Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Sep 19, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 27  Attention Nifty Readers: If you enjoy this story or others on Nifty, please send a generous donation to Nifty.org -- http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html -- to help support and maintain this free service so it may continue to remain available to everyone. Also, if you enjoy a particular story, it costs you nothing to send an e-mail to the author to let them know you appreciate their hard work creating these stories for you to read. A compliment or a couple of words of encouragement goes a long way to stimulate creativity... or anything else you might have in mind. ~ Thanks. Waddie Greywolf

Him Who Made The Seven Stars

By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 27

"Fortune is guiding our affairs better than we ourselves could have wished. Do you see over yonder, friend Sancho, thirty or forty hulking giants? I intend to do battle with them and slay them. With their spoils we shall begin to be rich for this is a righteous war and the removal of so foul a brood from off the face of the earth is a service God will bless." ~ From 'Don Quixote' by Miguel de Cervantes

Billy was looking right at Orville’s face and caught his eye when the judge read the verdict. Billy smiled at Orville and winked, then grinned like the cat what was just about to eat the canary. The look on Billy’s face was a mixture of revenge and satisfaction: schadenfreude du jour. The look on Higginbothem’s face was one of pure horror like he looked upon the countenance of Cthulhu and his own face was about to melt and run down into his lap. Poor Orville’s worst nightmare came true. He was hoping against all odds, whatever the outcome, Billy Daniels would not carry through with his threat to buy him. The blood rushed from Orville’s face leaving him pasty white. Clarence Womack didn’t miss Orville’s reaction when he heard the news he would become Billy Daniels’ slave and it clicked in the preacher’s small mind the accused knew something which terrified him and shook him to his core. Womack saw the eye contact between Billy and Orville and the unspoken exchange which passed between them. No one missed it. The courtroom was suddenly filled with the stench from Orville losing control of his bowels and bladder. The judge banged his gavel, gave the order to clear the courtroom, and take the prisoner back to the jail where he would be turned over to his new master.

As folks gathered outside in the fresh air, Womack rushed up to the sheriff and demanded to see Orville Higginbothem before he was released to Billy Daniels. “Whatever for?” Will Tate asked the short, fat, little preacher and laughed. “Orville Higginbothem is no concern of yours,” he added.

“All men, no matter their crime, must be offered the way to the cross. He must be given one last chance to repent and give his soul to Jay-sus,” Womack said dramatically in his best evangelical tone.

“Hell far! We ain’t gonna’ execute him, Preacher. He’s just gonna’ spend the rest of his life as Billy Daniels’ slave. He’ll have a lifetime to find Jesus. Beside, h’it ain’t up to me. You heard the judge. He’s now Mr. Daniels’ property. You gotta’ ask him, but I warn you, he ain’t unaware of your attempts to invade his privacy what boarders on the criminal. To say nothing of your slick little trick to try’n make a lot of money off’n him if you managed to con him into being interviewed by them two major networks. Fortunately for you, it backfired or you might have been brought up on fraud charges. If Billy wanted to push it, you still could be charged with attempted fraud. If you keep stick’n your nose into other peoples’ business where it ain’t wanted, you might find yourself being sold to the highest bidder. Preacher or no, country folks are private people unless you happen to be lucky enough to win their friendship, and prove yourself worthy of their trust; then, they might come to accept you as family. Somehow, I don’t see that happening for you,” Will said firmly.

“Well, it’s obvious who your loyalties lie with, Sheriff, and after all I’ve done for you,” Womack said shaking his head in disgust.

“Tell you what, Preacher, you come by my office tomorrow morning, and I’ll give you back your hundred dollars you gimme’ for my election campaign three years ago. Then we’ll be even. That way, you won’t have to feel like I owe you anything. I won’t ever make the mistake of accepting a contribution from you again because it ain’t given freely. It comes with strings attached. You should know by now I can’t be bought by you or any man,” Will said quietly with controlled anger in his voice.

Clarence Womack knew he stepped over the line, but rather than leave it be, he pushed on. “I suppose Billy Daniels work’n a miracle on your daddy could be looked upon as exchanging favors,” Womack said in a nasty tone, “Too bad you decided to side with the devil, Sheriff,” he added.

“Ain’t no such thing as the devil or miracles, Womack, but there is such a thing as a disease going into remission. My daddy still ain’t what he was, but I contracted with a cousin of mine to come live with us and be his wrangler. However, my personal life ain’t none of yore’ business, and I suggest you keep your warped and twisted opinions to yourself. As for your request for me to go out there and look around, I did. There ain’t a goddamn thing going on out to the Daniels’ ranch what ain’t going on at thousands of other ranches all over this country, and if you don’t let go of your loony tunes belief in demons and devils, I promise, you will find yourself in a larger hell than whatever you might imagine is going on out there. People don’t take kindly to you making accusations agin them what you can’t back up with facts. You ain’t lived in this community all your life. You’s tilt’n at windmills, Womack. The Daniels family’s been pillars of this town since the early eighteen hundreds. They’re the first to offer a help’n hand to their neighbors in need.

“Furthermore, it ain’t your job to investigate anybody in this county. That’s my job and when you start crossing the line by put’n two ignorant cowboy’s lives in jeopardy, that’s also my job. You try another stunt like that in this community, and I’ll slap yore’ fat ass in jail faster than you can call out the name of whatever god you believe in at the moment. I’m warning you Womack, I won’t put up with your shit no more,” Will said within inches of Womack’s face.

“We’ll just see about that,” Womack said and spun on his heel to walk away from the sheriff. He saw Billy was alone for a minute and walked up to him, “Daniels, I will have a word with you,” he demanded.

“Who the hell are you?” Billy exclaimed. He knew full-well who the rotund little preacher was.

“I’m Pastor Clarence Womack, of the ‘Deep River’ charismatic congregation, the spiritual leader of this community, and I demand you allow me to talk with Orville Higginbothem in private before you take him out to your ranch,” Womack said like the pushy little weasel he was.

“If them good folks in your church is stupid enough to let you be their leader, their river cain’t run too damn deep. Ain’t chu’ that loony sum’bitch what was harassing me and my family several weeks ago threatening us with eternal damnation if’n we didn’t step to your tune?” Billy asked.

“I resent that. I’m the spiritual leader of our community, the only true man of God in this here county. I was trying to do the work of the Lord, but you and your haughty family ignored and rebuked me. I would be careful what you say to me. The Lord sent forth two vicious female bears to kill forty-two children of Bethel who mocked and teased the prophet Elisah for being bald. He called upon the name of the Lord to punish them and the bears tore them to pieces,” Womack replied.

“And you worship a vile piece of shit what would do such an unjust thing to children? Whatever happened to ‘Suffer the little children come unto me, for such is the kingdom of heaven’? That little story tells me all I need to know about your character, Womack. H’it ain’t nothing but superstitious bullshit you pull out yore’ ass to argue a point or scare folks when some’um ain’t going your way. Judge’n by the volume of shit what comes out your mouth, I’m guess’n somebody reversed the polarity on your colostomy bag. They’s seven other churches in this community and you’s little more than a bottom feeder where religion is concerned. Fortunately, very few people take you seriously. We go to the biggest church in town, and I’m pretty sure our pastor would have something to say about chore’ claim to be spiritual leader. Oh, and by the way, you liar, how much money was you plan’n on sharing with me what you was gonna’ make from arranging an interview with them major TV networks?” Billy asked.

“Nobody lied to you. My arrangement with the Networks was none of your business, you blasphemous godless sinner, but if you must know, the money weren’t for me. It would a’ been a donation for our church to further the work of the Lord,” he replied.

“More lies and bullshit! A donation to your church is a donation to you. And folks claim cowboys are the biggest producers of bullshit. I just don’t understand it. You lazy sum’bitches what ain’t never done an honest day’s work in yore’ life, you do nothing all day but interfere in other people’s lives, suck money from them poor bastards what barely got enough to live on, drive around in a hun’nert thousand dollar car, and you got the unmitigated gall to tell folks you’s do’n god’s work? What a laugh. Besides, you don’t give a rat’s ass about saving Orville Higginbothem’s soul. You wanna’ get him by his’self so’s you can pump him for any piece of information you think might be used against me and my family. You got some bug up your unholy-ass what thinks they’s something go’n on out to our ranch you don’t approve of. Well, you’re right. They’s a lot of love, fun, good music, and community spirit what binds us together into a large happy family, and we don’t live in fear of no jealous gods or a devil what’s gonna’ torture us forever ‘cause we didn’t live as perfect a life as your imaginary dictator thought we should; to say nothing of not giving you the money you think you should be get’n from us; howsomever, we pay an unjust tax required by the government to a religious fund ever’ year. That’s a hell of a lot more’n you deserve. I wouldn’t pay that if’n it weren’t a law forced on us by an immoral majority. I’m sure you wouldn’t approve of what goes on out to our ranch no ways. You worship hate, fear, and an authority created from pure bullshit, and ‘no’ I won’t allow you to speak with Orville Higginbothem under any circumstances. Sorry, you petty little bible bang’n huckster, you almost fooled me once, but you won’t get the second chance,” Billy said firmly.

“Why -- why, you can’t talk to me like that. I’m a man of the cloth -- a man of God! I demand you show me the respect my office deserves! If you don’t, I can promise you, you’re going to Hell, Billy Daniels, you and every soul out to that ranch will burn forever in a lake of fire -- sha-ha-lam-alack-a boo-boo!” Womack shouted at him waving his hands like a witchdoctor laying on a curse.

“That may be, you self-righteous little huckster, but until that time, I’m going home to my ranch, I’m taking my new slave with me, I’m gonna’ kick back, put my boots up, and use old Orville for my footstool whilst I enjoy me a nice tall cold glass of iced tea,” Billy said and smiled sweetly. Billy walked away with a big grin on his face.

“Flying saucer, my ass!” shouted Womack behind him. Billy just kept walking. “I know what you’re doing out there at that ranch, and I won’t rest until I either bring you devil worshipers to Jay-sus or expose your evil sickness to the world,” Womack threatened, “Then we’ll see who has the last word, you heathen,” he added.

“Blow it out chore’ ass, Womack! It’ll do you more good. Maybe you can let loose a big one like poor Orville done in the court room. Your ranting and raving ain’t nothing more than empty accusations. Opinions without proof are as useless as your prayers, and as lonesome as the nine button on my microwave,” Billy yelled over his shoulder.

Billy and his people walked across the street to the jail. The sheriff and his men just finished installing a slave ID chip deep into the muscle tissue of Orville’s left shoulder on his back. It was placed so it would be almost impossible for him to remove. It could only be done by someone skilled in surgery. Orville was wearing a pair of cotton pants with the typical black and white stripes. He wasn’t wearing a top because of the recent implantation of his chip. His face turned white when Billy, Tom, Enoch, Moss, Nathan, and Tron walked into the room accompanied by the sheriff.

“I don’t think I need to tell you, Orville, you’re now Billy Daniels’ slave. You will do as he tells you,” the sheriff said. Orville didn’t reply.

“Take off your pants, Orville, and kick off them canvas slip-ons. We’ll leave them behind for another unfortunate criminal what can wear them. Besides, I bought a couple of slave devices to put on you what will control you and help teach you some manners,” Billy said.

“You mean I gotta’ be naked?” he asked.

“Of course. You ain’t a man no more. You’re listed on my bill of sale as a slave -- more precisely defined as a piece of livestock. J’ever see a cow wearing clothes?” Billy asked.

Orville got a sick look on his face, but did as he was told. Billy was surprised. Old Orville had a big fat, uncut cock which hung loose at nine and a half to ten inches. Billy pulled out a pair of throw-away examination gloves from a small leather kit-bag and put them on. He reached inside the bag again and brought out what looked like a chrome donut what came apart into two halves. “Pull your cock up with one hand and pull your balls down as far as you can to stretch your sack,” Billy ordered.

“What are you, some kind of pre-vert?” Orville asked trying to sound ornery and brave.

“Not at all, Orville. The sexual appetite of your master ain’t none of your business no how, slave, but if you don’t cooperate with me, I’ll have my cowboy bothers Moss Garrett and Enoch Redbone give you a lesson in manners. You wouldn’t mind, would you, Mr. Redbone?” Billy asked Enoch.

“Say the word, Master Billy. I’m your man. I’ll hold him while Moss stretches his balls so tight his eyeballs will roll back into his head so far he’ll get a look at that tiny brain of his,” Enoch replied.

“No, I’ll do as you asked,” Orville said, grabbed his big cock, wrapped his other hand around his balls, and allowed Billy to fit the two chrome halves of the heavy ring together around his sack and secure them with a special key-wrench designed for the purpose of locking it tight so it couldn’t be removed. It was made of a titanium chrome steel, a metal alloy which could neither be burned off with a torch without frying Orville’s balls nor could it be hack-sawed. Without the proper removal tool with which Billy locked it, for all practical purposes, it was permanently attached to Orville’s ball sack and would ride on top of his testicles. It was quite heavy and made Orville wince when Billy dropped his balls after checking his work.

Billy reached into his bag again and pulled out a medium sized butt plug made of the the same metallic alloy and proceeded to grease it up with a glob of Bag Balm from a small tin he brought along for the purpose. “You ain’t gonna’ stick that damn thing up my ass?” Orville asked.

“That’s exactly what I plan to do until you can learn to control your bowels, you become a humbled slave, and a gentle critter. As you are now, y’aint nothing but a wild piece of livestock. Beef on the hoof. I don’t want some wild animal shit’n all over my horse trailer. I make allowances for my ponies 'cause it's their natural way and I love 'em, but I won’t for you. Now bend over, reach behind you, grab your ass, spread your cheeks for me, and smile real big,” Billy order his new slave.

“Like hell I will!” Orville exclaimed.

Billy took out the small remote control for the donut ring around Orville’s ball sack, punched the first button to set the intensity of the charge and pressed the red button. Orville double over in pain. “Oh my God! Don’t do it again. No! Please! Not again! I’ll do as you asked,” he hollered. He slowly got up, turned around, bent over, reached behind him, and pulled his ass cheeks apart. Billy began to work the plug into Orville’s ass. He wasn’t out to hurt his new slave, but he was firm and worked Orville’s ass like he was sure he would be able to insert it with no problem. It was the ultimate embarrassment for Orville to have his ass fucked before the men he so despised for their social status. After several minutes of fucking Orville’s ass with the plug, his sphincter suddenly dilated. Billy took advantage of the window of opportunity and sank the plug into his slave like the final gulp of the ocean as it closed over the Titanic when it departed for a dark watery grave. Orville grunted and once again cried out. Billy was firm and pushed it all the way to the flared seat so it would ride easily within his new slave’s ass. He pressed further and harder to seat it properly. He took a paper towel and cleaned the excess grease from his slave’s ass, gently slapped him on his butt, and told him to stand. Orville did as complied.

“How does it feel, slave?” Billy asked without nuance.

“Full -- like I gotta’ take a shit,” Orville moaned.

“Good! That’s the way it’s suppose to feel. You’ll get use to it. You’ll become so use to the feeling, you won’t be comfortable without it. You will come to look upon it as a pacifier for your second mouth,” Billy said, “It will keep your hole satisfied when you’re not being fucked by the rest of my slaves,” Billy said.

Billy reached into his leather bag and pulled out a full leather harness which looked like something one might attach to a plow horse. He placed it over Orville’s head and the two main straps rode on his shoulder. Billy let the front and back drop. There was a heavy strap that fit across Orville’s chest. It was broken by two large metal rings which surrounded the slave’s tits then ran to the back were it was secured with buckles to the main strap running down his back. The two straps from his shoulders continue down his front to another belt which went around his waist and buckled in the back like the one across his chest. From the center of the belt one wide strap ran to a ring which Billy shoved his slave’s cock and balls through, and it in turn, was attached to another smaller, more narrow strap that ran from his crotch along his ass crack to come up behind and be secured with another adjustable buckle. Billy cinched it up firmly locking the butt plug tight in this new slave’s ass. Orville groaned again.

“Now, slave, allow your master to demonstrate your new additions to your body,” Billy said. “From now on you will address me as Master Daniels,” Billy said. Orville didn’t respond. “Billy took out his little remote, activated the electronics in the base of the butt plug and pressed the red button. A small charge of electricity ran from the tip of the plug through Orville’s prostate and down to the ground within the ring around his ball sake. It had the effect of making his sphincter muscle clamp down hard on the butt plug sending it momentarily deep into his ass like it was fucking him. Billy hit the button repeatedly and Orville was doing a buck and wing trying to get away from the fucking going on in his ass. “I didn’t hear an answer from you, slave. You will always answer your master when he asks you a question, understand!” Billy said firmly.

“I understand, Master Daniels, I will comply. Just don’t make that thing fuck me in the butt no more, sir,” he yelled.

“Good enough, slave, for the time being. Now you will kneel and pay homage to your master’s boots,” Billy demanded.

Orville looked at him with a look of hatred but didn’t dare refuse what Billy ordered him to do. He was beginning to think there was no limit to what this young cowboy could put him through. He kissed each of Billy’s boots and waited for further instructions. “You will have to do better than that, but it will do for now. You will be trained to clean my boots with your tongue no matter what I stepped in,” Billy said firmly.

“You said you still have his clothes he was wearing when you brought him to jail, Sheriff?” Billy asked Will.

“Yes, sir, Mr. Daniels. They’s in that box just outside the cell sitting on my deputy’s desk ready for you,” the sheriff replied.

“Would you grab his boots for me, Moss,” Billy asked his brother.

Moss didn’t answer, walked over to the desk where the box was, took out a decent pair of western boots, and handed them to Billy. “Here, put these on, slave,” Billy handed them to Orville. He sat cautiously on the bed, felt the huge plug adjust itself deep inside him, and pulled his boots on. Billy reached into his bag one last time and pulled out a leather codpiece which snapped on to the front off Orville’s slave harness to hid his nakedness from the public. Billy told him to put it on. There would be a few times he would be required to wear it when the family entertained and didn’t want the ladies to look upon him. It took him a minute, but Orville managed to get the codpiece into place.

It was unusually cool with overcast skies for an early April morning as Billy and his posse led Orville Higginbothem out of the jail by a stout chain attached to a leather collar around his neck and escorted him to the rear of a small one-horse trailer. Billy was a bit more considerate than Orville imagined and included a bale of hay covered by a horse blanket for him to sit on and another to wrap around him if he got chilled. As they walked to the trailer, Billy made a mental note how out of shape and proportion Orville was for good health. He was carrying about a hundred pounds of excess body fat which, if left on his own, very probably would result in major health problems if not an early death. Eustace Barger was right, Orville was in no shape to become a slave, but Billy was confident within six months no one would recognize Orville for the man he was that day.

* * * * * * *
Sheriff Tate promised, he and his dad would be out to the Daniels’ ranch for supper as soon as he got off duty. There were no other inmates in the jail to worry about and Will was anticipating an easy weekend. Driving back to the ranch, Billy asked Tom McMartin to send his family along with his nephew, Enoch, and their grandmother, Zelma Jane. He wanted to talk with Tom in private. “Tom, I got an idea in my head shortly after you folks left last weekend. I ain’t said nothing about it before now ‘cause we ain’t had a chance to be alone since ya’ll got here, but last evening I got a special delivery message from my celestial uncles on my husband’s side of the family telling me to offer you and the boys a trip across the universe to meet them and them Irin folks. The only problem might be, I’m think’n on taking Roz with us and the folks on Retikki Prime don’t wear no clothes,” Billy said.

“That’s no problem. Lemme’ put it this way, it will be less problem for my wife and boys than me,” Tom said and laughed, “however, I think you know us well enough to know we strive for good mental health for our kids and answer any questions they might have about sex with honesty. We leave out books on human reproduction for them to look at or refer to if they have questions. We make it a point to take any question they might have about sex seriously and try to answer in a manner which is as educational as we can present the subject without using base idiomatic language; although, those words do come up from time to time, but hopefully we explain them in the same manner,” Tom replied, “And, 'yes,’ we would love to join you. Anywhere you, Nick, and Boomer go is where the boys want to be, and I have to admit, I share their enthusiasm,” he added and laughed.

“Good, then you won’t have a problem with nudity?” Billy asked and smiled.

“I’m a ‘Redbone’ man, Son,” Tom said with masculine confidence, and they shared a laugh.

* * * * * * *
After Billy and his company returned to the ranch, they took some time to get Orville settled in. For the time being, he would be assigned two large Irin guards who would see to him around the clock. After Nathan and Tron had a talk with him, Billy decided it might prove to be impractical to keep Orville all gussied up like a plow horse out of a bad Hollywood S&M porn leather movie. After all, they reasoned, if Orville is to be a slave, make sure he earns his keep. Simply absorb him into the everyday slave routines without some of the perks the regular Irin slaves enjoy. Taking away two other slaves to tend him would be defeating the purpose of his slavery. Did Billy really have the time to devote to becoming Orville’s personal tormentor? Billy agreed but decided Orville would spend the evening in discomfort wondering about his future, and Billy would tend to him after his party returned from Retikki Prime. Billy left him in the hands of two of his most trusted Irin cowboys with explicit instructions about his care for the first day and night he would spend on the ranch.

Billy also had another thought he discussed with Hank and Buck. “When you men were called back to Retikki Prime with Boomer to learn about Orville’s plot to kill our big brother, did you have to undress before you returned or did they receive you fully clothed?” he asked.

“Naw, sir, Master Billy, we stayed for a day and night and returned the next morning, but we wore our cowboy clothes the whole time when we weren’t in our rooms to rest. We didn’t go no wheres but around the castle. If’n we had, we would’ve stripped to go into town as is the custom. They told us we didn’t have to be nude in the castle if we were more comfortable. They looked on us as family. You remember when we returned from Fort Adam Lear after our visit with the Irin nobody said nothing about us wearing our western clothes,” Hank said.

“Yeah, I wondered about that. Do you think we’d be disrespectful if we wore our clothes to transport and undressed there if they have some official welcoming or we should decide to go into town?” Billy asked, “It might be a bit more comfortable for all concerned. What do you think, Number One,” he asked Boomer.

“I don’t see no problem with it, Master Billy. We can always ask when we get there. It might be a nice gesture to request we be shown to our rooms so we might make ourselves and them more comfortable by removing our clothes. There’s always the possibility we might be called upon to visit with the Irin as well, and remember, we were outfitted by Clyde the last time. By wearing clothes through the gate would insure we have them should they call upon us,” Boomer said.

“Excellent idea, Number One. Thanks for reminding me why I made you my number one slave and took you for my mate,” Billy said as he gave his monster husband a big hug and a kiss.  

Billy had Boomer activate a gate so he could send Balthazar back to his mistress Madame Spartza on Retikki Prime. He knew his black angel would have many details to tend to and preparations made to transport the magnificent lady Shedu to Nick’s ship. Preparations were almost finished to accommodate her. The village workers were busy putting the finishing touches on her new living space. Billy and Nick made several trips to observe their progress and were impressed they created a wonderful and comfortable place for her to dwell while she and the great Shedu bull, Beauford, became acquainted with each other. Strangely enough, no one considered they might not be compatible. It was too horrible a thought to contemplate. Everyone on both worlds wanted it to be a success for them, to find happiness with each other. After all, as far as anyone could tell they were the last of their kind in the universe and where there is life there is hope for the future. Their kind were hunted and destroyed for centuries because of their powers. They were most powerful when a mated pair conjoined and formed an alliance with a third party or protector, but that protector must be someone very special; someone who was given great gifts of patience, organization, and compassion. Over the centuries many men tried to ascend to the most exalted position, but none ever attained the greatest secret to power and always failed miserably from personal ambition and greed. Centuries past and those who tried and failed were forgotten. It was time to try one last time. In his most early days, Billy Daniels was chosen for that honor.

* * * * * * *
The slaves went about their business and saw to Orville’s needs. They assigned him a bed in their bunkhouse along with the rest of them. He thought sure he would be sleeping in the barn with the rest of the cattle. He was fed only a cup of slave chow and one nutritional biscuit with a cold cup of fresh water. He ate slowly and was surprised the chow didn’t taste as bad as he thought it might and the biscuit was filling. If he was a bit more comfortable, he thought he might almost feel like one of the other slaves. He observed them closely, and although they seemed different, they were intelligent and seemed happy with their lot in life. They talked endlessly about the different projects going on at the ranch, and their hopes for the future. He was amazed slaves were talking like they were a part of Billy Daniel’s empire he was building for himself, but where did he get them? To buy quality slaves like these men and several fine looking young women represented high dollars. Orville surmised they would cost a fortune. Where would a young cowboy just starting out in life get that kind of money? Inheritance? A business venture from several rich benefactors? For all his questions and confusion, Orville said little, but he listened a lot.

Billy’s guests began to arrive for the evening. They brought with them their enthusiasm and anticipation for another adventurous evening at the ranch. They created joy and brought much happiness to the ranch and Billy’s family in particular. The sheriff and his dad stopped by the local store and Will bought a huge sack of carrots and threw it onto the back of his big flat bed Dodge Ram diesel truck for the guard cows at the front gate. After he hollered at them they parted and he drove in amongst them. “C’moan, Dad, gimme’ a hand with them carrots. They’s for ma' buddies here at the front gate,” Will said. The men climbed up on the back, Will split open the sack with his knife, and he started throwing handfuls out over the sea of surrounding cows. Buster got into the spirit of the moment and did the same on his side. The cows were going after them like kids looking for Easter eggs. They were having a ball and enjoying the sweet treats. “I hope everyone gets one this time,” he called out to the cows.

“We’ll make sure everyone shares,” one of the bulls replied and several thanked Will and Buster for their thoughtfulness. Buster beamed like a little boy what just done a good thing. Will hugged his dad and stole a kiss. “Life is so much better with you by my side, Dad. It’s good to have you back,” Will said.

“It’s good to be back. Will it last, Son?” he asked.

“I think so, Dad. Billy and his crew don’t do nothing half-ass. I think we’re both in for the evening of our lives. I ain’t told ju’ yet about the places we might visit this e’nin. Wonderful places we can only dream about,” Will said after they got back into the truck and headed on up to the ranch.

The Rutherfords arrived right after the sheriff and his dad. Randy just hollered to his cow buddies. They called back to him to enjoy himself on Retikki Prime as they enjoyed another carrot. It was like a family reunion once again and everyone had to know how baby Clara was doing and amazed at how alert and happy she was. She was a healthy baby in love with the world and anyone who would smile at her. Her face would glow, and she would return their smile with one of equal joy.

“Are you ready, Buckaroo?” Billy asked in a whisper as he stole a kiss from his little buddy.

“I ain’t thought of nothing else since I learned ma would let me go with you, Cowboy Billy,” Randy replied. “I sat with my new friend this morning and told him I would be going with you to his home world for an audience with his ancestors. Ludo didn’t say nothing, but he did let me bath him and comb out his fur for him. I think I love him, Master Billy, almost as much as I do you,” Randy whispered.

“Just as long as you give me the edge in the 'love’ department, it’s all right for you to love Ludo, too, and for him to love you, pod’na,’ but you will always be my little brother, my saddle buddy, and my wingman -- right?” Billy asked

“Always and a day, Cowboy Billy,” Randy replied.  

* * * * * * *
Talk was certainly lively around the supper table that evening. Billy encouraged everyone to eat hearty because with the difference in time dilation between galaxies you never knew when you might arrive, and it might be a while before they shared another meal. Randy, Rory, and Calhoun were beside themselves and wanted to know when they could ‘get naked’?

“There’s been a change of plans. With the helpful advice from my main cowboys and number one slave, I decided we will go through the gate to Retikki Prime in our best cowboy clothes. We might need them in case we get a request for an audience before the Irin elders,” Billy said, “So be sure to wear your very best cowboy duds and shine your boots,” he added and laughed.

“Would you like to go with us, Roz?” Billy asked.

Poor Roz dropped her fork onto her plate and looked at Billy with great admiration, “More than you can imagine, Master Billy. From what my little brothers tell me, Retikki Prime is a wonderful world to visit. I would love to go. It would be a great honor, sir,” Roz replied.

“Then you will be our mistress of the music. Carry a small shoulder bag with the music you gathered for our quartets, your own solo pieces, and don't forget to bring your viola along," Billy said and grinned like he knew she wouldn't forget, "Likewise, my faithful little brothers, you will bring a violin in one hand, and one of our larger bothers will carry your keyboards for you. Roz, I want you to wear your blue jumpsuit -- the outfit Clyde made for you to visit Nick’s ship. It will be good for an exploring expedition, and you look wonderful wearing it,” Billy complimented her.

“I shall, Master Billy. I’m rather fond of it myself,” she replied and smiled.

After coffee and dessert it was time for Billy and his posse to depart for to Retikki Prime. They were going to transport to the line cabin and Boomer would open a gate in the barn. Kate recruited several lady Irin slaves to help her and Zelma with clean up, so there would be no delay for Billy’s group. He gathered everyone in the front hallway and he, Nick, and Clyde transported them to the line cabin. Buster was becoming an old hand at transportation, and it didn’t seem to bother him at all. They walked into the barn and there was a gate ready and waiting for them. Boomer looked at Billy and grinned. “They heard you were coming, Master,” Boomer said and everyone shared a laugh.  

“Randy, you’re with me. Boomer, you carry Rory; and Tom, you carry Cal. The rest form a single line or you may choose a partner to walk through with you. Tom, Nick, Boomer and me will bring up the rear. Ready? Head ‘em up and move ‘em out, Pilgrim. Let’s take these dogies to Abilene,” Billy said in his best John Wayne imitation. Roz and Clyde went through together, followed by Will and Buster, Tron and Nathan, Buck and Hank, Cass and Poly, Andy and Vox, Archie and Edith, Tom with Cal and Nick, and finally Boomer with Rory and Billy with Randy. They walked directly into the beautiful garden of the palace and there was everyone waiting for them. Gregor and his mate Albrecht, the Shedu lady Madame Spartza with Balthazar who had a big grin on his face. Billy walked to the front of his group and spoke. “Ladies, and gentlemen, please bow to honor our gracious hosts -- the two highest ranking members of the council on Retikki Prime who just happen to be the uncles of my number one slave and my uncles-in-law by bond -- the great Gregor and his equally great and much better looking bonded mate Albrecht,” Billy commanded and everyone proceeded to bow.

“Oh, cut the crap, Cowboy, and come to my arms, we gave up the knights what say 'nee’ routine shortly after you left the last time,” Gregor commanded, “And you tiny one,” he said pointing to Randy, “to my partner’s arms, and be quick about it!” he exclaimed and bellowed. “Better looking my ass --” he added as an afterthought and laughed.

Billy looked at Randy, grinned, and winked. They both ran full out to the huge watchers and were smothered in fur and love. The rest of the group could only watch and smile. Billy caught a glimpse of Nick watching Billy and Randy wallow in the love of the two giant creatures and for a fallen angel who lived for centuries he could feel Nick was impressed. After many hugs and several stolen kisses, Billy introduced each person to his and Boomer's Uncles Gregor and Albrecht. The giants knew everyone from watching them on holographic-vids. No sooner was a new person introduced into Billy’s family when he had his own set of invisible robo-cams set in place to record every moment of his life. They could switch from person to person to check on them, to visit for a while to see how they were getting along.

Of course their nephew, Boomer, was one of their favorites and they showered him with their love and compliments. They were particularly taken with the young bairns, Randy, Rory, and Cal and the boys climbed on them like they were jungle gyms. Of equal interest was the petite, beautiful young woman Billy brought with them. “I’m sure you already know about our dear Roz, Uncles, but this lovely lady has captured our hearts in several ways. She is carrying Boomer and my son, Billy Junior, but aside from that she has developed a talent for music which has made the angels weep from her playing, and ‘at ain’t no bullshit neither. I just happen to own a couple of fine angels what I watched shed tears of joy when Roz played for us,” Billy said as Roz bowed to the giant creatures.

“We have not missed one of your performances, dear Roz. You have hundreds of thousands of faithful followers who are so die-hard they would not miss one of your practice sessions in the barn. You are never alone. You have the love and encouragement of untold numbers in our galaxy. Your music progression has become a world-wide addiction and we cherish your playing like children feasting on sweet meats,” Albrecht said to Roz as he took her hand and gently kissed it.

Roz blushed but rose to the occasion in her usual charming and funny manner, “With such large fans I could hardly wish for more, kind sir,” she said and curtsied. Everyone laughed including Albrecht and Gregor. The rest of the men came forward and received their love and compliments. Tron Garrett and Nathan Daniels were of considerable interest to them and garnered many compliments. They called Nick forward and showered him with their affection and kind words. Billy never saw Nick so overwhelmed by any situation. He fell to his knees and and bowed from his waist to them.

“Come to us, bright angel. Here, you neither represent darkness nor terror. You are recognized for your good works, compassion, faithfulness, and a history filled with good deeds to those less fortunate in the universe. Rise, come to us, Nick Samuels -- as your young master has appropriately named you,” Gregor commanded. Nick went to the giant and cried his heart out in the monster’s arms as Gregor and Albrecht consoled and comforted him. “You’ve seen too much, been chastised and maligned unjustly for centuries, bright angel, but through Billy Daniels you will regain your respect and rightful place in the pantheon of history. Your time has come to set things right, not only on Earth but within the universe,” Gregor said firmly.

They took a special interest in Vox Humana, and to Billy’s surprise, announced himself as the dual human entity from Earth known as Vox and Roxanne Humana. “We are two persons sharing one body, Sires,” he said.

“Ah, yes, a chimera. I noticed Master Billy used the plural 'ladies'; however, I could see no other female but Roz. Now I understand. Your female half is within you. Master Billy is an astute young man. You are, indeed, a rare treasure in the universe. You're most welcome here. We hope you find your visit to our world one of joy, and with our help, use it as a chance to find yourselves. We stand ready to help or fortify you with any adjustments you might consider,” Gregor offered kindly, "We will also further correct your memory loss and enhance your physical body and appearance until you are about half you current age."

“Thank you, great sir, it is our wish to learn to coexist in peace and harmony. Any boon you might provide us will be greatly appreciated,” Vox and Rox replied.

They welcomed everyone, but saved the best reunion for last with their old friends and attendants, Hank and Buck, Castor and Pollux, and Archie and Edith. There were many hugs, kisses, and tears while reaffirming their love for one another. Edith and Archie couldn’t thank Gregor and Albrecht enough for giving them the opportunity to become a part of Master Billy’s family. They assured their giant hosts they couldn’t be happier. The twins told them the same and swore Master Billy increased their musical abilities and taught them so much their old masters wouldn’t recognize their playing. Hank and Buck didn’t have to say a word. The two giants could see the change in them. They radiated their good mental and physical health and stood proud to be considered two of Master Billy’s most highly valued and important slaves. Hank and Buck were his right-hand men and proud of their station in life.

Everyone turned to watch Billy shed his clothing until he was completely naked. He slowly approached the giant lady beast, Madam Spartza, and bowed deeply to her. “It is with complete humility I stand before you, my lady, unadorned as the day I left my mother’s womb to offer you my respect, my love, my friendship, and my protection,” he said.

“Your offer is gratefully accepted, Master Billy. Enough formality, come to me Billy Daniels and share your love,” the giant Shedu beast commanded.

Billy slowly walked to her, placed his hand upon her back, and gently stroked her like a lover might stroke his mate. He immediately became erect, but didn’t try to hide himself, “I can’t tell you how good it is to see you again, ma’am, and to be given the honor to become your protector has filled my heart with a purpose far greater than anything I might have hoped to accomplish,” Billy said.

“Pshaw,” she rebuked him, “you had me with your offer of love and friendship. I can see for myself how happy you are to see me, and I might add, it is a fine display of masculine joy,” she said wickedly and giggled, “Never underestimate yourself, young man, nor be ashamed of your natural physical impulses. It is a strong statement and a great compliment to me. You have not yet tapped your depths of power, but you will soon. Together we will adjust the sordid course of your world and prevent it from cascading into an evil so dark from which there may be no escape if we do not join forces to rewrite the future. It won’t be easy, but with patience and hard work, it can be done,” she said humbly.

Albrecht stood and made an announcement in response to Billy’s actions with Madame Spartza, “We no longer enforce nakedness of our guest within the palace; however, until Madame Spartza is installed on Earth with Master Daniels as her protector, those who wish to approach her here must be unclothed to assure her protection,” the smaller giant said, “However, if you leave the palace to visit our world, you must go native, and that means without clothing,” he added.

The boys couldn’t stand it and followed their hero’s lead. Clothes were flying in all directions. They couldn’t get them off fast enough. Even Madame Spartza laughed at their enthusiasm. Tom laughed at the boys and their sudden loss of modesty. He thought it was a healthy sign. For all their bravado, the boys approached the giant Shedu lady with awe and respect. She thought they were priceless, and the boys won her heart with their humility, manners, and sincere interest. She saw great things for the future for the three young men and later confided to Billy she was amazed at what she saw in young Randy Rutherford’s future. Billy didn’t ask. Some things he wanted to unfold in a natural manner; others, with which he was not so comfortable, he would seek her guidance.

“Dearest Uncles,” Billy addressed Gregor and Albrecht, “What time of day have we arrived? I see the second sun has not yet peaked over the gorge, the third moon is still at the first position, and would venture a guess it is early morning,” Billy ventured.

“And you would be correct, Master Billy. We are preparing, what you call, breakfast, the meal which breaks the fast of night and begins each new day; however, we’re aware you just finished your supper and have not had time for your meal to digest nor a rest period. We would not expect you to eat another meal, but we will be serving Hosanna cakes and our version of your coffee,” Gregor said.

“If the Irin can grow Arabian coffee on their world, why can’t you grow it here?” Billy asked.

“We probably could. We’ve just never thought to acquire the plants to start cultivation. Perhaps on one of your future visits, your six month vacation to Retikki Prime, you might bring us some,” Gregor said.

“Your wish is our command, Uncle,” Billy replied and grinned. Gregor bellowed with laugher. “And how many guests will be arriving for breakfast, Uncles?” Billy asked.

“The high council, the leaders of our town, and those dignitaries highest in our society including many of Hank and Buck’s clients -- the usual. Oh, yes, and one entertainment mogul or as you might call him a “Czar” managed to oil his way into an invitation via some favors from a most influential ally to the supreme council and a staunch supporter of your family’s excellent work on planet Earth in the Sol system. He wants to arrange a one-time-only performance by your group in the center of the town square for tomorrow afternoon if you could find it in your big cowboy heart to grant him and us such a boon,” Gregor teased.

There was a silence around the garden. “In the name of some unknown god, I love you, Uncle Gregor. You’s so full of shit,” Billy said and everyone laughed, “Of course we will oblige your friend. It’s the least we can do for your generosity and hospitality. We’re ready to play this morning for your guests, if you like,” Billy said.

“That would be lovely. We were hoping you might,” Albrecht replied for his mate.

The arrival of the party from Earth was an ‘event’ on Retikki Prime, and only the elite of the social order, those of power and influence, who represented people and wealth were invited to attend; but they, in turn, extended invitations to the more common folks who volunteered to represent the classes and were chosen by the people. All in all, it was a healthy blend of interesting folks. Most remembered Master Billy and his small band of slaves and his chosen mate, Boomer, who originally went with him to Earth. Others tuned into the exciting reality show which stared Master Billy, the cow-person, and his group of people who were working to bring change to their planet. There was much talk, catching up, questions about how things were progressing and everyone participated. The boys were treated like stars, and they wallowed in their new found fame. Randy was asked many questions and so were Rory and Calhoun. Billy was impressed, they were young gentleman and answered intelligently.

The morning was a great success and after the catering slaves removed the food and cleaned up, seats were brought out for Master Billy’s quartet. Billy pulled on his pants to play. He didn’t want to look like he was copulating with his cello; although, he was sure several of the climaxes in the Ravel quartet could make him ejaculate. They got out their instruments, music, and read through the Ravel string quartet. The audience was mesmerized, but after the completion of the second movement involving much pizzicato, the audience refused to allow the musicians to go on until they repeated it. Billy nodded his approval, and his musicians were happy to comply. After they finished the quartet, there was thunderous applause from the gathered crowd. The entertainment Czar, Moewhotoo Gabberdean was beside himself with superlatively flattering compliments and begged Master Billy to appear with his musicians under his auspice in the town square the following afternoon at two past the second sun. Billy agreed and said he planned to spend some time in the square before hand with his group and could arrangements be made to transport their instruments from the Palace to the square? Mr. Gabberdean assured him he would see to it personally, and their precious instruments would be guarded with their lives.

The crowd asked for an encore and Billy decide, since the twins were so popular on Retikki Prime, he would let them shine. Roz took over the cello to play the basso continuo part to Billy’s synth-harpsichord accompaniment for the Bach double violin concerto. And how did Billy power his instrument on a world with totally different electromechanical system, the more nit-pick'n technical among you may ask? Simple. He had his own living electro-idiosyncratic creatures with him; Archie and Edith. Along with Hank and Buck, two of Billy’s gifted Irin slaves created a power supply about the size of a shoe box for just such an occasion. Archie and Edith sat in two chairs, held hands, and in their other hand held an electromagnetic coil which they allowed to rest comfortably in their laps. They raised their beautiful wings to absorb the ambient electrical energy around them and channeled it into the coils. They completed an electrical circuit with the power supply. Billy could plug in as many instruments to the small box as he needed. It took little or no effort from his beautiful Psyches, and they were thrilled and proud to be a part of the musical moment. Billy always remembered them and gave them credit their talents provided for the concert.

Billy and Roz spoke later of the performance, and they agreed their halfling brothers never played with more verve or passion. They wanted to project their joy at being back on Retikki Prime, but they also wanted everyone to know how far they had come in their musical abilities, and their new found happiness living and working with their new master. They saw their performance as a reflection, not only of themselves, but their master and fellow musician, Roz. The audience was stunned. There was complete and utter silence after the last note sounded. Suddenly, someone yelled at the top of his booming voice, “Hosanna!” and the gathered crowd echoed his exclamation with a resounding, “Hosanna in the highest!” They repeated the call and response three times which was the highest possible compliment an artist could garner on Retikki Prime. Then the audience broke into raucous and uproarious applause, shouts, whistles, and further shouts of 'Hosanna.’

“We have a request,” Albrecht said.

“Name it, Uncle?” Billy replied.

“We would like to hear Roz play the Heinrich Biber Passacaglia for solo Viola she’s been practicing on the sly,” Albrecht said.

“Have you been holding out on me, Roz?” Billy asked and grinned.

“She goes down to the river and plays for the deer who gather to listen. We’ve counted as many as twenty at one time,” Gregor said.

Roz blushed. “It’s true. I was afraid my playing in the barn might be disturbing some folks, so I walk down to river. The deer have become my practice audience, and they are my musical gage. If the deer stay and listen, I know I’m playing well. If they become disinterested and start to wander off, I know I must play better. I even have an audience of several Bigfoot and a couple of daddy long-legs who come to listen. They show their appreciation by leaving me offerings of wildflowers and fresh catfish they catch by hand from the river. They carefully arrange them on the rock next to the water where I stand to play. I would be thrilled and honored to play it for you, sirs,” Roz said.

Billy winked at her and gave her the stage. Her playing was masterful and there were several big monsters who shed tears at the beautiful sounds and variations she pulled out of her instrument all played over a ground base melody which gave the effect of two Violas playing together. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind Roz was a major talent. They applauded and chanted her name amid ‘Hosannas’ and whistling. Audiences are pretty much the same all over the universe when they have been so richly entertained as Roz did for them. Billy took her into his big cowboy arms, held her to him, and gently kissed her on her forehead. “That was outstanding, dear heart. Ain’t never heard it played better,” he said and the crowd went crazy again. Billy held up his hand. “You will get another chance to hear Roz play tomorrow afternoon if you come to the town square. I promise, we have a lovely piece for you to hear what will showcase our young talented Viola player. You won’t want to miss it,” Billy said and they applauded again. The morning concert was over and Billy hugged, kissed, and graciously thanked his power suppliers. Archie and Edith beamed with pride.

The crowd politely broke up, said their goodbyes and wished everyone well and to enjoy their visit to Retikki Prime. Billy’s posse was left alone with his and Boomer’s giant uncles as well as some attendants. Madame Spartza decided to retire to her temporary quarters in the palace and Balthazar saw to her but soon rejoined Master Billy and his group. He left early and was on Retikki Prime for a couple of weeks making final arrangements so when they were ready to go back through the gate to the line cabin, then transport her to Nick’s ship, everything would be ready. Gregor and Albrecht insisted on moving her to the Palace soon after Billy’s first visit because they were afraid for her. Word got out assassins were looking for her. They made a lucky guess a Shedu might be dwelling among the vast cosmopolitan civilization on Retikki Prime. There was no word there was still a male Shedu left alive, or they would have turned every stone in the cluster of the Seven Sisters to find her.

“Thank you, Master Billy, for performing for us and our guests; also, for agreeing to perform tomorrow afternoon at the square,” Albrecht said, “What would you like to do for the rest of the day?” he asked.

“I would like to take my family into town for them to get a taste of what living on another world is like,” Billy replied, “Do my halflings, and my husband still have credits available to them in case we need them?” he asked.

“Most certainly. Castor and Pollox Daniels have an account, and Boomer Daniels still has his. The last we checked the amount was several hundred thousand credits, but I’m sure there’s more by now -- enough to royally entertain your family for a couple of years. You have no idea your own self-worth on our planet, young master. You have an account which rivals some of our top ten wealthiest families combined fortunes. All you have to do is wave your hand over a scanner and anything you purchase will be paid for. Cass and Poly will show you,” Gregor replied.

“Any word from the Irin?” Billy asked.

“Yes, they have been quite generous with friendly relations, and we are slowly building confidence with each other, thanks to you and their interest in your world. Of course they know you’re coming and have requested an audience for tomorrow evening for dinner with you and your family to attend. We know you’re looking forward to having your special people you brought with you enhanced. We will do our part this evening, and they will add the finishing touches tomorrow evening. In the meantime, you will need additional protectors for your family. While we’re quite proud of our nephew and his developing abilities, and how well he’s working out with your family, you must have at least a couple more protectors,” Albrecht said.

“I was hope’n you might consider a couple. Maybe three if you see fit to grace us with another. I’m sure you’re aware, we already got several wild ones on our planet already,” Billy said.

“We’re well aware of every watcher on Earth and have become quite familiar with their adopted brothers you call the daddy long-legs. We have never brought a daddy long-leg to our planet, but we know them all and how they fit into our watcher society -- such as it is. They were shunned at first, but we came to take pity on them and began to help them. They are strong of purpose and loyal to a fault to their watcher brothers. Many have given their lives for one of our kind without a second thought. You don’t turn your back on dedication like that. We encouraged our Earthly watchers to selectively include them among them, but mantain an open door policy for them should they feel the need to roam alone. Most are mentally and spiritually broken and downtrodden because of the lack of empathy in your society. Some are physically scared and mamed by war. Many have served honorably in the armed services of their county and are valiant heroes. We humbly urge you to offer them sanctuary and succor, Master Billy. Madame Spartza has seen several in your area with great talents who would be a great boon for you,” Gregor explained.

“I have already put the word out to a combined group of watchers and long-legs on my little brothers ranch we accidentally ran across the other day. I told them they are welcome to live and forge on several ranches in the area and they will neither be bothered no harmed. I stressed we would try to assist those daddy long-legs who wished to return to society. When did you have in mind for us to choose, and with whom are they intended to be bonded?” Billy asked.       

“Your sheriff needs a protector for him and his family. He’s wanted one for several years. He’s been bonded in his dreams for sometime now with one who lives on his and his dad’s ranch. The McMartin brothers and family also need a protector,” Gregor said.

“I agree,” Billy said, “I realized last week Tom’s family needs a protector, but I’ve not said anything to him. My first step was to get him and his boys to Retikki Prime,” Billy added.

“Oh, Dad, can we have our very own Bigfoot?” Rory and Calhoun pleaded.

“In two months you’re going to have a pup to take care of. Do you boys think you could learn to groom one of them big monsters? It ain’t like having a hamster, you know?” Tom asked like he was overwhelmed at the thought, “Besides, we live in the city, and he wouldn’t have the country to roam. It just wouldn’t be fair to him,” Tom added.

“Master Billy would you let us keep him at the ranch? We could come on weekends and learn to groom and take care of him -- please!” they wailed.

“Of course you can. You don’t have to ask. We can milk him just like we do Boomer and the rest of us when we morph into watchers so’s we can have an adequate supply of watcher’s milk,” Billy replied.

Gregor and Albrecht almost fell down laughing. “You men morph into watchers to make more milk? Why didn’t you say something or have Boomer contact us? We would send them to your back door or the cave where Nick’s ship is docked. There’s lots of watcher milk going to waste out there,” Gregor said. “And while we’re on the subject, the most needy of your family for a protector is your little cowboy brother, Randy Rutherford,” he added.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Billy replied.

The boys didn’t bother to put their clothes back on. Everyone who came to breakfast was naked, and they felt comfortable. Randy ran to Gregor’s big arms and gave him a kiss and a hug. “Bring in the available watchers from Earth,” the giant commanded. Slowly, and very shyly a group of about twenty-five watchers of varying sizes walked into the far end of the garden all bunched up together. “Sheriff Tate, you know your watcher. You have already named him, and you have accepted him by bond in your dreams. Call out his name,” Gregor said.

“No need, your honor, I see him,” Will Tate stood and without thinking found himself shedding his clothes until he was naked. He slowly walked toward the gathered, huddled group of wild Bigfoot from Earth and held out his hand for his chosen one. “Come, take my hand my handsome brother, I have already chosen you in my heart to be my protector, and your name shall be ‘Bear,’” the sheriff said. The watcher came to Will with a smile on his face, took his hand in his big paw and dropped to his knees in front of him. “Rise, and show your master your love, my faithful Bear,” Will said. The giant monster did as he was told and shared his first kiss with his new master. “My god, I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I laid eyes on you years ago, Bear,” he said, “Welcome to my family, brother,” he added.

“I’m glad to belong to you and your family, Sheriff. Bear love you for many years. I hope you be happy with me,” Bear said.

“There ain’t no doubt in my mind,” Will replied.

“You sure it’s all right with you to keep our protector at the ranch, Billy?” Tom asked.

“You got my word as a cowboy, Brother,” Billy replied.

“Good enough. You boys got any idea which one you want?” Tom asked. He could see the watcher they were looking at and whispering back an forth.

“We want ‘Caesar,’” Rory said.

“The albino?” Tom asked.

“He’s the one, Dad,” Cal confirmed, “He wants to be our protector,” he added.

“He’ll stick out like a sore thumb,” Tom mused.

“Which one won’t?” Billy asked and laughed. “I think the boys picked a good’un. He’s certainly big enough to protect the whole damn family, including yore' grandma. And as an added bonus, we could color him for Easter like one a’ them little chicks,” Billy added wickedly and everyone laughed. “Where did they get the name, 'Caesar’?” Billy asked.

“They’re big fans of the 'Planet of the Apes’ series and ga-ga crazy for the latest one. The poor thing. He’s lucky they didn’t name him after their favorite character,” Tom allowed dryly.

“Who’s their favorite character?” Billy bit.

“Dr. Zaius,” Tom replied and everyone laughed.

“That is a relief," Billy agreed and everyone laughed again. “That only leaves one watcher-protector to pick. Which one of them handsome beasts shall it be, pod’na’?” Billy asked his little buddy.

There were big tears running down Randy’s handsome face like his heart was broken. Gregor petted him and tried to soothe the boy. “There, there, what’s the matter little one? Are you frightened of them? There’s nothing to be afraid of. Anyone of them would be proud to be your protector,” the giant said softly.

“My heart is not among them, Uncle Gregor,” Randy managed to get out through his tears.

“He had his heart set on a huge watcher he already befriended whom he named ‘Ludo,’ and he don’t see him among the group,” Billy explained.

“Are you sure, Son?” Gregor asked.

“Yes, sir, he ain’t there. I’d know it if’n he was,” Randy said like his heart was breaking.

“Look a little closer -- behind that big bush over there -- to the right of the group,” Gregor said, and he stood to his full height of fifteen feet. Randy got a bird’s eye view of the group and sure enough there was a big, ugly, grinning Bigfoot face peaking out from behind the bush he recognized. He saw the black rim of fur that outlined his monster’s reddish-brown facial hair like a picture frame. Ludo wasn’t the best looking watcher of the bunch, but to one little boy, his ugly face was the picture of love and belonged to a source of masculine power he so longed to call his own. Fortunately, Ludo shared Randy’s heart. He desperately needed to be needed, and he thought young Randy Rutherford just might fill his lonely heart.

“Ludo!” Randy hollered at the top of his lungs and wiggled to get loose from the huge giant. Gregor almost dropped him and laughed as he lowered Randy to the ground. His legs were already running as he hit the ground, and he covered the distance like a pony express rider late with the mail. Ludo moved out from behind the bush, knelt on one knee, and opened his big arms for his little friend. Randy jumped the last few feet to be caught in the huge beast’s arms. Ludo lifted him high above his head and turned slowly as if to show the world his trophy, his little buddy who loved him enough to shed tears for him. “I don’t want no other protector but you, Ludo. You’s my bonded brother. I love you, Ludo,” Randy said loud enough everyone could hear.

“Nice one, Uncle Gregor,” Billy complimented his uncle-in-law on his clever surprise for Randy.

“Don’t get much chance to see such joy and happiness. We thought we’d just milk it a little,” the huge giant said sheepishly, and they shared a laugh.

“Why didn’t you tell me you would be here?” Randy asked his protector.

“I didn’t know, Master Randy. I was called after you left,” Ludo replied honestly.

“Well, I’m glad you’re here to share this time with me,” Randy said.

“I knew you were special when I first saw you several years ago, but being such an ugly beast, I never imagined I’d be assigned as your protector. I hope you’ll be happy with me, young master,” Ludo said sincerely.

“I hope you’re comfortable and happy with me, Ludo -- and y’ain’t ugly,” Randy replied, hugged Ludo, and gave him another kiss.

* * * * * * *
Billy and his family were shown to their rooms. Billy was given a suite of rooms for him, Nick, Boomer, the twins, Randy and Ludo, and Clyde. The sheriff and his dad were given two rooms with an adjoining bath -- an extra room for their new family addition. Billy’s Irin cowboy foreman, Andy, and Vox were given a room together with two enormous beds. Tom and his boys were given two rooms with four beds. Tom laughed. He knew only two beds would be occupied -- his and Caesars. Roz was given a smaller room to herself with a handmaiden who stayed in a small anteroom off the entry way available to her at all times who also acted as a guard for her privacy and protection. Tron and Nathan were given one large sumptuous room with two huge beds and laughed at the idea both would be used. The same went for Enoch and Moss. Hank and Buck were given a room next to the big cowboys. Last but not least Archie and Edith were given their own room next to their master’s suite of rooms.

Billy instructed them to get comfortable, and he carefully explained the rules again. Men could wear their boots and hats and Roz could wear a scarf and her canvas sneakers, but that was all. They wouldn’t be chilled because the year round temperature on Retikki Prime only varied one or two degrees from 80 degrees Fahrenheit. When they were ready, they would meet in the large foyer at the entrance to their wing of the castle. It didn’t take them long. Everyone was excited to explore a new world with Master Billy and his family as their guides. Billy put Hank and Buck in charge with the twins as their ready assistants. They knew as much or more about the town than any guide the Palace might provide.

Billy asked how long they thought it might take for everyone to ‘get comfortable’ and all agreed to thirty minutes. They met in the foyer and once they got over the initial shock of everyone being nude they proceeded to the exit of the Palace. Billy agreed to let Boomer and the twins take care of any charges they might incur as anything spent was for the benefit of their whole family. Boomer, Cass, and Poly looked upon it as an honor. They boarded an electric trolley at the base of the huge stairs up to the entryway of the Palace and traveled to the mag-amp-antigrav shuttle line going into the city. Billy’s family boarded the mag-lift carriage and almost completely filled one by themselves. There were only two other passengers. They smiled and introduced themselves. They were thrilled to be traveling into the city with such well-known figures as Master Billy and his family.

Billy escorted Roz everywhere they went and she was constantly surrounded by the family’s huge watcher-protectors and Billy’s big cowboy brothers. Even the twins were looking out for her and treated her like their dearest sister. Roz was having a ball. She wasn’t the least nervous by her nakedness nor that of her male companions. “Not meaning to stare, but are you beginning to show, dear heart?” he asked.

“I think so, Master. I asked Mistress Kate and Zelma before we left, and they seemed to agree; however, I haven’t felt him kick yet. I know he’s there. He watches everything through my eyes like it’s a dreamworld to him. He loves music. He loves my playing. He’s most at ease when he hears me singing to him with my viola. It is for him I play my best. He doesn’t fully comprehend, but he’s learning fast,” Roz said.

Billy’s family were agog at the sumptuousness of the mag-lift car and the comfort of the seats. They were so posh the men commented they were glad they were naked to enjoy the sensuality of the soft velvety seats which seemed to mold themselves perfectly to all parts of their bodies. It was an incredible feeling. There was no graffiti or dirt. The carriages were spotlessly clean and the ride was so smooth you couldn’t feel movement other than acceleration and slowing. Since they paid a bit more and took the luxury express there were no other stops along the way. They arrived at the heart of the large city and the huge town square shortly before midday. When they disembarked they were recognized immediately. Throngs of people came to gather around and applaud for them to show their approval. Billy’s family were overwhelmed.

“You think it’s the boots and hats what give us away?” Billy asked his uncle and his mate.

“More likely the “Billy Daniels’ Show,” Tron said dryly, “On the other hand, ever’body loves cowboys,” he said. They shared a laugh.

They came to the arts and performer’s area. Roz was enchanted by a hand worked platinum gold bracelet with inlaid rubies, emeralds, diamonds, delicately arranged within a field of pink amethyst. There was a set of three, but each one was slightly different. Roz was holding the one she liked best.

“Would you like to have it, dear heart?” Billy asked.

“I would never presume, Master. I was just looking and admiring,” she replied.

“Would you like it for a souvenir of your first trip to Retikki Prime?” Billy asked.

“It’s probably far too expensive, Master Billy,” she replied.

“Sometimes not, if you buy in volume,” Billy said, “How much for the three bracelets?” he asked the lady behind the table, and she quoted him a price. Billy turned to his guides, Hank, Buck, the twins, Archie and Edith. “Is it a good price?” he asked them.

“Yes, Master Billy. It’s a very good price. We have seen less craftsmanship for many more credits,” they agreed.

“We will take them,” Billy told the proprietress. She handed the one Roz liked to Billy, and he placed it on Roz’s wrist. She gave him a big hug and a kiss. Billy got an erection, but no one said a word. The other two bracelets the lady boxed and carefully wrapped separately, then handed them to Billy. With Cass’s help Billy passed his hand over the scanner and paid for them, he thanked the lady, and they were off to see and enjoy more sights.

“For Mistresses Kate and Zelma?” Roz asked about the other two bracelets.

“Exactly. You think they’ll like them?” Billy asked.

“I can assure you they will, Master. There’s nothing on Earth like them at any price,” Roz replied, “I will treasure mine forever, sir, and I think the extra added weight to my bow arm will increase the intensity of my tone,” she added and smiled.

“You’re worth it, little sister, glad you agreed to come with us,” Billy said.

“It’s an honor and a thrill to be here, sir,” she replied.    

They took their time to take in the sights. They didn’t hurry and moved from place to place and saw wonderful things they could never imagine. The more they saw and did, the less self-conscious everyone became about their nudity. The boys adjusted quicker than the men and led their protectors around like they were one big family -- and, that’s exactly what they were. They were the Billy Daniels family from a place called Texas on an insignificant planet the natives named ‘Earth’ in the Sol system in a galaxy known as the Milky Way.

End of Chapter 27 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved ~
E-mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com
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Next: Chapter 28

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