Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Aug 3, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 22

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Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 22

"No government has the right to tell its citizens when or whom to love. The only queer people are those who don't love anybody. ~ Rita Mae Brown

After handshakes, hugs and kisses, the sheriff was duly welcomed back into the fold of the Daniels family. Will never felt like he belonged more in any one place in his life than he did at the Daniels ranch. Only one day passed, but everyone had to know about how things were going for him. He couldn’t thank Billy and his angel-slaves enough for transforming and rebuilding his body back to the way it was before he went overseas. He, also, thanked Billy, Nathan, and Zelma Jane for their generous contribution to his reelection campaign fund.

“You’re just in time to help with the milking sheriff. Our watcher herd need to be milked, so you can see how we collect the milk you drank last evening,” Billy announced.

“I’d like that,” Will said enthusiastically.

“C’moan then. Us watcher milkers is headed to the barn,” Billy said and motioned for Boomer, Nick, his twins, Hank, Buck, Clyde, and Balthazar to follow them. Billy moved the milking area to a small store room on the side of the old barn. His men spent a day cleaning it to meet sanitary conditions. It contained an old sink with hot and cold running water. Nathan told them in the old days of the ranch it was a tonsorial station for the owner, cowboys, and other ranch owners and their cowboys around the area. Nathan said he could remember when a cowboy who was good at sheering sheep would double as the local barber. After months of sheering cowboys, he got enough practice so’s he could give a pretty decent haircut. While cleaning up, Billy’s men found an antique barber’s chair in the back of the store room covered in old oil tarps and canvas sail cloth. They got it out, cleaned it up, and it worked fine for a watcher to lie back and relax as he was being milked. Billy even mulled it over in the back of his mind to find an Irin slave who might like to be a full time barber and send him to school, or learn by having his brothers submit to him for practice. Even the worst haircut will grow out in time.

The men undressed so they wouldn’t rip their clothing when they morphed and transformed to the huge creatures. Billy assigned Hank and Buck the task of connecting the milking machine, and they didn’t morph along with the rest. They would morph last. Will watched in awe as, one by one, Billy and his immediate family morphed into a stomping of Bigfoot right before his eyes.

Boomer was the first to take the chair. Hank hooked him up and turned on the machine. It started to hum, and Boomer’s eyes got glassy. He looked like he was going into a trance while experiencing a very sensual prolonged orgasm. Will could only wonder what the feeling must be like. The scene of Boomer getting milked, and the good looking men around him removing their clothing was almost too much for him. It reminded him of his younger days when he played high school football and the four years on the varsity team for Texas A&M. He was successful at hiding his attraction to other men, but he knew on the Daniels ranch he didn’t have to hide anything. He was delighted to find out Billy had a progressive attitude toward sexual openness. Will felt like he belonged with these men. He felt comfortable with them.

Will got a wet spot at the crotch of his uniform. Billy looked at him and grinned, “You don’t have to be shy around us. You’s family, Sheriff. If you wanna’ strip and play with yourself or have one of my slaves relieve you of yore’ heavy load, feel free,” Billy invited. Billy took off the last of his clothing and stood completely naked before the Sheriff. “Or, you can have your twin bother give you a blowjob, if’n you like,” Billy said and immediately morphed into a perfect copy of the sheriff.

“Holy shit, that’s hot, Billy!” the sheriff exclaimed, “I always wanted me a brother. A twin would be good, but a perfect copy even better. If’n I’s to turn you over my knee like 'at and give you a good spank’n would it qualify as self-abuse?” he asked.

“That trope has already presented itself, Sheriff. My adopted dad can morph to look like me and asked me the same question the first night we spent together. Believe me, we’ve pondered it, but ain’t come to no conclusions yet. While it does present somewhat of a conundrum, I imagine it would have a lot to do with the spanker and the spankee,” Billy replied and laughed.

Billy could see Will ogling his twins with their smaller but magnificently perfect bodies. He was as taken with them as any man who appreciates other men. “Or if you thought Enoch Redbone or Moss Garrett were more to your liking this evening -- ” Billy said and snapped his fingers for his halflings to morph. They instantly began to grow and expand to perfect replicas of Moss and Enoch.

“Woah! That’s fantastic. Do you men take that shape often?” he asked.

“Pretty much ever’ e’nin, Master Tate,” Poly answered, “We take care of our husband, Boomer, almost every night, but he’s too large for us as halflings. He’s also our master’s bonded mate or husband, but we think on him as our protector and husband, too, since we’s Master Billy’s little brothers. Boomer likes Master Enoch and Master Moss a lot. He think’s they’s just about the sexiest cowboys he’s ever seen. When he’s around them he can smell their strong sexual pheromones for each other, and it keeps him erect for hours or until we provide him comfort and relieve him. With Hank and Buck’s permission we asked Master Enoch and Master Moss if we could suck them off to copy their DNA. We was honest with them about why we wanted their genetic information, and after they stopped laughing, agreed it would be a good idea. They were all for it. We, also, have Master Billy’s DNA on file, and we can morph to become him if Boomer gets a powerful hanker’n for his mate but Master Billy’s busy. We sub for Master Billy when he’s with his demon dad. It works out well for us. We love our master, we love Nick, and we love our husband. We’s family,” he added.

“Who could gainsay your reasoning, gentlemen? That’s remarkable. Who’s to say what best defines a family but the members themselves? If it works for them, they’s family -- end of conversation,” said Will firmly shaking his head, “Howsomever, to be honest, I rather like you as halflings. Am I too big for you?” the sheriff asked waggling his handsome cock at them.

“Naw, sir, Sheriff, we can handle you jes’ fine, sir,” Cass said and grinned.

“You heard the man. Morph back and take care of him,” Billy said to Poly and Cass as Enoch and Moss. “Of course you realize, once they got yore’ DNA copied and on file, they can morph to be your double to please their husband with another handsome cowboy treat?” Billy asked and grinned.

“They certainly have my permission. I wouldn’t even mind helping them bring comfort to their husband some evening, if they’s a mind to share him,” Will said.

“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind as long as they can watch and be a part of your conjoining, but for that we’ll have to book a night in the castle on board Nick’s spaceship,” Billy tossed off.

“What spaceship? Where?” the sheriff asked.

“Sorry. I forgot. We ain’t told you the story of how Nick Samuel became my slave. I’ll leave that to my little brothers,” Billy said.

Will wasn’t expecting a group orgy with Billy and his slaves, but that’s pretty much what the afternoon turned out to be. Will Tate was first and foremost a cowboy and a sheriff second. His daddy raised him like most every other western man raises his son, to accept goodness and pleasure graciously when it comes your way, but never to expect anything. If you do, you set yourself up for rejection and disappointment. While that homily might prove useful, or at least sustainable, to keep a cowboy’s back straight and stiff most of the time, Will thought it didn’t prepare him for two harsh winters nor two long, hot, drought-filled Texas summers of loneliness and discontent. He’d been without his pa as a companion for over two years, and he missed him terribly. The emptiness inside him was amplified by being around a group of men who seemed to include him into their brotherhood as a welcomed worthy addition to their family. They seemed to give so much to one another, and asked very little in return save their appreciation and respect. Within the boundaries of common decency and collective brotherhood, the sheriff let himself go and enjoyed wallowing in the physical excess of having Cass and Poly bring him comfort.

Will Tate was never a one-way street. He began to fellate Cass as Poly was chowing down on the sheriff’s ample cock, but Will noticed several of the men were watching and exchanging grins with each other. Billy came to his rescue. “Better be carefully suck’n that halfling warrior’s cock, Sheriff,” Billy warned and smiled.

“How’s that?” Will stopped long enough to ask.

“Remember that old potato chip ad on TV what claimed: betcha’ can’t eat jes’ one?” Billy asked in reply.

“Yeah. You mean I gotta’ suck the other half to get a full shot?” he asked with a grin.

“You’ll find out soon enough, but don’t say we didn’t warn you,” Billy replied and smiled.

Will went back to sucking Cass more furiously than before and Billy’s halfling was responding to the sheriff like Will Tate was the cowboy of his dreams. Hell, Will Tate was the cowboy of any man’s dreams and many woman who didn’t know he had a hitch in his get along. The sheriff worked hard to please the perfect little man and finally got his treat. When the first taste of Cass’s ejaculate filled the sheriff’s mouth and throat, a look of pure heaven crossed his face. He swallowed the first volley, then sucked even harder and faster to get the rest of Cass’s wonderful tasting halfling gizz. He didn’t pull off quickly, but kept Cass within his maw sucking and enjoying the last small bits of flavor. That’s when Poly gently wormed his forefinger into the sheriff’s ass and hit his prostate gland. Will enjoyed a climax unparalleled in his experience of sex with other men.

“Jesus H. Christ! That was phenomenal, men. Thank you for that. Your master was right, I can’t eat just one. I must have both, and not because Cass’s shot was short. It was a full man-sized meal in itself, but the taste ain’t like nothing I ever experienced before. It was wonderful,” the sheriff raved. The twins were all over him hugging and stealing kisses. “Let’s take a break for a while, you can tell me about your master and how Nick come to be his slave, then I’ll do the other half,” Will said hugging them close.

Uncle Gregor and Albrecht on Retikki Prime weren’t joking when they added ‘engaging story tellers’ to the long list of the twin’s talents. Since they spent so much time with Madame Spartza and Balthazar on Retikki Prime, they were the perfect men to tell of their friendship and admiration for them. They spent a brief portion of their recounting the happy times they spent enjoying the Madame and her protective angel’s company. They knew many personal tidbits and information they readily shared with the huge Shedu beast, Beauford, Captain Nick Samuel’s number one protector. In return, big Beauford favored them by sharing many secrets and intimate knowledge of his master, Samu’el, one of the most notable of the fallen angels. Since they crash landed on Earth, Nick and Beauford became Master Billy’s slaves. The twins heard the story from their masters on Retikki Rime, and later from Boomer and their new master, Billy Daniels, from a place called Earth. They heard Billy, Boomer and Nick, himself, recount the story. From the twins many visits with their master and Captain Nick to his spaceship, they heard the story again from the perspective of the villagers.

The twins knew almost everything there was of interest to know about the story and held Sheriff Will Tate and the other men spellbound with their recounting. Even those who knew the story well, were wowed by the twin’s story telling abilities and their dynamic presentation. They told Master Billy’s story from rescuing Nick, his being called to Retikki Prime by the elders of the Grigori for enhancement purposes, his new family’s side visit to Fort Adam Lear, Billy and his family’s further enhancement by the Irin, and finally their return to Earth. When Castor and Pollux finished, all you could hear was the quiet drone of the milking machine hooked up to Bigfoot Billy’s teats. Everyone broke into applause and the sheriff began to make love to them again. They didn’t stop until the sheriff claimed his second dessert from Poly and exseeded into Cass’s hungry maw.

Billy was happy, they collected almost two gallons of watcher milk, but he wondered if it would be enough with more people depending on it by the day. He particularly wanted to share with the sheriff. Not only to help his body readjust more naturally to his repairs, but also to awaken latent talents within the sheriff’s brain. Billy could tell from tapping someone’s mind almost exactly the length of time it would take for the person drinking watcher milk regularly to turn on the dormant gene. With Will Tate he predicted exactly seven days. Some were more stubborn than others, but Billy sensed the sheriff was a quick study and an easy comer. Billy wondered if it was because the man was closer to, and more in tune with, his basic animal nature than most and wasn’t afraid of it.

The men morphed back to their original state, cleaned up, and returned to the ranch house where the twins, Hank and Buck joined in helping get the final preparations for supper underway. They didn’t have to worry that evening about a second shift. The thirty Irin cowboys were flying solo on their own in their new bunkhouse. Kate and Zelma seemed more relaxed and in good humor looking forward to a good meal and some musical entertainment afterward. They sat down to a nice dinner and talk was lively around the table.

“How long do you play music for your people, Billy?” the sheriff asked.

“About two hours. We time it to end just about the time the sun sets in the west. We don’t go longer for safety reason. We got electricity run out there for playing electronic instruments, but we ain’t got a real great sound system or many lights yet,” he replied, "We sort of 'make-do' but we have a lot of fun," he added. 
“Good. I need to get home early. My little Missus at home is pregnant, and she’s expecting any day now,” the sheriff said.

“You never said nothing about having a wife, Sheriff,” Kate jumped him.

“I don’t. I’s single, ma’am. My little Missus is a small but wiry Australian cow dog. She’s been living with me for two years now, and this will be her first litter. I hand raised her from a two week old pup,” Will said.

“Not too many of her kind around the area I can think of,” Tron Garrett said, “Most ever’ rancher what’s still running cattle with work’n cowboys has gone to the Texas Blue Lacy. Don’t know why. Probably a Texas pride thing, except the Lacy is a better game dog, bigger, and will go after coyotes, Javelinas, and wild pigs. Two or more have been known to bring down a mountain lion. The Aussie Red and Blue heelers are damn good cow dogs and some say they’s better with kids. Last I knew somebody what owned a couple was old man Klugle what lived out London way, but I hear’d tell he lost his little female,” he added.

“Yes, sir, it was about two years ago. She give birth to four pups, and they barely had their eyes open when she got jumped by some coyotes, and they killed her. My little Missus was one of them pups. He brought them into our animal shelter to give away or put down because he didn’t have the time or interest to hand feed them. I had to place my dad in the home in Brady a couple of weeks before. I was lonely and grieving my heart out for him, when Lima Bean, our animal control officer lady, brought her to me. Ya’ll know Mrs. Bean. She’s married to that big cowboy, Bubba Bean, what works out to the sand plant near Fredonia. They own a ranch not far from mine,” Will said and several nodded their heads they knew her.

“Anyway, she already placed the other three pups with good homes. According to Ms. Lima they were pretty healthy and stout, but the little female she was holding was the runt of the litter. Ms. Bean decided what I needed to pull me out of the doldrums and feeling sorry for myself was a project. She told me I needed a companion. The only problem was, I had to become the pup’s momma, and like most men, I knew little or nothing about that sort of thing. They weren’t even weened yet. I was more’n a little skeptical about it, but Ms. Bean has a way about her and knows how to work your conscience.

"She ruthlessly wheedled me into seeing things her way. Somehow, she convinced me that little tiny lump of fur what she held in her hand -- no bigger’n I seen an average size cat cough up -- would be the best therapy for me ever, and she was sure I’d save a fortune on visits to a therapist. She wore me down with her arguments like a farrier uses his bastard file to round off the rough edges of a horseshoe. Out of frustration and fear -- you ain’t never seen a lady what can be as passionate about some’um as Ms. Bean can be -- I threw up my hands and told her to stop, I couldn’t take no more. I agreed with her. After all, I thought, how hard could it be?

“That was before she showed me how to fix the formula, feed her, take a Q-tip, wet it with warm water, rub it over her little smusskies to make her relieve herself, then clean her up. That’s when I choked and decided Lima Bean was talking major responsibility way outside my ballpark, and I had a job to do. I really didn’t think I could handle it, but everyone in the office was on Lima’s side. They ganged up on me. They promised they’d lend a hand during the day, and all I’d have to do was tend to her at nights. It sounded a bit easier that way, so I agreed again. Lima provided me a small bottle with a tiny nipple and some powdered animal milk substitute.

“I remember it was a bitterly cold day. She was so small I just slipped her in the pocket of my heavy fleece-lined jacket and forgot about her. She rolled up into a little ball like she returned to her momma’s womb and slept peacefully all afternoon. When I got home, I gently took her out and set her on a big fluffy towel I had on my table. She opened her little eyes, shook her tiny head to focus, drew a bead on me, and looked straight past my eyes into my heart. I was like a deer caught in the headlights. I was stunned. I couldn’t move. I didn’t know what to do. How could something that small, fragile, and innocent look right to the bottom of my heart; into the very depths of my soul?” Will asked.

“What ju’ do, Sheriff?” Roz asked him politely sitting on the edge of her chair.

“I did what any good lawman worth the name would do when he ain’t got no clue how to handle a situation -- I read her her rights!” Will exclaimed and everyone fell out laughing. “I told her, ‘You have the right to remain silent. Anything you bark or do, can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, but if'n ya' can't afford none, an attorney will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights I just told you?’ I asked her.”

“She looked me right in the eye again, crawled to my finger, and gently licked it. Then I swear to you good folks, she smiled at me, and I heard her in my head, clear as day, read me my rights: ‘Anything you say or do for me will be greatly appreciated; especially, if you hold me against you, close to your heart, so’s I can hear the pattern of your love. I have nothing to give you in return but my unconditional love and devotion, and I will be your faithful companion all my days. I will be good to you, but I expect you to be good and kind to me in return. I will always love you for what you do for me today,’ she said. Well, sir, I knew right then and there, I not only had been Mirandized, I also fell head over boot heels in love," Will said.

“What ju' name her, Sheriff?" Billy asked caught up in Will’s story.

“Miranda!" everyone around the table said in unison and laughed.

Billy got a stunned look on his face. “How come I’m the only one who didn’t figure that out?” he asked like he was disappointed with himself.

“No you weren’t, Master Billy. I didn’t either,” Roz said in his defense.

“It’s because you both love animals so much, you were caught up in the story and didn’t think about the obvious,” Kate declared and everyone agreed.

“Are you sorry you took the time and effort to become her surrogate parent, Sheriff?” Roz asked.

“Lord, no, Ms. Roz. I’d never admit it to Lima Bean, but she was right. Miranda was the best dang thing what could a’ happen to me at that moment. I had to stop my grieving long enough to think about her and her needs, and slowly, over time, brought me to my senses. Life goes on, and while I didn’t have to give up hope for my dad, taking responsibility for another life helped me understand. I knew I done the right thing by him,” the sheriff said.

“I’ll make up a box of scraps for you to take home with you for Miranda’s dinner, Sheriff, and a Daniels’ care package for you, too, so you can have some cold chicken for your lunch tomorrow,” Kate said.

“We’d both be most grateful, Ms. Kate. I know Miranda would love a break from canned dog food,” Will said.

“We’ll give you some watcher milk to take with you. She should have four ounces in the evening and four more in the morning. It will make her pups stronger and help her have a more natural, uncomplicated birth. If you know the day she conceived, I can have one of my Irin cowboys stay with her for a couple of days to make sure her first whelp goes smoothly. If not, he can contact me, we can be there in an instant, and I can help her,” Billy offered.

“You know, she’s awful small for an Aussie cow dog, but she’s compact and wiry. She ain’t afraid of nothing, but I worry about her first whelp. Lima told me if anything was to go wrong, it probably would be her first time. I took her to a breeder Ms. Lima recommended, who lives outside of Ingram on the Guadalupe, and she spent an afternoon with one of his best males. Miranda seemed to know what we were there for and allowed him to breed her. The breeder, Mr. Hollenbeck, told me the average gestation period for a blue heeler is about sixty-three days, give or take. I been marking the days off on an old feed calendar at work and today was fifty-nine,” Will said.  

“Then when you bring your dad over Sunday, I’ll have a cowboy ready to go home with you to give you a hand for a while. With a little luck and the backing of them ancient critters, let’s hope you won’t have to take your dad back to the home. An extra hand will come in handy to help with both,” Billy said.

“I’d be much obliged, Billy,” Will said.

“It’s what neighbors do for one another, Sheriff,” Nathan answered.

“Hosanna!” agreed Tron.

“Hosanna in the highest!” everyone responded.

* * * * * * *   
Billy’s crew was busy during the previous week. Billy gave Roz his orchestral piano reduction of the Bach double violin concerto and told her to copy out a basso continuo line to double his bass line of the accompaniment. He told her he wanted her to learn to double on the cello and to learn the continuo to the concerto. She spent one afternoon in her room at her desk carefully writing out the part. She loved Billy for wanting to include her even if it was only the accompaniment with the cello, and she worked hard to please him. The more she worked on it, and practiced on the cello, the more she saw the possibilities for expansion of the part. With Kate’s help and a few suggestions of her own, she wrote and re-wrote until the second movement almost became a trio. It was masterfully done but neither veered from Bach’s original intent nor his unmistakable style.

Since Billy put her in charge of collecting more music for the quartet to play she managed to obtain both the Debussy and Ravel string quartets and had been practicing her viola part with the twins when they could spare the time and join her in the basement where no one would hear them. It didn’t take Kate and Zelma long to put the kabosh on that and insisted they practice in Roz’s apartment off the kitchen so they could enjoy their playing. Billy managed to get away for a couple of practice sessions, and they were shaping up well as a quartet.

Everything was set up for the performance, and after everyone pitched in to clean the kitchen area, they all moved to the back of the barn and the make-shift stage. The sheriff escorted Kate and Zelma, one on each arm, to the front row of the folding chairs brought out from the bunkhouse by the cowboys. There were fifteen new members for them to seat, and behind them a sea of brown shaggy cows and steers.

Master Billy and his musicians took the stage to great applause, stomping of hooves, yells, and whistles. Billy took the microphone, “We usually play the ancient music first, and tonight won’t be an exception. Our halfling twins, Castor and Pollux, will be the soloist in J. S. Bach’s concerto for two violins and orchestra. Unfortunately, we don’t seem to have a complete orchestra handy this e’nin, nor a smaller Baroque ensemble, so I will have to play the orchestral part on my synthesizer loaded to sound like an ancient instrument called a harpsichord. Our faithful third member of the Highland Shire String Quartet, our wonderful viola player, Ms. Rosalyn Q. Cumber will play the cello to double the base line of the harpsichord in an old tradition of Baroque music known as a basso continuo. I’d also like to point out, Roz carefully wrote out her part from my keyboard reduction of the original orchestral score, and I cain’t wait to hear how everything comes together,” Billy said and everyone applauded for Roz. She blushed and made a move to stab Billy with her bow, but he was too quick for her, and waggled his finger at her in mock contempt. The audience loved it, laughed, and applauded again.

Billy set down to his electronic keyboard counted to three, and they were off on a trip to visit the early part of the eighteenth century by recreating some of the most glorious music ever penned by the hand of man. They weren’t into the piece more than a couple of minutes when Billy called a halt to the music. Even though Roz was playing her heart out, Billy could barely hear her part. He took his hand mike, hung the cord over her music stand so it would be right in front of the cello, and asked her to play a few bars. She did as Billy adjusted the volume to his satisfaction. Once again they started and this time Roz’s contiuno bass was well presented and supported Billy’s part well. The twins even seemed to have more get-up-and-go to their playing and polished off the first movement beautifully like it was a mere bon-bon for two seasoned professional musicians.

It was the second movement Billy wanted to hear. Roz told him she took some liberties, and from what his grandmother told him, he was anxious to hear what she accomplished. The further they got into the slow movement, the more Billy was convinced he had more than just a budding talent in Roz. The music she was bringing forth from the cello and her rewriting of the base part was genius. Billy watched the audience out of the corner of his eye. He only had to provide the chords, but it was the twins and Roz who were making the real music; and, it was heavenly; the music of the spheres. Billy watched Kate and Zelma slowly rise from their chairs, and one by one, everyone in the chairs were standing, holding hands, and swaying gently to the music. It was like they were entranced and became united as a spiritual body with the beauty of the interplay of the three instruments as Ros, Cass, Poly, and Billy played on, until the last chord was sounded and slowly faded away like a light cloud on a warm spring day.

The audience couldn’t help themselves and burst out into applause for the group. Kate looked up at the big strong stalwart sheriff and grinned at him wiping away tears from his eyes. Zelma borrowed his bandanna to do the same. Billy held up his hand, motioned for them to sit and they did. They began the last movement and Roz continued to shine. She not only doubled the bass solidly, she provided chordal accompaniment with double and triple stops on the cello. Billy was wowed and amazed at her musicianship. He even caught his usually flawless halflings listening to Roz and almost forgetting an entrance. Roz was magnificent and the audience adored her. She was one of their own and represented them well. They were rightfully proud of her.   

When they finished, the crowd went crazy yelling, applauding, and calling Roz’s name. The four joined hands and went to the front of the stage and took a bow. Roz and Billy backed away and allowed the twins to hog the lime light. The audience continued to shout and applaud for them. They backed up to let Billy and Roz take a bow, but Billy held back, bowed deeply to Roz, and with a gallant wave of his hand directed her to the center of the stage. Everyone went nuts applauding for Roz. She seemed pleased, but just a bit overwhelmed. She turned and walk over to Billy, took his hand, and led him to the middle of the stage. Billy took her into his arms and gently kissed her on her forehead, “You can double my ground bass anytime, anywhere, young lady. Ain’t never heard nothing no finer, Roz,” he said.

“I was so worried you might not like it or think it too florid or ostentatious,” Roz said.

“Ostentatious? I think not! Too florid for Baroque music? Nonsense, it was the stuff of genius, dear heart. I hope Billy Junior is enjoying this and taking the goodness unto himself,” Billy said while the crowd was still applauding.

“He is, Master Billy. I can feel him listening. You may laugh at me, but when I was writing out my part, I could swear he was helping me every step of the way like he was encouraging me to do my best,” Roz declared.

“I believe you, Roz,” Billy said and stole another kiss.

“Is there something between Billy and Roz I don’t know?” the sheriff asked Kate.

“Nothing much,” Kate said and grinned, “Oh, but there is one small thing I almost forgot, Roz is carrying my grandson, Billy Junior,” Kate added like an afterthought.

“Damn, the kid gets around, don’t he?” Will asked and laughed.

“It ain’t what you think, Sheriff,” Zelma interjected, “It’s Boomer and Billy’s son. Roz volunteered to carry it for them. Boomer impregnated her while she was still a cow,” she explained.

“How is that possible?” Will asked looking frustrated.

“Once you hear the how and why of it, it don’t seem so complicated or unnatural, Will,” Kate said, “Ask Billy. It’s no secret. He just hasn’t gotten around to telling you about it yet. I just thought I’d have a little fun with you,” Kate added and grinned.

“What else am I gonna’ learn about you people?” Will threw up his hands and laughed.

“Fasten your seat belt, Son. I’m still learning new things every day, and I’ve only been here a week,” Zelma said, “You’re a part of Billy’s family now. He has no secrets from his family. He’s the personification of wysiwyg: what you see is what you get,” she added.

Billy took the microphone again. “Thank you for your kind appreciation. For our second and final part of the first half of our small barnyard concert we would like to do a reading for you of a more modern piece of music from the first half of the Twentieth Century by a French composer by the name of Claude Debussy. It’s his only string quartet. It is a lovely work and we hope you enjoy it as much as we have in practice. We’d also like to dedicate this to our family member who made the suggestion we learn this quartet, Mrs. Zelma Jean Redbone,” Billy said and took his seat with the cello. Roz was in her chair with her beloved Viola and the twins were ready. They reminded Billy of two eager horses in their racing paddocks waiting for the bell to sound. Poly, Roz, and Billy watched Cass and with a nod and a start of his bow they began in unison.

They played from beginning to end flawlessly. This time the audience allowed them to go from movement to movement without going bananas; however, when the final note of the quartet was sounded, Zelma and Kate were on their feet applauding and everyone joined them. They applauded for several minutes with equal amounts of shouts, whistles, and stomping of hooves. Billy was growing quite fond of his small ensemble and wondered how long it would be before he got up in front of a ninety-eight piece symphonic orchestra composed of Irin enhanced men and women. If they loved music, they wouldn’t know it’s full effect until they learned to make it themselves. There’s just something about making music together which bonds people like nothing else. You may not speak the same language, but you can play the music together and communicate as one.

* * * * * * *
After a brief recess Billy’s musicians took to the stage again for the last part of their Friday evening Cow Concert, as it was becoming to be known. It was a time to let your hair down, relax, and enjoy yourself. Billy and his band became quite good at entertaining the herd and much of their performance was downright silly. It didn’t matter. It was a time to come together to have some fun. They relaxed and allowed themselves to have a closer communication with their audience. After the previous Friday, the playing of the ‘Virginia Reel’ became a 'must-do’ regular thing. The cows would go crazy cavorting around and actually dancing to the music. Billy was almost sure they couldn’t be seen from the road, and he had a handful of guard steers who alternated guarding with attending the concert. They arranged six groups so the guards would only miss one out of six performances. They didn’t actually miss the music. It reverberated in the small canyon which acted almost like an amplification chamber and they could listen all the way to the front gate. While Billy and his band were playing a spirited hoedown number, Billy got a tickle in his brain. << Speak to me, >> he said never missing a beat of the music.

<< Master Billy, them two men is back who tried to film our dancing cows last Friday. They got a big pair of wire cutters, and they’re cutting through the fence to let themselves in. How do you want to handle it, sir? >> he heard Zeus ask.

<< Gimme’ a minute, Zeus, and I’ll get back to you, >> Billy replied.

<< Poly, let Cass play with Roz. You take my place at the keyboard, but keep the music going, >> Billy said. Pollux stopped playing and carefully put his fiddle away in its case and took Billy’s place. He picked right up, and it sounded like the full ensemble playing again. Billy motioned for the sheriff to come with him. Will excused himself from the ladies and walked over to Billy.

“What’s up, cowboy?” Will asked.

“Walk up to the rise wiff’ me, Sheriff. Zeus just sent me a message them two what tried to film our hoedown last week are back, but this time they got wire cutters to let themselves into the property,” Billy explained.

“C’moan, let’s take a look,” the sheriff said.

The two men walked up the incline to the top of the ridge and lay down on the rocky topsoil to peak over down into the next valley which ran up to the fence along the road. Sure enough the two men just finished cutting a hole big enough they could crawl through.

“Damn, 'at’s old Bubba Ray Kirkendall and Bobby Earl Hickson. Two shiftless characters you don’t never wanna’ turn your back on,” Will declared.

“Looks like they got brand new camera equipment hanging around their necks. They must a spent a pretty penny on them,” Billy commented.

“Don’t know how. They’s both out of work and ain’t got a pot to piss in 'tween 'em -- unless --” Will tapered off.

“Unless, what, Brother?” Billy asked.

“That’s probably what Womack wanted to tell me this evening when he stopped by the station as I was leaving. I wanted to get out of there, and I was late getting off work because my deputy had an emergency with his kid. I just pointed to my watch I was late for a date, and I pulled away without speaking to him. I’ll bet you a buffalo nickel, Womack paid for them cameras,” Will allowed.    

“How should I handle it, Sheriff? They’s trespassing on my land. They cut through my fence to get in, so I got the right to assume it’s for some nefarious purpose. By open range law, I got the right to shoot bowfubbum under the assumption they broke in to steal my cows,” Billy put to him.

“You’re absolutely right. Ain’t no argument, but I’m gonna’ let you handle it the way you want to, and I’ll back you up with anybody what tries to say different; howsomever, I got me a gut feel’n you’s gonna’ do some’um so unorthodox it will put the fear of Womack’s God in them,” the sheriff drawled and grinned wickedly.

<< Zeus, you and Thor and the other bulls move over to the fence where they cut their way through. Send for reenforcements from the bulls at the hoedown, have them meet the interlopers ‘afore they get a chance to see anything, and then surround them. Don’t let them go in any direction, >> Billy said and laughed.

“I don’t think I like that laugh. I can tell, you’s up to no damn good, Billy Daniels,” Will Tate broke up laughing and rolled over on his back to hold his stomach.

“Watch, Sheriff!” Billy exclaimed as he saw Zeus and Thor and a dozen other bulls moving at a good clip to block the men’s escape, while at the same time, about a dozen large bulls came running over the horizon in a cloud of dust their hooves kicked up. It took the sheriff only an instant to see what was going on, and he started laughing again. Will couldn’t contain himself. He swore he never laughed so hard in his life as he did when he saw the look of abject horror on Bubba and Earl’s face when they realized they were cut off in every direction.

“I think yore’ good looking demon dad’s been butt fuck’n you way too much, cowboy. You got a devilish streak in you -- devilishly funny, that is,” the sheriff allowed and laughed again.

“How do you know what we do in bed?” Billy challenged.

“Are you kidding me? If’n I had me big good looking studly hombre like him, I thought enough of to call ma’ pa, it’s what I’d want him doing for me,” Will said and grinned, “You’n me’s alike in several ways, Billy, and all I can say is, if'n you ain't serve'n that pretty, tight little ass a yorn up to that hunk of a fallen angel plenty and hot, you's a crazy man!” Will added firmly and laughed again.

“I assure you, Sheriff, I ain't no crazy man. I knew the minute I saw his handsome cock, there was only one home for it. Old Nick shore’‘nuff ain’t stingy with his affections, neither, Sheriff, but he swears and be’damns I was a demon-in-the-rough 'afore he became my slave, and I took him for ma’ pa,” Billy said and grinned.

“You done figured out about me and my pa, ain’t chu?” Will asked quietly.

“Yeah, ‘at’s why I need to fix him for you, Sheriff,” Billy replied.

“Angel or devil, you’s first and foremost a good man what believes in the cowboy way, Billy Daniels,” Will allowed.

“Ma’ granddaddy taught me to be a cowboy and the cowboy way, but my Uncle Nate taught me to be a good man,” Billy said.

* * * * * * *
“My God! We’re surrounded!” Earl yelled at Bubba.

“Now I know how Custer felt at Little Big Horn,” Bubba said.

“You mean where’d all them fuck’n Indians come from?” Earl asked.

“Yeah, only we’s facing a tribe of angry cows. Ain’t much chance we’ll be scalped, though,” Bubba allowed.

“‘At ain’t much comfort when you’re looking at being gored to death by them big horns,” Earl said.

Zeus sent a message to slowly move together and force Bubba and Earl to the center of a circle. They slowly began to form an impenetrable circle around the men and moved closer. “Now, now, -- nice cows. We didn’t mean you no harm. We only wanted to watch the show and maybe get us some nice pitchers of your brothers and sisters dancing. Being cowboys, we jes’ love ourselves some dance’n cows. Don’t we, Bubba? Bubba? Help me out here, Brother. We watched you last week and and tried to take some pitchers, but some damn bird zapped Bubba’s camera, and it burned up,” Earl pleaded.

Billy began to speak through Zeus and spoke out loud so the sheriff could hear what he was saying. “Where’d ju’ boys get them new expensive cameras?” Zeus asked.

“Bubba? Bubba, are you listening to me? Open your eyes and look at me, Bubba! Bubba, that damn cow just spoke to me. Did you hear him or am I going crazy?” Earl asked.

“I didn’t hear a thing. Nope! Not a thing. You’s definitely going crazy, Earl,” Bubba replied with his eyes still closed trying to make reality go away like an ostrich with its head in the sand.

“Don’t lie to your brother, Bubba, or I’ll shove one a my big horns so far up your ass you’ll have to sneeze to take a fart! And further more, Earl, in case you ain’t noticed the set of horns on my head, I ain’t no damn cow. I’m a bull, and right now us bulls ain’t none too happy with you men trespassing on the Daniels' ranch. Our master has the right to shoot you on sight and kill you without question because you’re trespassing on his land. This is open range cattle country and you men lived here all your lives. You know the laws and ignorance of them ain’t no excuse,” Zeus growled at them. “Now lets try this one more time. Who bought them cameras for you men?” Zeus demanded.

“The Pentecostal preacher, Pastor Womack. He bought 'em for us to take some pitchers. He done put us up to it. He’s gonna’ pay us five hun’nert bucks each to get some pitchers, and said we could keep the cameras. It took us damn near three days to learn how to use ‘em, and now we didn’t even get one pitcher,” Earl lamented.

“Who’s gonna’ pay to repair the fence you men destroyed?” Zeus asked.

“We didn’t destroy it. We just cut it some. Mr. Daniels got lots of cowboys. It won’t take them anytime to put it back together,” Bubba said.

“He’s got to pay the cowboy for his time to do the job,” Zeus said.

“Hell, that’s all cowboys do is herd cattle and mend fences. You should know that. One more little hole ain’t gonna’ amount to a hill a’ beans. None of you cows can fit through it no ways. Besides, most cowboys on the bigger ranches is slaves. He probably don’t pay them a’ tall,” Earl countered.

“What we got here, gentlemen, is a failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach,” Zeus said in frustration trying his best to sound like Strother Martin, Jr.

“Let’s just gore ‘em to death, scatter their innards for the vultures to eat, and be done with ‘em,” Thor said playing bad bull to Zeus’s good bull.

“Now, now, let’s not be hasty. You handsome bulls don’t wanna’ do some’um you’ll regret later. I know you ain’t blood thirsty critters. I’m sure we can work this out,” Earl insisted.

“Okay, here’s our offer. You leave your camera gear on the ground in front of you, and if you agree to our demands we’ll let you go. If you don’t do what we agree, we’ll have Master Daniels show this video to the sheriff,” Zeus said. A three dimensional video sprang up in the air of Bubba and Earl cutting the fence and crawling through onto the Daniels’ property. In the background you could clearly see the ranch sign hanging from the front gate with the name Daniels Ranch fully visible.

“My God they got videos of us, Bubba. How’d you cows do that?” Earl demanded.

“You don’t need to know, cowboy. All you need to know is we got chu’ by the balls, and we won’t let go until you do what you promise,” Zeus said firmly.

“What’s zat?” Bubba asked trying to sound brave.

“Go home, gather up all accessories and booklets to these fine cameras, take them to the sheriff’s office, and drop them off. He’ll know who and what they’re for. I’m sure they will make nice presents for our Master and just might keep your asses out of jail. I hear tell they’s making slaves out of men like you for the least infraction. It’s only one more reason you should do as we say. And one more thing, stay away from that ignorant conniving fat ass pulpit pounder. If you get into trouble because of him, it will be you what pays the price -- not him. He’ll claim you’s lying, and who would believe your word over his, a man of God?” Zeus said.

“Okay, we agree to your demands,” Earl said.

“Aww Hell, Earl! Cain't chu' get us a better deal than that? I come to like ma’ new camera,” Bubba lamented.

“Shut up, Bubba! You ain’t got the sense God give a goose! Them cows is smarter than you and me put together. They done got us dead to rights. I ain’t gonna’ go agin ‘em if’n they's offer’n a way out of this mess, and I damn-well advise you to do the same, Brother,” Earl said.

“Awe-right! Goddamn it! But, it was a really nice camera, and I liked it a lot!” Bubba groaned taking his camera from around his neck and setting it on the ground next to Earl’s.

“Do we have your word?” Thor asked.

“You got our word,” Earl replied.

“Okay. Let them pass,” Zeus said, the cows parted, and let Bubba and Earl head for the cut they made in the fence.

Billy and Will watched them hightail it back to Bubba’s truck and burn rubber on the black top as they turned around and headed back into town. Will was snickering like a school boy as he and Billy walked down the hill to talk with the guard herd and pick up Billy’s new camera equipment. “I have to say, you handled it better than I would have, Son,” the sheriff said, “You gonna’ keep their cameras?” he asked.

“Naw, I don’t want ‘em. I thought I’d give 'em to you to take back with you. You can give them an option, if they wanna’ come back out to fix our fence and do a good job, they can have their cameras back; however, they must promise never to come on our land again without an invitation or as someone's invited guest, or they will be shot the next time, no questions asked,” Billy said firmly.

“Would you really shoot them, Billy?” Will asked.

“In confidence, no -- but they don’t need to know that,” Billy replied and grinned.

“I like the way you run, cowboy,” the sheriff said.

Billy thanked each and every bull and told them they were an important part of his staff right now, and they would be given a chance to contribute more as soon as they could accommodate them with housing. The sheriff had a few good words for them himself, and told them it was a honor for him to meet and get to know them. They seemed pleased and those who left the concert returned.

By the time Billy and Will came walking over the rise everyone heard about the brouhaha which took place in the other valley. The music stopped and everyone applauded for Billy and the sheriff. Billy took the microphone and told everyone what happened. Of course he used his best cowboy hyperbole to make the encounter much more funny than it really was, and his bulls in the herd 'amened’ every word he said as gospel truth. He had everyone laughing so hard they were holding each other, including the sheriff. Kate clung to Will Tate’s big muscular left arm and Zelma Jane clung to the strong right arm of the lawman.

“So much for our little invasion of privacy,” Billy ended his story. “We understand and appreciate you folks having to live as cattle for a while, but until Zeus and Thor said something to me, it never occurred to me you folks might enjoy some entertainment. So my attitude is, to Hell with snoopers. We’re doing our best to keep what we do private, but I’ll be danged if I’ll stop our Friday e’nin barnyard concerts. Let’s do another couple of rousing numbers, and you folks kick up your heels and dance your asses off. Let’s have some fun! Hosanna!” Billy shouted and there came a roar from the crowd back to him, “Hosanna in the highest!”

They performed several more country and western pieces and a couple of dance tunes. The cows danced their hooves off, and everybody had a good time. They were such fun to watch, the rest of the audience gather around just to see them perform. They were really quite good and surprisingly graceful. One never really thinks of a cow as graceful, but the Highland cows were the exception. They were the Fred Astaires and the Ginger Rogers of the bovine world. Kate and Zelma conspired to consider it rather reminded them a lot of the dancing hippos in Disney’s ‘Fantasia,’ and Bubba and Earl were the intruding alley-gators.

The barnyard concert came to an end as the sun was setting in the west. It was a lovely spring evening and everyone wanted to come around and have a word or two with their master, welcome the sheriff, and pay their respects to the family. The cows chosen to come forward couldn’t thank Billy, Roz, and the twins enough for their wonderful music and expressed what an enjoyable time they had. Will began to see Billy in a totally different light. Any other young man his age would probably have been bored to the tits, but Billy wasn’t. He was at the top of his game playing the serious role of being the young master of his small but potent realm. Will began to think of a comparison to any other figure he could think of and the legend of “Arthur” kept coming to him. He smiled to himself thinking the Highland Shire was a long way from becoming Camelot, but the sheriff thought if any man of any age might pull it off, his money would be on Billy Daniels.

* * * * * * *
Billy’s immediate family returned to the ranch house to the kitchen for some refreshments. Kate and her staff served dessert and coffee to everyone. While Kate and Zelma Jane both knew Will was probably devoted to male relationships, they couldn’t help flirt and court the young sheriff’s attention. Will certainly didn’t seem to mind and reveled in their conversation. He learned a lot about the family and Billy he never knew listening to Kate and Zelma. Kate made him up two boxes of food and carefully labeled them. The twins got him a half gallon of watcher milk to take home with him, and Billy told him to drink two eight ounce glasses a day. He promised the sheriff, if he followed his instructions to the letter and drank the milk accordingly, by the end of the week he would have a new world open unto him. He would have a closer relationship to his little Missus than he ever dreamed possible. Several overheard Billy’s comment and laughed or chuckled. They knew what he was talking about, but the sheriff didn’t have a clue.

After many hugs and kisses, Will said his goodbyes and left. He drove back through town and all seemed quiet. His ranch was out the other road going due west from the town toward the small town of London. As he passed the small building the Pentecostal church used for services, he saw preacher Womack’s Mercedes parked and sitting next to it was Bubba’s big pickup truck. He could only imagine what they might be telling the ignorant little prat. Then he laughed to himself thinking about how Billy handled the situation and while it was inventive and strong, it was funny and could be redemptive for Bubba and Earl. He gave them a chance, but from the looks of it, they were in too strong with Womack’s dark side to abide by Billy’s wishes or his hopes for them to come around and do the right thing.

Will pulled up outside the house but didn’t see Miranda anywhere in the yard. He had a six foot high chain link fence put up around a large area surrounding the house so she could come and go and not be concerned about coyotes getting to her or deer coming into the yard to eat everything in sight. He took his two boxes from the back seat of his patrol car and went up to the porch. He unlocked the door and went in. He looked for his little Missus and found her lying in her whelping bed he built just for the occasion from plans the breeder gave him. She seemed to intuitively know what it was for.

“Hey, little girl, how’s my favorite little mother to be?” he asked gently as he lovely stroked her. Miranda was in heaven now her beloved master was home and looked like she had a big satisfied smile on her face. “And did I score some food for you, sweet heart? Such a feast I brung you back from the Daniels ranch. Come with me to the kitchen. I have some magic milk I want you to drink first,” he said like she understood every word. Sometimes he wondered if she didn’t. Will carefully measured out half a cup of the sweet watcher’s milk, poured it into a small bowl, and set it before her. Miranda took one sniff, sucked it up like a small tornado, and looked at her master to ask if she might have more. “In the morning, you can have a bit more, but now you need solid food, little girl,” he said.

Will fed her a goodly portion and saved some for the next morning to feed her before he left for work. He debated going in as he usually only worked half a day on Saturdays and there wasn’t anyone in the jail except Orville Higginbothem. He thought about calling in and leaving the morning to his two deputies. They were good, faithful, devoted, hardworking, honest men, and he knew he could depend on them. He hadn’t taken a Saturday off in over six months. To hell with it. He would stay home and try to get some things done around the house. If they needed him, they could always call his private number. He needed to clean his dad’s room and put clean sheets on the bed just in case there was a possibility he might be coming home with him. Will decided to think positively, push negative thoughts aside, and act like it would be a joyful homecoming. He wanted it to be that way more than anything.

Miranda didn’t wolf her food down like she usually did. She took her time and seemed to really enjoy every morsel. After she finished, she joined Will on the old sofa in the large living area and lay next to him. She put her head onto his knee and gently licked his hand in thanks for her food. “You’re welcome, sweet heart, did you enjoy it?” he asked. Will looked and saw her tail thumping on the couch. He took it as a ‘yes.’ He wondered about Billy’s words, if he drank two glasses a day of watcher milk for a week, what wonderful new relationship would he have with his beloved little pet? “I’m worried about you. I think I’ll call Billy tomorrow morning, and ask if he could spare his man a day early, so’s I’ll have someone here with you Sunday while I take my dad over to his place,” Will said quietly. Miranda looked at him and Will swore to himself, if she could talk he would have heard her say, “It might be a good idea, Master, I’m a mite worried myself.”

* * * * * * *
The family dwindled down to just Billy, Nick, Nathan, Tron, Moss, Enoch, Kate, and Zelma. The others were off doing chores or getting ready for bed. “How much do we know about the sheriff?” Billy tossed out for a subject of conversation. “I know he’s always been a major hero of mine from early memories. I remember going to high school football games and him being the star quarterback. I remember him going through A&M and leading his team to two Southwest conference championships in the Cotton Bowl. I would see him occasionally when he come home. Then, he went off to one a them Middle Eastern countries and come back a hero. I remember watching him and his dad rope together and wanting to be just like him. Moss and I would watch them for hours, and they would give us tips to improve our roping. In small ways, Will Tate has drifted in and out of my life since I’s just a kid, but I never really got to know him until now,” Billy said.

“Well, we know a good bit more than you men do. His dad went to school with me and Nathan so Buster Tate is of our generation. He ain’t no old man or at least we don’t consider ourselves old men in our early fifties. Should we share what we know, boss man?” Tron asked Nathan.

“I don’t think it will come as any shock to anyone around this table, Ramrod. Ever’ one at this table, without exception, has fallen in love with Will Tate in the last couple of days,” Nathan said.

“Hear! Hear!” said Nick, Enoch, Moss, and Tron. Kate and Zelma agreed.

“Buster ain’t Will’s biological father, Billy,” Tron said and paused to let his words sink in. No one said a word, and he continued, “Buster was in the same class in school as your uncle and me. We was running buddies. We knew early on, we three shared something in common. We seemed to mature quicker and were a little more advanced in our exploration of sex with one another,” Tron said and stopped to look at his audience to see if he got a bad reaction from anyone. When he didn’t, he continued, “Nathan and I sort of paired off at an early age, and because of it, Buster became somewhat of a third wheel. We tried to include him, but it never felt right for any of us. Nathan and me went our way, and I’ll have to say, to me and Nathan’s sorrow, Buster became a solitary man. We done our best to be his friend and were always the first he’d call upon if’n he needed help over to his folks ranch. We helped him every year with fall and spring roundups, and he rode right along side us on ours,” Tron said, “You can jump in at anytime, pod’na,’” he told Nathan.

Nathan picked up the story, “Two years after we graduated high school his parents died within months of each other and left the ranch to Buster. He become a single rancher for several years, but we still got together for holidays and lending a hand working each other’s ranches. Then one day he come to town with a pretty little lady about eighteen years old and introduced her to us as Agatha Tate. She was obviously pregnant. We thought it was odd Buster didn’t introduce her as his wife, but we didn’t say nothing. Being country folks, we knew better’n to ask, and Buster didn’t volunteer nothing. We didn’t push, but would go to visit and help him like we always done. Agatha worked around the place, taking care of the house, cleaning, and cooking up a storm. We just assumed old Buster jumped the fence and decided country life just don’t make no sense without a wife as a help mate,” Nathan said, “Your turn, Ramrod,” he said looking at his mate.

“But you’s doing so well, Brother,” Tron said, “After the baby was born, there was no doubt in our mind he was Buster’s boy. He looked just like him, and we just accepted Will as a part of Buster’s and our family. The love what passed between the three of them was palpable, and we never thought nothing of it. They were just part of our extended family. H’it t’weren’t until after Agatha died from the cancer five years later we learned the truth. Agatha was Buster’s second cousin. She got herself knocked up by a rodeo cowboy what sold her an empty bill of goods and passionate promises for one night of pleasure in a deserted barn on the outskirts of town. Her family was hardcore speaking in tongues fundigelicals, more holier than the Pope his'self, and lived in a small Texas town east of Dallas. They couldn’t bare the social stigma of a pregnancy out of wedlock. So they contacted their bachelor cousin in Mason county and asked if he would take her in to have her baby. Then, if she chose to give the child away, she could come home and resume her life with her family,” Tron said and paused for a moment to let it all sink in. No one said a word or even moved. They were engrossed by Nathan and Tron’s story.

“Have you heard this story before, Grandma?” Billy asked Kate.

“No, Son, I haven’t. Listen to me, Billy. My husband took secrets of half the county with him when he died. When cowboys want to, they’ll carry a secret to their grave. I do recall your daddy and granddad were quite fond of Buster and Will, spoke highly of them, and included them in everything,” Kate replied.

“Once Agatha and Buster sat down and talked, they became friends, and as sometimes happens became dependent on each other. Buster took her in and helped her when she had nowhere to turn, and the rest of her family turned their backs on her. She was determined to make the most of a bad situation and made herself an indispensable part of Buster’s life. She didn’t want to give up her baby and Buster agreed with her she shouldn’t have to; they would raise the child together and no one need know their business. They had the same last name, so no one would question their relationship. Agatha decided since her family turned their backs on her she would do the same to them. She never tried to contact them again and returned their letters unopened. Will became their lives, and they were happy until Agatha got sick. Buster was left without a help mate and a five year old boy to raise by himself. But he really weren’t by his’self. We all pitched in to help him, and we just absorbed them into our greater family. That’s why Nathan’s older brother and daddy included them in everything. Daws gave Will his first roping pony for his tenth burf-day. Will and Buster was like peas and carrots, but to this day, we don’t know if Will knows Buster ain’t his biological father,” Tron finished.

“He won’t find out from me,” Billy said.

“Unless you’re told to do otherwise,” Nick said quietly, “Never underestimate what them ancients want, but usually it’s for good or a greater purpose for everyone involved,” he added.

“I know Will and his dad’s relationship grew to be more than just father and son,” Billy said, “I suspected as much from the way he talked about his old man. It was more’n just a son being proud of his dad and longing for his companionship. They were lovers, and he confirmed it for me this afternoon as a left handed compliment to me and my adopted pa,” Billy said. Billy waited to hear a gasp, but not a sound came from his family. Not even Zelma Jane. She’d been around long enough nothing could surprise her. “For some reason, Will wanted to make sure I knew and understood,” Billy said.

“What did you tell him, Son?” Nathan asked.

“I told him I already figured it out, but I let him know it was okay with me. My mission here on Earth ain’t to condemn nobody. Love is love no matter the definition. Family is what you want it to be; not somebody else’s rigid uncompromising definition of it based on myths and superstitions that are exclusive and intolerant of anything out of the ordinary,” Billy said.

“No one around this table will argue with you, Son. Hang on to those beliefs. You’re forming a picture of what you want to accomplish, and we’re behind you all the way. Will Tate is just another lost soul what will be sent your way over time, but his story and others like it are the small ripples in the stream of life which eventually build into tsunamis. You have no idea right now what your investment in Will and Buster will pay off in the long run, but I promise because of your selflessness, your reward will be great,” Tron said.    

* * * * * * *
“You say the cows spoke to you?” Womack ask Earl and Bubba.

“Yes, sir, Preacher. They can talk as good as you and me, maybe better’n me and Bubba,” Earl replied.

“Humm, that makes sense. I’m sure I saw that Tom McMartian fellow go up to them cows and talk with them for a few minutes before they parted and allowed him to pass. Then they closed ranks after he drove through and prevented me from following him. That Daniels boy must be a Warlock; a male witch, and them cows got demons inside ‘em what can talk if they want. They must be his familiars or they just might be an army of demons come to Earth in disguise to take over and bring about Armageddon. Billy Daniels must the the devil or one of his generals. Who else could do such a miraculous healing?” Womack thought out loud scaring the crap out of the two semi-literate cowboys who were products of the austerity cuts in education by the new Theocratic government who did away with science and reasoned thinking.

“And them cows made you leave your cameras behind to make up for cutting the fence?” Womack asked.

“Yes, sir. They told us to gather the extras, computer hookups, instruction manuals, and leave 'em at the sheriff’s station. They told us the sheriff would know what to do with 'em. Then we have to talk with him about it. If we don’t, they got videos of us cutting the fence and trespassing on the Daniels private property. We ain’t got no proof but our word we weren’t trying to rustle their cattle, and you know what the penalty for cattle rustling is in Texas,” Earl said.

“You men gather that stuff -- every bit of it -- and bring it to me tomorrow. I’ll take it to the sheriff and have a little talk with him. I’m one of his largest campaign contributers. He owes me a couple of favors. Leave it to me, and don’t do or say nothing until you hear from me, understand?” Womack asked.

“Yes, sir, Preacher. Them cows warned us to stay away from you. They called you an ignorant pulpit pounder,” Bubba replied.

“They called me ignorant?" he yelled, “I’ll have you know I have a divinity degree from Oral Roberts Unimaversity,” he said indignantly.

Bubba and Earl were impressed.

* * * * * * *
Will knew something was wrong when Miranda wouldn’t come to bed with him. She slept every night at his feet for two years, and he got used to her being there. She looked like it was breaking her little heart to decline her master's invitation, but decided she better sleep in her new bed -- just in case. Will understood, but he tossed and turned and couldn’t get to sleep. Finally, he decided if the mountain wouldn’t come to Mohammed he would thumb his nose and move the mountain himself. He got his favorite sleeping bag from the back bedroom closet and a couple of pillows, laid it out next to Miranda’s whelping bed, crawled in, and made himself comfortable. His little Missus left her whelping box, moved closer, curled up next to Will, lay down on top of his sleeping bag, and sighed deeply like she was content. Miranda could hear the steady beat of his strong heart, and it filled her heart with peace. Her master cared enough about her to bring himself and his bed down to her level. Greater love hath no man than him what lays down to comfort his beloved companion in her time of need. The Ancients were watching and taking notes.

End of Chapter 22 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~©~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved ~
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com
WC = 12363

Next: Chapter 23

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