Highschool Love

By Andrew Roberts

Published on Feb 1, 2005


Hey guys! This is my first attempt of writing a story here on Nifty, so be gentle lol. This story doesn't have a set path or a number of lines that I wish to take, so please give me feedback and suggestions to the story.

Disclaimer: If you are not allowed to read this story by law, then please do not read it

Chapter 1 - Friends

Hi, my name is Josh and I'm 16. A few months go I realised that I was different from my friends. I tried to not be that way, but it just didn't work so I figured that I should just stick with it and maybe have a little fun. I have brown eyes, and long blonde hair.

My mum called me to get ready for school. I washed, brushed my teeth, got dressed and went to catch the bus. The bus isn't usually full, but as it is the beginning of term it is always full. I had to stand on the bus, luckily the school isn't that far away. I was thinking about him all the down there, how perfect his smile is, the way he laughs and his calm blue eyes

"Come on Josh, get off!", said Kristian who was standing behind me. I had been day dreaming and I as standing in the way. Everyone started pushing and shouting until I snapped out of it.

As I got off the bus, he was standing there just waiting for his friends to arrive. One day I will have the courage to say something to him, but until then I will just have to make do with standing back. I wanted to stand there all day just looking at his perfect-formed body and the cutest face I had ever seen. Just then I spotted JoAnn waving to me through the crowd of pupils trying to get into school. Sometimes you would think they loved school by the way they rushed to get there each morning.

JoAnn was my best friend and I had nearly all classes with her. I tell her everything that happens and she tells me everything, we have no secrets. Well, there is one secret between us and that is because I haven't come to terms about my sexuality properly, but I have been reading for support information on the Internet that said sometimes talking to a friend can help and make it easier. I had decided that today I was going to tell her after school finishes.

"Hey Jo!", I greeted her. I was the only one allowed to call her Jo everyone else had to call her JoAnn because her mother didn't like it and that sort of rubbed off on her, but I am her best friend so it's ok for me.

"Hi, you look a bit worried about something, spill it", she asked. I was stuck, I didn't know what to tell her. I was worried about what her reaction was going to be, but I couldn't tell her here, in school.

"Nothing, just first day back, new classes and the new kids running around", I lied.

"Oh OK, if that's all it is then stop worrying", I could tell she didn't buy it, but she knew sooner or later she would find out so she didn't push it. We started walking up to the main entrance to get in, we talked about what things we done over the holidays, even though I phoned her every night to tell her everything and we would meet up three times each week. I guess, there are some things that are best talked about when you are face to face.

The bell went off and as usual JoAnna and I would go to her house because my mum was always in work when I got home from school. Her bedroom was always a mess with clothes and empty bottles all over the floor. It had always been that way ever since she was 7.

"JoAnna, there is something I need to tell you", I said nervously.

"uh huh you know you can always tell me anything", she said becoming serious.

Jo was looking at me, but I really didn't know how to tell her. I had never told anyone before and didn't how anyone was going to react, but I knew I could trust Jo no matter what happens.

"Well...um...I don't how to say this, but...a few months ago I learnt something new about myself, Jo I'm gay"

"I guessed that much. You are crazy about shaun! I thought you were going to tell me you were ill or something...don't scare me like that. We have been friends since as long as I can remember and there is nothing that is going to change that." she said, hugging me almost to the point that I couldn't breathe.

I shouldn't be surprised that this was how she reacted. She is great and I love her to bits.

"Why didn't you say something to me if you already knew?", I asked

"Mum and I decided that it was up to you to find out for yourself and that you would tell me when you are ready." Wait, did she say `mum'? Oh my god her mother knows!

We talked all evening about boys and school and she said that she doesn't think any different of me and that my Mum wouldn't either.

When I got back to my house I was really tired that I told my mum that I was going to bed and I went to my room.

I had done something today that I intended to do, but never in a million years had I expected to go through with it. I had wanted to tell Jo as soon as I found out, but I just couldn't think of how to put it to her.

Jo said that she thinks that my mum will be fine about it and deep down I know they will, but there is someone or something at the back of my mind that something could go wrong and she won't accept it.

Well, that's chapter 1.

Please let me know what you think of my first story.

I know there wasn't much in this chapter, but the next chapter will deal with Shaun a bit more than this chapter. Also Josh hasn't given much away about himself so I will look into giving some more details. Remember Josh can be very shy at times.

...also if you have any suggestions then that would be great!


Email: ktk070@gmail.com


Next: Chapter 2

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