Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Aug 17, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 24

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 24

“Happiness is the only good. The way to be happy is to make others so. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here.” ~ Robert G. Ingersoll 1833 - 1899

Billy held Will to comfort him while the big man got the hurt out of his system. Billy didn’t know how to respond other than to be empathetic. If he ignored the elephant in the room, and Will found out later he knew about the circumstances of his birth but wasn’t forthcoming, he might never trust Billy again. On the other hand, the man seemed totally devastated by the thought Buster might not be his father. With the life experiences of someone like Will Tate, who traveled to Islamic hell and back, Billy considered most men his age should have a pretty good grip on reality and learned everything in life is not always as it seems. The sheriff’s reaction to his dad’s temporary brain fart produced by a mind altering disease didn’t seem rational to Billy. If Will was secure in his belief Buster was his dad, his old man’s statement should be suspect at best or taken as a bitter trope at worst. Billy didn’t know if this was the right moment to pry the lid off this can of worms.

He decided to hold off and vamp for eight bars,“You got chore’self a new world in the palm of yore’ hand, Brother. Compared to the mountains you crossed in your lifetime, it don’t sound like some’um insurmountable. Even if it turned out to be true, it won’t make a difference in your love for Buster or his for you. What are you afraid of?” he asked the sheriff.

Will stopped his weeping and was quiet for a moment. He held Billy away from him for a minute and looked into his eyes, “I don’t know. I really don’t know. You’re right. Hell, I can handle most anything what comes my way, but dealing with my dad brings out the little boy inside me,” Will said and looked away for a moment, “It may sound silly, but it ain’t me, the grown man, what’s scared, Billy. It’s the little boy in me what’s afraid. It was like I become his little boy again, and he cut my heart out. I overindulge my little boy sometimes, and let him get the best of me. I feel like a fool. I apologize,” he added.

“C’moan. H’it ain’t all that bad, cowboy. Let’s face it, you had a long, emotionally charged day; three days, actually. You became a surrogate dad to a little lady you love and took a great leap of faith by bringing your dad to me with a possibility of a new life for you and him. You been on a roller coaster of highs for the last couple of days. It don’t take no genius to figure out what goes up will come down just as fast. It all seems too good to be true and you keep wonder’n when the big plunge downward might begin. Having to deal with your little boy’s feelings pushed you over the edge, and the bottom dropped out from under you. However, you’s the adult. You can reason this out and explain it to your little boy. I think you give him a little too much control for a while, and he distorted your perception of the situation. You know what he needs, don’t chu’?” Billy asked and grinned.

“A good bare butt spank’n?” Will asked and smiled.

“Either that or a good long talk with your new family so’s he can hear what they got to say on the matter,” Billy suggested.

“Think your uncle’s ramrod, Tron Garrett, might wanna’ gimme’ a good old fashioned whupping with that big belt of his?” Will asked with eagerness and grinned.

“Naw, I don’t think so. He’s pretty much sworn off spank’n butt. Last time he bent his boy over his knee and spanked him good, Moss done come all over him,” Billy said and roared with laughter. Will laughed and Billy continued, “You know what, cowboy, it might help if we talked with my Uncle Nate and Mr. Garrett. They know more about these things than I do. I’s a ‘doer’ and they’s the thinkers in my family. Your daddy and them men grew up together. If anybody would know some’um about your and your dad’s past, they would. Let’s get back to the ranch, and we can talk with them after supper. I’m get’n hungry,” Billy said and Will agreed.

After saying goodbye to the villagers and a promise to see them the following morning, Billy and his posse returned to the ranch house. Everyone went their way to help with supper. Will went to check on his dad and his new slave, Everett. Billy was left alone with Nick, Boomer, Kate, his Uncle Nathan, and Tron. Enoch and Moss went to the living room to talk business with Tom McMartin.

Billy related to his small family group what transpired on Nick’s ship between him and the sheriff. “He knows some’um ain’t quite right about him and Buster, but he’s almost afraid to face the truth. I don’t know what to do but ask the Ancients for guidance. I can have Dorcas and Roz take a poll on their computers and abide by the majority vote,” Billy said.

“Naw, I don’t like that idea one little bit,” said Tron shaking his head in disgust, “It takes our own personal humanity out of the equation and places an important, potentially highly charged emotional decision like ‘at in the hands of strangers what ain’t living our lives. I can understand how it might become a useful tool later when you got larger business and political decisions to consider, but this is something what should be taken care of by family, Son. Sure we’re gonna’ make mistakes, but they’ll be our mistakes and hopefully, we’ll grow from them. You made a big brother of Will Tate, Billy. He trusted you with his own body, he trusted you with his beloved pet’s whelping, and he trusted you with the man he loves most in this world, his dad. Are you going to pull the rug out from under him now, and rely on the judgment of others what don’t have no-wheres near the investment in the two of you what you got invested in each other?

“Beside, Buster didn’t come to the conclusion not to tell Billy the truth about his birth on his own. Your granddaddy was still alive at the time, so Daws, yore’ uncle, and me equally share the blame. Buster was gonna’ sit Will down and tell him the truth on his twelfth burf-day. Buster didn’t have no family other than his bible thump’n cousins what created the problem in the first place. He asked for our opinions because we was the only family he had, and Nathan and I agreed with your granddad he shouldn’t tell Will until he was older. The three of us talked him out of it. So most of the blame ain’t on Buster’s shoulders. Three quarters is our fault -- if’n it was a fault. I still think we made the right decision.

“Buster was as stable as the rock of ages until his mind started going. Weren’t no doubt in anyone’s mind Buster loved Will, and Will worshiped his dad. Buster brought Will up as a cowboy and taught him the cowboy way. The boy was in the saddle ever’ day, sun up to sundown, from the time he could put his boot in a stirrup and pull his’self on his pony. Buster taught him to rope and ride and Will seemed to have a natural talent for roping. They got good at team roping. So good, nobody in the state could beat ‘em. It was a passion they shared what bonded them even closer. I think it helped Will grow up to be the strong responsible man he is today and growing up with the thought of being an unwanted child, not only by his biological father, but also by his mother’s family, might have had dire consequences.  

“I don’t think Buster’s comment was a brain fart. I think it was a cry of desperation from a man what knew his mind might never have another window of opportunity to tell his beloved son the truth of his origin. Yes, I said his ‘son!’ By God, I cain’t say it strong enough, if’n Buster raised the kid into a man by his’self, which he did, there should be no doubt in anybody’s mind, Will is his son no matter what man provided the seed,” Tron said with his voice raised to that of an orator making his final point in an important debate. The kitchen was silent as a forgotten tomb for a moment. Everyone stopped what they were doing to listen to Tron’s impassioned reasoning.

“Hosanna!” said Nathan.

“Hosanna in the highest!” replied everyone in the kitchen.

“Should we wait and see if Buster will tell him, Ramrod?” Billy asked Tron.

“He won’t. Chances are, when he comes to, he won’t remember what he said in the car coming here and will lapse back into his old comfortable role of being Will’s pa. Your uncle and I done talked about it, and we think it would be the perfect time for a new beginning for them, but this time on an equal footing. How soon you think Buster will come around, Son?” Tron asked.

“Not until tomorrow morning at the earliest,” Billy replied.

“Let’s talk with Will this e’nin and feel him out. Nathan and I will back you up. Y’ain’t alone, buckwheat,” Tron said with affection.

“Buckwheat?” Billy asked with a grin.

“It’s the ramrod’s special cognomen for anyone he wishes to bestow a title of affectionate upon,” Nathan said and laughed.  

“Thanks, ramrod,” Billy said and grinned.

“You earned it, boy,” Tron said firmly.

* * * * * * *
Tom, Enoch, and Moss went to the parlor to talk. “When you think you’ll be ready to come back to work, Enoch?” Tom asked.

“I been wait’n for you to call, Tom. I’m ready and available when you need me. I can be there in a matter of minutes. I can get Billy to fly me down to my place, pick up my truck, and be to the yard when you open,” Enoch said eagerly.

“Good. We had two small deliveries last week, but I let Eustace Barger and two of his men do the jobs. I want him to think I’m gonna’ keep him on to get him to testify against Orville Higginbothem. That’s coming up next Friday in Mason, and we all got to be there. After that, I’m cut’n Barger loose and look’n for another man to be your second, Hoss” Tom said to Enoch, “You want a job work’n for me, Moss?” Tom asked with a grin.

“I’d love learning about big machinery, selling it, and delivering, but I don’t know if I can get away from the ranch or if my boss would go along with it. Enoch’s already been teaching me to use the big Cat he brung to the ranch to clear away scrub oak, mesquite, and cactus from an area Billy picked for building the new bunkhouses. But, I’m afraid I’m bought and paid for to cowboy for the Daniel’s ranch for ten months,” Moss said honestly.

“You mind if I talk with your boss about it, Son?” Tom asked, “I think we could work something out. You men can do both jobs. Ours is a business what can be handled by appointments. I just got me a feel’n you two would make an unbeatable pair in the field, and once you get going you can name your price,” Tom said.

“No, I don’t mind if you talk wiff’ him. Cain’t hurt none. All he can say is ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and I’ll abide with either,” Moss agreed.

* * * * * * *
“Tom, I can’t get over you folks coming to the ranch all duded up,” said Kate over supper, “Abigale you look lovely in your dark burgundy high top lady buckaroo boots, brown suede leather short skirt, turquoise blouse with tasteful Indian jewelery. Tom you look like you stepped out of Western catalog and the boys are dressed like small buckaroos. Nice to see a family who celebrates their heritage together,” she complimented them.  

“I have a feeling we’ll soon have a lot more reasons to celebrate as time goes by. We can’t tell you how much we looked forward to coming this weekend. The boys printed out every picture of them and Boomer and have them plastered all over their rooms. Our family has come together with our thoughts and best wishes for the success of the Highland project. Grandma are you going back with us?” he asked Zelma.

“No, Tom, I’ve decided to stay one more week, and I’ll make a decision after that. There’s been so much happening around here I don’t know if I can go back to the boring, never ending social merry-go-round in Houston. Life is happening here. Everyday something or someone new comes up everyone gets involved with one way or another. There’s no time for gossip -- no need really -- everyone is included. It’s all happening so fast I try to do my part as best I can, but most of the time I find myself standing on the fifty-yard line with a set of wilting pom-poms with my mouth open in awe,” Zelma Jane said, “I’ve been invited to stay two weeks, but that might be pushing the envelope on both ends,” she said and grinned.

“Pshaw! You can stay as long as you like, and you know it,” Kate admonished her.

“I know and thanks, Darling, for your kind hospitality,” Zelma replied.

“Don’t come back to Houston,” Tom put to her.

“I must, Tom. It’s part of my agreement with Billy and the powers in the universe. I have a job to do like everyone else on this ranch to see the Highland Shire Project is a success. That don’t mean I plan to plant my ass in Houston permanently. No, siree, Bob! I plan to be here at the ranch as much as possible. Where else can I go and be treated like one of the gang and not like a society maven? Here you’re just expected to do your part, and I must say I’m the better for it. Look at me. A week ago I could barely stand for more than a few minutes. I don’t overdo, but I do a little more every day; in Houston I would grow fat and lazy. And where can I go where I get to hear a wonderful variety of young developing musicians the likes of which I’ve never experienced before? The weekly Cow Concerts and barnyard hoedowns for the un-morphed herd and Billy’s morphed slaves is like nothing else on Earth. They are unique, to say the least, and marvelously spontaneous and ingenious at best. You simply will not believe the Highland Shire string quartet.

“Last night we listened to one of the finest performances of the Debussy quartet I ever heard anywhere. And it’s only the beginning. Like a hydrogen heavy nebula, the Highland Shire will become a breeding ground for new musical stars to develop and learn to perform. I must become a major part in bringing this talent to fruition -- for Texas, and the world. I’ve been given a second chance, Tom, and I plan to make the most of it; here, and in Houston. I will live and work out of Houston, but my heart will abide here at the Daniels’ ranch,” she said firmly. “It’s also my plan to push for a high speed monorail which will connect Houston and Austin, with San Angelo and El Paso. It will run through the heart of the hill country making easy access to the Highland Shire. It’s time Texas came into the twentieth century,” Zelma said, “I know it’s the twenty-first, but I’m afraid my heroin Molly Ivins was right, Texas is a hundred years behind the rest of the world,” she added and giggled.

“I’ve never seen you so engaged with anything before,” Tom said, “You positively glow when you talk about it. Personally, I’m thrilled. It only means we get to come visit more often. Abigale and I talked it over, and we want the boys exposed more to the ranch. We want them to know their heritage and grow along with it,” he added.

“Well, come Thursday evening of this next week if you, Abigale, and the boys can get away a little early, come on down to the ranch and stay the weekend. You got to be in the county court Friday morning for Orville Higginbothem’s trial along with Enoch and everyone else who were witnesses,” Kate invited them.

“I sounds good to me -- you darling?” Tom asked his wife.

“I’m for it, and we don’t have to ask the boys. They’ve been in Bigfoot heaven since we got here,” Abigale said and laughed.  

“Are you still planning on taking him for your slave, Billy?” Tom asked.

“Yes, sir, he’s done already been paid for. From what our good sheriff here tells us the trial is more a formality than anything else. He will become my slave for life,” Billy said without nuance.

“I wonder if having you for his master won’t be too good a fate for him?” Tom asked as a compliment to Billy.

“It will depend entirely on Orville, Tom,” Billy replied, “If he accepts his fate, humbles himself, adjusts, works with me and my other slaves, grows in wisdom, and comes to see the error of his ways, he will be fine; however, if he fights me, I will make his life a living hell,” Billy said firmly.

“I wouldn’t want to be in Orville’s boots,” Moss said somberly and several around the table agreed with him including the sheriff.

“Once again, I think I underestimated you, Billy. I apologize,” Tom said and smiled.

“No apology necessary, Tom, and you didn’t underestimate me. I certainly didn’t take it that way. I took it as a compliment, but I just wanted to assure you, Orville will face the cold, hard reality of becoming my slave without enhancement, until he either comes around of his own accord or is broken completely. Once I’m convinced he’s passed that threshold, I will enhance him to make his burden a pleasure instead of a punishment; however, he will have to work for it and earn it. He will be carefully taught the joy of giving as opposed to taking from others without regard for them personally or their lives. I’m convinced, he would have taken Enoch’s life without remorse from mean spirited anger and personal revenge -- all for little more than an imagined situation he created. He acted completely irrationally. I will take his spirit in the same manner and crush the evil within him, only to re-mold him into a good and productive slave. He will never lift a hand to hurt another again, I promise you,” Billy said, “After all, in my defense, wasn’t the original idea of prisons suppose to be ‘correctional’ institutions?” Billy asked.

“Absolutely,” Tom replied.

“In a word, I plan to ‘correct’ Orville Higginbothem,” Billy allowed.

* * * * * * *
Billy watched Will out of the corner of his eye during dinner. He seemed more at ease and joined in the conversation readily. Tom and Abigale were interested in him as a new addition to the family and the family listened intently to Will’s pup by pup description of Miranda’s whelping.

“Billy -- Will -- I have Dociean’s supper ready to go and a good sized box of scraps and trimmings for our little mother, Lady Miranda,” Kate said shortly after dinner.

“Thanks, Mrs. Daniels, I really appreciate your thoughtfulness, and I know the little Missus will too,” the sheriff said.

“Who you taking with you, Billy?” Nathan asked.

“Not many, I don’t want to disturb Miranda. She’s had a rough day, but I suppose we could take a couple with us,” Billy said, looking at Rory and Cal, and winked.

“Can we go see the pups, Dad -- Mom? Please?” they pleaded, “I know Mr. Daniels won’t go without his protector and Boomer will look out for us,” Rory argued.

“It’s all right with me, if it’s all right with your mother,” Tom said.

“Sure, you can go, but be polite, well mannered, and quiet. The last thing that poor animal needs is two frenetic boys around her babies,” Abigale admonished them.

“We will, Mom, we promise,” Cal replied.

“Will Dociean stay the night?” Zelma asked.

“Yes, ma’am, Ms. Zelma. He’ll stay until the sheriff takes his dad and Everett over to his place. He’ll call us, and we’ll fly over to bring Dociean back. I need Dociean around here as one of my personal business managers; especially, for this coming week which will be crazy until Friday evening,” Billy replied, “Then, the following Monday I got to gate to Retikki Prime to accept transfer of the Great Lady Shedu, Madame Spartza, to become her protector and master. We will transfer her to Nick Samuel’s ship. Once we bring the two great beasts together, they have time to adjust, and get to know one another, we will be set with the greatest power in the universe. We can do anything. They can channel their power through me, and we can accomplish great things. There is no limit to what they are capable of. Their species built most of the older megalithic structures on Earth including the great pyramids,” Billy said.

They took the boxes of food and the sheriff, Billy, Nick, Boomer, Rory, Cal, transported over to the Tate ranch and appeared in the living room in a great flash of light. Dociean was there to greet them. Miranda was in her bed with the pups fast asleep. She woke up from the flash of light and got up wearily like an old lady. The poor thing looked frazzled. She could smell the good food in the boxes, and she was hungry. Kate not only provided Dociean with a nice supper, she also included a box with several strips of bacon and a goodly slice of ham, three eggs, and some bread for toast to cook for his breakfast. She added a note not to worry about Sunday dinner, she would have that special delivered by angel-flight.

Will showed Dociean where everything was and made him a pot of coffee. All he had to do was turn the switch to the ‘on’ position. The boys 'oooed’ and 'aahed’ over the pups, but didn’t try to pick them up. They were very mannerly and polite. They also fell in love with the pups. After her dinner, Boomer offered Miranda some of his milk, and she couldn’t refuse. She drank her fill until her little stomach looked like a balloon. Rory and Cal smiled at her and knew how she felt. They had their fair share of watcher milk since they arrived at the ranch. The men didn’t stay long and after wishing Miranda and Dociean well, they transported back to the ranch.

“Kate was serving dessert when Billy’s men and the boys returned from the Tate ranch. They sat down and enjoyed their treats. Tom, his family, Enoch, Moss, and Zelma went to the living room to talk and asked Kate, Dorcas, and Roz to join them. Hank, Buck, Andy, Boomer, and the twins were busy getting ready for the Sunday dinner barbecue. Clyde and Balthazar decided to help Hank and Buck. Only Billy, Nick, the sheriff, Nathan, and Tron were left drinking coffee around the kitchen table. They were quiet for a bit enjoying each other’s company, when Tron spoke up, “We hear you been having some misgivings or doubts about your birth and parentage, Son,” he said to Will.   

“Yes, sir. I guess ya’ll done heard what my pa said on our way over here from the rest home,” the sheriff said, “It struck a sour note with me and hurt me pretty bad for a while until Billy done brought me to my senses,” he added.

“Yeah, Son, Billy told us. What makes you think there might be some secret you don’t know about, Will?” Tron asked.   

“I don’t know. Maybe from feelings of insecurity as a kid when I’s grow’n up. As I’m sure you know, I was five when my ma died of cancer. I don’t remember much about her. I was raised by my dad. As I grew older I began to notice Buster didn’t treat me like I seen other dad’s treat their sons. They were more detached and stern. I never heard one of them ever tell their boys they loved them. They acted like dictators whose word was the law of the land, never to be questioned. If you wanted to survive and thrive in their small fiefdom you done what you were told, never broke the rules, never questioned a decision, and never talked back. Most of their kids were rebellious, neurotic confused messes by the time they graduated high school. They were powder kegs of repressed anger waiting for someone to light their fuses. A six pack of beer and they became a danger to themselves and everyone around them.

“Buster weren’t that way with me. While he was strong and firm, he was never harsh or overly demanding. He treated me more like a good friend and companion than a son. If I had an idea, he’d listen and we’d discuss it. If it was good, he’d go along with it, but if not, he’d patiently explain why he thought it might not be such a good idea. He taught me the cowboy way, and I believed in it. Still do today. He let it be known if I wanted any cowboy to respect me, I had to earn it, and I certainly wanted my cowboy dad to respect me. I minded him because I loved and respected him as a man. Buster’s one of the finest, hardest working cowboys in the county. I wanted to be just like him. I worked hard to learn to be a good cowboy so’s I could help him with the ranch. Over the years, I come to realize how difficult and hard it is to run a ranch by yourself. Buster didn’t have the time to get the work done, make a living for us, and ride herd on an incorrigible kid. I tried to make myself as useful and considerate of him as I could, and he seemed to appreciate it. There weren’t never a night he didn’t tell me he loved me before I went to bed.

“Like any kid, I done a few things I shouldn’t what made him angry, but he never took a belt to me or spanked me. As I grew older, I kinda’ wish’t he would sometimes, but I never tested him," Will said and grinned, “It weren't in my nature to manipulate him. He had too many problems trying to make a decent living for us. After he talked with me, set a punishment, and I completed my time, he never held my mistake against me. We went on like it was behind us and never spoke of it again. I made sure I never made the same mistake twice. I didn’t like to have my pa disappointed with me. I loved him too much. But there’s been several things happen over the years what made me wonder about my beginnings,” Will said.

“Like what?” Tron asked.

“Like my birth certificate. It shows Buster Tate as my father. It shows Agatha Tate as my mother, but it shows her maiden name as Tate, also,” Will replied.

“Could you think of any reasons that might be, Son?” Tron asked.

“Yes, sir. Maybe it was a coincident her maiden name was ‘Tate’ and two ‘Tates’ married each other. Or it just could have been a clerical error on the hospital’s part,” Will replied.

“Sounds reasonable. I think we’d agree with that,” Tron said, “What else, Son?” Tron asked.

“When I went through Buster’s files of important papers, I couldn’t find no marriage certificate for my parents, but they could’ve been married in a small church what didn’t provide a certificate, and they never bothered to file with the county or state,” Will replied.

“Understandable in a small town like ours. I doubt Womack issues marriage certificates,” Tron said. “Anything else,” he asked.

“When they’s running tests on Buster for his appendix operation, they asked me if I knew my blood type in case I had to donate a pint to my dad if anything went wrong. I told them I knew from my Marine dog tags I was O negative. The doctor come out and asked me if Buster was my dad. I told him he was the only dad I knew about. He told me if Buster was my dad, there was no way I could have O negative blood. He said you get your type from your dad and Buster’s was some unusual RH factor. He never said nothing else, but I didn’t have to give blood. Buster come through fine, and I forgot about it. I thought maybe the doctor didn’t know what he was talking about,” Will said.

“Would it really matter one way or t’other?” Tron asked.

“No, I don’t think so. Billy and I talked about it earlier. I always had a nagging feeling I was a round peg in a square hole, a lone runner who never found a sound footing, but my relationship and love for my dad is solid. My love for Buster is the only thing what keeps me going even when his mind failed him. I ain’t kept it no secret from you men, my dad and I are closer than father and son. It never happened until after I come back from the Middle East and was a ruined man. Buster became my savior, and if’n it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be alive today. I not only love my old man as any good son should, I fell in love with Buster. I knew him so well, I knew he would do anything in the world for me to bring me back from the depths of depression. I told him what I needed, and he graciously provided it for me. Who wouldn’t love a man like him?” Will asked, and a tear ran down his cheek. Billy handed him his bandanna.

“Can you handle the truth, Son?” Tron asked.

“You men know the truth?” Will asked.

“Of course we know the truth, we done grow’d up with Buster. He was our close running buddy. We messed around with each other, but as time went by, Nathan and I paired off. Buster didn’t have nobody, but he remained in our circle of close friends and was welcomed into the Daniels family. I decided I wanted a family, married, had a fine son I’m  proud of, but the mate of my youth didn’t. I thought maybe Nathan and Buster might team up, but unless Nathan knows some’um I don’t, they never did,” Tron said and shot a look at Nathan.

“Cowboys don’t never kiss and tell. You know that, Ramrod,” Nathan said and smiled.

“Yore’ momma, Agatha, and Buster were second cousins, Will. She was a young girl and got pregnant by a rodeo cowboy she spent the night with what told her he loved her, and the next day he moved on. She never saw or heard from him again. You and Buster is second cousins, once removed. Agatha’s family was rabid fundigelicals. The worst kind. They loved they’selves some Jesus, but didn’t bother to practice what he preached. The stigma of a young pregnant girl out of wedlock was too much for them to cope with so they sent her to a distant cousin who was a bachelor rancher in the hill country of west central Texas to have her baby. Once she give birth, and found a suitable home for her baby, she could return to her family and all would be forgiven and forgotten.

"Buster told Agatha her baby would be his kin as much as she was, and he swore he would raise it by his’self before he allowed her to give it away to strangers. After she lived with Buster for a while, took care of him and his house, she came to appreciate Buster as a good, hard working man. She struck a deal with him. She asked Buster if she could live with him, she would cook and clean for him, and they could both raise you. Buster agreed. Agatha was a great help to Buster, and they were happy. She cut all ties with her previous fundamentalist family and refused to have anything further to do with them. When you were born there weren’t no doubt in anyone’s mind you were Buster’s kid because you looked just like him. You still do, but that’s probably from family genes from Agatha’s side of the Tate family,” Tron explained.

“Now,” he continued, “when Agatha died she left Buster with a five year old boy, and old Buster, well, he done come to us for advice. He laid his cards on the table  and told us the truth. It was only then we found out about Agatha and you. Before that, everyone in town just assumed Agatha and Buster were married. Billy’s granddaddy was still alive then and Buster talked with the three of us. Daws Daniels was a fine man and told Buster, him and you would become a part of the Daniels and Garrett families and were for years. We still are close with your pa. He come to us just before your twelfth birthday to ask what the three of us thought about telling you everything, and we ganged up on him. We told him you might be a bit young to handle the news and convinced him to wait until you’s a grown man. So it weren’t Buster’s fault. If anyone’s to blame, it’s me, Nathan, and Mr. Daniels, but he ain’t with us no more, so the onus of the blame is mine and my mates,” Tron said.   

Will sat, staring at the table, and wiped a tear away from time to time. Everyone around the table was quiet for a good while letting Will digest what he just heard. “Speak to me, Son,” Tron said gently, “Tell us your thoughts,” he urged the sheriff, “What are you feeling?” he asked.

“Relief,” replied Will.

“Relief is good,” Tron primed the pump.

“More love than I ever felt for my old man what I can remember. Like I don’t have to feel ashamed for loving Buster like I want to because I’m not a perverted incestuous bastard -- well maybe not the 'incestuous’ part -- I’m still a perverted bastard,” Will allowed and everyone laughed at his joke.

“That might apply to everyone at this table, Son,” Nathan assured him.

“I suppose if Billy can make a slave of a fallen angel and take him for his pa, there should be no problem with me taking care of my old man and providing his with some comfort,” Will allowed.

“Absolutely none, Sheriff,” Billy said.

“Then, in his one moment of lucidity, Buster was trying to tell me he weren’t my dad, but I don’t think he done it to hurt me. I think he did it so’s I’d have questions and find out for myself,” Will said.

“I agree. ‘At’s my best guess, Son,” Tron said.

“Thanks, gentlemen. You were right to tell Buster not to tell me until now. I can handle it. Billy and you good folks have been family to me, and I know you’ll continue to be there for Buster and me -- oh, yes, and young Everett as well,” he said and grinned.

“A heart breaker,” Nathan said quietly shaking his head. Everyone laughed.

“Did you have to make him so damn good looking?” Will asked Billy.

“Did nature have to make you so damn good looking, Sheriff?” Billy asked in reply.

Everyone laughed and agreed with him. “Hear! Hear!” Nathan and Tron exclaimed.

About that time the phone rang in the kitchen. Kate came back into the kitchen to check on her help to see if they needed anything and see if the men at the table were all right. She answered the phone, “Daniels ranch, Kate, speaking,” she said. She listened for a few minutes and got a worried look on her face. “Where are you, Vox?” she asked. She listened some more and seemed agitated. “Can you drive out here now, dear?” she asked. She nodded her head, “Hold on for a minute, sweet heart,” she said. “Billy, it’s Vox, he’s worried he won’t be able to get up on time to make it out here. He hurts so bad he over medicated himself, and once he goes to sleep he can’t wake up for hours. He wants to know if he can drive out while it’s still light and pass out in his Pathfinder?” she said, grimaced, and shook her head in concern.

“Oh, for God’s sake, gimme’ that dang phone, Grandma!” Billy exclaimed. Kate handed him the phone, “Mr. Humana?” Billy asked.

“I’m sorry to bother you, Mr. Daniels, but I hurt so bad I don’t know if I can make it tomorrow. I got just enough medications in me to numb me for about another two hours. I could make it out there and sleep in my car. The seat goes all the way back, and it’s fairly comfortable,” he said almost in tears.

“Nonsense, Mr. Humana. You get your butt out here muy prestissimo. After you cross the cattle guard and see my guard cows on sentry duty, drive up close and roll your window down, speak to the lead steer. His name is Zeus, like the Greek god. Give him your name, and he’ll let you pass. Drive up to the compound, and we’ll be waiting for you. Understand, sir?” Billy asked.

“I understand. You’re too kind, Mr. Daniels. I hope you’ll forgive me for saying, but you sound so much like your granddaddy, on the phone. Dear God in heaven, I miss that man so,” Vox Humana said.

“Nothing to forgive, Mr. Humana. Makes me proud to know I sound like him, sir,” Billy said, “See you soon, sir, and if you have any trouble call me from your cell phone,” he added.

“I will, but once I get on the road I’ll be fine. Looking forward to seeing you again, Mr. Daniels,” he said and disconnected. Billy handed the phone back to his grandmother and she hung up.

“Thanks, Billy,” she said quietly like she was imposing on him after all he’d been through the last couple of days.

“For what? Being kind to my fellow man, Grandma? No thanks necessary. I’m the one what should be thanking you for all the extra work I brought on you since I become enhanced,” he said, walked to her, took Kate into his arms, and gave her a kiss on her forehead. “It will be a pleasure to take care of Mister Humana. You need help getting another bedroom ready?” he asked.

“No, Roz and Dorcas will give me a hand. We’ll put him in the room next to Buster. It has it’s own bathroom. He’s stayed in that room many times before, when we were up too late playing music or partying and Daws and the boys wouldn’t let him drive back to town. He likes it and can ‘let-his-hair-down’ so to speak and get comfortable. The closet is filled with old dresses and womens clothes of mine I just never got rid of, but Vox won’t mind. He’ll feel right at home,” Kate replied, “Will you take care of him this evening, Son?” she asked.

“Sure, Grandma. One more thing out of the way so’s we can relax a little more tomorrow,” Billy replied. “I better round up my celestial posse. Pa, can you call Clyde and Balthazar for me, please?” he asked Nick. Will Tate grinned at Billy calling Nick his ‘pa.’

“Right away, Kemosabe,” Nick replied.

“Are you Tonto?” the sheriff asked Nick with a grin.

“At your service, Sheriff,” Nick replied and smiled.

“May I join your posse, Kemosabe,” the sheriff asked Billy.

“Be glad for you to, Sheriff. When you ride with the masked man and Tonto, you ride with the best,” Billy said and laughed like a school boy caught up in a fantasy.

“I cain’t gainsay that, Brother,” Will said and they shared a laugh.

Roz, Dorcas, and Zelma came to the kitchen to check on Kate. “Ladies, come with me. We need to prepare a room for another guest. We’ll put him in the room next to Buster’s. There shouldn’t be much to do but open it up, air it out, dust a bit, turn down the sheets, check the water, shower, sink, and toilet to make sure they’re in working order,” she said.

“Right away, Mistress Kate,” Dorcas said and she and Roz headed for the right wing.

* * * * * * *
After driving across the cattle guard, Vox Humana pulled up to the handsome cattle and stopped. He rolled down his window as a fine looking bull moseyed over, stood next to his door, and spoke, “Good evening, sir, are you Mr. Humana?” he asked.

Vox was a bit taken aback but managed a smile, “I am, indeed, sir, thanks for asking. Are you Zeus?” he asked.

“I am, sir. Welcome to the Daniels ranch. We will part, and you may proceed on up to the compound. Our master, Master Billy Daniels, is waiting for you, sir. We hope you enjoy your visit to the Daniels ranch, Mr. Humana,” Zeus said.

“Thank you, Zeus, I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to experience such a fine looking bull who not only is well spoken but has manners. Thank you for your courtesy, sir,” Vox said sincerely.

“Have a good evening, Mr. Humana,” Zeus wished him well.    

Vox drove up to the compound and the big bull was right. Billy and several handsome drop-dead good looking cowboys were standing together waiting for him, and was that Sheriff Tate standing with them? Buster Tate’s boy? He hadn’t seen Buster in a number of years -- well, since Will came home from the never ending Middle East wars. He heard Buster’s mind went, and he was in a home these days. These fine looking cowmen stood together in what looked like a family group, one black who looked like Vox’s ideal of Orpheus, and the sheriff too? Standing tall behind the cowboys was a big hairy beast who looked well groomed, handsome, and strangely more sexy to Vox than he felt comfortable about. Vox wondered to himself if he missed a turn in the road and drove directly through heaven’s gate. He hadn’t seen Billy Daniels in several years, having run into Kate with him at the local grocery store a couple of years ago, but now he looked fully grown and changed from a tall skinny kid to a filled out mature looking young man. He decided Billy was the spitting image of his father, and his grandfather; a young Daws Butler Daniels. Vox’s heart leaped to his throat, and he had difficultly swallowing. For all his pain and lack of interest in anything sexual, his body could have cared less, and his penis proceeded to grow to a full sturdy salute. Vox thought at that moment he could have died and gone out with a smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Cowboy heaven couldn’t look much better. Now he knew why he remained all these years as an organist and music teacher in a backwater small town in the heart of the west central Texas hill country.

He pulled up where Billy pointed for him to park, set the break, and found his door being opened for him by the incredibly handsome young man. “May I give you a hand, Mr. Humana?” Billy asked strongly.

“That would be very nice, young man, thank you for your courtesy,” he replied.

Billy helped him out of the car, but Vox’s knee went out, and he fell toward Billy. Billy grabbed him and pulled the smaller man to his chest, put his arms around him, and held him tight. “I got chu’ Mr. Humana, and I won’t let go until you gimme’ a goodly welcome kiss,” he said and grinned. Vox raised his face, smiled, and kissed Billy on his cheek. “Hell, that ain’t no welcome kiss, Mr. Humana. I want me a good ole Texas style sloppy buckaroo kiss where real men ain’t afraid to swap a little spit with one another. Is that stiff thing poke’n me in ma’ groin a part of you or a concealed weapon I should know about?” he asked and grinned.

“Both,” Vox replied, and they shared a laugh.

“Now, kiss me like you’s happy to see me, and I’ll show you how us cowboys welcome good men to the Daniels’ ranch,” he growled.

Billy’s demand only made Vox harder, but he was bound to follow the young man’s order and stood firm in his strong arms drinking Billy’s love in like a tall glass of cold iced tea on a hot summer’s day. They swapped spit for several minutes until Billy could feel Vox begin to relax and melt into his stronger arms. It was like he surrendered himself to Billy’s inviting nonthreatening masculine dominance. Vox closed his eyes, and it was almost like he was in the arms of Daws Daniels again. Billy even smelled like his granddad. Daws had the most excitingly powerful masculine smell of any man Vox could remember and Billy could be a copy of him.

“I never seen him do nothing like 'at afore,” Will whispered to Nick.

“He’s gathering the man’s genetic information to heal him,” Nick replied.

“That’s right. I forgot. Billy done told me he could get the info he needed from saliva. Well, I’ll be damn. What a fun way to collect data,” the sheriff allowed.

“I prefer seamen, myself, Sheriff,” Nick drawled softly.

“I hear that, Tonto. I’m with you,” Will said and they shared a laugh.

Billy and Vox slowly tapered off their kiss, but Billy continued to hold him tight and proceeded to steal several more kisses. “Do you feel duly welcomed, Mr. Humana?” Billy asked quietly and grinned.

“You have to ask after a kiss like that?” he replied, “Would it be presumptuous for me to assume we did away with formality and are now on a first name basis? Please -- call me Vox,” he added quietly.

“It wouldn’t be presumptuous a ‘tall. So let it be, Vox. Call me Billy. I’m downright proud to welcome you to the ranch and be on a first name basis with you. Tell me, how’s the pain?” Billy asked and smiled looking into his beautiful blue-green eyes.

“What pain?” Vox asked and grinned, “You ate my pain away. I felt you sucking it out of me. I’ve heard stories of pain-eaters and thought they’s like most exaggerated claims in life, a lot of overwrought imagination without much substance, but to personally experience the sensation with you is nothing short of a revelation. I feel no pain right now. I thought at first it was my medication kicking in, but it isn’t, is it?” he asked.

“No, Vox, h’it ain’t the meds,” Billy replied.

“Will it last?” he asked.

“No, but it will last long enough for me to heal you. Now, since I’ve gathered your genetic information from your saliva with our kiss, we’re ready for the next step. Are you ready?” Billy asked.

“I can’t tell you how ready. Daws told me one night as we were lying in bed after he fed me my monthly allotment of cowboy cream, his grandson would one day come to me as an angel and heal me of a crippling disease. At first, I thought he was bullshitting me as he was so wont to do from time to time, but he was dead serious. He told me you would give me a second chance at life but for that, I had to become a greater part of your family and would have to take on students for music classes. I told him it sounded like a small price to pay to escape pain and suffering to gain a second chance at life. Are you the angel he told me about, Billy?” Vox asked.

“Not at the moment, Vox, but not wishing to disappoint, let’s us head on over to the barn wiff’ ma’ posse and we’ll see if’n we can rustle up one or two a them angelic critters for you,” Billy said draping his strong arm over the shoulder of the smaller man and holding him close for support. The other men followed close behind. Boomer returned from the milking room and joined them. They got to the barn and Clyde already had a fresh blanket laid out over the anti-grav gurney and invited Vox to sit down. “Please help Vox off with his clothes, gentlemen,” Billy told Clyde and Balthazar.

“You want me to be naked in front of these men?” he asked.

“Gentlemen?” Billy simply asked Tron, Nathan, Nick, Clyde, Balthazar, and the sheriff. They didn’t hesitate for a moment and started to remove their clothes until they were down to their cowboy boots. Billy did the same and stood naked, except for his boots, in front of the stunned Vox. “That better, friend?” he asked.

“I’m embarrassed, Billy, I still have an erection,” Vox said quietly, “and it’s only gotten harder looking at you men,” he lamented. The men laughed.

“You’re with family, Vox, and I need you completely in the raw if I’m to help you,” Billy said firmly and started helping him remove his clothes. Soon he was naked, but he didn’t seem terribly uncomfortable. Billy gently urged him to lie down on the blanket and asked Tron and Nathan to come stand beside him. Me and my three assistants, Nick Samuels, Clyde Irin, and Balthazar Grigori, will leave you for a moment. We gotta’ go round us up some a them angel critters you asked about, and when we return, we’ll bring 'em with us. Are you ready to meet the angels, Vox?” Billy asked.

“I couldn’t be more ready, Billy,” Vox replied.

Nathan and Tron took his hands and held them tight as Billy and his three men disappeared in a brilliant flash of light. “My God! What happened to them? Where have they gone?” he asked about to panic.

“Easy, Mr. Humana, they’ll be right back,” Tron admonished him. He no sooner got the words out when another great flash of pure white light occurred and there stood four magnificent angels, naked except for leather harnesses and cowboy boots.

“My God in heaven!” he exclaimed. You really are an angel and these other three are angels, too?” he asked.

“I ain’t really a fully fledged, honest-to-goodness, bona fide, angel Vox. Them three are real angels, but I’m only an enhanced human what’s been given some pretty neat powers. These three angels are my devoted slaves, and I am their master. In short, they own me. We’ll explain the dichotomy later, but for right now, we need to work on your body. Number One, hand me my bandanna from the back pocket of my Wranglers,” Billy said to Boomer.

“Is he a Bigfoot, Billy?” Vox asked.

“Yes, he’s also a watcher, my number one slave, my bonded mate, my husband, the father of my child, and produces the most wonderful milk in the universe,” Billy explained.

“Where can I get one?” Vox asked.

“You don’t. They choose you if they find you worthy,” Billy replied.

“Then I know better than to entertain a wonderful fantasy like that. It won’t happen to me. I’ll never be worthy enough. I’m probably the greatest sinner this planet has ever known,” Vox lamented.

“No, you ain’t. I done held that title for years,” Nathan said.

“I don’t never remember me ever giving you my bronze plaque what say I’s the worst, most sinful cowboy in this corner of the universe,” said Tron.

“Dang! It’s really hard for us little guys to compete with you big time professionals. My sinner award is only an honorable mention for Mason county, but I got a rock in my Christmas stocking,” said the sheriff and everyone laughed.

“Will you gentlemen please? Us angels got work to do here,” Billy mockingly scolded them. “I’m gonna’ tie this here bandanna around yore’ eyes, so’s they ain’t hurt none by the strong light, Vox,” Billy explained.

“How kinky. Those leather harnesses were a dead giveaway,” Vox said and the men laughed again.

“Is nothing sacred anymore?” Billy rolled his eyes toward heaven.

“You wanna’ take that one, Ramrod, or ya’ont me to,” Nathan asked Tron.

“I think we better cool it. This time our boy is right. We been party to number of Billy and his angel’s healings, and I’m afraid we done lost the wow-factor and become a mite jaded. I ain’t saying we should don robes and offer chants in the background, but the gift of Billy’s powers and his accomplishments are due a modicum of sobriety. Perhaps, we should be a bit more respectful and considerate of the process. Let’s add our thanks and our blessing to our family member’s healing: Hosanna!” Tron said firmly.

Everyone answered: “Hosanna in the highest!”

With that, Billy let Vox lie back with his eyes covered. The four angels raised their wings and began to absorb the healing rays of the cosmos. When the light they gathered was so bright, Billy gave a signal and they raised their wings over Vox and moved closer to him so their wings were overlapped. Billy began to move his hand over the surface of Vox’s mature but still firm body and could detect the more painful and swollen point of his arthritis. Even with his eyes closed and Billy’s bandanna covering his eyes, Vox could see the volume of light, and it was brilliant. He was stunned and humbled by the power of the young cowboy and called in his mind to the spirit of Daws to send him a thanks for his love and his continuing love through his sons and grandson.

Vox could feel his body rearranging itself. He thought Billy’s hands were deeply massaging his body and flesh, but it went way beyond a deep tissue massage. He could feel Billy reworking his internal organs purging them of bad humors and chemicals to rid his body of the cause of the pain and suffering he dealt with everyday. At one point he felt Billy working around his groin, his penis, his testicles, and finally his prostate. He must have found something of particular interest and kept working on it until Vox exploded onto his belly.

“I’m sorry,” Vox whispered.

“Quiet Vox,” he heard Billy say firmly, “I made it happen for a reason. I didn’t get quite all your genetic material. There’s something different about you I’ve never encountered before. I must taste your ejaculate to get the rest,” he added.

Vox felt Billy's fingers scoop up some of his come and assumed he must be consuming it. He continued until he got almost all the rest then he exclaimed to his fellow angels, “Ya’ll ain’t gonna’ belive this shit! Take a taste,” he urged them.

Vox felt three more hands scoop some of his ejaculate and waited, “You’re right, Kemosabe, I wouldn’t have believed you if you told me,” he heard the one called Nick say.

“I concur with my brother and you Master Billy,” he heard the large black angel say.

“It’s one for the record books, Master Billy. I wonder the chances of finding another?” the big brute angel they called Clyde asked.

“It’s something I must take up with the high council on Retikki Prime and Fort Adam Lear. This is remarkable,” Vox heard Billy said, “No wonder Vox weren’t responding like I thought he should. I didn’t have all his information. Now, we do, lets finish up, and we’ll be done. Then they will be as good as new,” Billy said.

“What have you found?” Vox asked.

“Hush, Vox, for now. Let us finish, and we’ll tell you everything we discovered. Before we begin again, have you ever had any x-rays or scans done on you?” Billy asked.

“No, never. My problems were only with joints. They may have taken one or two x-rays of joints but no major scans,” he replied.

“Don’t know they would’ve found what we did without a full DNA genetic profile anyway. All right, relax, and we’ll be through in a bit,” Billy said.

Billy made a mental suggestion for Vox to relax, and receive the fullness of their repairs. Vox could feel everything but none of their procedures were even mildly uncomfortable. While Billy was putting the finishing touches he tickled Dorcas’ mind. << I’m here Master Billy,” >> she responded.

Billy told her to do a search to find out what she could about Vox’s peculiar condition.

<< I’ll have a memory stick ready for you when you return to the house, sir. That's a strange one, >> she sent.

<< Thanks, Dorcas. Strange, very strange indeed, >> he sent in reply.    

Billy and his angel posse finished up and asked Vox to sit up. Billy took his bandanna off his head and cleaned the rest of his spunk from his abdomen. Vox immediately sported another erection. “Well at least we know that part’s working right,” Billy said and laughed. He got a laugh out of the other men. “How do you feel, brother?” he asked.

“Like a new man. Nothing hurts. I can move without pain. Oh, my, God --”he trailed off his words, raised his hands to his face, and began to cry. “Am I healed, Billy?” he asked.

“Completely, Vox, but you must change your diet and eating habits. No more meat except small amounts of chicken and fish, baked or broiled, but never fried. You must give up all dairy products and anything with corn syrups. You must avoid all wheat products. I’ll have my right hand lady, Dorcus, print out a diet for you. It isn’t a 'diet’ diet. It’s a way of living diet I’m talking about. If you go back to your old ways, the arthritis will return within a year, and you’ll be back to where you were. I might not be able to save you the next time. So you must heed my advice if you want to live, and live comfortably,” Billy said firmly.

“I do want to live, Billy, with all my heart, and I promise I will abide by your instructions,” Vox said.

“Good. Number One,” he called to Boomer, “sit on that bale of hay, and let Vox sit in your lap,” Billy instructed. Boomer sat down, and Billy motioned for Vox to sit in his lap. Vox did as Billy suggested and climbed into the big monster's lap. Boomer enfolded the small man in his arms and held him close.

“I could get used to this,” Vox said and laughed.

“Suck on his teat, Vox, and drink his milk. It will help heal you and give you the best night’s sleep you’ve had in a long time,” Billy urged.

“You’re kidding, right?” Vox asked.

“Do I look like I’m kidding, Brother?” Billy said firmly.

Vox didn’t want Billy angry with him. He had no idea what powers Billy possessed, but he knew he didn’t want to be on Billy’s bad side. He leaned over and gently licked Boomer’s big teat and a small amount flowed onto his tongue. The taste flooded his mouth with flavor and a rich sweetness like a condensed milk or warm ice cream. He began to gently suck until he was getting mouthfuls to enjoy and swallow. Boomer placed his huge paw behind Vox’s head and began to sing to him in a deep rumbling tone. It was all too sensual and exciting for Vox, and he ejaculated again, but he didn’t stop sucking. It was like he left this world and found another more wonderful place to dwell. The lines from an old Scottish poem by Bobby Burns came to him, ‘My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here, my heart’s in the Highland a’ chasing the deer - A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe; My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.’

While Vox was in ‘Neverland’ sucking watcher tit like one of Miranda’s pups, the angels and men were gathered discussing what they discovered about Vox. They found it quite amazing. “How do you plan to explain it to him - them?” the sheriff asked.  

“I don’t plan to explain it. I’ll show him. Remember, I can morph to look like anyone whose genetic information I have on file,” Billy said.

“I like that idea, Kemosabe, it’s probably the only way they will understand,” he said

“We concur, Master Billy,” Balthazar said for him and Clyde.

Vox finally had all he could drink and pulled off. Billy was there with a damp cloth and cleaned him and Boomer. Vox reached up and gently kiss Boomer on his cheek. “Thanks for the treat, big guy. It was wonderful. I’ll never forget it,” he said.  

Boomer helped him put his clothes on, but Vox was feeling so good he could have done it himself. “When will you tell me about the strange thing you found, Billy?” he asked.

“Now, I suppose, but first I must show you something. I can morph into any person or animal whose genetic information I have on file in my body. Watch!” Billy exclaimed, kicked off his cowboy boots, his wings disappeared, and he began to change before the men and Vox into a copy of Boomer. While the other men and angels witnessed it many times, it was new and amazing for Vox. He was struck dumb and couldn’t speak. Billy then morphed to look like Will Tate and stood beside the sheriff. Vox couldn’t tell them apart. Finally Billy morphed to an exact copy of Vox and stood naked before him.

“That’s incredible, but what’s it got to do with what you found?” he asked.

“You have two separate and distinct DNA sequences within you. You are a very rare form of a chimera, Vox. If I understand it correctly, your mother had two fertilized eggs within her to produce fraternal twins, but they were not fertilized by the same man. She had sex with another man within twenty-four hours after your father. Rather than growing normally into two separate infants, the eggs combined and you became both. Using your other set of genetic information I will morph into the other person inside you,” Billy said, and morphed into a fine looking petite mature woman complete in every detail.  

“Oh, my God, that explains so much about my life I could never understand. She really is a fine looking woman, Billy. I feel so bad for her. I can’t imagine how she’s suffered over the years. Do you think that’s why I'm gay because of her attraction for men?” he asked.

“I’m not sure, she could be a lesbiterian for all we know; however, from what I’m feeling in her skin, she’s very much attracted to big, older men, and cowboys in particular. She’s fond of good looking men, but she has a soft spot in her heart for ugly lovable men who will go out of their way to treat her like a lady. Which makes me think there just might be something to a genetic predisposition for being gay or straight. Your gayness or attraction for men is not necessarily a by product of being a chimera, Vox. Excuse the metaphor, but even though you have a penis, you could be ‘sisters’ under the flesh,” Billy said but no one laughed, “It may be the only reason you managed to coexist together all these years,” he said.

“Which one of us is the musician?” Vox asked.

“You are, but only because you’ve bullied and suppressed her talent. You have no idea the kick-butt talent you have living inside you, Vox. If you gave her half a chance, together, you could be brilliant,” Billy admonished him.

“Is that why I have the urge to dress in women’s clothes sometimes?” Vox asked.

“Most probably. Do you fight her about it?” Billy asked.

“Yes, I’ve worked hard to suppress that part of me for years. I have no women's clothes in my home. I go out of my way to look as much like everyone else around our small town as possible,” he lamented, “Too bad I don’t have your talent and could morph to be her for a while,” Vox said and sighed.

Nick looked at Billy, but his master shook his head like he got his message without a word exchanged. “Let’s see how you do with your new lease on life,” he said and left it at that. Billy morphed back to being his cowboy self and told everyone to dress, they were through in the barn. He suggested they return to the house for coffee and dessert.

* * * * * * *
Vox didn’t want coffee or dessert. He drank so much of Boomer’s milk his belly was bloated, and he sloshed when he walked. The men sat around and talked for a while, but Vox started nodding off at the table. The sheriff finished his dessert and coffee and said his goodnights -- he was heading off to spend the night with his dad and Everett.

“Buster Tate is here?” Vox asked.

“Yes, I worked on him earlier this afternoon and put him in a deep sleep for recovery purposes. He won’t wake up before tomorrow morning sometime. You may get to see him for breakfast,” Billy replied.

“Is he going to be all right?” Vox asked excited.

“I think so. It may take several more sessions, but I’m confident we can bring him back to a healthy state of mind,” Billy replied.

Vox shed a couple of tears, “I’m so glad to hear it. Buster Tate is one of the best men in our community, and we have him to thank for our wonderful sheriff,” Vox said full of emotion.

“Thank you for them kind words, Mr. Humana,” Will said.

“Nothing but the truth, Sheriff, and call me Vox, Son,” he said.

“Thank you, sir, it will be an honor,” Will said and left the room.

“Come, I’ll walk you to your room, Vox. You’re about to fall asleep at the table, and your emotions are on edge. While you may feel much better, your body’s been through a wringer this evening, and it’s effecting everything within you. Right now, what you need is a good night’s rest. Come, your guardian angel will see you to your bed. Remember that Humperdinck piece from Hansel and Gretel, 'Evenings when I go to sleep, fourteen angels watch do keep?’ I’m afraid we only have four, but we’ll make do,” Billy said and walked arm in arm with the small man to his room.

“This old house brings back such fond memories for me, Billy. I’ve stayed in the same room many times. The second one on the far right wing. I’ll be comfortable there,” he allowed.

“Good. We want you to be comfortable. Here we are,” Billy opened the door and ushered Vox into the room. Everything was just as he remembered. He excused himself, took a quick shower, and returned to find Billy sitting in an overstuffed chair reading a Farm and Ranch magazine. “I thought I’d stay and tuck you in. I have a couple of questions for you,” Billy said.

Vox got into bed, Billy tucked him in, and gave him a kiss on his forehead. “So you used to provide my granddaddy comfort once a month?” Billy asked rhetorically.

“It was the very least I could do for such a civic minded man and one who had no sounding for the depth of his love for his church, his community, his fellow man, and above all his family. As you know, church organists in small communitys don’t make much money. After a year, I didn’t see how I was going to survive financially, to say nothing of having to live in a dark closet with no outlet for a gay man. I submitted my resignation and was going to move home with my family in Austin until I could find a better position. Daws Daniels came to me and invited me to dinner with him, his wife, and two sons at his ranch. He told me he would pick me up and drive me out because it might be tricky for me to find by myself. I consented and he drove us out here.

"I met his wife and boys at church several times, but that evening I fell in love with Kate and the boys. Your daddy was a pistol, the very definition of a cowboy all his life, and Nathan is still one of the finest looking cowboys in the county. Kate asked me to play the organ that night, and I felt right at home. I fell in love with the Skinner and worked on it from time to time over the years. I used to keep the Steinway tuned, too. They invited me into their home and their hearts, and made me a part of their family. When Daws drove me back to my place he invited himself in and told me he had a proposition for me. He would see to it the church doubled my salary. I didn’t know at the time, and never found out until after Daws died, but all those years, he paid the other half of my salary.

"He was quite blunt with me. He asked if I was a pretty good cocksucker and could I give a cowboy a decent blowjob? I laughed and told him I thought I was adequate, but like everything else in life, practice makes perfect. That dear man told me he and Kate knew I was gay, Kate thought she could share her husband with me, and they decided together, if it would help he was willing to let me suck him off once a month; however, I had to give him a blowjob that night to seal the deal. In his words, ‘He weren’t about to make a deal with no lousy cocksucker,’” Vox said just like Daws might, and he and Billy fell together laughing.

“Well, he seemed happy with my blowjob, and we agreed I would remain the church organist. I always thought my agreement with Daw’s gave the term ‘organist’ a deeper meaning,” Vox said mischievously. “After that night it became a regular thing. The last Friday of the month, regular as clockwork, Daws drove into town, picked me up, and drove me to the ranch for dinner with him and his family. Afterward, he would drive me home and spend a couple of hours in my arms, and I would suck him off. I was perfectly happy with our arrangement, and we went on that way for a couple of years until one of the other cowboys in the church somehow caught wind of what was going on and pressed Daws about it. He wanted to know if he could get in on the action.

“That was Elmer Breedlove. I began to have supper at the local diner on the second Friday of every month with Elmer, or I would cook and have him over for a meal. We would spend several hours together until he was comforted. He was a bit more progressive than Daws and liked to fuck me, as well as get his dick sucked. He was trapped in a loveless marriage with a frigid woman who looked upon sex, except to have children, as dirty, depraved, and a mortal sin according to her warped interpretation of the scriptures. After three kids she would never let Elmer touch her again. Elmer didn’t want to divorce her for the sake of the kids. I found out, there were any number of cowboys out there living lonely lives.

“After another year, another cowboy who lived on a large ranch at Katemcy wanted in on the act, and he filled the first Friday slot. Six months later Daws brought me another cowboy who was the only admittedly closeted cowboy in the area who filled my final Friday slot for me. You’re a bright enough young man you can guess who it was. I was having sex with three straight cowboys, and one who was gay but chose to live a straight life. I was in heaven, and it went on that way for a number of years,” Vox finished his story.

“That’s amazing. I had no idea there were men in our community who are at least tolerant of gay men. I’m proud to hear my granddad was comfortable enough with his masculinity to provide you with some comfort. I always knew he was special, and I think he knew I was growing up with a hitch in ma’ get along,” Billy shared with Vox.

“I still go visit Elmer. He’s in a rest home in Menard. I pay an attendant twenty bucks, and he stands guard outside the door while I suck Elmer off. He’s such an old dear, he cries and tells me how much he loves me afterward. After his wife died we spent more time with each other, but since his family put him in the rest home we don't see each other as much. I don’t think they come to visit him much anymore,” Vox shared, “I feel so sorry for him. If he was better, I’d invite him to come live with me,” he added. “Do you think Buster will remember me, Billy?” Vox asked.

“I’d bet my bottom dollar on it, but Will don’t know a lot about some things. He just discovered this afternoon Buster ain’t really his biological dad,” Billy said.

“If we meet, I’ll be discrete. I learned early. Buster told me while Will was gone to war about him and his cousin. I think the fear of Will not coming home and his guilt ate him up, Billy, but I used to tell him there wasn't a better man who walks this Earth than himself,” Vox said.

“I agree. You can barely hold your head up. Sweet dreams, buckaroo,” Billy said, and kissed him again on the forehead.

“Thanks, Billy -- for everything. I won’t wash my forehead for a month,” Vox allowed, smiled sweetly, and drifted off into a deep sleep.

“You’re welcome, friend,” Billy whispered in reply, turned out the light, and quietly left the room.

* * * * * * *
Billy went back to the kitchen. Kate offered him another dessert. He accepted and had another cup of coffee. It was getting late. Billy and his posse were getting ready to transport to the line cabin, when a fine looking mature woman appear at the kitchen door dressed very tastefully. The men almost dropped their coffee cups and stared in wonder with their mouths open.

“Roxanne!” Kate exclaimed and went to the lady, gave her a big hug and a kiss on her cheek.

“Kate, Darling, it’s so good to see you again after all these years. It’s been too long,” she said.

Kate took her by the arm and led her to the table. “I agree completely, sweet heart. It’s so good to see you again, too, dear, how is Vox?” she asked.

“He’s in a deep sleep. That wonderful milk your grandson urged him to drink from his big beast knocked him out for the count. He won’t wake up until morning,” she said and laughed. “Hello, Master Billy, I’m Roxanne -- Vox’s other half,” she said holding out her hand for Billy to take.

End Chapter 24 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved~
Mail: waddiebear@yahoo.com
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Next: Chapter 25

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