Hero in the Hallways

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Dec 29, 2004


This story is fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. Also this story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story A hero in writing. Volume 2 in The hero saga.

I dedicate this one for all of you people that responded me with your comments about A hero in the hallways. Including you George z, Keith, Simon and Madison-aysha who gave me the kick I needed to finish volume one. This story is for Jonas who concieved a concept that led to this story.

A Hero In writing will take a different tune than volume 1. It will be better please let me know what you think. Email me Greenmeccatoon@aol.com. Please visit my website. www.geocities.com/greenmeccatoon/

A Hero In Writing

By Green Part Two Distractions

Chapter Five

Somebody once said that if something is truly yours it will come back to you when you let it go. Maybe they were right because there he was. Craig stood before me. He was back in my life just not the way I wanted him to be. I wonder If he would ever be?

Craig handed me the paper. It read, "Helene may be gone but I'm still here and John is still alive." A chill climbed down my spine. I quickly walked over to the door and locked it. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed the note Dominique sent me. Craig followed me to my room.

I handed Craig my note and waited as he read it. "We need to find out if he's sent anybody else a letter," Said Craig as he handed me back the paper.

"I don't want to get anybody else involved," I said. He looked at me for awhile.

"When did you get your letter?"

"A few months ago."

"And you didn't call the police. John you can't live like this. It's stupid and you can get hurt," Craig yelled at me. I began to walk away from him but he held my wrist. " John you have to realize people care about you."

That hit home. I pulled away from him. "I know that Craig that's why I didn't want to involve anyone. I care enough to do that."

"That doesn't make sense. John. You could be killed and then where does that leave everybody? Where does that leave me?"

Where does that leave him? What the hell was he talking about? "Craig, I can't do this . I can't not now."

"But you're going to let him hurt you? Possibly kill you? John we have to call the police and let them handle this," he said as he walked over to the phone.

I watched as he spoke on the phone. Maybe he was right. Maybe I was just being stupid. Too bad it took him to make me realize. "What's the address here?" He asked. I gave it to him. "The cops will be here in a few. Minutes."

I sat down and looked outside the window. The snow was still falling. Craig sat next to me. The warmth from him gave me comfort but knowing he was no longer mine drove me mad. He seemed to inch closer every time I inched away.

"Why did you leave yesterday," he asked.

"I had to," I whispered. I wanted to look at him. I wanted to look at his face.

"You had to? What does that mean Jonathan?" he asked as he got closer.

"Craig please."

"John I need to know something."

"Craig don't," I said and Walked away from him. I knew what he wanted to ask me and I wasn't ready to give him an answer. He walked over to me and pulled me around to face him.

"I need to know what you feel about me. Tell me John."

I pulled away from him. "Craig I can't. You have someone now and I can't come between that." I wanted to tell him everything. How I felt every time I called and he didn't answer. The betrayal I felt when I saw him with that other guy. What It feels like to have him close.

"John I Love you. I always will. I Just can't wait for you. I want you back too John. I am asking you back," He said as he got closer. He pulled me close to him. "I need you John. Not having you. Not knowing where you are kills me. Every time I hear your voice on my phone I cry, but you know what I gave you your space. It's been a long time, and now I am asking you. Do you want me back?"

He wanted me back. He said he wanted me back. "Craig what about that guy you were with last night?" He looked at me and smiled as he shook his head.

"John that's my brother Dean."

"Since when do you have a brother, and why where you holding his hand?" I asked as hope poured through my body.

"He lives with my mother and I held his hand because he has an anxiety disorder. He gets very claustrophobic when he's in big crowds. When I hold his hand he calms him down. I brought him to meet you."

"Why didn't you tell me you had a brother? This could have all been avoided."

"Because I just found out? My mother had him before I was at that hospital. My father never knew. When I went up to meet her he was away at a boarding school. God he's only fifteen. "

"Craig, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry just answer my question."

"Yes Craig Yes I want you back."

I pulled in closer to kiss him but the door bell rang. "It must be the police," I said as I walked over to the door. Craig smiled as I unlocked the door. "Damn it," I thought.

"Are you Mr. Williams?" I nodded. " I am detective Abrams," Said the tall man as he stepped into my apartment. "And this is my partner Detective Moran," He said as his partner a tall woman walked in.

We showed him the letters. He asked us some questions and for some contact information. His partner checked the apartment. They took the letters for evidence. I didn't tell them how long I've had the letter.

"What's with all the security?" Asked detective Moran.

"He's a little paranoid. After what happened last year," Said Craig. She wrote something down in her note pad.

"What happened last year?" Asked detective Abrams. I filled him in. Detective Moran kept writing as I spoke.

"It would be safer for you to stay here than to go anywhere else. We are going to have a police cruiser placed outside until Dominique is found," Said detective Moran.

"Dominique has failed to show for his weekly sign-in at the hospital this week. No one knows where he is at this point. We've contacted his parents and they are cooperating with us until we find him. I assure you we will," Said Detective Abrams.

"Yeah like you guys found Helene," I thought as I shook his hand. "Thank you."

I closed the door when they left and made sure all the locks were closed. "Can you stay here?" I asked Craig he nodded.

"Where were we?" he asked as he kissed me.

Chapter Six

Aaron looked at the paper Dominique handed to him. It read, "You stay away and let me deal with what I have to do or I will get you too." He handed Dominique his copy.

Dominique read Aaron's paper. It read "I'll get you and Little Meghan too."

"We need to call the cops," Said Aaron. In the back room Meghan watched from a Monitor that was connected to a security camera behind Aaron. She pulled her note from her pocket.

"No no cops. They'll think it's me. You have to help me. You have to tell john," said Dominique visibly shaken.

"Dominique I'm not even sure this isn't from you. How can you expect me to do this." Craig asked.

"Because you are The only person that can help me. No one else will believe me."

"What I need to know Is why do you want to help John?" Asked Aaron. "I mean you aren't exactly known for liking him. How can I trust you?"

"I don't know how to prove that to you." Dominique froze as Meghan walked out of the back room with a gun and a note pad. She handed Dominique the pad.

"Show us a Sample of your writing," Said Meghan as she handed him a pen. She kept the gun focused on him. Dominique wrote the same sentence that was sent to him on the paper.

The writing was completely different from the one on the paper. "I swear those aren't me," Said Dominique.

"We need to call the cops," Said Aaron. "Those are clearly not from him."

"No! No cops," Yelled Dominique.

"Dominique calm down. Calm down Dominique," Said Meghan.

"No I can't they are after me. The cops probably already know I didn't show for my Sign-in at the hospital. I don't know what to do. You two are my only hope."

Underneath the counter Aaron pressed a button. The button was connected to the Brooklyn police department.

"Do you know who could have done this?"asked Meghan.

"No I don't. I don't want to be blamed for this either. Shit!" he yelled.

Meghan watched as Dominique paced back and forth. "Should I show them my letter?" She thought. "Mine is too personal. I can't let them find out. They don't know about him."

"Listen I am really sorry for what happened back then. I really liked Jonathan. It's just that Helene, well she has a way to get people to do what she wants," Said Dominique as he paced. "I'm not asking you to excuse me for what I did. I did it and It's done now but I can't let them think this is me."

"This guy must be insane," Thought Aaron. "So what do you want us to do?" he asked.

"I want you to tell him I have nothing to do with this," Dominique said in a very low tone.

"I think the best way to deal with this is with the cops. We can go down there and tell them the story you told us," added Meghan.

"I can't do that. If I do I die. Don't you understand. I am the key. I'm the key for whoever is doing this to be able to do it. If I go to the cops then I become the target." He said as he heard the train coming. "I have to go." Said Dominique as he left the store.

"Wait!" Yelled Aaron. Dominique just kept walking. Aaron followed him. "Dominique we have to do something about this."

Three police cruisers pulled in around them. Five police officers quickly left their cars and aimed their guns in their direction. "Freeze one of them yelled through a loud speaker." Dominique felt to his knees. He knew he would die soon.

In the store Meghan picked up her letter. It read, "I'll tell them about him and the baby If you interfere."

Chapter Seven

From the Diary of Michael

There is something in the air. I don't know what it is. It feels different. Mel still doesn't notice me. She stares at John all through class. I stare at her all through class. John stares at Charlie all through class. It is a vicious cycle.

Drew didn't call me last night. I hope everything is alright. I wish I could be there for him more. I just hope that he is smart enough to call me when he needs me. I smiled at him from across the room. He just nodded his head to make sure I knew everything was alright. It was a code we used while at school. When everything was OK he would nod. When something was wrong he would frown.

"Do you have yesterdays notes?" asked Mel.

"Yeah but they are in my locker," I said.

"Oh OK remind me to get them from you later." She said with a smile that got to my heart and never let go. "Hey I'm running for student Government too."

"Cool You know you have my vote," I said but she was already transfixed on John with his perfect timing. What does he have that I don't? Why am I jealous?

"Hey guys I'm running for class president," He said to the other members of our crowd as he sat next to us. He handed one of the cheerleaders a clipboard with a petition on it. She signed it and passed it on to the next person.

"Yeah me too," added Mel who also produced a clipboard.

"Great another reason for them to get closer," I thought as they hi-fived and talked to the rest of the crowd. Why do these things happen? Why do some people always get what they want. It may be selfish of me to say something like that but I would give up everything for Mel. Drew never got anything he wanted. His life is always a struggle and there he is sitting there quietly waiting for more shit to come his way.

"I think I have my fifty signatures already," Said John when the clipboard was returned.

Mel was saying something to me."Michael are you listening to me?" She asked.

"No I'm sorry I got lost in my homework," I said standing up. "I'll see you guys later."

School for me isn't really a priority. I know that my days are numbered so I see no point in actually trying. I just do the bare minimum. Yes I am a pessimist. I really have nothing to look forward too. Maybe that's why I can relate to Drew in such a deep level. I leave these words for you guys that know me. Maybe one day somebody will read this and understand me.

"Why don't you just tell her?" asked Drew as we drove home.

"Because she doesn't need to know. It's useless for me to tell her."

"Do what ever you want but I know you will regret it when she gets with another guy."

Drew has the ability to read anyone like a book. He is very perceptive when it comes to people. I wondered how he couldn't tell there was something wrong with me. I want to tell him, but I can't let him think that I am weak. I am probably the only positive force in his life.

"Do you want to stay over tonight?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I already told you that I'd rather die than sneak into your house."

"OK but call me if you want to come over? I wont have to sneak you in if they are already asleep. " I said as we pulled up to his house.

"Alright, I'll see ya later."

I watched him as he walked up to his small house. "What will become of you when I'm gone?" I thought.

You know something? One of my biggest pet peeves is when somebody says something derogatory about someone. I listen from my desk as Charlie brags about having sex with Mel. He makes her seem like trash. How can you say things like that about such a beautiful person? How dare he say that about her. The truth is I've never liked Charlie. Something about him says creep. I'm almost positive he's gay. I think I saw him staring at John in the bathroom, but here he is bragging about having sex with Mel.

Something in me wants to snap. Drew was looking at me. I think he knew I was about to do it. He stopped talking about her when She walked in with John. It was too late though. I already knew what I was going to do. It all goes by so fast. I yell, he yells back and I find myself throwing a desk, followed by me calling him a fag. John quickly sprung into action. He also knew what I was about to do and pulled me away. Now I find myself sitting here in the principals office and Charlie is crying and telling me he is gay. Like I didn't know. I feign surprise.

"I didn't mean to say that about Mel. It isn't true," he said through his sobbing. I still wanted to beat the shit out of him. I maybe dying but I am no wimp.

"Remember Michael everything that is said here will be kept between us. If I hear any of this got out I will suspend both of you," Said Mr. Peterson.

Today John was giving his big speech and everyone is going to vote. I already know he is going to win. A lot of people Like him. Even people outside of our group like him. I know for a fact that Drew is going to vote for him. I'll tease him later.

Do you remember how I told you that there is something weird in the air? Well today I saw the first glimpse of that. Helene was furious. She threatened John Something told me that she wasn't kidding.

I finally told John That I knew. He ended throwing up. You know what's weird Mel also knew. What's even more weird is that he and Charlie got together. Then the weirdest thing of all happened. We had a gig that night at Jimmies. Helene was in the crowd watching us play. She took pictures and seemed to be enjoying our music.

"You guys are awesome," She yelled as we finished. I hope she wouldn't tell anyone.

"Thanks!"Drew yelled back at her. She winked at me as I stepped of the stage.

Chapter Eight

I put the journal down and looked at my Craig as he slept besides me. Could this last this time around? He's waited for so long. I want to be there for him and I want him to be there for me. He was so beautiful to me. Even though I still don't remember a lot of our relationship I know that I am meant to be with him and my heart never let me forget it. He's the only one that can get my heart to stop beating. I remember him the most of all. I am great-full for having him in my life. Especially considering what Mel lost. Michael Is like a hero to me now. He sacrificed so much for us.

The phone rang. I made my way over to it. Have you ever had that feeling of release, when everything that held you back is no longer there and you can get on with your life? Relief washed over me as the detective Abrams spoke to me. They found Dominique. He went to Brooklyn to Aaron's Skate shop.

He was so close to me. He could have gotten to me if Aaron knew where I lived. "We have him in custody now. He will be brought back to the hospital. I will need a statement from you."

"I will give you one as soon as possible and thank you officer Abrams," I said into the phone and put it on the holder. "They found Him," I said to Craig who followed me out of the bedroom.

"Really now you can get away from here," he said as he got closer. "Let's go somewhere just you and me."

I really wanted to. I wanted to feel like I could trust him. The problem is that I wanted to believe that this was over. I wanted to believe it more than anything but something at the back of my mind told me that I shouldn't leave just yet.

"Maybe, I don't know," I said to him. "I have to finish my next novel. I haven't written in a while," I lied to him. He just smiled I suspected that he knew. I had finished it the previous week.

"A week away could get your juices flowing. I want you to meet my mother. We could go up to her house for Christmas. You could meet my brother." How could I say no to him. I've already said enough No's to him.

"Do you think that is a good idea?" I asked as he let me back to my room. "I mean knowing what she did and all."

"She'll be fine with it. It was actually her idea. She wants to meet the person that makes me happy."

"OK if you think it's OK for me to meet her," I said as he started to kiss my neck. "I don't know if I am ready."

"You'll be fine I promise she wont bite."

"I'll do this if you promise me it is really OK. I mean I don't want her to be nice to me just because she has to not because she wants to," I said. He began to rub my back and take off my shirt.

"There is one thing that I've been wanting from you," Craig said as he pushed me onto the bed. "You've been holding out on me for a long time and I think it's time for you to pay me back." I watched as he stripped off his shirt. He dropped his jeans and stepped unto the bed. "Your turn take off your shirt."

I did as he told me. He unbuttoned my pants and pulled them off then he pulled the covers over us. He pulled my boxers off and rubbed my dick slowly until it sprung to life. Then he disappeared under the covers.

"Oh Craig," I moaned as his lips wrapped around the head of my dick. I was in ecstasy as he swallowed the full length. Up and down he went until I couldn't take it anymore. "Craig I'm gonna cum." He pulled away and kept on rubbing it until I was spent.

As soon as he was done I was all over him. I took him in my mouth and reciprocated his actions causing him to moan louder than I did. He rubbed the back of my head as I sucked his dick. "I'm going to cum," he moaned. I didn't move away fast enough because it landed on my left eye.

He began to laugh. I joined in as he wiped it off my face. "I'm sorry John. I just couldn't hold it in." He pulled me closer and we kissed.

"I like how you taste," I said as we broke our kiss.

"Hmm, really," he said. "Come on let's take a shower you are supposed to meet Mel for dinner. You sir no longer have an excuse."

I smiled and followed him to the shower. I let him clean me. I did the same for him and once again we found ourselves kissing. I couldn't get enough of him. We've waited for so long and now it was time. I am fully cashing in on this.

When we finished our shower I let him pick out some clothes for me. He picked out a nice shirt with a black jacket and some jeans. I went to put them on but he stopped me."No I get to dress you tonight,"He said as he pulled the towel away from my waist and handed me a clean pair of boxers. "Put those on but not too fast I want to enjoy this moment." I did as he asked and then he handed me the jeans. He smiled as I pretended to drop them. I picked them up slowly showing him my ass. He pinched it as I brought the pants up. "Oh Mr. Peterson you might make me blush," I said.

"Well you do need color in that pale skin of yours. You shut-ins you know." I laughed at his comment and he handed me the shirt and insisted on putting on my shoes.

The phone rang as we were finished. I walked over to it and looked at the caller id. T was Mel. I answered it. "You fucking asshole why didn't you tell me?" She blurted out before I could say hello.

"Mel it's under control now can we talk at dinner?" I asked she got real quiet.

"I didn't think you were going to show so I didn't make dinner reservations," She said and I burst out laughing. Craig came out of the room. We was already dressed. I was a little disappointed but I didn't let it show.

"So why don't we just go out someplace where we don't need a reservation? I know a small place downtown. It's kinda quiet and we can talk in peace," I said she agreed.

Craig and I parted ways. He promised to meet me after. I had a car pick us both up. It felt nice to be out without fearing for my life. The driver drove by my old apartment. There were a group of people taking pictures of the place. I wondered if it had anything to do with what happened.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?" Mel asked.

"How do you know about this?" I asked in return.

"Well Meghan called me and asked me If I got one of those little papers you guys were getting."

"They also got one? Did you get one?" I asked.

Mel shook her head. "I never got one but Mel and Meghan both did. Apparently Dominique is saying that he also has a note. Aaron says he's insane," She said as the driver pulled up to the restaurant.

The restaurant was a small French restaurant by the river. I knew the owner and he always had a table that he kept open. I called him before we arrived and he made sure it was open for us.

I filled Mel in on what happened. She listened as I told her everything. "So all those rumors were true to an extent they just never knew what you really feared." I nodded and she smiled. "Well this makes for a good book. I'm glad this is over because now I don't have to lie."

"So what'd this new movie role?" She smiled and filled me in on her rapidly building schedule. I listened as she spoke. I wondered how long Michael had admired her. She truly was beautiful.

She stopped talking to me and placed her arm on mine and pointed out to the front of the restaurant with her other hand. I turned around. There he was "Michael?" We both asked in unison.

"But he's dead." I said as he left the restaurant. A waiter walked over to us with a letter.

"A gentleman just asked me to hand you this envelope," Said the waiter...

Next: Chapter 9: Hero in Writing 3

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