Hey Mickey

By Christine Murphy

Published on Jul 24, 2001


Yes, this took six months...I was busy. :-P This is the last part. Hope you enjoy. I got some nerve up over the last six months, apparently. FEEDBACK ME!!!!! I want to know how y'all liked it!! Not to be desperate...:-P Oh, and if the end doesn't make sense, go back and reread part seven. Again, sorry this took so damn long.

****DISCLAIMER: This is fiction; I don't know anyone in the story. Therefore, I don't know their true sexuality, and I don't mean to imply that anyone is something they're not. Also, if it's illegal where ever you are to read this, then don't. Hmm... and if you're against male homosexuality, then don't read this.

Last time, on Hey Mickey: Justin was emotionally messed up from his mother's response to his relationship with JC, and he screwed up at their concert. Johnny told the guys that management would do anything they could to help out with their problems, but that Lance still couldn't date Wade, because he was an employee. JC and Justin discussed Justin's decision to choose JC over his mother. ______________________________________________________________

Hey Mickey 18: Dream Believer

JC held his head tightly with his hands. Lance could almost feel the pain emanating from his friend.

"JC? Do you want to talk about it?"

JC nodded his head shyly then started, a mile a minute, "What if my HIV test is positive and then Justin chose me over his mother and we can't be together and I die and he's alone and I could fuck everything up and I just want Justin to be happy and I don't want him to hurt or be alone or . . . or. . .I don't know!"

Lance looked at him and then slowly started to try to help JC see the situation differently. "JC, Justin loves you, whether you have sex or not."

"I know," he sniffled.

"And he chose being gay over his mother's hateful response. He probably would have had to make the decision with or without you."

JC nodded his head.

"And you're not going to die; I won't let you. But, you can't stop Justin from ever being hurt in his life, no matter how hard you try. He will experience hurt. And you didn't fuck everything up."

JC nodded again and hugged his friend, "Thanks Lance. I needed that. Just the advice of someone more removed from the situation than Justin or I to talk some sense into me."

Lance smiled and scratched JC's back gently, "No problem. I love to help my friends."

"And I'm glad you do."

"So, tomorrow you and Justin find out your results?"

JC nodded his head grimly.

"Justin will stand by you no matter what. And you said you're most likely clean, JC. You were always so careful."

"I know Lance. But that chance . . . "

"I know," Lance breathed. "Let's try not to think about that unless we have to, OK?"

"Thanks Lance. You're the best."

"I know," Lance winked.

"Lakechase? Joshua Lakechase?"

"What?" Justin asked JC.

"Uh . . . pseudonym . . . it's anonymous."

"OK, sweetie."

JC and Justin stood up in the clinic and walked toward the nurse, but the nurse put her hand up and firmly stated, "I'm sorry, sir, but we only allow the patient in the room, since it is such a personal matter."

"But he's my boyfriend!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Lakechase, but that's the way we do it. He may wait out here. We just want to make sure you have complete control over your results."

Justin took JC's hand in his hand and squeezed it tightly. "I'll be right here; don't worry. No matter what, I'll be sitting here waiting for you."

"I love you."

"I love you too." And Justin kissed him lightly on the mouth.

The nurse cleared her throat, "I'm sorry, but we really must be getting a move on."

JC smiled at her, "Of course."

Justin gave JC's hand one last squeeze before sitting back down on the waiting room couch. He rested his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. He sat quietly for what felt like hours, trying desperately not to think of what the consequences of the results could be. The door opened several times; patients retreating back to their homes, but none of them JC.

'What's taking so long?' Justin wondered.

When the door finally opened and JC walked through, Justin couldn't read him. His body stiffened with fear, as he finally let himself begin to wonder just what could be true. JC walked up and hugged him tightly.


"Remember what you said about 'fucking like animals?'" JC grinned.

Justin's body relaxed as his cheeks turned pink in a deep blush, "Yeah."

"Well, I'm going to hold you to that."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, you are looking at your very own healthy, happy, sex-deprived boyfriend."

"Does this mean I can take you home and keep you?"

"You better believe it!" JC laughed.

Justin grinned, then turned serious, "I'm so happy you're healthy. I don't know what I would have-"

"Shhh," JC silenced him by placing a finger on his lip. "Let's not think about that, since we don't have to."

Justin nodded, since JC still had his finger on his lips. JC slid his finger down and cupped Justin's face in his hand. He pulled him closer and they kissed.

The nurse had at this point ambled her way up to them and once again cleared her throat, "Mr. Lakechase, I don't believe it's a good idea for pop stars to be kissing in a HIV/AIDS clinic."

"Uh, you're right . . . sorry," Justin realized.

She winked, "It's alright, Mr. Timberlake."

Justin stared at the display on his cell phone as it rang in his hand.

JC stood at the other side of the room, "Honey?"

"Hmm?" Justin asked, not really aware of anything but the display he was now furrowing his brow at.

"Are you going to answer the phone?"

The phone stopped ringing and Justin snapped out of it and smiled, "Nope!"

"Who was it?"

"Lynn," Justin replied without feeling.

JC's eyes softened, "You should talk to her! She is your mother!"

Justin walked over to JC and put his arms around him, their fingers entwining on JC's stomach. "No. She's not my mother; she chose that. I love you."

"I love you too. More than anything. But, what if she has something important to say? What if something's wrong with one of your brothers? What if she wants to apologize?"

Justin squeezed JC's hands, "She can leave me a voicemail. I want to have control over when I talk to her, that's all. Right now, I'm not ready."

JC pulled Justin's arms tightly around him, "OK. But, you will listen to her messages, right?"

"Yes, Jace, I will," Justin smiled with exasperation. "But, today I just want to think about what I'm going to do with my gorgeous, healthy boyfriend! My mind is dizzy with the possibilities!"

JC's eyes gleamed with mischief at Justin's words. "Really?" he asked. "What did Mr. Timberlake have in mind for me?"

"There's so much I want to do, but . . ." Justin punctuated each of his next words with a kiss, trailing from JC's mouth along his jawbone to his ear, "There's. Not. Enough. Time."

"Just, we have all the time in the world."

"There's so much I want to do with you, there's no way anyone could ever have enough time, even if they were immortal."

"But we're pop stars; gods; we are immortal."

Justin laughed bitterly, "You KNOW that's not true. That couldn't be further from the truth!"

"I know. So, Brain, what're we going to do tonight?"

"Same thing we do every night, Pinky," Justin giggled.

"WHAT do we do every night?" JC asked.

"Let's start a new tradition," Justin whispered hoarsely, rubbing his arms down the length of JC's arms and then holding onto his hips.

JC's whispered, "I think I like this idea" into Justin's lips before their lips met in a slow, sensual kiss.

Justin gently tugged JC down onto their bed and began removing JC's shirt in one fluid motion. He softly left a trail of kisses down JC's body, once again beginning at his mouth. He took his time to tease JC's nipples while JC moaned in pleasure and removed the rest of his clothes.

JC began to remove Justin's clothes while Justin continued to kiss and taunt JC's body. Once Justin was completely naked, JC overtook him and began to lick the crevices in between Justin's abs, while working his hand gently over Justin's cock. "Mmmm" was all Justin could manage.



"Make love to me. I want to feel you inside me."

JC didn't reply. Instead he reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out some lube. Justin took in out of his hand and began to apply it to JC while JC stretched Justin by inserting first one finger than a second into him. When he felt Justin was ready, he grabbed Justin's ankles and pulled his legs up so that they were resting on JC's shoulder. JC slowly entered Justin and created a gentle rhythm. He could see the discomfort on Justin's face, and was about to stop when Justin sensed it and whispered, "Keep going."

He did, and had to smile when Justin started to moan in pleasure as he hit the right spot. Justin came after a few minutes, and JC came a little after that.

They fell asleep in each other's arms, whispering "I love you"s before drifting off.

There were trees, the perfect shade of deep summer green, like it had rained within the last day. The grass was radiant, and a faint sweet smell in the air divulged that it had been cut recently. The faint warmth of the sun on JC's shoulder was perfect; the heat felt almost as though it was hugging him. 'My favorite kind of day,' he thought. To the left, underneath the most beautiful weeping willow he had ever seen, was the most beautiful man he had ever seen.

"Justin!" he called. Justin looked perfect. He was wearing the same pale blue muscle shirt and cargo shorts from the day of the shower 'incident.' The muscles in his arms and his back moved fluidly and softly as he turned around. The sunlight danced in his crystal blue eyes and illuminated his face in an angelic glow. When their eyes met Justin smiled broadly, his excitement legible in his strong features, and he licked his lips unconsciously.

"Hey baby. I made us lunch," Justin explained, moving his chiseled arms in a dramatic arc, showing an elaborate picnic spread out before him. JC giggled at the effort he put into making this day perfect. And it was. It was all JC could ever ask for. Just having Justin there was enough, but his minute attention to detail was even more endearing. Justin took out a bottle of Champagne and some chocolate covered strawberries.

"Hey, we'll never get to lunch if you get me drunk and we eat those," JC laughed.

"That's okay with me," Justin teased while popping the cork.

He began to pour the wine into glasses, but JC reached around him for a strawberry and placed it into Justin's mouth. He bit half of it and then kissed JC. He pulled back, finished chewing the strawberry, and leaned back in to kiss JC again. JC felt the kiss throughout the entire length of his body and moaned softly. With one hand Justin pushed the wine glasses out of the way, and with the other he gently pulled JC on top of him.

"Justin! Oh, Justin," JC called. "Oooh, Justin."

This time it wasn't a dream.

(the end)

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