Hey Mickey

By Christine Murphy

Published on Aug 16, 2000


Hey there! OK, well, I have a lot going on this week, so I managed to get this one out. Don't expect another one on Thursday (if any of you have noticed that I usually post every Thursday). I'm really getting a clear idea of where the story is going, so yaay! I'd like to thank Sarah for not being afraid to tell me when something sucks, and I'll try not to disappoint you. So, yeah, this one was hard to get out, but I know alot of what's going to happen in the next two, so hopefully they'll be easier to write [long sentence there]. Millions of thanks to those who email me, it means so much! (hint here) Oh, and last week I forgot to mention JC's birthday, but I did celebrate it (heh). He's 24 . . . and Justin's 19. Works for me!

****DISCLAIMER: This is fiction, I don't own anyone, I don't know anyone in the story. Therefore, I don't know their true sexuality, and I don't mean to imply that anyone is something they're not. Also, if it's illegal where ever you are to read this, then don't. Hmm... and if you're against male homosexuality, then don't read this.

Last time on Hey Mickey: "Tell you what, I'll go on Tuesday, and you can have my old ticket for Wednesday. That way I'll have a night alone with Dan, and then maybe we can all hang out Wednesday. You two can be friends. Then you can watch me the whole way home. Cool? Or, should I say, 'Money?'" JC joked again.

Justin rolled his eyes. Ever since they saw Swingers, every other word out of the mouths of JC and Chris were 'money,' 'Vegas, baby, Vegas!' and 'beautiful babies.' "OK, JC, it sounds like a plan. I'll meet you in LA, but get a hotel with AC this time, k?" ________________

Hey Mickey 7: Dream Weaver

JC closed his eyes. 'This week has been so busy, so why is it going by so slowly?' he thought. 'Just a few more days 'til I get to see Dan; I can't wait to be in his arms again.' JC knew his arms were really of little comfort, but they were arms for him. Arms that would protect him and hold him at night. "Like Justin did . . . ," JC realized aloud.

"What'd Justin do?" Joey asked; he had been passing by JC's bunk on the bus on his way to the bathroom.

"He was there for me when I needed him. He held me all night."

Joey smiled softly. 'Maybe JC's catching on,' he thought. "Of course he was. He cares about you more than he cares about anyone else, JC. He'd do anything for you, but you know that."

JC smiled, lighting up his deep blue eyes. "Yeah, I do," he said quietly.

"Good then."

"I really hope he and Dan will be good friends, but if he'd do anything for me, then I know they will be!"

Joey's eyes clouded over and he shook his head slightly, as he realized JC was completely blind to Justin's feelings. "Justin would befriend the devil for you."

"Hey! Dan's not the devil!" JC laughed. Joey laughed as well, glad that JC wasn't taking it as a personal attack again.

"Chris can be," he replied, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Eww! Anyway, Dan is a good guy; he's my boyfriend. He may not be the warmest person, but he's all I have."

"JC . . . he's not all . . . never mind," Joey just wanted to tell JC the truth, but he knew it wasn't his place. "Huh? Look, I'm tired. I think I'm going to take a nap, k?"

"Always sleeping, JC," Joey cracked, as he left JC alone and went on toward the bathroom. JC soon fell asleep and dreamed of Justin. All his dreams lately were of Justin, and they were the most real dreams he had ever had in his life.

Trees, the perfect shade of deep summer green, like it has rained with in the last day. The grass is radiant, and a faint sweet smell in the air divulged that it had been cut recently. The faint warmth of the sun on my shoulder is perfect; the heat feels almost as though it is hugging me. 'My favorite kind of day.' To the left, underneath the most beautiful weeping willow I have ever seen, is the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

"Justin!" I call. He is perfect. He is wearing the same pale blue muscle shirt and cargo shorts from the day of the shower 'incident.' The muscles in his arms and his back move fluidly and softly as he turns around. The sunlight dances in his crystal blue eyes and illuminates his face in an angelic glow. When our eyes meet Justin smiles broadly, his excitement legible in his strong features. He licks his lips unconsciously.

"Hey baby. I made us lunch," he explains, moving his chiseled arms in a dramatic arc, showing an elaborate picnic spread out before him. I giggle at the effort he put into making this day perfect. And it is. It's all I could ever ask for. Just having Justin there is enough, but his minute attention to detail is even more endearing. Justin takes out a bottle of Champagne and some chocolate covered strawberries.

"Hey, we'll never get to lunch if you get me drunk and we eat those," I laugh.

"That's okay with me," he teases while popping the cork.

He begins to pour the wine into glasses, but I reach around him for a strawberry and place it into his mouth. He bites half of it and then kisses me. He pulls back, finishes chewing the strawberry, and leans back in to kiss me again. I feel the kiss throughout the entire length of my body and I moan softly. With one hand he pushes the wine glasses out of the way, and with the other he gently pulls me on top of him.

"Justin! Oh, Justin," I call. "Oooh, Justin."

"Justin! Oh, Justin," Justin heard his name being called from JC's bunk. "Oooh, Justin." He pulled back the curtain to see JC sound asleep, whispering his name tenderly. He hugged himself a little, and put his head gently on JC's stomach. He listened to JC's breathing for a few seconds. He realized that he couldn't stand listening to JC call his name much more without being able to act on it.

"JC, hey, wake up. We have to be at the venue at two," he gently shook JC awake.

"Huh? Hey, I could have at least another half hour of sleep!" he protested.

"Yeah, but I know how long it takes you to wake up!" Justin joked, biting his lip playfully.

JC looked at him. 'He's so sexy when he does that.' He explained to Justin, "I was having a really good dream, that's all." Justin smiled broadly, but JC didn't notice; he just thought, 'Why can't my dreams ever come true?'


"Yeah, Joe?" Chris asked.

"Do you think we should just intercede in the whole Justin and JC thing? I mean, it would probably save a lot of heartache for the both of them if they just knew how the other felt."

"No. They need to figure it out for themselves. And, if they're not meant to be, it could create a lot of tension in the group. We should just stay out of it."



"How did I get such a brilliant boyfriend?" Joey giggled while kissing Chris.

"I guess you're just lucky!"

"Hey guys! Shouldn't we be getting to the show?" Justin asked, with JC trailing behind him groggily.

"Yeah! Hey, where's Lance?" Chris asked.

"He and Wade are at another rehearsal. You know, I'm starting think that boy will NEVER get the routines down!" Justin laughed, a little annoyed at Lance's incompetence.

"Hey, be nice. Besides, he's enjoying this. He has a crush on Wade," Joey informed Justin.

"Oh. Maybe THAT'S why he isn't getting anything down!" Justin joked.

"Wow, I just had a really 'Beavis and Butthead' thought: He isn't getting anything down, but he sure is getting something up!" JC laughed, making an uncharacteristically suggestive joke. His friends just groaned at him.

"Well, everyone, it's show time again!" Joey yelled, trying to pump them up for the show.

"Let's just go already," Chris laughed. The four guys headed out for another incredible but draining performance.

Next: Chapter 8

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