Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Apr 20, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 10

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 10

“There is a principle which is proof against all information, which is proof against all arguments, which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance: that principle is contempt, prior to investigation.” ~ Herbert Spencer

After one final hug, Tron turned without a word, and walked back to his truck. He opened the door on the passenger side where Moss was waiting for him. Tron tossed his son the keys. “You drive,” he said, “and wipe that gotdamn shit-eat’n grin off’n yore’ face, boy,” Tron growled.  

Moss quickly moved over to the driver’s side, but couldn’t help laugh at his dad’s comment as he turned the ignition to crank the Cummings diesel motor in the big heavy duty fifth wheel Dodge Ram dually pickup truck. He knew better than to say anything. Moss figured if his old man wanted to talk about it, he would in his own good time. Since his mother died, Tron was getting better at opening up to his son, but Moss knew not to push. Moss didn’t say anymore, concentrated on turning the truck around, and headed down the five miles to the front gate of the Daniels’ ranch. Moss would glance over at his dad now and then, but didn’t linger. His dad kept his face turned away from him looking out at the handsome Highland cattle silently grazing in the pasture. Suddenly, Tron reached into his back pocket, brought out his bandanna, and started to sob his heart out like it was going to break. Moss slowly pulled the truck to the side of the road, stopped, and set the brake. The young cowboy placed his right arm around his dad, and gently put his hand on his shoulder. Tron didn’t pull away.

“What’s the matter, Pa?” he asked.

“That gotdamn Nathan done went and broke ma’ heart this e’nin,” he lamented, and cried some more.

“What I jes’ watched my old man do t’weren’t the actions of a man with a broken heart. I thought you’n Mr. Daniels was tighter’n two ticks on an old hound dog,” Moss said.

“We is. We still are -- more’n ever now, but a man can break yore’ heart out of kindness as well as being mean spirited or hateful, Son,” Tron said trying to get himself together.

“I got me a feel’n I know where this is going. Aside from the gift of my new finger, which was pretty frick’n amazing by any standards of friendship, my main man, ma’ rope’n partner done offered me a job this e’nin. I think I can harmonize on the chorus of this song you be sing’n if’n you like,” Moss said drolly with his best Texas speak. He got a laugh out of Tron, and they shared a laugh together.

“Mean’n no disrespect to Ms. Kate -- God knows, I love her dearly -- but that sum’bitch’n neighbor and brother of mine done went a gimme’ ten thousand dollars this e’nin,” Tron said in awe.

“Jes’ nod when you want me to jump in on the chorus, Ramrod,” Moss said, and grinned.

“Don’t tell me...?” Tron looked at Moss like a dare.

“Billy done gimme’ the same amount, Pa. I didn’t wanna’ take it, ‘cause I know’d you don’t believe in accepting no charity, but he told me it was an advance on my salary. He said he’s planing on paying me a thousand a month as one of his staff, so he gets ten months work out of me for it. Hell, Dad, a thousand a month is more money than most free ranch hands make,” Moss said.

“From what I’m hearing, they ain’t too many freeman ranch hands around anymore. The larger ranches are mostly manned by cowboy slaves, and most of them feel lucky to have the job even if it means being a slave. Since them cafeteria christianist, them evangelical church fuckers took over the government, they’s thousands of folks starve’n to death out there ever’ day, Son. So much for do unto others. At least slaves get fed good, and for the most part, live pretty well. Nathan told me much the same thing Billy told you. He saw his role in Billy’s new empire growing to one of larger ranch management, and he said he needed a straw-boss to help him get things done. He even talked about possible future plans of consolidating our two ranches, and making it one big operation with equal benefits for ever’body. What chu’ plan to do with yore’ money, boy?” Tron asked.

“Allow myself eight hundred a month for us to live on, and sock two hundred a month away in savings. I ain’t gonna’ go crazy and run buy ever’thing I’d like to have like a new faster computer. I’ll wait until my savings builds up, and I can afford to pay cash for it,” Moss said firmly.

“You got chore’ mother’s sensibility when it comes to money, Son. If’n it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t have the ranch for a home,” Tron said, “I ain’t never been good with money. That’s why I let you handle most of our money since yore’ ma died. Nathan and me, we got lots more to talk about, but I won’t agree to nothing ‘afore I talked with you about it. Hell, Son, it sounds like too good a deal for us to pass up. With the money Nathan gimme,’ we can pay off the mortgage we had to take out on the ranch to buy this truck when our old one dropped dead from too many years and way too many miles. Poor thing. May she rust in peace,” Tron said, and they shared a laugh.

“That was bad, Pa,” Moss said, laughed, and shook his head.

“Yeah, well, what da’ ya’ expect from an old redneck cowboy, Son?” Tron asked, and grinned.

“You done taught me never to expect nothing from nobody, Dad, but you know what? With you, I ain’t never had to worry none about it. You were always there for me when I needed you -- but don’t expect me to thank you, or tell you I love you. No, sir! I ain’t about to. I jes’ ain’t a’ gonna’ do it, ‘cause I know’d it embarrasses the shit out a’ you, and how much you hate that kind a talk from another man,” Moss said with an inflection in his voice which said he was bullshit’n and poking gentle fun at his old man.

“Well, maybe once’t wouldn’t hurt none,” Tron said quietly.

“Naw -- now Dad -- I done made up my mind, I just ain’t a gonna’ do it. I love you too goddamn much to embarrassed you like’at,” Moss couldn’t hold it anymore, and broke up laughing.

“Am I that much of a’ hard ass, Son?” Tron asked.

“Pert-damn much,” Moss said firmly, and laughed again.

“Well, that all changed tonight,” Tron said, and let out a deep sigh.

“Nooo, shit!” exclaimed Moss, and laughed, “I watched my old, hard nosed, bull-of-the-woods, hyper-masculine pa, the last of the real American cowboys, do something so out of character it damn near stopped my heart; but chu’ know what? I’m damn proud of you, Dad,” Moss said with firm conviction, “H’it don’t make you uncomfortable for me to tell you I’s proud of you, does it, Pa?” Moss asked, and grinned.

“Will you cut that out? Wait’ll I get you home, boy,” Tron said, and growled.

“You gonna’ gimme’ a good spank’n, Pa?” Moss asked in eager anticipation, and perked right up.

“I jes’ might,” Tron replied.

“Last time you spanked me I come all over you,” Moss reminded him.

“I remember. You’s a sick puppy, boy,” Tron said, and grinned.

“I take after me old man,” Moss shot back proudly, and they shared a good laugh.

When they got home and walked into the house, Tron pulled out his ten thousand dollars, and handed it to his son. “Here! I wan’t you to take care of the money for us, Son. Let’s pay off the mortgage which is about thirty-five hun’nert, and put the rest with yours. Gimme’ twenty-five dollars ever’ Monday morning for pocket money, and keep a record of our spending on yore’ computer. Let’s see how things go,” Tron said.

“Be glad to, Pa. Glad you trust me. It means a lot,” Moss said.

“You mean the world to me, boy. I’d trust you wiff’ ma’ life. You and the Daniels’ is the only reason I keep on going,” Tron replied, “but don’t let it go to yore’ head or nothing, and don’t expect me to get all mushy and tell you how much I love you,” Tron growled, and grinned.

“Wouldn’t think on it, Pa,” Moss replied, “although, a good spank’n from my old man would go a long way to show me how much,” he added, and fell out laughing. Tron laughed, too, and gently cuffed his son on the back of his neck.

* * * * * * *
Billy sent the cowboys to clean up and have the twins gather their dirty clothes. Kate gave them a waterproof pen to write their names on the left pocket of their wranglers and undershirts. They didn’t have underwear. After all, real cowboys don’t wear no underwear noways. The cowboys were more tired than they thought. Buck and Hank hadn’t done much physical work in a good while, and their asses were dragging. Buck told Hank while he was dog tired, he felt more alive than he did in years. Hank agreed with him. They talked about sucking each other off, but once their heads hit the soft bed and pillows, they were down for the count.

The twins brought the cowboy’s laundry down to the service porch. Kate taught them how to measure the liquid soap, and set the machines to wash and dry their brother’s clothes. They didn’t have washers and dryers on Retikki Prime, and the twins thought the automatic machines were the most wonderful inventions they’d come across in a while. On Retikki Prime laundry was done by sub-prime androids. Since the halflings were bunking it in with their big brother buckaroos while in the big house they quietly carried the carefully folded clothes to their rooms and left them on the dressers. They stripped, and went to shower themselves.

“I’m so hyped from our music making this evening, and the strong masculine smells from our cowboy brothers, I’m really horny, brother,” Cass said.

“Yeah, me too, bro,” Poly agreed.

“You think we should...?” Cass asked.

“We’re alone. No one would know,” Poly replied.

“But we would be disobeying our master. Remember what happened the last time we didn’t obey our masters? We had to wear them damnable chastity belts for six months. I remember crying ourselves to sleep night after night not being able to make love to each other. Master Billy thinks we don’t know our master’s on Retikki Prime gave him those belts just in case,” Cass said.  

“Well, he did leave us under Hank and Buck’s care, and he told us to mind them. We could wake one of them and ask permission,” Poly said.

“Naw, they’s tired, and them old men need their rest. Let’s just clean up, crawl in bed with them, and hope for the best. I’d settle for sucking them off,” Cass said.

“They were snoring up a storm when we come in. They’ll probably sleep all night, but I agree with you we better not take the chance,” Poly said.

The halflings moaned and groaned at their need for relief. The sensuality of bathing each other almost got the better of them. They finished and toweled each other dry, hung up their towels, and turned to walk to the anteroom when they suddenly came to a stop. Standing in the anteroom, in all his metaphorically celestial beauty, was their cowboy master, wings and all. They ran to him naked and surrounded him with their love.

“You can’t hide what you do from me, buckaroos. Thankfully, you made the right decision, and I’m proud of you. There may come a time when I feel I can totally trust you, and I won’t have to keep them belts no more; but, until then, I’ll just keep them in a safe place as a reminder to always obey your master. I told you my reasons for demanding control and your faithful obedience, but I’m not without empathy. Y’ain’t the only varmints what gets horny. I been so horny, one time my eyeballs got stuck upside down in my head, and I had to hang from a hitch’n post for several hours to get them sum’bitches back to normal. I believe goodness and faithfulness to your master should be rewarded. Put on some clean clothes. You men are gonna’ bunk it in with your big brother, Boomer, your master, and his new slave tonight. You’ll help me husband my big mate, Nick and I will try to take care of your insatiable needs, then you can sleep with yore’ big brother in the loft of the barn,” Billy said, stealing a kiss from both.

“Oh, thank you, Master Billy, it would be like an answer to a prayer. Hosanna!” Cass exclaimed.

“In the highest!" Poly answered polyphonically, “We love you, Master Billy,” he added.

“Well, I love you men, too, so the quicker you get dressed, the sooner you’s gonna’ get chore’selves some warm sweet watcher cream to drink. Since old Boomer impregnated our little Highland heifer with our bairn, his teats are so full of his sweet milk I might have to buy him a bra to keep ‘em from sagging to the ground. You’ll be doing him a favor to relieve him of some,” Billy said, “and if’n you’s real good I’ll share his big beefy load with you,” he added, tickled them, and got them laughing.

The halflings quickly and quietly gathered their clean clothes, put them on, but carried their buckaroo boots with them down the hallway to pull them on while sitting on the top step of the stairs. Billy didn’t want them disturbing their brothers. They walked down the stairs into the kitchen hand in hand with their master. Kate was still up talking with Nathan, Nick, and Boomer. They looked up when Billy and the twins came into the room. “Ah, my big guardian angel and his two smaller angels, his cherubs, on either side of him. I’ll always remember that picture,” she said and giggled, “You gonna’ kidnap my help, Grandson?” she asked.

“Only for the night. We’ll have them back before sunup to give you a hand. They been extra good. You said they’s been working hard, and I think they deserve to spend an evening with their master, their big brother, and their master’s new slave,” Billy said, and smiled at Nick. Nick grinned and nodded his approval.

“Come!” Kate held her arms open, and the twins ran to her. She hugged, kissed each one, and admonished them to be good and mind their master. Tomorrow, they would have more time, and she would start teaching them how to read printed music. They assured her they would be looking forward to it.

Nathan was unaccustomed to people invading his space and rarely hugged or kissed anyone; however, the twins watched Mr. Garrett hug and kiss Master Billy’s uncle and plant a kiss on his mouth which was considerably more than a brotherly peck. Applying one situation to the other, they went to him and did the same. Billy and Kate roared with laugher. Nathan was a good sport, and returned their affection in kind.

“Jesus, they’s like two puppy dogs. You can’t help love ‘em,” Nathan said, and laughed.

Billy looked at the twins, winked, and said like he was a barking dog, “Morph!”

They understood immediately, and morphed into two Great Pyrenees dogs, and were all over Nathan. “Holy crap, you didn’t tell me they had other talents,” he said, and laughed nervously petting each of the large beautiful dogs. Kate was laughing her ass off at the expression on her sometimes prudish son’s face. Nick and Boomer were holding each other laughing.

“Sorry, Uncle Nate, I couldn’t help it. The devil made me do it,” Billy said, and laughed.

“See? What did I tell you? I get blamed for everything,” Nick said in mock disgust shaking his head. Everyone laughed at him.

Billy went to him and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, “You’s the only demon I want sharing my bed, Tonto,” Billy said sweetly.

Kate wasn’t naive. She may have graduated from a religious affiliated college, but being a music major she became friends with several gay men who were talented organist. She got over her strictly conservative religious upbringing pretty damn quick. She came to love and admire them for who they were and certainly their talents. They were always open and available for her if she needed help, a trained, kindly, critical ear to play for, or encouragement when she felt she couldn’t measure up. She and Daws maintained friendships with them for years, and Kate still was in touch with a few. A couple went on to become organist of large churches and cathedrals in the U.S. and Europe, and they would come with their life partner to stay at the ranch for a week or more.

Daws and Kate wined and dinned them like visiting royalty, and it was a wonderful get away from a more complicated life to the down-to-earth simplicity of the ranch for them where they were free to be themselves. The artists were generous enough to offer a free concert for invited guest from the community. The concerts at the Daniels’ ranch became the 'in’ thing to be invited to within a small close community. Whether you understood or enjoyed good music or not, if you were lucky enough to get invited you attended, and acted like it was the most wonderful thing to happen in the community. If you were invited and didn’t attend without calling to give your regrets, you were never invited again.

Mothers intuitively know about their sons. Kate knew when her boys, Gus and Nathan, were little more than toddlers, Gus was going to be straight and take after his daddy, but she worried about Nathan. While he was all male and grew up to be a formidable figure of a Western man, Nathan inherited more of his mother’s sensibilities and emotions. Gus was all boy, loud, brash, and obnoxious at times, a real root’n toot’n buckaroo, but Nathan was thoughtful, sensitive, quiet, and reserved. His brother overwhelmed him, and Nathan adjusted his personality to play second fiddle. Gus was three years older than Nathan, and was always in charge. Gus wasn’t a bully. His daddy would never allow it. Daws held a deep belief in the cowboy code. Part of it was, all men should be given an equal chance, and he damn well intended to see his younger boy got his chance without being overrun or overshadowed by his older brother. He nipped Gus’s attempts at being a bully and pulling mean spirited power trips on his younger brother in the bud at an early age.

Nathan expressed an interest in music, and his mother began to teach him the basics. Gus had no interest in music or the arts at all, unless it was looking at naked girls on the Internet. He was only interested in sports and rodeo. He soaked up the cowboy way of life like he was born to the saddle, and it was the most natural thing in the world for him. Nathan, on the other hand, had to work at it, and if he couldn’t master something as easily as his brother, he quickly lost confidence in himself and gave up trying. One day Gus sneered at Nathan trying to learn a piece of music, and called him a sissy. He told him real men didn’t play the piano, only little girls. Nathan got so angry he tore the music up into little pieces, and to Gus’s unexpected amazement watched his little brother turn into a raging bull. Nathan attacked his big brother with everything he had. He ran at him full charge, threw a full bodied frontal block into Gus’s middle, and knocked the wind out of him.

Gus was momentarily stunned and lay immobile on the floor as Nathan proceed to pound him in the face with all his might. Gus was yelling, crying, and pleading for Nathan to stop. Nathan was yelling his hatred and wrath for his brother who had pushed him to the limit of his patience. Nathan was winning and might have done serious damage to his brother when Daws pulled him off Gus. Rather that protest his dad’s interference, Nathan turned into his dad’s big comforting arms and cried his heart out. Daw was convinced Nathan was more frightened by his own rage than he was any damage he might have caused his brother.

Daws knew what happened. He heard the exchange from the other room, and was on his way to chew Gus’s butt out; however, when he saw Nathan’s anger, he decided to let nature take its course, and he watched his youngest son damn near beat the crap out of his older brother. Daws told his wife that night, he was proud of Nathan, and he knew no matter the boy’s choice of partners in life, Nathan would grow up to be a good man. He would be all right. Nathan never asked his mother for another lesson. When Kate tried to reason with him, he told her he wasn’t interested in music anymore. He wanted to be a cowboy like his dad. After that, Daws started showing Nathan more attention, and would only let Gus join them if he treated his younger brother with respect. If he started getting pushy or bossy, Daws would tell him to put his pony up, and send him up to the house to help his mother.

Gus soon learned, with properly applied genuine interest and encouragement of his little brother, he could have him eating out of his hand -- and he did. Through trial and lots of errors, Daws, slowly taught his oldest boy how to become a loving and caring human being. He taught him how to become a big brother and friend to his younger brother. Like everything else he did, Gus mastered his role perfectly, and after a while it didn’t seem like work anymore. He began to enjoy his new role and excelled at it. Nathan grew to worship his big brother and loved him deeply. He would have done anything for Gus. He developed a deep crush on his older brother. Gus wasn’t stupid, he knew, but with a little help from his dad, and granddad, he became wise enough neither to abuse nor take advantage of his little brother’s love. Gus asked Nathan to be his best man at his wedding. Daws took Gus aside, and made a special point to tell him he did the right thing by asking Nathan to be his best man; he was proud of him. Gus walked a little taller that day.

After the incident in the compound with Tron earlier in the evening, Kate was pretty sure Nathan wasn’t dwelling in a deep dark secret closet anymore. She knew their embrace and lip-lock was just a tad more than a thank-you-brother kiss. She figured out a number of years ago they were seeing each other at the line cabin, but she had no proof they were knocking boots. She wasn’t a prude by any means. She just didn’t believe in interfering or second guessing other folks private lives, especially if they wanted to keep portions secret. Now she was pretty sure her grandson was also a friend of Dorothy Gale’s and a card carrying member of the Lollipop guild. Billy had his very own munchkins to skip off with down the yellow brick road to the line cabin. Kate was pretty sure Edith and Archie were his fairy godparents, and Nick was his wonderful wizard. Boomer was, of course, the cowardly lion. She laughed wickedly to herself imagining herself as “Glinda,” the good witch of the South. Her only comment to Billy brought him to his knees laughing, “When do we get to meet the Tin Man, Son?” Kate asked sweetly.

“They’s three on my ship, Mistress Kate,” Nick spoke up.

“I should have known. It figures. The Wizard always has a few tin men around,” Kate said, grinned, and shook her head laughing.

* * * * * * *
After goodbyes and good nights were said, Billy gathered his immediate family, and Nick gave him a lesson in trans-location. He told Billy to link with his mind, and he would show him how to do it. Billy joined him, and saw everything Nick did. It didn’t seem difficult to Billy. He thought he could probably handle it pretty easy.  << Ain’t no doubt in my mind, Master, >> Nick sent to him.

<< I know, Tonto, I could feel it, >> he sent back.

They arrived in the barn in another flash of bright light. This time Roz wasn’t spooked, and slowly turned her head with a bored look in her eyes. “Welcome back, Master Billy,” she said.

“Thank you, Roz, how you feeling?” Billy asked, as he walked over to pet her.

“All right, but just a mite hungry,” she said.

“We’ll take care of that pert-damn quick, sweetheart,” Billy said.

“Ya’ll have a good day, sir?” she asked.

“We did, Roz. We got a lot of things done, but we’re tired, and I’m exhausted from wearing these damn wings all day. It seems as if they were another gift from your wonderful people, but they’s gonna’ take getting used to. Looking like an angel ain’t fun. It’s hard work. They came in handy, though,” Billy said.

The twins came over an petted Roz, and she seemed to respond well. “You men behaving yourselves?” she asked.

“Trying to, Ms. Roz. We been doing work up to the big house on the ranch for Master Billy’s grandmother. She’s a good lady, and we come to love her. She’s gonna’ teach us about music on Earth,” Cass said.

“Anytime you men want to bring your fiddles and play me a tune, it would be appreciated,” Roz said.

“We’ll asked Master Billy. We’d be happy to ma’am,” Poly said.

Nick, Boomer, and Billy got busy, cleaned Roz’s stall, then Samson, and Maybelle’s. Billy told Samson about his day while they fed and took care of them. Billy left the barn door open, so they could walk in, move about, and give Roz some company. She could communicate with them mentally. Roz and Maybelle learned a lot about their new master from Samson. Of course, Samson loved his rider deeply. The big stallion made him out to be a hero, the very best rider in Texas, maybe even the world, and he felt lucky and proud to own such a fine young human. He assured Maybelle and Roz they couldn’t be in a better place.

The men fed the grazing animals and decided to clean up for the evening. Billy took Boomer to the shower and bathed him good. If he didn’t, after a while, Boomer began to develop his signature Watcher or Bigfoot odor. In the early stages, it could be quite sexy to Billy, but it could quickly progress to pungent then foul. The giant Watchers on Retikki Prime kept trustworthy slaves who were with them for years to groom them, and they were always clean. On Earth it was more difficult unless a Watcher was lucky enough to own his own master who had a couple of adoring halflings to give him a hand.

Nick watched all this, and could feel Billy’s devotion to his bonded mate was palpable. He and Boomer weren’t just playing at it, they were spiritually bonded. Nick already knew how the drill would go. Boomer would always be with them as a protector, much like Nick’s Kerubim, but they would work around them to come together in the middle. Nick had his doubts at first, but with Samson’s help, he came to see Boomer’s constant presence as more of a blessing than a hindrance. Sam was also right when he told Nick he would get the lion’s share of his owner, Billy Daniels, if he became his slave.

After Billy had Boomer sit down on one of the kitchen stools in front of the fireplace, he and the twins carefully combed his fur, and lightly powered him until he smelled like a baby. He got great pleasure out of Billy using his grandmother’s old hair dryer on him, and kept a solid erection the whole time. The halflings loved seeing their big brother’s boner. The knew they did the right thing by begging Master Billy to take them for his slaves and bring them to Earth with them. They experienced many wonderful surprises since they left Retikki Prime.

Billy went to Nick, hugged and kissed him, “Me and the twins will take Boomer to the loft and husband him. When we’re finished we’ll return to you. Will you be all right, Tonto?” he asked.

“I’ll be fine, Kemosabe. I got Sam and Maybelle to talk with if’n I gets lonesome, but first, I’s head’n to the shower to clean up. Where shall I meet you, in bed or before the fire?” Nick asked.

“Before the fire. Get out that older comforter from the closet we used last night. It’s big enough for the four of us,” Billy replied.

“Will the twins be with us for evening, Master?” Nick asked.

“No, once you and I husband them, I’ll send them to bunk it in with their big brother in the loft. I got two big comfortable sleeping bags with foam mattress for them. They’ll be in hog heaven with their big bro to keep them warm all night,” Billy replied, “Then I’ll return to my handsome demon slave-dad’s arms, and I will be yours for the rest of the evening. Since it’s your first night as my new slave, Pa, you may have your choice. Whatever your demon heart desires from his master will be yours,” Billy replied.

“That one’s easy. I want chore’ soul, boy,” Nick said in a deep devilish voice.

“Shit, Tonto, how many times I gotta’ give it to you afore you finally realize you already own it?” Billy shot back, and got Nick laughing.

“I should a’ know’d better. I guess I deserved that,” Nick said, grinned, and shook his head.

“No you didn’t. I’s jes’ being a smart ass. Anytime we’re alone together like tonight, relax, just be yore’self -- be my dad,” Billy urged him.

“I understand, Son, I can do that,” Nick said sincerely.

Billy and the twins walked into the barn and climbed up into the loft. Boomer gave them a hand up. Before they got going Billy wanted a little watcher milk for himself and drank some straight from Boomer’s big teat. He felt and massaged both. Boomer’s pectoral muscles were stretched to the max, and were hard as rocks he was so full of milk. Boomer moaned and groaned at Billy’s manipulations. While it was sensual for him, it was almost painful. Billy drank his fill and had Poly and Cass alternate hooking up to his other teat. Boomer seemed like he was in heaven, and never lost his rock hard erection.  

When Billy drank all the sweet milk he wanted, he motioned for Cass to take his place. Billy moved down and slowly took his giant beast. He had even less problem this time providing his mate with a first class stellar blowjob. He got Boomer writhing on his blanket in the hay, and the twins were like two lamprey eels on a shark sucking his teats. Boomer had a big hairy arm around each twin like a furry seatbelt holding them to him on a bumpy plane ride. Boomer was sure he shot the biggest load of his life into his master, his handsome cowboy husband’s maw. He shot forth volumes of watcher gizz. Billy gulped him down so none of his precious fluid was wasted, but the final load Boomer shot, Billy held in his mouth.  

He motioned for his two apprentice husbands to come to him, and Billy fed Cass and Poly like a mother bird regurgitating food to her babies. They made ‘mmm’ sounds as their master fed them their big brother’s beefy seed. Once again, they were sure they were in heaven. That’s the way they were. They put their all into everything they did, and they milked every experience in life to the max. Billy saved a bit for himself, enjoying the last swallow of his mate and protector’s strong beefy flavor. He breathed in through his mouth like an experienced wine taster getting the last essence of a rare vintage. Billy was amused. He could tell Boomer was so relaxed, his light was fading fast. He could barely thank them with a hug and kiss for each, rolled onto his side, and was snoring in a matter of minutes. Billy wondered how many women in the world experienced the same thing from their husbands? He just shook his head and grinned. He was glad his mate felt so relaxed he could drop off to sleep. A good blowjob was much cheaper than a prescription for sleeping pills.

* * * * * * * *  
Billy and his posse climbed down the ladder from the loft, bid goodnight to Roz, and returned to the cabin. Billy closed the barn door to give him and Nick some privacy. ‘One down and three to go,’ he thought to himself. Life with an extended family was good -- busy, but good.

They found Nick naked, still drying himself from his shower. “Give our demon dad a hand there, buckaroos. Cass and Poly hurried to Nick’s side took his towel from him. Billy threw another to Poly and they had Nick dried in a few minutes. He got a big grin on his face. “I could get used to being pampered like this,” Nick said.

“That’s good. Just don’t let it spoil you none,” Billy said, “h’it ain’t the cowboy way,” he added.

“Accept goodness when it comes, but don’t always expect it?” Nick asked.

“You’s get’n good at that, Tonto,” Billy said.

“I’m learning from the best, Kemosabe,” Nick replied.

“That reminds me. Samson, you were gonna’ tell me about what Tonto and Kemosabe means?” Billy asked.

<< Can you all hear me? >> Samson asked.

The twins perked up. Their mental hearing was being slowly restored from the watcher milk they been drinking. They could hear Samson loud and clear. Everyone nodded their head.

<< It's a well known fact in several Indian dialects the name "Tonto" means simple, witless, with a retiring, but pleasant personality; a wingman or a trusted friend who will lie through his teeth to back you up and swear on his mother's grave what you just said was the god's gospel truth. While, on the other hand,"Kemosabe" simply means, a damn good fuck, >> Samson sent, and horse laughed. Maybelle joined him.

The men doubled over with laughter. “I’d say it pretty well defines us, wouldn’t you, Tonto?” Billy asked Nick still laughing.

“Absolutely, Kemosabe. You say it’s gospel truth, I’ll back you up, and I have to say you meet every inch of the name ‘Kemosabe,’” he said and they laughed together. The twins thought it was funny, too.

Billy and Nick took care of the twins. Billy took Cass and Nick took Poly. Billy ordered Cass onto the large leather couch before the fireplace. He told him to grab his legs and expose his little hole for his master to play with while he sucked him off. Cass didn’t hesitate. Nick liked the idea and had Poly do the same. Billy got a couple of hand towels and a small tin of Bag Balm and used a little to grease Cass’s tight little hole.

Nick went right along with his master action for action. Nick watched Billy start to finger fuck Cass and Nick started doing the same for Poly. The twins were in ecstasy. After fucking Cass for a few minutes, Billy leaned over and took his ample halfling cock into his mouth and started sucking him. It didn’t take Billy and Nick long before the twins grabbed them by their heads and yelled 'Hosanna’ when they shot their loads. Nick forgot what Billy told him about the Hosanna cakes. His first taste of Poly’s gizz, his face lit up, and he sucked harder to get more from the small man. After Billy received his treat from Cass he yelled, “Hosanna!” and Nick replied, “Hosanna in the highest!” they laughed together. “I thought you’s kidding about them hosanna cakes,” Nick said.

“Let that be a lesson to you, Pa. Your boy won’t never lie to you,” Billy said.

“I didn’t mean it that way, Son. I jes’ thought you’s bullshit’n me,” he said.

“I suppose the proof is in the pudding,” Billy said wickedly.

“Cain’t gainsay that, Master,” Nick said, and they shared another laugh.

Billy got the halflings cleaned up, and saw them to the loft in the barn. They climbed the ladder, and got into their sleeping bags. Boomer woke just enough to know they joined him, wrapped a huge arm around each one, and pulled them close. The twins were in heaven sleeping in the arms of their giant hairy brother. Boomer was his own heat engine and kept the twins toasty all night.

Billy returned from the Barn to find Nick morphed into the big red devil like he was the night before. He looked spectacular and sexy as hell. He smiled and opened his arms for Billy to come to him. He was about a third again bigger than he was as a messenger and he made Billy feel like a much younger boy. They kissed and Billy got roaring hard. The demon and his surrogate son sat in front of the warm fire under the blanket for sometime with Nick holding Billy and stealing a kiss from time to time.

“Something bothering you, Son?” Nick asked in his deep devil voice.

“No, not at all. I ain’t got me a care in the world right at this moment, and my heart is at peace. While I was walking back from the barn it occurred to me, I couldn’t feel my wings no more. It’s like they’s light as a feather now. It was like a great weight was lifted from me, and it felt wonderful. Sort of like when I take off them heavy buckaroo boots in the e’nin, and my feet feet lighter that air. I guess it was the thought of just sitting here, safe, in the big arms of my hot demon dad, warm in front of the fire, being able to let everything go and relax, what done it,” Billy said.

Nick stole a kiss and pulled him tighter, “I don’t mean to bust your bubble, Son, but that ain’t what done it. It’s the the feeling you get when your body fully accepts the changes the Irin made, and your wings are now a complete part of you. It’s been almost twenty-four hours, but since you’s so young, it probably happened faster than usual. You can morph them away now, if’n you like. It probably would be more comfortable sleeping without them,” Nick said.

“How do I do that, Pa?” Billy asked.

“Similar to jumping, but you just sort of rearrange the furniture. That’s how I think on it when I put mine away for a while, and change into yore’ favorite super hero demon dad from the realm of Hades,” he said dramatically. Nick got a laugh out of his young cowboy master.

“You are a super hero, Demon Dad. You’s my very special hero. So can my demon dad teach me to morph my wings?” Billy asked.

“I think that’s part of why we’s together. They’s a lot of things you need to learn and powers you don’t know about you got to learn how to use and control. I thought you was sent to help me, but everyday it becomes more clear, I got it backwards. I was sent to help you. You’s the man here, Son. I’m your humble slave, messenger, protector, teacher, and dad -- oh, yes, and your release valve. You won’t never find no better fuck than me on either end,” Nick bragged, and grinned wickedly. He looked wicked anyway, but the extra bit of wicked made him wonderfully wicked.

“Let’s see if’n we can get your wings to go away, Son,” Nick suggested, “Link your mind with mine again,” he said.

Billy did and saw large piles of love sitting around. He never saw a physical manifestation of love before. It looked like a shit load of whipping cream like the huge bowls his grandma made at Thanksgiving and Christmas for a dessert topping. Billy could never get enough of either -- whipped cream or love. He had no idea love could look so inviting. << That’s all for you, Son, >> Nick sent to him.

<< That’s a shit load of love, Pa. Makes me wanna’ run, jump in it, roll around, and get it all over me, >> Billy sent back.

<< I know, love has that affect on people. I had to build an extra room just for my love for you. It just keeps building up, Kemosabe. There’s so much it’s almost moved all them other free-load’n bad boys out. Religion; blind faith; addictions; and them conservative sisters, bigotry, racism, hatred, envy, mendacity, laziness, smug arrogant ignorance, and several other off spring of that nasty clan are all sharing the swing on the back porch freezing their butts off, >> Nick sent and laughed. Even Samson and Maybelle laughed at that one. << Now clear that cogent mind of yours, and take my mental hand -- here, >> Nick offered.

A giant hand appeared in Billy’s head, and he looked down and saw his own hand. He placed it in Nick’s, and found himself floating in a nether region. << Now just let your wings detach. That’s it!  Now float them away from your body into this space -- easy, >> he instructed Billy, << See that white pair lying there. Them’s mine. Just let yours gently settle down next to them. That’s it! That’s it! Slowly now. That’s right. There, you’re done. Your wings are gone. Open your eyes, Son, >> Nick sent.

Billy opened his eyes, and he could feel his wings were gone. He stood and walked to the tall mirror next to the bed, but he saw no wings. They were gone. He returned, hugged, and kissed his demon dad. “Thanks, Nick. Will I get good enough to call or remove them at a moments notice?” Billy asked.

“Sure. They’s always with you. After you do it a couple of times, it’ll be like grab’n your coat from the hall closet. They’re just slightly shifted into another dimension; the same dimension where we got chore’ gold stored, but if we take it to the ship tomorrow we won’t have to worry none about it,” Nick said.

“Good idea, Pa. Have you thought what you might like for your first e’nin as my slave. It’s demon dad’s choice night at the cabin,” Billy said.

“Yeah, I thought about it while you were husbanding our beast. Your demon dad wants to take care of his boy tonight. You took care of me last night. You look after and take care of everyone of your family like each is as important as the next. Last night was one of the finest nights I ever done spent with anyone, anywhere,” Nick said, “and tonight, I’d like to return the favor.”

“With herbs or without?” Billy asked.

“With, I think. We seemed to enjoy them last night. Let’s see where they take us tonight,” Nick replied.

“I’s hoping you might. I agree. Hank calls 'em enhancements, and I think that’s the perfect word for 'em. First thing I’m gonna’ do is build him and Buck a greenhouse devoted to growing only them herbs. I see a potential fortune to be made in them. They don’t seem to be physically addictive and there’s no hangover from them. Well, there might be a small addiction, 'cause we want to try them again,” Billy conceded.

“Wanting to be enhanced and needing to be are two different things. A singer can sing to a large audience better if their voice is enhanced by electronics,” Nick said.

“You’re right, Pa,” Billy said.

“Of course I’m right. I’m yore’ pa,” Nick said with confidence, grinned, and laughed at the look on Billy’s face.

“Will you make the coffee while I clean myself?” Billy asked.

“Be proud to, Son,” Nick replied and headed for the kitchen.

Billy took off for the bathroom, but soon returned with the small packet of herbs. “Don’t add these until the coffee’s set aside for at least ten minutes, Tonto,” Billy instructed.

“I should be able to handle it,” Nick said, and grinned.

Billy took one final look at his red demon standing in the nude in the kitchen, and wondered if he died and went to heaven -- or hell -- or perhaps, a heavenly hell? You want fries with that big piece of heaven, sir? ‘What the fuck,’ he thought, 'one man’s heaven is probably another man’s hell and vice versa. I’m just damn lucky to find both wrapped up in a fallen angel.’ Nick looked up, right at that moment, and laughed. He was listening. “The quicker you get in there and clean yore’self the sooner yore’ hellacious angelic demon can take you to the gates of heaven, Son,” Nick said. Billy blushed.

It didn’t take Billy nearly as long as the previous night, and he was clean and lubed like a new Peterbuilt what just rolled off the showroom floor. As a matter of fact, Billy was sure his fine, tight young cowboy ass was built just for Nick’s big peter. Billy returned to the hearth. Nick raised the comforter for him and Billy snuggled up next to his big demon dad. Nick handed him his cup of coffee and they relaxed together; talking of nothing in particular; of nothing at all. When they finished their first cup of coffee Billy found Nick’s mouth and brushed his lips against his demon dad’s rough ones. Nick didn’t hesitate. He was hungry, and they embraced in a deep loving kiss. They finally parted and Nick said, “Shit!” like he was disgusted.

“What’s sa’ matter, Pa?” Billy asked.

“What the hell am I gonna’ do with all this extra love? I got store rooms full of it right now,” he said in mock seriousness.

Billy giggled, “Could we market it, Pa?” he asked.

“Not too damn likely,” Nick replied and laughed, “I guess I’ll have to make room. Ah well, it means them bad boys will just have to be homeless on the streets,” he declared, “They weren’t good company anyway. They’s all the time bitch’n and moan’n they didn’t have no freedom, or they’s being persecuted,” Nick said.

“Too bad we couldn’t take your ship, and push it out the hatch as we fly over, so’s ever’body could share in the wealth, Pa. It don’t seem right somehow, you and I should hoard all the love,” Billy said.

“Another cup, Son?” Nick asked.

“Sure, you get the coffee, and I’ll check the fridge. I think we got a couple a them Hosanna cakes left. May as well eat ‘em up. Another day and they’ll spoil,” Billy replied.

“They drank more coffee, and cried ‘hosanna’ to each other when they ate the last two cakes. Billy could swear the herbs were coming on stronger this time. Maybe they built up in your system if you took them several days in a row? He wondered. He’d have to talk with Hank and Buck about it. He was feeling so relaxed, and he could tell Nick was, too. They didn’t talk much. They were content to enjoy each other’s company in silence. Billy’s mind began to free associate, but his lust for Nick in his demon persona overcame his mind skipping through the poppy patch routine. He wasn’t much into poppy fields or yellow brick roads. Hell, he didn’t even own a pair of ruby-grapefruit flavored buckaroo boots.

Almost like there was a switch thrown between them, they knew the very moment when both their bodies felt the powerful draw, a deep seated need to conjoin as one like two animals in rut, so the demon could sow his seed deep within his cowboy’s gut. There was no need for words. Nick knew, for him to give Billy what he wanted, he would have to take from him what he needed, and just a bit more to make the period stick at the end of the sentence, and not drop off the page -- or colors run together, like the image of persistent memory, time wasted, hanging limp and dead over the branch of a lifeless tree. Billy’s mind rambled on from the influence of the herbs.

When Nick took his young human master’s body, Billy responded like he was his demon slave’s personal fuck station in which to dock his huge cock, graciously inviting him in to pull up a chair, and make his’self to home. Billy mentally strapped himself in for the ride, which, along with them wonderful herbs-from-space, promised to open him to an experience of damn-near biblical proportions. His demon dad docked his cock, he did -- clap, clap, clap -- deep in his ass in Texas. How deep? So far up his young cowboy butt Billy wondered if it might sprout roots. He was hoping it would and grow into a strong and mighty Oak with lots of branches and sweet idiosyncratic eggcorns for the deer.  

Billy thanked the ancients his demon dad didn’t suffer genital mutilation, and his cock was not docked. A hick or addicted docker was the catch phrase which passed through Billy’s slipstream of consciousness as his old windup mantel clock began to strike the midnight hour amid, and on his tongue, the taste was tart of all he ever did. Jesus H. Christ where did that come from? Left field, perhaps? The herbs were peaking, speaking their influence to his psyche -- his mind, not unlike butterflies, kept tumbling ideas through his head like a runaway clothes dryer; although, at that moment he couldn’t be sure of anything. Billy was hoping a white rabbit with a waist coat and a pocket watch would not come hopping by. ‘Hoping not hopping,’ he reminded himself.

Twelve bells sounding, with demon cock a pounding, Nick took a long, deep stroke into Billy’s ass with his enormous steaming red hot cock on the clock’s striking of each hour, until all twelve in succession were sounded as Teufel worked to gain the power, to create stars without number within a stellar tower. Save the universe; fuck a little, fuck a lot. It’s all for a good cause. Screw the cowbell, we need more stars. Demon dad and cowboy son were surely working hard to do their part for celestial conservation and come, what may, they would ring their chimes together.

Billy experienced revelations and learned the truth, the secret of the twelve tribes was not as written; they went ‘round and ‘round for forty years, presumed lost in a low rent piece of real estate, with only bread to eat which fell from the sky at dawn? Neat! Really? Meanwhile, as the masked man bit the silver bullet and Tonto fucked him harder, we take you back to the real world for a word from our sponsor -- and to order our secret decoder ring send twenty-five cents to Battle Creek, Michigan with two Post Toasties boxtops or a reasonable facsimile thereof. Now, back to our story: Tonto was making an assault on Kemosabe’s ass like Pharaoh’s army chasing the Jews as they headed into the bed of the Red Sea for a leisurely but fashionable flash mob, mud bath, and gang bang party.

Yea, while amusing Billy’s rosebud as he may, his demon dad fed Billy’s second mouth a good strong hardy meal with a solid chunk of lean red meat, and filled his body with its goodness, his approval, his masculinity, with the promise of seed for his son’s garden of earthly delights he planned to build within his wasteland. Upon the stroke of midnight new, the devil’s large black testicles grew, danced a heated pas-de-deux, churning up a comely demon’s brew, which melted into Billy’s cowboy body like a sacred morning dew. A sordid scribe did plainly write, long beard flowing white, he muttered, “the rest is up to you.”

Billy wondered if Jehovah would have done the same for his only son? A good hot righteous godly butt fucking would have been better than crucifying the boy. Sociopaths have problems with commitments. They make great promises, but are never there when you need them. Perhaps that’s why he allowed Jesus to die in such a horrible and perverse manner. Maybe Jehovah found out the boy really did love Peter best. It's not so far fetched. If you can swallow virgin births and coming back to life after you're dead, a gay Jesus ain't so hard to fathom. After all, many modern day cafeteria Christianist, those who pick an choose scripture as they please, believe it’s okay to kill their own kids if they find out they’re queer, which can only be a reflection of their evil genocidal baby killing god.

Momma don’t allow no cocksuck’n ‘round here. No, sir‘ree! Why, it’s common knowledge. Ever’body knows there’s a big sign on them pearly gates, ‘No homos allowed! No exceptions! Suck a cock, go straight to Hell!’ Or as straight as possible. Butch it up a bit, Nancy boy. Better yet, just stay in your closet with the door closed, and us righteous, god-fear’n Bubbas will be happy. If we can live in closets, so can you. Out of sight, out of mind. How dare you demand equal rights? It says rye-cheer in the good book, some of us are more equal than others. Don’t matter none what Jesus said. We get to pick and choose the parts we like best from the old testicle. And them parts tell us what you do with your parts is an abomination, which makes it okay for us to rob you of your civil rights. If the bible says it, I believe it, end of discussion.

With Nick, Billy knew he would never have to cry out, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' Billy’s demon may have been the devil incarnate, somewhat rough around the edges perhaps, but he knew how to be a good and caring dad. Nick made sure his son’s star-bell rang at the same time as his own with Billy erupting into his star espangished cowboy bandanna -- don’t cha’ know -- mixed with fireworks stronger than those spewed on the fourth from one too many centuries of Julys, all came together in the end. Satan’s big bang was accomplished as Nick exploded his hot demon seed into Billy’s warm inviting gut. Deep in the heart of the New Republic of Texas, the Lone Star State of Jesusland, deeper still within his young cowboy master’s velvety soft accommodating rectum, Billy’s devoted, but slightly less than wholly demon dad, done went and bred his beloved cowboy son. And as the twelfth bell rang out and faded away, another star was born in the Dirty Old Dragon nebula. Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!

* * * * * * *
Billy set his alarm clock for five A.M. Cowboys are used to starting their days early. Not only did the herbs enhance your sexual experience, they acted like a great physical and psychic tranquilizer which aided and enhanced your sleep. He slept in Nick’s big arms all night, and felt refreshed as he got up to make coffee and see to the livestock. He decided to let Nick sleep in for a while almost until it was time for them to transport up to the main house to deliver the twins to his grandmother.
He cleaned Samson and Maybelle’s stalls and fed them. Samson wanted to know what the crazy thoughts were running through his rider’s head last night was all about. << It’s them herbs Hank and Buck brought with them from Retikki Prime, Sam. They sort of make my mind run wild and free, >> he sent to his owner.

<< We didn’t say nothing, but we were a bit concerned. Seemed like you were enjoying yourself, >> Sam said with a slight bit of friendly sarcasm.

<< I don’t think them advanced aliens could a’ picked no better dad for me, Sam, >> Billy said sincerely.

<< I agree. He comes on a mite strong at times. He’s got some rough edges what need a little polishing, but he’s an unfinished gemstone waiting for the right buckaroo to discover his worth. More importantly, he needs you, and you need him. Give him time. With you for a master, he’ll settle down to your saddle right nice like. You won’t even have to use a bit and bridle on him, >> Sam sent and chuffed a laugh.

Billy went in to clean Roz’s stall and feed her. He spoke to her quietly, “Good morning, Roz. How you doing this morning?” he asked.

“Fine, thanks, Master Billy. Sorry I soiled my stall last night, but nature called. I’m such an animal,” she lamented.

“And a very pretty one at that,” Billy assured her.

“I do have to say, I’ve always admired this breed of cattle, and find them quite handsome myself. I’m pleased to spend some time as one,” she said, “By the way, sir, I hope you don’t mind. Sometimes I tap into other’s thoughts. Last night I was bored, and I went roaming. Boomer and the halflings hadn’t reached REM sleep so their dreams weren’t interesting; sporadic bits and pieces -- unintelligible. I checked with my nearest brothers and sisters. They were mostly talking shop and boring gossip. Then I eavesdropped on your and Nick’s conversation, and figured I’d tandem your mind for a while. I’m glad I did. I stayed with you the whole evening, and was wowed by your herb induced rambling thoughts to say nothing of the fantastic feelings your big demon provided you,” she said.

Billy laughed. “What you’re doing for us? I don’t mind at all. Sam and Maybelle listen. You can hitch a ride anytime, pretty lady; although, I would think you might be put off by two males sharing love,” Billy said.

“Oh, no! Not in the least, Master Billy, in fact, after my ride with you last night, I’m envious I don’t have a penis or a prostate gland,” she said and giggled, “Those were some awesome feelings you were experiencing. Forget my request for poorly made porn videos. I’d much rather take a hitch-hike on Master Billy’s feel-a-vision. Once in a while, I would jump, and tap your demon slave. It looked to me like he was having way too much fun,” she broke into a laugh, “Not only was he enjoying himself to the max, he felt like he was in heaven riding in his master’s saddle. He loves to be in charge, and be your daddy. From what I can tell, he’s also very good at his job,” she said bluntly.

“I think Nick and I are a matched pair, Roz. He needs someone to love and trust him, and I won’t deny, I need a daddy. Other than my granddad, who died eight years ago, I ain’t never had me a real dad. Your people and Boomer’s people know that, and it t’weren’t no accident they got us together. We ain’t been bonded long, we’re still learning each other, but I ain’t never experience anything like I done with Nick,” Billy confided in her, “Of course, as your master, I will expect you to be discrete with what I share with you,” Billy said, and smiled as he petted her.

“You can count on it, Master Billy. You’re kind enough to allow me to piggy-back, you have my solemn vow I will never discuss it with anyone other than your owner and his mate,” she said.

“Boomer and Maybelle are fine. Glad we have an understanding. I plan to get you some entertainment in here as soon as possible,” Billy assured her.

“No rush. I think traffic is going to be heavy around here anyway,” she said.   

Billy fed and petted her for a bit. His moving about and talking quietly to Roz woke Boomer. He managed to ease himself away from his little brothers, and he climbed down from the loft. Billy held his arms open for him. They embraced, and shared a good morning kiss. Billy didn’t seem to be in a hurry to part, and held his big hairy monster for a minute. “You sleep well, number one?” Billy asked quietly.

“I aways do after you husband me, Master Billy. I was out for the night. I woke one time when my teats were hurt’n, but I hooked up a halfling to each tit and told them to suck. They drank until their poor little bellies swelled up. My milk makes them sleep good. They’s still asleep up there,” Boomer replied.

“Let’s go in the cabin and leave them alone for a while. I’ll get them up shortly before we have to leave for the big house. We got about an hour. Grandma don’t come down to the kitchen ‘til six. I love you, Boom,” Billy said and stole another kiss.

“I love you, too, Master Billy,” Boomer said.

Billy took his big paw in his hand, “Come, let’s go into the cabin,” he said.   

They walked into the cabin and Billy was surprised to find Nick up, fully dressed, and making a pot of coffee. “I was gonna’ let you sleep for a few more minutes,” Billy said.

“I woke up while you were taking care of Sam and Maybelle, and watched you for a while. When you went in to take care of Roz, I got dressed. A slave shouldn’t lie around in bed when his master is already up and starting his day,” Nick said sincerely.

“No, but once in a while, my demon dad might,” Billy said, and smiled, “Especially one as good as you were last night. Are you going without your wings today?” Billy asked.

“I thought I might, unless you want me to wear them,” Nick replied.

“We can get them from anywhere we are, can’t we?” Billy asked.

“Yes, wherever we go, they’re within access. Same with your gold. All we have to do I transport to my ship, and we can recall it from there and store it,” Nick replied.

“Cool,” Billy said.

“Boomer, I don’t have anything to offer you but coffee. Would you like some?” Billy asked.

“Thanks, but no, Master Billy, I’ll wait ‘til we transport to the ranch house for breakfast. I like Mistress Kate’s cooking,” Boomer replied.

Billy and Nick had a cup of coffee, talked about the day, and what they might get done. It was Friday, the day of the Mega Lotto that evening. Billy wanted to get his gold secured on Nick’s ship. He figured with Nick’s financial help he could make do until some of the other things could come about. He was beginning to see how everything was coming together. After they drank a couple of cups of coffee with a bit more conversation, it was getting on toward five thirty and Billy asked Boomer if he would wake and round up the halflings. Sometimes they acted like zombies until they got up to speed. Billy found one cup of coffee shared by them would have them bright eyed and bushy tailed in no time.

Boomer physically carried the twins in. They were dressed but still groggy from a hard sleep. Billy had Nick pour a cup of coffee for them. Billy added a teaspoon of sugar and walked over to Boomer, sucked on his right teat until he gathered a mouthful of heavy cream, and spit it into the cup. He stirred it and handed it to Cass. The twins didn’t complain about the fresh cream. It tasted wonderful to them. Billy remembered the night he and Boomer spent on Retikki Prime when he gorged himself on his monster’s milk and slept the most peaceful and deep sleep he experienced in years. Nick’s fuck the night before with the herbs did it for him, too. He felt fortunate to have four such fine slaves.

* * * * * * *
Kate walked into her kitchen and flipped the light switch. It seemed for a second they were brighter than usual, then she heard laughter coming for the living room, followed by a couple of pair of small buckaroo boots clomping down the wooden floor of the hallway, and a big grinned crossed her face. She loved people to keep their word and be prompt. She was proud of Billy. She trained her grandson well. Cass and Poly came into the kitchen with their arms open. She gave each a hug and a kiss good morning, and they set to work getting things ready for breakfast for the men. Nathan came in from the back porch, as Billy, his number one, and his partner, came in the other door.

Nathan got up early and went to the barn to tend the livestock, and threw some more hay around for the cattle. They other four cowboys, Hank, Buck, Clyde, and Andy, joined them and took a seat around the table. The twins got them coffee and set it before them on the table. Hank and Buck volunteered to help, but Kate said she thought she had enough hands to get breakfast. Besides, it was Friday morning, and there was no rush. Clyde wasn’t wearing his wings again this morning. Billy made a mental note to ask Nick how long they could go before having to wing-up again.

<< Depending on the strength of the messenger and his state of health, he can go a couple of weeks or more, but since they’s so readily available, a few hours reattached will last another couple of weeks, >> Nick replied, and grinned at his master. Billy smiled and nodded.  

Kate’s cell phone rang. “Hello,” she answered. A big smile crossed her face as she listened. “Well, you’re certainly welcome. We always enjoy having you and Moss over anytime you can get away. Ya’ll got a busy day planned?” she asked. There was a brief pause. “Then get your butts in the truck, drive over, and join us for breakfast. I got a feeling things are going to start happening around here this morning, and you wouldn’t want to miss it,” Kate said and giggled. She paused for a bit more. “Nonsense, she said. I won’t hear it. We’ll be waiting for you,” she said firmly, said ‘goodbye,’ and clicked off her phone.

Archie and Edith came into the kitchen, said good morning to everyone, and after a hug and a kiss from their master, assumed their positions at their usual work stations. Kate was like a fine symphony conductor, and put anyone to work who expressed an interest in helping. They ran out of coffee, but Hank got up and fixed another pot. The men talked, and by the time the coffee finished making, Tron and Moss arrived, and walked into the kitchen. There were more hugs, handshakes, and pats on the back, but no overt displays of emotions. Tron was solidly back into his strong, stoic, cowboy mode; much to his son’s grinning delight. Moss’s eyes sparkled with mischief. Billy could tell, he couldn’t wait to get Billy off by himself to talk, but he maintained his calm.  

Breakfast was wonderful and everyone seemed relaxed and enjoying themselves when they heard heavy boots on the front porch. Someone pressed the doorbell by the front door. It was a special doorbell Daw’s had installed as a birthday surprise for Kate one year. The chimes played the eighteenth variation of Rachmaninoff’s “Variations on a theme of Paganini.” Kate loved it. Not for the music so much as for Daw’s love and thoughtfulness. Actually, she thought it a bit over-the-top, would cringe inside, and giggle secretly every time it rang.

Nathan, being the man of the house, got up and went to the door. What he saw outside stunned him. There were vehicles of all kinds and several eighteen wheelers with huge, wide-load cargo trailers with what looked like a Caterpillar bulldozer and an enormous backhoe sitting on them. Another had the biggest John Deere tractor with all kinds of attachments, and several more farm and ranch machines. There was an even dozen vehicles. Nathan believed Billy, but he forgot the part where Billy told him not to be surprised and to expect anything. The Grigori didn’t think small.

Nathan guesstimated there had to be over a million dollars in vehicles, farm, and ranch machines lining the road and compound in front of the ranch house. There was one lead truck with flashing lights and a huge sign across the top which read: Wide Load, and in the distance Nathan could see another with the same sign bringing up the rear. The two men standing on the porch were huge. They were dressed in expensive Western clothes with hat and boots. The first man was big, but the man behind him was a giant. He looked like could rival Boomer in size. Nathan thought he also had to be one of the finest looking cowboys he’d ever seen.

“Are you Billy Daniels, sir?” he asked.

“No, I’m his uncle. I’m Nathan Daniels. Just a minute, and I’ll get Billy for you,” he said. Nathan turned and walked back to the kitchen. His face was ashen white when he walked through the door. "Billy y’ain’t gonna’ believe what’s out front, Son,” Nathan said quietly like he was in shock.

“If it’s the delivery of our vehicles, Uncle Nate, I would believe anything. Them Grigori don’t think small. How many?” Billy asked, grinned, and braced himself.

“Only a dozen various vehicles, farm, and ranch machines,” Nathan replied.

“Damn, is that all they could afford?” Billy asked, and broke up laughing.

“They’s asking for you, Son,” Nathan said.

“Nick, I want you and Clyde with me. Check their thoughts. I want to know if they lie to me,” Billy said and continued, “Moss you’re by my side. Today you go to work. You get to jump in with both boots. Baptism by fire, big brother. Uncle Nate, you and Mr. Garrett back up us younger men. The rest stay here and relax,” Billy said, and smiled at his family.

Billy and his posse made a formidable noise with six big men clomping down the wood floor of the hallway in their heavy buckaroo boots. Billy got a good look at the two big men and the first one looked shifty, but the second was a drop dead gorgeous hunk of cowboy flesh. Why, did he have to be so damn good looking? Billy stuck out his hand, and the first man shook hands with him. “I’m Billy Daniels, gentlemen. Welcome to the D. B. Daniels’ ranch.

“Good to meet you, sir, my name is Orville Higgenbothem, and this big cowboy behind me is my partner, Enoch Redbone. We got a delivery of twelve various vehicles and ranch machines. We need your signature that you received them in good condition,” he handed Billy a clip board with what looked like a typed agreement with no listing of the vehicles or sales contracts, “But before we unload, we need ten thousand dollars cash from you for delivery fees,” he said without flinching. Billy smiled, took the board from him, and took his time to read the paper before him. He was right. It was a fabrication. << He’s lying, Master Billy, >> he heard Nick say.

<< I confirm what my bother said, Master Billy, >> he heard from Clyde.

“Well, gentlemen, first of all, I don’t have ten thousand dollars lying around the house. What man does? I suppose we could raid my grandma’s butter and egg money jar and check behind the couches for loose change, but I’m sure it wouldn’t come to that amount. Furthermore, I won’t sign anything until each vehicle is gone over by my staff, and the larger machines are off loaded. You might damage one while unloading and have to take it back for repairs,” Billy said in a firm, no nonsense voice dripping with authority.

“How old are you, Son? Ain’t you just a mite young to be in charge around here?” Orville asked squinting one eye.

<< Intimidation, Son, hold strong. Don’t let him bamboozle you. You’re on the right track, >> Nick sent.

“Old enough to know, only a rude or very ignorant man would dare ask such a question with the amount of money that delivery out there represents. With one phone call, I can have the sale cancelled. What name you got on the delivery order, Orville?” Billy asked raising his voice and dropping his respect by using the man’s first name to check his attempt at intimidation with rudeness.

“Billy Daniels,” he replied.

“Then they must be for me, ‘cause I’m the only Billy Daniels here, Son,” Billy further checked him by not acknowledging he was considerably older than Billy.

<< Good one, Master Billy, >> he heard Clyde chuckle.

<< Bite his leg, Kemosabe, >> Nick sent. Billy almost had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing.   

 “Where’s the sales contracts and pink slips on the vehicles, Orville?” Billy asked.

“Those will be sent to you by registered mail,” Orville replied.

“Like Hell they will. I may be young, but I ain't naive. Whoever heard of taking possession of a new vehicle what's fully paid for without getting the pink slip then and there? That's pure unadulterated bullshit,” Billy said, “let me make it perfectly clear for you, Orville, I won’t accept anything without sales contracts and proper paperwork on every machine. It’s been real good to meet you gentlemen, especially you Mr. Redbone, but I’m afraid you’ll have to turn around and take everything back. In the meantime, I’ll contact the buyers of these machines, and have them cancel the orders. I’ll have them buy from another company who will send out men who believe in honest business practices, mature enough, and professional enough to know what they’re doing, who won’t try to bamboozle a young cowboy. Good day, Gentlemen,” Billy said.

Enoch Redbone got a disgusted look on his face, and the look on Orville Higgenbothem's face looked like someone just drank his milkshake. “Sorry you feel that way, Son,” Orville said like a rejected suitor.

“You should feel sorry, Orville. Your little stunt backfired. It will cost you more in the long run than ten thousand dollars. And, by the way, don’t chu’ never call me your ‘son’ again. My daddy was a fine cowboy, a hard working, honest man. He lived by the code of the West. He believed in the cowboy way, and you ain’t worthy enough to lick the cow flop off'n his boots,” Billy said without nuance, “Now, get the fuck out of our house, off'n our gotdamn property, and don't let the front gate hit chu' in the butt on yore' way out,” Billy commanded.

Orville turned and motioned for his partner to follow him. He walked to the door, but his giant companion hesitated. He didn’t immediately follow. Enoch looked Billy in the eye with the saddest most forlorn look, and Billy heard in his head, << I’m so sorry, Mr. Daniels. I’m ashamed and embarrassed. I wasn't told about this. >>

Billy smiled and nodded he understood. Enoch turned and followed his partner out the door and carefully closed it behind him. As they walked down the front steps Billy’s posse was all over him, patting him on the back, and congratulating him on standing up to the would be con artist.

“Nick, I swear I’m gonna’ take my belt to you,” Billy said, and laughed as he put his arm around his slave and pulled him close.

Nick got a huge grin on his face, “It was worth every stripe, my good master,” he said.

Clyde told everyone what Nick told Billy to do. They fell out laughing, and gave Nick a pat on the back. “Oh, Lord, don’t encourage him,” Billy pleaded, and it only made them laugh harder.

“What happens now, Son?” Tron asked.

“They ain’t going nowheres, Mr. Garrett. They’ll be back, and they’ll be ready to eat a very large portion of humble pie on our front porch,” Billy replied, "If'n they do, and I get everything I want without paying a dime in delivery fees, I'll be magnanamous and gracious. I feel so damn sorry for that good looking giant cowboy, though. His heart ain’t in this deception, I can tell,” Billy lamented.

“Me, too,” Moss agreed.

“Me, three. ‘T’weren’t Enoch’s idea. I don't think he even knew about it,” Clyde said.

“Hell, we might as well make it newnanimous,” Nathan said, “any man here what don’t agree?” he asked. No one held up their hand. “Done! The aye's have it!” Nathan exclaimed in triumph. “Poor man,” he added and shook his head.  

End of Chapter 10 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf   
All Rights Reserved ~
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 11

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