Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Feb 22, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 2

Him Who Made The Seven Stars

By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 2

One might think sleeping with a winged creature the size of Nick would be uncomfortable, but when he wrapped his one good wing around Billy, the young cowboy slept the best he could ever remember. He woke refreshed and ready for a new day of adventure with his friend. Billy didn’t have a lot of friends. The closest he had to a buddy was his roping partner, Moss Garrett, but he was six years older than Billy. Other than team roping, they didn’t have a lot in common, except Billy thought Moss was one of the sexiest cowpokes he ever met.

Moss didn’t say much, but he grinned a lot. He was a quiet, but affable enough young cowboy, with an easy, winning personality who secretly had a major crush on his younger roping partner. He didn’t say much to his partner because, most of the time he was tongue-tied. When he was around Billy, Moss could think of nothing else but how far up Billy’s handsome cowboy butt he’d like to stick his tongue. To say nothing of how Moss fantasized about sinking his big fat nine and a half incher into Billy’s tight little ass and set him free to buck for Moss to ride down hard and tame to his saddle so Billy might become his faithful pony. Neither knew the others heart. Secrets, if shared, could have bonded them for life. In a gentler, more sane world they might have.

Billy had one other friend, but he didn’t see him too much. He was a huge hairy beast with enormous feet who roamed the backwoods cedar and post oak thickets of the hill country. When he spoke, which he rarely did, it was in a deep booming voice that would stir animal feelings in Billy which would shake him to his core. He had no name, so Billy gave him one. He called him Boomer, and the big beast would respond. Every time Billy got a whiff of Boomer’s signature strong oder his dick would start dripping uncontrollably like a bull in rut. He would have to remove his bandanna and shove it down the front of his Wranglers to absorb the excess.

Billy rolled over, swung his legs over the side of the bed, set up, and slipped into his boots. He stood and gathered his bathrobe from a nearby chair and put it on. He walked to the fireplace which burned down to a pile of glowing coals. Billy banked the fire before going to bed so he wouldn’t have to start from scratch in the morning. He threw some kindling on first and then added a couple of logs. It didn’t take long for a nice fire to start warming up the place. It was still pretty chilly in the cabin, but
Billy slept warm under his angel’s wing. Dare he think of Nick as an angel? Nick didn’t seem to like the idea much.

Billy got the impression once Nick was rejected as an angel he didn’t care to have any more to do with them nor did he care to think of himself that way. Hurt, rejection, and disappointment can cause any man or creature to doubt his own self-worth. Ask any young teen who has been bullied and persecuted day after day in high school for being different. It can be tough until one either outgrows it or learns to adjust. Some never do, and for them, they mistakenly consider their only comfort is the silence of eternity. It isn’t. The world beyond high school is a big smörgåsbord to discover your own place in the sun, and it does get better. Just never make the mistake of returning for your fiftieth high school reunion. Those you remember as assholes haven’t grown a bit. They’re still assholes today, only older and not nearly as attractive as they thought they were in high school.

Nevertheless, they still won’t deign to speak to you because you weren’t one of the 'in’ crowd; perhaps you were a bit ‘strange’ or 'different’ and they have nothing in common with you. However, age has a way of leveling the playing field; only, by that time, you aren’t interested in playing any more. Chances are, if you lived your life as best you can, you’ve found a modicum of security and contentment for yourself, and you’re probably so far beyond the ho-hum, ticky-tacky little lives they live you have absolutely nothing in common with them. Rule of thumb: if you weren’t nominated for “most fav” anything, avoid high school reunions at all cost and tell yourself  them son's a bitches got the plague. And, no Virginia, there is no category for “most favorite cocksucker” in your yearbook.

As he walked to the window to look out, Billy decided he liked to think on Nick as his bird-man. When he pushed aside the heavy curtains, what he saw surprised the young cowboy. It snowed heavily during the night, and it looked like a winter wonderland outside. There were still angry, dark clouds gathered overhead with no sign of letting up. Billy made a pot of coffee and put it on to boil; then, he got his cellphone from his flannel shirt and pressed the button for the ranch. Soon he heard the full, rich baritone voice of his uncle.

“Billy?” Nathan asked.

"Yes, sir, Uncle Nate, it’s me. I’s just calling to check in with ya,” Billy said.

“Glad you did, Son, I’s jes’ get’n ready to call you to see how ya’ll was doing,” Nate said.

“We’s fine, Uncle Nate. Sam and me, we’s snug as two bugs. I may heat up the barn for a while so’s Sam can walk around in there a bit without freezing his nuts off. It’s pert-damn cold out here, and it don’t look like it’s gonna’ let up anytime soon. I though if it cleared by this morning Sam and I would ride on back to the ranch, but I don’t think it’s gonna,’” Billy said.

“I agree, Son. If you and Sam are comfortable, and you got enough supplies, stay until it gets better,” Nate urged him.

“We will, Uncle Nate. I done like you said and made a big pot a chili. I’ll be eat’n on that for a while. Don’t mind. You know I love me some chili. I chopped up and added a couple of them little orange chilies grandma pickled and you put in the fridge down here. Gave it a stout personality, it did. Some real muscle. It bites back,” Billy said.

“That’s good. We don’t get many days like the last couple, so when they come along and we cain’t do nothing, just kickback, put chore’ boots up, and relax, Son. The next time we’s work’n our butts off ‘round the clock during roundup you can think back and recall a moment when life weren’t so hectic,” Nate said and chuckled.

“Sam and me, we’s way ahead of you on the kickback thing, Uncle Nate. Ya’ll take care now and don’t let grandma get cold,” Billy said.

“I won’t. She’s in ‘nere making breakfast for us. Wish’t you was here, Son. No matter the weather, h’it just ain’t a good day without yore’ handsome young face at the table with us,” Nate said and his voice cracked a little, “Thanks for calling, Billy, and what I told you last night-- I meant ever’ word, boy,” Nate said.

“Me, too, Uncle Nate. Maybe we should say them three words to each other more often,” Billy said.

“What?” Nate exclaimed, “And spoil you, boy? I should say not,” Nate said in fun.

“I understand, Uncle Nate,” Billy chuckled, “and I agree, cep’n I plan on sneak’n one past you now and again when you ain’t expect’n it like I done last night,” Billy said and laughed. He heard his uncle laugh with him.

“Thanks for calling, Son. Come on home when you can,” Nate said.

They said their goodbyes and disconnected. Billy could smell the coffee beginning to boil. He walked over to the stall and started to take Sam’s blanket off, but he shied away from him. “You want me to leave it on for a while?” he asked. Sam snorted and shook his head up and down. “Okay, pod’na,' you holler when you’s ready for me to remove it. I guess it’s still a mite chilly in here,” Billy allowed as he began to get Sam his breakfast. After he fed Sam he decided his pony was smarter than him. He began to feel the cold and his body called for him to return to the comfort and warmth of his bird-man’s arms.

The coffee had been boiling for several minutes, and the aroma filled the cabin. Billy set it aside to rest for a few minutes and headed back to bed. He quickly undressed and slipped into bed next to Nick trying not to disturb him. Once again he found himself enfolded in Nick’s massive arms, and he felt like a little boy on a camping trip with his dad. Nick pulled Billy to him and stole kiss after kiss, on and around his head and neck.

“Glad you came back to bed, cowboy. I missed you,” Nick said quietly.

“I ain’t no fool,” Billy said, “Yore’ arms and wings are the warmest place in the cabin,” Billy said and grinned.

“See, I can be utilitarian as well as sexy,” Nick teased.

“Won’t gainsay that,” Billy said and stole a kiss from him, “but I’m afraid my visit will be short. I gotta’ get ma’ clothes on, clean Sam’s stall, get us a cup of coffee, and start breakfast. Ya’ont some more biscuits this morning?” Billy asked and grinned.

“J’ever have a demon worship at yore’ feet, cowboy?” Nick asked and grinned; then added, “Why, I’d even kiss them handsome buckaroo boots a’ yorn for a taste of yore’ fine biscuits, Son.”

“Woah! Cain’t rightly say’s I ever had me no demon worship at ma’ feet, sir, but I won’t deny it’s been one of my dreams since I’s a kid when my Uncle Nate would read to me “Where The Wild Things Are,” Billy played along, “I wanted to be Max, the little boy what was the hero of the story, and sleep on the bottom of a pile of monsters so the reality of losing my parents couldn’t find me beneath my buddies. I could imagined they would scare the bad thoughts and voices away, but yore’ wing did that for me last night. I ain’t shit’n ya’ none, Nick, I ain’t slept so well in years.  Didn’t hear me nary a voice, neither,” Billy said.

“It’s what an angel is suppose to do. I can’t take away emotional pain from such a great loss as your parents, Son. The human heart has to heal on its own to make it grow stronger for even greater loss should it come, but I can help by loving you like you’s ma’ own boy, and give you reassurance with my comfort,” Nick said softly,
“What do you mean you didn’t hear no voices?” he asked as an after thought.

“Shortly after my folks died-- I’s just a toddler-- I began to hear voices trying to get into my head and tell me things. Some were good but others were downright hateful and scary. I’d wake up screaming for them to let me be. All I wanted was to sleep and have peaceful dreams. Uncle Nate and grandma thought I’s just missing my folks and I’d grow out of it, but it was more’n ‘nat. I remember these enormous giants, fifteen to twenty feet tall-- big hairy mothers they were, too-- would come to me, gather me unto themselves, and protect me from the evil voices. They were good to me and came to me when I got pneumonia. I knew I was the only one what could see ‘em, but seven of 'em stood around my bed, held hands, and sang to me. They made it go away, and I got better. We even got one with handsome reddish-golden fur what roams the thickets of the hill country and comes around here in the flesh from time to time. He’s got huge feet and saved ma’ life one time,” Billy said.

“Have you heard them since you become an adult, Son?” Nick asked.

“Occasionally, maybe three or four times a year they check in on me to see how I’s doing and spend a night with me. They told me I didn’t need them so much any more because I got Samson to watch over me while I sleep. I never figured out what they meant by that, but I never asked. I’m always happy to feel their presence and have them visit. I feel better for days after a visit from them,” Billy said and sighed, “Ain’t heard from them for a good while now,” he said.

“Samson can hear your thoughts, Son. That’s what they’s talk’n about. When you brought me here from my ship, I woke up while you’s tending Sam. I tried to touch your mind, but Sam blocked me and told me he wouldn’t allow it until he knew me better and was satisfied I weren’t no threat to you or him. He’s strong and powerful. Do the giants you spoke of have names? Did they ever tell you what they’s called, Son?” Nick asked cautiously.

“Yes, sir, the biggest one, the one I liked best, done told me his name was Gregory, and I believe he told me his mate’s name was Irwin,” Billy replied.

“Holy shit! Sweet Jesus, fuck me in the butt! Them sum’bitches done it to me again,” Nick exclaimed, “I suspected as much, but now I know my crash landing weren’t no accident. They done set me up and shot me down,” Nick said, “Well, at least we can stop worrying about my ship. I know it’ll be safe, and my crew will be all right. They wouldn’t do nothing to harm them,” Nick said.

“Who? How? What are you talking about?” Billy held him tight.

“The Irin. The Grigori. The watchers. Them Knights what say 'nee.’ I weren’t just make’n that shit up, Son. They’s the oldest, most highly advanced race in the universe. They’s the one’s what sent me on this mission,” Nick explained, “After ma’buddies were locked in the bowels of the Earth, the Gregori and the Irin came for me, and with their help, I got out of here. I never wanted to come near this damnable planet again. Over the centuries I began to feel guilty about leaving my brothers behind, but I didn’t have no choice. I was only one against an army. It was flight or perish, but in my heart I always entertained the idea, one day I’d come back to rescue them. It’s been so many years I almost gave up hope.

“The watchers came to me and shamelessly played on my guilty conscience, stiff armed me with various veiled threats and a couple of ‘solid’ promises if’n I’s to agreed to this mission. You know the old saying, a solid done gets you a solid in return. I reluctantly said 'yes.’ You just never know what you’re get’n yore’self into with them, but if you wanna’ live and be happy in their universe, you don’t never tell ‘em ‘no.’ Well, that ain’t the whole truth, neither. You could turn ‘em down, but I wouldn’t advise any man, angel, beast, or demon to ignore them.

“Well, I’ll be damned!” Nick exclaimed and shook his head. “They wanted us to meet, and they done planned it down to the nat’s ass of you rescuing me and saving my life. Signed, sealed, and delivered into their big hands. They got me boxed in so tight ‘ere ain’t no wiggle room. They done got me where they want me; over a barrel so’s they can fuck me in the butt. I guess it’s true, paybacks can be a bitch. They can be good, but they can also be ruthless when they want something. On the other hand, they can also be generous and giving if it’s within their power, and most of the time it is,” Nick said like he was musing to himself. They’s like big daddies or guard dogs to the universe. Never make the mistake of crossing them. Obey their rules, be honest and forthcoming with ‘em, keep yore’ nose clean, you’ll live to a ripe old age as a happy man, and they will bestow upon you their gratitude for your cooperation,” he said.

“I suddenly feel the need for a cup of coffee,” Billy said like a quiet amen to a lengthly obnoxious prayer.

“Got one for me, Kemosabe?” Nick asked in a small voice like a kid.

“Pronto, Tonto,” Billy said as he reached for his boots and clothes.

Nick got up and asked Billy to give him a hand with his clothes. He wanted to help with breakfast. Billy assisted Nick with his overalls, his flannel shirt, but it was just too damn cold for his bird-man to run around bare foot. He found a pair of his uncle’s heavy wool socks and a pair of his fleece lined cold weather rubber muck boots and helped Nick on with them. When they finished and stood, Billy had to cover his mouth with the back of his hand to keep Nick from seeing the wicked grin on his face. Except for his wings, Nick looked, for all the world, like the most handsome rancher he ever saw, and it was all Billy could do to keep from dropping to his knees to take his bird-man. ‘Later,’ he thought,‘you can have his cream with your coffee,’

“What chu’ look’n at, boy?” Nick growled and grinned. He knew.

“Oh-- nothing,” Billy replied meekly and grinned.

“Git ‘tat purdy little butt of yorn in ‘nat damn kitchen on the double, boy, and boil yore’ daddy up some bacon and some beans,” Nick demanded with a growl in his best cowboy ramrod voice.

Billy lost it and doubled over with laughter. “Gotdamn it, Nick, don’t talk to me that away or we ain’t gonna’ get no breakfast a’ tall. You’ll be back in 'nat bed with me suck’n on yore’ old demon cock like a new born calf what jes’ found its momma’s tit, and you ain’t never smelled no brimstone as strong as what my blow job will produce,” Billy said slathering his words with copious cowboy hyperbole. He laughed at his own excess.

He got Nick laughing with him. “Sweet Jesus, I do love me some cowboy talk,” Nick said as he draped his huge arm over Billy’s shoulder to walk him to the kitchen. “I apologize, I didn’t know we’s on a schedule today,” Nick said.

“We ain’t,” Billy said and stopped. He turned into Nick’s arms and kissed him hard. Nick was leaning up against the center island work station in the kitchen area. “We got plenty time to make our breakfast,” Billy said.

“Then I think you better git down ‘nere on yore’ knees and take care of yore’ old man, Son,” Nick growled in his deep voice. Billy thought he was going to shoot before he even got Nick’s cock out.

“Can I play with ma’self while I take care of my pa, sir?” Billy asked with his head lowered.

“Oh, hell no, boy! I thought you’s an equal opportunity cowpoke. What? Would you deny yore’ old man a fresh batch of his boy’s fine cowboy cream?” Nick asked and grinned.

“Naw, sir, but I’s so fired up jes’ think’n on pleasuring my daddy I’m afraid I’ll come in ma’ Wrangles,” Billy said.

“Ever’ cowboy worth the name carries a rubber in his wallet. Got one, boy?” Nick asked.

“Yes, sir, I do,” Billy replied.

“Get it!” Nick demanded. Billy got his biker wallet his roping partner, Moss, gave him for his birthday and retrieved the rubber. “Gimme’!” Nick ordered and Billy handed it to him. “Whip it out, stud!” Nick demanded.

Billy couldn’t get his Wranglers unzipped fast enough, reached in, and pulled out his impressive cock and balls. Nick looked at it, shook his head, and grinned. Billy’s penis was hard as a rock. Nick removed the rubber from the tinfoil wrapper and grabbed his cowboy’s cock. “Ever’ young cowboy needs a pa what can teach him things like ‘iss,” said Nick as he took his good time to slowly and sensually roll the rubber almost to the base of Billy’s rock hard penis. Nick gently put his cock and balls back into his Wranglers and zipped him up. “Ya’ont me to remove yore’ teeth for ya’ so’s they won’t get in the way of pleasure’n yore’ old man, Son?” Nick asked and grinned.

“What?” Billy asked like he was shocked.

"Remember how I made my wings disappear yesterday? Watch and learn, boy,” Nick said, opened his own mouth and ran his index finger of his right hand over the top of his uppers, and they disappeared. He did the same for the bottom, and he was left with lips and gums. He looked like an old man who lost his dentures.

“Don’t that hurt?” Billy asked.

“Not a bit. I heal them the same time I remove 'em. Now watch again,” Nick mumbled. Billy watched Nick return his teeth in the same order. They were perfect.

“Hell, yeah! Let’s do it! Cowboy up!” Billy exclaimed with buckaroo bravado, “I wanna’ give ma’ old man the best damn blow job he ever got,” Billy declared.
Nick grinned as Billy opened his mouth for him. His bird-man quickly removed his teeth, and Billy wasted no time hitting his knees to unzip Nick’s overalls and pull out his self-appointed surrogate dad’s fine set of tackle. He marveled at the feeling in his mouth. Nick was right, there was absolutely no pain, and it gave his cowboy more room to maneuver to better pleasure his pa. Billy took his bird-man like a well trained dog goes for a bone. Even though Billy and his bird-man carefully and lovingly bathed each other before retiring the night before, any man or beast with a foreskin will develop his signature masculine aroma after eight hours sleep.

Nick’s mature flavors burst into Billy’s mouth like an aphrodisiac that made the young cowboy’s attraction for his bird-man move from sexually stimulating to defcon greedy. For that moment, in Billy’s young life, Nick’s cock became his personal god to worship. It became his only need in life to give pleasure and satisfy his big bird-man’s penis, and the more erect Nick got, the more he had to work his throat to please him. Without much experience, Billy was flying by the seat of his pants. He wanted it all without much thought as to how it might be feeling to his partner. He wasn’t taking his time and began to gag a lot.

“Easy, there, hoss. Take it nice and slow and build up. Here let chore’ old pa help you a little,” Nick said and put his hands on either side of Billy’s throat, “Now I’m gonna’ pull out and slowly put it back in. Lemme’ know when it’s comfortable,” he instructed Billy like a teacher. Billy felt him withdraw and felt a warmth around his neck coming from Nick hands. Nick began to slip his huge cock down his throat, but Billy began to gag again. Nick pulled back and Billy felt more warmth from Nick’s hands. He pushed in again, but this time there was no problem. His throat was still tight, but became almost a perfect glove for Nick’s penis. “That better, buckaroo?” Nick asked quietly. Billy didn’t answer, but proceeded to slowly but surely take all of Nick’s ten and half inch fat penis down his throat until his lips were firmly pressed tight against the bird-man’s lower abdomen.

“Mmmm,” Billy moaned in ecstasy like he just caught the gold ring on the merry-go-round.

“I take it that’s a 'yes,’” Nick said and chuckled.

“Mmm-Mmm,” Billy replied in his throat.    

“Can you breathe okay, Son?” Nick asked.

“Mmm-Mmm,” Billy responded.

“Okay, just relax, get used to the feel, enjoy being filled with my big cock for a minute, and then yore’ old man’s gonna’ take his boy,” Nick said quietly and started to talk dirty to his young cowboy. It flipped a switch in Billy like nothing ever had. Nick was saying the words he dreamed about hearing another man say to him. “I’m gonna’ fuck yore’ face good, boy. Every boy needs a daddy to take care of, and his daddy will take good care of him-- keep him filled with his cream. You been need’n a daddy for sometime now, and I’m just the man what can fill the job, Son. I’ll keep yore’ belly and butt filled with my hot gizz. You’ll never go hungry again for the love of a good man,” Nick said firmly but with care.

Billy couldn’t stand it any longer and pulled off to take another long, slow slide down Nick’s awesome cock. He didn’t know what Nick did to his throat and didn’t really care. He was comfortable, there was no more gaging, and he could breathe comfortably. It felt like his damn mouth and throat was remade to be the perfect vessel for the bird-man’s huge cock to use for his pleasure, and Billy was eager to have Nick use him. After another half a dozen nice, relaxed trips down the bird-man’s rock hard penis, Nick placed his hand behind Billy’s head and pulled him onto to his fat cock until Billy’s lips were pressed as tight as Nick could get them against his abdomen.

“It’s time, Son. It’s time yore’ pa used his boy for his pleasure and comfort. All you gotta’ do is relax, and let your old man do the work,” he said, “Think you can do that?” he asked.

“Hmm-Mmm,” Billy responded with his mouth and throat full of cock.

“Good boy, cowboy up!” Nick exclaimed and started to slowly fuck Billy’s throat. Nick was a considerate and compassionate partner, but he knew he had to take what he needed from what was being offered to him, or his partner wouldn’t be satisfied. He instinctively knew it was particularly true in Billy’s case. Nick knew if Billy committed himself to anything, he would give his all to see it to a successful conclusion. Nick had every intention of meeting the young cowboy halfway or more if he sensed it was needed.

It had been so long since Nick shared this kind of closeness with anyone and never considered he might ever get this close to a human. His past associations with humans was not pretty. He became an icon of all that was bad or evil in the universe to be reviled and hated while being blamed for ever woe which befell anyone who believed the propaganda spewed forth from the early Christianist movement which was carefully orchestrated by the more evil demented Anunnaki creature known as Yahweh or Jehovah. What better way to mask your own flaws than to assign them to another; a psychological term known as ‘projection.’

Nick had to be careful because he knew his own genetic structure was far more advanced than the simple double-stranded DNA of humans. Nick and his brothers were created by a more advanced race than the Gregori or Irin and his DNA contained fourteen separate strands. There was a great difference and almost an equally large divide between those advanced creatures who were naturally evolved into a higher intelligence and those who were manufactured in an alien laboratory. There were  certain discriminations of which Nick was fully aware.

On the other hand, Nick was not unaware of his his own body’s advanced chemistry and the possible side effects a close union with another ‘lesser’ species might have. (Yes, Virginia, there is a universal pecking order.) He certainly knew something as intimate as sex with a human might unwittingly produce permanent changes in his partner, but not necessarily of a bad nature. Any change in the human 'condition’ would be an enhancement; a decided improvement. Nick made it a point to discuss it with Billy the night before when the young cowboy sucked him off. Any further sex they might share would surely result in changes to Billy’s physiology.

Nick continued to fuck Billy’s face until he became lost within his own personal world of his accepted love and near hero worship for his young human combined with Nick’s more basic animal needs. They were a potent combination. He couldn’t have asked for a better, more attentive, or receptive partner. His young cowboy stayed with him and would until Nick had his fill or his hard throbbing member exseeded into his partner’s hungry maw. Nick’s seed was sterile. He was made to serve and not propagate; to be a slave to an advanced, despotic alien who held delusions of grandeur; a megalomaniac who practiced Munchausen by proxy syndrome.

As the bird-man built to climax he began to mouth his feelings for his young partner, “Your pa is about to feed his handsome boy his morning portion of daddy seed. I ain’t gonna let you taste this one, boy. I want to unload as far down your gut as I can. There will be other times for sampling yore’ pa’s sweet load,” he said, and with three large thrusts into Billy’s throat he cried out, pulled the young cowboy to the base of his cock, and ejaculated three separate volleys into his waiting maw. Nick held Billy on to him with the boy’s lips pressed tight to his abdomen.

He gathered himself and tenderly caressed Billy’s head. Then he reached down with his big hands, pulled Billy off his cock, up into his huge arms, and proceeded to kiss him passionately. Nick went crazy pouring his affection into Billy while moving his tongue around in his mouth to gather the lingering flavor of his own ejaculate. He grabbed Billy’s ass with one hand and ground his penis into the young man’s crotch as he continued to pour his love into him. Billy never experienced such an expression of raw, but well-tempered, animal passion.

Nick held him so tight, Billy could do little but acquiesce and submit to Nick’s overpowering strength. Not that he’d want to protest. Billy was completely taken with his partner’s need to dominate him physically. Nick’s power made him feel like he truly was Nick’s little boy, but it became too much for him. He felt his body begin to vibrate and shudder from the overwhelming demand of Nick’s lust. Billy went limp in Nick’s arms, and when he gave in completely, his body reacted in the greatest climax he ever experienced. He filled the rubber on his penis with three huge loads of his cowboy cream.

Nick felt Billy’s climax and immediately changed his attitude. While still holding him tight, he instantly became the understanding, tender loving dad every young boy dreams his dad will one day share with him, but rather than being a ploy to provide comfort and succor for Billy, his action tripped a switch within Nick’s psyche that related to his lack of anyone ever showing him such tenderness. Nick’s tears began to drop on Billy’s face. Nick’s heart was opened and laid bare for both of them to see. It was more than a little obvious the bird-man, the strong, stalwart aggressor, was deeply moved by what transpired between them.

“Sorry, Son,” Nick said softly wiping his eyes, “you were right. The powerful smell of brimstone coming from you overpowered me for a second,” he lied.

There was a pregnant silence between them. “You’s so full of shit, Nick,” Billy said, grinned, and kissed him again.

“Yeah? Well, so are you, boy,” Nick declared as he rubbed Billy’s stomach. They shared a laugh.

“Open yore’ pie hole for me, cowboy,” Nick said and Billy complied. Nick ran his finger over Billy’s upper and lower gums and his teeth reappeared in perfect order; only, unknown to Billy his new teeth were flawless and as white as a toothpaste ad.

Nick picked Billy up and set him on one of the kitchen stools. He unzipped Billy’s Wranglers, reached in and pulled out his ample cock and balls. He grinned when he saw the rubber stretched to the max with Billy’s come hanging to one side like a huge teardrop. He looked up into his cowboy’s eyes and grinned, “You may be a whiz in the kitchen, kid, but don’t tell me I don’t know how to whip up a tasty treat,” he bragged.

“Cain’t gainsay me that, Nick. You shore’ 'nuff got a good scald on ‘nat one,” Billy drawled and encouraged him.

Nick carefully removed the condom from Billy’s penis, making sure he didn’t spill a drop, and handed it to his cowboy to hold for him. He took Billy’s penis into his mouth to suck the remaining come from his flaccid cock. He ran his tongue up and under the young man’s foreskin to get every drop of his prize while making 'yum’ sounds like he was a guest at Belshazzar’s feast and sampling the most tasty treats. When he was satisfied he got it all, he gently and lovingly returned Billy’s penis to his Wranglers. He stood, took is prize from his partner, held it up to the light to admire its beauty, and brought it to his nose to inhale deeply. “Ahhhh,” he said, “a delightful cowboy vintage. Strong, bold, but not impertinent. Solid, with a touch of sweet to please the most discriminating palate,” he bragged.

Billy brought him a cup of coffee and watched as Nick squeezed out the contents into his cup. Then he ran his tongue into the rubber to get whatever remained and handed it back to Billy. He took a spoon, stirred his coffee, and took a big sip. “Ah, ain’t nothing sweeter than cowboy cream in yore’ coffee on a cold winter’s morning,” he said.

“You’s so full of shit-- but lovable,” Billy declared and laughed. They kissed again, but this time it was one of mutual thanks for their release.

They got busy and prepared breakfast in half the time it took Billy to fix it by himself. He taught Nick how to make cowboy potatoes. He loved Billy’s cowboy potatoes. This time they ate sitting on stools at the kitchen work station. Nick ate as much or more than he did the morning before. Billy was loving every minute of their meal and conversation together. They talked about a lot of things, but mostly Nick wanted to know more about Billy’s life and what he thought about everything. When they were finished, Nick didn’t forget his promise, got down on his knees, and lovingly kissed each of Billy’s buckaroo boots.

Billy took Nick’s hand and pulled him up, leaned over, and kissed his bird-man. “You can be such a clown,” Billy said, “you make my heart feel light and my head spin like a little boy without a care in the world sharing secrets with his best bud.”

“That cain’t be bad,” Nick said.

“H’it ain’t. In fact, it’s a damn good feel’n, Nick. Is this part of what them religious loons say, like them ignorant wacked-out Jack Chick religious cartoon tracts, about the devil winning you over and leading you down the path to perdition?” Billy asked.

“It absolutely is, cowboy. A fast track. Never doubt a Jack Chick tract; they’s fast tracts to ignorance, myth, and superstition; a private hell where the reader slowly dies from the neck up,” Nick said. You’re smart enough to know I’d never lie to you, but just consider when hate and superstition is all you got, how you gonna’ know what real happiness is if’n you don’t loosen up a bit and let the light of reason and compassion shine in sometimes? As Lucifer, I was suppose to bring enlightenment, knowledge, reason, compassion, and liberal thinking to the world. It didn’t quite work out that way. The darker, greedy forces hell bent on keeping man ignorant, suspicious, bigoted, intolerant, easily controlled won out. To make matters worse, me and ma’ brothers got blamed for their failures. The truth is, all them religious wack-a-loons is commiting incest. If'n they's all god's children like they claim they be fucking their kin folks.

The love we been sharing don’t hurt nobody, and while it seems perfectly natural to us, them fuckers would condemn us both as the worst sort of sinners and demons filled with perversion and debauchery. I got an idea. We could form us an act, The Demon Brothers, performing death defying acts of perversion. They work without a net, folks,” Nick said like a circus barker and grinned. He got Billy laughing. Every time Nick would look at Billy’s new teeth he would grin.

“What chu’ grin’n about, bird-man,” Billy asked.

“Go look at yore’ teeth in the mirror, cowboy,” Nick said.

Billy walked to the bathroom and couldn’t believe what was looking back at him. His teeth were perfect. He had some problems with his teeth, but the local dentist was a pirate and most of the locals couldn’t afford him unless it was an absolute necessity to yank a tooth. Billy returned and put his arms around Nick’s neck and kissed him on the cheek.

“Thanks, demon dad, for taking such good care of yore’ boy,” Billy said.

“Yore’ welcome, cowboy, and that set won’t never rot or decay. Just consider it another gift from yore’ old demon pa,” Nick replied.

“Is ‘zat why you call yourself a demon as a reaction against crushing rejection?” Billy asked.

“You’s a sharp young man, Billy. I been known to raise some hell and scare the crap out of a few them self-righteous religious folks now and again to give ‘em a good dose of what they invent in their minds. If they wanna’ see me as a big red muscled out goat like creature with huge horns, tail, and a pitchfork, I give ‘em what they expect,” Nick said and laughed wickedly.

“I wanna’ see. Can you show me?” Billy asked like a little kid at a sideshow.

“I would, but I gotta’ take my clothes off first 'cause I make him three times bigger than us and it would ruin my nice warm clothes I be wear’n. Besides, they don’t belong to me nohow. How 'bout before we go to bed tonight?” he asked.

“Okay, but I’m gonna’ hold you to it,” Billy replied.

Sam whinnied. Billy heard in his mind, << Could a faithful pony get a little help over here? This blanket is get’n a mite too warm, >> Nick must have heard Sam too because he looked at Billy and winked.

“Is this one of them side effects you done told me about, Nick?” Billy asked.

<< Yes, now you can hear and talk with yore’ pony, and we don’t really need to talk no more ‘less’n ya’ont to. I can hear you just fine in my head, >> Nick sent back.

“You been read’n ma’ mind, bird-man?” Billy asked.

“Only when I’s fuck’n your face to see if’n I’s hurt’n you, if you wanted a little more, or just a little harder,” Nick replied and grinned.

“I wondered how you could tell,” Billy said and grinned.

Billy walked over and removed Sam’s blanket, and Sam shook himself. Billy got busy and cleaned his stall and added some more fresh chips. It was just too damn cold to put Sam in the barn even for a while. It was still snowing outside almost like a blizzard. He’d just have to make do with the double stall inside the cabin.

<< You glad I can hear you now, pod’na? >> Billy asked.

<< Makes little difference, but it makes it nicer. You could always tell what I’s think’n anyway, >> Sam said. Billy laughed at him.    

Billy and Nick cleaned up the kitchen, but there wasn’t a lot to do. While Billy was cooking if he used a pot or mixing bowl, Nick would whisk it away and clean it with a wave of his hand. After they finished Billy wanted to take a look at Nick’s wing again. He had his bird-man sit on one of the stools, helped him remove his shirt, and carefully unwrapped his bandage. It seemed perfectly healed. There wasn’t even any bruising like there was the day before.

“That’s amazing, Nick, I think it’s totally healed. I don’t think you need my bandage anymore,” Billy allowed.

“Yeah, I heal a lot faster than other species, but I’ll miss you fussing over me and getting it just right-- just the way you want it. You’re attention and love were partly responsible for my healing; so was our sharing sex with each other. In a way, I’m like an energy vampire. While we sleep together my body is drawing the strength it needs from yours to quickly heal, and since you have an abundance, I drank deeply. Thank you, Son, for being so caring,” Nick said sincerely.

“You’re welcome. I think I’m proud to have me a demon for a pa, sir,” Billy said.

“Damnation, boy, you could melt a heart of stone,” he said and stole a kiss.

<< Billy Daniels, are you in the cabin? >> Billy heard a booming voice in his head. Nick looked at him like he was stunned to hear another voice. It was so unexpected.

<< I’d know that voice anywhere. Boomer, is that you? Where are you, my friend? >> Billy sent.

<< Outside your door, freezing my furry butt off, >> they heard.

Billy almost broke his neck getting to the door and threw it open. “Get yore’ big wide ass in here, Boomer! Come in! Come in out of the cold, my brother,” Billy grabbed his huge paw and pulled the giant Bigfoot creature into the cabin. Boomer had to duck as the door was only eight feet. Boomer topped out at ten feet three. The ceilings of the cabin were eleven feet so he could stand up straight.

Billy introduced them. “Boomer this is my friend, Nick. His spaceship had some problems and he’s staying with me for a while,” Billy said, “Nick, this is my good friend Boomer who is known on our world as a Bigfoot. Some have called them ‘watchers’ because they’re curious about us, but for the most part they go their own way. They prefer to live alone or with others of their kind.”

The two looked at each other in amazement. “I know who and what he is,” said Boomer, “he was an artificially manufactured slave of the Anunnaki and a winged servant of the Elohim until he was rescued and set free by my ancestors,” Boomer said and nodded at Nick. Nick surprised Billy and bowed deeply at the waist to the tall Bigfoot beast. “It ain’t necessary to bow to me, messenger. I'm young but much older than my human friend. I'm only a messenger myself. I'm here for my friend, Billy Daniels. I been sent to collect him for an audience before my elders, who, at my recommendation, took an interest him many years ago. They have been following him closely since he was about three and lost his parents.

“I been his friend and protector for many years. He unselfishly put his own life in peril to save my life a couple of times, and like you, he nursed me back to health and gave himself to me so I might heal more rapidly and not be caught by men. As you know, he has an abundance of healing strength and enough unconditional love in him to become a great healer. I’m proud to say I saved his life once, but he’s one up on me. So, by rights, he has a legitimate claim for me to become his slave.

“The time I saved his life, I shamed myself before my elders and begged them to let me have Billy Daniels for my own. With Billy’s permission, I begged them to allow me to take him for my slave and beloved servant. It is not without president, as Gilgamesh, one of the last of the great Anunnaki kings, a half-breed Nephilim, took one of our kind-- Enkidu, a great beast with legs the width of tree trunks, the only man who could defeat him in hand-to-hand combat--for his slave and beloved companion. My request was denied when they found out Billy saved my life before I saved his.

“Much to my embarrassment and shame, I somehow conveniently forgot to include that small bit of information when I asked permission to take Billy for my slave,” Boomer said and grinned. “When Billy saved my life the second time, I begged my elders to allow me to give myself to Billy to become his lifelong slave, and he could have anyone else of his choosing as long as they agreed I could dwell under the same roof with him. My elders painfully chastised me. They would have none of it. By that time, Billy was a young man, and unknown to me, they had other plans for him and for me.

“Alas, I’m sad to say, he was not meant for me, but for you, bright angel. He is meant to be your master, and so he will be if he agrees to accept you; but make no mistake, because of my love for this young cowboy my elders have taken pity on me. I have been told I will be assigned as Billy’s, his owner Sam, and Billy’s slave Lucifer, to become your personal protector and watcher,” Boomer said to Nick.

Boomer turned to Sam and greeted him. << Hello, my worthy friend. You grow more handsome the older you get. I can tell your man-stallion you took to bond has taken good care of you. It’s good to see you again and to see you are in good health and happy, >> Boomer sent to Sam.

“And welcome to you, my large hairy friend. You seem to have rid yourself of your pungent odor. You should keep yourself that way. It becomes you and will save wear and tear on our husband,” >> Sam said and gave a small laugh.

“It is for that very reason I have cleaned myself, Sam. I look forward to sharing your fine human with you and calling him my husband as well,” Boomer said in his deep voice.

Billy led Boomer to the fire and got him a stool to sit on, then he went to the bathroom and got a couple of towels to wipe the snow from Boomer’s fur and dry him. They talked while Billy was taking care of the big monster like Boomer was just another animal for him to husband. When Billy was satisfied, he got his curry comb and brush he used on Samson and began to work on Boomer. He didn’t finish until he had Boomer’s fur gleaming and powered him with Johnson’s baby power until he smelled like a new born infant. They were talking with each other like they were best buds for years. Poor Nick was dumbfounded and a little jealous he wasn’t the center of Billy’s attention.

Nick heard a horse laugh in his head, << Join the club, brother angel, >> he heard Sam in his head.

<< Shuuu, they’ll hear you, Sam, >> Nick sent back.

<< Nonsense. They’s too deep within each other’s sphere to pay attention to us, besides I shut you out the first night you’s here until I got to know you. I can do the same with them. So we have to share Billy, ain’t no big deal. There’s plenty of Billy to go around. Didn’t you listen to what Boomer told you? Billy was meant for you, and he weren’t kidding. You ain’t the one getting short changed here, it’s Boomer, but because of his deep bond he formed with my man-stallion over the years, he’s willing to accept what he can get. Now ask yourself, who loves him more, you or Boomer? >> Sam sent.

<< Okay, Sam, I concede your point. You’re right. Actually, if all this comes about, we’re probably pretty lucky to have Boomer as a part of our family. What did Billy do to gain such devotion from Boomer? >> Nick asked.

<< Nothing more’n he done for you. The first time Billy save Boomer’s life, we’s out doing our usual thing one day, and come upon Boomer with his ankle caught in a bear trap. Billy was only about seven or eight years old at the time. A rancher claimed wolves were killing and eating his cows, but his traps didn’t seem to catch them. His brother in the far north sent him a damn bear trap; only, instead of catching a wolf in the trap, it caught Boomer.

<< He was crazy with pain and lost so much blood he didn’t have the strength to get out of the trap himself. I was scared of Boomer. I didn’t know him then, but Billy weren’t afraid of him at all. He walked right up the monster, told him what he was gonna’ do, sprung the trap, and gently pulled Boomer’s leg out. Between the two of 'em, him and Boomer, they managed to get the big critter onto my back into Billy’s saddle. He weren’t as big then. He was about as big as Billy is today.

<< Billy took my reins and led me and Boomer to the large cave we was in when your ship come down from the sky. He helped Boomer down, told him to wait for him, and he would return with medical supplies and some food for him. I didn’t think Boomer would be there when we got back, but he was. He was weak. He couldn’t walk because of the pain and passed out from lack of blood. Billy went to work while Boomer was still unconscious, clipped the blood matted hair from around where the trap ate into his flesh. He took a big leather mending needle and some nylon tent repair thread and done a good job of stitching Boomer’s flesh back together. Then finally he poured some blood red stuff on him to keep it from getting infected and bandaged him up like he done for you. >>

<< Boomer came to, saw what Billy done for him, but he didn’t try to get up or run away. He allowed Billy to feed him and give him water. After that, Billy got out his uncle’s huge double wide sleeping bag, laid it out, took off his clothes, pulled Boomer over to him, and as bad as that critter smelled, slept with him all night. Billy never let him go. When the light come into the cave I could see Boomer with his arms around Billy like he was a precious piece of gold, and he weren’t about to let go.

<< Billy and me stayed in that cave with Boomer every night for almost two weeks, until he could get up and walk around. Billy took him food and water every day until he was sure Boomer could make it on his own. Then they said some tearful goodbyes and Boomer went on with his life; but, they’s a lot more to their story. Suffice to say them two think on each other as brothers and there ain’t no closer bond than when another saves your life-- or am I preach’n to the choir here? >> Sam asked and laughed.

<< You make me feel ashamed of myself, Sam, >> Nick sent to him.

<< Ain’t no need for shame, Nick. Perhaps a bit of healthy jealousy is a good test for affection. When you have doubts about what is bound to come, remember that feeling and know what you told Billy is true, you will make a good pair. All I’s try’n to tell you is, y’ain’t got no worries. You’ll get the Lion’s share of Billy Daniels, >> Sam sent back.

<< Thanks, Sam, I guess I needed to hear that, >> Nick said like a little boy.

<< If Boomer bothers you, what are you gonna’ do when Billy shares himself with some other cowboy? His roping partner is so in love with him he can’t even talk with Billy when they’s together, and I hear what Billy thinks about him. He’s very much taken with his roping partner. They’s two young studs what give off major sexual pheromones ever’ time they’s around one another. They drive me crazy. Eventually they’s gonna’ fall into each other’s pull of gravity, their worlds will come together and collide with a big bang, and they’ll make the beast with two backs, >> Sam said and laughed.

<< I guess as Billy’s slave I’ll just have to cope with it, >> Nick said.

<< I share him with you, and I own him, >> Samson declared.

<< Yes, but it’s a little different. You ain’t having sex with him, >> Nick said.

<< Don’t bet the ranch on it, bird-man, >> Sam said and laughed, << Billy wouldn’t allow his uncle to geld me. He wanted me natural. I’ve always been grateful to Billy for that, but I sometimes wish’t he had. When he gets horny, I can smell his male pheromones, and they trigger mine until I have to find release. We ain’t got no mares on the ranch so I have to make do. Sometimes when Billy’s riding me, he feels so good and so right on my back, I get s’damn hot I ejaculate on the ground. Billy knows it when I do. He’ll stop and rest with me for a while until I get myself together, then I’m all right. He’ll take his bandanna and clean me good. He never chastises me or makes fun of me. Once in a while he’ll compliment me on the amount of seed I spill on the ground. He just tells me he loves me, and he’s glad I own him. Then, once in a while, when I’m really hot, he’ll lend me his hand until I get off. It don’t matter how long it takes, he’s patient with me. It may sound perverse to anyone else, but it works for me and Billy, >> Sam sent.

<< I didn’t know, but I’m aware you’re generous enough to share him, Sam, and don’t think I don’t appreciate it. Once again, I see your point, but I don’t feel comfortable with it, >> Nick said.

<< A slave never does until he gives himself to his master. I come to realize I couldn’t own Billy until I give myself to him, >> Sam said.

<< I did give myself to a master once, but he destroyed my trust. Since he couldn’t kill me because my makers made me immortal, he cast me and my brothers out, and then sent his legions against us. I was the only angel what escaped. Since that time I been hated and reviled by ever race on Earth, >> Nick said sadly.

<< I’m sorry for you, Nick, but Billy ain’t no crazed despotic alien what features himself a god. He’s one of the most down to Earth, caring, and solicitous young men I ever been around, and I done seen me a few. Just learn to temper your jealousy with humility and patience, and trust me, Billy will always return to your arms, >> Sam said quietly.

* * * * * * *
“Thank you for taking such good care of me, Billy. I know my elders will notice and comment,” Boomer said.

“T’weren’t nothing special, Boom, glad to do it for you and even more glad to see you again. You know you’s always welcome to stop by anytime you’re in the area. I don’t get to see you nearly enough. When am I suppose to appear before your elders?” Billy asked.

“As soon as you can get ready, little brother, but first you must remove your clothing,” Boomer replied.

“But it’s damn cold outside, Boom,” Billy protested.

“We won’t leave the cabin, Billy. We’ll pass through a portal onto their world,” Boomer smiled and explained.

“Can I wear ma’ boots? Without his boots a cowboy’s just plumb naked,” Billy said.

“You can wear your boots,” Boomer said and grinned.

“Should I bathe my body, Boomer?” Billy asked.

“You smell fine to me. I can tell you just had sex, and there’s the lingering hint of angelic gizz on your breath, but it ain’t strong. It’s just enough to drive my elders crazy, but they’ll adjust. They’ll look upon it as a good omen. It will please them you find your new salve to your liking,” Boomer said and grinned. “No disrespect intended, Samu’el,” he said to Nick.

“None taken, Boomer. I never had an audience before the Gregori, Son. They rescued me from Earth centuries ago, and they’s come to me a few times and told me what they want, but I ain’t never got an invite to visit them. It’s a great honor to be asked to stand before them,” Nick said.

“Nick’s right, little brother. It is a great honor,” Boomer confirmed.

“I have a guest in my care, Boom. I can’t neglect Nick, and I can’t ask him to see to Sam. That’s my job as his husband,” Billy said.

“We won’t be gone more than five minutes your time. They’re on a different time dilation than your world. You can stay an hour, a day, a week, or even a year but only five minutes will have lapsed on this world. By the time Nick can drink another cup of coffee, you’ll be back in his arms again,” Boomer assured him with a grin.
Billy went to Sam. << Is there anything I can get you before I go, Sam? >> he asked.

<< I’m fine, Billy, go and have a good time. Nick and I can manage. You ain’t gonna’ be gone long anyway, >> Sam encouraged him.

Billy removed his clothes and pulled his boots back on. He stood before Nick and Boomer like a lost soul. Nick looked at Boomer, winked, and shook his head. Without a word passed between them, Nick and Boomer agreed Billy Daniels was a magnificent piece of human male pulchritude. He looked like he should be painted by a great master for his beauty to be captured for the ages. It was at that moment Nick lost some of his resentment for the watchers for arranging his accident to place him in the position of becoming Billy’s slave. He thought he just might be able to handle it.

Billy walked to Nick and embraced him. Nick threw his huge arms around him. “Will you be okay, Nick?” Billy asked.

“I’ll be fine, Son. I got Sam to talk with, but like Sam, I got me a feeling you won’t be gone very long. Go with our blessing,” Nick said and they shared a quick kiss.

“Are you ready, little brother?” Boomer asked.

“I’m ready, big brother,” Billy replied.

Boomer waved his huge furry hand and a portal sprang up like the one on Nick’s ship. Boomer held out his hand for Billy. He took it, and followed his bonded brother through the gate.

Billy was amazed. They were standing on what appeared to be a balcony of a palace of some kind and you could see the landscape for miles before them of a gloriously beautiful world. It was the most beautiful sight Billy ever saw. There was a large city to the right, but it seemed to blend in with the natural surroundings of waterfalls and lush green semi-tropical forests and verdant velds of many farms. He could see giant beasts like Boomer and other animals he never saw before working the land. It was a beautiful sight.

“Welcome to Retikki Prime in the constellation of Orion, little brother,” Boomer said quietly.

“It’s beautiful, Boom. Words can’t describe what I’m feeling right now,” Billy said.

“You warm enough, Billy?” he asked.

“No problem. I’m comfortable. Lead the way, big brother,” Billy urged his giant friend.

They walked though huge marble corridors and down long hallways which opened out to other stunning vistas of a harmonious world where there appeared to be no clutter and the city itself was a masterpiece of artistic achievement. It didn’t look cluttered or have any bad places like cities on Earth. It was spotless and pristine. They came to a great hall in the palace with double doors twenty feet high and each door eight feet wide.

Boomer stopped and took Billy into his big arms. “I can go no further with you, little brother. A kiss and a brotherly hug for your journey, little one?” Boomer asked.
Billy threw his arms around his friend and gently kiss him on his mouth. Boomer sighed and returned his kiss with the gentleness of a saint. “I will open the door for you. You must enter on your own and walk to the center of the room. You will see the watchers standing before you. Go with my blessing, Billy. I will be with you later when I am summoned,” Boomer said.

“Thank you, Boomer. I love you, big brother,” Billy said to his friend.

“I love you, too, Billy. Take my love with you as well,” the big beast said.

Boomer opened one of the doors for him and Billy walked through into a huge chamber with statues all around of watchers who were great leaders and heroes of their world. He walked to the very middle of the room and saw standing on a raised dais two enormous figures in long maroon colored robes with hoods over their heads. The were fifteen to eighteen feet tall and looked mysteriously hidden from Billy’s sight in their robes. The larger of the two was just under eighteen feet, but Billy felt no fear of them. In fact, he was glad to see them. He felt like he knew them. He came to a stop and stood silently waiting for them to address him.

Time passed, but Billy waited patiently. They said nothing and more time passed. Billy wondered if he should say something; maybe they were waiting for him to say something to break the ice. After a little more time, Billy began to feel uncomfortable and shifted from foot to foot. Finally, he was getting pretty nervous and decided to break the silence. What would he say? Anything to break the tension. Billy spoke, “Hello, I’m Billy Daniels from Earth. I was told you wanted to speak with me. If you’s the Knights what say ‘nee’ I gotta’ tell you, I don’t know nothing about no shrubberies,” he said.

There was another prolonged pregnant silence, when suddenly, the bigger of the two bent over double and fell out laughing. He had a huge booming boisterous laugh and was laughing so hard he had to turn away from his partner.

“Gregor, would you please?” his smaller companion begged for composure in an irritated voice.

“I’m sorry, Albrecht, I can’t help it. It’s just too damn funny,” he replied and continued laughing, “If you followed Earth culture for the last hundred years like I begged you to do numerous times you would know what the young human is referring to, and us being taller than him fits the... well, if you haven’t experienced it you wouldn’t have a clue,” Gregor laughed again.

Billy began laughing with him, and that only made matters worse. The other giant decided he had to take control of the situation. “Well, young man, it would seem you’ve captured the heart and imagination of my mate, and it would also seem there is no further need to treat you in a formal manner which has been our tradition for thousands of years. So much for stuffy traditions. My formality notwithstanding, we have both become very fond of you over the eighteen years of your life on Earth. Come, take my hand, and if my partner can collect himself long enough to be a good host, take his with your other hand. We will take you to a lovely garden for refreshments where we can talk informally,” the one called Albrecht said.

“Screw that!” Gregor exclaimed loudly, who sat down on his haunches, and open his arms to Billy. “Com’mer, ya’ little shit!” Gregor demanded in perfect cowboy lingo and laughed again. Billy understood those words well and the love and humor behind them. He knew he must run to the giant’s inviting arms as fast as his legs would carry him. He sounded like Sam walking on cobble stones as he clomped across the huge hall in his buckaroo boots at full stride. Gregor threw back his hood and Billy could see he was a much larger copy of his big brother Boomer. The last few steps Billy leaped for the giant and Gregor caught him in mid-flight to raise him high, spun him around a couple of times, and brought him to rest upon his huge chest to pet like a warm puppy. Billy threw his arms around Gregor’s neck, hugged him tight, and stole a kiss. They were both laughing and carrying on like two old friends as the giant turned and began to walk with his mate to another pair of huge doors.

The doors opened automatically and Billy couldn’t believe the beauty of the garden they walked into. Gregor set Billy down and the young cowboy bowed to Albrecht who then opened his big arms to him for a hug. Billy went to him, hugged him, and whispered, “I saved the best for last, sir.” The stern and formal Albrecht melted and giggled like a school boy. “Why am I naked and you handsome creatures get to wear robes?” Billy asked.

“Rituals as old as time itself. No one knows, but it is probably to show our Elders, a member of any race standing before them, is not hiding a secret weapon,” replied Albrecht.

“Would it be impolite of me to ask you gentlefolk to remove your robes?” he asked.

“Would you be more comfortable?” Albrecht asked.

“No, comfort has nothing to do with my request, but curiosity and animal lust has everything to do with it,” Billy said honestly.

Gregor stood, removed his robe to reveal the most magnificent creature Billy ever saw other than his brother, Boomer. He threw his robe to another group of benches and a strange furry creature which looked similar to a hedgehog on Earth collected his robe and disappeared. Albrecht followed his mate’s lead and did the same. Gregor set back down. Billy went to him and crawled up into his lap. Gregor immediately popped a boner. Billy saw it and grinned. “Thanks for the compliment, big guy, look at me...,” Billy lay back in the monster’s huge arms to show him his own erection. Gregor laughed again only this time Albrecht joined them.

“I’m afraid you captured the heart of more than just my mate, young one. You also have mine to add to your collection,” Albrecht said and leaned back to show Billy his erection.

Billy clapped his hands together. “Wonderful, sir, now I feel more comfortable,” Billy said.

“No wonder our nephew has done everything in his power to be allowed closer to you, Billy Daniels. You are a remarkable young human. As you may have guessed, we have a strict set of rules and standards for those of our kind dwelling on your planet. They are to observe only and to avoid contact with humans at all cost; however, as you might say in your cowboy vernacular, shit happens,” explained Albrecht and smiled.

“I know that term well, Mr. Albrecht. I been hearing it a lot the last couple of days,” Billy said and grinned knowing they both knew what he was talking about.

“We don’t apologize for placing you in the position you find yourself in, Son. We also know it is against everything you believe in and stand for, but that only makes you the right human for the job; that, and several other personal attributes and strengths you have which are rare in one so young,” Albrecht said. “What we set into motion with the crash landing of Lucifer’s ship is only the beginning of a great journey in life you could never imagine if you remained a cowboy for the rest of your life. We’re not saying you can’t do both. You may have your cake and eat it, too,” said Albrecht in a business like manner, “We would never want you to lose touch with the roots of your heritage. It’s what makes you who and what you are, Billy Daniels,” Albrecht added firmly.

Gregor took his huge paw-like hand and gently cupped it over Billy’s genitals like he was protecting them. Billy looked at him, pulled his great head down, and kissed him on his cheek. “Thanks, for that, big guy. I couldn’t feel safer,” Billy whispered. Gregor threw back his handsome head and laughed.

“Dear brother,” Gregor addressed his mate, “do you think we should give our guest the option of having his newly assigned protector sit in on our conversation and share refreshments with us?”

“By all means, brother,” Albrecht replied, “I shall send for him. Click, please inform our nephew, Boomer, we have need of him,” he spoke to a small gnome-like naked creature with a perfectly formed humanoid body; a small stud-muffin, between three and four feet tall with an impressive set of tackle for his size. He looked like a miniature Greek sculpture of an Herculean hero but with more cock proportionally. He had no hair on his body, anywhere. He had muscles any human body builder could only wish he could develop and was a golden bronze color. He had dark blue eyes the color of fine Lapis that sparkled with intelligence and a hint of mischief. Billy immediately wanted one just like him for a little brother and forgot they could read his mind. “No problem, you may have Click and his twin brother, Clack, for your slaves. They make a formidable pair of bookends,” Albrecht said and the two giants laughed at his joke, “They are also shape-shifting wizards who are born with wisdom passed on genetically and improved upon from generation to generation.

“They are bred to serve and provide protection and comfort for their masters. They live only to serve those who need and appreciate their talents. They would make a great addition to the base team of your new family you’re forming. They also just happen to be fine artists and musicians who will entertain you by the hour with tall tales of mystery, love, heroics, songs, dances, and they can master any musical instrument set before them in a matter of minutes. They have several other talents which I won’t go into right now so if you decide you want them, you, your slave, and your owner Sam will discover together,” Albrecht said.

“Will they be given a choice in the matter?” Billy asked concerned.

“No, they trust their masters to do what’s best for them and Gregor and I have decided it would be a win-win situation for them as well as you and your team. Believe us when we say, you will never be sorry you agreed to take them. Furthermore, they will make you proud you own them and proud they trust you enough to call you their master,” Albrecht said, and added, “We told them of your visit some time ago and showed them videos of you riding your owner. They asked every day when you would be here. They’re very excited to meet the handsome man who rides his owner and takes such good care of him. They are very sensitive about people and animals. They can tell you and Sam love each other very much.”

Boomer entered the garden with little Click riding on his shoulder with his muscular little arm around the hairy beast’s neck. Boomer reached up, took his small companion, set him gently on the grass of the well tended garden, then bowed deeply to his elders.

“Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna; blessed be the one who comes in the name of the Ancients. Hosanna to our nephew. Would you look at him, Gregor!” Albrecht exclaimed and stood.

“Add another couple of ‘hosannas’ to that brother. Three ain’t nearly enough. I can’t remember ever seeing our nephew looking any better. He has truly become a magnificent beast. Strong, virile, handsome to a turn, and his fur has been expertly attended to like he has his own husband to care for him. Where does such pride in himself come from? There’s a glow about him. What is it, brother?” Gregor asked playing off his mate and lobbing the ball back into his court for an easy slam.

“I’d say he’s a beast in love,” Albrecht took the shot for the win and winked mischievously at his partner. Poor Boomer was so embarrassed you could see him blush through his heavy coat of fur. His uncles enjoyed laughing at his uneasiness. “What do you have to say for yourself, Nephew?” Albrecht asked like a stern school master.

“Uncle Gregor is right. I can neither hide my love for Billy, nor would I want to. He done this for me before we walked through the gate. His owner was kind enough to share his husband with me and I remembered my manners to thank him,” Boomer said in his defense. That only made his uncles laugh harder.

“Come, Nephew, enough of your uncle’s nonsense for now,” Albrecht held his huge paw for Boomer to take and motioned for him to sit on the bench next to him,

“Click-- be a dear, and fetch your brother for us. We wish your presence as well, and when you return you will be two Great Pyrenees,” Albrecht requested. Click nodded his head, grinned real big, and was away as fast as his little legs would carry him. Albrecht returned his attention to Boomer, “Mr. Daniels asked that you be present in our meetings, Nephew. We agree you should be privy to most everything we discuss; however, we will have one session with Billy alone before you return to Earth. Do you wish to tell our nephew our further plans for him, brother Gregor?” Albrecht asked.

“No, you’re doing fine, brother, besides I’m busy,” he said with a grin and tightened his grip around Billy’s cock and balls and leaned over to get another hug and kiss from the young cowboy. Billy responded perfectly, and they shared a laugh like two little boys with a secret.

“So we can see, brother,” Albrecht raised an eyebrow and said with a grin. “Your other uncle and me have decided, for you to become Billy and his family’s protector and watcher is not a strong enough bond. We wish to strengthen that bond. We have decided to grant your earlier request and give you to Billy as his slave for having saved your life. From this very moment you have one month to prove your worth to him, gain his favor, and petition him to accept you as his slave or you will be terminated. It’s a harsh law, but one which must be upheld. To allow you to disregard our laws would not be looked upon favorably by our high counsel. Do you understand, Nephew?” Albrecht asked.

“I understand, Uncle Albrecht. I will do my best to gain Mr. Daniel’s trust to accept me as his slave,” Boomer said sincerely.

“Wait just a damn minute!” Billy exclaimed, “I ain’t never rescinded my agreement to become Boomer’s slave so we could be together. I done proved h’it don’t matter none to me who becomes slave to whom. The main concern for both of us is to be together at any cost. I will hear no further talk of my brother being terminated. I didn’t risk my life twice to save Boomer only to have the beast I come to love as my brother be snuffed because of some silly arcane law. It just ain’t gonna’ happen, gentlemen. I’m an American cowboy and in the name of whatever god you worship my word is my bond,” Billy said strongly with unmistakable conviction; clearly not easy with Albrecht’s pronouncement.

“Well said, Billy Daniels. So let it be done. Go to your master, slave, pledge your life, give yourself to him, and pay homage unto him,” Albrecht said as a stern command.  

Boomer jumped off the bench he was sitting on with his uncle, and with two large bounding steps was on his knees in front of Billy and Boomer’s other uncle, Gregor. “Master Billy Daniels, if you will accept me as your slave, I humbly pledge my life to you and those you chose to love, to become your slave for life, sir,” Boomer said with tears in his big amber eyes.

“Of course I will take your for my slave, my beloved brother. Was there ever any doubt in your mind? I'll do my damnedest to become a good master and husband for you what will be worthy of your love and trust,” Billy replied.

“May I pay homage to your boots, Master?” Boomer asked.

“Permission granted, slave,” Billy replied.

Boomer lovingly kissed each of Billy’s buckaroo boots and looked up at his master. Billy opened his arms to him, “Come, my good slave, and share your love with me,” Billy commanded as sternly as he could to someone he loved as much as his beast brother. They kissed a passionate kiss and Boomer exseeded onto the grass beneath the bench where Gregor and Billy were sitting. Billy did the same in Gregor’s huge hands holding his genitals.

Gregor was not disturbed in the least. He simply held his hands before his nephew. “Your master has blessed you, slave. Your husband, your very right master has has provided a gift for his slave’s first Eucharist; his holy offering of his sacred seed for his slave from his own body. Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna to our nephew and his master,” Gregor said gently with love for his nephew in his heart. Billy could tell both giants were deeply moved by their bonding. Boomer didn’t wait for instructions and greedily cleaned Billy’s spunk from Gregor’s huge hands then kissed each of Billy’s boots again to seal his troth.

“Thank you for taking me as your slave, Master Billy,” Boomer said, “My uncles were correct to insist I become your slave. I was worried, as your family’s watcher and protector I would do my job out of obligation to my elders and to you, but not as a responsibility. As your slave, my job becomes both. There are no lingering doubts of jealousy or conflict within me, sir. There is no longer a confusion or conundrum about my place. My soul is at peace, Master Billy,” Boomer said.

Before anyone could say another word their peace was interrupted by two huge, magnificent, pure white Great Pyrenees dogs bounding from one to another of the gathered group. Billy got up and Gregor set him down to interact with the beautiful dogs. They were all over him and Boomer. They rolled on the grass as the two dogs sniffed and licked them all over their bodies. They were laughing and playing with the handsome animals.

Billy set up and hugged the nearest one. “Which are you, Click or Clack?” he asked.

“I am Click, sir,” the dog spoke to him. Billy thought that was wonderful, a talking dog. He whistled to the other and it stopped playing with Boomer and came to him, “And you must be Clack,” Billy said.

“Yes, sir, I be Clack,” he said, then added, “You’re much more handsome than my brother said you were, Master Daniels.” Billy laughed and gave Clack a hug and a kiss. He got a big lick on his face from both.

“All right you two, enough of the canine stunt. Back to your original form,” Albrecht ordered and clapped his huge hands together. Click and Clack morphed right before Billy and Boomer. When they were stabilized they both ran to Billy and threw their arms around his neck and kissed him again. Billy had the deepest, almost uncontrollable urge to shove a finger up each of their perfectly tight little butts. They looked at him, stopped, grinned real big, turned around, bent over, reached around with both hands, and spread their cheeks for him to poke them.

The three giants laughed at Billy. “Don’t think dirty thoughts around them unless you really mean it,” Gregor warned Billy, “Their feelings will be hurt if you don’t act like a good husband and show them the attention you proposed in your head,” Gregor added and laughed. Albrecht and Boomer laughed with Gregor. They were having a good time at poor Billy’s expense.

“But I don’t have any lubricant except my saliva and their bodies might not have immunities to the germs in my mouth. I don’t want to hurt them none,” Billy said.

“If they can morph into two giant dogs they can certainly accommodate your small finger. They can take your handsome penis with no problem,” Albrecht challenged him.

Billy gently placed his forefingers at each little man’s hole and gently massaged the opening. With one swift push, they backed up and took Billy’s fingers to the base. Billy got the silliest grin on his face as his giant companions roared with laughter at him. Billy didn’t need training wheels and began to finger fuck the stout little men.

The thought crossed his mind, he had to be the most perverted cowboy in the universe to be having so much fun butt fucking two perfectly formed little muscle men with his fingers. The better the boys began to feel with Billy fucking them, Click and Clack turned a bit, locked their arms around each other, and started to make love. They were two hot little fuckers and the harder Billy fucked them the more they backed up to his hand to get his greatest penetration. They were swapping spit and moaning in each other’s mouths like two whores in the same bed.

Billy was so enthralled with what he was doing he was almost oblivious to anything else going on. He vaguely remembered Gregor get on his knees in front of him and place a huge hand under each of the little men’s erect penis. Billy could feel them begin to clamp down on his fingers really hard and suddenly felt them trying to bite them off as they reached a climax and ejaculated into the giant’s hand a pool of creamy white fluid which appeared more thick than human or animal semen.

When they were spent, Billy withdrew his fingers. They grabbed him around the neck to kiss him and thank him for a wonderful fuck. They agreed with each other, they thought he would make a wonderful husband. Billy was in love. He watched as Albrecht and Boomer dipped a finger in the little men’s ejaculate and put it to their mouths. They both got a look of ecstasy on their faces and took another dip into the two thick puddles in Gregor’s hand and ate that glob, too.

Billy got a grin on his face as Gregor held out his hand for Billy to try some. The cowboy dipped his finger into the goo. It was thicker than he thought and a large glob stuck to his finger. He brought it to his nose, and it smelled sweet with hint of orange. He brought it to his mouth and touched it cautiously with his tongue. The three giants were grinning like Cheshire cats as they watched him closely.

It was sweet, very sweet, like a vanilla tart with a sharp hint of oranges like it had been laced with an expensive Grand Marnier liquor. It was frick’n delicious, and Billy grabbed for more. The watchers were laughing their asses off at him. The little men smiled as he ate all their gizz and licked Gregor’s hands clean.   

“Best damn stuff I ever tasted,” he allowed. The little men were in love with Billy. They each took one of his hands and led him back to the benches in the garden where some other strange but good looking creatures were setting up a table and rolling carts out with food of all kinds. Gregor and Albrecht encouraged Billy to taste and sample. Click and Clack were more humanoid and showed him what they liked. He followed their advice. It was a wonderful meal and they talked about many thing.

The boys, as Billy started calling them, crawled up into Billy’s lap and insisted on sitting with him for the meal. Albrecht tried to get them to sit next to Billy on either side, but they wanted to sit on his legs. Billy assured Albrecht and Gregor it would be no problem; he always wanted a couple of little brothers to spoil. That only endeared Billy to them more. One was sitting on each of Billy knees at the table and he had an arm around each to hold them steady. They would take turns feeding him delicacies from their three plates and Billy was loving it and them.

During conversation, when Click and Clack found out Boomer had become Billy’s slave and would be going back to Earth with him as a part of his extended family, they got very quiet. Billy bussed a kiss behind each of their ears and whispered softly, “What’s a matter, guys? Why so glum chums?” he tried to make them smile.

“We want to go with you, Master Billy. We want to be your slaves, too, they cried and grabbed him around his neck to give him kiss after kiss.

“It’s been talked about, guys, but the world I come from is a primitive planet and may be just a little too rough for a couple of men as beautiful and perfect as you. If anything were to happen to either of you I don’t know if I would ever recover from the grief of losing you,” Billy said sincerely.

“They are far more resilient than you might imagine, Son,” Gregor said, “Their feats will never cease to amaze you. As far as we can tell they are the last of their species. Their home world was wiped out and they were brought to us for protection by a benevolent race who rescued them from an abusive race of reptiles. They have tried to adjust to our world, but we are mostly too large for them to relate to comfortably. While they can morph to a creature of any size it takes too much of their energy to keep the shape for any length of time. After a while they must return to their original form. They could morph to the size of a young child on your planet and hold the shape for days, if need be. Eventually, they would have to revert to recharge, but they could easily pass as your little brothers,” Gregor said.

The day came to a close and Billy was shown to his apartments. It was a huge place with enormous beds made for large beasts. Billy didn’t care, it was comfortable and had everything he needed. He announced his new slave would be bunking it in with him. That got a big grin from Boomer. Once again the boys got really quiet.

Billy looked at Gregor and Albrecht, shook his head, and grinned. “I don’t suppose there’s anyone else here what might consider bunk’n it in with a cowboy and his handsome slave? he asked. Big smiles came across the boy’s faces. They held up their hands and jumped up and down. “Okay, you guys come on, then, if’n you give good back rubs, me and my slave just might consider adopting you and taking you back with us,” Billy said and smiled.

They all slept together in the same bed. Billy held one little man in his right arm and the other in his left while Boomer enfolded them all with his huge arms. The small men gave Billy and Boomer the back rubs of their dreams. There was no doubt in Billy's mind he wouldn't leave this world without his little brothers.

End Chapter 2 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright  © 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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