Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Jun 16, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 16

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 16

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” Isaiah 45:7  ~ “Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?” Amos 3:6 ~ “Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?” Lamentations 3:38 ~ “Of course the bible says those things, Ned, but it’s easier to blame it on Old Nick than explain it.” ~ Reverend Lovejoy

“You must give us an encore, Billy. I want to hear you play a solo number,” Zelma Redbone requested.

“What would you like to hear, beautiful lady?” Billy asked.

“I like a cowboy who recognizes beauty,” Zelma flirted with him, and everyone laughed, “Your grandmother told me you learned a number of modern pieces on an older upright grand you bought from your neighbors who helped you put down at the line cabin. Kate said you wouldn’t practice them here, because you thought they might be a strain on her nerves,” Zelma said, winked at Kate, and grinned.

“Yes, Ma’am, I started building up a modern repertoire: Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Bartok, Ives, Hindemith, Barber, Ligeti, Ravel, and Glass,” Billy named a few.

“What Barber?” she asked.

“His sonata,” Billy replied.

“And Ligeti?” she asked.

“Etude number thirteen,” Billy replied.

“The Devil’s Staircase?” Zelma asked in awe.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Billy replied.

“Very few have attempted that piece and lived to tell about it,” Zelma said and everyone laughed at her joke. “I must hear it,” she said, “and for a chaser, the last movement, the fugue from the Barber sonata,” she added.

“Sweet Jesus, Lady, you’ll wear this cowboy out!” Billy exclaimed and laughed. His audience laughed with him.

“That’s what Houston used to tell me after a good romp in the hay,” Zelma shot back and leveled the place. Everyone laughed.   

“Grandmother, please!” Tom said in mock indignation.

“I promise, I’ll behave, Tom,” she said meekly.

Billy began to play Ligeti’s thirteenth Etude and more than a couple of mouths fell open. His beloved halflings sat with their mouths open for the whole piece. They were enthralled. It was definitely music, but it was like nothing they ever heard before. It was brash, harsh, dissonant, discordant, unharmonious, and rude, but it was also intelligent, highly inventive to the point of revolutionary; a carefully written musical attempt to best describe a bold plan and execution to escape the confines of Hell by climbing the unforgiving stairs out of its depths, and it was unquestionably an incredibly difficult piece to play. Cass and Poly loved and admired their master’s talent, but they never witnesses anything like the piece he was playing. It was the first piece of music they ever heard they didn’t think they could instantly duplicate. Billy played it masterfully, like he was trying to escape the imaginary fires of Hell and kept climbing hand over fist toward the light of freedom with the very devil himself nipping at his heels. Billy slammed this hands into the last chords with all the strength and might his upper arms and shoulder muscles would provide and held the sustain pedal for a number of minutes to let the sound of the magnificent instrument die as if it were taking his soul with it into the silence of eternity. He finally let off the sustain pedal, the sound was gone, and he was done. When Billy finished, there was total silence. Everyone was stunned.

“Amazing!” Zelma said quietly, but they all heard her voice cut through the silence. She jumped up from her chair and started applauding. Everyone followed her and stood to applaud Billy. They may not have understood or liked the sound of what they heard, but there was no doubt the difficulty and virtuosity of Billy’s playing was stunning. No one doubted Zelma was right. Billy was damn lucky to have survived the piece.

“That was breath taking, young man, and the drama of the ending executed perfectly. And now for something a bit more accessible to those among us with untrained ears. The Barber fugue, I think, if you please, Billy,” Zelma requested.

“Yes, Ma’am. My pleasure, Ms. Zelma. It’s one of my favorites,” Billy replied and sat down to play. The last movement of the Samuel Barber Sonata is a gigantic fugue. Billy set a quick, but not a back breaking tempo, and never wavered through the entire piece. He played it from beginning to end flawlessly. Once again his twins were overwhelmed by their master’s talent, and began to weep they were so moved by his playing. They weren’t alone. Kate smiled to see tears running down Zelma’s face as she tried to wipe them with her omnipresent hand scarf. Billy finished, but this time, his audience came to the stage to touch and embrace him.

In a loud enough voice everyone in the ballroom could hear, Zelma shouted, “Kate, don’t bother to wrap him up. I’ll have him for lunch tomorrow. Oh, yes, with a side order of his two talented brothers,” Zelma said loudly over the din of applause and congratulations. Billy’s Irin slaves were humbled by their master’s ability, and took his hand and kissed it with reverence. Even Boomer had no words, but almost choked the life out of his master hugging him. Rory and Cal approached Billy with awe and told him they wanted to be musical cowboys and ride a piano like that someday.

Tom and Abby had nothing but good words for him. “You have no idea the can of worms you opened for yourself today, young man,” Tom said with a grin, “Enoch was right. After that display of unparalleled virtuosity, you’ll never get away from our grandmother. If I know her, and I assure you I do, she’s already got your career scheduled for the next ten years,” he added, and they laughed together. Billy was sadly hoping he could give Zelma Jane Redbone another ten years.

“How ‘bout some good old county music for us folks what ain’t got such sophisticated ears,” Tron Garrett bellowed, seconded by his mate, Nathan.

“I got an idea I think you good folks will love. Sit here and relax for a minute and me and my little brothers will return in a few,” Billy said, “C’moan, men,” he motioned for Poly and Cass, “join me in that little room over there. Tonto, you come with us,” Billy said and motioned to Nick with his hand.

The young men and Nick dutifully followed their master to the empty room by the stage which originally was a waiting room for a performer before coming on stage. Billy closed the door behind them. “Help your master with his boots, Gentlemen,” he ordered and the twins quickly help him off with them. Billy stood and began to take off his clothes. You men get undressed, too. Not you, Tonto. You’re gonna’ announce our new act. The twins quickly undressed and stood naked before their equally naked cowboy master. Billy shook his head and shoulders a couple of times and began to morph. He didn’t stop until he was an exact copy of Boomer. “Now you men morph to look like me. I know you got plenty of Boomer’s genetic info in them bodies of yorn,’” he said and grinned.

Cass and Poly got big grins on their faces and immediately morphed to look exactly like their master’s and their husband, only a slightly smaller versions. “Great! Now Nick I want you to go to the front of the stage and announce our new act what plays country and western music as the New Nairobi Bigfoot Trio,” Billy said.

Nick couldn’t contain himself and doubled up with laughter. You could hear him all over the ballroom, and the waiting audience began to laugh at his laughter. He finally got himself together, but was still wearing a big grin when he walked to the front of the stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Watchers, Irin helpers, and young people of all ages, I’ve been given the job by my master of introducing a new act to you, performing this afternoon on our stage for the first time anywhere. Let’s hear a big round of applause for the New Nairobi Bigfoot Trio,” Nick said loudly.

It was Billy and his twins cue to make their entrance, and they did. The folks went crazy applauding and laughing at them. Billy taught Poly and Cass a little entry step. Cass led, Billy put his left paw on Cass’s left shoulder and Poly followed Billy the same way. They walked in with a quick step swinging their free arm in unison forward and backward like the Marx Brothers. They did it all the way to the stage. The crowd went crazy with hoots and laughter. Zelma had the biggest grin on her face. When they got to the stage, they joined hands with Billy in the middle and bowed to their audience. Billy went to the piano and the twins gathered their fiddles. “And a one, and a two, and a three...!” Billy shouted, and they begin a rousing 'Cotton-eyed Joe.'

Billy taught the twins the Louisiana Cajun saw-fiddle technique of supporting the melody which was popular in Texas country music as well. Cass provided the saw-harmony while Poly swapped out on the melody with Billy. Then the twins would switch and Cass would have a go at the melody. The cowboys went crazy and quickly moved the seats to the side of the large hall. Hank and Buck bowed to each other and started doing the dance to the “Cotton-eyed Joe.” Tron and Nathan were not to be outdone, and they did the same.  Moss and Enoch joined them. Tom offered his hand to his wife, and she grinned from ear to ear. “You know how long it’s been?” she asked.

“Way too long, Darlin,’ but them twin fiddles call to some’um deep within us we can’t deny,” Tom said recalling scenes of his youth. He led Abby to the dance floor and they began to dance. The Irin crew never saw dancing before. They didn’t know two people could dance together. It was just not in their cultural programming. They were in awe these folks were having so much fun, they had to try.

Kate offered Zelma her hand to join the dance but she declined. “I’m afraid it will exhaust me, Darling,” she said, “Go, have a good time. I have faith in that incredibly talented young cowboy monster playing that wonderful grand piano; there will be other times we will enjoy together,” she said.

Kate took Roz’s hand and led her to the dance floor. She taught her the basic steps and quickly got her dancing with everyone else. Buck and Hank stopped dancing together to teach the rest of the Irin herd the basic steps and had them dancing in no time. Billy and the boys played several other fast numbers and then a slow and sentimental “Waltz Across Texas.” Kate invited Zelma to one trip around the floor.

“Will you lead, my beloved tom-boy genius?” Zelma asked with a tear in her eye.

“All the way across, Texas, my precious,” Kate replied.

They started a slow waltz and everyone cleared the floor for them. They were wonderful. They were like two old smoothies from a forgotten era who were so much in love when they were younger and still shared the memory of their love in the waltz. By the time of the  concert, everyone knew Zelma’s condition, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. They could only hope young Billy Daniels would be able to save such a courageous and handsome older lady.   

Billy and his boys played one final buck and wing hoe down and Tom, Enoch, and Moss shined as the best dancers. Abby couldn’t remember her stern, stoic, cowboy husband ever letting his hair down like he did that afternoon, and she was thrilled. She was convinced Tom needed more relaxation and unbridled joy like he was experiencing just being a cowboy and remembering his heritage for a few minutes.

The Irin watched in awe as the cowboys did their dance. Everyone had a good time. Billy and his boy band returned to the small room, morphed back to themselves, and put on their clothes. Billy took his twins in his arms, hugged them tight, gave each a goodly kiss, and patted their cute little butts. He told them how proud his was of them, and what a wonderful job they'd done with their playing. They told him they were proud to be his slaves and call him master. They were convinced he had become their musical master as well as their slave master. They told him they were proud they owned him. Billy considered their sincere comment the best compliment they could have given him.

* * * * * * *
Everyone went downstairs to the kitchen where Kate and her crew began to serve dessert. The dinner was so good and filling her guests decided she should wait for a while before serving her peach cobbler and Blue Bell vanilla ice cream. Dorcas and Roz were anxious to have the treat again after their venture into Fredericksburg the day before. They swore Mistress Kate’s was better than what they ate in the city. Billy and his cowboys agreed with them. Billy suggested Mrs. Redbone have another glass of watcher milk with her dessert. Zelma didn’t object and drank it without comment. She figured if she was going to put herself in Billy’s care she might as well follow his suggestions. Of course, Cal and Rory, had to have a glass with their grandmother. Billy reckoned they would have enough for everyone.

When they finished, Billy announced he, Nick, and Boomer needed to transport down to the line cabin to check on his pony Samson, his new mate, and feed them. Was anyone interested in traveling with them? Hands went up around the room. Zelma wanted to go in the worst way, but she kept her hands in her lap. Billy sensed her sadness. “Don’t despair Grandma Redbone, there will be time for you later, and I will personally take you and show you the wonders of my demon dad’s spaceship,” Billy said, “You will love the village musicians. They’re wonderful,” he said.

“Moss, you and your big brother come along. Since we’re taking Boomer, I know Rory and Cal don’t wanna’ let him out of their sight. Would you and your family like to transport with us, Tom?” Billy asked.

“Certainly, I’d like to see more of your place and meet your 'owner,’” Tom replied and smiled.

“Samson and his mate are definitely my owners, Tom. Just like everyone else in my family I call my slaves. The idea takes some getting used to, but you gotta’ admit, it’s a bit more humanistic approach to the subject than what we’ve seen in the past,” Billy said.

“I have to agree, Son,” Tom replied.  

“Mr. Garrett, would you and my uncle care to join us?” Billy asked.

“So now you’re asking my ramrod?” Nathan asked with a wry grin.

“Absolutely, h’it ain’t no secret who owns who with you men,” Billy gigged his uncle and laughed.

“Cain’t gainsay that, young’un. I ain’t no proud man. I guess it ain’t no secret, Tron Garrett owns ma’ heart,” Nathan said.

“That sounds a mite too one sided for me,” said Tron, “I’ll have none of it. Whatever we become will be comfortable for both, but for the moment, since I been put in the decider’s seat, yes, we’d like very much to come along. I’d like to see how Nick’s old warrior is recovering,” he added.

“Poly, you and Cass get two more a’ them plastic quart bottles and fill them from the lummox milk in the fridge on the back porch. You may come with us. We need to drop them off and check on our patients in the village,” Billy told them. They were away in an instant and returned in a few minutes with the milk.

“I just learned this morning for short hops around the house, I don’t have to wing-up, but for longer jumps I must, so if you folks will excuse me, Nick, and Clyde for a moment we’ll return in a minute after we wing-up,” Billy said.

“Wing-up?” Tom McMartin asked.

“You’ll see in a minute, Cousin. It’s kind of a shock at first, but you get used to it,” Enoch said and grinned.

Instantly Billy, Nick, and Clyde disappeared. They removed their upper clothing and winged-up with their massive leather harnesses. It had been a while since they winged-up and Billy forgot just how handsome Nick and Clyde were wearing their wings. They transported back to the kitchen in a flash of light. Zelma laughed, but Tom and Abigale were stunned. The boys weren’t bothered in the least and ran to Billy’s arms. He gathered them into his arms an gave each a kiss on his cheek. “I knew you were an angel,” Cal said.

“I ain’t really no angel, guys. I’s only an enhanced human who was gifted with this fine set of wings by the Irin and Grigori people. They’re two separate races of ancient people who are looking out for us here on Earth. Nick and Clyde are genuine angels who have been around for centuries. They’s the real thing. I’m only learning to be an angel. I’m still earning my wings. I’m just a junior bird-man,” Billy said and laughed.

“But they only got white wings and yours are gold. Don’t that make you special? Like a captain-angel or an archangel?” Rory asked.

“Naw, at least I don’t think so. The best I can figure, the reason they’s gold is to collect the healing rays from sources all around us in the ether so’s I can channel them through me and heal somebody,” Billy explained. “I healed your cousin, Enoch, when he got his leg almost cut off, and I done healed a couple of folks on Nick’s ship. We’ll visit them, and you can see for yourselves,” Billy said.

“We’re gonna’ visit a real spaceship?” Cal asked wide eyed.

“Bet chore’ boots, Buckaroo, and they got some wonderful folks what live there you’re gonna’ love,” Billy replied.

Tom and Abigale were speechless, but they had big grins on their faces. They looked at each other, smiled, and shook their heads in awe.

“Did I mention my grandson grew a set of wings?” Kate whispered to Zelma and giggled.

“No, you little devil, but that trumps anything my boys can do,” she replied quietly.

“The better to heal you with, my Dear,” Kate said and grinned.

“I have to believe you. They do have a look of authority and purpose about them, don’t they?” Zelma asked.

“I’m impressed,” Kate replied.

“If that weren’t enough, he plays the piano like an angel, Kate. I’ve never heard another like him. He could become one of the great musicians of all time,” Zelma said and sighed deeply.

“Then there’s no question about your recovery. You must get better. Half of life is having a purpose for which to live, Precious. You still have a job to do. He can’t bring it about by himself. He needs you to help him and nurture him along. And don’t tell me you don’t already have plans brewing in that head of yours,” Kate said.

“Could be, Darling, could be. I think the Christmas charity concert for the Phil in Houston. A mystery guest artist concert. Not to be missed. I want him and his boys dressed in their full cowboy regalia. We’ll announce them as the Native Son’s of Texas. An exceptionally talented musical family group,” she mused.

 * * * * * * *
Billy took his chosen group to the front hallway. He, Nick, and Clyde spread their wings over them, in a flash they were gone, and instantly transported to the barn off the line cabin. There was still a bit of a chill in the air, but the barn was kept at a constant mean temperature of approximately seventy degrees. The first thing Tom spotted was the solid ball of plasma in the barn keeping it warm and toasty for the animals.

“What the hell is that?” Tom asked.

“That’s a gift from Archie and Edith. When we arrived here last week it was bitterly cold. I was going to put a fire in them drums we got over there, but they stopped me and said they had something better. They made that ball of plasma an put it up there. It keeps the temperature at an even seventy degrees. I have no idea how it works. It’s way ahead of any technology we got on this planet,” Billy said.

“To say nothing of your good fortune to have two people like them who know how to create something like this. Do you have any idea the value of a technology like that, Billy?” Tom asked.

“I only look dumb, Tom,” Billy replied and grinned.

“Of course you know. I certainly didn’t mean any disrespect, Son, I’m just flabbergasted at the implications of something like this. It could easily be adapted to run a vehicle. How long will it last?” Tom asked.

“Indefinitely. It’s self perpetuating, and a closed energy system within it’s own tesseract,” Billy said.

“No! You’re definitely not a dumb cowboy. I barely grasp the concept, but from several engineering courses I took, I understand it,” Tom said.

“Wait ‘til you see Nick’s spaceship, Cousin. The inside is a tesseract which houses a large village of folks, a huge castle, a pond, a moat, and swans. You can see for miles, but it’s all contained within a much smaller space. It staggers the imagination,” Enoch said, “However, while there, you feel perfectly comfortable,” he added.

The twins and Boomer knew the drill and got Samson and Maybelle’s stalls cleaned and fed them. Billy introduced Samson and Maybelle to the McMartin family. “My owners said to tell you, you have a fine looking family, and you’re welcome here,” Billy said.

“You can hear them?” Abigale asked.

“Yes, and talk with them, but it t’weren’t the enhancement what provided the ability to communicate mentally with others. It was the watcher’s milk. It corrects things in the human body, and one is the ability animals have to hear each other. We gave up the ability or just stopped using it when we learned to communicate with language. It just restores the ability we once had,” Billy explained.

“Will our boys be able to hear them?” Abigale asked concerned.

“If they drink enough, yes, it will happen, but it ain’t something to cause concern. They will just be able to have communication with each other and animals on a more intimate basis,” Billy said. “It also has some other benefits I’ll leave to your imagination,” Billy added and grinned.

They were finished at the line cabin and quickly transported to Nick’s ship. They appeared in the village square. Abigale giggled, “Way better than Disney World, right guys?” she asked her boys.

“Way better, Mom,” they replied.

Nick’s protectors came from all corners to meet the new folks. Tom, Abby, and the boys were stunned at the various creatures, but as fearsome as they looked, they were so gracious and friendly they quickly won them over. Even the dragon-man, Razza, had the boys laughing and playing with him. Billy finally introduced the family to Nick’s number one protector and Kerubim, the huge Shedu bull, Beauford. They were duly impressed by his size and strong, handsome appearance. Tom was a bright man, and easily retained details of previous conversations. “Is he the same species as the female Shedu you met and befriended who gave you the winning Mega-lotto numbers on the planet you visited, Billy,” he asked.

Billy never considered it might come up, but didn’t act surprised, “Why, yes, she is, Tom,” Billy replied and caught Beauford’s eye. He wasn’t sure it registered with the great man-beast, but it did. Beauford didn’t miss much, but didn't let on he heard a thing.

“Amazing. It’s so good to meet you, sir,” Tom said to Beauford.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you and your family, Mr. McMartin,” Beauford replied graciously.

Aeron came running from playing with his mates, yelling, “Master, Master, Master Billy, and practically jumped into Billy’s arms from six feet away. Billy quickly moved to catch him in his arms, spun him around, held him close as they stole kisses from each other.

“You little urchin, look at you, you’re filthy, and you were running. I told you no running and jumping for a couple of days,” he chastised the young dwarf and laughed at the same time. Aeron knew he was joking with him.

“That was the first time I ran all day, Master. Honest!” he exclaimed as his family gathered round to meet the new visitors.

“Yeah, I’ll bet,” Billy said like he didn’t believe him. Aeron’s buddies came up behind him.

“He’s been good, Master Billy. He wanted to join us, but we reminded him of his promise to his master. He kept his word until he heard the news you were here,” his buddies spoke up for him.

“Okay, good for you. One more jolt of healing this evening, and I brought you some more watcher milk to drink,” Billy said, raised his huge golden wings which began to collect light from everywhere. It made his wings glow so brightly, it almost hurt their eyes, and several looked away. He and Aeron were awash with the light and Billy was running his hands up and down Aeron’s legs and lower body to concentrate the flow. Abby, Tom, and the boys were flabbergasted. They never saw anything like it. Tom lost all doubt Billy Daniels could heal his beloved grandmother, and he and his family would have her around to enjoy for many years to come. Tom could barely contain his tears when he witnessed how loving and gentle Billy was with the young handsome dwarf boy. He could feel the love between them, and it was palpable.

“What are you thinking, Cousin?” Enoch asked quietly.

“Like I may be looking at the potential savior of our world,” Tom said without nuance.

“Yeah, that’s how I felt when he put my leg back together. Never experienced anything like it in my life, Tom. Can you understand why I love the man?” Enoch asked.

“Yes, Enoch, I do understand. How could you not love a man like him?” Tom asked.

“We have to talk later, Tom,” Enoch said.

“I’m glad we waited. I didn’t mean to push earlier. I didn’t know everything then. I’m sure I don’t know it all now, but we’ll learn together. We’ll work together. This is too big for me to go back to Houston and just forget about. I couldn’t live with my wife, to say nothing of two intelligent little boys who will beg to come back to 'Billy World’ or as he plans to call it the ‘Highland Shire.’ I thought it was strange, the money to buy them big machines came from an unknown source we couldn’t trace.  And, they paid cash,” Tom remarked.

* * * * * * *
The old warrior, Cloog, heard his captain and his master arrived in the village and were in the square meeting with a young boy and his family. He got up and with the assistance of his sons, used his crutch, and walked to the village square. When he arrived, a great cheer went up, and he got a big smile on his face. He looked a hundred percent better and was beginning to get color back into his ruddy cheeks.

Billy finished with Aeron, and they stole a couple more kisses from each other. He put him aside and made sure Cass gave his family the bottle of milk they brought for the boy. Billy turned his attention to Cloog who was still struggling to walk to him. Billy let him come to him. He could see the longing in the older halflings eyes to pay homage to the master who save him from the grave. Just before he fell to his knees to pay homage to his master’s boots, Billy caught him, and pulled the old warrior to his chest. He kissed him gently on his forehead and spoke softly, “You are not to pay homage to your master until your master has determined you are completely well. Then you may invite the whole village if you like to pay homage to me, but until then I forbid it,” Billy said so gently and lovingly the old man began to weep in his arms. “I respect a warrior who ain’t ashamed to let his feeling express themselves. Now hold me tight, faithful warrior, and I will fill you again with my healing,” Billy ordered him, raised his wings again, and began to gather more energy.

Once again Billy and the old warrior were bathed in a bright white light. You could actually see the halfling’s skin begin to rejuvenate, and he seemed to stand a bit taller and stronger in his master’s arms. Nick and Clyde walked up beside Billy, and each put a hand on his shoulders. They raised their wings and began to collect even more healing rays and passed them on to Billy and the old warrior in his arms. Cloog could feel the energy feeding him, and he grew stronger by the minute. He knew he wouldn’t be fully restored until he began to gain weight, but with his master’s help, he would soon be in much better health. After a few minutes they finished with Cloog, but Billy continued to hold him tightly to his strong body. The old warrior began to get an erection and Billy felt it. He smiled at Cloog. “Why you old dog,” he whispered and stole a kiss. Cloog grinned from ear to ear and quietly laughed in his master’s young strong arms.

“Forgive an old man’s body, Master,” he said gently.

“Nonsense, your master is flattered his warrior finds him attractive. It’s the ultimate compliment a warrior can pay his master,” Billy said softly. Cloog smiled and held Billy tighter.

“Thank you, Master Billy, for your care,” he said.

“It’s what a good master is suppose to do, Cloog. I will be happy when I see you walk to me without aid,” Billy said.

Billy told Poly to give the family the other bottle of watcher milk, and they were finished in the village. They were getting ready to return when Billy once again caught Beauford’s eye. He wouldn’t approach his new master to ask him about what he overheard. It wouldn’t be right, but the great Shedu was yearning inside to know. Billy walked to him and stood before him. “You are good to our people, Master Billy. We love and admire you for your honest concern. You are a fine healer and will one day be a great leader. I knew the day you stood before me in the bottom of that raging river you knew no fear. I never met a human like you before. I’m honored to be your slave, sir,” Beauford said.

“Do you trust me enough to tell you, you are not alone in the universe, great protector?” Billy asked.

“I trust you with my captain and my life, Master,” Beauford replied.

“I didn’t say anything before because I wanted to get to know you first. I made a great friend on the planet of the Grigori who was a dear friend of my halfling musician slaves. She allowed me to touch her heart and took me on a journey on her great back to see my future. I am most grateful to her, and I wish to protect her. She saw the death of my big older brother who is with us today and because of her thoughtfulness and timely warning we were able to save his life. I told her about you and projected a picture of you to her mind. Before I left Retikki Prime she had her man-servant bring me a fine picture of herself I will bring with me next time and show you, if you like,” Billy said.

“Thank you, Master Billy, I would like that very much, sir. Is she pretty, Master Billy?” he asked shyly.

“Much too pretty for you,” Billy said and laughed. Beauford actually blushed and grinned at his master’s teasing. “No, she’s a beautiful Shedu. She took my breath away when she revealed herself to me, but I am only human. Yes, she is quite attractive, and she seemed to think you were attractive enough to ask me to show you her picture,” Billy added.

“I will look forward to seeing her picture, sir,” Beauford said.

“Good, then I will bring it with me the next time we visit the ship. Until then, keep good thoughts, and be happy,” Billy said.

“Thank you, Master Billy, I will heed your words,” he replied.

After Cloog’s family came to Billy, thanked him and offered their love, he gathered his people together, and they transported back to the front hallway of the ranch house. It was late afternoon and the sun was setting in the west. Kate and her crew set out leftovers for folks if they wanted something to eat before retiring for the evening. A few ate. Other’s nibbled and picked a some of their favorite items. The boys wanted another glass of watcher milk and their mother said it would be all right if the Daniels had enough. Billy assured her they did and probably would have more since he and the twins were now morphing into Bigfeet.

One extra benefit from the watcher milk was, it had a tendency to make young bairns sleepy and would give them a full night’s sleep without interruption. Rory and Calhoun were getting drowsy while still sitting in their Bigfoot watcher’s lap hooked up to his teats. To heck with cold watcher milk. They were rugged buckaroos and wanted it straight from the tap. Abigale and Tom smiled at each other as they took the boys from Boomer, thanked him for his patience with their bairn and took them off to their bedroom where there were two large beds. The boys would sleep in one and Tom and Abby the other.

“Should one of us stay with them, Tom?” Abby asked.

“I don’t see why. According to Kate they’ll be out for the night,” he replied.

“I really want to see what’s going to happen. This may be the chance of a lifetime, and I don’t want to miss it,” Abby said.

“I agree. If you’re worried, I suppose we could get someone to sit with them,” Tom said.

“Let’s ask Kate?” Abby said.

“Good idea,” Tom agreed.

They walked down the stairs and asked Kate what she thought. “I think they’ll be fine, but it you’re worried we got the biggest most ferocious baby sitter you can imagine,” she said.

“Boomer?” Abby asked.

“Yes, he would battle the fiercest monster to protect your bairns and would notify you immediately if anything didn’t seem right to him. It’s part of his family protective mechanism,” Kate said.

“Why not? They were with him all day. They couldn’t keep their hands off him, but he didn’t seem to mind. He was the perfect nanny all day. If I wanted to know where the boys were, I just looked for the biggest creature in the group and there they were, either holding his hand or climbing on him like he was their personal jungle gym,” Abby said. She looked over at Boomer sitting by himself with a sad look on his face. She didn’t have to read the big brute’s mind. He was suffering bairn withdrawal. Abby could tell he missed the boys. “Boomer, would you like to look after our boys for us while we attend Tom’s grandmother this evening?” she asked.

“Yes, Ma’am, Mistress McMartin. I’ll be happy to watch them for you until you return. Then, I’m obligated to stay with my master to protect him,” Boomer said.

“That will be fine. We’d very much appreciate it, and we’ll relieve you when we come upstairs for the night. We’ll tell your master you’re watching the boys,” Abigale said.

“Thank you, Mistress McMartin, I’d be worried if you left them alone,” Boomer said.

“You know the room we’re staying in?” she asked.

“Yes, Ma’am, the boys showed me this afternoon. I’ll go right up,” Boomer replied.

“Thank you, Boomer,” she said.

* * * * * * *
“I was told to dress you in something filmy which would not embarrass you, but be thin and porous enough to allow Billy’s healing rays through the fabric, Precious,” Kate said to Zelma.

“My ice blue peignoir should do nicely, sweetheart,” she said and Kate found it for her. “Turn your back. I don’t want you to see my emaciated body,” she said.

“Don’t be silly. I’ll do no such thing. You are my closest friend, and I love you. Neither of us are the beauties we once were, but if all goes well this evening you may regain some of your lost beauty. Besides, there is a certain beauty in aging gracefully, and if anyone’s mastered the art, it would be my dear friend,” Kate gently chastised her.

“I never could say no to you, tom-boy,” she said resigned to her fate.

“And it’s a good thing,” Kate assured her as she helped her on with her gown.

Billy came into the room with the anti-grav gurney they used to move Enoch from the barn to the house. Zelma was fascinated by it, because it floated in the air. Billy lowered it so she could sit and then lie back. Kate helped her on one side and Billy on the other. “You look and smell lovely, Mz. Zelma. Are you ready, Ma’am,” Billy asked and smile.

“I’m ready, my golden winged angel,” she replied.

"Grandma, take my hand, and I’ll transport us to the ballroom,” Billy said. Kate put her hand across the gurney and took Billy’s in hers. In a great flash of light they appeared in the ballroom. The only people waiting were Tom, Abigale, Enoch, Moss, Nick, and Clyde. On a separate table were a few comfort items Billy wanted in case of emergency. They probably wouldn’t be necessary, but better to be cautious than sorry. Talk was light among the family as Nick and Clyde took their positions on either side of the gurney and Billy moved to the head standing over Zelma. Billy couldn’t help notice how much Nick and Clyde seemed to have grown as a team during their week together. He was proud of his slaves and only wished there was one more to put them over the top.

“Wait, Kemosabe,” Nick said as Billy was about to raise his wings and begin, “Did anyone else feel that?” he asked.

Everyone was quiet and didn’t move. The building began to shake, shudder, and groan like it was resetting itself on its foundation. “I definitely felt that,” Billy said.

Suddenly a portal of blue electrons sprang up to their right which made it look fluid like a wall of water. “Holy crap, what is that?” Tom asked.

“Another transportation device, Cousin, to travel great distances in an instant. I done already seen one the other day,” Enoch explained. Enoch no sooner got the words out when a giant black angel walked through the portal onto the ballroom floor and the door vanished behind him. “I think the cavalry done just arrived,” Enoch whispered to Tom and Abby and laughed.

The angel was huge, bald, and wore a ring through his nose and one through each nipple on his breast. He wore a massive harness similar to Billy’s, but he had a beautiful set of shining silver wings. He was a magnificent creature. Someone dressed him in Wranglers and a fine pair of buckaroo boots with a western belt and what looked like a genuine rodeo belt buckle.

Billy moved to go to him. “Balthazar?” he asked

“Yes, Master Billy, it is I, Balthazar, Madame Swartza’s slave,” he replied.  

Billy walked up to the giant and took him into his arms. “It’s so good to see you again. I never knew you were an angel,” he said.

“I reveal myself to very few, Master Billy. I am to be your slave while I’m here,” he said.

“Then share your love with your admiring master, my handsome slave,” Billy said and they kissed a passionate kiss for the joy they felt upon their reunion.

Tom McMartin was holding Zelma’s hand when the black angel appeared. He was dumbstruck by the physical beauty of Balthazar and was stunned to see two males embrace and kiss each other with such gentle, unbridled, passion. There was no doubt in his mind they knew and admired each other from another time and place. He thought about the money he gave to right wing causes which was used it to discriminate against gay people simply because he was supporting a political platform and never stopped long enough to consider there was a greater element involved than just politics. It was the element of freedom to love and conjoin with whomever you chose regardless of religious woo passed down from generation to generation from the backward thinking desert tribes of the old world. He felt embarrassed and sick at heart he didn’t look beyond the dogma and couldn’t see the larger picture of a greater humanity.

“It’s all right, Tom. There’s still time to make amends,” his grandmother whispered when she saw his tears. Zelma was no dummy. She knew her staunchly conservative grandson just made an important breakthrough.

“Your uncle-in-laws send their very best, Master Billy, and I was personally visited by Ramrod Quigley of the Irin who said to tell you they are most impressed with your progress and to covey his best wishes to you. Both races are looking forward to your six month visit with them,” Balthazar said.

“And your mistress, is she all right and being taken care of?” Billy asked.

“Madame Spartza is well. At your uncle’s request, I transported her to the palace gardens to visit while I’m here. She’s fine, well protected, and sends you and the twins her best wishes and her love,” Balthazar said, “As you probably have guessed, your uncles saw you might possibly need more watcher milk, so they held a milk-collection drive and left four gallons in your cooling-box,” he added.

“Yes, we found it, and we’re most grateful. Thank you. Have you come to assist us?” Billy asked.

“Absolutely, Master. I have experience with this dread disease, and will remain here with you until Mistress Redbone is completely healed. She must be saved. Mrs. Zelma Jane Redbone is an important person for you and your family’s future success. We have a rough couple of days ahead of us, but I see you’re ready. Shall we get to work?” the giant black angel asked.

Billy introduced Balthazar to everyone. He didn’t need to introduce Nick and Clyde. They already knew him from earlier days, and wept while holding the black giant in their arms again. Balthazar took Zelma’s hand when he met her, leaned over and kissed her on her forehead. “Have no fear, little grandmother, there will be no pain. The power you have in this room is beyond anything you can imagine. I am the avenging angel of sickness and disease. I level my wrath and wield my sword against such, but I assure you, you will have ample reserves of strength to recover when we finish; and, I will be by your side until I’m not needed anymore,” Balthazar said softly with the deep baritone voice of a gentle lover.

“You are a most handsome and physically appealing angel, sir?” Zelma said quietly to him.

“Why, Grandma Redbone, are you flirting with me?” Balthazar asked and smiled.

“Of course I am, young man. It never hurts to flatter the male ego,” she shot back. Everyone in the room laughed, but Balthazar laughed hardest.

“It worked, Mistress Zelma, you have captured my heart as well as my admiration,” Balthazar said gallantly.

After Balthazar answered a few more questions for everyone, Billy stood at Zelma’s head, Nick to her right, Clyde to her left and the imposing figure of Balthazar at her feet. Those witnessing stood several feet away and watched as Billy nodded, and the three bird-men raised their wings in unison, brought them up and forward over Zelma Redbone, and began to absorb the healing light from the cosmos. Enoch, Moss, and Kate were prepared and brought dark sun glasses to wear. They figured Tom and Abby wouldn’t know, so they brought them each a pair to wear. They nodded their thanks at the men’s thoughtful consideration. It was amazing to watch. They could actually see the new, fresh rays falling onto Zelma and those returning to be discarded were of a darker or burnt looking quality like they were carrying away the life force of the cancer to be cleansed and recycled. Tom could swear he saw light between his grandmother and the gurney. He gasped as he saw Nick press a button on the right side, and it dropped away from beneath Zelma leaving her beautiful ice blue peignoir to fall away from her. She looked like a magician’s assistant hanging in midair as he removed the broom handle holding her up to run a hoop over her body to prove she was completely suspended in midair. The only difference was, this was no trick, and Zelma Redbone was completely suspended.

Slowly she began to turn to her right side until she was inverted facing the floor, and on until she was upright again. Thus started a slow three hundred-sixty degree rotation which looked like someone on a rotisserie over an open flame. That’s exactly what was happening except the metaphor of the flame was replaced by the healing rays of four powerful healers who were killing every infected cancer cell in her body, including those within her blood stream. The rotation lasted for seven times to the right, and they stopped her. Then they slowly rotated her seven times to the left, and they stopped her again. Nick pressed the 'up’ button on the gurney, it slowly rose to catch Zelma, and they let her rest. They continued bombarding her with their rays, except now, the rays began to change color and every hue of the light spectrum was sent passing through her body. It looked like she was being bathed in an equality rainbow of human rights. The metaphor didn’t escape Tom McMartin or his wife. Finally they were finished. It seemed like little or no time elapsed. Tom checked his watch and was amazed to find an hour and fifteen minutes passed. The spectators were exhausted, and could only imagine how the poor angels felt, to say nothing of Zelma Redbone herself.

“Are you still with us, Grandmother?” Balthazar asked and smiled.

“I am, indeed, young man, and I’m starving,” Zelma said.

“That’s good, Mistress Redbone. Hunger is the first sign of recovery, but you can’t have anything to eat, except what we tell you for three days and nights. You may have a half a cup of steamed white rice three times a day the first day with an eight ounce glass of watcher milk or you may mix them together in a porridge. The next day you may have a full cup of steamed white rice three times a day with an eight ounce glass of watcher milk anyway you choose to ingest it. The third day you may have a cup and a half steamed rice with the same amount of watcher milk. One more thing, you must drink an eight ounce glass of distilled water three times a day as well. You have a lot to flush from your system, and you need adequate fluid intake to do the job,” Balthazar explained like an attending physician.

“Yes, sir, I will follow your instructions to the letter,” Zelma said.

“I know you will, Mistress, because I won’t leave your bedside the entire time,” Balthazar said and smiled wickedly.

“To have you by my bed for three days and nights will surely kill this old woman from desire or the vapors,” Zelma flirted with him shamelessly.

“Desire never killed anyone, Mistress Redbone, but giving into temptation has,” Balthazar replied and everyone laughed, “However, if desire makes your blood flow faster, that’s good. The faster your blood flows, the quicker you will recover and regain your strength, so it can’t be a bad thing,” he added and smiled sweetly. Balthazar was a charmer.

Tom and Abby couldn’t believe the difference in Zelma almost immediately. Her face had a rosy glow about it. She was no longer a grayish yellow color. Enoch was in tears at the sight of his grandmother as he took her hand and kissed it. “Will you stay with me, Enoch?” she asked.

“Tom and I talked about it, and we decided it would be best if I stay here with you,” Enoch replied.

“Good. I think you need to stay here as well to solidify your relationships,” Zelma said quietly. Enoch knew what she meant and agreed with her.

“We will be away for half a day tomorrow morning, but we’ll be back around noon to check on you. I’ll call Tom and Abby regularly to give them updates,” Enoch said.

“You’ve found a home here, Enoch,” Zelma said.

“I hope so, Grandma. I never felt more at home anywhere than I do here,” he said.

“So do I, Enoch,” Zelma said.

* * * * * * *
The winged-men transported Zelma back to her room with Kate. Kate helped her into bed and at Balthazar’s instructions went to get her a glass of watcher milk. She drank it slowly to savor its goodness and make it last as long as she could, but it was making her drowsy. She finally finished and returned the glass to Kate. The bird-men de-winged and Clyde provided Balthazar with a extra large denim western shirt that fit him perfectly. He was a stunningly handsome black man. He sat in a chair near Zelma’s bed and would remain there the rest of the night.

Tom and Abby returned to their room and found Boomer sitting in a chair guarding their boys. They thanked him and Abby gave him a hug. Boomer blushed and gently patted her back. Tom laughed at him. He left to rejoin his master.

“Can we get us one of those for a live-in babysitter, Tom?” Abigale asked and laughed.

“Believe me, the thought crossed my mind several times today,” Tom said, and they shared a laugh.

“I would never worry if a Bigfoot like Boomer was on duty,” Abby said.

“Neither would I, Darling,” Tom agreed.

* * * * * * *
Billy didn’t see any need to stay in the big house since Balthazar and Clyde were going to be there. If Balthazar needed them in a hurry he would send Clyde to collect them. He and and Nick transported their basic family group of Boomer, and the twins to the line cabin. Nick noticed an immediate change in Billy after they arrived. He hadn’t had much time during the day to pay attention to Boomer, Nick, or the twins other than to play music with them, and he was making up for lost time. Once the twins got Boomer bathed, Billy helped them brush and blow dry his fur until he looked like a giant powderpuff. One good shake and his luxurious fur would return to normal, but he smelled almost edible. Billy told Nick, Boomer reminded him of the hosanna cakes and how much he missed them.

“Tell me, Boom, when you suck off Cass or Poly when they morph into me or Moss does their come still taste like hosanna cakes?” Billy asked and grinned.

“Yes, I threatened them with their lives if they changed that part,” Boomer exaggerated and laughed. He got the twins giggling like school boys. They were having a good time and felt like they were becoming family.

“You miss the McMartin bairns, Boom,” Nick asked.

“Yes, sir, they spent the day with me, and I couldn’t have been happier. But I got my little men with me tonight. I’ll let them morph to Billy or Moss if they want, but I want them like they is to sleep with. It ain’t quite the same, but I love them just as much,” Boomer replied. “I can’t wait for Billy Junior to be born,” he added.

The twins took their big furry brother by the hand and led him to the loft in the barn. He pick them up one by one and set them in the loft. He climbed up and found his two heroes Billy and Moss waiting to husband him. Boomer was home.

* * * * * * *
Billy continued to pour his attention and love onto Nick. Somehow he felt his surrogate dad needed some affection beyond their usually fun and games. He held Nick in his arms and made sweet love to him. They didn’t speak much, but Billy let the big man know he loved him and hungered for him. “Is there something on your mind, Tonto, you need to talk about?” Billy asked.

“One week and you can read me like one of your music scores. I guess I can’t hide much from you, Kemosabe,” he said, “but that ain’t bad. It only means you care enough to be observant, and it’s downright flattering to the max to know you care enough to ask. After listening to your performance this afternoon, watching your other sincere performance on my ship, and your professionalism this evening, I guess I’m a bit overwhelmed by you and your talents. You got my ship eating from your hand, Billy, but I ain’t the least jealous about it; on the contrary, I couldn’t be more proud of you,” Nick said.

“I want my demon dad to be proud of me,” Billy said like a little boy.

“I couldn’t be more proud of you, Son. I guess I keep asking myself what I done to merit an assignment like this with someone I fell so completely in love with,” he said.

“Does that scare my big bad-ass demon dad?” Billy asked.

“Not scare. Us demons ain’t scared 'a nothing,” he blustered, “just uneasy; maybe apprehensive I’m gonna’ wake up and discover this was all just a dream,” Nick said.

“You know what you need, Tonto?” Billy asked.

“What, Kemosabe?” Nick asked in reply.

“You need some herb tea, morph into my favorite demon dad, and fuck his bad boy until his house is haunted,” Billy replied, “and I don’t want you to stop until you get the job done neither,” he added.

“You think that’s what I need, Doc Kemosabe?” Nick asked and grinned.

“It’s worked before. Don’t see why it won’t work tonight. C’moan -- admit it, Tonto! Magic happens for bowfus’ when you sink that enormous red hot demon cock so deep in my ass it sounds a solid C major chord as it strums ma’ vocal cords,” Billy said.

“You’s so full a’ shit, boy,” Nick said and laughed.

“I won’t be for long, my faithful demon dad, and for the icing on the hosanna cake, Tonto, my buckaroo butt-hole is screaming so loud in my head for yore’ best mean-ass demon fuck’n I can’t think a’ nothing else. I been walk’n knock-kneed all afternoon trying to keep my asshole from screaming out loud,” Billy said, taking Nick’s hand and placing it on his crotch to feel his rock hard cock through his Wranglers.

“Then, you better get in there and clean yore’self good cowboy, 'cause your demon dad feels like a long hard ride in the saddle tonight -- out beyond the rim of the canyon to watch the sun go down, on the back of ma’ favorite cayuse. I’ll make the coffee. You got another pack of them herbs?” Nick asked.

Billy didn’t say anything, found another pack of herbs, and left them on the counter. He took Nick in his arms and kissed him hard and passionately. “Sometimes, I wish’t there was a god who’s name I could yell out, to tell him how much I come to love my demon dad,” Billy said.

“From what you done told me about them three video-cams they got on us all the time, I don’t think we gotta’ worry none, Cowboy. The Grigori, Irin, or both, are probably sending our coupling out to more galaxies than we can count,” Nick said.

“Then let’s not let them good folks down. Let’s let ‘em see how much a demon dad loves his son, how much his boy worships his dad, and how much they give and take from one another. Who knows, maybe our love will start a new religion out there some’eres,” Billy waxed philosophic.

“I got chore’ number, Cowboy. You’s talk’n about a big bang,” Nick said and laughed.

“Let’s show 'em how the universe was born, Tonto,” Billy urged, “The evil alien pretending to be a god didn’t know how to create a universe out of love; however, the fallen angel he blamed and made his scapegoat for his mistakes, does,” Billy said.

“You’s awful high on life this e’nin, Son. You sure you need them herbs?” Nick asked.     

“More bang for the buckaroos, Pa,” Billy said and grinned.

“Cain’t gainsay that,” Nick agreed.  

Billy went off to the bathroom to clean himself and returned about thirty minutes later. The twins used it last for their evening romp in the hay with their giant economy-size community husband, and Billy was impressed they always left everything neat as a pin. The lube gun was always reloaded and ready for their master’s use. It was the small thoughtful things about his halflings that endeared them to Billy, to say nothing of their fantastic talent and stunningly perfect little bodies. Then there was the powerful thought of the wonderful lingering flavor of their sweet tasty ejaculate. He called out ‘hosanna’ in his mind and smiled to himself.

Nick had coffee ready for them when Billy returned, but he didn’t morph to his demon dad persona. He was still Samu’el his bird-man slave. Billy didn’t say anything as they drank their herb laced coffee. He was just as attentive to his mate as he would have been if he morphed. They drank their first cup and talked quietly about the day. They were impressed the ancients were looking out for them and sent Balthazar to give them a much needed assist healing Zelma Redbone. About halfway through their second cup of coffee, the herbs began to hit both of them at the same time and talk was replaced by much feeling, petting, stolen kisses, and dirty, filthy, wonderful cowboy talk about sex to stimulate the imagination as well as pumping massive amounts of testosterone into their systems.

The nasty metaphors were flying between them as they held each other’s strong naked bodies close in front of the dwindling fire. It was down to embers and what little light it gave off cast shadows of their bodies on the walls and ceiling of the cabin. For some reason, Nick chose to continue wearing his wings. Billy didn’t ask him about it. He figured if Nick wanted him to know he would tell him. Nick was on top of Billy, and he spread his wings to cover both as they kissed another deeply passionate kiss. Billy opened his eyes to see the shadow of Nick’s enormous wings covering him, and something deep with him relaxed and let go. Then he realize, Nick had the need for Billy to submit to him as his son while he was in angel form. Billy remembered Nick reminding him he ‘really weren’t no demon.’

Billy relaxed and began to respond to Nick as his angel dad. His assumption proved to be correct. The minute he began to accept Nick as his mate in his fallen angel form, the greater Nick’s dominate masculinity took over and didn’t stop until they began to copulate. Even then, there was no doubt in Billy’s mind this was something his surrogate dad needed, and his boy was more than willing to provide. It really didn’t make a difference to Billy. He enjoyed each persona equally, and didn’t consider the necessity of choosing one over the other. When one is being totally satisfied by his or her partner to the core of their being, what the hell difference does it make? Nick’s forte was, he could be just as demoniacally aggressive in either form.

Billy lay back and enjoyed the ride as his bird-man built up to an enormous climax. The young cowboy wasn’t a dead fish, he was using his ass like a secure catcher for his dad’s pitching, and Nick was throwing his boy some hard balls like a fast ball might smack into the glove of Johnny Bench. Billy was working as diligently as Nick to get him to that wondrous point everyman, at one time or other, swears he can see the face of god -- or the golden paved streets of heaven -- Nirvana -- or for those more secular, the Disneyland Main Street Electrical Parade. (choose one) Billy didn’t need Nick to yell to him he was about to climax, his whole body accepted his dad’s seed like a blast from an electronic stun cannon. It hit a come-button deep within Billy’s gut which triggered his own massive eruption, and he shot his load all over both of them. After he got his breath, and while his cock was still soaking in Billy's ass, Nick began to make love to his partner with tender but passionate kisses. Billy locked his boots around Nick’s ass and pushed his own ass up to make sure all of his pa’s big cock was solidly implanted within him as he returned Nick’s love. “Wow!” exclaimed Nick quietly, “That was fantastic, Son,” he said and stole another kiss.

“Thanks for the good fuck’n, Pa. It was one of your best. I liked getting fucked by my angel dad,” Billy complimented Nick, “I think we both needed that to center us,” he added.

“I guess you noticed I didn’t morph,” Nick said quietly.

“I figured you had your reasons. I certainly didn’t mind, but it brought up a question in my mind I must deal with sooner or later. Maybe now’s as good a time as any since we’s hooked together like’iss and relaxed to the max,” Billy said.

“What’s that, Son?” Nick asked.

“As much as I love your demon dad persona, my use of the term around others might give the wrong impression. Perhaps I’m contributing to a prejudice against you what’s grown to such a huge proportion over the centuries no one understands my words are only a metaphor or meant in jest on an intimate basis,” Billy said, “Maybe I didn’t understand you had your limits where that was concerned. Perhaps you need to look on yourself and have those on this world know you as Nick and not demon dad or Old Nick or any of the other derogatory names you gathered over the years,” he added.

Nick was quiet for a good while and took another couple of strong strokes out and back into Billy’s ass. “Your intuitiveness continues to amaze me, Son. You’re right. I need to be just your pa sometimes, and not your demon dad; although --” he paused for a second, “I do so love to let my demon loose on you to take and give us both what we need. You’re the first person who has responded positively to my demon dad persona, and it really flipped a major sexual switch within me. As a result, I ain’t never had sex with nobody like I do with you. I think, together, we opened the door to a new world for us. So, I ain’t advocating giving up that kinky extra bonus between us. What we do in private, or as private as we can get right now with three robo-cams on us at all times, is our own business. I know you already gave both ancient races permission to follow your life to gain more money and support for your cause. I was sent here on a mission for which I was given very few details and became your slave. As my master, that’s your prerogative. I have no problem with it. If it benefits my master, it indirectly benefits me, and your other owners as well, and I’m all for it,” Nick said.

“And...?” Billy asked like he expected more.

“I was starting to worry you might think only of me as a rather one dimensional cartoon-like super-demon dad character I created for myself centuries ago, and you might come to depend on him more than me, just plain-old-dime-a-dozen fallen angel, Nick. So, I needed to do what a I done this e’nin,” Nick explained.

“And...?” Billy asked again.

“You responded like I hoped you would -- better than I thought you might -- like I knew you would. I wondered if it’s because of your enhancement, or if you’s always been so intuitive. I thought maybe it was because, day by day, we seem to grow closer to each other, like two black holes orbiting in space inexplicably drawn to one another. Then, as I watched you this past week, I saw you practice what you believe. From your descriptions of Samson being your owner and explaining to Tom and Abby how your slaves own you, I have to believe it was part of you before them ancients got their paws on you,” Nick said and smiled, “Or maybe it was there and got augmented. Either way, you’re a hard man not to love, Billy Daniels,” Nick said and they shared another intimate kiss.  

“Then, are we all right, Pa?” Billy asked like a little boy.

“Not entirely,” Nick said with a grin, and suddenly, Billy’s ass was filled with almost twice as much red meat as before as his pa morphed into his demon dad, complete with enormous black leather wings. Nick was magnificent.

“I guess at this moment most men would cry out for Jesus or God, but I don’t want to share this with nobody -- with the possible exception of a shout-out to our universal galactic audience. I'm sure they'd want to know. Is this dessert, Pa?” Billy asked innocently.

Nick broke up laughing, “Hesh up, boy! I’m gonna’ take yore’ ass like we both need!” his demon dad exclaimed, “Like you done said, if’n they want a show, let’s give ‘em a good’un,” he added.

“Ye haw! Demon up, Pa! Let’s show ’em how a couple of hell’s angels pleasure one another!” Billy exclaimed in return.

Nick fucked Billy like there would be no tomorrow for anyone in any galaxy. He was so powerful and Billy so strong, they went at it like two super-heroes might for a good hour or more of solid, none stop fucking. It was like the Hulk got horny after the Avengers saved the world from aliens, grabbed up Thor, ripped his clothes from his gorgeous body, impaled him on his huge green cock, wrapped his huge hand around Thor's waist, and jacked himself off using Thor’s ass. Awesome! It didn’t hurt Thor none. Thor has buns of steel. He shoots lightening bolts out his ass when he farts. Well, maybe it hurt his masculine ego a little, because his ass dripped green Hulk gizz for hours afterward. After all, they managed to save the world from Loki and his evil hords, and if that weren't enough, they got great reviews. Later, after they kissed and made up, physicist Dr. Bruce Banner announced his and Thor’s engagement.

Billy and Nick’s sexual acrobatics that evening was not to be believed, and many watchers on Retikki Prime rang their star bell beside their beds a couple of times that evening. One galaxy was almost filled with new stars as a result of the demon dad and his cowboy son’s coupling. While Billy and Nick’s feat was not quite in the same ballpark as the deviant Avengers or Him what created the seven stars, they were damn close. They were so exhausted when they finished, they didn’t bother to clean up. Nick transported them to the bed, and they fell asleep entwined with Nick still firmly planted up Billy’s rectum. Nick wrapped his huge leather bat-like wings around them to keep them warm as they succumbed to sleep. Before he drifted off, Billy wondered if there was ever a requiem written for a rectum. He was sure his rectum could use one. He imagined it died and went to heaven. And he heard a great chorus singing: Rectum Aeternam and something about Pie for Jesus.

* * * * * * *
Neither knew when it happened, but they somehow became unhooked during the night. Nick unconsciously morphed into his bird-man fallen-angel persona and his wings surrounded them. Billy got up and started for the fireplace when he saw some boxes on the cooking counter in front of the stove. There were eight of them. They weren’t there the night before, and he wondered if the twins might have dreamed up some surprise for their master. Billy removed the top box, set it on the counter, and removed the lid. He let out a buckaroo whoop which woke the entire cabin. Nick sat bolt upright in bed and shook his head trying to get his bearings. “What the fuck? What chu’ yell’n for, Kemosabe?” he asked.

“Hosanna cakes! Fresh Hosanna cakes! They’s about twenty-four to a box and they’s eight boxes here. Oh, I didn’t see this. There’s a note here with ‘em,” Billy said.

“Hosanna cakes? Why Hosanna cakes? Ain’t complaining none. I’d love a fresh Hosanna cake this morning with my coffee,” Nick said.

Billy took the envelope to the bed, sat down next to his bleary eyed pa, and opened it. Inside was a letter intricately written like a professional scribe, an expert in calligraphy, might write. Billy read it out loud to Nick, “Congratulations Master Billy Daniels on your first week back on Earth. We couldn’t be more pleased and proud of the way you’ve conducted yourself, and the progress you have already made toward your goal. Your complete day, yesterday, was broadcast out into the universe to over a thousand galaxies and everyone is enthralled with you, your music, your healing abilities, and your treatment of your family -- slaves and freemen. Your sexual performance last evening with your surrogate dad was the talk of many galaxies, and is being rebroadcast later to those who missed it. Many sources say the majority of people out there are pleased and happy Samu’el or Nick has found some happiness with you, and seems comfortable with his new assignment. As a result, donations from fifty galaxies or more have been sent to us and the Irin to help you with your cause. We don’t have a total from the Irin, but we imagine it’s as much or more than what we have received. We have on deposit for you, one hundred and fifty billion U.S. dollars in gold and we look for it to grow every day. We look forward to your six month visit. Enjoy your well deserved treats. Sincerely, Uncle Gregory and Uncle Albrecht,” Billy finished.

Billy sat looking at Nick like he was stunned. “A hun’nert and fifty billion dollars, Nick? Fuck Earth! Let them conservative assholes, them medieval child molesting Catholic clowns, the god-bots, and a-la-carte Christianist have it for a sandbox. Let’s gather our folks, the folks we love and care about, build a couple more communities on Lilith, and get the hell out of Dodge!” Billy exclaimed.

Nick laughed at his enthusiasm. “You know that ain’t gonna’ happen, Cowboy,” Nick said firmly.

“Yeah, I know,” Billy conceded, “It was just a momentary reaction. Some’um what crossed my mind. Like you, I already done accepted the Grigori and Irin’s assignment, and I ain’t a man what shirks his responsibilities. For better or worse, we’ll see this through. You wiff’ me, Tonto?” Billy asked.

“Hosanna, Kemosabe!” Nick shouted and raised his fist over his head.

“Hosanna in the highest!” Billy answered raising his fist to return Nick’s salute.

* * * * * * *  
Boomer and the twins drifted in from the loft. Billy saved what herb laced coffee was still in the large pot from the night before, placed it in a clean plastic jar and put it in the freezer of the fridge. He washed the pot and made fresh coffee for him and Nick. Since they had a special treat for the morning, the halflings and Boomer decided they wanted a cup as well. Billy noticed Boomers breast were swollen more than usual that morning. “What’s going on, Boom? You must have a gallon of milk or more you’s carrying around,” Billy asked.

“My little brothers took pity on me and morphed to halfpint watchers last evening and slept all night with me that way. Their breast were pretty full this morning, too,” he said.

“That was very thoughtful of them. They may have two Hosanna cakes each for their compassion for their big brother and husband,” Billy said and grinned, “I’m hoping we can start milking them today or tomorrow,” Billy added.

“What’s on the docket for today, Kemosabe?” Nick asked.

“Lotto office. Gold exchange. I want to visit a Frys electronics store to buy several desktop computers, and a music store what sells electronic keyboards. Then we return home. We should be done by noon or early afternoon at the latest. Boomer, will you feel comfortable morphing as a cowboy?” Billy asked. “If not we could leave you at the ranch,” Billy said.

“I must go where my master goes. I’m your husband and protector. I’ll be fine as a cowboy,” he said.

“Okay, I agree, I just wanted to give you the option,” Billy said.

They had their coffee and each man and Boomer shouted “Hosanna” when they bit into their cakes.

* * * * * * *
Kate was up preparing Zelma’s rice with watcher’s milk. She wanted it altogether. Billy walked up the stairs to her bedroom with a cup of coffee and a couple of Hosanna cakes for Balthazar. He was awake chatting casually with his patient. “My word. Where did you get Hosanna cakes?” he asked.

“They were a surprise delivery to the line cabin while we slept with a note of encouragement and praise for our work the first week back from visiting Retikki Prime. They were sent by Boomer and my generous uncles, Gregory and Albrecht,” Billy replied, “I brought a box with us to share with the folks up here. I told them about the wonderful small cakes, and now, they can sample one for themselves,” he added.

“Thank you, Master Billy. I will certainly enjoy them and with real coffee. I haven’t had coffee in years, but I’m quite fond of the beverage,” Balthazar said.

“And how are you feeling, Grandmother Redbone?” Billy asked.

“Better than I’ve felt in a long time, and I’m starved,” Zelma replied.

“Good, glad to hear it, and as Balthazar said last evening, hunger is a good sign,” Billy encouraged her.

“I can’t thank you men enough,” she said.

“Don’t thank us until we’re sure you’re well, and you have made noticeable improvement, Mistress. It’s bad luck,” Balthazar said.

“Then, I will thank you for your efforts last evening,” she said.

“You’re welcome, Mz. Zelma. We’re glad to have you here,” Billy said.

They were joined by the McMartin family, Enoch, and Moss. The two big cowboys shared Enoch’s room in the big house. Nothing was said about it. It was just a given. Then everyone went down to a big country breakfast. Talk was lively and the McMartins used the time to thank everyone for a great day and expressed what a fun time they had. The boys cried to say goodbye to their hero Boomer. After final goodbyes to Zelma and Enoch, the McMartin’s said goodbye and took off to drive back to Houston. Billy gathered his backpack containing the gold and the winning Mega-Ball Lotto ticket from the safe in the basement. He watched Boomer morph into a huge cowboy. Strangely enough, he looked like he could be Enoch's brother. He wasn't a duplicate, but Billy was sure Boomer modeled himself on the big cowboy. Clyde outfitted him with typical western cowboy attire, with a huge hat, and Boomer looked the part. Billy took Nick, Boomer, Enoch, Moss, Clyde, and his Uncle Nathan with him. He decided to leave Andy and Dociean with Tron to help get out more hay and feed for the Highland cattle who had been so faithful to block and guard the front gate.

The cowboys piled into the same large van they used to go shopping in Fredericksburg. Fortunately, it had tinted windows, and you couldn’t see who or how many passengers there were inside. They followed the McMartin’s down to the gate, and there were the three news trucks with Pastor Womack’s black Mercedes in front. The cows were still blocking the way but slowly parted and allowed them to pass. Both vehicles slowly pulled onto the black top and headed for Fredericksburg. The black Mercedes sedan and news trucks pulled in behind them.

End of Chapter 16 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved~
E-mail: waddiebear@yahoo.com
WC = 13388
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Next: Chapter 17

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