Her Sweet Slut

By Amanda C.

Published on Mar 27, 2004



This is a story about brutal, sadistic, sexual relations. If these ideas offend you, please do not read. If they don't offend you, please prepare your personal space by obtaining the necessary tissues, towels, vibrators, favorite lubrication, etc. Persons and events are sometimes based on flights of fantasy. Owner retains copyright. I would enjoy hearing from you. - Mandy Carpenter (ajc_1980@yahoo.com)

Her Sweet Slut, Part One

It was a beautiful sunny day. Spring was arriving and the sparkling green of the lawns and trees was spectacular. In the windowless basement of the townhouse apartment, however, dark things were happening. A woman was stretched out, face down on a metal-framed single bed. Her wrists and ankles were shackled to the corners of the bed and something protruded from between her thighs.

"Quit moaning. I want to hear screaming!" Amy lashed down again with the crop as hard as she could, raising a fresh welt on the woman's already swollen and bruised buttocks and eliciting a tortured scream. "That's right, slut. That's what I want to hear." She continued with the beating, slashing the woman's ass and thighs repeatedly. As she stood there naked, watching Jenny squirm, seeing the bruises multiply, and hearing her screams, Amy worked her cunt with her left hand, rubbing and thrusting.

As she approached orgasm, she dropped the crop and climbed quickly onto the bed. She straddled Jenny's bleeding ass cheeks and with her back arched, rubbed her cunt on the woman's ass. At the same time she grabbed the oversized dildo sticking out the woman's asshole and worked it in and out savagely. As Jenny renewed her screaming, Amy reached her peak and began shuddering violently from her orgasm. When she had finished she collapsed on top of Jenny's tortured, sweaty body. "That was wonderful, sweet slut, thank you."

Still gasping for breath, Jenny replied, "Thank you, Mistress, for punishing me so well."

"Would you like your reward now?"

"Yes, Mistress, please, please!"

Amy rose from the bed and unfastened her slut's shackles, removed the dildo from her ass, and turned her over. She sat on the woman's stomach, facing her feet and began rhythmically slapping the top of the woman's pussy with the tips of her fingers. Jenny groaned. Amy could see from the amount of moisture that had gathered on her slut's pussy, that she was highly aroused. She continued her slapping. Not hitting hard, just enough to sting. As Jenny began to move underneath her, humping her hips to meet the slaps, Amy quickly switched her tactic and with one hand, began rubbing the woman's clit while with the other she pumped two fingers in the slippery vagina. It wasn't long. Jenny had been needing to cum for the past two hours and was desperate for release.

She began with a keening sound. The pitch and intensity got higher. Amy rubbed and finger fucked hard and fast. With a scream, Jenny began her orgasm, muscles clutching the invading fingers and body jerking and tensing. Finally, exhausted, she relaxed her body.

Amy had no intention of stopping. When she rewarded her sluts she did it thoroughly. She reached under the bed and retrieved her favorite vibrator, the one with the powerful clit stimulator. She slowly inserted it all the way into Jenny's cunt and then turned it on. "Oh god, nooo. Please no. Too sensitive!"

"Shut up." Amy watched the distended cunt opening flex as she moved the huge vibe in and out.

"Please, Mistress. Please stop!" Amy ignored her please and continued fucking the vibe in and out. The slut's cunt lips were a dark angry red. Amy was gratified to see that there was some slight bruising and considerable swelling. She reached down and pinched one of them. Jenny yelped. Amy's own cunt twitched involuntarily with excitement. She was tempted to pinch and pull the slut's lips viciously while she fucked her, but decided against it.

"Ohhhhh?" Jenny was beginning to be aroused. Her pussy was responding and she could feel that soon she would orgasm again. She knew from past experience that this would probably go on for a long time and that at the end, she would be begging and begging Amy to stop stimulating her cunt. The fucking continued and then Amy held the vibe firmly against her clit and turned up the vibe's speed. Jenny felt ready to explode. She got closer and closer. Amy jerked hard on the vibe and pressed it painfully against the woman's clit. That did it. Jenny let out a long cry and spasmed uncontrollably, her contractions gripping the vibrating cylinder inside her vagina.

Amy got down from the bed and yanked the vibrator from Jenny's pussy and put it back in the box with the others. She never washed the slut toys. She loved the idea of shoving the used, dirty implements into a girl's mouth and telling them to clean the crusty residue. She jerked Jenny's arms to the corners of the bed and re-shackled her wrists. She pulled the slut's legs apart and fastened them, too. Then she retrieved her favorite butterfly vibe, the one with the remote, and began strapping it to the woman's pussy. This butterfly was more powerful than most and the effect on her sluts was quite enjoyable to watch.

"Lift your hips, bitch." The straps went around Jenny's waist and thighs and Amy pulled them tight. She wiggled the butterfly to be sure it was in direct contact with the slut's clitoris. Jenny moaned. She knew what was coming and didn't know if she could stand it.

"Mistress, please. Please don't." Amy spun around and glared at Jenny. Her hand cocked back and she began slapping the woman's breasts brutally, causing them to flop from side to side and turning the white flesh a dark pink.

Amy could feel her pussy getting moist and she let out an involuntary, "Uunnhh" as she continued slapping her slut's tits. Her other hand went between her legs and she masturbated furiously. Finally, she reluctantly stopped and pulled her hand from her cunt. She didn't want to cum just yet and the excitement of the slapping had brought her quite close. She moved to a chair positioned a few feet from the bed. Home-made stirrups had been attached to the sides of the comfortable chair, so that she could lean back, put her feet in them, and rest comfortably with her legs spread wide. She picked up the remote for the butterfly.

Jenny was sweating profusely from the pain of the breast slapping. She lay there out of breath, the pain in her tits causing her cunt to juice liberally. When the butterfly was turned on she was almost ready for it, but nevertheless the vibrations caused an intense uncomfortable tickling until she was finally able to relax and start enjoying it.

Amy reached between her legs and began languidly stroking the lips of her pussy while she watched her slut writhe and twist trying to get away from the butterfly. When she finally started getting into it and Amy could see her hips rising and falling, she turned it off.


"How many times are you going to cum for me today, slut?"

"Please, Mistress. Not too many. Not like last time."

"No? You're right, I let you off much too easily last time. This time I'll give you plenty of time to rest and allow the feeling to return to your numb clit." Jenny groaned.

Just as she was about to turn on the butterfly, the doorbell rang. She got her feet out of the stirrups and got up. She went to the intercom. "Who is it?"

"It's Karen."

"Great, I'll be there in a minute." She turned to the slut on the bed. "This might take a while. Don't go to sleep on me." She flipped on the butterfly, slipped into her robe, and started up the stairs.


When she opened the door and let Karen in, she realized that things were going to have to take a different tone today. Last weekend, Karen had forced her into submission and had humiliated her in front of her slut. This time, it was going to be the opposite.

Karen sat on the couch and Amy brought her a glass of chilled Chardonnay. They sat and chatted politely. Amy made sure that her robe fell open, giving Karen a view of her thighs and crotch. She could see that the woman was getting excited, her skin was flushed and she was breathing through her mouth. Amy thought about how much she was going to enjoy this. The moisture that had accumulated on her pussy was sticky and she could smell herself easily. She knew that Karen could as well.

"Ready to go downstairs? Jenny's down there now. She's wearing a butterfly and working on her fourth cum."

"You're letting her cum?" Karen sneered. "You're not much of a Mistress, are you?"

Without replying, Amy stood and headed for the stairs. Karen followed her and when they reached the makeshift dungeon, she went over to look at Jenny. She leaned over the woman and spat on her breasts. "What a filthy little bitch you are!"

At that moment, Amy stepped behind her, pulled a set of handcuffs from a pocket in her robe, and quickly clipped them to Karen's wrists. Karen wheeled around angrily, but with her hands fastened behind her back she lost her balance and fell onto the bed. Amy seized the moment and grabbed a handful of the woman's hair. She pulled hard and dragged Karen off the bed and onto the floor.

Karen was consumed with rage. How dare Amy do this to her! She could feel the veins in her temples throbbing. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Stop now or I'll come down on you so hard you'll wish you'd never met me!"

Before Karen could scramble to her feet, Amy hooked a loop of rope around her ankle, pulled up hard, and tied it to the handcuff chain. Karen was now essentially helpless. All she could do was thrash and yell. She continued cursing at Amy and threatening her. Poor Jenny was so shocked, the sensation of the butterfly was totally forgotten as she struggled to get a look at what was happening. She was frightened and bewildered and felt extremely vulnerable stretched out naked on the little bed.

"You bitch! You'll wish you'd never been born when I get done with you!" Karen was sprawled on the floor, lying on her side, one leg behind her and the other stretched out in front of her. Amy smiled to herself. This was going to be even more fun than she'd thought. She opened a small wall cabinet and got out a heavy slave collar. She stooped and in spite of Karen's violent struggling, fastened it around her neck. She attached a chain to the collar and threaded it through one of the ceiling hooks. She pulled tight.

"Jesus, you're choking me! Stop it!"

"Shut up." The words were sweet music to Amy's ears. She hauled again on the chain. Karen skittered over under the hook to keep the chain slack. Amy jerked and pulled hard.


"Stand up, you nasty bitch. It's the only way to keep me from hanging you." Sputtering and gurgling, the collar pulling her upward, Karen managed to get to balance on one foot and then stand awkwardly upright. It took another 15 minutes, but Amy finally had Karen where she wanted her: hands over her head and attached to the ceiling, her feet firmly held in a wide spreader bar. She went to the bed and unfastened her slut. "Get the knife out of the cabinet and cut her clothes off."

"These are Ralph Lauren pants, you stupid cunt! You going to pay for them?" Amy stood in front of Karen and held the woman's face in her hands. She leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips.

"Yes, darling, of course I'll pay." For the first time, Karen relaxed and assessed her situation. She knew that Amy meant business and that the only thing she could do was threaten. Her threats were sounding increasingly less convincing, even to her, so she decided not to bother.

Jenny came to her, holding a nasty-looking hunting knife. "Go ahead, cut 'em off. And don't worry if you nick her, I've got a good first aid kit. Don't I?"

"Yes, Mistress. I know." Jenny was terrified, but began working the knife underneath Karen's clothing and slitting it. It took a lot of cutting but eventually Karen stood naked before the two women.

"She looks great, doesn't she, slut?"

"Oh, yes, Mistress, she does."

"But she needs to be punished for her rude behavior. All that cursing and name-calling. Shameful." Jenny didn't know what to say. She was confused, but uncontrollably excited. Amy had let Karen control both of them and Karen had punished Jenny severely on many occasions. What would it be like to watch her take it?

"Yes, Mistress."

"Get the leather paddle." Jenny went to the cabinet and got a leather paddle in the shape of a large ping pong paddle. The handle was long and the thick leather was trimmed with small chrome studs across one face. She handed it to Amy who displayed it for Karen. "You're going to beg me to stop."

"Fuck you," returned Karen, although she was quickly losing her bravado after seeing the paddle and the rows of studs covering one side.

"No, I think it's going to be the other way around."

"Yeah, she's gonna fuck you!" Jenny said.

Amy swung around and slapped her slut's face several times. She held the reddening cheeks between her hands. "Sweet slut, if you don't stay quiet, I'll tie you up with your back to us and you won't get to see any of this."

Jenny hung her head. "I'm sorry, Mistress."

Amy surveyed Karen. She was a woman in her late 40s with dark brown hair and a perky face. She had an athletic body and lean, muscular legs. She had small breasts and a dark patch of crotch hair hid her pussy from view. She looked nothing like a mistress, but Amy knew what happened when Karen took on the role. Her strong arms and wiry frame could deliver some very painful punishment and she was quite sadistic. At the moment, she looked totally helpless, her arms stretched over her head and her thighs opened by the spreader bar at her feet.

"You're a nasty, bitch, aren't you?" Amy hissed.

"Yes, you know I am."

Amy drew back the leather paddle and smacked Karen across the chest with the smooth side, smashing her breasts.


"Yes, what?" Amy growled at her. When Karen hesitated, Amy swiped the paddle across the woman's nipples painfully.

"Ooww! Yes, MISTRESS! Gawd, you're killing me. Please stop!"

"Mmmm. I like the sound of that. Don't you, slut?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Amy walked behind Karen. "Now, tell me what a nasty slut you are. Say it!" She hauled back and with the studded side of the paddle delivered a stinging blow to the woman's ass. Her buttocks instantly reddened and was covered with rows of small, dark, red marks. Karen let out a scream. "TELL ME!"

"I am a nasty bitch!"


"I am a filthy, nasty bitch."

Amy hit her with the paddle again. When Karen stopped screaming, she whispered to the helpless woman, "And nasty bitches need to be punished, don't they?"


Amy could feel the familiar twitching in her pussy. She was getting extremely aroused. "Come here, slut. On your knees." Jenny quickly knelt before her Mistress and without hesitation wrapped her arms around the woman's thighs and pulled her cunt to her mouth. She worked eagerly with her tongue and lips, hoping to give her Mistress a wonderful orgasm. "Aaahhhh, yesss." With her slut sucking on her pussy, Amy resumed Karen's beating. She smacked her repeatedly with the paddle, faster and faster until the woman's screams, groans, and moans blended into each other in a continuous tortured sound. Amy couldn't last and with the last strike of the paddle, she shuddered and tensed and released into Jenny's mouth in a thundering orgasm. It was long and deep and by the time she had finished, she was weak in the knees and had to push Jenny away and collapse in her chair.

Jenny was left kneeling in place. "Lie on the floor in front of me, you dirty little cunt whore." Jenny scrambled to lie down on the carpeted floor, positioning herself in front of the chair, her feet on either side of it. Amy reached for the butterfly remote and switched it on.

"Aaaeee!" Jenny shrieked, not expecting the intense stimulation, but quickly adjusting to it and allowing the vibrations to build her arousal. Amy watched as her slut began twisting and writhing. She could see the moisture running out from underneath the vibe and coating the crack of the woman's ass. "Oooh... ooohhhh...!" The slut's hips rose and fell in the air, humping her electric lover. She climaxed hard, calling to her Mistress, "Amy...fuck me...fuck me!"

Karen had been experiencing a resurgence of old feelings. Early in her entry into the BDSM lifestyle, she had considered herself a sub. She had enjoyed her experiences in that role but it wasn't long until she found that she much preferred dominance. It had been a long time since someone had restrained her and punished her. The beating she had just received had been severe and her buttocks was on fire, but as she stood there, vulnerable and open, watching the other two climax, she felt her pussy moisten and she realized with surprise that she had forgotten her anger and was becoming thoroughly aroused. She longed for a climax. As it was, she could not even stimulate herself by clamping her thighs together. She moaned slightly, trying not to let the others hear.

"What was that? Is the nasty bitch moaning?" Amy got to her feet, turned off her slut's butterfly, and walked to the wall cabinet. She selected a harness, a large dildo, and some lube. "Slut, get up. Time for you to perform for me." She handed the harness and dildo to Jenny and reached up to unfasten Karen's wrists from the ceiling hook. "Help me with her."

The two women forced Karen to shuffle to a small, padded platform whose top was at thigh height. They shoved the woman down roughly and while Amy fastened the woman's arms, Jenny attached the spreader bar to the base. They stood back to appraise the posture. Karen was bent over, her chest and face resting on the platform. With her legs spread by the bar, her ass was displayed perfectly.

"Ready to get fucked, nasty bitch?"

"Yes, Mistress," came the whispered reply.

"Stand in front of her while you put the harness on, slut."

Jenny moved where Karen could watch her and got into the harness. She slipped the dildo through the ring and tightened the straps. The butterfly fit under the harness, though it was now pressed quite hard against her cunt. She looked down and touched the huge phallus. She was quivering with excitement at the thought of being able to fuck Karen. She hoped Mistress would make her continue to do it long after Karen had cum three or four times.

"It's a big one, isn't it, nasty bitch?" Amy stood beside her slut and fingered the silicone toy. "Think it will slip into your pussy hole easily? Or will it stretch you painfully?" All three of them knew the answer to that. Both Amy and Jenny had been repeatedly invaded by that same dildo, worn by Karen, and no one had forgotten their cries of pain and pleasure as the huge thing ripped into them. "Of course, after Jenny works your cunt with it for an hour or so, we'll both be ready to see it slide into your asshole."


"Oh, Mistress, no? I don't think she could take it."

"We'll just have to see, won't we?" Amy asked. "Let's go. I can't wait to watch you fuck her, slut." Amy pulled up a chair near the platform and sat down.

Jenny moved in back of Karen and hesitantly positioned the end of the dildo against the entrance to the woman's vagina. It looked small and delicate to Jenny and she could barely contain her excitement. She wanted to make Karen scream and scream. She rocked her hips forward, pressing the dildo against the soft cunt flesh. She reached down and wiggled it around, spreading the woman's juice over the end of the dildo. She pulled back and then thrust forward again. This time she speared the end into Karen's vagina, stretch the woman's opening.

"Oh gawd! Oh fuck! Noooo... noooo..." Karen sobbed. Jenny popped the head of the dildo back out. She knew what to do. Each time the end was inserted and then removed, the pain was much sharper than if the phallus were simply to stay inserted and fuck in and out. She stabbed Karen's vagina again, looking closely at the distended opening wrapped tightly around the silicone toy. She rocked in and out, watching the membrane disappear into Karen's vagina and then stretch outward again. She pulled the dildo all the way out and pushed it back in hard.

"You're killing me!!"

This time she forced it all the way in, pushing with her hips as hard as she could while holding Karen's waist for leverage. She buried about 5" of the dildo into the woman's cunt and repeatedly bumped hard against her, forcing it in even farther. When she pulled it out with a plopping sound, there were beads of blood smearing the silicone. A thin trickle ran from Karen's vagina. The helpless woman lay there sobbing with the pain, groaning and begging Amy to make Jenny stop. Jenny was in a high state of arousal by this point and Amy rewarded her by switching the butterfly on. Jenny immediately plunged the dildo in as far as she could and stood there making small, rapid, humping movements against Karen's ass until she climaxed.

Amy turned off the butterfly immediately. "Make her cum." Jenny pulled the dildo out from it's position deep against the end of Karen's vagina and began making gentle fucking movements, moving only a fraction of an inch. She knew how this felt and knew that Karen would be irresistibly aroused by the sensation.

Karen relaxed. The pain had decreased to a dull throb. The feeling of fullness in her cunt, combined with the gentle fucking movements, started to get to her. As Jenny increased the pace, Karen could feel herself getting close. She needed an orgasm so badly. She didn't want Jenny to ever stop, it felt so good. She began panting and grunting. Her muscles tensed. Jenny and Amy could both see what was happening. Jenny looked at her Mistress. Amy shook her head. Jenny continued to fuck until she sensed that Karen was right at the edge and then she yanked the dildo out.

"Oohh, no, no, no!" Karen whined. "Let me, please let me!"

Amy spoke to her. "And if I let you, will you eat my pussy? And my ass?"

"Yesss, anything, anything."

"And will you lick my slut's pussy? And her ass?" Amy ginned at Jenny conspiratorially. Jenny stood there absently stroking the gooey dildo.

"Yes, yes, I will!"

Amy nodded to Jenny and she gently inserted the dildo. Karen winced from the pain, but soon forgot it as the slut resumed her rhythmic fucking. It wasn't long. Karen's body flushed, she strained, and with a loud cry, climaxed. Each time her vagina contracted on the huge dildo, it extended her orgasm until she finally collapsed from exhaustion.

"Do I have to stop, Mistress?"

"Of course not, sweet slut. Keep fucking her. We have hours and hours, don't we?" Jenny grinned and began rocking her hips back and forth again, thrusting the large phallus deep into Karen's vagina. Karen grunted loudly and moaned. Mmmm, Jenny thought, hours and hours.

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