Hey Mickey

By Christine Murphy

Published on Aug 24, 2000


Thanks to Piper for her support; I really didn't know! My 34 year-old brother-in-law (Dan!) who used to be in an Alice in Chains cover band saw the *NSYNC HBO special, and now HE likes them. He was telling me how brilliant they were! It was so great and funny.

OK, so, as you may have noticed, part seven didn't really move the story along at all. I really just wanted something to happen in between JC's bus scene and his return to LA; that's all. I also really wanted a little romance between the two, even if it was a dream (hopefully you read these in order, right?!). Anyway, since Part 7 didn't add any plot to the story (but it is important!), I'm going to start this chapter with a look back at Part 6, so don't get confused, as I usually begin each chapter with a look at the last few lines of the previous part. Anyway, I have not completely lost my mind, nor have I forgotten that I wrote Part 7. Whew. K. Oh, and I was rereading my story, and I'm sorry Part 1 sucked . . . hopefully I didn't lose too many potential readers with it! But hey, you're still with me. That's all that matters!

****DISCLAIMER: This is fiction, I don't own anyone, I don't know anyone in the story. Therefore, I don't know their true sexuality, and I don't mean to imply that anyone is something they're not. Also, if it's illegal where ever you are to read this, then don't. Hmm... and if you're against male homosexuality, then don't read this.

PREVIOUSLY on Hey Mickey: "Tell you what, I'll go on Tuesday, and you can have my old ticket for Wednesday. That way I'll have a night alone with Dan, and then maybe we can all hang out Wednesday. You two can be friends. Then you can watch me the whole way home. Cool? Or, should I say, 'Money?'" JC joked again.

Justin rolled his eyes. Ever since they saw Swingers, every other word out of the mouths of JC and Chris were 'money,' 'Vegas, baby, Vegas!' and 'beautiful babies.' "OK, JC, it sounds like a plan. I'll meet you in LA, but get a hotel with AC this time, k?" _________________________________________________________-

Hey Mickey 8: The Descent

"How do I look?" JC asked nervously.

"Great, but you have a two hour flight ahead of you, so that could change," Justin responded.


"Well, yeah, I mean if you fall asleep, like you always do, you'll get bed head, and-"

"I mean, do I really look good?" JC cut Justin off.

"Huh? Yeah! Of course. If I could, I'd fuck you right here, right now."

JC laughed nervously, "No you wouldn't. You wouldn't fuck me, and you know it."

"Yeah, you're right. With you it would be more of a 'making love' type of thing, wouldn't it?" Justin teased him. JC turned bright red, his chiseled features becoming even more pronounced. "Anyway, Jace, you look good. Now, go get your man!"

"OK. You'll be there tomorrow, right? I only got us one room; I hope that's alright. Most likely, though, I won't really need it, right?"

"I'm sure you won't. Thanks though. I'll definitely be there tomorrow morning, and I'll call you when I get in, that way you, Dan, and I can chill."

"Chill? You're such a loser!" Chris butt in, walking up to them from out of the tour bus.

"Eh, shut up. I didn't ask you!" Justin laughed.

"Yo yo, I'm Justin Timberlake, and I want to be a rap star. I can't accept my boy band fate!" Chris teased Justin.

"Hey!" Justin was seriously blushing now.

"Leave Justy alone, Chris. He's just a kid, right?" JC laughed, putting his arm around Justin.

"Hey! I'm 19, I can handle myself," Justin protested, hoping that JC didn't really think he was just a kid.

"I know you can. Hell, you handle yourself better than I can half the time," JC said seriously, tightening his grip around Justin's waist.

Justin hugged JC, and asked softly, "You'll be OK without me, right? I worry about you."

"JC, you really have to get to the airport! Enough of the tearful good-bye to Justin; he'll be back with you tomorrow. Now, git!" JC and Justin both glanced down at their feet ashamedly before JC gave Chris and Justin quick hugs and jumped into the waiting limo.

"Why are you going tomorrow?" Chris asked Justin seriously as they watched the limo pull away.

"He wants me to," Justin replied, his eyes cast down.

Chris shifted his gaze to look at Justin. "He's going to LA to visit his boyfriend. You're in love with him. I don't see this as a good thing for you to do, Just," Chris reasoned, putting an arm around Justin's hunched shoulders.

"I know. I'll probably get hurt, but he wants me to come; he asked me. I don't want him to feel alone. You know I'd do whatever he wanted, just to keep him happy."

"I know, Just, but I worry about what that means for your happiness."

"If he's happy, then I'll be OK," he answered, yet he still refused to look at Chris while he spoke to him.

"Lance . . ."


"We're not learning dance steps anymore."

"So? Isn't this much better?"

"Yeah, but . . . ," Wade moved back, away from Lance's embrace.

"What, Wade? What's wrong?" Lance asked with confusion, his large lips falling into a frown.

"It's not professional, Lance."

"Is that all? Is that all that's bothering you? I like you . . . you seem to like me. That's all that matters. It's not like we're giving each other any special favors . . . professionally," Lance giggled.

Wade smiled faintly, despite his concerns, "Yeah, you're right. But we HAVE to keep this quiet, OK? I don't want to risk anything."

"Sure Wade. Whatever you want."

"OK. How 'bout another kiss?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Lance pulled Wade's thin body close to his and drew in his masculine scent before leaning in and gently but firmly kissing his lips. Wade breathed in and deepened the kiss, allowing his tongue to push against Lance's mouth. Lance let his tongue slip through into his mouth as he began to massage Wade's back with his hands. Wade began to pull Lance down on top of him as their passion engulfed them.

"Um, just making sure you know I don't go much further than this on a first date, OK?" Lance asked shyly, then he traced Wade's lips with his soft tongue.

"This isn't exactly a date, but OK. I wasn't really planning on much more either."

"Good," Lance mumbled while nuzzling Wade's neck. They continued kissing each other and exploring the top halves of each other's bodies.

"What the hell is this?!!!" yelled a voice from the door, causing Wade to jump across the room out of Lance's embrace.

JC sat bolt upright in excitement the entire plane ride to LA; the excitement and confusion swirling in his body had forced him into an almost manic state. All he could do was think turbid thoughts about what was going on in his life. He wondered why Justin had teased him about sleeping with him, and it bothered him. Did Justin know his feelings for him? Was he just messing with JC's mind? Did Justin feel the same way? He felt really confused, but he pushed his turmoil to the back of his mind, figuring Justin was just innocently messing around, like usual.

When the plane began its descent in for a landing, JC's thoughts then turned to Dan, and he felt less confused. Dan was constant, always there. Never puzzling. Dan wanted JC, and JC wanted Dan. As JC left the airport and took a cab to Dan's apartment he grew excited at the comfort and security he had begun to expect with Dan's presence.

JC nervously got out of the taxi and walked up to Dan's apartment door. Figuring Dan would be at work, he began to let himself in, using the key he knew Dan had hidden underneath the lid of the light fixture. He slowly turned the handle, wondering why he was suddenly in a cold sweat. He removed his hand from the door handle and shook himself. JC's mind began racing, 'Dan'll be happy to see you. He's your boyfriend. You're going to walk into his apartment, fix him a surprise romantic dinner, and you'll forget everything. You'll end up in his arms tonight, and everything will be fine.' He put the key into the door and walked in. 'You'll forget Justin and his confusing comments about you, and just take comfort in the arms of the man you know has, uh, sexual feelings towards you. Dan might not be in love wi-'

"DAAAN!" JC heard. Complete confusion enveloped JC as he rushed towards the source of the moan he heard echoing through the apartment and his mind. "Oh, Daan!" JC threw open Dan's bedroom door to see his boyfriend in the midst of fucking Jim, the man JC thought Dan had broken up with when they had become exclusive.

"Dan! How could you!?!" JC yelled, his confusion overwhelming him now, as he gripped his head in pain. He began shaking forcefully back and forth as he turned around and ran out of Dan's apartment, slamming the door behind him.

"He sure is dramatic Dan," Jim snickered as he continued to lick Dan's neck.

___________________________________ Wow! Lots of cliff-hangers here! What will JC do? What will happen when Justin arrives? Who was that voice yelling at Wade and Lance? Will I ever get to any sex? (Sorry, it's looking doubtful, but I warned you early on; I have very little experience from which to draw from. Not that I have any gay male experience either. Eh, whatever.)

Next: Chapter 9

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