Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Aug 24, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 25

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 25

“The liberal left, because they did not want to be seen as racist, neither recognized nor gave credence to the difference between multiculturalism and totalitarianism masquerading as religion. They were ill-equipped to deal with the onslaught of rabid fundamentalism. Rather than leave the comfort of their homes and take to the streets to take back their democracy, with the sure knowledge blood would be shed, perhaps even theirs, folded like unused bridge tables, stayed in the comfort of their homes, and allowed their government to be taken over in a bloodless coup by a despotic theocracy supported by Rome and corporate money, simply because they yelled the loudest and told the most lies." ~ Colonel Tex Gambler ~ A radical historian.  

Billy took Roxanne’s hand, smiled, rose from his chair, bowed politely, and kissed her hand. It was, without a doubt, Vox in full drag, but Billy knew the person standing before him was under full control of Vox’s body; his other half, and her name was Roxanne. Aside from the penis between her legs Roxanne was very much a lady. “When we were working on Vox and I became aware of his physical duality, I never dreamed we would get to meet the other half of his person. This is truly amazing. Welcome to the Daniels ranch, Ms. Roxanne, but why do I get the feeling this ain’t chore’ first visit to the ranch?” Billy asked, and let her hand go.

“The pleasure’s mine, Master Billy. You’re right. This isn’t my first visit. I know my appearance is unexpected, but I had to come forward and thank you and your band of angels -- your posse, as you call them -- for saving our lives. We were in such pain most of the time, Vox was considering suicide. He gathered as many of those heavy duty tranquilizer drugs as possible to take a massive dose which would stop our heart. We couldn’t have gone on much longer living with the insufferable pain,” Roxanne said.

“You’re certainly welcome, ma’am. We’re glad to be of service, but shouldn’t you be getting some rest to allow our work to do its healing for you and Vox?” Billy asked.

“I don’t plan to visit for long -- just long enough to thank you and your men, and to renew my longtime friendship with your grandmother. Over the years, your grandmother and granddad provided me with the only safe haven where I could take over Vox’s body and be myself for a while,” Roxanne said, “Kate is right. Vox doesn’t know about me. I sync with his mind most of the time and offer suggestions now and then. He thinks they’re his own thoughts. I never tried to take over, until one night, I couldn’t suppress myself anymore and came out to Kate and Daws after the boys went to bed.

“Grandma!” Billy spoke sharply, “Why didn’t you tell me about this before you asked me to correct Vox’s arthritis?” he asked. “This is crucial information -- important information I needed to know. I would have been able to help them more easily,” he scolded her.

“Oh, Billy, don't be angry with me. I didn't know Roxanne would make an appearance. She knows from the past she’s always welcome. I’ve left their room the same as it’s been for almost thirty years for her convenience. I couldn't ask Vox how she was because he doesn't know about her. I figured you’d find out sooner or later. Roxanne is as much a member of our family as Vox,” Kate pleaded, “We used to think Vox was a split personality until Roxanne convinced us she is a totally different person trapped inside his body. We thought for a while it was a case of gender identification repression, but the more we grew to know Roxanne and Vox separately, we became convinced Vox has no knowledge of her. While Vox is a gay man, he's never shown or expressed the idea he was unhappy being male, he was in the wrong body, or he wanted to be a woman. Daws and I were convinced Vox is happy and comfortable with himself just being a gay man,” Kate said.

“Vox found out about me this evening, Kate, but he still doesn’t know much more, he just thinks I’m an interesting anomaly,” Roxanne said, “Master Billy tried to tell him a few things about me, how he may have bullied my personality to repress my talents and needs, but I don’t think Vox took him seriously. Your gifted grandson discovered our secret and shared it with Vox and his angel posse. I told you and your husband we both dwell within Vox, but you and Daws never fully understood. Daw’s even suggested I might be a deceased spirit who took up residence within Vox. I'm neither a loose spirit, a figment of Vox's imagination, nor the product of a dual personality disorder. I’m very real. Master Billy even morphed to show Vox what I look like from my genetic information. Tell her Mr. Daniels,” Roxanne said firmly.

“Grandma -- me and my angel brothers discovered Vox is unique in the universe, and that makes Roxanne unique as well. While their situation is extremely rare, it ain't without precedent. The condition has been observed and recorded in medical records long before science knew anything about genetics or DNA. Vox and Roxanne are two separate people living in the same body. Vox has his own set of DNA and Roxanne has another completely separate set. They even have separate fathers. They are what is known to science as a chimera; two people living in one body,” Billy explained.

“Then -- you mean -- Roxanne isn't just a repressed gender identification personality disorder syndrome with Vox?” Kate asked.

“No, Grandma, Roxanne is a completely separate and unique individual. When her identity emerges, metaphorically you might say Vox is getting his Rox off by becoming her,” Billy said, slapped his knee, and fell into his pa’s arms laughing. He made a terribly wicked pun, but it was a much welcomed moment of merriment everyone needed to lighten the mood in the kitchen.

“Billy, you can be just awful sometimes! You’re so much like your daddy and your granddaddy. When they got going -- nothing was too sacred or so serious they couldn’t find something to laugh about. They could find something funny about everything,” Kate declared laughing.

“What I want to know is, how have you managed to keep it a secret from Vox all these years?” Billy asked Roxanne.

“It hasn’t been easy, Master Billy. Your grandmother, God love her, was my main co-conspirator. We’re about the same size, and she would store her older clothes in Vox’s bedroom for me to use after he went to bed. The dear woman would shop at thrift stores to buy wigs like this one for me to wear, bring them home, clean them, and store them in plastic bags for one of our visits. She would send me care packages when Daws came for his monthly Friday night visits with Vox. He would hide them under the porch, which I would retrieve after he left and Vox went to sleep. I have a secret wardrobe in the workroom off the garage Vox knows nothing about. I can go out there, become myself, and relax for a while just being me,” Roxanne said quietly. You can’t know what your grandparents have done for me over the years with no prejudice. Neither Kate nor Daws ever made a snide or unkind remark about me or my relationship with Vox. They loved me like I am and accepted me as another member of their family. They are the true embodiment of what religion would like to be but has never quite measured up to the standards they set for themselves,” she said.

“I remember Vox coming out to the ranch and playing the organ, working on it from time to time, and he always came out at least once a year to tune the Steinway. He was always included at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. How is it I never got to meet you?” Billy asked.

“I was careful never to appear until Kate came to my room and told me you were asleep,” she replied.

“How did you and granddad become convinced Roxanne was a separate person, Grandma?” Billy asked.

“From her playing. Vox is a fine organist, but he doesn’t have the natural talent Roxanne has. She would play for me and Daws after you went to sleep. You were so used to hearing me play you slept right through. After your parents were killed, music in the house became your comfort blanket. After I was convinced she was a separate person, I began to take lessons from her. I was pretty good before, but it was Roxanne who taught me the tricks-of-the-trade. With a lot of work and her guidance, I became a better than average organist. We were friends with Vox and Roxanne many years before you were born, but after Daws passed away, Vox didn’t come out as often except for holidays; to tune the Steinway; or fix some problem I might have with the Skinner. Most times, he came to stay the evening, I’d make supper, he’d retire to his room for the night, then Roxanne would return as herself, and we would have a nice visit together. I made sure you were away for the evening with the Garretts or your uncle,” Kate explained.

“As bizarre as all this sounds, why am I not more shocked or surprised?” Billy asked his posse including Tron and his uncle.

“All families have secrets, Son. You’re dealing with them every day. You’re making your own secrets. How many cowboys out there can claim to have a giant long-leggedy beastie for his number one slave, his bonded mate, and his husband?” Tron, the voice of mature reason and wisdom, asked.

“Good point, Ramrod,” Billy allowed.

“Vox didn’t pick up on the exchange between you and your number one angel you think on as your 'pa’ when he said something about being able to morph like you demonstrated. Is it within your power to give us that capability, Master Billy?” Roxanne asked.

“It is, but you also noticed I didn’t respond to his comment,” Billy replied.

“I noticed. I’m sure you have a good reason,” she said.

“I wouldn’t let Vox know I have the power until I get to know him and you better. Even then, before I let him know, I would want to be sure both of you could handle it on an equitable basis. I have just begun to understand your workings, but I must know more. How do your minds work? Are you present within Vox’s consciousness at all times or do you function separately?” Billy asked.

“I see everything he sees. I feel everything he feels, but we operate out of different parts of one brain. Do you run two operating systems on your computer?” she asked.

“Yes, I run a dual boot, a Linux based system and a Microsoft system, but not at the same time,” Billy said.

“We are two different operating systems, but we share many of the same files. Vox unwittingly shares everything with me, because I’ve always been present in the background like you might sit and watch a movie unfold. Until recently there was no ‘me’ -- just him. I share almost none of my files with him for several reasons it shouldn’t take a genius to figure out,” she said and smiled.

“That may be so, but before I would give him and you the ability to morph back and forth, I want to hear the details, in minutia, from you and him -- now, and after everything is revealed to Vox. You can’t expect me to do otherwise until I’m sure you can handle it equally. I have a gut feeling you might be able to handle it better than Vox, but on the other hand, since he’s been in the driver’s seat all these years, if given the ability, for personal revenge against nature and Vox, you might want to take over and subjugate him,” Billy said.

“When we were feeling good, if I was lucky, I might get one four hour period once, maybe twice a week to be ‘me’ within his body, Master Billy. Lately because of our shared pain, I couldn’t chance it unless he takes enough medication to knock him out. Then I’m almost too groggy to come forward, and I worry about falling and hurting both of us. So I stay repressed. Tonight is the first outing I’ve had in over five years, and the only reason I felt safe enough was because of us being in familiar surroundings in which I’m comfortable, and we’re pain free. It just so happens, Vox is more susceptible than I am to the overwhelming relaxing properties of watcher milk.  

“While I’m heterosexual by nature, I’ve had to deal with his sexual appetite for years. You said something earlier about being sisters under the skin, and there’s more than a little truth to that. It would’ve been much rougher on me if Vox turned out straight. I don’t think I could have handled the situation. However, I will have to say, he has taught me a lot about cocksucking, and I learned to relax and enjoy it along with him. I even love it when Elmer slams his big cowboy cock up Vox’s tight little butt and rides him 'til the moon and stars disappear and the last of the lonesome dogies are rounded up for the night; however, without the excitement of a prostate gland, I don’t think I would enjoy it very much. On the other hand, if we could morph, I would have the extra benefit of a vagina for Vox to learn to enjoy. Several things might be negotiated as swap-outs,” Roxanne said, “I would love to have the chance, just once, to strap old Elmer into my saddle for a goodly saunter across the hill country some evening,” she added and laughed.

“Har, matey,” Billy declared, “ya’ gotta’ love a wench with spirit,” he said using his best pirate speak in keeping with his Pastafarian beliefs. Everyone laughed.

“If Vox is agreeable and will work with me, we could share the best of both possible worlds, Master Billy,” Roxanne said.

“That’s what I want to hear. A willingness to cooperate and coexist as one. I think it’s time Vox met his other half, but not until tomorrow. Right now, visit for a spell, but I want you in bed soon to rest for the night. I promise things will be different for you. There’s one more thing I want to know. Why do you call me 'Master Billy’? he asked.

“Respect. I know you own slaves, but I see more than Vox sometimes. Your slaves are your family, your number one slave is your bonded mate and husband, and if that’s what it takes for you to consider me a small part of your family, I’m certainly willing to pay the price, sir,” Roxanne declared.     

“That’s fine. If you’re comfortable calling me ‘Master Billy’ then feel free to do so, but I think I would be outvoted if I were to entertain a notion you weren’t already a member of my family,” Billy said and grinned at his grandmother.

“Thank you, Master Billy. Now, perhaps I should return to our room and rejoin Vox in the first decent rest we’ve experienced in five years,” Roxanne allowed.

“Can you play something for us, dear?” Kate asked.

“It’s probably too late for the household, Ms. Kate,” Roxanne replied.

“Nonsense, it’s only seven thirty. The only persons asleep is Vox and Buster, and Buster won’t wake up if a tornado ripped through the house. One piece of your choosing, then off to bed with you,” Billy insisted.

Everyone headed to the ballroom. On the way they ran into Zelma Jane and her caretaker, Balthazar. “How did you know?” Kate asked.

“When music is afoot, I can sense the excitement in the air,” Zelma said and laughed, “That’s a lie. Balthazar alerted me to an impromptu concert,” she told the truth and laughed again with Kate.

They were joined by the rest of the household including the sheriff. Everett was in tune with the rest of the mass-mind of slaves and told Will he might want to go to the ballroom for an evening concert. When he arrived he couldn’t believe his eyes. There was Vox dress like a woman getting ready to play the organ. “What the...?” he asked Billy.

“Shuuu! Vox’s other half, Roxanne, is about to play for us,” he said, shrugged, and grinned.

“Will it wake ma’ pa?” the sheriff asked.

“Not a chance. Even if it did, I enhanced Everett to excite and release more sleep inducing endophins into his brain if he should start to wake. He’ll be fine until morning. I want his brain to repair itself overnight and every night for about a week. Everett will take good care of him,” Billy replied.

Roxanne stood next to the organ and announced she would play her own transcription of Wagner’s ‘Siegfried Idyll.’ She sat down and began to play. It only took Billy a few minutes listening to the lush piece when he understood what his grandmother was talking about. While Vox was a solid bread and butter musician, Roxanne was the stuff of dreams. Billy never heard the ‘Idyll’ played with more depth and passion by anyone including the orchestral versions he heard. It was a masterpiece of a supremely romantic understatement and Roxanne played it like one. She milked the softness of the lullaby-like opening theme and never progressed in her orchestration beyond a soft roar of a powerful lion one might hear miles away on the savanna. The power of her sweetness expressed through the piece brought tears to Billy’s eyes, and he wiped them away with his cowboy bandanna. When she finished playing, and the last note faded away, there was total silence in the ballroom. Everyone was lulled into a wonderful space, and they didn’t want the feeling to escape them right away.

Billy stood and slowly began to clap and exclaimed, “Bravissima, fair lady. Excellent! Never heard Dickie Wagner played no better!” he exclaimed Anglicizing the “W” in 'Wagner’ as the 'wag’ of a dog’s tail. The others joined him and gave Roxanne a standing ovation. The twins were in love. They found another natural musician to emulate and a fine one at that. “I know I said only one piece, but a twenty minute wet dream only satisfied our sweet tooth and whetted our appetite for meat and potatoes. Play us some Bach. I’ve heard it said about organists in musical circles, 'By their Bach, ye shall know them.' We would like to know more about you, pretty lady,” Billy said.

“Bach it shall be, Master Billy,” Roxanne said as she sat down and pulled out all the stops and began the Fugue in G Major, BWV 577, in the form of a Gigue. Her playing was magnificent and masterful. Her pedal work was flawless. It was perfection and kept the same breathtaking tempo from the beginning to the very end. She blew many months of accumulated dust from the pipes of the old organ to make it wake up and discover it still possessed a strong and noble voice with which to sing, and sing it did. It even raised its tremulant skirts above its knobby knees and danced a fine Germanic jig. Her audience was on their feet long before she sounded the last chord and they broke into great applause and shouts. There were also cries of 'bravissima’ from the cattle in the pasture as the music carried out the windows of the ballroom to surround the ranch house and grounds for a mile or more giving it a magical aura. Slowly but surely, the Daniels Ranch, and the ideal of the Highland Shire in particular, was becoming a magic kingdom of its own. Zelma Jane couldn’t have been more right. It was where life was happening . . . every day.

Roxanne won her master’s heart. Her playing left no doubt how his grandparents could recognize and come to understand Roxanne was, indeed, another person living in Vox’s body. Billy was forced to reconsider his understanding and love for his grandparents. Their unconditional love, empathy, and compassion for Vox and Roxanne sent his estimation of personal worth and admiration for them through the roof. ‘Was it because of them he was chosen for his job?’ he wondered.

* * * * * * *
Billy called an end to the day’s festivities. Nick came to know his young master so well he could tell he was running on fumes. The sheriff wasn’t the only one who was emotionally exhausted. After seeing Roxanne to her room, Billy returned to the kitchen, said his 'goodnights’ to everyone, gathered his posse, and transported to the line cabin. There, the quiet routine of evening with his immediate family was a soothing balm to his nerves. The twins taking Boomer to the shower, Billy helping dry and groom him, and them going off to the loft was like the drawing down of blinds to separate the night from day. After they were gone, Nick gently drew his young master into his massive arms and kissed him tenderly. “See, even the very worst demon can feel empathy and a need to serve someone special. What is my master’s wish for the evening? I am his to command. After watching you in action all day, I have to say, whatever you choose, will bring me the greatest comfort to please you, Son,” he said.

“I’m very lucky to have a demon dad like you, Nick. Nothing would make me happier and please me more than one of your hell-fire and damnation butt fuck’ns,” Billy said and sighed like the mere mention of Nick’s big red demon cock sunk into his depths was a relaxing thought.

“Herbs or no?” Nick asked.

“I saved the leftovers from our last two sessions when we used them. I’ll get them out, we’ll thaw them, and add them to a fresh pot of coffee. It might not be as strong an effect. Perhaps more relaxing. It will be curious to see. It would be nice if they were a bit more mellow and less like a mental roller-coaster ride. Mellow would be good,” Billy allowed. Billy got out the containers, left them with Nick and headed for the shower. Nick had the coffee ready for them when Billy returned. The small fire Billy made to make the coffee was burning down to embers. It was a warm evening, and he decided not to throw another piece of wood on it. The glow and warmth was just enough to take any ambient chill out of the air and provide them with a romantic glow. They drank their coffee without saying much and made a little love from time to time.

“Are you looking forward to tomorrow, Kemosabe?” Nick asked.

“Yeah, I really am. I get to see my little buckaroo buddy and his family again. We need to get over there one afternoon this week. Maybe we can arrange to take Hank and Buck and drive into Fredericksburg to pick up some more stuff from the hardware store. I felt Randy tickle me a couple of times today, but I was busy. He seems to be good about understanding I can’t stop what I’m doing to chat with him for a while. I’ll tickle him before we go to sleep,” Billy said.

“You really gonna’ bring Madame Spartza to our ship next weekend?” Nick asked.

“Unless you got a better suggestion. I suppose I should a’ taken it up with you afore I agreed to the Grigori’s wishes, but since Beauford’s already there it seemed like the best arrangement at the time,” Billy said.

“Nonsense, I’m flattered you trust me and my crew with the great Shedu female,” Nick said, “After all, you be Kemosabe, and I be Tonto, your faithful companion -- mi casa, su casa. You’re certainly welcome to use the ship anyway you need, Son. Pleeease!” Nick exclaimed in a pleading manner, “In the name of some unknown god, if I suggested otherwise or said a word against you on my ship, I’d be tarred and feathered in an Irin minute,” Nick said and laughed, “You know there is such a thing as too much power, don’t you?” he asked and laughed, “But when you capture the hearts and imagination of my crew and villagers from love and gratitude, there’s very little cause to make corrections or consider you a threat. If I ever felt threatened, I’d fight fire with fire. I’d sway your course with a mighty surge of all consuming demon love like a huge blow of wind might reset the course of an old sailing frigate,” Nick waxed poetic, then added, “Shut up and kiss the demon what owns you, and plans to take you to the gates of paradise this evening,” he demanded quietly.

They kissed a passionate kiss and Billy didn’t hold back. They were beginning to feel the mild but steady influence of the herbs. It was just enough to be relaxing, but yet, not so much as to make a trampoline of your mind, jumping from one thought to another without much connection. Diluting the herbs made for a most pleasant stimulant. It rang the right chimes without making you feel like your head was the clapper inside a huge cathedral bell. Billy hoped he could hang on to that thought until morning. He mentally e-mailed a copy to Hank and Buck.

The demon and his cowboy finally parted from their embrace and Billy was on fire, “Shit! Oh fuck! How many times I gotta’ tell you, Tonto, don’t talk to me that away. It makes me so damn horny I could devour you like one a them Hosanna cakes. I remember the general gist of the words Mephistopheles sings to Faust in Boito’s only eponymous opera to convince him to join him in Hell. He tells him he will show him a greater love than that between a man and a woman which will bind his soul to him for all eternity, but it must be his choice. I done already made my choice. Take me pa, I’m ready to make the trip, and don’t stop stoking the fire in the tender until the train arrives at our destination at the station. To Hell with Irin time, this is our time -- demon time -- time for a red hot demon dad to take his son and remake him in his own image,” Billy demanded.     

“Does your cowboy hyperbole know any limits, Kemosabe?” Nick asked with a wicked grin.

“Not when I got a hot demon dad like you in my arms, Tonto,” Billy said, “Now hesh up and fuck yore’ boy like the good hearted and faithful demon dad I know you can be. You be the engineer for this trip. Pull my train, like Casey Jones, and make sure we arrive together in a timely manner,” Billy urged strongly then growled like a demon in lust.    

Nick coupled with his cowboy to pull his train with strength and conviction. The demon engineer fucked his boy like his throbbing red cock was one of the huge steam pistons on old engine No. 666; belching smoke and steam as it began to climb the steady grade of the Appalachians until it reached the top and slowly started picking up speed as it began its descent down the other side leaving miles of smoke and steam trailing behind. Nick was huffing and puffing as his demon cock pistoned in and out of Billy’s ass like an old puffer-belly late with the mail. When he built up a head of steam, he blew his whistle to alert everyone the station was in sight, but he would keep his promise to get them there on time. Nick opened the throttle to make his demon piston work hard and strong to pull two heavy loads. Billy could swear he smelled the sulfur from the burning coal in the firebox. Either that, or his sphincter was was melting around his demon’s cock, and they were conjoining to make one big fucking engine. They released their steaming hot loads at the same time and let the friction of their descent check the speed of their arrival as they slowly pulled into the station. Billy could swear the sign on the station read: Welcome to Heaven ~ A nice place to raise your kids ~ Relax and stay a while; and, they decided they would do just that. They didn’t bother to head for the roundhouse. They fell asleep on a sidetrack still coupled together, and in the early morning hours, Nick pulled his boy’s train one more time.

Before Billy slipped off to sleep he felt a tickle in his mind.  << Hey, Cowboy. How’s my favorite buckaroo? >> he asked.

<< I’m fine. I’m just about to go to sleep. Mom told me, the quicker I get to bed the sooner I get to visit the ranch and see my buddy. I been in bed since six o’clock. How are you, Cowboy Billy? >> Randy asked.

<< Tired, but happy and relaxed. You caught me about to sail off to the land of wink’n, blink’n, and nod. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. If ya’ll have any problems, tickle me, ya’ hear?” Billy asked like a protective big brother.

<< I will. Look’n forward to seeing you and my cow buddies, too. I better sign off for now. I promised mom I wouldn’t take too much of your time, >> Randy said.

<< Love you, Cowboy, >> Billy sent.

<< I love you, too, Cowboy Billy, >> Randy replied and broke contact.

* * * * * * *
Buster Tate woke up in the arms of his son Will. He didn’t move but looked around at the strange surrounding. Sitting in a large, overstuffed, comfortable looking wingback chair with his boots on a large matching ottoman, was a young cowboy fast asleep who looked for all the world like a smaller double for his boy Will. ‘Did he have another son he didn’t know about?’ he thought to himself. Where was he? How long was he away. He couldn’t remember much about the past. He didn’t remember anything about losing his memory and going into a rest home. It was like he was Rip Van Winkle and woke up after being asleep for a number of years; although, he didn’t seem to have a long beard nor did his skin look old and wrinkled. He moved his head to get a good look at Will, but he didn’t seem to look much different.  

Will felt his dad move and opened his eyes. He held his old man close and gently kissed him on his cheek. “Welcome back, Pa,” Will said softly.

“Where’ve I been, Son?” Buster asked.

“You been in a rest home in Brady for the last two years, Dad, because your mind wasn’t working right. I hated like hell to put you in there, but I couldn’t take care of you and provide for us at the same time. I made friends with some honest-to-goodness angels, Dad, and they fixed your mind so’s it would begin to function properly again. You been asleep for about twenty-four hours. After they got through with you, they put you into a deep sleep so’s your brain could repair and reset itself. They got some more to do, but you will get better ever’ time they treat you,” Will said.

“Where are we, Son, and who’s that good looking young cowboy asleep in that chair?” Buster asked.

“We’re in one of the bedrooms in the right wing of the Daniels’ mansion on Pronghorn Mountain where the James and Llano rivers come together. The young cowboy is your and my new slave given to us by Master Billy Daniels, the buckaroo angel what healed you, Pa,” Will explained.

“Damn, he’s awful good looking, Will. Almost as good looking as you, Son,” Buster allowed, “Billy Daniels, you say? Did he die and come back as an angel?” he asked.

“No, Dad, he’s been enhanced by two different alien races what give him special powers to heal folks, and they give him a beautiful set of gold wings what gathers the healing rays of the universe. He uses them to fix people like us. Look at my body, Dad,” Will pushed the sheet down to expose his perfect body to his dad.

“I’ll be damned. Y’ain’t got no more scars, and you’s back together like you was before. That’s awesome, Son. Now you won’t need me to love you no more,” Buster lamented.

“Who sez?” Will challenged him, “I’ll always need my dad. If’n it weren’t for you, Buster, I wouldn’t have me no dad to love-on a’ tall, and I ain’t about to give up the greatest man whatever walked into my life and decided to make me his boy -- his son,” Will declared. “I’m proud to wear your name and have folks point to me and  say, that’s Buster Tate’s boy, he’s the sheriff of our county,” Will said.

“Are you sheriff of the county, Son?” Buster asked.

“Yes, sir, I needed a job to pay for your expenses in the rest home, so I ran for sheriff three years ago and won. We got us another election coming up this year and so far there ain’t nobody running agin me,” Will said.

“What happened to the ranch?” Buster asked.

“We still got it. I’m just barely holding it together, but I think we’s gonna’ get it going again pert-damn quick with my brother Billy’s help and a few slaves,” Will said.

“I don’t know how I feel about slaves, Son,” Buster said.

“They ain’t like no regular slaves, Pa. They’s more like family,” Will said quietly.

About that time Everett awoke. He saw Will and Buster awake talking quietly with each other. He stretched and smiled, “Good morning, Master Will and Master Buster. Can I get you gentlemen a cup of coffee?” he asked.

“He ain’t only purdy, he’s considerate and polite,” Buster said and grinned, “I’ll have mine black, Son,” he replied.

“Mine, too,” Will replied, and Everett was away to the kitchen.

“He looks just like you. Is he your son, Will?” Buster asked a bit confused.

“I wish’t he was, Pa, but he ain’t,” Will said.

Everett returned with two cups of coffee accompanied by Billy, Nick, Boomer, and Clyde. Will managed to get Buster out of bed, but he didn’t have any clothes for him other than the slacks and terrible Hawaiian print shirt he wore from the rest home. Buster caught sight of Boomer. A look of surprise and a little fear came across his face which faded into a smile. “I seen his type on our ranch,” Buster said, “They live in the caves on the lower branch of a creek what feeds into the Llano river,” he added.

“That’s right. Howdy, Mr. Tate, I’m Billy Daniels, and that big long-leggedy beastie is my number one slave, my bonded mate, my husband, and the father of my children,” Billy rattled off and grinned.

“Is you the cowboy angel what’s responsible for me waking up?” Buster asked.

“Yes, sir, me and my other angels here, Nick Samuels, Clyde Irin, and a black angel what’s in the kitchen seeing to one of our lady guests,” Billy explained, “You seem to be relating pretty well this morning, Mr. Tate. How do you feel, sir?” Billy asked.

“Like I been a long time walking -- lost in a fog bank full of flashes of memory and sounds I couldn’t process or make no sense of, when suddenly, after a long tranquil sleep, awoke to walk out into the bright light of a sunny day,” Buster said.

“Excellent. That’s a good way of put’n it, Mr. Tate. That’s exactly what happened to you, but we need to work together to further rid you of the parasites what took over your body and brain,” Billy said.  

“I don’t want to put them clothes back on him,” Will said motioning to Buster’s slacks, Hawaiian shirt, and canvas deck shoes, “They ain’t no clothes for a cowboy,” he added.

“Clyde, will you please outfit Mr. Tate, so’s he can feel like a cowboy again? I’d appreciate it,” Billy asked.

“With pleasure, Master Billy," Clyde replied, instantly winged-up, and after a great flash of light, to Buster’s amazement, found himself fully dressed in boots, Wranglers, a western shirt, a western belt, and a fine silver-belly hat. He looked like he stepped out of a cowboy catalog.

“Woah! You weren’t kidding about angels, Son,” Buster said.

“No, I weren’t, Dad. Took me a while to get used to 'em; now, I don’t know how I ever got along without them,” the sheriff said to his dad, “You look damn good, Pa. The best I seen you look in several years,” Will said, hugged Buster, and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead. “Welcome back, Pa,” Will said gently.

“It’s good to be back, Son,” Buster said.

* * * * * * *
Billy and his men went into Vox’s room and found him sitting in a chair dressed for the day reading an old ‘Organ Guild’ magazine from years ago. He looked radiant and healthy. He was immaculate like he spent an hour or more grooming himself to be presentable for the day. Billy went to him and held his arms open for an embrace. Vox allowed Billy to hold him and shed a couple of tears. “You look wonderful, Vox,” Billy said, “Did you rest well,” he asked.

“Thanks to you and your angels I feel wonderful, Master Billy, and yes, I slept very well, indeed. I had a strange dream I was playing Wagner and then Bach on the Skinner. I don’t care much for Wagner and never played the Bach piece before. The pedal work was too difficult to work up for my audience in Mason. There were other parts of the dream which were somewhat disconcerting. It was very strange,” Vox allowed shaking his head. Billy smiled and shrugged like he didn’t have an answer for him. He was surprised at Vox’s appellation of 'master’ for him, but he didn’t let on. He wondered if it was Roxanne’s attempt at puckish humor. “How is Buster?” Vox asked.

“I think he’s going to be fine, Vox. He seems to be able to comprehend what happened to him, but not how. That’s to be expected. Most medical men would have a difficult time explaining it to him. You’ll be able to see him at breakfast. Are you hungry?” Billy asked.

“Like I could eat a bear,” Vox said and smiled at his unintended double entendre.

“We’s fresh out of bear meat, besides, it’s not on your new diet; however, I’ll speak to my head bear wrangler to see what we can rustle up for you,” Billy responded. They shared a laugh.

“You have the Daniels accommodating spirit strong within you, sir,” Vox said empirically.

“I’ll take that as a compliment, Vox,” Billy said.

“Good. It was certainly meant that way,” Vox agreed.

* * * * * * *
Breakfast was a reunion of souls who knew each other in the past but hadn’t seen each other in years. Buster and Vox remembered Zelma Jane Redbone and her late husband visiting the ranch a number of times in the past. They met Mrs. Redbone’s two grown grandsons and were impressed with their size. It seemed all the Redbones were big people and Zelma Jane’s great grandsons promised to be just as large if their early growth was any indication.  

When the sheriff escorted Buster into the kitchen dinning area, everyone stood in respect for the cowboy. Buster seemed to take everything in stride and didn’t seem flummoxed in the least. He nodded and tipped his hat to Kate and Zelma and the other ladies gathered. Will took his hat and hung it on one of the pegs on the wall for that purpose. When Buster saw Vox he smiled and went to him. He gently took Vox into his arms and pulled him into an embrace. “It’s good to see you again, Brother,” Buster said quietly.

“Thank you, Buster. When I heard you were here recovering, it brought great joy to my heart thinking you might see better days, and we might, one day, meet again. My decline in health corresponded almost exactly the same time as yours, and I’ll admit, I gave up all hope until Kate Daniels asked Master Billy if he would see me. It’s been too long, old friend, but it’s such a great pleasure and honor to see you again in better health,” Vox replied and shed a tear, “I missed you, Buster,” he added meekly trying to be discreet.

“As I understand, we both been given second chances, and I, for one, don’t plan to make the same mistakes I made before, Vox,” Buster said. He didn’t have to elaborate, Vox got his message. Instead, Buster gently kissed Vox on his cheek and held him tighter. “Thank you for your many years of unconditional friendship and understanding comfort you contributed to my life, Brother. I’ll forever be in your debt, Vox,” the mature cowboy said quietly, but not so quiet everyone in the room heard Buster’s sentiment. He was firm in his conviction. There was nothing to hide. He felt no shame. It was a powerful moment -- a subtle but strong declaration of love and admiration of two men for each other. There were more than a few tears shed in that early morning hour.

The sheriff of the county, Will Tate, smiled knowingly to himself when he realized there was more to his old man than he previously considered. Will always wondered what went on at those Masonic meetings the second Friday of every month, but Buster steadfastly refused to discuss it with him. Will was told all matters pertaining to the Masons were secret and not to be discussed outside the Temple. If he wanted to know, as Buster’s son, he would one day be eligible to join the DeMolays to learn about Masonry and what it means to become a Mason. Could a small group of men really have that much business to discuss which would take all evening and his dad wouldn’t get home until the early morning hours? Seeing Buster hold Vox in a loving embrace, the light dawned. It settled on him like the final two-five-one chord progression of a Bach chorale. Chills ran up his spine and caused his scalp to tingle. Suddenly, all the pieces of the puzzle came together in an instant. The Masonic meetings were merely a cover for him spending some quality time, one evening a month, with a companion of a like mind -- Vox Humana. The revelation only bonded Will more closely to the strongly determined man, a lonely cowboy, who chose to call him ‘son’ all those many years ago and went to great lengths to hide his nature so his boy would not be influenced by his dad’s druthers.

* * * * * * *
Breakfast around the Daniels’ table was a time to enjoy the prospects of a new day, the exchange of information, and the fielding of new ideas. Everyone was included and could share their thoughts as long as they were polite and considerate of other’s feelings.

“Moss, Tom has asked if I might consider sharing you with him and Enoch, learning about big machinery sales, marketing, and delivery. After discussing it with the board,” Billy said with a grin and motioned to Tron, Nathan, Nick, Boomer, the rest of his family, and Kate, “I agreed it might be a good move for you as well as the Highland Shire movement. However, in return I got an agreement from Mr. McMartin, Enoch will be free to work for the Highland Shire project when not engaged with Mr. McMartin and company. If Enoch accepts my offer, he will be added to our payroll beginning the Monday following next Friday’s trial of Orville Higginbothem. For it to work in everyone’s best interest, we have to get you men enhanced so you can easily travel from one location to another without a time delay. I could make the enhancement myself, but I don’t want to. The reason is simple. I want some extra bells and whistles for you I can’t provide. So I’ll be taking you and Enoch with me next Monday with my family to Retikki Prime to accept transfer and protection responsibilities for the grand Shedu, Madame Spartza. At that time I will request the Grigori or Irin handle any enhancements,” Billy explained, “Any questions?” he asked.

“I know you mentioned the possibility of me working for you, Master Billy, but nothing was ever confirmed. May I take it the offer is solid?” Enoch asked and grinned.

“You may. You will be paid the same base salary as Moss with annual cost of living increases every year. You will be placed on the Highland Shire project payroll as of the same day,” Billy replied.

“I accept your offer, sir,” Enoch said. Cheers and congratulations went up around the table.

“Have you arranged this with the Grigori?” Tron asked.

“Not yet, but they’re watching us twenty-four/seven, Ramrod. They know my wishes and are generous to a fault. Besides, they owe me one. I agreed to take guardianship of Madame Spartza approximately six months earlier than originally planned which might come with it’s own unexpected set of problems. Furthermore, the two leaders of the Grigori High Council are my uncle-in-laws by bond with my husband,” Billy said and winked at Boomer. He could swear he saw the big beast blush.

“How many do you plan to take with you to Retikki Prime, and how long you planning on be’n there?” Tron asked.

“J’ever see the DeMille film of the Ten Commandments?” Billy asked.

“Yeah, a couple of times in a movie house and several times on TV,” Tron replied.

“Remember the escape from Egypt where the children of Israel were leaving and stretched out as far as the eye could see?” Billy asked.

“Yeah, it was a lot of people, all right,” Tron grinned feeling like Billy was setting him up.

“Well, double that number in your mind, and that’s how many of our folks I’m taking to Retikki Prime with us,” Billy said and fell out laughing. Everyone around the table laughed at his cowboy hyperbole. “As for how long we’ll be there? We could stay a day or a month and only a few minutes will pass on our world,” Billy said, “You won’t have time to drink a cup of coffee after seeing us leave, and we’d be walking back through the gate,” he added.    

“Am I suppose to understand this conversation about going to another world through a gate and people being -- what you call, enhanced -- by another race of people, and does this have anything to do with Vox and me getting a second chance?” Buster asked Will.

“No, Dad, you ain’t suppose to understand it. At least not right away. I barely understand it myself, but you pick up bits and pieces as you go along, and it begins to make sense; and yes, it has everything to do with Billy and his angels being given powers to heal, me, you, Vox, and a number of other folks sitting around this table. I’ll fill you in on as much as I can as we go along to bring you up to speed,” Will explained.

“Do them critters what look like Bigfoot who live around our place have something to do with all this?” Buster asked.

“Yes, sir, Mr. Tate. I’m glad to see you’re putting things together and asking questions. It means your brain is beginning to function normally and curiosity is one of the signs you’re making progress. My mate, Boomer, and those like him you see in the wild are called ‘watchers’ and have been following our progress on this planet for eons. For the most part, they live as wild animals to cover the fact they are highly intelligent and have powers most humans can only wonder about. They step in sometimes and alter the course of history so man doesn’t wipe himself out with chemical or nuclear warfare. Very few live with mankind like my slave Boomer, but the time is right for them to come among us. There will be more who will be assigned as protectors for humans. We have noticed some human males who drop out of society for whatever reason and become what we call Daddy Long-legs are sometimes seen living among them,” Billy explained.

“I watched you grow up, Son. I knew your daddy and granddaddy well. The Daniels and the Garretts were like family to me and my boy. I know things...” Buster said then trailed off like something clicked inside his head and told him to shut-up. “But I can’t remember them right now. Perhaps it will come to me later,” he added.

“Don’t push yourself, sir. Allow your healing to work naturally. You done made great strides so far,” Billy said and encouraged Buster.

* * * * * * *
Breakfast was over and their day began. After cleaning up the kitchen, preparations began for Sunday dinner. The men of Billy’s immediate family and guests were still sitting around the table having a final cup of coffee when Billy felt a tickle in his brain.

<< That you, Buckaroo? >> he sent.

<< Yes, sir, it’s me, Cowboy Billy. We’s in the car and mom is heading out down the road to the highway. We should be there soon. Can’t wait to see everyone again, >> Randy sent.

<< Looking forward to seeing you and your family, Cowboy. If you need anything give me a tickle. Zeus and Thor know ya’ll are coming. They’s expecting you, so you know the drill, >> Billy said.

<< We’ll be all right, but if I need you, I’ll give a holler. I got lots to tell you, >> Randy said.

<< I’ll look forward to it. See you soon, Son, >> Billy sent.

Billy got a big smile on his face. It made him feel good to call Randy ‘son.’ It was almost like he was practicing for Billy Junior. “The Rutherfords on the way?” Kate asked.

“How did you know, Grandma?” he asked.

“The glow about you when you and Randy exchange messages,” Kate replied and grinned.

“Yeah, I gotta’ admit, my little buddy pulls my heart strings,” Billy allowed.

“That’s because you identify with him. You both lost your dads at an early age. He’s become your little brother in a number of ways” Nathan said.

“He needs a protector,” Billy mused, more to himself than his family. He looked directly at Boomer with the look of a man filled with love and appreciation for his own protector. Once again he could swear he saw his big beast blush. A scene from ‘Gone With The Wind’ flashed through Billy’s mind and in a decidedly Southern drawl, he began his soliloquy,  “Ah, well -- woe is us deprived critters here on Earth. God as my witness, wiff’ only one protector for so many, I’s gonna’ rename my poor husband, E. Pluribus Boomer of the sagging tits. Somehow -- some way we’ll make do. I guess little Rory, Cal, and me will just have to share our overworked, under appreciated, never complaining, faithful, long-leggedy beastie wiff’ my helpless little buckaroo buddy, so all alone and vulnerable on his huge ranch, until he’s assigned one -- if ever!” Billy said rolling his eyes, placing the back of his right hand to his forehead dramatically, and sighing deeply for the sake of the viewing audience in the cosmos. His attempt at amateur theatrics wasn’t missed by his family, and they laughed at him.

“Oh, Bur-ruther!” Tom drawled, rolled his eyes, and laughed.

“You think they’s watching and got the message, Kemosabe?” the sheriff asked and winked at Nick.

“My money’s on Billy,” Tron declared.

“Hear! Hear!” agreed Nathan, “But I’ll go ya’ one better, Ramrod. I’m taking odds the kid’s done got his’self one,” he added, slapped his knee, and fell out laughing at the look on Billy’s face.

“I’ll buy a piece of that action, Son!” Kate exclaimed, “Every time the Rutherfords come to visit, Randy reminds me more of Billy when he was little,” she allowed

The family sat around talking, drinking more coffee, answering questions Buster and Vox asked. They were so amazed by the honesty and openness of Billy’s family and friends. They talked and joked about situations and relationships what would have been verboten or at least taboo anywhere else in Texas. For both men, it was a great feeling of acceptance and relief they didn’t have to pretend and wear facades. Within reason, they could speak their minds with neither fear of reprimand nor someone cringing or turning away in disgust.

“Oh, by the way, Billy, let’s not forget Dociean and the sheriff’s little Missus over to the Tate ranch. Contact him to see if he has enough for his and her breakfasts,” Kate said.

Buster perked right up, “Did you get married, Son?” he asked.

“Well, as married as a man can be to a beautiful little four legged furry critter, I suppose. My little Missus is a two year old Aussie Blue Heeler, Pa. You remember Lima Bean who married to that big cowboy, Bubba Bean, what works out to the sand plant. About two weeks after I had to put you in that rest home in Brady, she decided what I needed to get over my sorrow and grieving ma’ heart out missing you was a companion. I hand raised her from a tiny pup you could hold in the palm of yore’ hand, and with a some help from Billy, we just whelped us our first litter yesterday,” Will explained.

“We can take a fast hop over to the Tate ranch and be back quicker’n two shakes of a lamb’s tail,” Billy said.

“We got left over breakfast, and I got another care package made up for Dociean and Miranda,” Kate said.

“Let’s go!” Billy exclaimed, “Nick, Boomer -- you’re with me. We’ll take the sheriff and his pa. Rox you might as well come along,” Billy said firmly. He wanted to see how Vox would react to calling him 'Rox’

“I’d be honored and proud to tag along, Master Billy,” Vox replied and emphasized the word 'master.’ It was the answer Billy was looking for and confirmed his earlier suspicion. He wasn’t the only one who picked up on it. Kate let out a whoop what would do a buckaroo proud and almost dropped her coffee mug in her lap. Several of Billy’s family got big grins on their faces, but Vox didn’t seem to have a clue what was going on. It went right over his head.

Kate handed Billy two well stuffed boxes and leaned close. “I swear on the name of some unknown god, Billy Daniels, that devilishly clever comment could have come straight out of your granddaddy’s mouth," she said and pinched his arm.

“Ouch, Grandma! That hurt!" he yelled and laughed.

“Serves you right! You deserved it! Wear it as a badge of honor," she said and laughed again.

“Cheesus, Grandma, couldn’t you just buy me a pin-on ribbon?” Billy grimaced and laughed rubbing his arm.

“I want to see the pups, Master Billy,” Abigale said confirming Vox’s title.

“Can we go, too?” Rory and Cal chimed in.

“No, you got to go yesterday. I want to see the pups, and if Master Billy has room on his flight, I’m taking your dad with me. We’re leaving you with your Grandma Zelma and Ms. Kate. You be good and mind them. We won’t be long,” Abigale said like a Prussian general to her troops.

“Of course we got room for you,” Billy confirmed.

“What’s she mean about flight, Son? Is them angels gonna’ fly us over to the ranch?” Buster asked.

“Sort of, Pa. Take my hand, and we’ll show you. Here, Vox, take my other hand,” the sheriff offered.

In a great flash of light Billy and Nick transported the small group to the living room of the Tate ranch house. “Holy shit!” Buster exclaimed, “You must save a bundle on gas, Billy,” he said and everyone laughed.

“That was pretty spectacular, Master Billy,” Vox said. Billy almost laughed when he caught Nick wink at him.

Miranda came running into the room when she saw the light. She went to Will first. The sheriff made over her, and they renewed their love. Will introduced her to Buster. She sniffed him and allowed him to pet her a bit. Then she went to Billy, << So good to see you, Master Billy. You bring my man’s dad -- his bed companion. I know his smell from old clothes and sheets. You help him? >> she asked.

<< He’s on his way to recovery, so you may have another master soon, >> Billy sent.

<< Him anything like Master Will, him okay with Miranda, >> she said.

<< He’s a good man, Miranda. I think you two will get along just fine together. He will need a companion for the time Will has to be away being sheriff of our county, >> Billy sent.

<< Be nice to have another companion around. Long stretches Miranda alone by herself, >> she sent, << Be nice to have someone to talk with, >> she added.

<< I’ll put a bug in Buster’s ear, pretty lady, >> Billy said.

Tom and Abigale were taken with the pups and immediately wanted to know about one for their boys. When the sheriff said they could have their pick, Billy interrupted. “Uh, not quite. Hope you don’t mind. I already done picked one for the boys. It was part of my agreement with the sheriff. The first born pup, the sturdy looking male there in the front with the white crown around the top of his head I picked for the boys,” Billy said.

“I swear, he’s the one I was going to ask about,” Abigale said.

“He caught my eye as well,” Tom agreed.

“Hope you’re ready for another child?” Billy said, “I gave them a few extra enhancements,” he added. Will and Nick broke up laughing. Even stoic Boomer laughed.

“I’m afraid to ask,” Tom said and Abigale fell into his arms laughing. They came to expect the unexpected from Billy.

“Probably you best learn his abilities together, but for starters you might suggest to the  boys they teach him to sing the ABC song -- then teach him to read their children’s books,” Billy said and grinned.

“I can’t wait! I wanna’ take him home today,” Abigale said and laughed, “I’m just kidding, Miranda, you make a much better mother for him,” she added and gently patted Miranda on her head.

Billy promised he would bring Everett over after he had his dinner and Dociean could return to the ranch for his dinner and enjoy the music for the evening. Then Everett would be there when the sheriff and his pa returned home that evening. They didn’t bring him along because he was busy helping the men get Sunday dinner together. After goodbyes to Dociean and Miranda, Billy and Nick transported their group back to the kitchen in the Daniels’ ranch house.

The boys were still there waiting for them. The were dancing around asking all sorts of questions and whether or not they could have one of the pups? Tom wisely left the major decisions to his wife. “Can we have one, Mom? Pleeeese,” they begged.

“We’ll see. If you’re very good and promise to take good care of him. First of all, I want you to forget everything you ever heard or learned about a dog being your pet. He will not be your pet. He will become a member of the McMartin family. Whatever you name him will reflect your love and honor for him, and I expect you to treat him with the same love and respect we taught you to treat each other. I want you to think on him as your baby brother. I know, while it might sound strange to you now, I guarantee, you will be glad you did. Do I make myself clear?” Abigale asked firmly.

“Yes, ma’am,” they answered.

Later when they were alone, Tom put his arm around Abigale, “Sometimes you impress the crap out of me, darling. That little speech you gave the boys was spot on how they should look upon and treat their little brother. Impressed the shit out of me, Mrs. McMartin,” he allowed. Abigale just laughed at his cowboy speak.

* * * * * * *
“I don’t want you hug’n those cows, Randy,” Mary Rutherford said as she pulled into the front gate of the Daniels’ Ranch and drove over the cattle guard.

“I have to, Mom, they’s ma’ buddies, and it would be downright rude and unmannerly not to be polite and genteel. Why, h’it just ain’t the cowboy way, ma’am,” Randy drawled in his best West Texas drawl.

“He’s got you there, Mary,” Evelyn commented from the backseat holding baby Clara.

“Yeah, Mom, a cowboy’s gotta’ do what a cowboy’s gotta’ do. Besides, Randy smells better after he’s hugged them cows,” Kayla said and roared with laughter.

“Oh Lord, you two -- don’t encourage him. It’s all I can do to get him out of his cowboy clothes long enough to wash them. He absolutely refuses to put on any other clothes, puts on his boots and hat and runs around naked as a baby Jaybird insisting a cowboy ain’t naked as long as he’s wearing his boots and hat,” Mary lamented.

Evelyn and Kayla leaned against each other they were laughing so hard. “Don’t worry, Mom, I won’t insist on doing the same just ‘cause you let Randy do it,” Kayla said, and she and her grandmother laughed again.

“I don’t let him. Since Billy healed him, I can’t catch him. I should know better. I married a cowboy and into a family of cowboys. I’m not sorry I did, either. Furthermore, I’m not sorry you and Randy feel connected to your heritage. We’ll just have to get him some more Wranglers and western shirts,” Mary declared.

Randy jumped out of the SUV and ran to the lead bulls, yelling their names at the top of his little voice, “Zeus! Thor! It’s so good to see you again!” he gushed and gave each one a big hug and a kiss. The two big bulls laughed at the young human’s enthusiasm and joy.

“Young Master Randy Rutherford! How good to see you again. Look’n fine in them cowboy clothes. Thanks so much for your display of affection and your kind words. It is indeed good to see you again, and I swear you are at least an inch taller than you were two weeks ago. What do you think, Thor?” Zeus asked his partner.

“No doubt about it, Brother. An inch or more. Ain’t gonna’ be long afore Master Billy’s gonna’ have to teach this cowboy how to rope and ride,” Thor replied, “May the ancients take pity and have mercy on our souls,” Thor joked, and Billy joined the bulls in a laugh.

“I tickled Master Billy when we seen your car come’n down the road, Son. They’s all gathered up to the big house wait’n for you and your family. Get back in that right-smart prairie schooner, and we’ll let ch’all pass,” Zeus said, “And tell your sister she’s right. You do smell better after a good hug and a kiss from us cows,” he added, and they shared another laugh.

“Thanks, guys, we appreciate your help. It’s always good to visit with such interesting folks. It’s like coming to our personal Six Flags over Texas in our own backyard,” Randy claimed pouring on his cowboy charm.

As ferocious and intimidating as Zeus and Thor might appear, their big hearts melted from the young buckaroo’s sincere words. Their brief exchange made their day a little brighter. Randy got back into the SUV, closed the door, and the cows parted like a Las Vegas chorus line. “Now you really smell like a cow-boy,” Mary said and giggled. Randy told them what Zeus said about Kayla’s comment. They all laughed as Mary drove up the road to the top of Pronghorn Mountain and into the compound of the Daniels’ Ranch. Billy opened the door for Mary and then the rear door for Evelyn. He took baby Clara from her so she could get out more comfortably. Randy and Kayla got out on the other side and Randy immediately ran as fast as his little cowboy legs would carry him to Boomer’s waiting arms. Kayla was right behind him.

“Mary!” Billy exclaimed, “She’s gained weight, and look at them crystal clear blue eyes. She’s drinking in the world. Look at that smile! My god, she’s beautiful,” Billy gushed and carried Clara so the rest of the family could get a look. He gently handed Clara to Kate and the women made over the baby as Billy grinned at Randy in Boomer’s arms whispering secrets to the big beast.

“And look who gets the lion’s share of my buckaroo buddy’s attention,” Billy declared.

“You’s busy being a polite and considerate cowboy, help’n them women folk down from the covered wagon, sir. Boomer’s big arms were empty and looked so inviting I couldn’t help myself,” Randy drawled like a seasoned ranch hand.

Billy couldn’t be serious with him, laughed at his explanation, and opened his arms to the boy. He went from Boomer’s huge arms to Billy’s. The cowboys hugged and kissed each other swearing how wonderful it was to be together again. Billy stuck his hand out for Kayla to join them, gave her a big hug and a kiss on her cheek. She looked right at home in her western clothes. The big cowboy took great pride introducing the Rutherfords to everyone who didn’t know them.

“Is this the young man you healed in the WalMart parking lot in Fredericksburg, Billy?” the sheriff asked.

“Yes, this is ma’ buckaroo buddy, Randy Rutherford. Randy, this here cowboy is the sheriff of our county, Sheriff Will Tate and his pa, Mr. Buster Tate,” Billy introduced them.

“Good to meet you, gentlemen,” Randy said.

“Good to meet you, too, Son,” Will said and shook his hand.

“Damned, if he don’t look a little like you, Billy. Good to meet you, Son,” Buster said and shook Randy’s hand.    

Billy introduced Randy and Kayla to Rory and Cal. Kayla and Rory were the same age and that sometimes makes for a strong bond with kids. Depending on the quality of their education and home life, they are usually more drawn to each other than their younger siblings. Randy and Cal were closer in age and physical development. While Cal was a little over a year older than Randy and had one year of school under his belt, other than copious amounts of watcher milk on previous visits, he didn’t have the benefit of being enhanced like Randy. Ruth caught Randy using her computer one afternoon, and rather than scold him, asked him to show her what he was doing. After Randy made the computer dance faster than Ruth could hesitantly crawl her way around the cyber-world and saw he was using it as a learning tool, she let him be; with the understanding he teach his sister how to use it. Kayla was wise enough she knew her little brother had gifts and because of  her own enhancements from Billy when he cured her of her linguistic hiccups and stammering, she learned quickly and easily applied one situation to another until both kids became so adept Mary called on them frequently for help.

* * * * * * *
It was getting on toward eleven o’clock and Billy didn’t want to be late to Nick’s ship to gather the village band. If Billy was anything, he was a man who kept his word. His granddaddy preached to him several cardinal rules of life and the words that came forth from Daws Butler Daniels’ mouth might as well have been the voice of the almighty himself to our young cowboy. Billy believed in doing what he told a man he would do and on time. He told sixteen, plus one, men he would be there at eleven o’clock and by god he would be. He gathered his angels for more power to transport the large group and turned down several pleas to go along from the youngsters explaining they were only going to be there for a minute and would immediately return. It was to be such a short trip he even left his protector behind to wrangle the kids. Boomer was holding baby Clara feeding her as Billy and his angel posse winged-up and left the compound in front of the ranch house at exactly ten forty-five A.M. They arrived at the village square on Nick’s ship a few seconds later in another flash of light. Everyone, including Nick’s protectors, were gathered and cheered as they arrived.Aeron ran and threw himself on his knees before his master’s boots. “Master Billy, I’ve been given the honor by my mates and fellow musicians to represent them by paying homage to you, sir, as a token of our love and appreciation for you and your love for us,” Aeron said.

“Then by all means, young one, pay homage to your master’s boots for you and your mates,” Billy proclaimed loudly so everyone could hear. Aeron didn’t hesitate and made a good showing of himself paying homage to Billy’s cowboy boots. When he finished, the young dwarf sat back and waited instructions from his master. “Come to my arms, my handsome young slave, and share your love with me -- and don’t chu’ dare cheat yore’ master none -- make it a good’un, scamp!” Billy ordered and the crowed went crazy with laughter and applause as Aeron jumped up into Billy’s strong arms, and they shared a wet, sloppy kiss that would make any buckaroo swoon from the passion of the moment. They finally parted with much more hoots, stomping of feet, whistles, and applause.

“Damnation, Son! Your master is very please with your showing and there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind I’m convinced you folks love me. If you play that dang tambourine half as well as you paid homage to me, my family and gathered friends back at the ranch waiting for you are in for a treat,” Billy said and the crowd went crazy again. Billy caught Nick’s eye and saw him get the biggest shit-eating grin on his face and just shook his head in disbelief at his people’s overt expression of love for his young cowboy master. Even his big Shedu bull was about to burst with pride. Nick’s eyes pulled Billy’s to look before him, and he saw the old halfling warrior Cloog standing strong and proud in his bright blue uniform beaming with pride. Billy looked back at Nick and his demon dad nodded his head. Billy slowly walked up to the proud warrior, took him into his arms, and kissed him gently on his mouth. Cloog returned his kiss with equal tenderness. “Do we have room for one more, Pa?” Billy asked Nick loudly knowing full well they could take several more if needed.

“We do, indeed, Master,” Nick replied.

“Would you do me the honor, kind sir, and be my personal guest at my ranch for this afternoon and evening?” Billy asked loud enough the villagers could hear him.

“It would be my great honor, Master Billy,” Cloog replied and the villagers went crazy again.

“Then it shall be so. Take my right hand, brave warrior, and you my other, young musician,” Billy ordered Cloog and Aeron, “Are my musicians ready?” he asked loudly and they answered with a cheer, “Do you have your instruments?” he asked. They responded again with laughter. “Is my maestro ready?” he asked.

“I am ready, Master Billy,” he yelled from the rear of the musicians.

“We shall return your family and friends later this evening,” Billy promised and the people cheered.

“If music be the food of life, play on. Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, the appetite may grow, and so live a more healthy and prosperous life,” Billy proclaimed. “Hit it, gentlemen!” he yelled and they were away in a flash.

They reappeared in the same general area they left. Everyone was gathered near the porch so a large area would be clear for their landing. It was an awesome sight for those who never experienced one of Billy and his angels major transports. Suddenly there was  eighteen extra men, halflings and dwarfs, in their colorful native costumes with instruments in hand. The folks around the porch began to applaud their arrival and came down into the compound to meet them. The kids already knew a number of them and rushed to welcome them to the ranch. Zelma Jane and Kate remembered several, especially the conductor, and made a special effort to warmly greet him, welcome him to the ranch, and wish him well. Before they got too involved, Billy had them take their precious instruments to the barn and store them until later. Once that was done, they began to mingle and get to know Billy’s guests. Vox, the sheriff, and Buster were having a ball meeting and getting to know such colorful characters. Billy personally escorted Cloog around introducing him to everyone. The older warrior was wallowing in his master’s attention and love. He stood tall and proud. Billy and Nick were quite proud of him. He was intelligent, quick witted, gentle with his humor, and exceptionally well met. Everyone fell in love with him.

The afternoon was a great success. The food was a big hit with the villagers, and they loved the different sauces Hank and Buck made up for the brisket. There were four rectangular deep metal pans 8x16 sunk in chopped ice to keep them cool. The first was labeled 'cool’; the second 'mild’; the third was labeled hot and had a cartoon of a cowboy drinking as much water as fast as he could and perspiring heavily; the fourth was labeled 'Hell Fire and Damnation!’ and had a cartoon of firemen with hoses trying to put out the fire shooting out a cowboy’s mouth and ass. Buck minced no words as he described the four barbecue sauces of the Apocalypse, as he called them. He provided plastic spoons for tasting. The musicians were curious and each sampled just a taste of each. Most skipped the first and went directly to the second. When they tasted the last one their eyes lit up like a Vegas show bill on steroids. They never tasted anything so wonderful. They didn’t have hot foods on board the ship. When they went through the line, most drowned their brisket in the super hot sauce, while a number of the others opted for the third sauce which was plenty hot for the average person. The third was made of Jalapeño chilies but the fourth was made of the wickedly hot Habaneros chilies; also known as Satan’s chili. Billy had to agree it was an apt name. His demon dad was every bit that hot in bed.

Billy and his family watched as the dwarfs and halflings ate every bit and went back for seconds and never let on the very hottest sauce made that much difference, but they did consume great quantities of iced tea. They loved the huge quart jars of tea with mint and lemon. The food was plentiful and much to their liking.

Randy was sitting next to Billy for dinner and they watched in horror as one of the dwarfs took his spoon and drank the extra sauce from his plate. “How do they do that, Cowboy Billy?” Randy asked.

“I think we’ll have to ask my dad, sweet buckaroo, I’m afraid I ain’t got no good answer for you,” Billy replied.

“Lead lined stomachs,” Nick declared, “Shortly after birth, they give each child a cup of molten lead to drink,” he said and roared with laughter at the faces around the table.

“He’s been around you too long, Son,” Tron said to Billy and everyone laughed at Nick’s nonsense.

Most of Billy’s immediate family were sitting around the same group of tables. Randy kept fidgeting about. He was eating, but something was bothering him. Randy and Billy didn’t have a minute alone to talk since he got there. Billy knew Randy so well he could read him like a book, but he didn’t try to tickle him. “I know you got some’um on yore’ mind, cowboy. What’s bother’n my little brother?” Billy leaned down and spoke softly with him. Several heard their exchange and watched Randy closely to hear his reply.

“I got me a new friend what lives over to our ranch, Cowboy Billy,” he said quietly.      

The entire table stopped eating, and there was complete silence as everyone waited for Billy’s reply.

End of Chapter 25 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved~
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com
WC = 13354

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Next: Chapter 26

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