Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Sep 27, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 28

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Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 28

"A plague on eminence! I hardly dare cross the street anymore without a convoy, and I am stared at wherever I go like an idiot member of a royal family or an animal in a zoo; and zoo animals have been known to die from stares.” ~ Igor Stravinsky

The city square was a misnomer. It wasn’t square at all. In fact is was very much a large ovoid circular affair of incredible beauty and craftsmanship. It was built so many years ago its history was lost in antiquity and the fading memories of those who passed on information orally. It was uniquely built with stone benches people could sit or stand on in case someone in front of them was of a taller race. It was considered polite and an unspoken custom for those taller to sit if they were anywhere within the first twenty feet of the musical group playing. It made for a moving audience which was always shifting their attention from one attraction to another. Those of excellent talent were where most were gathered and the crowd lingered the longest.

Billy and his family finally came to the performance area and watched any number of jugglers, acrobats, and wild animal shows. It was more like circus sideshows than theater. The boys and Roz loved the magicians and the unusual animals. For the most part, the animals were treated with the greatest affection and respect and were not made to do ridiculous things and wear funny looking costumes. They were trained to do certain tricks in a patient and respectful manner and respond to their keepers to showcase their abilities in the wild. You could tell their trainers loved and cared for them and developed special relationships. However, that was not the totality for all the animal acts that day. A group of unsavory looking men and a couple of unkempt women had a dozen handsome small ape-like critters who seemed highly intelligent, but they wore small silver slave collars around their necks to keep them in line and intimidated them with a small box one of the trainers held which produced a nasty shock. They were forced to do tricks and punished severely if they didn’t please their master. It didn’t look to Roz and the boys like they were enjoying themselves very much, but they would join hands and bow to the crowd’s applause. They acted like they were in great fear for their lives.

They were remarkably beautiful creatures with a light golden fur which covered their entire bodies except for their small hands and faces. They had human looking faces which were quite pleasing to look upon. They caught Randy’s imagination because their hairless faces were ringed like an oval picture frame of the brightest golden fur which made them look absolutely angelic. They reminded Randy of his beloved protector. Even Billy commented they reminded him of Golden Tamarins or Marmosets from Earth; but they were more simian by nature than old world monkeys and walked upright without the need to use their hands for locomotion. They were totally bipedal and the tallest of them, a large male, stood about two and a half feet. Randy wondered. He sent out ticklers.

<< Who are you who knocks at the entry to my mind? >> a voice said to him.

<< The smallest human boy in front of you, but don’t make eye contact least your masters suspect something. My name is Randy, >> Randy sent.

<< Few have the talent to send and receive. You must be a very special human, >> the small voice replied.

<< Which one are you? >> Randy asked.

<< The female you watched roller skate a minute ago -- now holding the wooden flute, >> she sent.

<< Ah, yes, I see you now. You and your family don’t seem happy, >> Randy sent.

<< We’re not. We’re miserable. They treat us horribly and think we are dumb beast. We are a highly intelligent race who once boasted a great civilization, but we were overrun and hunted for food by a reptilian race and their insectivorous slaves. Over the centuries we went back to living in the jungles for cover and protection. There’s not many of us left. They call us Sun Bears. The name came from those who came to hunt us. Unfortunately, we became a delicacy for several carnivorous races. A telepath, like you, once told them our names begin with ‘Sun.' It comes from antiquity when our people worshiped the sun. The name of our star was always put first in our names because our ancestors thought they were its children and were made in its image. They thought they bore the image of their god and called themselves ‘Sun Bearers.’ Sun Bears is a misnomer. We are not Bears. We are a primate species like you and your Bigfoot. Like your male protectors, our males have pouches like the marsupials on your planet. Females give birth and the father carries them through the second term. We are more kin to watchers than humans, >> she sent.

<< It must be awful living in captive slavery being made to do meaningless tricks for those who don’t appreciate the natural talents of your species, >> Randy sent.

<< It is, but we never developed speech like most primates and can only communicate with our minds, >> she returned, << We were brought onto this planet illegally. Our intelligence has never been tested by the authorities. Can you tell the council about us, Randy? >> she asked as a plea for help.

<< I’ll certainly try. Do you have an individual name? >> he asked.

<< Sunsa’rah and my mate’s name is Sunsastubo. He’s the tallest and most handsome, >> she replied and smiled when she spoke of her mate.

<< Are you about to play something? >> Randy asked.

<< Yes, we females play two wood flutes, a soprano and alto, a Tambal Cymbalum, a small zither, two tenor lap viols; a tam-tam and tambourine with our feet. The men dance warrior tribal dances passed down from generation to generation for centuries, >> Sunsa’rah replied.

<< Can you and your sister flute player play melodies I send to you mentally? >> Randy asked.

<< We can play anything you send us, young one, >> she replied with confidence.

Billy had his arm around Randy as the boy began to remember the music his savior, Cowboy Billy, played for him one afternoon on the upright grand piano in the parlor when he introduced him to the famous Stravinsky ‘chord.’ Billy told him it came from a piano reduction of a ballet score by a great Russian composer by the name of Igor Stravinsky. It was called ‘Petrushka’ and the particular piece was the 'Russian Dance.’ With Randy’s enhancements Billy passed to him when he healed him, the young boy was able to memorized the score. Since that afternoon, he heard the orchestral version played on streaming audio on his computer from a wonderful classical music radio station out of Portland, Oregon, KQAC (www.allclassical.org) Cowboy Billy told him about. He downloaded it to a file and listened to it numerous times.

Now all he had to do was come up with a convincing arrangement for instruments he had no idea of their tonal range; a daunting task at best, but if Billy taught the young cowboy anything, it was to have faith in himself and his abilities. Randy heard Sunsa’rah tell her five female companions to go along with her and lock onto the streaming wifi mental signal the young boy in the front row would be sending them. It was very important. They were going to attempt a new and interesting piece of music they would be fed as they went along. She started patting her small right foot for a tempo, her sister clashed the cymbals on the tambourine, the other picked up her tempo with the tam-tam, and Sunsa’rah and her sisters began to play in perfect tune the strange but exciting melodies of the ‘Russian Dance’ from ‘Petrushka.’

“No!” Cowboy Billy exclaimed to no one, laughing in awe as the word came out his mouth. ‘That’s impossible,’ he thought to himself.

Randy was sending the melody first to Sunsa’rah, the accompaniment to her second flute, and the poly-chordal sequences to her other sisters playing the Cymbalum, Zither, and lap viols. It was not complete. It was crudely done in spots, but it was close enough to do the job. It was impressive enough it held the audience in awe and a number of passing strangers stopped to look and listen. It certainly got the message across to the most important human standing in the crowd listening to them perform. As limited as it was, there was no doubt in Billy’s mind it was an adaptation of Stravinsky’s score for the ballet and these small beautiful creatures were somehow trying their dead-level best to duplicate it, but how could it have found its way to Retikki Prime? These creatures were no Nairobi trio times two. They were highly accomplished and played a miniature version of the intricate Stravinsky’s score pretty damn well.

Of course, Billy didn’t know they were being fed the music like a mental player-piano roll by a budding musical genius to rival and eventually surpass his own accomplishments. The Sun Bear males danced like they never had before. While it was different to them, it was not unlike many of their folk dances they brought with them from their world; they improvised and adapted. Sunsa’rah sent to them to make the most of this dance, it might mean the very survival of their species. She would explain later. Then it hit Billy, the only person in their group he ever shared the piece with was his little saddle buddy, his wing man standing right in front of him. He rested both hands on Randy’s shoulders and began to listen to him send the music to the small female musicians. Randy didn’t miss a note and was not only sending to Sunsa’rah, but her five sisters as well. On and on they played until the Sun Bear men almost couldn’t keep up with music. Randy sent Sunsa’rah and her fellow musicians the finale, and they played the final chords with conviction like they played the piece a thousand times. It was done. The overall effect of the music and the dancing was stunning. Even the space-gypsies never saw their captive slaves perform with such enthusiasm and skill. A hushed silence fell over the audience. The nefarious slave traders saw their fortunes quickly rising in other men’s eyes.

Someone yelled, “Hosanna!" and the crowd repeated, “Hosanna in the highest!" The audience went crazy with applause. They crowded the credit scanners at both ends of the small stage to reward the small humanoids for their performance. They never saw or heard anything like it. It was the closest they ever came to witnessing another art form they didn’t have on Retikki Prime: a ballet. Billy grabbed up his little buddy and looked him right in the eye. “Nice one, Cowboy! Impressed the shit out of me. We’ll talk about it later. They’s more to them little folks than what meets the eye. Is that what you’s trying to tell me?” Billy asked.

“I didn’t have time to explain, Cowboy Billy. They’s called Sun Bears. They told me they are the children of their Sun god from a planet in another galaxy from which they were stolen. I figured Sunsa’rah and her sisters could play it -- it was worth a try -- I sent it to them and her musicians to copy as best they could. I had no idea they were so talented. I wanted it to get your attention. They’re being held captive against their will, and are very probably the last of their kind. They need our help, Brother, and with you teach’n me about the cowboy way and all, I done figured you might wanna’ know about it,” Randy rambled.

“Absolutely, Cowboy. Ya’ done good! Now I know why I brought my little buddy along as my wing man,” Billy said and stole a hug and a kiss from his saddle buddy.

“Balthazar, what is the penalty for enslaving sentient critters who ain’t been evaluated by the high council?” Billy asked.

“Beheading or permanent banishment from the solar system, Master. They take a very dim view of such underhanded practices. That’s how the twins came to Retikki Prime,” Balthazar replied.

“To save these nomadic space-gypsies lives, or have them thrown into jail to rot until sentence is passed, ask if they want to reach a deal and sell the Sun Bears to me?” Billy said with consummate authority.

“It shall be done, Master Billy,” Balthazar replied.

“Clyde, you’re with Balthazar. Back him up. His words come from my mouth,” Billy ordered.

“My pleasure, Master Billy,” Clyde said and smiled like he couldn’t imagine a better assignment.

There was much shouting and yelling from the space-gypsies, but when Balthazar threatened to call the city constables, they got their heads together and came up with an outrageous price of a thousand credits for each one for a total of twelve thousand. Balthazar laughed at them and asked them how much it was worth for them to keep their heads? My master is a generous man and is willing to offer you five thousand credits for all of them to keep you from being incarcerated until a verdict can be reached which could take months to a year or more,” Balthazar said in a final offer before he summoned the law. There was much grumbling and shouting, but when tempers cooled and the air cleared, they agreed to Billy’s price. Balthazar made sure he got a detailed clean bill of sale from the space-gypsies for the Sun Bears.

There was much joking and rolling of eyes from Billy’s friends and family. They thought the whole damn thing was hilarious, but it was ‘so’ Billy. They knew Billy well and his innate sense of right and wrong, they just expected it of him. Enoch said, “When you run with Billy, you gotta’ be prepared for anything. Now we got a dozen more family members and not a tone deaf one among ‘em -- except me. I’m the outsider here,” he said and roared with laughter.

“Y’ain’t alone, Brother. I cain’t carry a tune in a bucket,” Moss agreed. The rest of Billy’s family laughed with them.

Billy made the men take the silver slave control collars off the little people and they rushed to Billy’s family and their arms. Each one found a large human to hold them, and the bigger ones held a couple until they got away from the gypsies. Sunsa’rah brought her husband Sunsastubo to Randy and Billy and introduced him. << Thank you so much, Randy, and Master Billy. We don’t know how to thank you properly but to say we’re so grateful to be free of those horrible people, >> she sent.

“No problem, little sister. You and your kind will fit in fine with the rest of our strange but lovable family. We’ll find a place for you. Come, join us and we will take you back to the palace with us for the evening and home to Earth if you so choose. We will leave the decision up to you. Either way, if you decide to stay on Retikki Prime, I’m sure my husband’s uncles, the two Lord High Chancellors of the supreme high council on Retikki Prime, will take you under their protection and find places for you here,” Billy told them.

* * * * * *
Billy noticed they were getting ready to play the permanently installed Oolong instrument Cass and Poly played so well on his last visit with Boomer to Retikki Prime. It hadn’t been that long ago, and yet, it seemed almost like a lifetime. So many things happened and their days were busy, filled with living, learning, and growing. Billy had grown so use to his little brothers, he couldn’t imagine a day without them. It was too horrible to contemplate. The family slowly made their way to stand before the two large instruments. Folks who remembered the twins and their new master from Earth stopped them along the way for hugs and well wishes. Several asked if Castor and Pollux were planning on playing? They answered they really didn’t know. The afternoon was an unscheduled visit, but they would be playing a free concert with their master and sister Roz at two past the second sun on the morrow. Everyone was welcome to come and listen to the wonderful music they learned on their new home world under the tutelage of their new music master, their older bother, Master Billy Daniels.

They found a place to stand and Billy gathered the Sun Bears before him. “Make sure each of you are with one of us this afternoon. Our larger men and watchers don’t mind holding you if you get worried or feel frightened,” he said. They nodded their thanks and were convinced Randy and Billy Daniels were their co-saviors sent to them by their Sun God and they would do anything they told them.

The same two blue skinned with yellow eyes players Billy heard play on their previous visit began the concert with a rousing piece which got everyone’s blood flowing. They were greatly improved from the last time. When they finished, folks gave them a great ovation and rushed up to the scanners to pay tribute for their artistry. Billy got in line behind the twins and Boomer and had his hand scanned for a credit. Moss asked if they could be scanned? Billy didn’t know. Boomer told Moss to try. It could only reject him. He ran his hand over the scanner and another credit was deducted from Master Billy’s master account. Everyone else in the family had their hand scanned, but not their new additions, the Sun Bears. The blue players were overwhelmed by the generosity of the Daniel’s family and someone started chanting, “Gemma-note-te!” “Gemma-note-te!” for the twins to play. They kept it up until Billy gave his consent, but told Cass and Poly not to accept credits for their playing this time. They were guests.

Cass and Poly walked up to the stage and bowed deeply to the two blue players and graciously accepted the mallets from them. Cass nodded to Poly to speak for them, “Thanks you so much for your support and asking us to play. It’s been a while, but this performance will be a free one. It is our master’s wish, our playing this afternoon will be a love offering to the wonderful people of this planet we consider our second home,” Poly said sincerely, “There was much applause and whistles. We’d like to play a piece for you written by an ancient composer on Earth our sister musician learned, and we fell in love with; however, beyond the boundaries of a set of variations over a single ground bass, we have added to the piece our own improvisations. So it is with great humility and gratitude we dedicate this piece in homage to our talented sister musician, Roz Cumber,” Poly finished and took his place at the second instrument.

Billy had his hands resting on Roz’s shoulder. “I’d tell you to hold onto your hat if’n you’s wear’n one, Little Sister. You can borrow mine if’n ya’ like,” Billy teased, “I never know what to expect from them two, but I can tell you, they won’t disappoint,” Billy said proudly.

Balthazar was standing on the other side of Roz and heard Billy’s comment. “I plan to pull my hat down over my ears to make sure it don’t get blown away, Sister,” he said, and they shared a laugh.

Cass and Poly started playing the same simple ground base melody and played it a couple of times all the way through. The next time around Poly played the first variation exactly like Roz might have. The next go 'round Poly took up the ground bass as Cass played the second variation and so on until they finished the written piece. Then they cut loose and did it several more times with their own set of variations so complex and inventive the original composer would have blushed with shame. The twins were phenomenal and played with a maturity not even Billy recognized in them until earlier that morning when they played the Bach double violin concerto at the palace. The crowd never heard such music, and it brought tears to many eyes. When they finished someone shouted, “Hosanna!” and everyone echoed, “Hosanna, in the highest!” it was repeated three times as the highest tribute or compliment a musician could receive. The little Sun Bears mouths were open like they wanted to reply, but all that came out was a high pitched yell. It didn’t matter. It only added to the heart filled accolade the twins received from the audience.

“Stunning!” said Roz breathlessly to her master.

“They done got a good scald on that one, dear heart,” Billy replied.

“I think ‘Biber’ would be proud of them,” Roz replied.

“Hosanna in the highest!” Balthazar added.

Cass and Poly graciously returned the mallets to the next young couple of musicians and took their place among their family. One was standing next to Boomer on each side with a big hairy arm around each, shamefully stealing kisses from them. The next young couple began their piece. They were from the farmlands and studied under the same master Cass and Poly were sent to learn the instrument. He took only the finest young musicians and since they were referred by the great lady Shedu, Madame Spartza, after hearing them play one piece, he agreed to take them on as students. The two young players were excellent and played in the style and grace of their master’s traditions.

Roz was standing between Billy and Balthazar when the big black angel leaned to whisper some observation to her. She agreed and raised her right arm to lightly touch his muscular back to confirm his thoughts when there came a bright flash of greenish-blue light and a searing pain slammed her hand and arm into Balthazar with such a force if almost knocked him off his feet. It was a shot from a Laser rifle mounted on the roof of one of the buildings around the square. It hit Roz’s new bracelet and ricocheted off to slam into the chest of a beautiful little girl and her daddy who was holding her in his arms. The musicians stopped playing immediately. There were screams, and people began running everywhere to get out of the line of fire. It was about to turn into utter chaos. Something had to be done to keep them from rioting and hurting a lot of people. Billy stood on one of the benches above the crowd. “STOP!” he yelled at the top of his voice and held up his hand for all to see who was speaking. Everyone turned to him and stopped moving to hear what he had to say. “Archie and Edith! On the roof of that building there! Apprehend and detain! Away with you, my beautiful Psyches!” he shouted, and Archie and Edith took flight in pursuit of the sniper. “Roz, are you all right?” Billy hollered.

“I think my arm is fractured, Master, but see to the man and his little girl. I’ll survive,” Roz said heroically.

“Clear the center dais!” Billy ordered, “Balthazar are you injured?” he asked.

“A little shaken, but otherwise I’m fine, my good Master,” he replied.

“Nick, Clyde, Balthazar, let’s wing up!” Billy ordered. There was a great flash of light and they disappeared. The crowed was stunned. A second or two later there was another flash of light and the four men reappeared fully fledged like four cowboy angels. Many dropped to their knees in respect. The small Sun Bears were more convinced than ever Billy Daniels was a god and the other three were his angel consorts. They put Randy in the category as a son of their new god. “Move away from the man and little girl, please,” Billy ordered. He raised his hand and acted like he was picking something up. The crowd was amazed to see the large man with the little girl held tightly in his arms rise from the ground and gently floated over to the center of the main dais. Billy set them down so gently they didn’t feel a thing.

“Let’s get to work, gentlemen!” he barked at his angel posse. He threw his hat to Boomer and the others followed suit. They walked to the dais and got upon it. The little girl took the major blow of the shot in her chest. The charge was so powerful it was meant to kill, and it did. The jolt alone stopped her little heart immediately, but the good news was, it didn’t do much damage to any major arteries, and she wasn’t bleeding a lot. Billy took a good two fingers full of her blood and tasted it. He instantly had her DNA on file. Her daddy was in bad shape as well, but he was alive. Billy reckoned he’d have just enough time to fix and revive the little girl before her dad went into shock.

“Wings up, gentlemen!” Billy ordered and the four angels raised their beautiful wings to absorb the healing powers of the universe. They were surrounded by such a great light most had to turn their eyes away. Billy put the little girl back together and started her heart beating again. When she came to, she was looking into the face of the handsome cowboy her daddy told her was from the planet Earth. Billy picked her up, kissed her gently, and handed her to her aunt who was standing nearby. The lady was in tears. She wanted to thank Billy, but he told her they still had to save the little girl’s dad.

Billy leaned over the wounded man and told him his beautiful daughter would be all right. Then he told the man to kiss him. Billy explained he would eat his pain away before he healed his wound. Billy gently placed his mouth onto the fine looking man’s mouth and he returned Billy’s gentle kiss in kind. The more he gave to Billy the less pain he felt until it was completely gone. “Thank you, Master Billy,” he said softly

“It was nothing, sir; now I must taste your blood to put you back together in proper sequence,” Billy explained. He took his fingers and dipped it into the man’s fresh hot blood and tasted it. As he knew it would be, it was very similar to the young girls. It took Billy even less time to heal him and had the man sitting up by the time Billy’s posse spread their wings to completely heal him. There was only a small red streak where the wound was brought back together which would go away with time. When Billy reached down and helped the man stand, he was joined on the dais by his sister and little girl, the people in the square went absolutely bananas with 'Hosannas!’ and shouts of “Master Billy and his cowboy angels! Hosanna in the highest!” The town square filled when everyone heard there was a miracle being performed on the center dais.

Billy held up his hand. “We’re not through yet. Roz, dear heart, come to me,” Billy said holding his arm out for her. She gave him her left hand, and he gently elevated her to the dais. “Let me see your right arm,” he said softly. She showed him. The bracelet wasn’t harmed in anyway. He gently removed it and handed it to Balthazar to hold. He brought Roz to the center of the dais. “Wings up again, gentlemen,” he asked once more of his posse. They raised their wings and Billy and Roz were surrounded by the great light. Billy ran his hand back and forth over Roz’s forearm until there was no more pain; not even tenderness.

“Do you think it did anything to harm Billy Junior, Roz?” he asked.

“No, but he’s very concerned for me. He became distressed when he felt his nursery was shaken up a bit,” she replied, “he’s better now. I think I convinced him there was nothing to worry about. His daddy would make everything all right,” she added.

Someone pointed and shouted. Yonder came Archie and Edith with the sniper wrapped up in an unbreakable silk-like rope they produced. They stunned him first with an electrical charge, and tied him up like they did with Orville. There were more cheers and applause for Master Billy’s Psyches for apprehending the villain. He was immediately turned over to the local constabulary who took him away for incarceration.

Billy walked over to the scanning machines. “Cass -- Poly -- what is the highest amount of credits you ever got for a performance?” he asked.

“Three thousand and fifty-six credits, Master,” Poly replied.

“Can you set the scanner for four thousand credits for the two young musicians who’s playing was interrupted, sir?” he asked the clerk standing behind the machine.

“Certainly, Master Billy, I would be proud and honored to do it for you, sir,” the clerk replied and pressed in the amount.

Billy waved his hand once and the amount was automatically deducted from his account and transferred to the young musician’s account.

“Never wonder if your two slaves adore you or why, Master Billy. You are a prince among men and deserve our love and respect,” Castor said and his words were solidly confirmed by his equally talented brother. They shed tears as they hugged and kissed their master. The two young musicians came and fell at Billy’s feet and would have paid homage to his handsome boots, but he told them to rise and share their love with him. They did and cried tears of joy and thanks for his graciousness and generosity. Billy wished them well and told them he would be looking forward to hearing them again in the near future.

<< What have we become a part of? >> Sunsa’rah asked her new young cowboy friend Randy, in awe of everything she and her family just witnessed.

<< I was dying from a terrible crippling disease. I could barely walk. I never met Cowboy Billy before. I saw him, a tall handsome cowboy standing with his family in the parking lot of a large supermart shopping center, and realized there was something different about him. I could see a faint aura surrounding him from head to toe. My body was racked with pain. I was barely walking, afraid of falling on my face, when I caught his eye. He looked at me with the kindest, most caring look. I knew I must go to him and tell him I loved him. I didn’t know if I could. I was so weak, afraid of falling, and hurting myself. He took one look at me, squatted down on his boots to my level, opened his arms, and bid me come unto him. He never took his eyes off’n mine, and I knew as long as I looked directly into his eyes, I could not fail. He was sending me the strength, the power, and the will of his love to walk the several yards to him. My ma was upset with me and told me not to go to him, he was too busy to be bothered by me, but I knew he wasn’t. He was waiting for me, and I knew he loved me. I made it all the way to him. He grabbed me up into his strong arms, spun me around, told me how proud of me he was, and gave me a kiss on my cheek. He healed me that afternoon, right then and there for all to see, and gave me another chance at life. I promise, he will do the same for you and your people if you only trust him and work with him. I became his little brother, his saddle buddy, and his wing-man. He made me and my family a part of his family and you and your family will become a part of him as well. It was meant to be, sister, >> Randy sent.

<< Is he a God, Randy? >> Sunsastubo asked in awe.

<< No, he makes it very clear to everyone he reveals himself to, he is a common human who has been enhanced with powers the average man don’t have. To my way a’ think’n he’s better’n some imaginary god what folks come to believe in from hearsay, myths, and superstition. Billy Daniels is real. He will never hide his face from you. You can reach out and touch him, and he will give you his hand to prove he’s your friend. You don’t have to pray to him and wonder whether he hears your prayers or not. All you gotta’ do is ask politely, state your case as best you can, and if he agrees you got a good idea, he’ll help to see you get what you need. He’s no god, but he is an uncommonly good man. One of his greatest gifts, you witnessed here today. He has the gift of healing, but I assure you he surprises me every day. Some days, I think there is no limit to what he can do, and I have heard it said, he don’t even know everything he’s capable of doing. You must not think you have to worship him. I’m as close to him as anyone, and I call him Master Billy from time to time, to show him the respect he’s due to let him know my appreciation for his gifts and his love for me, >> Randy explained.

<< We will follow your human master across the universe. We owe him our lives. We will be proud to call him our ‘master,’ >> Sunsastubo sent back, << To have a master who loves us will be better than an absent, uncaring, impotent god, >> he added.

Billy stood again and held up his hand to speak. “We have turned the villain over to the authorities. This attempted assassination of one of my angels will not go unpunished, but neither will it scare us away from our scheduled concert, right here on this very dais, tomorrow afternoon at two passed the second sun. It will be a free concert to thank the good people of Retikki Prime for your love and support for our cause on planet, Earth. I’ve talked with Roz, our talented viola player, and she assures me she will be able to perform. We’ll be taking our leave now to return to the palace, but we hope to see ya’ll again tomorrow afternoon about this time,” Billy said, and once again the crowd went crazy with shouts and applause. Billy and his family won the hearts of the people on Retikki Prime big-time with their fearlessness and quick action in the face of danger. Stock in Billy Daniels and his family skyrocketed out of sight. Of course, it went out on all channels across the universe and to every state, colony, and hamlet on Retikki Prime. Billy’s coffers for his project had the single greatest donation in the history of the planet. His cup truly runneth over.

His in-law uncles watched a delayed video of the complete scene. They played it in the garden and Madame Spartza almost fainted when she saw the shot from the Laser rifle almost kill her companion. She felt terrible about Roz and her bracelet, but was relieved nothing bad happened to her keeper. She was deeply concerned for the little girl and her dad, but she knew Billy would save them. She also approved of Randy and Billy’s decision to bring the Sun Bears into their family. Madame Spartza lived among their kind on a distant world when she was a small calf and still taking nourishment from her mother. They were highly intelligent, talented, and good to her. They taught her many things and befriended her when others wouldn’t. They were always kind to her and went out of their way to make sure she understood some lesson she was suppose to learn. She would have them closer to her for both their protection. The great lady Shedu considered the Sun Bearers a special race of beings whom she knew had many special talents they could bring to Billy’s family. They needed each other, and from the attempt on her beloved keeper’s life, she no longer held any doubts she must leave Retikki Prime as soon as possible and be under the protection of Master Billy Daniels. After seeing how masterfully Billy took control of the situation after the assassin’s failed attempt she was convinced, as young as he appeared, Billy Daniels represented the protection she needed.

The people of Retikki Prime came to look upon Billy Daniels as some kind of super archangel. His wings were a bright gold color like they were actually made of burnished gold. There was no doubt his other three angels, who made it no secret they were his slaves, were exceptionally fine looking humanoids. The one called Nick to whom Master Billy often referred to as his ‘Pa’ or his ‘bright angel’ was quite handsome. When Billy ordered his posse to de-wing and they vanished for a moment then returned without their wings, the crowd sighed deeply like they enjoyed seeing them with their wings better. Billy smiled and assured them he and his men could wing-up anytime they were needed. A throng of folks respectfully followed Billy and his family to the mag-amp-lift to wish them farewell. There were great cheers sent up as they boarded, and the car took off for Palace Station.

The Sun Bears were learning the family fast. They learned the two biggest cowboys were the easiest touch and loved to hold them. The three watcher protectors of the young boys and sheriff loved to play with them, but Sunsa’rah and her mate Sunsastubo stayed close to Master Billy and his little buddy Randy. They also became quite fond of Master Billy’s angels; particularly the one Master Billy called his dad, Nick Samuels. Billy watched them capture his hardened angel’s heart. They were impressed many of the humans, the watchers, and the young boys could hear and speak with them mind to mind. They could swear they heard a small but not too well developed mind reaching out to them from the belly of the humanoid they called Roz.

<< Master Billy, why is it we hear a small voice from inside Mistress Roz? >> Sunsa’rah asked.

<< You can hear him? >> Billy asked in reply.

<< Yes, faintly, now and then, we heard him cry out for protection when Mistress Roz got shot, >> she sent.

<< He is my son, Billy Junior. He is the proto-son of my husband and bonded mate, Boomer, I fertilized on our first trip to Retikki Prime. Roz was gracious enough to volunteer to carry him to term for us, but no one of our species has heard him yet. We will begin to listen more closely. Perhaps you have a greater power than we do. If he reaches out to you, help him, tell him the truth, >> Billy said.

<< Oh, we would only tell him truths. We are much like your watchers. Our males produce proto-embryos, too; they have pouches and share incubation of our young, >> Sunsa’rah sent.

<< Do your males produce milk as well? >> Billy asked.

<< Yes, sweet milk, the most nutritious in the universe next to watchers, >> she said and added diplomatically. Billy smiled and winked at her. She laughed out loud. Billy wondered if she can laugh, why can’t they speak? Maybe they got so used to telepathy they forgot how to use their vocal chords, and over the centuries, they may have atrophied; but if that were so, she shouldn’t be able to laugh.

Throughout all the excitement going on, Tom, Will, Buster, and Vox pretty much stuck together. Tron and Nathan were usually with Enoch and Moss. The boys were handling all the new and wonderful things swimmingly. They took everything in stride and soaked up the lifestyle and ambiance of the people living on the huge planet. Will, Buster, and Vox were stunned by the variety of lifeforms represented and the ease in which they seemed to get along together. There was no political extremists standing on soap boxes and shouting about this or that. They were more interested in music, art, and developing their knowledge base to live a better life. Will stuck close to his new protector-brother 'Bear.’ He was originally from Retikki Prime and knew the planet well. He became a fund of helpful information for their little group. Likewise, Caesar and Ludo became big brother tutors for the boys. Of course, Hank and Buck were old hands when it came to knowing the best and most interesting things to do.   

* * * * * * *
To say the return to the palace was one of triumph would be an understatement. It made the triumphal entry into the city by Radames in Joe Green’s opera 'Aida’ pale by comparison. Sans trumpets and naked dance’n slave girls -- well, to be fair, Roz was still in the buff when they returned, but she didn’t count because she was seen as the great heroine of the day and treated as such. Roz captured the hearts and imagination of everyone in the palace from the highest to the lowest, and they all wanted to touch her to make sure she was real. The two Lord High Chancellors of Retikki Prime threw protocol to the winds and forgot their positions of power at the joy of seeing their nephew, and his husband, their nephew-in-law return with their family intact; who responded to a situation which might have escalated into total chaos if Master Billy Daniels hadn’t become the commanding presence he was destined to be. They were hugging everyone including the newest family members, the Sun Bears. They were wiping away tears with one big arm while hugging someone with the other. It wasn’t a pretty picture, but it had it’s moments of abject hilarity and proved most entertaining for the cowboys. In another way, it was wonderful to see the supreme rulers of such a large world being so personally involved with what was going on and were so happy to see everyone was all right. They couldn’t apologize enough even though they had nothing to do with the incident. Nevertheless, the two giant rulers saw it was their duty to be concerned because it happened on their watch.

“Billy, what can we say?” Gregor asked.

“That you’re proud of us, and glad to see us well, will do nicely, dear Uncle,” Billy replied and grinned.

“Yes, yes, of course, we are. It should be said, and we certainly do feel that way. Let me put it in a unique form by addressing your new family members, the handsome Sun Bears. You children of a Sun God, or Bearers of his image as you consider yourself, have no idea your good fortune to be looked upon as worthy to become a part of this cowboy’s immediate family. Under Master Billy Daniels protection you will be allowed to grow and flourish, to live and develop your talents like you were meant to on your home world. Welcome to his world and the larger world of Retikki Prime. The terrible men who captured you and treated you like slaves in a sideshow attraction will be investigated and punished if found guilty. We will not tolerate such underhanded treatment of intelligent alien species of any size, shape, or form,” Gregor said, and continued, “And once again our young cowboy is right, we have no words to tell him how deeply proud of him and his family we are, especially our beloved Psyches, Archie and Edith who immediately rose to the occasion, swiftly apprehended the would be assassin, and smartly disabled him without further injury or trauma for the assembled crowd. Their decision to become members of Master Billy’s family was a great choice for them and equally fine decision on Master Daniels’ part to willingly accept them into his fold. What more can we say, but to tell him and his family we love them, we are relieved no harm came to anyone, and those who were unfortunately injured have been returned to health. Hosanna!” Gregor shouted, and everyone responded, “Hosanna, in the highest!”

* * * * * * *
It was late afternoon and the palace staff were busy getting the evening meal together. The Sun Bears were taken to a room in the Daniels' wing of the palace, as Albrecht named it, and given a room with two enormous beds. They laughed when they saw them, but they were pleased. They would make do. There certainly was plenty room for the six mated pair of Sun Bears. They heard talk of everyone being ‘enhanced’ by the Grigori and later by the Irin. They wondered if they would be included and asked Randy.

“I don’t see why not. Since you chose to go with us to Earth as part of Master Billy’s family, I would think you will be included in any blanket enhancement,” he replied aloud.

<< Will you be given a set of wings, Randy? >> Suncoe’logyne, (lajenny) a sister of Sunsa’rah asked.

<< I will be given the ability, but have been told they will not grow in until puberty, when my body goes through a small metamorphosis and I become a man, >> Randy replied rather sadly.

<< That won’t be long, Randy. You said you’ll soon be seven times present to witness three-hundred and sixty-five rotations of your planet to orbit your sun you call ‘Sol’ to complete one year. In which year does this metamorphosis occur? >> Sun’cattleya, a brother of Sun’sastubo, asked

<< Eleven -- twelve years depending. Some earlier -- some later, >> Randy replied.   

<< Four or five more rotations of Sol at the most. Living among such an active group of humans and watchers as the Daniels family seem to be, it will pass in no time and you will be a young man. In the meantime, you have much learning to catch up to be on the same level with others your age because of your early disease holding you back, but with added enhancements and our help, you will quickly fill in the learning gap, >> Sun’cattleya sympathized with him. Sun’cattleya was second male to Sunsastubo.

For the record, their other sisters original names were: Suncyc’noches; Suncat’esetum; Suncory’anthes; and Sunpaphio’pedilum. The males: Sunodonto’glossum; Suncypro’pedium; Sunepi’dendrum, and Sunmor’modes. The way they pronounced the word for their ‘sun’ was ‘soon’ which came from the call and response of two night watchmen for their tribes they always left on guard. One would call out mentally to their family, << When will our God win the battle over darkness? >> and the other would answer: << Soon! He will return victorious! >> The active transmogrification of language at its best. Randy thought he would consider it a major accomplishment if he remembered all their names before he reached puberty. They heard him and laughed.

<< We will help. Shorten our names to the last syllables. Drop the 'Soon.’ We may decide to drop it ourselves. Our god seems to have forgotten about us. Either that, or he became impotent, died from old age, and left us to fend for ourselves; or worse, lost interest in us and went away. Being known as Sun Bears will be enough tribute to a god who allowed his people to almost perish from the universe. Perhaps it’s time we turned our backs on him and throw our lot in with enhanced humans. While they may not be gods, humans will do nicely until a real one comes along -- and by that, we mean we never expect one to come along, >> Sastubo allowed and the others replied, << Hosanna! >>

<< We also adapt to new circumstances quickly, Randy. It will all work out. You’ll see, >> Sa’rah sent to him and smiled.

<< I admire your pluck, Soonsa’rah, but are you sure you are the last of your kind? >> Randy asked.

<< Unless there was another group who escaped the dinner table of the reptiles or insects, we’re the last we know of. Perhaps, the great lady Shedu beast we saw when we arrived may have some knowledge. We used to live closely with her species and was under their greater protection in our galaxy until they hunted them out and destroyed most of them for their powers. It is said in our legends whoever owns or offers protection to a pair of the huge beasts will control not only their world, but their galaxy. If they are fertile and have offspring, their power grows exponentially. Only an insane species would consider invading or pillaging a world within a galaxy where a Shedu family dwell. They are the ultimate in protection and will retaliate with swiftness and deadly accuracy. That’s why the more nefarious of certain species have been trying to wipe them out for centuries. They know if a waring species tries to conquer any habitable planet in a galaxy the Shedu protect, the entire specie will be extinguished. That’s gambling against incredible odds. While they can be kind, generous, and forgiving with their own, they can be ruthless to those who presume to defy their territorial rights. That’s where the old saying, ‘Fools rush in where angels fear to tread,’ came from, >> Sunsa’rah explained. (Folk sayings are pretty much the same from galaxy to galaxy.)

<< Their powers never seem to stop aliens hell bent to conquer from trying, and in some cases, invaders have proved too clever or resourceful for the Shedus. Over the centuries their species has almost become wiped out, but there are rumors in the legends of our species, their type will wax and wane according to the greater need for repopulating the galaxies. Species who once had the power to overcome them lose or forget how to defeat them through the generations and their powers once again become unconquerable. When the Shedu are about to die out, evil pervades the universe, and the parasitic races have risen to unsustainable proportions, the pendulum of nature swings the other way to give rise to a new era, cleansing the ethos of negativity, and allows those of moderate nature and good intent to ascend again to create great civilizations, >> Sun’sastubo added.

<< We have lost all but twelve; a magic number among many in the universe. Three, seven, twelve are the most mystical until you get to 42 and then 144. We have suffered much and purged ourselves of past myths and superstitions. A new beginning is at hand and we believe our conjoining is not an accident, Randy, >> Sooncoe’logyne said firmly.

<< Neither does Master Billy or Madame Spartza, the great Shedu, >> Randy said, << She has asked that your family join her on Earth. She will be temporarily placed on a great spaceship previously owned by Master Billy’s adopted dad, Nick Samuels. I say ‘previously’ because when Nick Samuels gave himself to Master Billy to be his slave, all his personal belonging became the property of his master. At first it doesn’t seem fair, but think of the greater gains what may be accomplished by the conjoining of the two, and for once Nick Samuels doesn’t get blamed for everything what goes wrong. I have been on Captain Nick’s ship several times and there are a number of smaller compatible races living and thriving together. They are working on an new warm, humid, tropical area to provide more natural oxygen for the ship rather than having to rely on chemicals for production and mechanical scrubbers, >> Randy explained lucidly.

<< How do you know we come from such a tropical climate? >> Sastubo asked.

<< I didn’t know. Just a lucky guess because of critters who resemble you who are not so advanced and live in our tropical areas on Earth,” Randy explained.

<< And you learned this from...? >> Sastubo further questioned.

<< From our universal compilation of information on the Internet we call Wickipedia. And now you will want to know about the Internet. It is a vast network of electronic brains linked together to bring news, entertainment, and information of all sorts into your home on a screen like you’ve seen showing videos. All this is available to anyone with one of these electronic brains we call computers. Master Billy gimme’ my computer after my mom complained, me and my big sister were using hers so much she never got a chance to use it. Cowboy Billy gave me one and my older sister her own computer, >> Randy explained.

<< That’s a great enhancement itself. He must love you very much to give you an extra brain, >> Sa’rah said and laughed at her double meaning.

<< I never thought of it that way, but I know he loves me. I love him with all my heart. Who wouldn’t love a man what give you a second chance at life? >> Randy asked sincerely.

<< We know, dear one, and we share your feelings for him, >> Sa’rah said more seriously.

* * * * * *
Later that afternoon, as the second sun was beginning to go behind the great mountains which walled off the capital city from the outer-lands and ran down to the azure sea, Gregor and Albrecht announced they would be serving the evening meal in a ‘Christianist’ manner in response to hearing Billy and his family use the metaphorical term to describe those who reinvented Christ in their own fair-skinned-blond-hair-blue-eyed personal image and used religion and scripture in particular to pick and choose -- cafeteria style, a la carte fashion -- those scriptures which best supported their negative life-choking sexually retarded racist political interests they were most adamantly against at the moment. Being blessed with a new testament wasn’t enough for them. They felt compelled to drag the old testament into the argument, but only those choice bits which justified their hatred to force their medieval moral standards on minorities who were too few in number to overturn their votes at a ballot box or cheating by excluding and discouraging the minority vote who, in their own best interest, most always voted for a progressive agenda. The rest of the old testament the Christianist simply ignored as old fashioned and out of date.

Everyone thought the Lord High Council’s antics were amusing, but beyond the metaphor, on a more practical basis, it was so the new kids on the block could pick and choose what foods they wished to eat. No one knew exactly what the Sun Bears dietary requirements were, but assumed being humanoid and obviously genetically kin to watchers, their diet couldn’t be too exotic. It wasn’t; however, they definitely had preferences. The Sun Bears ate vegetable and grains and sometimes caught large insects during influxes of them when they were plentiful. Locust and honey was a staple of the dessert tribes in the early days on Earth. They still are in certain parts of our world. The Sun Bears looked at the array of food and smiled. Obviously, they were never treated this well by the nomadic space-gypsies. They ate well that night and joined some of the conversation mentally, but soon learned some of Master Billy’s family were mentally mute. While Master Billy’s family felt sorry for them not being able to speak, the Sun Bears felt sorry for the humans for not being able to touch another’s mind. That would soon be corrected in both by the Grigori’s enhancements.

Madame Spartza was brought into the garden about the time the palace slaves were clearing the area from dinner. Everyone was in a great mood and she became the center of attention. The Sun Bears were most respectful of her and knew the Spartza dynasty was one which ran through their history. They were eager to meet her and Madame Spartza was equally excited to meet the Sun Bears. It wasn’t long before she allowed them on her, and they rubbed and scratched her enormous back. She loved their attention. She allowed very little physical attention from anyone but her keeper who rubbed her down twice a day. The exercise kept Balthazar’s body in great shape. There was much talk about getting her away from Retikki Prime after the assassination attempt on her keeper.

<< Randy tells us we will not be allowed to see your world if we travel to Earth with you, Master Billy, >> Sastubo said.

<< I’m sure Randy didn’t mean it that way. It’s been discussed among us, and we thought it might be better for you, at least for a while, to give you a temporary home on my pa’s spaceship until we can create or find something more safe for you than living in the great outdoors on our ranch. After all, if you accept me as your protector, it is my duty to you individually and as a diminished race to see to your wellbeing without too many restrictions which might be looked upon as forced slavery. Nothing could be further from our mind. If that were the case we wouldn’t have rescued you in the first place. While I do have slaves, because it is the politically correct way of life on our planet at the moment, I treat my slaves as family. My angels, Roz, Castor and Poly, Cowboy Andy, Hank and Buck, Archie and Edith, are all my slaves, but you will rarely hear me remind them of their station in life. Personally, I’m against slavery, and I will do my best to correct the situation and abolish slavery when I gain more power.

<< The folks on Captain Nick’s ship have been in the process of creating a tropical zone with Jungle plants taken from our Amazon Jungle on Earth to enrich their oxygen supply and be an extra backup for the artificially producing oxygen machines should they fail to function. It may be more to your liking than an actual jungle. On our ranch there are any number of larger, wild, carnivorous animals which might prey on you. We have packs of Wild Dogs, Coyotes, Mountain Lions, Cougars, Racoons, Possums, Coatimundi; large birds of prey like Eagles, Red Tailed Hawks, and even Turkey Vultures have been known to attack and kill smaller animals. Also we have night flying predators like Barn Owls, the Great White Owls, and several other hazardous critters; to say nothing of several large poisonous snakes and Armadillos; the dinosaurs of the desert. And, since your kind have been companions for many years with the Shedu we thought you might enjoy becoming part of Madame Spartza’s family as well, >> Billy sent to them.

<< Will we ever get to visit your world? >> Sa’rah asked.

<< Of course you will. We just hosted sixteen village musicians from Captain Nick’s ship this past Sunday. We showed them around the ranch, and they performed for us. They had a great time, and we enjoyed their visit. We visit with them often. You will get to live in a great palace and be treated as honored guests as part of Madame Spartza’s immediate family. Besides, being humanoid, your bodies will require exposure to our sun several times a month for proper vitamin intake for your bodies, >> Billy sent.

It sounded pretty good to the Sun Bears, and they liked the idea of not always having to live in closed or confined conditions. The gypsies kept them in animal cages. From the boys descriptions of the smaller people living on Captain Nick’s ship, and their joy talking about the friends they made on the ship, went a long way to convince the Sun Bears they would be comfortable; certainly better off than they were. Billy made them a promise, if they were not happy or comfortable in their new home after six months, he would give them other options or return them to Retikki Prime if they wanted. << We’re not out to cage you or limit you in any way. We want you to be happy and feel safe to be yourselves and multiply. We hope you find us acceptable and include us in your families as we plan to do for you, >> he sent to them.

They told Randy if the great Shedu thought enough of Billy Daniels to place herself under his protection, it was a good enough recommendation for them.

The guests from Retikki Prime had been going for almost twenty-four hours and the boys were beginning to fall asleep in their giant protector’s arms. They experienced a full day of new and wonderful sights and exciting happenings. Billy announced it was time for everyone to get to bed as the next day would be full and the following evening they would be the guests of the Irin high council. However, before they disbursed the Grigori decided to grant Billy’s wish and flooded the area and his family with a strong energy light of the purest white. They were awash in it and bathed from head to toe. Everyone was encouraged to remove all clothing including hats and boots this time for total immersion from the body and mind altering changes. Some changes would become apparent almost immediately, while others, like the growing of wings, would occur as much as twelve to twenty-four hours later. The Sun Bears climbed up into the laps of the big cowboys of whom they became quite fond, and the boys ran to their watcher’s huge arms to be loved and cuddled like bairn cubs. Sunsa’rah and Sunsastubo crawled into Billy and Nick’s laps respectively.

“Will Billy Junior be enhanced, too, Master?” Roz asked.

“It’s my understanding he will be. The boys will be fully enhanced, but they won’t grow wings until they go through puberty. That’s probably a blessing in disguise,” he allowed. Roz and Nick laughed. An added benefit of the enhancement was, they found themselves more adjusted to the time differentiation from Earth to Retikki Prime and everyone was ready for a good sleep period -- which lasts fifteen hours on Retikki Prime. Afterward, everyone said their 'goodnights’ and they traveled back to the Daniel’s wing of the castle. Randy went off to sleep cuddled up with his new protector and Boomer and the twins went off to their room together. Billy found himself alone with his beloved pa. He could tell Nick was feeling tired and decided against any hanky-panky. They were just too damn tired.

“Happy?” Nick asked.

“Tired but happy,” Billy replied, “Do you think a second enhancement did anything for us or does it act like a tune-up?” Billy asked.

“I ain’t real sure. I didn’t ask. I thought I got all the major enhancements, but it’s been centuries since I experienced anything like that. I’m sure they’re more advanced than when I originally got my wings, but I suppose time will tell. I won’t ask. You can as my master. You have the right, but for me to do so would be in questionable taste -- sort of like look’n a gift horse in the mouth,” Nick replied.

“I don’t feel any different. Maybe I’ll corner Uncle Gregor tomorrow and ask him a few probing questions. I think we’re on a first name basis; although, I wouldn’t presume as much,” Billy was quick to add and grinned.

“I suspect, manners and humility will get more out of him than a good-old-backslapping-buddy routine,” Nick said.

“I failed to ask if it was all right with you to house the Sun Bears on your ship for a while,” Billy said.

“I told you -- mi casa es su casa. If Madame Spartza is going to abide there for a while, they are welcome join her. I think they come along at the right time, and they were meant to bring her comfort and ease her spirit. Perhaps they’ll give her the needed courage to take such a big step. Relocation to another galaxy and the chance to meet a possible suitor has to be a daunting life change for her. I have great empathy for the lady beast. No need for remorse, I support your decision a hundred percent, Kemosabe,” Nick said.

“You make things easy for me, Tonto. That’s only one of the many reasons I love you. They’ve become too many to count. I always know you’re there watching my back. It means a lot, Nick. I couldn’t do this without you,” Billy said.

“Stop and think for a minute, Kemosabe. I wouldn’t be here on Retikki Prime, nor would I have been offered a new operating system, or however you want to look upon ‘enhancements’ if’n it weren’t for you, my fearless young cowboy,” Nick said with authority, “Come, let’s clean up and hit the sack. Fifteen hours sleep with you in my arms should about do it,” he added and grinned.

“You may get an early morning blowjob if I can’t sleep,” Billy said.

“A wet dream come true. I couldn’t think of a nicer way to start my day,” Nick said and laughed.

* * * * * * *
Nick’s wet dream came true in the early morning hours just before the first sun rose over the lower mountains. Nick was going to return the favor and found his master ejaculated into a towel while sucking him off. Billy didn’t care and laughed at Nick’s frown. “Don’t be disappointed, it’s all part of my new plan to instill more self-confidence in you to ween you away from the devil image in the public's view,” Billy teased.

“Fuck the public, what about my cowboy master, Kemosabe?” Nick said with a sardonic grin.

“Are you kidding? As much as I love git’n fucked by my demon dad? You think I’m gonna’ give that up? Not in this lifetime, Tonto. Ain’t nothing better than my old demon dad saddling up his fire-breath’n cayuse and taking him for a good, long, hard ride to work out all his pony’s kinks and make him a better partner for himself,” Billy replied in his best cowboy hyperbole.

“Ain’t even gonna’ comment on that one. It’s too perfect to soil it with dismissal,” Nick said and grinned, “Besides, it would be a lie because my old cock is harder’n a rock from that bit of cowboy bullshit,” he added.

“Good, I hope it stays that way for a while,” Billy said and grinned.

* * * * * * *
The morning flew by, but it wasn’t without some interesting moments. After a light breakfast and a couple of Hosanna cakes everyone was in great spirits. The Sun Bears loved the Hosanna cakes. Billy and his family spared them the story behind the secret flavor in the cream filling.

Billy had his musicians get out their instruments. He wanted everything set up like they were planning to do in the town square so his men, acting like roadies for him, could get everything set up. He planned to use the amplification unit so the sound would carry further so more of the gathered crowd, if any, could hear everything.  He channeled the three electronic piano-synthesizers through the sturdy amplification to four rather large speakers he wanted set around. He sat Archie and Edith on two tall chairs so they would be above the musician and still channel the power to the amps.

They started with the Haydn f-minor string quartet. Billy watched the Sun Bears sitting with his family while he and his three musician were playing the first movement and everyone had their mouths open. They looked stunned like they never heard anything so wonderful. When they finished the quartet they rush to the area and wanted to see each instrument, especially the large cello their master was playing. << You didn’t tell us you were a musician, Master Billy, >> Sunsa’rah said.

<< Never thought about it, little sister. Is it bad? >> he asked.

<< No, absolutely not. A master who loves and plays music must have a good soul, >> she replied.

<< Thank you. Do you dance with your mates if provided the music? >> he asked.

<< Oh, yes, we were only playing because we didn’t have enough to do both, and the males are more acrobatic than us, >> Sunsa’rah replied.

<< Do you think we could work up a number with the six of you dancing, and me and my twins will play the piece Randy taught you to play? >> Billy asked.

<< I’m sure we could improvise something or adapt one of our older folk dances. We’d be happy to try, >> she replied.

<< Good, after the next piece will try something, >> Billy allowed.

The next piece Billy wanted to practice was the Bach double violin concerto, with Billy playing the harpsichord accompaniment and Roz playing the ground base. They played it flawlessly and the twins were better than the day before. They were ripe for the performance of their young lives, and that’s the way they planned it. They wanted to impress the people of Retikki Prime they made the right decision to become Master Billy’s slaves and a part of his family. Once again the Sun Bears were agog over the music. They were actually holding each other crying from the beauty of the notes. Billy thought maybe the strings hurt their sensitive ears, but it was not the case.

Billy told Cass and Poly what he wanted to try. They both worked on the piano transcript and could play the Russian Dance with no problem. Billy wanted the more spectacular parts to be his keyboard solo, and they were to join in on the larger orchestral chordal parts. They understood perfectly. It was their master’s turn to shine on the keyboard and theirs to back him up. He had the Sun Bears line up in six pairs and they started off. While Billy was having a difficult time with the score he was watching out of the corner of his eye and was as amazed as everyone else the wonderful natural dance the Sun Bears were performing to the Stravinsky piece. They were free of their bonds and were letting their joy come through their dancing. Everyone in the place was bowled over by their dexterity and intricate dance steps. Several swore the piece was written for them. The males leaped about and courted the females shamelessly all in time with the music, and the ladies played the part of young femme fatales who teased, tormented, and rejected their suitors. The ladies got together and decided it was time to stop the teasing and give the boys a break. They danced their coming together with their mates as an affirmation of love and life, and they danced, two by two, from the performance area as happily paired couples. When they were through, the audience of palace workers, several guests of the supreme council, and various day workers gave them a standing ovation. The Sun Bears were thrilled everyone loved their dance. They bowed together and ran to Master Billy to thank him. They each had to have a hug and a kiss.

“You think you can do it again in the town square, kids?” he asked them.

They looked at one another, got big smiles on their faces and jumped for joy. No words were necessary. They ran to Randy and were all over him with their affection. Randy loved it. Billy and his three musicians played through the Debussy quartet and then it was Roz’s time to shine. They played the Vaughan Williams ‘The Lark Ascending’ and Roz played it to perfection. There wasn’t a dry eye in the garden including the dozen Sun Bears. It tugged at their heart strings. They played the Ravel quartet last and they were done.

Gregor and Albrecht came to them and offered their big paws for them to touch in honor of their musical gifts. “We have no words, Billy, Roz, Cass, and dear Poly. If you play so beautifully this afternoon you may find yourselves having to delay your departure. It won’t matter, as the time dilation will only be a few minutes longer. We are so proud of you and your family’s accomplishments. We’re sorry we won’t be able to attend, but we never leave the protection of the palace. Go with our love and break a leg,” Gregor said and roared with laughter. Billy had to explain the saying. Obviously Gregor had been studying up on Earth trivia.

* * * * * * *
The time arrived for Billy and his band, his power suppliers, Roadies, and dancing Sun Bears to leave the palace and travel into town to the square. Usually, when they arrived at the station there were few people coming and going but no crowds. The place was packed. There were people holding signs: “Welcome Master Billy and family!” “Castor & Pollux” “Lovely Roz Cumber” and several what said: “Hosanna!” It took a while to get through the crowd and make their way to the center dais of the square. The Sun Bears were taking it all in and being given a free ride in the arms of several big cowboys and a couple of watchers.

Billy had the Sun Bears in a group with the watchers surrounding them so no one could get to them as he and his Rodie crew got the amplification system up and working with the help of their portable power suppliers. It didn’t take them long. Billy looked up and couldn’t believe the people crowded into the square. It was packed to overflowing. All the buildings around the square had people sitting several deep on the rooftops. The windows were flung open and folks crowded to look out so they might have a bird's eye view of the handsome young talented cowboy master from Earth and his musical family. Finally, everything was in place.

Billy picked up the microphone and spoke: “Good afternoon, Retikki Prime!” he said firmly. The audience roared back their welcome. “It’s so good to be back among people I’ve come to know and love in a short period of time. Thank you all for coming. We think we have a good show prepared for you this afternoon. You will hear music from another world called Earth. It is some of the very best we have to offer, but by no means all we have to offer. There are vast numbers of similar pieces of music available which we will bring and share with you when we come to visit your lovely planet again. Billy went on to tell a little about the first quartet they would play. They got down to it, and Billy was surprised. There wasn’t a sound from the crowd. Usually, audiences on Earth would cough or cause some distraction. Not on Retikki Prime. They listened intently as if every note had meaning and significance. When they finished the Haydn quartet there came a thunderous roar from the crowd, and it went on for several minutes. Billy, Rox, Cass, and Poly bowed numbers of times, but the audience kept on applauding. Billy finally had to hold up his hand, and they calmed down.

“We can’t thank you enough for your applause and cheers for our music. It means a great deal to a musician to know their playing is appreciated, but we have much more for you, and it is equally as fine as what you heard,” Billy went on to tell about the next piece in three movements and not to applaud until they finished the last movement. Billy’s staff of improvised Rodies got them set up for the Bach double violin concerto. Billy caught sight of the two pair of Oolong players and motioned for them to come to the stage. He had them sit with his family. They were humbled and thrilled to be singled out for such an honor.

Billy, Roz, and the twins set in to play the Bach double violin concerto with Cass and Poly out in front to shine. Billy bought some new and improved microphones and sound system and their fiddles could carry a lot further. It was Poly and Cass’s time to shine and they took full advantage. Billy could see their fellow musicians following the music like it reached down, grabbed their souls, and wouldn’t let go. They began weeping in each other’s arms at the twin's superb playing. It was probably the highpoint of the afternoon. Cass and Poly were their people, and they couldn’t have been more proud of them. When the piece finished there was a stunned silence. Someone hollered, “Hosanna!” and were answered, “Hosanna, in the highest!” They repeated it three time as Cass and Poly took bow after bow.

Next was Billy’s time to shine with the Stravinsky and the Sun Bears. The audience hadn’t expected a visual treat with the music, but it proved to be a great success; they loved it. The whole concert went off without a hitch and there were no political statements or snipers to threaten Master Billy or his family. Retikki Prime took the Sun Bears and Roz into their hearts and hated to see the concert come to an end. They played several encores. The encores lasted almost a long as the rest of the concert. They didn’t have anything else worked up so they resorted to their Texas Hill Country hoedown music and the crowd went crazy. Billy couldn’t believe the down home music he grew up listening to could speak to other people on another world. Perhaps it’s true, music is a universal language. It didn’t help when his family let go and made fools of themselves with a great naked buck and wing show of flailing arms, stomp'n boots, flying cowboy hats, and flopping cocks. No one cared. It was a silly unabashed expression of unbridled joy and release of emotional tensions of the day. The folks of Retikki Prime easily got caught up in the essence of the moment. They loved the impromptu spirit of the cowboys and applauded to encourage them to continue their outrageously spontanious enthusiasm. Even the Sun Bears were doe-see-doe’n a Virginia Reel on the stage. ‘Now where do you suppose they learned that dance step?’ Billy asked himself and winked at his saddle buddy.

End of Chapter 28 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~©~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved ~
E-mail: waddiebear@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 29

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