lied. The baby was true, Paul being gay was true. All of it was true. But anyways i got in my car and backed out of the drive way and i was taking the back roads to get home it started to rain. This sounded just like one of those soap opera so i pulled to the side and rested thier by the river side. Next thing you know it a huge truck comming around the bend and then i'm in the water i reached for seatbelt but i was really drunk that i couldn't move fast enough to unleash it. I blacked out. When i woke i saw a really bright light.

" aww shit i mean i'm in heaven i can't be talking like that." then i herd a voice say that i'm not in heaven.

" then where am I."

" You are at my house."

The voice sound really familiar. When i finally opened my eyes i saw the doctor that was working on Shane when he was stabbed.

"What happen all i remeber was me pulling to the side of the road."

" it was a hit and run the guy hit your car and it fliped in the river. I was coming around the corner and saw the whole thing he pulled off before i could stop him, but i was able to get his plates."

"Thanks for every thing, but, um i need to be getting home. Where am I."

"You are in Potomac. I can give you a ride back to your house if you want i do have extra rooms here if you want to stay here. I can have Kasey prepare you a room."

"umm who is Kasey."

"He is my nephew, he stays with me. His mom lost her mind and ended herslef in a psych ward at St elizabeth. I lost my brother in a Plane Crash. Thats the details so you don't have to ask"

I just looked down at the floor I wasn't going to ask it was none of my bussiness.

" oh i'm sorry um ... Yeah sure i think i can stay if it's not to much trouble."

" no not at all. Hey Kasey, we have a guess can you set up the guess room please."

Kasey came down the stairs and he was this young sexy ass man. He was looking better than Paul, Shane, Shamar Moore and some more my knees buckeld. Hesmiled at me and said follow me.

" so whats your story man." said Kasey

" i'm sorry what"

He laughed " whats your story."


"yeah right my uncle david is always helping people."

Well at least I learned his name it was David Gruberg judging by that last name and the star of david on his wall he was Jewish i love Jewish people so i knew i was safe.

" um well he is a doctor" i chuckeld


"I um... Well me and my boyfriend and my ex boyfriend got in to a huge fight. Well really my boyfriend was cheating on me with my ex boyfriend"

"sounds like you guys should be on Jerry Sringer".

I laughed " yeah it does dosen't it but um... I had alot to drink and um... I got in my car driving away from his house. It stared to rain really bad and i didn't want to be a soap opera death so i pulled to the side of the river bank then i herd a car and next thing i know i'm in the water and thats it. I woke up here"

" wow seems like you had a very interesting night. I'm about your boyfriend that sucks that that happen to you. But you know things are going to get better. It got better for me."

" wait your gay"

"who me oh no but i don't knock people who are hey listen my bestfriend is gay and people made fun of him he lost alot of friends to. But i stayed beside him and things got better. Same thing is going to happen to you. Trust me.

" i hope your right" man my night just kept getting worse. The man that i thought would be good to me cheated on me with the man that i loved i get in a car accedent an nearly die and to wrap the fucking night up it's i have this sexy as man in front of me and he is all about women god damnit. What else would happen tonight.

Kasey finally stoped at a room

" well here is your room everything you need is in the room. And hey don't worry about it to much you'll find another man soon"

" i hope he close."

" who knows he could be closer than you think. And you may never suspect him to be the one that you are going to fall in love with."

"yeah maybe he is in front of me"

" well good um..."

" oh sorry i'm Jay"

" well good nigt Jay hope it gets better"

" yeah m too i just need a man that's all about me"

I entered the room and looked around the room was huge i went over to the bed and checked my cell it was soaked in water it was kinda point less I would have to wait and hope that my phone would not have to be sent back. I layed on the bed then i realized that my clothes was still wet. I stood up and started to take them off just then Kasey walked in on me I was just about to pull my boxers off and that when i pulled them back up turning around facing him.

" oh god i'm sorry to walk in like that i should have knocked first"

" oh it's ok i guess we are all men in this house right"

"yeah i guess" said Kasey

"so then don't worry about it man."

"umm... Here are your clothes it maybe alittle big on you"

I could have turn that into a flirt but i decided not to what was the point although my gaydar was going off on this one so should i or should i not hit on him well their is really only one true way to find out if gaydar works.

"so are you seeing someone" i asked him

" umm, no actually i'm not haven't really been brave enough to talk to people"

"the way you look people should be hitting on you"

He laughed "thank you do you really think i am attractive"

"man please you are the best looking man i have seen, as a matter of fact you look so good it makes me think your ugly"

I don't know if i still had liquor in my system or it was just more flirting word"

"ok i don't get that one" he said

I moved closer to him and looked in his eyes he didn't move back he didn't speak or anything he just stood there i put my hand on the side of his face. He just closed his eyes. WOW GAYDAR DOES WORK. I thought in my head i moved in for the kiss, he accepted the kis and kissed me back. At that point he was the man i wanted in my life. Then he pulled away.

"wait i can't do this Jay i'm not gay.

" i'm sorry it's been a long night i'm just going to go to bed"

I walked over to my bed and i layed down. He was head for the door and he paused.

"Jay you are a really nice guy i can tell from the vibes i get off from you. I hope that you understand what i am saying. I have known you for not even 15 minutes and already i'm attracted to you. And tjat is a big problem because i am striaght i never knew that i would let another guy kiss me and for some reason people are done pleasing me like it' ok. But why am i getting this vibe that i like you is that wrong"

" no Kasey it is fine to like the same sex it means that you have accepted who you are and it's not like it's a light switch you can't turn it one and off people will love all the same and if they don't they never eally loved you in the first place no doubt that you will hear people making jokes about gays but Kasey those people are close minded asshole that probably won't be going anywhere in life remeber you are a good guy. And if no one loves you but one person in this whole world then that's all you need you are going to be ok"

After that he turned around walked over to the bed and layed be side me. He kissed me. For some strange reason i elt like Paul didn't matter and neither did Shane. Get into the fact that if you do me dirty one time their i no more chances with ever getting with all this.

"hey Jay i'm not comfortable at having sex just yet but i was wondering if you want to maybe be with me.

I looked into his eyes and i kissed him on the lips and then i shook my head saying yes. Although i didn't know anything about him at all i felt like i knew him forever. Why was this happening what was going on, was all this suppose to happen so i would meet Kasey if so i'm glad it did.

Let me know what you guys think about my story be strong men and be true to yourselves stay safe and strong loves


Next: Chapter 7

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