Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Jul 9, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 19

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Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 19

"Religion has nothing to offer in terms of moral guidance that cannot be worked out by human thought (which is where religious morality itself comes from). Religion’s pronouncements and claims to knowledge are pernicious because they purport to speak for unanswerable, unchanging and unquestioned authorities. Abrahamic religious morality is like a fly in amber, a relic of barbarous Bronze age mores preserved in the so-called holy books of Judaism, Christianity and Islam." ~ You're Name's Not Bruce?

The concert came to an end and everyone seemed happy. Zeus and Thor came forward and thanked Billy and his musicians. The cows gave a cheer for them, then began to disperse. The dancing cows were exhausted and went to the water trough to have a cool drink. Everyone was in a great mood as they returned to the big house to begin supper. Billy wanted to visit Nick’s ship again to check on his patients. He wanted to take Balthazar with him. No one told the black angel about Beauford.

“Ms. Zelma, since you’re feeling better and have Andy and Clyde to see to you, do you think you could share your main care provider and protector for a short while? I’d like to take him with us and introduce him to someone on my surrogate dad’s ship,” Billy said.

“Certainly. I’m tired and think I’ll take a nice nap until time for supper,” Zelma replied.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Billy said politely, “we’ll be back in plenty of time for supper,” he added.

Billy took only his immediate family of Nick, Boomer, and the halflings along with Balthazar. The twins made up a couple more quarts of watcher milk for Aeron and Cloog. Beauford must have sensed they were coming because, everyone was waiting for them in the village square when they arrived. Billy carefully watched Balthazar as he got a look at the great male Shedu while Beauford walked forward to welcome them. It was almost like Balthazar couldn’t believe his eyes. Billy saw white people lose blood to their face from fear or surprise, but Balthazar’s skin went from coal back to a beautiful navy blue sheen. He was good looking as he was, but flushed with blood he was a magnificent creature. Balthazar immediately fell to his knees in front of Beauford and bowed his upper torso so far forward he almost touch the ground with his head in obeisance to the huge creature.

“Arise, handsome angel, so I may have a good look at you,” Beauford ordered gently.

Balthazar stood but didn’t look Beauford in the eye. He looked down at this feet as a sign of humility.

“You are a guest of my master and my captain on this ship. You are no slave here. Look upon me, fair messenger, so I may welcome you properly,” Beauford said.

Balthazar threw his shoulders back and looked directly at the huge Shedu. Both were obviously impressed from what they saw standing before them. Beauford started to sprout an erection and Billy could see Balthazar’s penis expanding in his Wranglers like a large snake. “In the name of some unknown god, you are the most noble and handsome creature I’ve seen in many a century,” Beauford said.

“And you have the same effect on me, sire. I am stunned beyond words to be in the presence of such magnificence,” Balthazar said.

“Beauford, may I present my new slave, Balthazar,” Billy said, “He is on temporary loan to me and just arrived here a couple of days ago from Retikki Prime. Balthazar, the great Shedu Kerubim you see before you is Sir Beauford, my dad Nick’s protector and number one on this ship,” Billy said.

“It’s a great honor to meet you, sire,” Balthazar said.

“I assured you, the honor is equally mine, dark angel. Why is your slave wearing clothes, Master Billy?” Beauford asked.

“We just left my family’s house and folks on Earth are somewhat prudish about dress, Sir Beauford,” Billy explained.

“What a pity. I’m sure I would enjoy seeing the rest of him,” Beauford said.

“Balthazar...,” Billy said. He didn’t have to say another word, and the giant black angel’s clothes disappeared. There was a gasp from the crowd gathered around the square and Beauford took a step back. His nares expanded as he sucked in a great volume of air into his lungs in awe of the naked messenger who stood before him. He was perfect in every detail and boasted a set of tackle which brought a smile of approval to the huge Shedu bull.

“Stunning!” Beauford said and breathed out with a sigh, “There is no other word to describe your beauty, fair angel. “Your ornaments are the perfect touch to compliment the rest of your beauty. Who had you ringed?” Beauford asked.

“My mistress, sir. Thank you for your kind words. I find you equally stunning, sire. It’s such a shock to meet another Shedu. My mistress was sure she was the last of her kind in the universe,” Balthazar replied.

“You are Madame Spartza’s protector?” Beauford asked.

“Yes, sire, for many years it has been my honor and pleasure to be her slave, her companion, and protector,” Balthazar replied.

“Master Billy, you are a man of many surprises. I bow to my master’s cunning,” Beauford said and made a grand gesture of bowing with his upper torso.

“Why, thank you, Sir Beauford, but my part is little more than a progression of circumstances. We planned to come here anyway to check on our patients. It simply was the right time for you to meet each other,” Billy said like it was nothing.

“Nonetheless, I’m most grateful to meet this remarkably handsome messenger,” Beauford said.

“And it is my good fortune and honor to be assigned such a fine young master who would share such a treasure with me, sir,” Balthazar added.

“You gentlemen get acquainted while Captain Nick and I see to our patients. Where is that rascal, Aeron?” Billy said loudly and in an instant his arms were filled with a small tornado, laughing and smiling from ear to ear shamelessly stealing kisses from his big cowboy master. “Now is that any way for a young warrior apprentice to greet his master?” Billy asked with humor in his voice.

“It is when the young apprentice warrior loves his master as much as I do, Master Billy,” Aeron replied enthusiastically.

“Then I guess we’ll just have to overlook protocol and enjoy the bounty of heartfelt hugs and kisses,” Billy said and everyone laughed.

“Does that apply to older warriors, good Master?” Cloog said walking up to Billy without assistance.

“There’s always room in these arms for another handsome warrior. Come to your master’s arms, Cloog,” Billy said shifting Aeron to his left arm and taking the older warrior in his right. Both stole kisses from him, and Billy returned their love in equal measure.

“We will have one last healing session this evening. I have with me two fine healers, your captain and my temporary slave, Balthazar, and with their help, our efforts should complete your therapy; however, we will continue to bring you more watcher milk for several days. It’s as important to your mending properly as our healing gifts,” Billy said to them and their gathered families. “You feel like you’ve gained a bit of weight, Cloog,” Billy commented.

“I have, indeed, Master. I’m also stronger and can go longer without tiring. I’m most grateful, sir,” the warrior replied.

Billy and Nick disappeared for a moment and returned almost immediately fully fledged. Billy asked Balthazar to join them and they spread their great wings over the young dwarf and the mature halfling warrior. Their collection of healing power was awesome. They fully impressed the town and Nick’s group of gathered protectors. The light was so piercing, many had to turn their eyes away. It didn’t take long for their combined powers to complete their work and Billy’s patients were quickly restored close to their original state of health. Time and watcher milk would slowly return the last ten percent. Cloog and Aeron were grateful and so were their families. They knew their captain had healing powers, but none so great to equal what they just witnessed.

Their task done, Billy gathered his posse to leave. Balthazar and Beauford said their farewells and promised to see each other again before Balthazar was scheduled to leave. Billy felt they would have plenty of time for a more extended visit the following week. “If, for some reason, you don’t make it back, messenger, would you be so kind to remember me to your lady,” Beauford asked respectfully.

“It will be my pleasure, sire, but I’m hoping we will return for another visit. Until then, it has been a great pleasure and honor to meet you,” Balthazar said and bowed.

“Your visit has moved and completed me like no one in recent memory, messenger. Stay well and strong for your mistress,” Beauford said.

“I will do my best, sire,” Balthazar replied and returned his clothes ready to transport back to the ranch house.

Billy and Nick said fond goodbyes and transported them back. They arrived at the ranch just in time for the twins to help with supper and to milk Boomer for the day. Billy sent them on their way and Balthazar remained with him and Nick in the living room.

“You must be stunned and have a thousand questions, my friend,” Billy said.

“Stunned? Yes. Mixed feelings? Within acceptable norms. Apprehensive about change? Somewhat, but it’s expected when you’re an immortal servant. As the universe expands, things change. Feelings of insecurity? Not a bit. None. Love and respect for you and your dad? Enormous. Beyond measure. I couldn’t imagine two more loving men to break this to me in such a benign and gracious manner. It might be harder for me if I found Beauford to be unattractive or not what I might imagine for my mistress, but I’m afraid I was not very successful at hiding my reaction. Sir Beauford is one of the most attractive and handsome creatures I have ever encountered, and he would be a perfect companion and mate for my mistress. Together, their combined powers would be most valuable to you in your quest to change this planet. They are obligated to their protector to use their powers to also protect him and his chosen people from harm’s way. To have them conjoin with someone like yourself, Master Billy, is one of the rare combinations which occurs occasionally within the universe, but not very often. Too many times, it’s arranged for nefarious purposes to augment or enhance some despots rise and hold on power. I have only one request, Master Billy,” Balthazar said falling to his knees.

“You only have to ask, my beautiful angel. You have served the Grigori well and have exhibited exemplary conduct and selfless service to your mistress for many years. You have served and protected her heroically without any thought to your own safety, needs, or comfort. It is time for your reward, and I have been granted the power by your owners to grant you any boon your heart desires. I have been told to grant you freedom to become a free agent if you so choose,” Billy said.

“I only wish to join you and your family, Master Billy. I wish to become your slave,” Balthazar said.

“I’m honored and flattered beyond measure, Balthazar. Would you be willing to give yourself to me this evening in front of my family?” Billy asked.

“Most certainly, Master Billy. It would be a great honor, sir,” he replied.

“Then rise, my good slave, and let us seal our pledge with a kiss,” Billy said firmly.

Balthazar was in Billy’s arms in an instant, and they kissed a warm and passionate kiss. Nick winged up for the moment, spread his wings over them, and blessed their coming together with the effulgence of his countenance.

“I will plan an appropriate ceremony for someone as special as you, Balthazar. One of intimacy, strength, and compassion,” Billy said.

“I am in your world, Master. I will be honored by whatever you plan for me, sir,” Balthazar replied.

They kissed again and Billy sent Balthazar off to take care of Zelma Jane and get her ready for supper. She enjoyed coming down for breakfast and having her meals with the rest of the family. She was developing a new relationship with everyone including her grandson. She never saw Enoch interrelating with others outside his family. Always before, he would be sitting at her grand table, minding his manners, and trying his best to be a gentleman. As big as he was, he could sometimes be a bit clumsy and would die from embarrassment if he made a mistake; therefore, he was always restrained and on edge to the point he would secretly remove himself from his family as soon as possible, run to the nearest restroom and throw-up his meal. Zelma never knew, but Tom did. He and Abigale discussed it many times.
At the Daniels table, Enoch was mannerly enough, but relaxed. He could let down his hair and be a cowboy. Zelma was seeing a different person than the grandson she thought she knew. She could tell Enoch and Moss Garrett were a bonded pair. They made no attempt to hide their affection or passion from her. The addition of Moss to Enoch’s world gave him a much needed backbone to accept his role in life as a potential leader; one of strength, sound purpose, intelligence, reason, and compassion. Zelma decided she liked her new grandson.

That evening, after her nap, she said she was still tired from the afternoon and asked Balthazar if he would be so kind as to ask Kate if she might have a tray in her bedroom and invited him to join her if he liked. He agreed. Kate and Roz fixed two trays for them and sent him on his way. He dismissed his helpers and allowed them to go downstairs for supper.

After Billy stood and said a brief prayer of thanksgiving for their food and family, he said he had an announcement to make. “Due to circumstances within our family most of you don’t know about, but will be informed later, I have been instructed by the Grigori our temporary slave, Balthazar, is to be given an option of a new assignment within the near future,” he said. “As their representative on Earth, I gave him several options and was told to offer him his freedom if he so wished. He declined and asked to join our family and become my slave. So it is with humility and great joy I tell you have granted his request,” Billy said. There were murmurers around the room, and everyone applauded politely. Billy held up his hand, “We will have a master/slave bonding ceremony in the ballroom this evening at eight o’clock. Those wishing to attend please be in the ballroom at that time,” he said.

Everyone sat down for dinner. A couple asked questions, but Billy didn’t give them much information. He was warned, becoming the Shedu’s protector should be kept on a need-to-know basis until it could be accomplished. Certainly his staff and those with powers should stay alert. The Grigori stressed they never knew who might try to stop or foil the conjoining of the mighty beasts.

At eight o’clock everyone gathered including the women. Kate and Roz brought Zelma down and told Balthazar he was to remain in the room until his master sent for him. The ladies were warned there might be some nakedness as Balthazar came from a planet where they wear no clothes, so in keeping with their traditions and for his slave’s comfort, Billy, his attending angels, his halflings, his cowboy slaves, and Irin slaves would be in the buff. None of the ladies seemed the least uncomfortable with Billy’s pronouncement, but what surprised him most was Enoch, Moss, his uncle, and Tron’s desire to participate. Billy reminded them it wasn’t a long ceremony, and he certainly wasn’t trying to suggest they were obligated to comply.

“Are we not your family, Son?” Nathan asked.

“So say I,” Billy replied.

“Then we will participate to welcome our new member into our fold. He will be born again unto us and Earth, and he should see us as we were born to this world,” Nathan said.

“Hear! Hear!” exclaimed Enoch and echoed by Moss and Tron. “Besides, I want full body contact with that handsome angel when I give him my welcome kiss,” the big cowboy added.

“I hear that!” exclaimed Nathan and again echoed by Moss and Tron. Everyone laughed at the cowboy’s gentle but complimentary sexual innuendo.

“So be it. You men feel free to disrobe and let it all hang out,” Billy said and grinned.

Kate found some old candles in a draw on the back porch they kept for emergencies when the generator went out, and brought along a box of aluminum foil. She gave each man a candle and a square of foil to make a holder to keep wax from dripping on the floor. After she lit everyone’s candle and the women retired to the outside of the male circle, Billy sent Clyde to fetch his new slave. When Clyde and Balthazar returned they were fully fledged and completely naked. No one but Billy and his immediate family had seen Balthazar au naturale. There were several gasps from the women as well as the men. The handsome black angel looked around at the men of Billy’s family, naked as the day they were born, holding candles as a sign of unity to light the way for their newest member. Billy watched Balthazar’s eyes get glassy as he slowly looked around. A big smile crossed his face. The big angel fell to his knees and placed his face in his hands. “I am not worthy, Master,” he said humbly.

“Every person in this room feels otherwise, my good slave. So say I! Hosanna! What say you, my family?” Billy asked loudly.

“So say we! Hosanna in the highest!” his family replied

“Will you take me for your slave, Master Billy, to serve you and your family?” Balthazar asked.

“I will accept your petition to become my slave, my handsome dark angel,” Billy replied.

“May I pay homage to your boots, sire?” Balthazar asked.

“You may,” Billy replied.

Balthazar made his action one of reverence and humility. When he was finished Billy spoke, “Come to your master’s arms, good slave, and share your love with him,” Billy demanded tenderly.

Balthazar rose to his full height, moved into Billy’s arms, and they shared a passionate but tender kiss. Everyone went “Awww” and started stomping their boots. Holding candles, they couldn’t applaud without getting hot wax all over the floor and Kate threatened them with their lives if they did. Boot stomping was good enough. They blew out their candles, set them aside, and then applauded. Balthazar went from man to man and shared his love with them. The women were not to be left out and gave him a hug and a kiss. Zelma was beside herself with joy. She could only imagine what her big black handsome attendant must look like without clothes. She was truly impressed as were the rest of Billy’s family. The strong words of Travis Houston came back to haunt her, and she smiled to herself. Of course Travis was right. How could she have been so uncharitable and thoughtless to have reduced such a magnificent warrior to that of a pet? She made up her mind to set things right and not be overbearing about it.

Everyone had a good word for him and welcomed Balthazar to the family. He was deeply moved by their heartfelt welcome and sincere good wishes. He swore he never had so moving a bonding ceremony with any other master he served in the many years since he was created. He was looking forward to living on Earth and working with Master Billy and his growing family to accomplish their goals. While Balthazar considered Earth to be a wild and unpredictable place, he was convinced from his mistress’s assurances it was quickly becoming the ‘happening’ place in the universe and ‘the’ place to be to live and witness a new era of planetary rehabilitation. It had never been attempted before on such a scale as the Irin and Grigori teamed up to do backing their chosen savior, an enhanced human to lead their forces.

Too many times before, they did nothing and allowed good species to fail in their final evolution from merely intelligent creatures to fully fledged mature members of a greater community in the universe. They allowed them to struggle, fight, and destroy their planet and each other simply because they couldn’t organize and rise above individual greed and beliefs in myth and superstition which held a choke hold on the majority with fear, ignorance, and devotion to blind faith.  Part of their plan was to unite the two remaining Shedu Kerubim under Master Billy’s protection, and Balthazar was expected to help him as a free agent advisor, or his slave. The dark angel weighed his options and readily chose the latter. Madame Spartza shared with her faithful companion, Master Billy had no idea how powerful his own gifts from the Grigori and Irin were and how much more powerful he would become as he learned to use them.

* * * * * * *
The men put on their clothes. Kate announced her staff would be serving dessert, but they had to be fully dressed to come into her kitchen. She laughed and everyone laughed with her. There was much talk and anticipation for the weekend. Billy decided they would work all week, but he and his family would relax on the weekends. The next morning he planned to saddle Samson and Ms. Maybelle and he and Nick would ride them back to the big barn close to the big house. Since the rains and snow, there was better grazing for them in the large pastures around the ranch house. He thought he might like to take Randy for a ride on Samson. No one said anything, but they smiled at each other. They knew it was the real reason for bringing the ponies up from the line cabin. Billy wanted to play cowboy big brother for his little buddy.

* * * * * * *
After dessert, Billy took his immediate family and his cowboy slaves to the older barn with the milking machine. He had his halflings moph to watchers and milked them personally. He had his cowboy slaves Hank and Buck morph and he milked them as well. Buck sucked Hank off while he was being milked and Hank returned the favor. Billy morphed himself and had Hank hook him up to the machine. Nick decided it was time to repay his master for his blowjob earlier that morning and sucked Billy off. He asked Billy if he wanted to milk him. Billy thanked him but declined. He felt they had enough milk for a while, but he would keep Nick’s generous offer in mind in case of an emergency.

* * * * * * *
After saying goodnight, Billy and his family transported to the line cabin and took care of the livestock. Then they took care of each other and got ready for the night. Billy told Samson and Maybelle they would be making the trip back up to the main part of the ranch tomorrow morning with them. Neither had any objections as long as they were together. << Does your dad know how to ride? >> Ms. Maybelle asked.

<< I do. When I was a young angel, not yet fully fledged, I befriended a strong and noble Kentaurian who would pull me up on his back, and we would ride like the wind together, >> he replied.

<< Good, I’ll look forward to the trip, >> Maybelle said.

After Boomer and the twins went to the loft in the barn and settled down for the evening, Billy and Nick sat naked in front of the fireplace holding each other close. “Some’um on your mind, Tonto?” Billy asked.

“Not particularly. I’m content just being here with you. I aways start to mellow-out when our day comes to an end and after sharing you all day, I get to have you to myself for a while,” Nick said and pulled Billy closer to him.

“Damn, Pa, you shore’ know the right thing to say sometimes. I couldn’t agree with you more. I get to going so fast I run into myself, but coming back here to be alone with you and my family for a while centers me and renews me. I think I’m going to expand the cabin after I get some of the other things out of the way. I been think’n about it a lot and in nine months our family is going to grow by one. I would like to keep the cabin as our place,” Billy said.

“Sounds good to me,” Nick said lazily and stole a kiss.

“You want a little of your demon son’s ass, tonight, Demon Dad?” Billy asked softly

“I’m always ready to tear off a piece of my boy’s butt, if’n he’s got an itch in his gut,” Nick replied, “But all things considered, you had a long day. You sure you feel up to it?” he asked.

“I’m a bit tired, but I think I could use a good fuck from my demon dad. No herbs. Just a leisurely fuck to work the kinks out for bowfus,” Billy said an grinned at his cowboy speak.

“Sounds good to me, and maybe tomorrow night, Saturday night, we can do the whole package, I can tie you to the ceiling, and set your hair on fire,” Nick said and grinned.

“We got us a date, Demon Dad!” Billy exclaimed, they shook hands, and fell together laughing.

Billy went in, cleaned himself thoroughly, and lubed himself well. Nick in his demon form was considerably bigger than his usually persona. Nick took his surrogate son with passion and strength. It was one of those times when two people become so in tune with each other they know what to expect and bring their best to the feast. Nick brought them both to climax after giving and taking in equal measure. They erupted at the same moment, Nick flooding Billy with his hot demon gizz and Billy shooting all over both of them. They lay hooked together swapping kisses and complimenting each other for their part. “You play me like a well practiced piece of music and require of me a new song,” Billy said breathlessly.

“And what song would that be, Maestro?” Nick asked.

“That’s easy. Shiller’s Ode to Joy. My asshole is so happy right now it could sing the last movement of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony all by itself,” Billy bragged.

“Never heard it, Kemosabe,” Nick said.

“Stick with me long enough, you will, Tonto,” Billy promised.

“Was it as good for you as it was for me, Kemosabe,” Nick asked and grinned.

“Every bit, Tonto. You’s pretty damn good for a wing-man. I think I’ll keep you around for a while,” Billy said.

“How long is a ‘while’?” Nick asked.

“Forever and a day,” Billy replied.

“Sounds good to me,” Nick said, “you looking forward to having the Rutherfords over Sunday?” he asked.

“Yeah, I really am. My little buddy’s tried to tickle me a couple of times this e’nin, but I ain’t responded yet. I will after we get in bed,” Billy said.

“You’re good with kids, Son,” Nick complimented his master.

“That’s 'cause I still got me a scared little boy what lives inside me, Pa. But he ain’t afeard a’ nothing as long as he’s got his dad by his side,” Billy said.

“I think you know just the right words to say yourself, Kemosabe,” Nick said and stole another kiss.

Billy cleaned them up, and they went to bed. Nick morphed back to his angel-dad persona and surrounded them with his wings. After he told Nick goodnight, Billy reached out and tickled his little buckaroo buddy. << Howdy, cowboy, >> he said.

<< Cowboy Billy! I tried a couple of times to tickle you, but I guess you were busy, >> Randy said.

<< I was, but now I’m free and thought I’d return your tickle and say goodnight, >> Billy sent.

<< I’m glad you did. It’s always good to hear from you, >> Randy said.

<< Did you have a big day today, pod’na’? >> Billy asked.

<< Not really, Sir, Grandma Rutherford is real sick and stays in bed most of the time. Me and my sister gotta’ be quiet so’s she can rest and get better. I don’t think she’ll get’n any better, Mr. Daniels. Mom takes good care of her and feeds her, but she’s not doing very well, >> Randy said.

<< Do you think she can hold out until Sunday and come with you folks? >> Billy asked.

<< I don’t know, Mr. Daniels, do you think you could help her? >> Randy asked.

<< I hope so, Randy, but you have to make sure she gets here. Can you do that for me? >> Billy asked.

<< I’ll do my best, sir, but I’m only six years old. Adults don’t listen to me, >> Randy said.

<< Talk with your grandma like we’re taking now to convince her she has to get here for me to help her. If you need a wing-man to back you up, tickle me, Son, >> Billy said.

<< You’d do that for me, Cowboy Billy? >> Randy asked excited.

<< You came through for me when I needed a saddle buddy to back me up, didn’t you, cowboy? >> Billy asked.

<< I sure did. I’ll be your saddle buddy anytime you need me, Mr. Daniels. I’ll do my best to help grandma, sir, >> Randy replied.

<< I know you will. I got faith in you, Randy. You’re going to grow up to be a stout hearted man and good cowboy, Son, >> Billy sent.

<< Thanks, I love you, Cowboy Billy. Goodnight, sir, >> Randy said.

<< I love you, too, buckaroo, rest well, and get some sleep, >> Billy sent and disconnected.

He rolled over and gently kissed Nick on his cheek, “I love you, Pa. Goodnight,” he said.

“After overhearing that conversation with your little saddle buddy, how could I not love you Billy Daniels?” Nick asked rhetorically and sighed, “Goodnight, and peaceful dreams, Kemosabe,” he added.   

* * * * * * *
The next morning, they got up a bit earlier to travel to the ranch house. After coffee and a couple of Hosanna cakes, Billy saddled up Samson. He didn’t have a saddle for Ms. Maybelle so he decided Nick would ride Samson, and he would ride bareback on the filly. Cass would ride behind Nick, and Poly would ride in front of Billy so he could hold on to his halfling. Boomer was used to walking and would walk along beside them. It was a pleasant morning and an easy trip to the ranch. Maybelle walked like she was carrying a great treasure and didn’t want to stumble or create an unsteady cadence which might unbalance them. Billy sent to her she was like riding on the finest magic carpet floating through the air and sent her a picture of an Arab riding one he’d seen in a book. She nodded her head and thanked him for the metaphor. Billy looked over at Nick and grinned lasciviously a few times. He thought his demon dad looked, for all the world, like a fine looking middle age rancher. Billy’s cock stayed hard the entire trip thinking about their coupling the night before. Ms. Maybelle felt him, sniffed his pungent male pheromones, and laughed. << Your dad is certainly a comfort to you, Master Billy, >> she sent.

<< He is that...and more, pretty lady, >> Billy returned and patted her neck affectionately.

They left at twilight, made good time, and got to the barn just before the sun began to peak over the mountain range to the east of them. Billy unsaddled Samson and fed the ponies their breakfast. As they were eating, Billy and Nick rubbed them down with some clean old towels. It was a cool morning, they took their time, so they didn’t build up much of a sweat. Billy send the twins and Boomer up to the house. They arrived in time for Poly and Cass to help Kate and Roz in the kitchen. Billy and Nick joined them. Billy pitched in and made a big urn of coffee. The household began to drift downstairs and into the kitchen for coffee.

They heard heavy cowboy boots on the front porch. “Nathan and Tron spent the night in the cabin at the Garrett place,” Kate volunteered.

Billy nodded and winked at Nick. The two mature cowboys came into the kitchen. “Like your new cowboy's work ethic, Son,” Tron said.

“What do you mean, Mr. Garrett,” Billy asked.

“They’s out there saw’n and hammer’n away on the bunk house,” he said.

“Well, I guess this weekend won’t hurt. I want some rest for my family after a hard week’s work on the ranch, but this was a short week, and I know they’s anxious to get settled in and start contributing. Can’t hurt none. We’ll holler at them when we get their breakfasts ready. Then I’ll have a talk with ‘em. You’re right, Mr. Garrett, about the work ethic. Don’t think you’d find that from a group of earth-bought slaves,” Billy agreed.

“I know damn well you wouldn’t, Son. You’s also lucky to have Hank and Buck. Them men know how a ranch is suppose to be run. They’ll take care of the day to day operations and you as well. Just give them the reins and let ‘em run. I got faith in them two men,” Tron said firmly.

About that time, Hank and Buck walked into the kitchen. “Yore’ ears a burn’n cowboys?” Nathan asked.

“Naw, sir, Master Nathan, why?” Buck asked.

“My ramrod was jes’ sing’n yore’ praises. He done got so worked up, I though he was gonna’ do a little dance-step with it, but he didn’t. Broke me heart, he did. I do so love me some dance’n cowboys,” Nathan said and grinned. Everyone laughed at his bullshit. The morning began on an upbeat, happy note, and that was the way the rest of their day progressed.  

Zelma Jane came down the stairs fully dressed for the morning. Everyone stood when she walked in on the arm of her giant black angel. Balthazar retired his wings for the day. They were closely followed by Clyde and Andy. “I didn’t see no flash of light,” Billy commented.

“My mistress slowly navigated the steps on her own this morning. We may return by angel-flight, but she is to be commended for her outstanding effort,” Balthazar said proudly. Everyone politely applauded for her.

“I couldn’t have done it without the help of my attendant. I’m very grateful for his time and gentle caring,” Zelma said, “Also, let me add, my cup runneth over with the added help and concern from Clyde and Andy. My heartfelt thanks for them as well,” she added.

“Never thought I’d live to see the day,” Kate muttered under her breath behind Billy’s back and laughed. “What did you and Travis say to her?" Kate asked. Billy had a difficult time keeping a straight face.

“I’ll tell you later, Grandma,” Billy said out the corner of his mouth.

The regular family enjoyed a good breakfast, but everyone was whisking plates away and loading the dishwasher to get ready for the second breakfast shift of the Irin cowboys. They already put in a couple hours of work. Roz and Dorcas took over the second cooking shift, so Kate could have time to relax, to plan lunch and dinner for everyone. She also had to keep inventory of food and supplies. Hank and Buck were a great help to her and began to take a lot of her load onto themselves. Kate couldn’t have been more grateful.

Billy and Nick accompanied by Nathan, Tron, Moss, and Enoch, went out to tell the fifteen Irin workers to knock off, clean up, and come up to the house for their breakfast. They already got the two water heaters installed and a gas line run to their kitchen area for the new cook stove which was promised for delivery Saturday afternoon. Billy marveled at the collective size of the fifteen men. They were much larger than the average human male and much more filled out. They looked like they could be budding bodybuilders, and there wasn’t a bad looking one among them. The leaders expressed to Billy and his family they were hoping to get their bed frames made by nightfall even though the new boxspring/mattress combinations wouldn’t be delivered until Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

Billy explained his expected work ethics to them, but stressed the weekends were a time for rest and relaxation. He understood and appreciated their enthusiasm and excitement to get things underway, but the following Friday evening when he announced the weekend, he expected them to abide by his wishes; except for those who, for whatever reason, were assigned to work the weekends, but they would be granted compensatory time off. They seemed to be impressed by their new master, he was not a despot without compassion.

As the Irin crew were enjoying breakfast, Billy called his angel staff together to discuss Randy’s problem with his grandmother. “He said he would tickle her mind and talk with her to convince her she should make a heroic effort to come with them tomorrow. I told him he only had to knock on my door, tickle me, and I would back him up if he needed a wing-man. Any suggestions would be gratefully considered, gentlemen,” Billy said.

“If you have a direct link with him, you should be able to send enough energy through him to give her a goodly jolt to improve her strength and stamina; certainly enough to help her get over here with her daughter-in-law and grandkids,” Clyde allowed and Balthazar agreed. “It will only be a temporary fix, but it should be enough to give her the strength of will and lift her spirits enough to reach out and hope for more,” he added.

“Unless she’s just given up hope and resigned herself to the inevitable,” Balthazar said, “However, with the three of us to amplify you, we can send a pretty powerful healing package to get her started,” he added.

“Let’s do it. I got faith in you guys, and I got faith in that little boy. We can’t let him lose his grandma,” Billy said.  

Billy and his angels winged up and sat around a the table in the formal dinning room. They joined hands and Billy reached out and tickled Randy. << Zat chu’, Cowboy Billy? >> he asked excited. Nick laughed at Randy’s enthusiasm, so did Billy’s other three angel slaves. They were not immune to the little buckaroo’s charms.

<< Of course, it’s me, cowboy. You got another buddy you ain’t told me about what can tickle your mind? >> Billy asked joking.

<< Oh, no sir, Mr. Daniels. You’s the only one, >> Randy replied.       

<< Listen, cowboy, I need you to do what we talked about last evening. Can your sister create a diversion to draw your mom out of the house long enough for me to send some healing light through you for your grandma? >> Billy asked.

<< I don’t know, Mr. Daniels. She can be weird sometimes, but I’ll give it my best shot. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. It may take me a few minutes, sir, >> Randy replied.

<< I be here waiting for yore’ tickle, pod’na’ >> Billy sent.

“You do realize using Randy as a conduit will also increase his abilities?” Nick asked not trying to throw cold water on their plan but reminding Billy of the possible consequences.

“Thanks, Pa, I thought about it, but it must be done. If it was a bad plan my voices would have kicked me in the butt by now,” Billy replied.

“He’s right, Nick,” agreed Clyde, and Balthazar nodded his agreement.

Randy went outside to talk with his sister, Kayla. “Sissy, would you do me and grandma a big favor?” he asked.

“You been good to me since you got healed, and I love grandma, so what is it?” she asked.

“I need about fifteen minutes alone with grandma in the house so’s Cowboy Billy can send some healing rays though me into her to make her feel better and give her the strength and energy to go with us to his ranch tomorrow where he can do more for her,” Randy blurted out nonstop like he was sharing his deepest secret with his big sister in one breath.

“You can hear him in your head?” she asked.

“Yes, and he can hear me. I talk to him ever’ e’nin,” Randy confessed.

“Then it wasn’t spacemen who healed you? It was Mr. Daniels?” she asked.

“Yes, but he made up the story to get them reporters and some preacher off his back. I agreed to back him up; after all, Kayla, he healed me and saved my life. I owed him that much,” Randy pleaded.

“It makes sense. I agree. Okay, I’ll do it. When you hear me scream, do what you need to do. I’ll keep mom occupied for a while,” Kayla said.

“Thanks, Sissy, I owe you one,” Randy promised.

“You only owe me half of one. The other half I’m doing for grandma. I believe you. Your request is too crazy not to be true, and if it helps grams, I’m all for it,” Kayla assured him. “Remember, wait until you hear me scream,” she reminded him.

“I will, and thanks, Sissy,” Randy called to her as he ran back to the house. His mother came from her bedroom with his baby sister in her arms. She just got through changing baby Clara’s diaper. “Mom, I’ll be in grandma’s room reading for a while in case she needs anything, I can come get you,” he said.

“That’s sweet of you Randy, but don’t disturb her. I’ll check on you and her in a bit. I have to get her supper ready, so you’ll be doing me a big favor to sit with her for a while,” Mary said.

“Okay, mom, no problem. I’ll be quiet,” Randy said.

The young boy took his favorite book, went into his grandmother’s room and closed the door behind him. He set his book on the table, went to her bed, and gently sat down next to her. Grandma Rutherford opened her eyes and smiled at him. She remembered her son, and he looked just like Randy at his age. Evelyn Rutherford held out her hand for Randy to take. He gently slipped his hand into hers and looked into her eyes, << Grandma can you hear me in your head? >> Randy sent.

Evelyn’s eyes opened a bit wider, but she didn’t panic. << I can hear you fine, Randy. Is this something you learned from Mr. Daniels when he healed you? >> she asked.

<< Wow! You’re really sharp grandma. Yes, but I ain’t told mom about it. I think it would be too much for her to handle right now. The reason I’m telling you is, Mr. Daniels is going to send you some healing light through me to help you feel better so’s you can go with us to his ranch where he can help you some more, >> Randy quickly explained.

<< I don’t understand, Randy. How can he send his light to help me, Son? >> she asked.

<< I don’t know how, Grandma, but I got faith in Cowboy Billy. If he says he can do it, I believe him. Mr. Daniels are you with us? >> Randy asked.

<< I’m here, cowboy, we’re standing by. It’s your show now. Take both your grandmother’s hands in yours, Son, and let us know when to begin, >> Billy sent.

<< You can start as soon as we hear my sister Kayla scream outside. She’s creating a diversion for mom, so’s we can be alone for a few minutes, >> Randy explained.

<< Good boy, Randy. I knew you could do it, >> Billy complimented him, << You got a fine grandson, Mrs. Rutherford. Now, don’t be afraid. We’re sending some healing rays to you through Randy. He will start to glow and be surrounded by a great white light. Don’t worry, he won’t be harmed in any way. As a matter of fact, he will only be healed more himself and will be enhanced with more abilities than I passed on to him when I healed him of his disease. Hang on to his hands and don’t let go. We’ll let you know when we finish, >> Billy sent to her.

<< I suffered a lot of pain lately. Will it hurt, Mr. Daniels? >> she asked.

<< No. Not at all, ma’am. It will make your pain go away almost immediately, and you’ll feel a lot better. If you get frightened you may close your eyes, but then you might miss watching your grandson be a hero and save your life, >> Billy sent.

About that time they heard Kayla give out with a scream that sounded like it came from the soundtrack of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. She pretended to have fallen out of the tractor tire swing her daddy made for them and hung under a huge willow tree by a small creek which was fed by natural springs all year. It made a great swimming hole for the kids. Mary Rutherford heard Kayla scream, grabbed up her baby, and ran outside. Kayla was lying beneath the huge tire rubbing her leg and crying loudly. She rubbed it so much with sand and a handful of dirt it looked really bad. It was bleeding in several places. She was crying hysterically like she broke her leg.

As her mother rushed to her side, Kayla could see a bright light emanating from the window of her grandmother’s bedroom. She figured Randy was receiving the healing light from Mr. Daniels. Kayla pulled out all the stops. She outdid herself. It was an academy award winning performance, and every time her mother would try to leave her to get her cell phone, Kayla would call out to her not to go and leave her. She kept it up and held her mother’s attention until she could see the bright light begin to fade and disappear altogether. Then with her mother’s help, she managed to stand and limp back to the front porch. She was proud of herself. Her job was done. Maybe, if she asked Mr. Daniels nicely, he might help her get over her stuttering. It made her shy and embarrassed her. She didn’t have any friends in school because they made fun of her.

Mary was worn to a frazzled. When she decided she could leave Kayla for a minute to get Randy to help her, she walked in the front door and saw her mother-in-law coming out of her bedroom, fully dressed, holding Randy’s hand, laughing and talking with him like she was never sick. Mary, put her baby in her crib and rushed to her mother-in-law’s side. “Here, Mother Rutherford, let me help you to a chair,” she said.

“Pshaw, Daughter. I’m fine. I got tired of lying in bed, woke up to find my handsome grandson sitting next to my bed reading a book, and decided to get up and give you a hand. What’s all the yelling and crying about?” Evelyn asked.

“Kayla fell out of the tire swing. I thought she might have broke her leg, but she managed to walk up to the porch,” Mary explained.

“Randy and I will go out and see to her. You take care of the baby, then we’ll come in and start supper,” Evelyn Rutherford said like a woman on a mission. She took Randy’s hand, and they walked together to the porch. Mary watched in awe and shook her head in disbelief. Her mother-in-law was a different person. Suddenly, life didn’t seem so bad anymore.

They got to the porch and found Kayla in the swing. She had a big grin on her pretty face. Randy ran to her, threw his arms around her neck, gave her a big hug, and a kiss. “Thank’s, Sissy. You done great. Couldn’t a done it without you,” Randy gushed complimenting his big sister.

“You two scamps are in cahoots? Are you sure you’re all right, dear?” she asked.

“I’m fine, grams. Are you feeling better?” Kayla asked.

“I haven’t felt this good in several years, Kayla, thanks to you and Randy. I ain’t real sure what happened, but I know I’m better and looking forward to supper and going with you kids to Mr. Daniels ranch tomorrow,” she said.

“That’s what we’s hoping for, Grandma,” Randy said.

* * * * * * *
“Well, done, Kemosabe,” Nick complimented Billy and patted him on the back.

“Very nice, Master Billy,” Clyde said.

“Impressive, sire,” Balthazar added.

“Without you men, I am nothing. You know I couldn’t have done it without your help, to say nothing of that clever little cowboy what lives on the Rutherford ranch. I got me a feeling them ancients got big plans for him,” Billy said.

Hank and Buck ordered more lumber for modifications and additions to the Irin cowboy’s bed frames. The lumber arrived, and shortly after, the two new cook stoves arrived. They unhooked the old one in the kitchen and carted it off to the barn for the cowboys to tear down, clean, and order what new parts they needed. The other new stove was installed in the bunk house. Everyone seemed to be content to be busy and have something to do. Billy decided since it was Saturday night they would barbecue brisket and make cowboy beans and fried potatoes. He figured it would be easier to fix a big meal for everyone than to eat in shifts.

Zelma Jane was looking forward to eating brisket again, but Billy took her aside and gently gave her the bad news. While she would be allowed a small portion, she would ultimately have to give up all animal meats an byproducts. Billy carefully explained her cancer was brought about because her system finally rebelled against the chemicals, antibiotics, anthelmintics, super concentrated hormones, and artificial feeds the cattle industry used to fatten cattle to get them to market. She would have to become a vegan or she was sure to find herself in the same place she was before they saved her. Billy stressed, the next time they might not be able to save her. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. He told her, when the time comes for her to return to Houston she must hire a full time nutrition chef who can create wonderful plant based meals for her. There would be no debate about it. If she wanted to live and see her grandchildren to maturity, she would do as Billy told her.

“I’m not trying to be difficult, Billy, I’ve long suspected the food which provided me and my husband such wealth and the life we enjoyed was unhealthy for us and society as a whole. I think most of Travis’ problems were food related. How am I going to entertain as a society matron in a red meat based economic society and declare I’ve become a cellulose based convert? The widow of one of the largest cattle barons the Lone Star State ever produced reduced to little more than an old cow herself. It will ruin me,” Zelma cried.

“I can just hear Travis tell you, ‘Now, Zelma Jean, you’re a more creative woman than that. You always could work your way around them people.' Either give up the big feeds altogether, or feed them their poison. Have your chef serve your food. Tell them the truth, your system can’t tolerate the heaviness of a meat based diet since your recovery from cancer. Believe me when I tell you, we will be cutting back considerably on our consumption of red meats or meats of any kind. For years now, during the warmer months, barbecued brisket has become a Texas staple and while there’s no question it is delicious, it’s like playing Russian roulette with your health. One morning you won’t wake up because of a cancer the size of a bullet is growing in your brain. You must give up all animal byproducts as well: butter, milk, cream, cheeses, and eggs. Sooner or later, depending on the body’s individual chemical tolerance, anyone will start to develop symptoms of systemic poisoning. If not reduced or given up altogether, they develop into larger symptoms which finally progress into fatal diseases. That’s why our country is so overweight today and the diseases we spend billions of dollars to cure, or at best prop up someone’s system for a while, could have been prevented or even reversed by more healthy eating habits,” Billy explained.

“Did you learn this from the more advanced civilizations?” she asked.

“While they are mostly vegetarians, I learned basic nutrition from my computer. The Irin served us brisket on their planet Fort Adam Lear; however, they are so advanced they could easily reconstitute or create something to taste exactly like brisket and it would be nutritious and have absolutely no bad side effects. There’s enough information and statistics of diseases in populations to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt our eating habits and an animal based diet is unhealthy and deadly. To even consider doing away with meat products today is almost heresy. It’s like standing up in a pentecostal church and announcing God is a myth, Jesus never lived, and was a construct of the Roman Catholic Church. Old habits die hard, but then again, it’s a hard death to be eaten up by cancer,” Billy allowed.

“I don’t recall so much talk about cancer and disease when we were growing up,” Zelma said.

“Animals were processed differently, they weren’t fed crap, or pumped full of carcinogenic chemicals. It’s become big business and in our corporate world today health takes a back seat to money,” Billy explained, “It’s a win-win for the corporations. They did away with health care for everyone, because the health insurance industry was making too much money slapping band-aids on diseases the food industry creates. It was like the snake what eats it’s own tail. An apt symbol for our corporate health care industry. Now they made it law everyone has to buy expensive health care insurance, but they are the ones who say who gets healed or not; who lives or dies. If a board of directors, not doctors, decide it would cost too much money to treat an advanced patient, they refuse his medical insurance and he dies as quick as his disease can take him. The conservatives invented the fantasy of the death panels in the early part of the century to attack any form of a public health policy and slapped demonic names on the single pay plan as a form of socialism which leads to communism. It was all lies, smoke, and mirrors. Now they are doing exactly the same thing by condemning the poor and middle class to an early death because it would cost them too much money to treat them. With a stroke of a pen the corporations are making a killing. (pun intended) It could be looked upon as corporate murder, and since corporations are now considered 'individuals’ shouldn’t they be tried for their crimes?” Billy asked.  

“Yes, they should, but they just claim it was god’s will for the sick to die, and that’s the standard answer of the religious-right,” Zelma replied quietly, knowing Billy was correct. “I know. They refused me any more treatments. What we need is a corporate 'Jesus,’ Billy,” Zelma added with a wicked grin.

“At chore’ service, ma’am,” Billy replied making a sweeping gesture with his arm and bowing. They shared a laugh. “However, I don’t see myself as no Jesus nor a corporate clown. I will become a corporatist only to beat them at their own game,” he added.  
* * * * * * * 
The Irin cowboys were integrating themselves into the Daniels family and seemed to really enjoy their food and quiet conversation. They were looking forward to great things for themselves as well as their master and his family. They seemed to have a single purpose of mind, the more they worked and created for their master, the better and more abundant their living circumstances became, and the quicker they could better the lot of their brothers and sisters. Billy couldn’t have been happier with the arrangement. Enoch made a slight reference to a social democracy or a benevolent monarchy. Either way, they determined it was a better idea and plan than where their present society was headed. Billy was quick to point out that a theocracy couldn’t escape the scrutiny of being a more despotic form of an oligarchy. There was certainly no ‘loving god’ or ‘sweet-Jesus-meek-and-mild’ about it. It was ruthless and brutal.

Billy decided they needed some music and called for his fiddlers three. Billy decided not to join them and let his family take center stage. They deserved their moment in the spotlight, so to speak. Cass, Poly, and Roz played a few things they worked up. Then the twins played several pieces. Finally, the icing on the cake of the evening was Roz’s solo pieces. For a cheap viola, the young Irin woman could make it sound like the crying soul of a great temptress. She brought tears to many eyes with her playing, and Billy made a mental note to put out feelers for a more quality instrument for his protégé. He was beginning to know Roz, and he was willing to bet his buckaroo boots he loved so dearly, she would have a difficult time giving up the cheaper viola. Musicians form bonds with their instruments which are not easily broken.

* * * * * * *
The evening came to an end and after making sure Samson and Maybelle were taken care of, Billy and his immediate family departed for the cabin. It seemed empty without Samson and Maybelle there to greet them. Of course it was empty, but it was a different kind of empty. They managed to get away a little early because Billy remembered his demon dad’s promise of a bang-up Saturday night; a demon hoe-down sexual Olympiad of committing crimes against nature upon each other to come and come again as close to sating their animal lust for each other as possible for two insatiable demons; a demon dad and his cowboy son trying to slam their hot plasma together until they found their very own Higg’s boson; the goddamn particle that causes a new star to be born in a distant galaxy every time two males couple. The fine looking young cowboy was certainly looking forward to it, and he could tell from the way Nick would look at his ass from time to time and lick his lips, he didn’t forget his promise.

After the coffee was made, and with his immediate family together before the fire combing out Boomer’s fur, and the soft sound of two hairdryers, Billy decided to share some herb laced coffee with his protector and halflings. Cass and Poly already morphed into Moss Garrett and Enoch Redbone. Boomer was being playful and couldn’t keep his big hands and roaming fingers to himself. He was keeping the big cowboy’s cocks at full salute. Billy wondered about Poly, now morphing into Enoch Redbone, and the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of it. He decided not to ask. By this time, he came to trust his halflings and knew there was a good solid explanation. He also knew, if he really wanted to know, Hank or Buck would have the answer.

The huge beast just couldn’t seem to get enough of the twins morphed as his cowboy idols. Mental images and personal fantasies were strong in our great beast, but unlike Yoda, he couldn’t be bothered to over analyze the situation with pidgin-speak. The herbs were taking effect with them, and Billy’s mind once again began to free associate. He wondered if the word 'analyze’ didn’t spring from contemplating the potential pleasure one’s anus might bring to any given situation. He certainly planned to 'anal-yze’ his sphincter as he first gently used his second set of lips to kiss and then wrap around his demon dad’s big red cock as an invitation for further implantation -- or would ‘indoctrination’ be a better choice? He wouldn’t stop consuming it until he was firmly 'docked’ on the base of Nick’s huge fiery red cock. He imagined having the head of Nick’s cock pierced like Balthazar’s and having him wear a small bell. Then he fantasized having black lettering tattooed down its length which would read 'Fire Engine No. 12' in inch high letters. He would have Nick make the sound of a siren and run around the cabin like his engine was coming to put out the raging fire in Billy’s gut. It was at that moment, Billy giggled like a mischievous teenager and decided, he loved himself some herbs.

After Boomer and his faithful brothers took off for the hayloft, Billy and Nick settled down for a nice evening together. They had another cup of the herb spiked coffee, and they were coming upon their second rush. Nick morphed to his demon persona soon after Boomer and his cowpunchers left. After Billy returned from cleaning himself, he knelt before his demon, skinned back his considerable foreskin, and gently kissed the head of his large red cock. It was his son’s homage to his demon dad he was ready for him to take control. Nick didn’t need a second invitation, threw Billy down onto the leather couch, raised his legs for him to hold, and planted himself deep within his surrogate son’s hungry ass. Nick wasn’t gentle. He was strong, deliberate, and swift with his entry until he was satisfied his cock was totally consumed by his cowboy’s body; then he changed, and spoke words of endearment and comfort to his boy while stealing kisses on and about Billy’s face and neck.

“If that was the prelude, I can’t wait to get to the grand fugue,” Billy let out a contented sigh.

“That good, Son?” Nick asked with a demonic sneer.

“You fill me good, Pa. A perfect fit. Maybe that’s what love is -- 'a perfect fit.’ Never imagined it could feel like ‘iis, especially with someone I care about,” Billy said, “Can you make this one last a while?” he asked.

“I’ll do ma’ best, buckaroo, but you know how you turn me on. If we eat the main course too quick, we can always enjoy dessert,” Nick said.

“And you do whip up a mean dessert, Pa,” Billy went along with him.

Billy relaxed and let his demon dad do what demon dad’s do best, be a demon in the sack. Nick fucked his surrogate son nine ways from Sunday and then invented several more moves which had our young hero on the verge of hollering ‘calf-rope’-- a secret cowboy code to ease up a bit; however, Billy was a buckaroo to the bone and prided himself he could ride anything for the time it takes to win the prize, and he did. Nick was not a quiet lover. When he exseeded, he groaned and bellowed mightily like a monster caught in a trap set by some unholy priest who relied on the metaphysics of the arcane mystic powers of the druids rather than the impotent claims of the new Christian god created from the whole cloth of astrology, myths, and superstition. The powers of the Earth and the goodness of her ability to regenerate, was the only force which could contain such a magnificent creature, and there was no better trap than the inviting beauty of the cowboy lying beneath him. Perhaps Nick never heard or just forgot the sage admonishment to the fearsome horned unicorn: For you who likes to roam, a virgin’s kiss is poisoned food; Much sweeter fare is the green laurel; much safer home is the dark wood.

Having accomplished apogee and ejaculation at the same moment, Billy writhed and moaned beneath his beast from hell making gratifying sounds of being fulfilled, inviting his demon dad’s red meat magma into his depths and further urged him by making milking motions with his rectum to exeunt omnes the shy characters of Nick’s sperm left hiding in the recesses of his massive black hide covered testicles. Billy wanted to claim his prize; each and every one. In the depths of his herb fogged brain Billy heard voices like the Walrus and the Carpenter inviting the oysters to tea, ‘Let the little children come unto me...’ and he smiled as he teased the last unto himself while dreaming of dessert and Hosanna cakes.

* * * * * * *
After dessert and a couple of Hosanna cakes, the men went to their bed and collapsed. Billy told Nick he loved him and wished him goodnight. Nick returned his sentiment. “Have you had a tickle from your saddle buddy this e'nin, Kemosabe?” he asked.

“Naw, not a one. You think everything’s all right, Tonto?” Billy asked.

“For one so young, trying to find his way in the world, I’d say it was unusual,” Nick said.

"Tune in, Tonto, and I’ll tickle him,” Billy said.

<< Are you there, cowboy? >> Billy asked softly.

<< I’m here, Cowboy Billy, >> Randy replied.

<< Why ain’t chu’ tickled me tonight, buddy? >> Billy asked.

<< It’s Saturday night, and I know cowboys go sing’n and dance’n. I seen it in the movies on TV. I didn’t wanna’ bother you. You already done enough for me and grams today. I figured you’d gimme’ a shout out if you weren’t busy, >> Randy replied.

<< How old are you, cowboy? >> Billy asked like he was amazed.

<< Six, but I’ll be seven this summer, >> Randy replied.

<< You may be six or close to seven, but you got the soul of an older cowboy, Son, >> Billy complimented him, << How is your grandma? >> he asked.

<< Much better, thanks to you and your angel slaves. She can’t thank you enough and is looking forward to meeting you tomorrow,>> Randy replied.

<< How’d ju’ know about my angel slaves, Son? >> Billy asked.

<< The line works both ways, Mr. Daniels. I could see ya’ll sit’n at a nice table holding hands with yore’ wings spread. One’s black with white wings, but yours is the prettiest. They’s gold and shine like the sun. Are you a boss angel, Mr. Daniels? >> Randy asked.

<< I ain’t no angel a’ tall, Son, but the other three are. I’m just an enhanced cowboy what got picked to do a job for an advanced race of folks in the universe. You and me’s pretty much ride’n the same pony, Randy, we’s both trying to figure out our place in the world and how we fit in. I’ll make you a deal if’n you’s interested, pod’na, >> Billy sent.

<< What’s zat, Mr. Daniels? >> Randy asked enthused.

<< We’s saddle buddies, right? >> Billy asked.

<< You know it, sir, you’s my bestest buddy, >> Randy replied.

<< Then you help me figure out my place in the universe, and I’ll give my buddy a hand figuring out his place in all this. Deal, buddy? >> Billy sent.

<< Absolutely, Mr. Daniels. I got chore’ back, sir, >> Randy confirmed.

<< Well, if’n we’s gonna’ be buddies, I think you can drop the ‘Mr. Daniels’ and call me Billy, or I like the way you call me Cowboy Billy. Either one will do nicely, Son, >> Billy said.

<< I’d be downright proud to call you ‘Billy,’ sir, >> Randy said.

<< Good! Now we better sign off and get us some shut-eye so’s we’ll be ready for a full day tomorrow, >> Billy sent.

<< I’s already in bed, Billy, >> Randy said.

<< When you get on the road, tickle me, and I’ll tell you how to get here. Your mom has instructions, but it can be a little tricky. They’ll be some cows guarding the gate, and you have to get out of the car and walk up to the biggest bull. He won’t hurt you none. Pat him on his head and call him by name. His name is Zeus. Tell him who you are and you come to visit his master, and would he please let your car pass, >> Billy instructed him.

<< You’ll be with me, won’t you, Billy, >> Randy asked.

<< Absolutely! I’ll see and hear ever’ thing, and tell you what to do if you forget, >> Billy sent.

<< Good, ‘cause I ain’t never been around cows before, >> Randy replied.

<< Them’s magic cows, Son, but I’ll explain when I see you. Looking forward to your visit, buckaroo, >> Billy encouraged him.

<< No more’n I am. I love you Cowboy Billy, >> Randy said.

<< I love you, too, Randy. Goodnight, >> Billy said and broke their connection.

“Can I be your saddle buddy, Cowboy Billy?” Nick asked in a small voice and grinned.

“Naw, sorry, ‘ere’s only room for one saddle buddy. Besides, you’s ma’ pa, Tonto, and the best I ever done had. After them two fuckings you gimme’ tonight, you ain’t got nothing to  worry about. You nailed it. You’s solid in my world,” Billy said and stole another kiss.

“Good to know, Master Billy,” Nick said and smiled contentedly.

* * * * * * *
Earlier that evening ~

Clarence Womack and his wife were attending an afternoon/evening church social gathering at the home of one of his members. They were sitting at a large picnic table with some other folks who were either members of the church, close friends, or neighbors of the family hosting the party. Everyone was having a good time, when the subject of Billy Daniels and the miracle of him having been responsible for healing a sick young boy dying from a fatal disease.

“It weren’t no miracle!” Womack said like he was angry while he shoveled another big bite of hot German potato salad into his fat jowls.

“Did you ever get to interview him, Preacher?” one of the men asked.

“Naw, him and his family refused to cooperate with me. Can you believe it? Me, a man of the cloth. It’s shameful the way they treated me. They didn’t give me a chance to determine whether it was a miracle or not. I don’t believe him and the kid’s claim they saw a fly’n saucer in the sky. Nobody else saw it, nor is it recorded on any of them videos. They’s something mighty strange going on out there, but I plan to get to the bottom of it. We don’t need any demonic possession in our town. I ain’t say’n it is demonic, but I ain’t been given a chance to make a judgment one way or t’other,” Womack bellowed.

“It’s hard to believe, in our country today, there are still those who refuse to believe and take the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. He gave his life for them, and yet they reject him. How stupid can people be? You’re so right, Pastor Clarence, we don’t need no demons in our town,” one little lady supported Womack.

“Well, Bubba and me can confirm one thing for you, preacher, they’s some’um mighty strange go’n on out 'tere to that ranch,” Earl said, “We’s driving by the other afternoon and out in the pasture a good ways back from the main road, was Billy Daniels and some of his folks playing music to them strange look’n woolly cows they recently bought. They’s playing some good get-down country music when all of a sudden them cows went crazy, paired off, and started dancing a Virginia Reel like they been taught to do it. And, it weren’t cows just kick’n up their heels and cavort’n around like they do sometimes. They was dancing!” Earl exclaimed.

“Yeah, we watched for sometime. Earl even took videos of it with ma’ new camera,” Bubba claimed.

“You got videos of it?” Womack jumped on Bubba’s words.

“We did, but a big bird of some kind what was sailing way up in the sky shot down some electric beam like a lightening bolt and destroyed my camera. It bust into flames and Earl had to toss it away to keep from get’n burned. I stomped out the fire, but it was totaled,” Bubba lamented.

“They didn’t want you taking pictures,” Womack said, like he was a bright detective trying to solve a difficult case.

“Maybe -- 'cause there weren’t a cloud in the sky,” Earl said.

“Them birds or familiars were protecting their demon master,” Womack said like it was the only explanation that made sense. “I think it’s about time this was reported to our sheriff, and I’ll demand he take me out there to determine what’s going on. He wouldn’t dare refuse a man of God such a simple request. I made him sheriff, and he owes me big time,” Womack said and smiled like the cat what just ate the canary.

End of Chapter 19 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~  ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All rights reserved ~
E-mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com
WC = 12625

Next: Chapter 20

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