Hero in the Hallways

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Oct 7, 2004


This story is fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. Also this story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story A Hero In The Hallways. Please tell me what you think. Email me Greenmeccatoon@aol.com.

A Hero In The Hallways by Green

Part two bullseye


"So you have yet to read the book since your memory loss?" The host asked.

"Well that was true until today. I began reading the book earlier this afternoon."

"So I guess the question would be, do you like it?"

I answered nervously, "It's got me hooked,"

"Wow I think you have the experience every author would like to have."

"You know it's not everyday that you can relive your life through a novel.I consider myself lucky."

"Thousands of people praise your book as a life inspiring force in their lives. How do you deal with that?"

"I don't deal with it well. I mean it's not that I don't want to. I just don't know what to say to people that have read the book.," I said as I began to feel uncomfortable.

"OK so when is your next book coming out?" she asked almost before I could finish answering her previous question. She wasn't interested in what I had to say. I doubt that she had even read the book.

"Well my next book will be released in a few months. It's not autobiographical but it is based on my experiences after my accident."

"I hear that there are rumors of a movie adaptation. Are those true?"

"Well yes and no. I have yet to decide if I should go ahead with the adaptation."

The audience began to chant."Movie. Movie."

"It's safe to say that your fans want a movie," The host said. Somebody in the control booth flashed her a ten second card. "Well Mr. Williams I hope that your next book does just as well as the first. Thank you for being on the show. Please come back."

I shook her hand and waved at the audience who were still chanting. as they went for commercial break. I was escorted back to the green room. Mel was already there waiting for me. She looked stunning. She had her hair done and she wore a red dress. "Hi Mel," I said as she hugged me.

"Wow John you look great."

"As do you."

"Thank you."

I led her out of the green room. The host of the show thanked us as we left. Her assistant led us to the car that was waiting outside. I opened the door for her and got in behind her. She gave the driver directions and we began to move.

"So?" She asked.

"So what?"

"Oh come on I know you have questions. You just said that you began to read the book. On national TV for god sakes," she said grabbing my shoulder.

I had questions. Many of them. The first that stood in my mind was Michael. Why hadn't I seen him around. Why had my mother been so hesitant to tell me. Deep down I knew she had her reasons and that they were for the best but I needed to know.

"Well I have a few."

"A few If were you I'd have thousands of them. Number one would be were is Michael?" I nodded. "Well I promised your mom I wouldn't say anything about that until you read the book."

I sensed sadness in her voice when she talked about Michael. She quickly changed the subject. "Your going to love this place. It's a Thai food place. Very fancy but great food," She said enthusiastically.

I Groaned. "Why don't we just go get a burger?" I hated Thai food. It always gave me indigestion.

"Wow even in memory loss you never change. OK John lets go get burgers."

"Oh better yet let's order Pizza at my place. We can talk in peace and I have a proposition for ya."

She smiled at me. "Ok John lets do that. Why do I always get dressed for gay guys." She gave the driver the new directions. He took us to my apartment building. I tipped him as we got out of the car.

I greeted the night door man as he opened the door. I led her to the elevator and pressed seven. "Can you spend the night tonight?" I asked. She nodded.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure what is on your mind?"

"Why are you being so friendly? I mean don't get me wrong John, I like you like this. It's just that normally you're very distant with us and sometimes just down right rude."

I had to admit she got me there. I just feel that I need someone now. Maybe I am being selfish. I am tired of being alone. I moved away from everyone and when they got to near I just hid behind my amnesia. "I guess I felt like I didn't need anyone in my life. I was just tired of living a life based on what people told me I used to do. But now I want that all back. I want my old life back."

I led her to my apartment and showed her in. "John you never lost us," she grabbing my hand. "You just alienated us. We were worried that you would never come back to us. Especially you parents. We just wait and hope that you get your memory back, but I think that we just settled on the Idea that you wouldn't."

"I never meant to alienate you," I said hugging her."To tell you the truth I feel closest to you out of everybody. I feel like you and me share something deep."

She began to cry. "John we do have a connection," she said as she cleaned up her tears. I felt she wanted to tell me something, I wanted to push her to tell me but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Let's order Pizza," I said guiding her to the kitchen. I ordered a large veggie pizza and a order of bread sticks.

"Why don't you have any furniture?"

"Well you would laugh at me if I told you."

"No I wont. Just tell me."

"It keeps people from staying here too long."

She burst out laughing. "See I knew you would make fun of me."

"Ha, I'm so. Ha ha he he, I'm sorry. It's just that's so stupid."

"Alright, alright."

"So you said you wanted to talk to me about something?"

I turned to her and smiled. "I have a proposition."

"What's that handsome? Don't tell me you've gone straight," she said holding my waist.

"No Mel I want you to move in with me."

"Here? You want me to move in here?"

"Yes Mel I want you to move in here. I have plenty of space. There are two other bedrooms here nobody uses. Please say yes."

She looked at me for a long time. Then she turned and excused herself to the bathroom. I followed and listened by the door as she wept. I was about to knock to see if she was Ok when the door bell rang. I walked over to the door. I looked through the peephole. It was the pizza man. I payed for the food and gave him a tip. Mel was still in the bathroom when I returned.

I knocked on the door. I received no answer. "Mel? Are you OK?" she gave no answer. I heard sobbing on the other end. "Mel your scaring me. Please come out." She opened the door.

"John I'm sorry. It's just that you used to always be so good to me. My emotions just got the better of me," She said before she gave me a hug. I knew she was hiding something. "I didn't mean to scare you john."

"It's OK Mel. Let's eat."

We ate in silence. I knew she wanted to say something. It was killing me. "Mel why don't you just tell me what's on your mind?" I yelled out at her.

"I was thinking that I could definitely move in," She said dodging what was really on her mind.


"Only if you let me redecorate. Because this apartment is depressing."

"Hey don't judge my taste."

"You have no taste to judge," she said grabbing a bread stick and tossing it at me. "Ha ha I have the last bread piece!" she yelled. I chased after her. She ran past my bedroom and into the living room. I tackled her and wrestled the bread piece out of her hand.

"No I have the last bread piece," I yelled as I took off.

She cut me off at the door and tried to take the bread away from me. "You know you could be a gentleman."

"Or you could be generous," I said popping the bread in my mouth. "One pizza slice left." She looked at the table then at me. She took off reaching the kitchen before I could stop her.

"You know when we were in kindergarten we used to wrestle. I used to do that just to get close to you," she said blatantly trying to distract me.

"Yeah and?"

"Well I used to always win. You were wimpy and scrawny," she said trying to grab the pizza. I cut her off and pulled a swift maneuver. I nearly grabbed the pizza before she pulled me back and tossed me to the floor. She took the pizza and once again took off.

As she took off a vague memory of me being beaten at wrestling began to form in my head. I remember hitting the ground as a girl giggled at me. She pointed her fingers and called another boy over who helped me up. "Shut up ugly," he yelled at her. I laughed.

Mel came back still holding the pizza."What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong I just remembered something."

She sat next to me taking a bite of the pizza. "What do you remember?"

"I remember you bullying me and a boy sticking up for me when we were young."

"Oh my god I remember that. It was in first grade. It was when you first met." She stopped there and quickly got up.

"Mel are you Ok?"

"Yeah john I'm fine. I'm going to get ready for bed."

"OK Mel. But if you need anything I'm here."

"Thank you John. I'll be there In a bit."

I grabbed my book from the kitchen table. I walked over to my bedroom and leaned back on the bed.


There are hallways that we never use. These hallways are like memories we suppress. Yet at some point you have to use them. Like old memories they resurface. I never to take some hallways because of the people that commune there. Some of them were old friends that I had lost touch with or were dropped because of rumors. Now I'm one of them. It all happened so fast. I lost my friends I lost my status, and I had to give up being president of my class by request of the principal himself. The rumor missile hit me alright and it hit hard. It all started with one phone call.

"Um hi," i was a bit confused. "How did you get my number?"

"You know what, Jonathan?"


"I like you."

"I like you to but it's kind of weird of you to be calling at two In the morning."

"Well, you never called me."

"I'm sorry Dominick I've just been distracted. Um listen can I call you tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure just don't forget."

"OK Dominick."

That was my second mistake. The first was talking to him after I found out he was her cousin. The third would be calling him the next morning.

"Um hi Dominick."

"Hey what's up? I'm glad you called."

"But you knew I was going to call."

"I know I was just joking. So are you free later today. I mean I really like you."

"Dominick I need to be honest with you I am dating somebody."

"Wow that's great, But I think you would be much better off with me."

Now I was getting scared. "Dominick I don't like where this is going."

"Well, I think you should go out with me instead."

"No, Dominick I don't think I'm gonna do that."

Who the hell does he think he is? He's hot but I like Charlie better and I'm very happy with what we are starting.

"No? Jonathan I don't think you understand me. If you don't go out with me you will regret it."

"Why would I regret it?"

"If you don't meet me today at three at the park I'll tell Helene your gay."

I hate to be threatened. I hanged up the phone and never thought anything of it. I wasn't going to date some psycho. He called back I never answered.

I spent a great weekend with Charlie. I even showed him the cliff and told him the story about Craig. He just listened never interrupted and when I was done he just gave me a kiss.

"I'll never leave you," He said. I wish that was true, but at that moment I genuinely believed him.

"I'll never leave either."

"So if he ever came back would you leave me for him?"


He smiled and squeezed my hand as we watched the sun come up. It was a perfect morning. I wish we could spend the rest of our lives like that. I was beginning to fall in love with him.

"Lets go to my house," I said and we both stood and walked away from the cliff. The old memories of the cliff died today to make way for the new ones.

That night when he left my house. He said he loved me. And just hearing him repeat that in my head over and over made me excited and I couldn't wait to share it with the world.

It started slow. They stared at me when I walked into the school. Some even giggled at me when I passed. I just thought it was the usual misfits talking about me. By the end of the week it was full blown. I walked to the Main hall where my crowd usually met. They were all talking and immediately shut up as I came up.

"Hey guys what's up?"

"No one said anything."

I looked from face to face nobody would look at me. "What's going on guys?"

"You have some nerve," Amy yelled.


"Get away from us faggot," Eddie yelled at me.

My eyes watered and I started to walk away. Something wet hit me as I made my way down the hallway. I heard them laugh. I walked straight to the auditorium. When I entered I headed straight for the front row where I sat. I stared at the stage for a while as useless thoughts flew through my mind. I hated Dominick. I hated Helene. I heard the door open but I didn't have the motivation to turn around.

"Hey asshole how does it feel?" Meatball yelled.

I just turned and faced her blankly.

"Huh asshole? How does it feel? I told you I'd get you back. My cousin told me, and I spread it as far as it would go."

"Good you won. Now leave me alone."

"No, I want to see you suffer. I want you to know all the things I've felt."

"You want to know something Helene? When I tripped and the meatballs landed on you I tripped on your book bag that you left out in the aisle, and as for them calling you that they only did that because you yelled out the word meatball when it happened."

"Well, maybe if you looked where you were walking it would have never happened."

"Helene just drop it OK you won and I lost all of my friends and I have no life."

"Also Mel, Charlie and Michael, you lost them too. I have to make sure you lose everything."


"You heard me you lost them. I know Charlie is your boyfriend and I know how much he treasures his status so I told him I wouldn't tell with the agreement that he wouldn't talk to you. Anyway my cousin likes him and I think they would be a great couple."

"You're a liar."

"You sure? Because Melissa and I go way back. Do you know she's poor. I mean dirt poor. Those clothes she wears are hand me downs her mother gets from my aunt. Oh and do you know what Michael does on weekends? He plays in a band with the Punks. Yeah the punks and they hate you because he always spends time with you and not them. Do you see a pattern here? You see I do my homework John and up to now you were the cleanest son of a bitch but you made a fatal mistake. You fucked with me. You fucked with me over and over until I just had enough."

Helene was out of her mind. I hadn't done anything to her. I just lived my life but I guess that was enough for that psycho bitch to hate me.

"Fuck you!"

"No, I don't think I ever want that from you, and plus I'm not manly enough for you." She said giggling before she walked away. "Oh and so you know I'm not done with you. So expect more from me. Ha, ha, ha."

I watched her leave before I composed myself and left the auditorium. The day went very slowly. I saw Michael but he wouldn't look at me. Melissa was the same. As for Charlie he just walked by me laughing as the dream team made fun of me. That hurt more than anything. I walked straight into a bathroom and cried in the stall. I just wanted to be a small ant that they wouldn't notice. Every where I went somebody was talking about me. Meatball would make fun of me every chance she got. At some point she even joined forces with the dream team to throw stuff at me during math class.

I just drifted through school. It was easier than just caring. It was as if I wasn't their friend their week end before. My parents noticed a significant change in my mood and would ask me every day what was wrong.

"Honey we need to talk OK." I nodded as My mother sat next to me.

"One of your friends parents called me today."

Oh no not them too. "Mom I can explain."

"John let me finish. I was told something that I couldn't believe. I couldn't believe that you would hide this from your parents."

"Mom I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Honey There's nothing to be ashamed off we just wish that you would have told us sooner."

"I know but I was afraid."

"It's OK John. It's OK now. Come on your father and I are going to take you out to eat."

They made me feel better but it wasn't OK not by a long shot. School just got worst. I would take alternate routes to avoid people and I would leave the school for lunch. Everywhere I went they knew.

I ran into Dominick one day as I was walking away from the school. "Hey John how's it going?" He asked with a smug look on his face. I wanted to bash it in right then and there. I wanted to make him hurt as much as I had hurt, but I just kept walking. He ran up to me and grabbed my arm.

"I told you, you would regret not going out with me. I transferred here just so you could to see me here every day with Charlie. He's so sweet. Did you know he said he would never leave me?"

I snapped I wanted to kill him and my fist clenched ready for it. "Leave me alone Dominick," I yelled as visions of his head turning purple as my fist squeezed tight around his neck.

"What? Are you going to hit me? I'm so scared," He said mocking me.

I walked away as soon as I saw a teacher enter the hallway. He came back over to me. "John if you ever change your mind about us call me. I would just love to see you naked and ready to fuck," He said before I punched him square across the face and walked away. God what kind of family were they from?

I walked around the school lost without friends. I sat away from them in my classes. Michael would glance at me a few times during English but I would pretend to not see him. Melissa was the same. At lunch I caught Charlie staring at me and he mouthed the words I'm sorry but I just flipped him off. He turned away embarrassed. I was getting depressed and by the beginning of the second week the teachers took notice Of my mood as I was rude and curt with them. They must have said something to the principal because he asked me to come to his office.

"Jonathan I would like to talk to you about your behavior in class and about being class president."

I nodded as I sat before him.

"You see there has been some animosity over the fact that you have been very rude to some of the teachers. They are concerned. You've always have been a good kid so this behavior had to have been attributed to something. I made a few inquiries and I found out. Well, I know about your situation."

"I wouldn't just call it a situation."

"Well, I'm afraid that you might be hurt if you presume being class president. The people around here are very closed minded and several parents have called voicing their concerns."

"So you are asking me to step down?"

"I'm sorry Jonathan. I really am, but yes I'm asking you to step down. It's for your own safety. I also wanted to let you know that this school has a policy on discrimination and if you feel threatened please let me know we can do something about it."

I felt he was being sincere, It's just I felt that I lost. "OK Mr. Peterson. I'll step down." As I walked out of his office he called at me.

"Jonathan if it's any consolation I have a gay son and I do understand what you are going through. I'm just concerned. If you need to talk to anyone call me or come to my office and by the way please refrain from hitting your fellow students. I'll let this one fly but I cant ignore it if you do it again."

I smiled and left his office. Walked away from the office into the hallway and I slumped down on a locker. I started to cry. There was nothing left to do. They had won. The hallways had won. They directed the rumor missile straight towards me and flung me into the void. I was in shock. Meatball was malicious and when she joined forces with the cheerleaders they were a destructive force. They broke me apart piece by piece. They were so strong that they turned the people I trust the most against me.

"Hey are you alright?" somebody said but I was to lost to care.

"Hey Jonathan talk to me."

"What who are you?"

"I'm nobody wait here I'll go get my father."

Some minutes later Mr. Peterson returned. "Jonathan are you OK?" He asked but I didn't respond. I just didn't have it in me to.

"Craig go get the nurse and ask Mrs Carey to call his parents."

All I could think of was that he said the name Craig. He said Craig. A few minutes later the school nurse Mrs Jacobson returned and crouched before me. "Jonathan did you take your medicine today?" Before I could answer I blacked out.

I opened my eyes forcefully and felt hands behind my head. "What happened?"

"You had a seizure," The nurse said.

"Are you alright?" Craig added.

"I think so."

"OK then I have to get to class. John I hope you feel better later. Mrs Jacobson can you let my father know I went back to class. Thanks. Bye John."

That was Craig. That was my Craig.

"John I need to ask you a few questions?"

I nodded mindlessly as my thoughts were focused on Craig. He was back. He changed a lot but I knew that was him. I knew he would be back. Mr. Peterson has been the principal of my school since we were in sixth grade and then he switched to the high school when I came in as a freshman, but I never made the connection between him and Craig.

"When was the last time you took your medicine? John!" she said startling me. "John when was the last time you took your medication?"

"Last Friday."

"Well, that'd do it. You have to take your medicine daily."

"I know I just forgot."

"OK. When was your last seizure?"

"About a month ago."

"OK that's about it. You can rest here until your parents come for you OK. If you need anything just yell for me I'll be right outside," she said before leaving the room.

I nodded and laid back on the cot. My thoughts reverted back to Craig. If he was here all this time why didn't he talk to me? Why did he stay away? I had to find out.


Mel pointed at a sofa she wanted for the apartment. "Do you like that one?"she asked. It was a floral print sofa. With red cushions. I quickly shook my head. "Why not I think it's beautiful."

"There is no way that is ever going to be in my apartment."

"Ok don't get your panties in a bunch."

My mind was reeling with so many questions. I wanted to ask her about Craig. Was he the boy that stuck up for me when we were young? I wanted to know why we were still friends. I was angry at what I read. She stopped being my friend because of what that girl held over her head? Is that the reason nobody talked to me about Michael?

"What about this one," she said pointing at a hideous looking yellow couch.

"No absolutely not. It's hideous."

"Oh you are so hard to work with."

"I cant help it if I don't want to buy a couch that looks like a giant yellow bean bag chair."

She gave me a dirty look and proceeded to the back of the store. Somebody tapped me from behind. I turned to see a pretty girl around my age. "Hi John," she said as she gave me a hug. "it's so good to see you."

"I'm sorry, but I don't know you," I said thinking it was just another fan.

"Oh John I'm sorry I was just so glad to see you. My name Is Meghan we were friends in High school. I saw you walk In and I just had to talk to you."

"Oh it's OK. You just startled me a little."

"I saw you on TV last night. You looked great."

"Thank you. Do you live here in the city."

"No I just came for a visit. I still live back home. You should come by more often."

I hadn't been back home for a year. I even spent Christmas alone to the dismay of my parents. "I should," I said quickly to get her off that subject. To tell you the truth I am afraid of going back there. That town holds too much.

"Oh my god Meghan!" Mel yelled from behind me.

"Mel you're here too wow," Meghan answered.

I watched as they shared a hug. In some way I felt left out. "How have you been. How is Craig. I haven't heard from him in a while." My interest quickly sparked.

"He's fine. Better than he was."

"Why what happened to him?" I asked.

"He went away for a while and when he came back well he wasn't really the same."

They always answered my questions with cryptic answers. Everyone thinks that I am not ready for the truth. It made me angry. I just wanted answers. "I got to go," I said.

"John are you OK?" Mel asked.

"I'm fine I just need some air," I said. I got three steps away before every thing became dark.

I had a seizure. I hadn't had one in months. This one was a bad one. They even called an ambulance. I came to as they shoved a cup of water in my face. "John did you take your medicine today?" Mel asked.

"Yes. Sometimes it just happens," I said thinking back to the last chapter of the book I had read.

"When was the last time you had a seizure?" one of the paramedics asked.

"About three months ago," I answered as the other paramedic helped me up from the couch.

"OK I think you are ready to go. Just go home and rest and try to control your emotions a little. Sometimes they trigger the seizures," said the paramedic as Mel helped me out to a taxi Meghan had waiting.

"OK shaky come on we'll go home. Meghan why don't you come with us. I can make lunch for all of us."

"Why don't we make it dinner I have to go meet somebody. I'll call you," she said as we pulled away.

Mel held me as the weaved it's way through traffic. I was still angry. Angry with them and Myself. I saw a couple holding hands and again the word love came to mind. "Mel can I ask you a question?"


"The other day at the train station I heard a musician playing a song. As he played the word love came to mind. Do you know why?"

"No I don't remember any song between you and Craig." My attention again was peaked.

"Craig and I? I thought I was dating Charlie," I asked quickly. Her faced turned white.

She looked away from me and then answered. "John when was the last time you talked to Charlie?"

"I don't remember ever knowing a Charlie," as the words left my mouth It dawned on me. "What happened?"

"I've already said to much. Trust me john I want to tell you a lot of things. I promised your mom to let you discover them by yourself. Don't be mad at me."

I turned away from her and to the window. Maybe she's right it's better If I get the answers for myself. I had my answers in my own words. We pulled up to my apartment building. I payed the fare and stepped out of the taxi.

"Hey Mr. Williams," said Randy the door man.

"Hi Randy how have you been?"

"Oh just fine. Not better than you though. I see your pretty lady friend is here."

"Yeah it's looking up," I said as we entered the building. "Hey were expecting a friend later on please let her up. Her name is Meghan."

"Will do Mr. Williams. Will do."

He made me feel better. He always did. All he knew about me was my name and he always made sure to greet me. I was always polite to him. I had seen the other tenants be down right rude to him. Some have even complained that he talked too much.

"He seems nice," Mel said as we stepped onto the elevator.

"Yeah he's the only doorman here I like. The others are really snooty."

"You know John you've always had a huge heart. I know you think that maybe I'm a jerk for not being your friend when Helene threatened me, but that was a really bad time for me." I couldn't stay mad at her I knew deep down she was telling me the truth. "You need to read more of the book. It will all make sense I promise."

I smiled and stepped of the elevator. "Ok I'm not mad but you need to answer a question for me. Just one."

"That depends on the question."

"I need to know what Craig looks like."

"Well you are in luck I have a picture."

I looked at the picture. We were standing together on the porch of a cabin. He was tall and he had curly blond hair. There were some people around us. Mel was in the background hugging a bald kid. Everyone was smiling. I noticed Meghan was there too. "Mel who are all these people?"

"Well Meghan is there and that's Michael who I am hugging. I don't really know the rest of these people but they are friends of yours. That kid I think his name is David, and that's his girlfriend. Her name Is um Shelly I think," she said pointing at a couple that was standing next to Craig and me.

"Craig Is handsome," I said.

"Yeah he is hot."

"You looked like you were happy too. Why didn't you tell me you were dating Michael?"

Her eyes began to water. "Open the door John. I need to get inside."

I let her in. she grabbed my hand and pulled me into my room. She made me sit on the bed and handed me the book. "Here read." She said and then pulled my feet onto the bed. She snuggled up next to me and pulled the sheets up over us.


The hallways have a sick way of redeeming themselves. I at this point had nothing else to lose. I lost everything. But when I was down the worst I found something to carry me through. Craig was here and he wanted to be with me. He wanted to heal my pain he wanted to be my strength but I wanted answers. Answers he couldn't begin to give me. You see as it turned out getting to him was a challenge.

I saw him later in the week. He was siting next to a girl and they were deep in conversation. I couldn't help but overhear what they were talking about.

"No! Megan I can't talk to him."

"Why not?"

"Because It's too late."

"It's never too late it's not like you had a choice in the matter. I can't believe you," She stopped when she saw me.

"You can't believe what?" He asked before she pointed at me.

"What didn't you tell me?" I asked.

He looked at me for a long time then he stood and walked away. "Hey wait," I yelled as I tried to follow but she stopped me.

"What?" I said curtly and she answered back. "Listen you have to have patience with him. He's had a hard time already."

I snapped back at her, "What and I haven't?"

"No, I didn't say that. You have to let him tell you himself and it's going to take a while."

I watched as he made his way from the cafeteria. "Just give him time OK he'll talk to you," she said before leaving me alone.

"So is that your new boyfriend?" Dominick asked me as he came near me. I could see Helene's vicious gaze focused on me from across the cafeteria. She was almost salivating at the Idea of getting back at me again."

"Fuck off," I said and left him there with a smirk I really wanted to hit him again.

The next time I saw Craig was after school as he headed for Mr. Peterson's office.

"Craig," I yelled.

He turned towards me. He looked at me for a while almost as if he were taking me in for the first time in a long time. Then Just like that he shook his head and walked away. I was crushed. He looked vulnerable. I just wanted to hug him. I wanted to kiss him, but most of all I wanted to know why. I wanted to know why he left.

As the weekend came and went all I could think about was him. It was killing me inside that I didn't know. Monday morning I saw him again with that girl he was with. He saw me but quickly turned away. I made me angry so I just kept on walking. I made it down the hallway when somebody yelled the word faggot at me. I heard a commotion somewhere behind me and then somebody yelled I turned around. Craig was yelling at Eddie.

"Why don't you call me a faggot? Come on Eddie."

"Craig Shut the fuck up! This doesn't concern you."

Craig looked furious. His nostrils flared. I noticed his fist close. I didn't like to see him like this.

"Why? Because you want to call somebody a faggot. You know what I know for a fact What you and Charlie used to do after practice. Like you told my mother When we were twelve."

"Craig shut the fuck up," he yelled.

I watched as they stood ready to fight."What you gonna hit me? Don't like to be called a fag."

Eddie lunged at Craig tackling him down. Craig recovered quickly and punched him across the face. Eddie fell to the ground and came back and punched Craig. Craig Punched him back and Threw him against a locker then he started hitting him.

"How does it feel huh? You know I've been waiting for a long time to beat your ass. Ever since you told my Mom." He said before he hit him again.

Told his mother what? I wanted to know but the fight got worst when the rest of the dream team came in. They all jumped on Craig but to my surprise some other kids jumped in on Craig's behalf. A few minutes later the security guards came in and stopped the fight. He gave me an apologetic look. Then he said something to his friend before they took him away. It didn't hit me until later that he was fighting for me.

I walked away from the crowd and headed towards homeroom when I ran into Michael. I tried to walk around him but he stopped me.

"Hi John how you doing."

"Peachy. Fucking peachy." I answered curtly.

"John I'm sorry." He said but I just kept on walking. I didn't want to hear his shit. What did he expect me to forgive him because he's sorry? I don't think that is ever possible. He hurt me and I couldn't forgive that. The friendship that we had Is over now.

Later on In the school day I saw Michael again He was sitting with Melissa at lunch and they were engaged in a serious conversation. He seemed pissed and she was crying. I just walked right past them Melissa looked at me. I gave her a dirty look She just shook her head.

When I was seated at lunch Craig's friend Meghan walked up to me. "Craig asked me to ask you if you would meet him after school at the cliff."

"Why? He couldn't ask me himself?"

She got annoyed and leaned in closer to me "Stop being a dick and be there OK."

The rest of the day went as expected. I saw Charlie as I left my last class. He was embracing a girl and the dream team with the exception of Eddie were all crowded around them. They all saw me and started yelling. "Whatch'a looking at fag? You want some of this?" I just kept on walking. Outside of the school I saw Melissa waiting for a ride and I walked past her again on my way to the car. I didn't care anymore they betrayed me. They hurt me. All because they were afraid of Meatball.

She ran after me. "John wait. John wait."

"What do you want Mel," I yelled. It felt strange calling her name. Almost as if it didn't fit anymore.

"I want to say I'm sorry. I want to be your friend again. I want things to be the way they were."

"I'm sorry Mel but I don't think so," I said and made my way to my car she stood there crying as I left. It pained me to see her cry but I was determined to make them know how much they hurt me.

As I drove to the cliff my mind thought of every possible thing he would tell me. I was nervous. I saw him standing there as I reached the cliff. He turned to me as I stepped out of my car. He had a black eye. I felt bad.

"Hey," He said as I approached him.

"Hey Craig."

There was a few minutes of silence before he started to talk again. "I need to tell you some things and I don't know how to start."

"Just say what you need to say. I'm here to listen Craig."

"I never wanted to leave John. my mother sent me away to a hospital. She thought I was sick. My cousin Eddie told her I was gay when I wouldn't do things with him. Sexual things. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. My mother sent me away behind my father's back." He looked away to the ocean. He seemed in deep thought but then he kept on talking," I was there for three years. They used to torture us as a way to get us to change. They used to beat me, shock us and sometimes they would," He stopped and looked away from me again. My heart almost broke when he started crying but he kept on. "By the time my father found me I was brainwashed. I would get sick every time I would look at a boy I liked. But it hurt the worst when I saw you again. I couldn't bear the pain. So I stayed away."

By now I was crying. I wish I knew. I wish I knew the pain he was in. "I'm sorry Craig."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I was ashamed. My mother told me I was a disgrace to our family. I just wanted for her to love me again. I thought I needed to go for her to love me," he broke down crying. "I'm sorry John I'm sorry."

I hugged him. "I know Craig. I'm here."

"For the longest time I hated you Craig. I used to ride my bike by your house wondering where you went and why you weren't back. It was hard knowing I lost you but I built a shell and changed who I was just to make it easier to deal. Then everything turned to shit. They hate me because of that bitch Meatball and her cousin. Now I have you back. I can love you again."

He smiled and hugged me back. "I love you too John."

We stayed there until it got dark then we gaining a new understanding and a new start on a relationship. That night I had a dream about us when we were twelve. We were running down the cliff to the beach. As we reached the beach we looked like a pair of old men happily holding hands.

We were inseparable after that night . Nothing fazed us not even Meatballs constant harassment or the dream team's name calling. It was just perfect.

Megan and I became closer as friends as the days went by. I trusted her. There was something about her face that made you feel safe when she was around.

"Lets make a fresh start John Because what we started with wasn't the most desirable way to start a friendship. My name is Meghan. I am Craig's best friend I would like to be yours." She said extending her hand

I grabbed her hand and smiled. "I'd like that."

"Cool then I want to say this. I know Helene and what she has on your friends is probably very bad. So maybe you should take it easy on them."

"I hate them I would never cower how they did."

"Are you sure? Because I know for a fact you dropped some friends over the fact that they weren't a part of your group."

I never thought of it like that. Maybe she was right. "Maybe when there's a time for me to heal I'll try to talk to them again."

"Yeah maybe that's a good idea," She said.

I thought about talking to them but deep inside I couldn't do it. Mel would smile at me every time she saw me with Craig and Michael still tried talking to me every chance he got. I also noticed something about Mel, Michael and Charlie, I never saw them together anymore.

Charlie was another story altogether. He glared at me every time he saw me with Craig. He was jealous. I ran into him before English class. He was mad, He grabbed my arms and slammed me into a locker. "So is that your new boyfriend? Is that the Craig you said you would never leave me for huh?" He yelled at me before punching me across the face.

Next: Chapter 3

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