Heather and me

By Jason Kirk

Published on Feb 14, 2007



This is a story about a relationship between a TS/TV and a man. Light scat is involved as well. If you are uncomfortable reading stories involving sex between consenting adults, please read no farther.

In the summer of 1987 I was 22 years old, male, and unattached. I worked a boring job during the evenings and when I got off work at around midnight, I headed to a local bar where I was attracted to a waitress who was about 10 years older than me. Other than flirting, we had never hooked up, but that didn't stop me from trying every chance I got.

I worked 2nd shift in the Raleigh area of NC, and being from the south, never thought about having sex with any person who might have even possessed a penis. On the night that I met Heather, sex was actually not on my mind at all. I had had a tough night at work, and basically just wanted a beer or two and head home.

I walked in, sat at my usual corner of the bar, and my friend Di the bartender served my usual Coors Light. I lit a cigarette and exchanged the usual flirty small talk with Di, until another customer came in and she went to attend to his needs. After Di walked away, I glanced around the bar for the first time, and noticed a nice looking blonde lady sitting in the far corner with a muscular black man. My gaze settled on her for more than a few seconds. She had nice tits, and a pretty face, and shoulder length blonde hair that was a bit frizzy, but from where I sat very pretty. I had never seen her before, and admired her for a while as I drank my beer and smoked my cigarette. Once or twice, I felt her gaze settle on me, and I thought "Hmmm... I wonder if she'd ever be interested in me?"

I settled back in my chair, and Di came by and gave me another beer, since my first one was about half gone by then. Di and I exchanged some small talk again and then both of us heard a disturbance at the same time. Our eyes were drawn to the table in the far corner where suddenly had at first seemed to be a nice couple having a quiet drink together had erupted into an argument. The pretty blonde was talking intensely to the black man, and suddenly he stood up, knocking over his chair, and stormed past me out of the bar. I looked back at the blonde woman, and she appeared to be practically in tears. Di left me and walked down around the end of the bar to set up the recently vacated chair and talk to the blonde woman. I watched as they talked for a few moments, and then Di walked back behind the bar and over to me.

"She says she'd like to buy you a drink," said Di.

"Sure!" I said, "as long as I can buy her one."

Di looked at me a little strangely, opened her mouth, but said nothing. She went back down the bar and made the drinks. I looked over at the table, and the blonde was smiling at me. I stood up and went over to the table. "I appreciate the drink," I said.

"Why don't you sit down?" she said.

I sat.

Di brought us our drinks, gave me a look, and walked away. I was trying to interpret the look when the blonde said "My name is Heather. What's yours?"

"Hi, I'm John," I said

"It's nice to meet you, John! And thanks for the drink!"

We sat together drinking our drinks, hers a rum and coke and of course mine, a beer. We did all the usual chit chat, found out we used to go to some of the same bars, etc. "I'm amazed we've never met before!" she said. I liked her, she seemed to be down to earth, not just some drunk woman looking for a little fun. She had very nice tits, and I couldn't seem to keep my eyes off of them. Suddenly, in the middle of a topic I don't even remember now, she said "You like my tits, don't you?"

I was unable to find words for a moment, but decided to forage ahead. "Yes I do!" I finally stammered out. "Maybe I'll let you see 'em in a little while!" she said. I just smiled and nodded. Heather then excused herself and went to the restroom.

Suddenly DI's voice was in my ear. I hadn't even heard her approach. "Do you know who she is?" she whispered. "No, I don't" I said. I turned to look at Di, but she had already walked away.

Heather came back to the table and sat down, took another pull from her mostly empty glass, and said "You want to get out of here?" I said "Sure!" What else was I going to say?!

We left the bar, followed by Di's disapproving stares. I thought to myself that Di was just jealous, she'd never seen me with another woman before. At the time, I just thought this was maybe some leverage I could put on Di to sleep with me sometime.

Heather told me that we could ride in her car, so we did. The car turned out to be a nice Nissan 2 door, and she walked around and opened the door for me so that I could get in on the passenger side. "Nice Lady," I said. She smiled at me and walked around and got in the car.

As we drove along, I was not keeping much track of exactly where we were going. We made small talk, and I kept looking at her beautiful breasts. Suddenly she reached over and grabbed my crotch, where she felt my growing hardon. My cock was straining just to get out at the sudden touch of her! She laughed and just kept on driving.

Finally, we arrived at an apartment complex, and she said "Come on up!". I followed her up some stairs and waited while she fumbled her key in the door. Inside was a very nice apartment, nice modern plushy chairs and couches, and a fireplace. "I'm just going to make myself more comfortable, you just relax." she said as she drifted off to a hallway. "Fine," I thought. I had a seat on the couch, and it was very comfortable. I picked a remote and clicked a few buttons, and suddenly the big tv in the corner came on. I flipped around some, stopped on MTV. I liked MTV.

Just when I was getting into the videos on TV, a voice behind me said "Hey, good looking!". I turned around on the couch and was just.... just blown away.

Heather was dressed in bra and panties, and over that, she wore a sheer dressing gown. Behind her was the light from the kitchen, and it made her look, well, perfect. As my eyes gazed over her slim form, my cock stiffened. I was going to get lucky tonight!

Heather proceeded around the sofa, and stopped in front of me. She began dancing to the tune on the tv, and soon shed the sheer gown that she had been wearing. I immediately noticed one thing besides the great tits. This woman had a package!

As I stared, I saw what looked like a tube that started at her groin extend until it finally poked out of the top of her brief panties. The head was red, and glistening. I simply could not take my eyes off such a sight. Never before in my life had ever imagined such a thing. Instead of being turned off, I felt my own erection leaking into my underwear. Her tits bounced sexily in front of my face, but I could only stare at the very hard cock that had suddenly materialized from her panties!

Heather suddenly stopped her gyrating dance and undid my belt. I stared at her cock that was still peeking out of her panty top, and she undid my jeans and pulled down the front of my briefs. My cock sniffed the fresh air, and poked up to it's full 6 inch length. Heather immediately began to kiss the head of my cock, and the exposed shaft, and her hands began to pull frantically on my pants, so without thinking, I raised my butt off her sofa and allowed her to pull down my pants. As she pulled them down, her mouth totally engulfed my enraged cock, and she took it totally down her throat, which was the first time I'd ever felt that particular sensation. My legs strained, and my body stiffened, as I felt her take my entire prick in her mouth, her lips embedded in my pubes. I pushed the last inch of my cock into her warm mouth over and over, and was about to cum, when suddenly she pulled off me. "I want to fuck, don't you?" she asked.

What could I say? Of course I wanted to!

Heather then stood up, and standing about an inch in front of my nose, peeled off her bra and showed me her wonderful pink nippled tits. Just as I was about to suck on them, she stood up and peeled off her panties. Now her 7" circumcised cock stood totally erect, standing straight up. Her rather large balls hung low, below that magnificient cock. Her balls were shaved, and as nearly as I could tell, every inch of her nether regions was shaved, save for a nice landing strip now hidden behind her engorged cock. I sat there, entranced with the sight of her cock. It was absolutely beautiful, even though I'd never seen a hard cock in my life, except for my own. I put my lips on it without even thinking. I tasted the salty pre-cum that it exuded, and lapped it up. I felt as if I were in a world all my own. Her cock head was so slick, and tasted so good, that I kept lapping and licking it. Finally I put her cockhead in my mouth. It felt good, but as I tried to slide down her shaft, her cockhead hit the back of my mouth, which made me gag. I backed off, and with short but eager strokes, tried to suck her. Before long, I felt her harden even more in my mouth, and she suddenly pushed me off of her cock. "I want to fuck you," she said.

"Ok, but I've never been fucked before" I said.

"That's ok, I'll be gentle with a virgin!" she said. With that, she hauled my legs out to the edge of the couch and pushed them over her shoulders. I felt her tongue on my inner thighs, which sent a tingle down my spine, but then her mouth latched onto my balls. I growned in ecstacy. Her mouth moved lower, and hiking my legs higher, suddenly her tongue touched my asshole. No human, other than a doctor, had ever touched me there before. I stiffened, and felt her hands massaging my butt cheeks... "It's ok," she murmured into my ass-crack. I relaxed a little, and felt her pretty pink tongue stabbing at my hole, and felt it finally enter. Heather probled deeply with her tongue, and I felt her liberally lubing up my crack with her saliva. I felt her tongue stabbing in and out of my hole, and it just made me feel wonderful, and my cock continued to leak pre-cum all over my belly. Her tongue fucking my hole was the greatest sensation I'd ever felt before.

Suddenly, Heather reared up, and positioned herself between my legs. I knew what was coming next, but now realize that I could never be totally be prepared for what happened next. With one mighty shove, her cock entered my ass, and I yelped with pain. I would have screamed, had she not covered my mouth with hers, and I was instantly aware of her pointy nipples pressing agains my own chest. That feeling overrode the pain in my hole, and my cock stiffened.

As it was, after the first initial plunge, the pain subsided gradualy. Heather held her cock steady inside me, and then bagan to slowly slide it in and out. After the first stab, I felt better, and then actually began to enjoy the feeling of having her inside me. With her heavy tits dragging my chest with every stroke, I became more and more aroused, and felt my own cock sliding along her belly as she slid up and down my body with each thrust of her cock into my asshole. I could soon feel the lube that my pre-cum was providing between our bellies and Heather increased her pace and began fucking me frantically. Suddenly, she gave several violent thrusts, and I felt her cock swell up inside me, and suddenly I felt a wet feeling deep inside me. After a few more thrusts, Heather collapsed against me, lying totally on top of me. I could still feel her warm cock deep inside me. Heather was totally limp against my skin, and I was at first worried that she'd had a heart attack, but soon realized that she must have cum inside me. I soon felt the evidence of that as I felt the first trickle of her cum sliding out of my asshole past her half erect cock. Knowing that she had cum inside me just aroused me all the more, and my cock now pressed painfully into her belly.

After a few minutes, she lifted herself up off of me, and with her cock still in me, whispered "Looks like you could still get off!"

I could only nod. She withdrew her cock from me slowly, and suddenly I felt her cum gush from my hole. "You need to clean this off!" she said. I looked at her cock and was embarrassed to realize that it was encrusted by not only her own cum, but pieces of shit that clung to her cock as well.

I tentatively stuck out my tongue and touched it. I found a cum covered part, and it tasted good! I eagerly lapped up all I could of the cum. I looked up into Heather's face, and I could tell she wasn't satisfied. Bits and pieces of my own shit still clung to her now flacid penis, and I took it entirely into my mouth and tasted my own shit and ass juices. Neither tasted quite as bad as I thought they would. There was a certain bitter taste, but I could deal with that. Before I knew it, I was totally hard again.

After licking Heather's cock clean, she lifted me off of her, and went to work on my cock again. Her talented mouth soon had me lifting my butt off the sofa trying to fuck her face, and I was totally hard. She let my cock fall from her mouth, and it spatted wetly onto my stomach. "You want to fuck me now?" she asked.

I eagerly complied. As I stood up from the sofa, Heather lay down upon it, hiking her legs up much as I did. My cock was too hard to care what target it was bound for, and I simply clapped it to her asshole and began to push. I felt Heather push as well, and suddenly, my cock was encased in a hot, tight hole. I almost shot my load right then and there, and stopped for a few moments. Heather looked up at me with her big eyes and said "Yes, you're almost all the way. Just take your time!" For a few moment I had to look away from Heather, because I almost blew my load right there. I looked up at the ceiling fan spinning silently above my head, and then slowly pushed the last inch or so of my cock inside her tight hole.

I fell forward onto Heather for a moment, my face landing on her ample breasts. I began sucking on a nipple as I began to withdraw slowly from Heather's foxy hot tight hole. I heard her hiss a little and looked up, and saw her eyes closed in enjoyment. I pushed back in, slowly at first, then rapidly as I heard her hiss a little more. I felt her cock hardening againt me, and began fucking her slowly, withdrawing slowly, thrusting into her rapidly.

Heather began to moan under me as I pushed in and out of her hot, tight hole. I sucked first one nipple, then the other, increasing my fucking pace. I felt her cock grow hard against my stomach as i rubbed it with my belly. Suddenly, I felt a wet feeling against my belly, and her throbbing cock told me she was cumming once again, and I rammed my cock home, solidly, pressing my flesh against hers, and let my orgasm happen. I shot one, two, three, four, and finally five hot squirts into her hot tight hole, and then had to collapse on top of her. I felt her sperm between us, and caused my cock to jump a few times still in her hole. As my cock softened, I felt it finally slither out of her hole.

We lay together for a while, hugging, kissing, cuddling. It was the best moment of my life until that point.

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