Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Jun 1, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 14

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 14

There is a thin line between Genius and Madness: I have erased this line." ~ Oscar Levant

“Have you played the twins a recording of the Bach D minor double concerto, Grandma?” Billy asked.

“No. I wanted them to try to learn it from the printed music. They’re like musical Zerox machines. What they hear they can duplicate perfectly, and it doesn’t matter which part. They can switch out and play the opposite part as correctly as the other. I wanted them to get used to the idea they have more room for interpretation than what they hear from others. I want them to learn the phrasing and articulation markings in the music as a guide to interpretation so they might develop their own unique approach to the music,” Kate replied, “I don’t want to hear a live performance of a recorded concerto. It smacks too much of a prodigy approach -- monkey see, monkey do. I want to hear a new interpretation by two extremely talented young men, and for that, they have to work for it and make the piece their own,” she added.

“Fair enough. I agree with you completely. We’ll work with your ideas, and I’ll help them with the musical markings,” Billy said.

The twins returned with their violins still in the case, and if they morphed into dogs, they would be wagging their tails. They were thrilled to be getting to play with their master and to learn a new piece of music under his tutelage. Billy took them to the ballroom and uncovered the grand piano. He told the twins to get out their fiddles. Billy showed them where extra music stands were stored, and they brought them out and set them in front of the piano. They got their music ready, and Billy got his orchestral transcription ready. He played them a bit of the beginning to show them the tempo he wanted to try. It was a bit slower than full tempo, but he wanted to hear every note for correctness and phrasing.

He counted to three and they began. The twins kept up their part and were playing quite well. They weren’t even bothered when some of the folks came in, got chairs out of the storage room, and sat down to listen. Billy wasn’t bothered by them either. Every now and then he would stop Cass and Poly, compliment them on a phrase, and then ask them to try it another way. They repeated the same phrase several times, but Billy just couldn’t seem to get across what he wanted. He got up and held his hands out for Poly to give him his fiddle. The halfling gave it to him without question.

“Listen, to me play this phrase the way you’re playing it, Brother,” Billy said and motioned for Cass to start. Billy played it exactly the way Poly was making the answer to the contrapuntal question. “Not like that, Son. This is your moment to shine. Don’t back off from it like receding echo. This piece is give and take; call and response; question and answer; a game of tag; one plays the challenge and you answer it. Don’t be shy or hold back, let your instrument take wing and sing. Now Cass!” Billy ordered and Cass began again. Billy joined him, but this time he answered the question fully and with greatly controlled articulation like he was a violin master himself. The folks sitting in the back of the ballroom were astonished by his talent. They began to applaud, but Billy raised his hand. “Thanks, but this is just practice. When we finish, we’ll play the piece all the way through. Then, if it meets with your approval, it will be the time for applause,” he said.

The twins learned what Billy wanted and expected from them on the first movement pretty quickly as they previously played it with Mistress Kate during one of their sessions together. The slow movement wasn’t so difficult, but they were playing it much too boldly, ruining the tenderness of the melody. “Look, men, it’s easy. It’s a totally different feel from the first movement. It’s a soft lullaby, like a mother might sing to her baby while rocking him to sleep in her arms. Each turn of the phrase is passed back and forth and should be as sweet as you can make it. Make it your own brotherly love song for each other. Call to your brother with the melody and express how much you love and even lust for him, and he will answer your love call with the same tenderness. There’s room in music for thoughts of sharing a peaceful and relaxed moment of love making,” Billy explained. They started again and played it so sweetly it brought tears to Billy’s eyes, and by the time they finished the practice of the slow moment, the three were emotionally drained, but like good musicians, they trudged on.

The last movement Billy told them should be played like their asses were on fire, and they were running from the flames. In Billy’s opinion, most performers play it too slow, and if the articulation isn’t crisp, it gets muddled. Billy explained, to please their master, this piece must be played full-out from beginning to end very similar to the gigue from the third Brandenburg. Billy’s comment registered loud and clear for Cass and Poly, and with a very few interruptions for phrasing, Billy was satisfied they could perform the last movement of the concerto passably. It would take time and numerous playings, but they would mature with it, and Billy could only imagine the thrill of hearing his slaves, his beloved halflings, playing to a full audience. As it was, the entire household came into the ballroom for the final read through. Billy called Poly and Cass to him and enfolded them in his cowboy arms. “We can do this, Gentlemen. Let go of all thoughts of anything but the music. I know you can do it. I seen you do it many times and expect nothing less from you today. Are you ready?” Billy asked.

“We’re ready, Master Billy,” Cass replied.

“We won’t let you down, sir,”Poly replied.

“I know you won’t. I have faith in you. Let’s do it!” Billy exclaimed and stole a kiss from each twin.

Billy counted to three, and they started in to play. They played through the entire piece without a bobble, just as Billy taught them. It wasn't the strongest performance Billy ever heard, but it was way above average. For a first read through, it was pretty damn impressive by any standard. Billy was satisfied they would grow and mature with the piece. When they finished the final movement, their gathered audience erupted in applause, shouts, whistles, clapping of hands, and stomping of boots. They were more than a little impressed. Billy gave the twins full credit. It was their moment. They took their master’s hands, and the three of them bowed together. Kate was awestruck. She never heard Billy or the twins play so masterfully.

“Incredible!” Enoch said quietly.

Moss heard him and laughed. “You still got chore’ teeth, cowboy?” Moss asked.

“Yes, I think so, but now you mention it, I think they’s a mite loose,” Enoch responded and winked, “I’d give ever’thing I own if I could have a communication with someone like them three done while playing that music. It has to be the ultimate joining of souls,” he added.

“Not the ultimate, Cowboy, but damn close. I got me some other ideas we can work on together if’n you’s a mind to,” Moss said and grinned.

“Take me and show me, Brother. I’m putty in yore’ hands. I am a big lump of potter’s clay. Shape me, mold me, teach me to become yore’ man or the husband you need me to be,” Enoch begged.

“Y’ain’t never been with nobody?” Moss asked a little surprised.

“Naw, look at me. I’s too damn big. I’s afear’d a’ hurt’n somebody, but you’s damn near my size,” Enoch replied, “You ever been with anybody?” he asked.

“Naw, I was wait’n around hope’n Billy might notice me. I told ma’ dad a couple of nights ago I think I done waited too long. I should a’ made my move right after he turned eighteen. We’s been neighbors, good friends, and rope’n partners all our lives. I was six when he was born and always looked on him like he’s ma’ younger brother, but I fell in love with him when he become a young man. I’m still in love with him, but he done went and found a fallen angel to be his pa, his main man, and lover. I don’t see much room for me. How can a simple cowboy compete with an angel? I’s think’n about moving away until he offered me a job I couldn’t refuse, and now I’m in debt to him for a good ten months of work. I don’t mind. I get to live at home with my pa. Me’n my old man get along good together. We done worked through the father/son bit, he allowed me to grow up to become my own man, and we become buddies. Ain’t nothing we cain’t talk about with each other. Our place is right next to the Daniel’s ranch and almost as big land-wise,” Moss said.

“What would your daddy think about us bunk’n it in together?” Enoch asked.

“Well, considering he’s been knock’n boots with Billy’s Uncle Nathan since they discovered puberty together, he won’t have no problem with it. I got me a feeling he’s probably gonna’ invite Nathan to bunk it in with him this e’nin anyway. Since my ma passed away they become a regular thing with each other, and it’s only gonna’ grow stronger as time goes on. Besides, we got us a nice private cabin off’n the back of our old barn we keep up to rent out to deer hunters during hunt’n season. It’s got a big old bed in it -- big enough for two king size buckaroos,” Moss said.

“Sounds good to me, Moss, but I ain’t lying to you none, I don’t know nothing about how things is suppose to go. I’m afraid I’ll be as clumsy as an old bull in a china shop. All I know is I got me some strong feelings for you. I wanna’ hold you in my arms, swap a little spit, and fall in love with you,” Enoch allowed.

“Well, we can be clumsy together, make a little love, and talk about the first thing what pops up,” Moss said and grinned. “I don’t know much more’n you do, cowboy, so we’ll learn together. To ma’ way a’ think’n maybe that ain’t such a bad way to start a relationship,” he added.

The afternoon passed like a dream for Enoch and Moss. No one failed to notice they seemed to be inseparable. Billy played another couple of popular classical pieces for his family, and they were appreciative. Then he joined the twins and played an old fashion hoedown routine they worked up together. It was a real toe tapper, the cowboys got up and danced with each other, and got everyone in good spirits. Afterward, Kate told the twins to pack their fiddles, it was time to get into the kitchen and start getting some supper together for the crew. Everyone moved downstairs, and some gravitated to the parlor. The main line to the ranch rang, and as was his custom as head of the family and ranch, Nathan answered.

“Daniels’ ranch, Nathan Daniels speaking,” he said formally.

“Mr. Daniels, this is Tom McMartin calling to check on my cousin, Enoch. How’s he doing, sir?” he asked.  

“Well, considering he was doing a pert-durn good buck and wing about half an hour ago with our other cowboys listening to some down home Texas style country music, I’d say he’s coming along right fine,” Nathan replied, pouring on the cowboy hyperbole and Texas speak.

Nathan heard Tom McMartin laugh. “That’s good to hear, Mr. Daniels. We ain’t heard nothing from him and was wondering if you good folks would mind if me and my family drove up to the hill country to your ranch tomorrow to be with him for a while? It would be me, my wife, two young boys, eight and ten, and Enoch’s and my grandmother Zelma Jane Redbone,” he said.

“Not ‘the’ Zelma Jane Redbone?” Nathan asked and looked at his mother.

“Is there another, Mr. Daniels?” Tom replied.

“Probably not. Somehow, neither my mother nor I made the connection with Enoch. It’s a small world and gets smaller ever’ day, and this world is only big enough for one Zelma Redbone,” Nathan replied and the men shared a laughed.

“Amen to that! No argument on this end, sir,” Tom said and laughed again.

“Of course, no problem, we’ll be happy to see her again. Mrs. Redbone is always welcome at our ranch anytime she can get away. Hell, you’re all welcome. Come early and spend the day with us. We’ll count on you for Sunday dinner. We usually don’t start dinner until one o’clock so no need to rush,” Nathan said, “Would you like to speak with Enoch, Mr. McMartin?” he asked.

“Thank you, that would be very nice, sir, I’d appreciate it,” Tom replied.

Nathan handed the phone to Enoch. “Thank you, sir,” Enoch said to Nathan, “Hello, Tom,” he said to his cousin.

“I don’t know how you could be doing a buck and wing from them photos Billy Daniels e-mailed me. Your leg was a mess. You're lucky to be walking. I was sure you'd be on crutches. How is it possible, Bubba?” Tom asked his younger cousin calling him by his favorite nickname for Enoch. Neither one of them had any siblings so Tom easily slipped into the role of Enoch’s older brother when he came to live with his aunt, uncle, and cousin. Tom got his looks and genes from his mother’s side of the family, while Enoch was pure Redbone to the core. Zelma’s husband was rumored to be the biggest man in the state of Texas and his son and daughter were almost as big as him. Zelma Jean swore Enoch was several inches taller than her late husband.

“You wouldn’t believe me if’n I’s to tell you, Tom,” Enoch replied in answer to his cousin’s question, “I promise, I’ll explain everything when you get here. I overheard your conversation with Mr. Daniels. You coming by yourself or bringing the family?” he asked.

“I’m bringing my herd, and once’t our grandma got wind we’s planning on driving down to the hill country she announced we weren’t going without her. I told her you was fine, but you know how Grandma Redbone can be,” Tom said and laughed.

“Yes, she’s always in control, but I’m thankful for it. If not for her and your family, I wouldn’t a had no folks to call my own. Grandma come’n ain’t no problem a’ tall. I’ll be glad to see her, Abby, and the boys, too. I’ll look forward to seeing all ya’ll,” Enoch said. He was deeply moved his cousin and grandmother were coming to make sure he was all right and to see to his well being. They said their goodbyes and Enoch hung up the phone. He noticed Kate Daniels got up and left the room.

“Do ya’ll know my grandma, Mr. Daniels?” Enoch asked.

“We do, indeed, young man. A fine Texas women of breeding and quality. I ain’t seen her since I’s a teenager, but I’ll never forget the first time I met her and your granddad was when I was ten years old. She and him come to an organ concert here at the ranch when a famous French organist was visiting our country. Now it all makes sense. The pieces are coming together. You got chore’ granddaddy’s size and yore’ grandma’s good looks. Damnation, what a fine combination it turned out to be,” Nathan said and everyone agreed. Moss just grinned like a cat what was about to eat a very large canary.

Kate returned to the parlor with two large books which looked like storage albums. One was a guest registry and the other was a photo album. She motioned for Enoch to take the seat next to her. Kate thumbed through the registry and showed Enoch a big bold signature on one of the pages which read “Travis Houston and Zelma Jane Redbone.” Then she went through her photos and showed Enoch picture after picture of his granddad and his grandmother decked out in their finest formal evening wear. Of course, his granddad’s tux was a Western cut with yokes on the back, on the pockets, and flared legs to easily fit over his black handmade western boots. Kate shared a story with Enoch about his grandparents. Travis used to drive Zelma crazy because he always tucked both legs of his pants inside his boots. In those days it was a social custom among big money ranchers in Texas if you owned up to five hundred head of cattle you could stuff one leg of your pants down your boot, but if you owned more than five hundred, you could shove both pant legs down your boots. Old Travis reckoned since he owned the biggest cattle ranch in Texas he deserved to wear his pants any damn way he pleased.

“I don’t understand how I could have missed you being related to Travis and Zelma Redbone. My God, you look just like your granddaddy, except he always wore that huge full cowboy mustache. He was a giant, imposing, and handsome Texas cowboy, Enoch. You come from a good line of folks,” Kate allowed, “Your grandmother and I have been friends for years. I’ll let her tell you the story of how we became friends and come to know one another. No one tells a story with such detail and humor as Zelma Redbone. Because of the demands of owning a ranch, we only made it to Houston a couple of times, but each time your grandma wouldn’t hear of us staying in a motel or with relatives. We stayed in the biggest, grandest mansion in all of Houston. We wanted for nothing. All we had to do was whisper to each other about something, and a butler or a maid was there to see to our needs. They wined and dinned us, and it was the social event of the season to be invited to the opening of the Houston Philharmonic. Your grandmother was and still is the largest single contributer to the Philharmonic society and runs it like a benevolent monarch,” Kate praised his grandmother.   

Enoch was flabbergasted. He didn’t know what to think about the serendipitous discovery he had more in common with these folks than he might have imagined. Was Billy right? Was there a greater intelligence in the universe working to see things are guided in a certain way? He wasn’t thinking about mythical gods. After hearing about Billy’s run-in with two ancient advanced races of people, seeing how they enhanced him, visiting Nick’s ship with more strange critters than Darwin could imagine, hearing voices all his life which told him not to give up in the face of unspeakable personal tragedy, to persevere, and his patience and fortitude would one day pay off. It was finally beginning to come together into something of which he wasn’t afraid or unsure; something he could embrace and live his life as someone of worth and importance. Perhaps he could make a difference in a world gone mad with corporate greed and man-made cafeteria style religion. Enoch found himself becoming emotional and was embarrassed. He began to weep at the many pictures of his grandparents and Billy’s grandparents together. Moss was sitting next to him and dropped his huge arm around him and held him tight. No one said a word. Everyone in the room was with him in his moment of personal discovery.

“Do you think it might be why I feel so at home here, Mrs. Daniels?” he asked.

“Why, I’m sure of it, Enoch. There is absolutely no doubt in my mine,” she replied softly. “You belong here with us, and I promise you, your grandmother is coming to tell you the same thing -- mark my words,” Kate said firmly.

“I can almost feel my granddad in this house. He must have loved it here,” Enoch allowed.

“He did. The second time they came for a brief holiday and stayed for two weeks. We didn’t mind a bit. We loved their company. They would keep us entertained for hours with their wonderful stories and adventures while traveling the world -- places I dreamed about but never got to see. Your granddaddy would always say he missed the day to day routine of living on a working ranch and could come here where he wasn’t known, and no one tried to work him for political favors. He got up every morning before dawn and was in the saddle along side my husband Daws and his men. He would spend all day cowboying from sunup to sundown and come in just as dirty and hungry as the rest of our crew. Your grandmother and I would cook for them.

We had such wonderful times together and would listen to good music by the hour. I gave Zelma music lessons to give her the basic appreciation for the difficulty of learning an instrument. We became very close to each other that two weeks and tried to keep in touch over the years, but like everything in life, unless a garden is tended and encouraged to flower, it eventually withers and dies. We made great promises to get together again, but something would come up at the last minute on one end or the other, and we would have to postpone. Today I’m sorry for it, and I know your grandmother feels the same,” Kate said, “There’s more, Enoch, but I must speak with your grandmother before I tell you. It concerns a letter she sent me shortly after she lost her husband and your mother and father,” Kate added.

Enoch didn’t challenge Kate. He trusted her wisdom. Billy wondered why no one made the connection from the beginning. Nick reasoned it was because of all the commotion of the new machinery and the hyper amount of adrenalin pumped into everyone’s system over saving the big man’s life. While ‘Redbone’ was not a common name it became secondary to the excited protective mode everyone in the household exhibited while responding to a crisis. When Billy asked his grandmother, she told him his story was unfolding like the pages of a good novel should. They were not meant to make the connection until Enoch was safe.  

Over dinner Enoch kept looking at Billy and grinning real big. “If’n you see something you like, throw yore’ hat over it cowboy,” Billy shot across the table and smiled.

“My grandma’s gonna’ eat chu’ and yore’ boy band for lunch, Little Brother, and pick her teeth with a hair-bone,” Enoch said firmly then laughed.

Kate slapped her hands together and almost fell off her chair laughing. “I agree, Enoch. Knowing Zelma Redbone like I do, there won’t be a single crumb left,” Kate backed him up. They shared another laugh.

“I don’t know if that’s good or bad,” Billy said like he was unsure.

“It’s all good, Little Brother. She’ll find some way to finagle you and them talented little men under her protective wing to guide and nurture your musical career. She makes them impresarios of the nineteenth and twentieth century look like ticket hawkers at a carnival sideshow. She’s known all over the state as the Texas Twister Sister. No one or nothing can resist her force. Am I right, Ms. Kate?” Enoch said and grinned.

“She’s a handful, Enoch, but don’t underestimate my grandson. I tried to encourage his musical side, but he sees it only as a hobby, an escape, or a pressure release. His stubborn cowboy blood runs deep and strong from his great granddad, through his granddad, and most certainly from his father. Billy was made from the same stuff and whoever made the molds, they got such a good scald on the first take, decided to repeat it several more times. I can’t wait for the fifth incarnation of another Daniels cowboy,” Kate said and smiled at Roz.

“Won’t stop hurricane Zelma, Ms. Kate,” Enoch allowed, “She’ll find someway to work the angle,” Enoch said while serving himself another big helping of hot German potato salad. “She’ll charm you until she has you agreeing to things you never imagined you might. Why, I seen her walk right up to a two ton mean-eyed Brahma bull and have him eat’n out of her hand in five minutes. Despite her age, the woman is fearless,” Enoch bragged about his grandmother.

“I’ll look forward to meeting her,” Billy said.

“Billy, we need to drive into Fredericksburg to the H.E.B. and Walmart. We’re low on everything. Roz did a quick inventory yesterday, and we sat down together to compile a shopping list. We need everything and depending on what everyone wants for Sunday dinner we got to get that, too,” Kate said.

“Let’s go. We got plenty time before supper. Since we’re having brisket, can the cowboys and your helpers do the cooking?” Billy asked.

“Oh, yeah, Hank and Buck are like two mess sergeants. I have full trust in them to get the job done with no nonsense, and they clean up afterward. If anybody needs personal items now is the time to let Roz know. I’m taking her with me as my memory backup. You might as well come along, too, Dorcas and get used to the wild Texas lifestyle. We need four big cowboys for tote’n and a’ lifting. We’ll take Moss, Enoch, and Nick. Billy, you drive. You got any money in your pocket, Son?” Kate asked.

“Ten thousand. Is that enough or should I visit the safe?” Billy asked.

“Billy you shouldn’t be carrying that much money around with you,” Kate said nervously.

“Who’s gonna’ try’n rob me with Enoch, Moss, and my demon dad with us, Grandma?” Billy asked.

“Maybe you’re right. They are mighty intimidating. All right then, lets go,” she replied as she gathered her purse and put on a light sweater. She handed one to Roz and got one for Dorcas.

Billy decided to take the big van which had ample storage room in the back and would seat ten to twelve people comfortably. They first went to H.E.B. for a few things Kate couldn’t get at Walmart. They saved getting bulk items there. Since it was Sunday, Kate decided turkey and ham would meet most folks requirements, and it would be easier on her and her help. They had three carts full from H.E.B., but when they checked out at Walmart the only one not pushing a cart was Kate. She went through the store like a whirlwind throwing stuff in each cart like crazy. They made three lines to get through checkout quicker, and Billy went from one cashier to another to pay. Their bill at H.E.B. was a little over five hundred dollars, but at Walmart their total was close to two thousand; and there were no frill products; just basis food items. Kate was right to insist four stout cowboys accompany them. There was a lot of tote’n and a’ lifting.

While they were in the parking lot, a woman came out of the store with a baby in her arms and two small children walking beside her. They were walking slow because the little boy could barely walk from a rare form of Parkinson’s disease, and he had to hold his arms in front of him for balance to keep from falling. It took them some time. He kept looking at the cowboys, and his mother was obviously getting nervous. He wanted to go to them in the worst way, but she kept scolding him not to even think about it. She was pushing the cart and couldn’t handle a baby and him both. Billy spotted him, and on an impulse squatted down on his haunches. He opened his arms to the little boy. The kid’s face brighten with a huge smile and come hell or high water he was going to fill them big cowboy arms what were waiting for him. His mother shook her head and yelled his name, “Randy, come back! Leave those folks alone. They don’t have time for you!” she yelled.

Billy winked at her, smiled. “Any cowboy worth the name would have time for a fine looking buckaroo like Randy, Ma’am. Suffer the little children come unto me, Sister! Come to me, Randy!” Billy encouraged the boy.

“Oh, sweet Jesus!” Kate said quietly. “Hold onto your hats men this is about to be one of them times Enoch talked about this morning,” she added and laughed nervously.

Randy was almost to Billy, tripped, and lunged forward. Billy moved slightly forward, caught him up into his arm, stood, hugged, and kissed the boy on his cheek. “Good boy! Good for you, Randy, you done it all by yourself, Cowboy!” he exclaimed took his hat off and threw it as high in the sky as he could in celebration of the boy’s triumph. Suddenly, a light shown down through the clouds and settled right on Billy’s head and illuminated everything around him within a few feet. It was like a spotlight straight out of a Busby Berkley stage musical. Billy’s hair went crazy and looked like a haystack made of pure gold. Nick walked up behind him and put his right hand on Billy’s shoulder, his hair settled down, but Nick too began to be consumed within the light. The lady stood in stunned silence not knowing what to do. The light lasted only a few minutes and was gone as quickly as it came.

“I really like cowboys,” Randy said.

“I could tell when you’s coming across the parking lot. You plan to be a buckaroo when you grow up, Son?” Billy asked him.

“I’d really like to be, but mom sez I gotta’ adjust my think’n on account of my disease,” he said.

“What disease, Randy? I don’t see a boy with no disease. I see a healthy young cowboy what can become anything he wants. Now, I’ll put you down, you walk over there to yore’ momma, and help her push the cart,” Billy said.

He put the boy down, Randy looked uneasy for an minute, then tried to take a step. It was like he’d been walking all his life as he carefully moved away from Billy and Nick, then broke into a run to his mother. She was in tears and could only see her boy was whole again. She could barely function she was so moved. All she could say was, “Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Who are you people?” Billy and his family were finished, waved goodbye, got into the van, and drove away. Several folks in the parking lot witnessed what they thought was a miracle and came to the devastated mother’s aid. There was a great silence in the van but a few big grins and snickers. To relieve the tension and for a break, Billy pulled into a small Peach Cobbler and Ice Cream shop on the main drag of Fredericksburg and bought everyone a treat. Dorcas and Roz never ate either one before and fell in love with the combination. Everyone was quiet on the drive back to the ranch. No one wanted to comment on what they witnessed Billy do for the young boy, but everyone was in good spirits. Roz leaned forward in her seat and said quietly to Billy, “I’m more proud than ever to be carrying you son, Master Billy. If he’s half the man his dad is, he will be awesome,” she said.

“Amen, to that, Little Sister,” Enoch said agreeing with her.

It was getting late in the day, and by the time they returned and got everything put away, it would almost be time for supper. They could smell the mesquite burning in the barbecue drums as they drove into the compound. Everyone came out to help unload the van and it was quickly emptied. As they were sitting around the table helping to get supper ready, Kate turned on the small TV in the kitchen for news and weather. “Did Jesus appear as a cowboy in a Walmat parking lot today and heal a young cripple boy suffering from terminal Parkinson’s disease?” the announcer said, “Stay tune for video of the miraculous event with an exclusive interview with the mother of the child and several eyewitnesses,” he added.

“Holy crap, someone took videos?” Moss exclaimed. Everyone broke up laughing. They already told the rest of the family about Billy’s impromptu healing of a sick young boy at Walmart. “That’s all you need, Little Brother, is to become known as the Walmart Jesus,” he added and caused more laughter from his family.

“I’m sorry folks. I just couldn’t help myself. He was so damn cute and loved himself some cowboys. He risked falling flat on his face to get to my arms, and I just couldn’t leave him like that. He deserved my love and attention. What can I say? We share a lot in common, we both love cowboys,” Billy said and got another laugh from everyone.

They showed the video someone took of the beam of light coming down from the sky to surround Billy, Nick, and the boy. They managed to get most of it, then took pictures of the others standing around the back of the ranch van. They got clear shots of everyone including the two most handsome cowboys, Moss and Enoch. They both whooped when they saw themselves on T.V.  “My God in heaven! I just know’d my grandma’s watching this!” Enoch exclaimed and laughed. “Your phone should be ringing any minute now, Ms. Kate,” he said.

Sure enough, the ranch phone rang almost on cue. Everyone laughed. Kate picked up the phone and spoke, “Hello, my precious, this is your old friend Kate Daniels,” Kate said. The other end of the phone was dead quiet for a minute then a voice exploded in laughter. Everyone in the kitchen could hear Zelma Redbone laughing. “How did you know it was me?” she asked.

“We just watched the Walmart clip on the news and your grandson predicted you’d be calling any minute. He no sooner got the words out when the phone rang. I just went with it,” Kate replied.

“Well, I saw Enoch, and I just knew it was your grandson, Billy, who healed that young boy. Am I right?” Zelma asked.

“Yes, I’m afraid so, Zelma,” Kate replied.

“Then the things I wrote you in my letter are coming true?” Zelma asked like she couldn’t believe it herself.

“Apparently so, sweet heart, but how are you?” Kate asked.

“I’ve been better, darlin,’ but I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. I won’t keep you. I know it’s supper time at the ranch, and it’s Saturday night. I can smell the brisket from Houston,” she replied and laughed.

“That’s exactly what we’re having for supper,” Kate assured her and laughed, “I can’t wait to see you again, my precious,” she added.

“I’ve packed and repacked ten times. And don’t call me ‘precious’ or you’ll have this old broad ruining her face from crying. It takes me hours and a construction crew to put it on. I still have to eat supper and look halfway presentable for my guest,” Zelma said and laughed, “I’m looking forward to meeting this grandson of yours who saved my grandson’s life. I couldn’t be more beholden to anyone than you or Mr. Billy Daniels. I swear to God, Katherine, he looks like a young Daws Daniels. My heart leapt to my throat when I saw him -- a handsome young man, darlin,’ by anyone’s standard,” Zelma gushed, “Give my love to my grandson, and we’ll see you tomorrow, Love,” she said and hung up. Kate relayed most of Zelma’s conversation to the family, and they had a good laugh.

Supper was excellent. Like every job Billy gave Hank and Buck to undertake, it was done right and came together on time. Their barbecue brisket hit the spot. It would melt in your mouth it was so juicy and tender. Earlier that morning they tore apart one of the milking machines, cleaned, and sterilized it thoroughly, and got it working properly. In the old barn, they found in a drawer, an unused pair of lineman’s heavy duty rubber gloves to protect them from high voltage, from which they managed to gerrymander two smaller, more gently pliable suction cups. They were perfect for Boomer’s teats, and he could be milked in minutes instead of hours. Billy was collecting his milk for Roz and his patients on Nick’s ship. While Hank and Buck were working on the milking machine they started talking about their situation and things which happened. “How do you feel after a week back in Texas?” Hank asked his mate.

“Like we never left,” Buck replied, “Like we just picked up our lives like a conversation we started years ago and never finished. Like it’s heaven done come early for you and me after sixty-two years of dreaming, wishing, even praying when we know’d there weren’t no god what might hear us, hoping in our hearts against reason or rational thought that one day we might be brought home to once again walk the good green hills of Texas in a pair of buckaroo boots,” he added like a poet reading his work. “How 'bout you, Hank?” Buck asked.

“Don’t know’s I could put it no better ma’self, but I can’t help feel we weren’t just given this job 'cause they felt sorry for us being kidnapped from our home world; or, this is all part of their idea of a retirement package for a job well done, and they’s put’n us out to pasture like two faithful old ponies what outlived their days of service. While I love everyone back on Retikki Prime and cherish many of the memories we share of those we come to love and respect -- and you gotta’ admit they’s damn good to us -- I jes’ cain’t help think’n there’s more to the method of their madness than we done figured out, pod’na,” Hank said.

“Has it changed anything between you and me, husband?” Buck asked quietly, holding out his hand for the wrench Hank was using.

“How could it? We’s joined at the hip, Bubba. You’n me together for the long haul. All these years I got the feel’n you ain't never felt like you’s good enough for me. Like you’s never quite sure I love you as much as I tell you I do. Now we’s enhanced, why don’t you peak around in my head and see whether I been telling you the truth about my love for you, Brother?”

“I thought about it, but decided not to for fear of finding out my suspicions are true. Besides, I wouldn’t do it without yore’ permission. H’it jes’ ain’t the cowboy way. I guess, for all my buckaroo bravado and cowboy fearlessness, they’s a little boy inside me what wants to be loved so desperately he wants more than anything to believe his buddy, his chosen partner for life loves him as much as he loves you, Hank,” Buck said quietly.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Buck, you’s gonna’ have me blubber’n like some old woman what just found-out her pussy done got run’d over. If you want the truth tap me. You done got my permission, anytime, day or night, awake or in my dreams, tap me and see the truth for yourself. Maybe we approach love a little different, but it’s the same when it comes together. I’m stronger than you about some things, but there’s other things I’d be hopelessly lost without your solid reason and sound thinking. Like this job we be doing, your mechanical abilities are much better’n mine, but here I am plowing my way through like a bull in a china shop. Without you to patiently guide me, I’m sure I’d  break some’um important what would take forever to order or gerrymander another part. Then there’s that hat-pin dry wit of yorn’ what can deflate my most overblown pompous opinions of myself and hang me in the wind to flap until I git’s all the air out. You can bring me down to Earth, center me, and get me functioning quicker’n anybody. In short, if’n I’s to lose you, it would be like somebody tore half my body apart, and I would only be able to live the rest of my life as half a man. You complete me buckaroo, and I wouldn’t have it no other way. I wouldn’t wanna’ go on living without you, Buck,” Hank said.

Buck set the wrench on the bench, took Hank into his arms, and gently kissed him. “I don’t need to tap you. I believe you, Hank, and you’s the only husband I’ll ever have. I feel the same way. If anything was to happen to you, I wouldn’t wanna’ go on without you. It’s too sad to think about, so let’s don’t; but, I been having some strange dreams lately about you and me and was wonder’n --?” Buck didn’t finish.

“Wonder’n if I had dreams about us morphing into two Grigori Bigfoot watchers, running through the mesquite thickets, and swimming in the rivers naked except for our fur?” Hank asked.

“Exactly,” Buck replied quietly.

“More frequently of late since we been sampling a little taste here and there of Boomer’s milk,” Hank said, “That’s the part I can’t figure out I was talking about earlier. We still don’t know all the things they done to us when the Irin ‘enhanced’ us. Look at Master Billy. He’s still finding he can do things he never know’d about. We ain’t even tried anything out of the ordinary. Did yore’ big animal husband fuck you in yore’ dream, darlin’?” Hank asked with a grin.

“Ever’ damn time, and I gotta’ get up and clean myself from shoot’n on the sheets. I ain’t had no wet dream in years,” Buck admitted. “Best damn fuck’n you ever gimme,’ too, and you done gimme’ the best ever, Hank,” Buck said and grinned.

“You think we should try it?” Hank asked

“Just like that?” Buck asked in reply.

“No, I mean with our master’s permission,” Hank said.

“I think it would be all right. Let’s ask him. I’m up for it, cowboy. See?” Buck agreed and showed Hank his erection in his wranglers.

* * * * * * *
There was much speculation about what might happen from Billy’s healing of the little boy, but most comments were upbeat and encouraging. After supper everyone pitched in to clean up the kitchen to get it ready for the next day. Once they were finished, Hank and Buck asked to speak with Billy alone. They followed Billy to his office in the tower. It was usually the most private place in the big house because no one wanted to walk up that many stairs to find out where he was. It was much easier for the older folks to punch his number on their cell phone.

“What’s on the minds of my two favorite cowboy slaves?” Billy asked and grinned real big.

“Nothing of great importance to anybody but Buck and me, Master,” Hank replied.

“Then it’s of utmost importance to me as your master, and besides that, as your friend,” Billy said.

“Since we been working with Boomer, we been sipping a bit of his milk from time to time to taste it. It’s awful damn good, but it’s causing us to have some mighty strange dreams, Master,” Hank said.

“Like running naked outdoors with each other?” Billy asked.

“Yes, sir, only more,” Buck replied with a grin, “a lot more,” he added for emphasis.

“Making the beast with two furry backs what got enormous cocks?” Billy asked and laughed.

“Exactly,” Hank replied and laughed.

“You men done tripped your inner animal switch with Boomer’s milk. It could only happen to someone what’s been enhanced and given the gift to be able to morph,” Billy mused, “I think them Watcher elders and Irin got their heads together on that one as a little extra pat-on-the-back-well-done-buckaroos bonus card like when we’s kids and played Monopoly and landed on “Parking Lot” we collected the pot in the center from all the forced taxes and charitable contributions,” he added.

“That’s why we wanted to talk with you, sir. We wouldn’t try it without your permission, Master,” Buck said.

“A wise decision, Gentleman. You might get caught between hither and yon, but it ain’t too likely to happen. You see -- here’s the thing -- unless you got ever’thing in place, you don’t have enough genetic information to make the change. While Boomer’s milk contains most of his information, it ain’t enough to do more than trip your switch. It could work for somebody what’s already learned to morph, but you ain’t there yet. I wouldn’t want you men trying it unless Nick and I are there to supervise your first time,” Billy said firmly.

“Yes, of course, Master. We never considered them things,” Hank said.

“How do we get Boomer’s genetic information, Master Billy?” Buck asked.

Billy just looked at him and grinned real big. “How do you think, Cowboy?” he asked.

“Oh,” said Buck, like he understood.

“One of you, or both, must suck him off -- or, you could absorb it up yore’ butt if you prefer. It will work either way, but from experience and my personal recommendation you might wanna’ consider the former to the latter until you can morph to his size -- if’n you git’s ma’ drift,” Billy said playing with them.

“Good advice. I seen that monster up close and personal,” Buck said remembering his evening grooming Boomer on Retikki Prime.

“One load shared will be plenty for both to ingest his information. Then you’ll be all set, and we can take if from there. You men still interested?” Billy asked.

“Hell, yes, Master!” Hank replied.

“My halflings have been providing my mate with their husbanding services for me. Last evening they morphed into copies of Moss Garrett and me to take care of him. You know, talking about it makes me wonder how Poly was able to morph into my rope’n partner, but I’ll take that up with him later. Anyway, Boomer was one happy camper. He thought he done died and went to cowboy heaven. I thought he never would stop smiling this morning, and there ain’t nothing sillier to look at than a Bigfoot happy grin. He kept Nick and me laughing all morning. I don’t see why Poly and Cass couldn’t miss an evening and you two could take care of him this e’nin for me if’n you like,” Billy said.

Hank looked at Buck like he was looking to his mate for approval. Buck simply nodded.

“Of course we’ll do it. We groomed Boomer before, but we ain’t never sampled his wares,” Hank said.

“Wouldn’t a’ done you no good before you were enhanced noways,” Billy said, “I’m glad you men come to me with this. As you saw on the video this e’nin, we’s all walking new paths. I knew better’n to do what I done this afternoon, but honest to God, I couldn’t help myself. I’m gonna’ need you men more’n ever, and can I still call upon you for your grooming services?” Billy asked.

“You’re our master, sir, but not only that, we’d do it out of our love for you,” Buck replied.

“Amen, Brother,” Hank agreed.

“So let it be done. Does that mean we might have two more Bigfoot to milk?” Billy asked with a wicked grin.

“Just like two old cows, any milk we produce is yours, Master,” Buck replied and grinned.

“Absolutely, Brother,” Hank agreed again, “It makes me old cock hard just think’n on being hooked up to our milking machine while me mate relieves me of my other milk,” he allowed.

“Me, too, Brother -- either way,” Buck seconded the feeling.

“I think it’s a natural reaction. Boomer got a big old hard-on when you hooked him up to the machine,” Billy declared.

“How do you know that, Master? I ain’t never seen him protrude,” Hank asked.

“He’s my bonded mate. Our minds are connected. I always leave a channel open for my husband. I can feel his erection and his sensual sensations when he’s hooked up to the milking machine. At first it almost drove us crazy, but we’s git’n used to it. You can’t see his erection because Watchers got a bone in their penis which keeps it up tight beneath several layers of thick fur against their lower abdomen for protection. It also keeps his proto-embryos warm. If a male Watcher has to stop in the middle of the sex act and run in an emergency, the bone holds his erect penis close to his body. It don’t allow it to flop about like ours does if we try to run with an erection. It’s a part of their evolution. They’s less likely to be apprehended or compromised that way. It also makes it easier for him to have sex for procreation purposes rather than purely recreational pleasure. They was designed for either sex-on-the-go or prolonged pleasure sessions. In my humble opinion, I’m convinced they got the best of what evolution has to offer. How many men, married for many years to the same woman who ain’t the same lovely young thing he married, wouldn’t love to have a permanent bone in their penis?” Billy asked and got a laugh out of Hank and Buck.

“Master Billy, before you go investigating the twins being able to morph into Moss Garrett, it’s important for you to know they didn’t disobey you. As a matter of fact, it’s my fault. You put me and Buck in charge of them when they’s up here to the big house and you ain’t around. The night you, Nick, and Boomer went off to the line cabin, your Uncle Nathan got out two boxes of dominoes and challenged my mate and me to a game of Texas Forty-two. Well, we ain’t played Forty-two in sixty-two years but me and Buck weren’t no slouches at the game, so we took 'em on. Poor Moss was sitting by his’self reading a Farm and Ranch magazine. He had a look on his face like he just lost his puppy. The twins came into the room to check with us. I told them to take Moss up to their room, entertain him, and provide him with some comfort. I told them I didn’t want to see him come walking down them stairs without a big ole Texas size smile on his handsome cowboy face. I asked them if’n they understood what I meant, and they assured me they did. Apparently, they done what I told 'em 'cause Master Moss did have the biggest damn smile on his face you ever did see when he come down them stairs a couple of hours later,” Hank explained.

“Good for you, Hank!” Billy exclaimed and patted Hank on the back for good measure, “Thanks for telling me. It’s important I know these things. I don’t need a lot of details. I trust you and Buck’s judgment. I might have embarrassed everyone including myself. You done the right thing. Let’s continue in the same manner. They can come to you or Buck if they need a decision to be made. I think discretion might be in order here. Since you explained, there ain’t no need for me to pursue the matter further,” Billy said.

“Thanks, Boss, I didn’t think you’d mind, and it sure seemed to take a load off Master Moss’s shoulders,” Hank said. The men shared a laugh.

“Since the twins are gonna’ be left behind tonight, perhaps I should give ‘em permission to offer Moss their comfort,” Billy said.

“Uh, I don’t think you gotta’ worry none about Master Moss, Master Billy,” Buck said. He and Hank laughed together.

“Them two have been awful close today, ain’t they?” Billy asked. “A couple of times I thought they’s gonna’ walk outside and start gathering leaves, twigs, and balls of cow hair to make a nest,” Billy said and laughed.

“You couldn’t drive a split’n wedge between them two men,” Hank allowed and Buck agreed.

“Well, they have my blessing, Gentlemen. I couldn’t wish for more than my brothers coming together to bond. It almost seems like it’s suppose to happen this way, don’t it?” Billy asked.

Buck and Hank agreed. “I’s just sorry we ain’t set up so’s we could offer them our grooming services like we done for you and Boomer. It makes the first time something you’ll remember the rest of your life, and sets a precedent for the future. Well, you understand, Boss. I don’t need to explain. You know what I’m talk’n about,” Hank said.

“I do undestand, and I agree with you completely, but sometimes I guess we just gotta’ let nature take it’s course,” Billy said. “We don’t really have no place to set you men up where we could have a similar arrangement,” he added.

“Yes we do, Boss,” Buck said

“Where?” Billy asked. He drew a blank.

“Of course!” exclaimed Hank and snapped his fingers at his partner, “Good think’n, you handsome devil!” he complimented his mate.

“What the hell you men talk’n about?” Billy asked.

“Nick’s castle on his ship,” Buck replied.

Billy stood with a blank look on his face that slowly turned into a big grin. “Hail yeah, Cowboys! It’s fuck’n perfect. Why didn’t I think of that?” Billy exclaimed.

“You got lots of other things on your mind right now, Boss. Buck and I talked about it when we went on the tour of Nick’s ship. It would be the perfect place for us to set up shop until we could find other accommodations, or we might leave it there as a perfect private getaway for you, Nick, Boomer, or two men a’ fix’n to bond. Everything’s there. All we gotta’ do is set it up, and we’ll be ready for Moss and Enoch -- or you, Nick, and Boomer. Who knows we might even get them two mature buckaroos, yore’ uncle and Master Tron, down there for a night of bonding,” Hank said.

Billy was laughing his ass off at the thought of his uncle and Tron Garrett being groomed for their bonding bed, but he remember he had the same apprehension until his first mug of Hank and Buck’s herbal tea; then the apprehensions were replaced with thoughts of pretty flowers, babbling brooks, a big smiling sun in the sky,  rainbows, unicorns playing in a  pasture, with green hills and Teletubbies dancing about making suggestive jackoff signs with their cute little hands trying to hump one another. Alas, I’m afraid the fat ass, skillet lick’n, hog jowled, Cafeteria Christianist Jerry Falwell, was right, Tinky Winky was gay! Not only just gay -- off screen he went by the name ‘Butch’ and was always dressed in head to toe leather tastefully accessorized with erotic piercings. He was known in Hollywood circles as a bad ass top man. When he walked into a Tinsel Town leather bar he made every leather fairy’s gaydar rise to the level of defcon Lavender. Whatever your kink, Billy was sure the much maligned Butch Winky had to be better than a trip to Wally World or Ken Ham’s Creationist Museum.

“But would we have time this e’nin to get it all together?” Billy asked.

“Don’t see why not. It’s early and with Angel flight, you, Nick, and Clyde can fly us to the cabin to get our equipment, then on down to Nick’s ship. After we get set up, it takes about two hours for a thorough grooming. Once they’s done they can go off to their room, and we can come back to the cabin to take care of Boomer. Or better yet, maybe Nick will put us up in the castle for the night. We could be handy if they need anything. That’s what us grooms is suppose to be doing while they play,” Hank said.

“Or, in case of an emergency, if they git hung up like two dogs we can run in and throw a bucket of cold water on ‘em,” Buck added, and the three men fell out laughing together.

“Is nothing sacred with you men?” Billy asked and continued laughing.

“Yeah, them herbs you love so much,” Hank replied, and they laughed again.

“Cain’t gainsay that. I like the idea of us staying the night. Let’s get my demon dad, Tonto, up here and see what he’s got to say on the matter,” Billy said.

In a bright flash of light Nick appeared. “You called my name, Kemosabe?” he asked and grinned.

“I did, indeed, my faithful red skin companion,” Billy said, “No racial slur intended to our Native American brothers, Gentlemen. When my pa, here, is in his demon form, his skin is a bright fiery red color,” he added. He got a laugh out of Hank and Buck. “Have you been following our conversation, Tonto?” he asked.

“You gimme’ permission,” Nick replied.

“I know. Ain’t no problem. I just didn’t know where to start or how much to tell you,” Billy said.

“I heard everything since you started talking about sharing Boomer with your cowboys to complete their morphing gifts,” Nick said.

“Good, then you heard Buck’s suggestion?” Billy asked.

“I did, and I think it’s a wonderful idea. Why don’t we make it an evening of fun and games,” Nick said and laughed. He got a laugh out of his audience. “We can set Hank and Buck up in separate rooms for individual privacy with their own facilities with no problem. I like Hank’s idea about leaving two dedicated rooms set up for future use. It makes a lot of sense. You, me, and Boomer can mess around in my dungeon if you like and your grooms can join us when they finish with your cowboy brothers. After they husband your mate, we’ll see if we can help them complete their enhancement,” Nick said.

“I knew my faithful companion, Tonto, would come up with a workable plan. How does it sound to you, Gentlemen?” Billy asked.

“Perfect, Boss,” Hank replied.

“Works for me,” Buck agreed.

“Now all you gotta’ do is sell the idea to two cowboys what ain’t never knocked boots before, Kemosabe,” Nick said with a wicked grin.

“Neither had I a little over a week ago, Pa,” Billy said, “I put my total trust in these two cowboys, and I ain’t sorry I done it. It turned out to be one of the best decision of my life. I’d do it again in a cow town minute with no regrets. I got that much confidence in them,” Billy said.

“My money’s on my master,” Hank said firmly.

“Mine, too,” Buck allowed.

“Smart men,” Nick shot back and they shared a laugh.

 * * * * * * *    
Billy remained in his office in the tower as Nick and his cowboys walked down the stairs. They got Moss and Enoch aside and told them their master would like for them to join him in his office in the tower at the top of the stairs. Moss knew where it was and told Enoch to follow him. Billy heard the two big men clomping up the stairs in their heavy buckaroo boots and smiled to himself. He told himself he probably had to of the two biggest damn cowboys in the state of Texas for his older brothers. He couldn’t have been happier or prouder of them. When they got there, he offer for them to sit on a large leather sofa which was originally in his granddad’s office downstairs which Nathan was using. His uncle didn’t want it and asked Billy if he wanted it for his work room in the tower. Billy always loved the old sofa. He would fall asleep on it many nights when his granddad was working late. Daws wouldn’t disturb him. He would pick Billy up and carry him up to his room and put him to bed. Most time Billy never woke up. It took four big men one full morning to get it up five flights of stairs. Somehow, seeing his two handsome brothers sitting there close together, he knew he did the right thing by keeping that old couch.

Billy told them about his night on Retikki Prime and how they did things there. He left out no detail and even played them part of the video of Boomer and his bonding. Moss and Enoch were enthralled. Billy explained how he particularly asked for the slaves, Hank and Buck, to be given to him, because he fell in love with them. He didn’t leave anything out from the herbs to Hank and Buck grooming him and Boomer and explaining the better parts of male bonding. He told them every man who feels the need for another male as his partner should take advantage of their services. Their first time should be a memorable and enjoyable experience, and Billy knew of no better way than to put themselves in the hands of professionals. He told them what they planned. They would put it into action but not unless they agreed. If they didn’t think they would be comfortable with the idea, Billy and Nick still planned to install Hank and Buck’s grooming rooms as a permanent facility for his castle, but would postpone it until later.

“We don’t want you to go to no trouble, Little Brother,” Enoch said.

“It won’t be any trouble. The rooms are there, it only means transferring Hank and Buck’s equipment and getting things arranged. It shouldn’t take the seven of us anytime to set things up. We can come back, say our good-nights and return to the ship. I promise, you will have complete privacy,” Billy said.

“Too bad we couldn’t have it videoed like you and Boomer done?” Moss said thinking out loud.

“Not to worry. You want a video? I can get you a video,” Billy assured them and grinned thinking about the video cams the Grigori placed on all his personnel and would stake his young life on the bonding of two handsome cowboys like Moss and Enoch would be broadcast out to several million galaxies. His uncle-in-laws would see Billy got an excellent copy.

“How?” Enoch asked.

“The same way we overheard Orville Higginbothem tell his number one he planned to kill you. We got three invisible robo-cams assigned to each of us right now,” Billy said.

“No!” Enoch said.

Billy snapped his fingers, “Robo-cams visible!” he commanded. Instantly there were three small silver metal balls in the air around each of them.

“Son of a bitch! I’ll be damned!” Enoch exclaimed, then laughed nervously.

“What say, pod’na’?” Enoch asked Moss.

“Let’s go for it. A little guidance might be good for bow’fuss,” Moss replied.

* * * * * * *
So it was decided to install Hank and Buck’s grooming stations in the castle on Nick’s ship. It took them very little time to get everything in order and still had time to visit the village folks. Billy brought more watcher milk for Aeron and Cloog. They couldn’t keep Aeron in bed any longer so Billy told him he could go outside and be with his friends, but no games or running and jumping for a week. He promised faithfully he would mind his master. The proud warrior Cloog was much improved and stronger. They got him out of bed and walked him up and down the compound, and the men enjoyed a brief visit with him and his family. Several of the villagers brought their instruments and played soft music while the men talked.

It was almost like the villagers knew Moss and Enoch were becoming a pair and several came to them with small gifts of treats, memorial bonding trinkets, and flowers to wish them well. Billy and Nick swore they never told anyone their plans but did mention Captain Nick and part of their new family would be spending the evening on the ship as special guests of the captain. It was no secret the two mature cowboy’s were professional groomers while living on Retikki Prime. Nick’s protectors, Beauford, Razza, Pan, Leon, Joe, and Crunch seemed particularly solicitous and concerned about the comfort and well-being of their guests. They threw open the doors of the castle for them and bid them welcome.

Hank and Buck were assigned two remarkably handsome young dwarf warriors in training to assist them to be used as messengers or gofers for anything they might need. They were a bonded pair, and they were magnificent to look upon. They were brought before the men naked as the day they were born. They really didn’t need to wear clothing. Their bodies were perfect the way they were. They stood erect and proud at attention as their commander, Beauford, introduced them as two of their finest young warrior cadets. The big Shedu explained it was his hope they might be taught the art of male grooming for the castle’s aid and convenience of the bonded warriors on the ship. They were ready to assist, learn, and serve. Hank and Buck usually worked alone, but after they got a good look at the two dwarfs decided they wouldn’t mind training such a handsome pair of assistants. Billy and Nick exchange mental bon mots about the looks on their beloved groom’s faces while looking at the beefy young warriors. There was nothing dwarf about their male tackle. Somehow, nature gifted them with enough to make the largest cowboy double check his own package, and the two biggest among them did just that to make sure.

It was getting late. They left Hank and Buck with their naked warrior assistants at the castle to get everything situated and organized for the evening. Nick and Billy transported Moss, Enoch, and Boomer back to the line cabin to take care of the livestock and close up the cabin for the night. The nights were becoming warmer and Billy left Sam and Maybelle in stalls in the barn and left the outside barn door open in case of emergency. Then they transported back the the big house and arrived in the living room. Everyone was in the kitchen enjoying coffee and more dessert when Billy and his men joined them.

“Ah, Billy!” his grandmother exclaimed, “I’m so glad you’re back. The phone has been ringing off the wall --  news reporters, T.V. stations, a few of the neighbors, and one politician called,” Kate said. She no sooner got the words out when the main line to the ranch began to ring again. “I don’t know what to tell them. I’ve been telling them I don’t know what happened at the Walmart. It never happened before. I told them they would have to talk with you, but you weren’t here right now. I told them you went down to the line cabin with some friends and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow sometime,” Kate said in exasperation.

“Whoever it is, tell them the same for right now, Grandma,” Billy said.

“You have to know I love you, Billy. You’re the only person I’d lie for,” she said and picked up the phone.

“Daniel’s ranch,” Kate said and paused to listen. “Yes, I’m afraid it was Billy, Pastor Womack, but he’s not here to talk with you right now. He’s gone off down to the line cabin with some guests and won’t be back until tomorrow. I’m sorry I can’t give you a time,” she said. She listened some more then replied, “No, I’m sorry, but we are not receiving guests this evening. It’s getting late, and we have more guests coming tomorrow from Houston for Sunday dinner,” Kate said and waited with a frown on her face, “You’ll have to call back tomorrow, sir, I can’t give you anymore information,” she said, “I have to go now, Pastor Womack, I have guests to tend to. Goodnight,” she said and hung up.

“Sorry, Grandma, but thanks for your love,” Billy said.

“What do you plan to tell them, Son?” Nathan asked.

“That it was a fluke of nature. Ain’t never had nothing like’at happen to me before. I certainly ain’t got no superpowers. The little tyke come a’ running to me as fast as his crippled legs could carry him. I stooped down, sat on me boot heel, opened ma’ arms for him, and grabbed the boy ‘afore he fell, gave him a hug and a kiss to congratulate him for making it to me on his own, and held him to take him back to his momma, when all of a sudden this huge beam of light shot down from the sky and surrounded us. I think it might a’ come from a fly’n saucer. I could see some’um big, round, and metallic in the sky. It had flash’n lights go’n off and on all around it, and it was humming like a high-voltage line. The bright light felt funny-like. H’it made me tingle all over, and it done run up and down ma’ back bone like somebody was trying to play a tune on my spine like it was a straw fiddle.* It made ma’ hair stand up and felt like it was try’n to separate it from from my scalp, but it was over almost as quick as it come. I could tell it run the energy through me and done something to the boy, but I didn’t have no idea he was cured of his disease until he started to walk away from me. I was as surprised and shocked as ever’body else,” Billy said.

“With just a little more cowboy bullshit and Texas speak you just may get away with it,” Tron said, and everyone laughed, “We done watched the video a dozen times and you do look like you was as surprised as ever’one else,” Mr. Garrett added.

“You think my -- awe-shuck’s t’weren’t nothing -- routine needs a little more barnyard fertilizer, sir?” Billy asked and grinned.

“Naw, what you done said was good enough. Don’t overdo, Son,” Tron urged.

“Pa, can I talk with you for a minute,” Moss asked his dad.

“Of course, Son, you can talk with me anytime, but I get the feeling this might be a personal matter,” Tron replied.

“Yes, sir, it is.  If’n you wouldn’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you’d join me in the parlor for a few,” Moss said.

“Lead the way, Son,” Tron said.

The cowboys walked down the hall and into the parlor. Moss turned to look his dad in his eyes, “Enoch and I been invited to stay the night in the castle on Nick’s ship, Pa. Is it all right with you?” he asked respectfully.

“Certainly, it’s all right with me. While I appreciate yore’ thoughtfulness by remembering your old man, you don’t have to ask my permission anymore, Son. You’s a grown man, Moss. Like we talked about the other night on the way home, I trust you to do the right thing, and I think it just might be the right thing for you men. I seen the way he looks at you. I think the big cowboy’s smitten with you, Son,” Tron laughed. “I mean, h’it ain’t none of my business if’n you wanna’ go off with that big handsome cowboy, get all naked, crawl in bed with him, commit unspeakable crimes against nature, swap spit, bill and coo like two turtle doves what just built a nest, and lie in the comfort of his big arms after you drain each other. Who am I to say ‘no’? It would be pretty hypocritical of me when I plan to do the same damn thing with Billy’s uncle over to our place?” Tron waxed fatherly and grinned, “Oh, and by the way, when was the last time we changed the sheets on my bed in the guest room?” he asked.

“Last Monday, I think, but I can’t be sure. They’s two more clean pair in the linen closet in the hall,” Moss replied.

“What about the bed in the hunter’s cabin out back of the far barn?” Tron asked.

“They’s clean, for sure, I done cleaned up in there and got it ready for next season. I was gonna’ ask Enoch home with us and take him down there, but since we got other plans it would be perfect for you,” Moss said.

“I think so. I feel a mite funny doing it in the house where I lived with your ma. I always liked the cabin. It might rain tonight, and I do like to lie in that big bed and listen to the rain on the tin roof. We done it lots of times at the line cabin. It will be fine for us buckroos. You think your old man is git’n a little romantic in his old age?” Tron asked a loaded question.

“No, not my strong, stoic cowboy dad! Absolutely not! Say it ain’t so, Pa!” Moss begged mocking his dad.

“You ain’t too big nor too old to put across ma’ knee, boy,” Tron growled and grinned.

“Anytime, Pa, ain’t never shot so hard in my life as the last time,” Moss said and laughed.

“I got me a feel’n you might tonight, Son. You think Enoch’s the one, boy?” Tron asked.

“God, I hope so, Pa. I’m tired of date’n Rosey Palm. I got me a shit load of feelings for Enoch. We talked about it some, and we both think it’s been planned this way for us to be together. Not in no religious sense, but maybe them ancients what enhanced Billy and helped save Enoch’s life had a hand in our coming together. Separately, we’s just two big cowboys, but together we could be awesome,” Moss said.

“I agree. You men got my blessing. Most of all, I just want my boy to be happy. I love you so much, Son. Give your old man a goodly kiss to say ‘goodbye’ ‘cause when you return tomorrow after an e’nin of love make’n with that big cowboy you ain’t gonna’ be my little boy no more. You’ll be a grown man capable of intelligently accepting his own responsibilities in life,” Tron said firmly.

They kissed a good kiss right on the lips. It was the first time his dad ever kissed him that way, but somehow it just seemed right for the moment. When they finished Tron held Moss tight, “God, I love you, old man. I wish’t ever’ young boy could have a dad like you. Don’t never leave me, Pa. I’ll always need you in some capacity,” Moss said.

“Now I got ma’ own kinks worked out, I plan to stick around for some time. I’ll always be here for you, Moss, no matter where you go or who you’re with,” Tron said.

* * * * * * *
The evening went off like clockwork. Moss and Enoch got groomed and drank Hank and Buck’s herbal tea. They were not the least bothered by Hank and Buck’s new grooming trainees and found them as attractive as the rest of the men. After making sure Moss and Enoch were comfortable and content in their lavish room in the castle the cowboys returned to groom and husband Boomer for the evening. The dwarfs couldn’t believe their good fortune getting to witness such a variety of sexual pleasure being brought about right before their eyes. They were awestruck and humbled.

Billy got Nick to make Hank and Buck’s throats capable of relaxing and expanding enough to take most of the monster’s huge cock. With the adjustment, in time, they could take him completely. They remarked later it was such a treat, they wouldn’t mind husbanding Boomer anytime Billy required their service. They accomplished their ultimate goal of sharing a mouthful of Boomer’s genetic material. Afterward, the cowboys, two dwarfs, and Boomer walked to Nick’s sex dungeon. They found their master and his slave naked with Nick morphed to his devil persona in all his black leather gear. He was a huge and imposing demon.  

No one saw him like that before, except Boomer. Hank and Buck got a kick out of it. The young dwarfs were a bit shy at first until Nick took them into his arms and played with them a bit. He got them laughing and enjoying themselves. Everyone spent the rest of the evening playing morph the cowboys into Bigfoot and musical partners. Hank and Buck got morphing down quickly, and their master was proud of them. Hank even managed to retain most of his own personal facial features and some body definition. He soon taught Buck how to do the same. It opened new and wonderful doors for them they looked forward to exploring.

Meanwhile, in a huge room, high in one of the turrets of the castle, Moss and Enoch were busy making the beast with two backs. Billy asked Nick to adjust their throats as well as the cowboys, and he was happy to oblige. The big cowboys probably had the most picture perfect bonding any two buckaroos ever experienced on their first night together. There was just something about them herbs what makes a man relax, throw caution to the winds, and want to experience everything life, love, and especially sex has to offer. They wallowed in their love making like two big hogs rooting for truffles in a muddy hollow and on occasion sounded pretty much like them as well. Shortly after arrival to their room they were lying naked in each other’s arms making love when the soft sounds of music came floating through the window. They got up and walked to the balcony and far below in the courtyard were a handful of village musicians playing soft, slow romantic melodies. The big men embraced and kissed. Enoch took Moss’s hand and led him back to their bonding bed. 

End of Chapter 14 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved ~
Email: waddiebear@yahoo.com
WC = 13647

* A "straw fiddle" is a Xylophone

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