Hey Mickey

By Christine Murphy

Published on Sep 27, 2000


Not much to say. Not much sleep the last week. Hope you all like this. I still LOVE the feedback! Yaay, feedback! Um, anything else? Oh, sorry if the end of this part sucks. Yeah, just trying to finish it in the little time I have today. Thanks again to Piper for her support. She's great. OK, I guess I owe her a lot after all she's done for me.

****DISCLAIMER: This is fiction, I don't own anyone, I don't know anyone in the story. Therefore, I don't know their true sexuality, and I don't mean to imply that anyone is something they're not. Also, if it's illegal where ever you are to read this, then don't. Hmm... and if you're against male homosexuality, then don't read this.

Last time, on Hey Mickey:

"Fine. You take a nap," Justin said, then he realized that JC probably couldn't sleep last night after he caught Dan. "Oh, yeah, you probably are exhausted, aren't you? I'm sorry. Why don't you take a nap and I'll plan something for dinner, OK?"

"Sure," JC smiled, "Is this like a date?"

"Uh, I guess."

"Eeeeeeeeeee!," JC screamed like an eight-year-old girl, "I WON A DREAM DATE WITH JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE! LIKE, OH MY GOD!! Susie will be SO jealous!"

Justin scowled his lips up jokingly and threw a pillow at JC, "Just take a freakin' nap, you screwball. I don't see why I get stuck with the dud of the group."

"Hey! We all know Joey's the dud!"

"Just take your damn nap, heart throb." _________________________________________

Hey Mickey 12: Shoulda Never Brought You to my World

JC felt a warm erotic sensation on his fingers.

Then it was gone.

Then it returned, stronger, pressing. Warm and moist, soft but persistent. "Justin?" JC mumbled dreamily, still not quite awake from his nap, and still having no idea what was going on. He opened his eyes to see Justin sucking sensuously on his fingers.

"Morning, Jace," Justin responded with a throaty intonation. Then he continued, in a confused and shy mutter, "Well, I guess it's not morning. But, uh, we have food. You have to get dressed first! I'm not going on a date with anyone who looks like that!"

JC looked away from Justin's face to notice that he was dressed in neat black pants and a tight ribbed gray sweater. JC smiled at how good his boyfriend looked. "Fine, I'll go change! Geesh!" He walked sleepily into the bathroom, grabbing his travel bag with him on the way.

"Knock when you're ready, and I'll come 'pick you up!'" Justin giggled.

JC smiled earnestly, "I have the sweetest, and possibly cheesiest, boyfriend ever!"

JC turned his attention to the mirror. He looked at his swollen eye in dismay. He wanted it to disappear; not because it was unattractive, but because it was a reminder of Dan. A reminder of Dan on his first night with Justin. Justin deserved better than that. JC fought back the urge to cry, and set his mind to getting prepared for his 'date.'

Justin ran out the door the second JC entered the bathroom. He had called room service while JC was asleep, and he had told them to leave the cart outside their room. He wheeled in the cart full of steaming food and a centerpiece of a dozen yellow roses in the middle. Justin smiled at the roses, because he had always noticed that JC seemed to pause longer whenever he saw yellow roses. Justin knew his boyfriend would love them. Justin then went over to his backpack and looked to see what CDs he brought.

"Shit," he whispered, as he noticed he only brought one CD, and it wasn't very appropriate for the situation. 'Oh well,' he thought, as he placed it into the hotel room's stereo system. 'Maybe he won't notice if I put it on low.' Suddenly Justin heard a soft knocking on the bathroom door. He quickly grabbed one of the roses and jogged over to the bathroom. He opened the door slowly and closed his eyes expectantly. As he opened his eyes, he saw JC standing before him, dressed in a shiny blue button down shirt and gray dress pants. "You look great!" Justin breathed as he handed JC the flower and kissed him on the cheek. JC blushed a little.

Justin walked JC to the little table in the corner of the room. "It's beautiful, Just. It's perfect. Thank you," JC commented. Justin smiled broadly, happy that he pleased his boyfriend. "And how'd you know yellow roses were my favorite? I never told anyone that!"

"I figured you'd like them because the were different and special, like you!"

JC managed to smile even bigger at Justin, then he suddenly cocked his head in confusion, "Uh, Just . . . what is on the stereo?"

"The only CD I had with me. I felt background music was more important than what it actually was."

"That's cute, but this isn't exactly mood music, sweetie," JC laughed.

"Hey! I like Eminem!" Justin laughed back.

"I know! Why don't we put this on? It's a mix CD I made . . . to, uh, remind me of you," JC suggested, handing Justin the CD.

"You made a CD about me? Aww! You're so cute! What's on it?"

"Just wait!"

Justin listened expectantly for a few minutes, then rolled his eyes when the song "Hey Mickey" by Toni Basil came on. "This isn't mood music either, hun!"

"It reminds me of our years on Mickey Mouse Club together, for some reason. That's when I first realized I was gay . . . when I first fell for you," JC blushed.

"Oh, Jace. That's sweet, then," Justin giggled, grabbing JC into an embrace and he gently kissed JC's black eye. JC winced. "Are you OK, Jace? Did that hurt?"


"Then what's wrong?" Justin asked, looking earnestly into JC's eyes.

"I'm-I'm sorry you have to see what Dan did to me. It's a reminder of him-on our night together," JC confessed.

"Jace-Josh, I love you. I love your past. I know you love me. I want to kill Dan, but don't feel you have to apologize for him, all right?" Justin whispered, rubbing JC's chin with his thumb.

JC smiled shyly up at him, "You're the greatest."

"Yeah, well, I try," he smiled broadly. "Let's eat! Our fettuccine is getting cold!" They sat down and began to eat dinner, laughing in between meaningful glance at each other.

Then it came.

A pounding on the front door to their room.

"I put up a 'Do not disturb' sign . . . I swear," Justin vowed with confusion in voice.

"Who the hell is it, then?"


JC's face drained of all color. Justin looked at him with concern, then anger crossed his face that Dan would have the audacity to show up here, after what he did.

"Leave, you fucking asshole! We don't want you here!" Justin yelled angrily.

"Justin," JC said softly. "I need to end this now. It needs to happen."

Justin looked trustingly at him, "OK, but can I stay?"

"Sure," JC smiled, "As long as you don't try to kill him."

"As long as HE doesn't try to hurt you," Justin muttered. JC's eyes clouded a little when Justin said this. "No, Jace, I won't do anything. I promise . . . Unless you let me," Justin smiled.

JC shook his head lovingly at his boyfriend, "You're so cute when you're jealous." JC walked up to the door and let Dan in. "Hello," he said sedately.

"Hello, babe. I'm so sor-" Dan stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Justin standing expectantly in the room and the romantic dinner setup in the corner. "What the fuck is this? I make ONE mistake and you leave me for this whore?"

Justin laughed to himself at Dan's comment. It would take a lot not to punch him.

"One mistake, Dan? ONE? You slept with someone else, then you HIT ME."

"Yeah, but I'm sorry about that. I need you . . . and you need me."

"LOOK! Look at what you did to me!"

Dan looked at JC's face and winced when he saw the swollen nose and his puffy greenish eye. "I'm so sorry, babe," he whispered, as he reached a hand out to touch JC's face. JC pulled away from his reach defensively and Dan's face fell. JC almost felt bad for Dan, when suddenly the fury flashed in Dan's face again and his eyes turned white. JC jumped back in fear, and Justin rushed up to him protectively. Dan looked at Justin and lunged toward him, catching him off guard and pinning him on the ground. He lifted his right arm and began pummeling into the younger man. JC was livid with anger and jumped onto Dan, pulling him off his new boyfriend.

"Get the fuck out of here. I never want to see you again," JC managed flatly.

"But JC . . . ."

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. WE'RE THROUGH. If you're here by the time I reach the phone I'm pressing charges." JC yelled.

Dan then raised a hand toward JC, but JC caught it and punched Dan across the face instead. Dan turned away, defeated, and JC noticed blood had begun to trickle out of his nose. He left without another word to either of them.

JC stared out the door to the empty hallway beyond. Justin closed the doors and tears formed immediately in JC's eyes. Justin was surprised. 'Is JC sad that Dan's not going to come back? Does he miss him?' The confusion turned to hurt, and he recoiled back from JC a little. JC noticed this and began to sob. 'What the hell am I thinking? Whatever is wrong with JC he chose to be with me, and I need to be here for him.' He grabbed JC into a tight embrace and began to rock him gently.

Justin swallowed and spoke softly, "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Justin was silent a moment. It felt like an eternity. "Are you regretting choosing me over Dan?" he asked faintly.

JC's body jerked. He turned his head to look in Justin's eyes. "NO!"

"Then why are you sorry?" Justin asked in confusion.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with Dan at all. I'm sorry he came here. I'm sorry he did that to you," JC spoke tenderly, gently rubbing the swollen flesh where Dan had ripped into Justin.

"JC. You don't have to apologize. I keep telling you that. I chose you and your history, and I love all of it. Everything. You. But if you apologize any more tonight, you're not getting any dessert!"

"Ooooh! What's for dessert?" JC asked in a low tone.

"Oh, I think you know." Justin replied, biting his lower lip.

JC smiled, then suddenly turned serious. "Hey, Just, when you told me you loved me-"


"And then I said I loved you, you said you knew. How?"

"Well, I didn't know until that day . . . that day you saw me coming out of the shower."

JC blushed, "How?"

"Most guys wouldn't stare at my dick!" Justin laughed.

Next: Chapter 13

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