He Is a Grisly Bear

By ozzalone65

Published on Apr 18, 2023


This is a partly true tale of this hunky thick bear of a guy I met online. This hairy stud foes by the screen name 'Grisly' and he looks it (in a great way of course). A thick hunk of bear with a thick dick. (Yum). The true part is meeting. The fictional part is the remainder. Wanting more woth him. But will have to wait and see

Well I hope you enjoy this tale

He is a Grisly Bear (8)

... Well the fun I had had with the hot grisly Bear had ended. As I look at the calendar now it has now been 3 months and 4 days and about 9 hours since it had happened. I had met and had sex with the beefy bear of my dreams. In a hot and steamy sex session that promised to be the best sex I would ever have. And it had been. I was so in lust now with him that I was dying to be with him again. But as mentioned, it had been months now. A promise of rebooking up soon never materialized. And I was left wanting, needing him. I even tried to hook up with some other guy after and that went no where. For I kept wanting and talking about my hot grisly Bear. For he was the only man for me now. And it seemed no other man would do. But as it stood. He was all but if ignoring me now. Several attempts to contact him ending in failure. So I came to the conclusion that he just figured he got what he wanted and moved on to the next guy.

"Sucks" I huffed to myself "I really liked him"

But it was just something I would need to get used to. Desire unfulfilled. The issue was that I had determined to myself that he was the only man for me. So i was kind of screwed if I could not get passed that want for him. But I figured I had no choice but to come to terms with it. Moving out day to day still in the hopes that I would get some communication form the hunky bear. But the days continued and still no answer And it was when I had just about fully given up, and in the day I was just going to delete his profile from my favorites in the site that he contacted me. I was there in the site and was going to go into the setting to do so when I noticed I had a private message in there.

"Huh. Could it..?" I pondered as I looked at the envelope

I then went to the messages and opened it up. It was him. He was sending me a message apologizing up and down for mow contacting me. Telling me that he had some family emergency that had arisen. Someone close had passed away. And he could not even think of messages or anything else at the time. But that he felt bad that he had not contacted me back. Stating that he had had a really great time with me. And he liked me too. Or at least he liked me.

"Still working some shit out over here" he stated "But hopes that will be through it soon"

He then stated that he wanted to be able to get together again soon. I sighed as I felt a great relief that he had not ghosted me on purpose. But felt sad for him for what was going on in his life. So I sent him a condolences message and apologized for my constant barking at him when I sent my multiple messages. Then sending him a hig emoji as a show of support to him. He sent a smooch back at me and then let me know he would contact me again in a few weeks. A promise to do so. And I said that all was fine. To fix and get through what he needed to and we would talk soon.

"Poor guy" I said to myself "Now I feel like a total shit" "Ughnn"

I left him alone to deal with his stuff. Letting him contact me when he was ready. And he did. 3 weeks later I got a text on my phone from him. He was up to get together again when I had some time. He offered to come see me this time. And even offered him to make dinner for me.

"I could make you dinner" he said "Then we could hang out and just reconnect" "Other than the 'shit show' he was dealing with"

I sent back a great, but suggested he did not have to cook for me. I could cook him something. But he was pretty insistent. So I complied. So we decided on a time and date to get together again. He was to come here, I would take a few days off again and we could hang out in my city for a change. Show him sites and then bring him back home to ravage his hot hairy body. At least I hoped so....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 9

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