
By moc.loa@9613eloerKyzarK

Published on Oct 3, 2003


Disclaimer: This is a story about a relationship between two teenage young men, if things of this nature offend you, you shouldn't be here. If it is illegal to read this where you are from then you shouldn't be here either. If you are under 18 years of age then this obviously isn't the place for you. But if any of the above do apply to you there isn't much I can do to make you leave. I enjoy getting feedback so feel free to email me at KrazyKreole3169@aol.com.


Chapter 1

I sat on the back of my pick up and looked across the street at Michael Moore. I had had a crush on that boy since 4th grade when he showed me his pecker on a dare, it wasn't very big at the time but it was still something to a kid who had just accepted that he liked other boys. He's a year older than me and not only did I like him I looked up to him. He was the senior captain of the football team and it was rumored that he was getting out this god forsaken town on scholarship. I'm only a junior and I haven't thought much about college but I know my grades ain't what they should be. Its not that I don't try I'm just not much concerned about school.

I watched him wash his truck, water soakin his clothes, god is he hot. Unfortunately he's also straight, he's dated just about every girl on the cheerleadin squad and that's just from last year, he's working his way through the ones this year too. He took his shirt off and I felt myself start to get hard. I loved his body, he had lots of muscle because of football and he was tall to boot, he had blond hair and blue eyes and lips that were just kissable. I used to kiss my pillow thinking it was him when I was younger and I had since moved on to more sexual fantasies. He bent over to get his tires and I watched water slide down the crack of his ass. Good Lord why did he have to be so sexy.

I got off my truck and walked inside, my mom was bakin again for the Ladies League, she did it every Friday and that meant that she wouldn't be home till 11. Whenever she was gone I took free reign and walked around in nothing but my tidy whites until she got home. I was by my self cause my dad left us a few years ago, but thanks to child support I still got contributions from the sperm donor. I walked back to my room and put some music on and decided I would get on the internet and check out my favorite site for new stories. I was just in the middle of a very good story when my mom knocked on my door informing me that I had company. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:30 and I wondered who would be over here this late. I got up and opened my door and heard my mom gigglin and talkin to somebody like they had known each other for years. When I got to the livin room I saw none other than Michael Moore sittin on my couch with different clothes on of course just talkin with my mom. I cleared my throat and they stopped talkin and both looked at me. My mom stood up and said.

"well honey I gotta get goin if I'm gonna make the meetin on time, you two have fun"

So there I stood, looking at Michael like he had grown an extra head and said.

"what are you doin here?"

" is that any way to treat someone that used to be your best friend?"

" the key word is used to be, what do you want?"

"well jeez Cody I thought we could hang out tonight, I ain't got nothing better to do and I'm sure you don't either"

" well maybe I do have something to do"

" oh come on, stop bein a hard ass and hang out with me"

I looked into those eyes and knew that no matter how much I said I didn't want to go deep down I was achin for his company so I said.

" sure I guess, what are we doin?"

" well I figured we could go catch a movie in Dulsey and then go get something to eat and then come back here and hang out at the lake for old times sake"

Now I was a little iffy about goin to Dulsey, that's the town over cause we don't have a movie theater here. I looked at him one more time and said.

" hmm sure I s'pose"

"great, go get ready and Ill be back to get ya in a few minutes"

"what's wrong with what I got on?"

" you look a little raggedy, we might meet some girls and you don't want them to see you lookin like that"

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that I couldn't care less what those girls might think about me but I bit my tongue and walked back into my room.

I took a really quick shower and changed into another pair of jeans and a clean button up shirt and put on my boots, I wasn't big on hair products so I just combed my hair and put on a little cologne. When I came out I saw Michael sittin on the couch waitin. He looked nice in his outfit but I still felt a little over dressed. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out to his newly washed truck and we got in and drove off.

When we reached Dulsey he pulled into the theater and when I went to take my money out he said

"nope, I'm payin since I asked you"

I just shook my head and said sure, now if you haven't guessed it's a drive in theater so it was pretty packed on a Friday night. I leaned back and he asked me if I wanted anything cause he was goin to the concession. I said I would take something to drink but that was it for now. While he was gone one of his friends came over to the truck and he was a little surprised to see me in it to say the least.

"what are you doin in there Cody, where's Michael?"

"um he went to the concession stand"

He gave me a funny look and then walked off.

I sat still, not wanting to touch anything and the movie started. I was getting in to it when the door opened and Michael got back in.

"hey sorry I took so long, I got a little side tracked"

And as soon as he said that some girls walked past and waved. I just rolled my eyes and took my drink. When the movie was over he asked me where I wanted to eat but I just said

"nah, you've done enough for me, just take me home and Ill get something there"

" but, I thought me and you were gonna hang out tonight"

"well I would but I'm really tired so I just wanna go home"

He actually looked really disappointed but he gave in and started the drive back home.

When we got to my house he said

"the least you can do is invite a guy in for something to drink"

I said sure and when I scrambled around in the kitchen looking for a couple beers he was sittin in the livin room on the couch. When I found two I brought his out and saw him sprawled on the couch with his shoes off. I handed him his beer and turned on the tv when he said

"hey don't you have a computer?"

"uh yeah why?"

"well I was wonderin if I could check my email"

"uh sure I guess."

He followed me back to my room and sat on the bed while I waited for my computer to start. When I was done I let him get on and I moved out of the way so he could read his mail in private. When he was done instead of getting off he started to look around and go on sites and go in chat rooms, I looked up in time to see him go into a gay and bi male teen chat room and he turned to me and said

"watch this, I love messin with these freaks"

That right there was the straw that broke my back, I got up off the bed and said

"I think you better leave"

"why, what did I do?"

"I just think you should go"

"is this about what I said?"

"yes it is"

"why, are you some kind of homo?"

"as a matter of fact I am and it was damned rude for you to come in here and say that anyway without knowin where I stand"

He got a big grin on his face and said

"thank god, I thought I was gonna have to jump you if you didn't admit it soon"


"Cody, you think I don't know the way you look at me, I saw you starin at me today, why do you think I took my shirt off, I was tryin to impress you"

" you, football god, tryin to impress me, yeah right stop yankin my chain and go home"

"I'm serious Cody, I've liked you since fourth grade"

"ok that would make sense, if you hadn't slept with half the females in school"

"I haven't Cody, honest, I make that stuff up so I wont get asked about it"

"why would you make up stuff like that, honestly, I mean your hurtin those girls reputations"

"because, its what people expect of me, how do you think they would react if they found out I was a fag, I cant have people thinking that"

"well my mom already knows about me, what do you think she thought when she saw you come over here askin for me?"

"oh god, do you really think she thought that?"

I let out a sigh and said

"just go home Michael"

He looked like he was about to argue but I guess from the look on my face he realized I wasn't gonna listen to it so he turned around and walked out.

The author retains Copyright October 3, 2003 any acts of reproduction or plagiarism without the authors consent is a direct violation of that copyright.

Next: Chapter 2

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