Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Oct 15, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 29

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 29

"Writing, like life itself, is a voyage of discovery. The adventure is a metaphysical one: it is a way of approaching life indirectly, of acquiring a total rather than a partial view of the universe. The writer lives between the upper and lower worlds: he takes the path in order eventually to become that path himself." ~ Henry Miller

After the concert, it was another chore to get to and from the mag-amp-lift to catch a car back to the palace. The crowed was so enamored of Master Billy and his family they didn’t want to see them leave. The entertainment Czar, Moe Gabberdean, was thrilled beyond words at their performance and the credits he accumulated as their temporary manager. He wanted to know when they might return. Billy couldn’t give him a definite answer because he just didn’t know. He told Moe he would fare better asking his uncles-in-law that question. Billy did tell him he was due back in six months Earth time from his original visit to Retikki Prime, but didn’t know how many of his family he would bring with him. He jokingly told Gabberdean he didn’t want his uncles to think they were invading their planet. He managed to get a laugh out of the tall humanoid. Billy wasn’t quite sure what species he was, but didn’t care to asked.

Billy explained, his audiences with the Retikki Prime high council were, pretty much, left up to Boomer’s uncles, the Lord High Chancellors. Then, there was the problem of working up new material to play for the crowd, and since they added another act to their group, they would have to be considered. Billy’s family was already exhausted by the time they returned to the anti-grav-meg-amp-lift car, and they had another audience on another planet yet to go that evening. Billy knew the Irins well enough to know they would want to hear some music and as good as they had been to him and his family, you make damn sure you give your patrons what they want.

On the trip back to Palace Station, Billy responded to everyone but was mostly quiet and contemplative. One small thing Billy overheard Sunsa’rah tell his little cowboy brother kept haunting him. How could the Shedu’s be so powerful to police a complete galaxy? That would be incomprehensible power. Not even the fictional Krell civilization was capable of power of that magnitude, and on a more practical basis, how would one go about insuring peace within a galaxy? Would that mean he and his family, his band of merry music making cowboy brothers, would have to go from world to world to get other civilizations to clean up their act, learn to live in harmony, and stop killing each other? Those thoughts began to border on the idea of a supreme power not unlike what most religions on Earth claim their big sky daddy will one day do for them. To say the least, it was a humbling thought.

Our young cowboy began to see a greater picture of how this particular unscheduled visit, the rushed transfer of Madame Spartza to Earth to place her under his protection, and another visit with the even more advanced Irin was shaping up into something much larger than his originally assigned/agreed upon project to turn the political and financial crisis on Earth around with a world economy on the brink of collapse. Not as easy a task as it might sound, amid daily threats of expanding small territorial skirmishes into a full blown world war. Nick warned him ‘them Ancients’ might be considering something much bigger than he ever dreamed. He was also beginning to see the Grigori and the Irin were working together to assure their plans for his success had greater implications than just one world. Nick suggested they might be galactic or even universal in proportions.

Was Nick right? Could these beings, as advanced as they were, be asking too much of those who agreed to do their bidding? Billy still wondered if they didn’t plan for Nick to become his slave? Clyde admitted having a hand in Nick’s ship crashing into the river, and consequently was assigned by the Irin to become his slave and one of his right hand angels. Clyde wasn’t as showy as Nick or Balthazar, but he was as solid as a rock and seemed as faithful as an old hound dog. Did Clyde have dual interests and still held responsibilities to his original Irin masters? What did it matter, if they were on the same team working for the same goals? He never told Nick about Clyde’s part in his crash landing on Earth and didn’t intend to unless Nick asked him point blank. He would never lie to his pa. If he was going to make Nick his adopted dad, he would consider the cowboy way: never do anything half-ass. Billy knew Nick would never fuck him, roll over, and go to sleep without seeing to his boy’s comfort.

Through all this, there was one nagging thought in his mind: was he ready for this? If they provided him with the resources and wherewithal to complete the task, was he up to it mentally and emotionally? What if it came down to making decisions about life and death? He needed to get off by himself -- maybe a holiday with his pa and his trusty laptop, ‘Gertrude’ -- make a list of questions and start his people working on a project to create a solid plan how they would go about changing a world without nuclear war or mass genocide and come to some conclusion as to how long the project would take? He would talk with Clyde and ask him some questions about how he saw his position with Billy?

* * * * * * *
They arrived back at the palace and went through another greeting with more congratulations on an enormously successful concert. The high council couldn’t have been more pleased or proud of Billy and his family. After some light refreshments, the family went off to their rooms to clean up and dress for their impending audience with the Irin. Nick learned his young master early in their relationship and came to know his subtle mood swings. They found themselves alone for a few minutes before they went to the tubs for bathing. Their wing of the palace didn’t have showers.   

“You wanna’ talk about it, Kemosabe?” Nick asked as he brushed his lips against Billy’s neck sending chills up the young cowboy’s spine.

“Wondered when you’s gonna’ jump me,” Billy replied.

“Sometimes you say more to me with your body than you do your mouth,” Nick said and grinned.

“I ain’t ashamed of it. Nor am I threatened by your keen observations. As a matter of fact, I find it pretty damn comforting, Tonto. You’re just being the faithful companion I need you to be; but, if the next words out of your mouth are, ‘Didn’t I warn you about them Ancients?’ I’ll take one a’ ma’ silver bullets out a’ my gun, bend you over ma’ knee, and shove it up yore’ handsome angel’s butt,” Billy declared and laughed.

Nick covered his mouth with the back of his forearm and laughed at Billy. “I already done know’d that one was off limits, Kemosabe,” he said and laughed again, “I wouldn’t dare presume my master would tolerate such insolence and disrespect from his humble slave,” Nick poured on the hyperbole.

“I don’t know which is worse, your cowboy/angelic bullshit or the truth; however, at this moment, I think your bullshit is better than admitting the truth,” Billy allowed and fell into Nick’s arms laughing.

“What are you gonna’ do about it, Kemosabe?” Nick asked.

“My usual. Drop back forty yards and punt,” Billy said without nuance, “But to do that, I need help in the backfield -- bad,” he added quietly like a plea.

“You got it, Kemosabe! You got the best damn team you could possibly need. Ain’t a dim bulb among 'em. Now! Whether it just happened, or it was planned by the Grigori and Irin, who can say? You won’t get them to admit nothing; however, my bet would be it’s all been planned and they don’t do nothing half-ass. It don’t matter much, we’s just about to get enhanced again. When we get back to Earth, put us to work. Use your family and slaves like that Organ in the ranch house. Pull out all the stops and initiate Operation Smoke’n Computers. Make sure everyone from the smallest to the largest has unlimited access to the Net and researches ever’damn thing they can find about successful civilizations and their downfall. What works the best and what don’t. Find out from the writings of artists; recognized and respected historians; writers, and don’t overlook or poo-poo science fiction writers; respected political theorists; economic gurus; and social theorists. Make a list of specific questions you want answered.

“Assign one group to look into the scientific bare-bones reality of sustainability of resources and how large a population the planet can reasonably handle. Bring all this information together and correlate it into an irrefutable document and go from there. Once you have the information brought together by your team, set them down, and hash out ideas. Have one of your office managers either record everything, or take notes, but compile it into a massive, exhaustive study, and post it to the Net. Nothing better to get the ball rolling with a new idea than a massive ‘truth bomb,’ especially one which is irrefutable with documented facts,” Nick said with enthusiasm.

“There was one small matter you didn’t mention,” Billy put to him.

“That’s because there is no place for religion in a workable future for the human race. Your so-called ‘democracy’ has been ruined by religion. They love the idea of freedom to believe their myths and superstitions, but sooner or later one faction will gain more power than the others and insist everyone believe the nonsense they believe -- or else. Religion was never meant for the betterment of mankind, it is, and always has been, about control,” Nick said firmly.  

“Does that include ‘Devil worship,’ Tonto?” Billy asked.

“Of course, Kemosabe! Especially devil worship. And that’s straight from yore’ demon dad’s mouth!” he said with emphasis, “Men do unspeakable evil to one another on their own. They don’t need me or their own creation of a supremely evil creature to inspire them to new heights of depravity. The genocide of the Cathars, the Gnostics, the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the slaughter of millions of South American indigenous tribes by the Spanish Conquistadors and the Catholic church who provided them with the motive when the natives refused to convert to Christianity.

“Catholics sort of cornered the market on hypocrisy over the centuries. Because they found the Aztec’s thirst for blood sacrifices an abomination, they essentially did the same to them. Aztec blood was spilled in the name of their god instead. My sky-daddy can whip your sky-daddy because he gave me the guns and swords to do it, and he forgives me of all my sins; besides, I have a flag. If you don’t have a flag you don’t count and you can’t play. We ain’t talk’n no Calvinball here, Son. Along with a conservative estimate of twenty million Aztecs slaughtered, the Spaniards under the auspice of the Holy Roman See, proceeded to literally destroy the history of their civilization. In America, you had the expansion of the European settlers who brought their puritan plows and bibles, who believed they had a God given right to the land, and they were justified in slaughtering the natives because they were little more than ignorant godless heathens.

“Let’s not forget the Salem Witch trials, or the modern day denial by the Catholic church of massive sexual abuse of children by pederast priests who are called to the celibate orders of the church like flies to shit because of their peculiar sexual bend. Pederasty does not necessarily imply sexual orientation. There are more heterosexual pederasts than homosexual. They just don’t get the publicity and many times are seen as a more natural occurrence. A randy old priest and a beautiful, supple, nubile young virgin? You know what I mean? Wink! Wink! Nudge! Nudge!  

“How about the persecution and bullying of young children to the point their faith in life and goodness become broken, and they no longer choose to live because they’re different, to say nothing about the endless assault on women’s rights made by old men wearing dresses who have little or no knowledge of such matters, yet feel they have the god given right to legislate severe laws against them. The list goes on and on, but those are just a few of the evils created by religion. Even the flames of the Holocaust was fanned by Christianity and the Catholic church. Nation after nation turned their backs on the Jews when they had no place to go.

“What self respecting demon would want them people worshiping them? I didn’t make them people do that. They didn’t need me. They decided for themselves. I blush at their inhumanity to each other. I can’t imagine topping their atrocities to one another. Believe it or not, this devil has a conscience,” Nick paused for a second, “On the other hand, who do you think created the idea of the ‘devil’? It could have been any one of us fallen angels who might have been saddled with the blame. I just happened to have the catchiest name and for a period of time was one of Jehovah’s most trusted angels.

“The worst cut of all is, they headline him as an ‘all forgiving’ god? Forgiving? My ass! He got jacked out of shape because a band of his angels tried to educate some of his slaves to give them a little better way of life? Then he tried to cover his ass by making us the bad guys -- it was the single worst corporate mistake in history, but they’re still doing it today in his name. Don’t educate the slaves because if you do, one day they’ll wake up and discover they don’t have to be slaves no more. That’s when they band together and make the ultimatum of the one percent: Cake or death!

“Besides, how can you assign darkness and despair to an angel who was known as the bearer of light? Because, it is said, ‘truth is light.’ The darkness man has created for himself and continues to create with religion, will not stand against the light of truth. That’s why they are so fearful and blame the one they labeled ‘the evil one’ for their wrong doings, but they know their antisocial, sociopathic, shifting-of-guilt accusations will not hold up under scrutiny,” he explained.

“How do you ask billions of people to stop believing?” Billy asked.

“You don’t. You lead them from the abyss like a good shepherd tends his flock. Remember the parable of the ninety and nine. Example changes things much quicker than doctrine. Who wouldn’t follow a man what saved the life of a little cripple boy in a WalMart parking lot? Think of your life in the near future as an elaborate square dance. Chicken in the bread pan a peck’n out dough; dogma paves the road to Hell, don’t cha’ know; a fallen angel hopes to save his shepherd-son with a goodly word, now bow to yore’ demon-dad and a doe-see-doe,” Nick clapped his hands together and stomped his boot in time.  

“Use the talent you got on hand to help you with big questions. There’s other things to consider along with jousting with ‘true believers.’ Religions of all forms and creeds in every country believe in the basic principal to ‘go forth and multiply.’ That was fine when there were only a few million people on Earth. In less than a hundred years the population of the planet will double again. It can not sustain another ten billion people. The dinosaurs never developed contraceptives and look what happened to them. You have to have some form of birth control. It don’t even have to be mandatory. Just let people decided for themselves and give them an easy, safe means to regulate their reproduction. Without the influence and fear of religion, with education, population growth will correct itself,” Nick replied.

“I like your idea of an open source information gathering and sharing marathon. Even better, posting it to the Internet with a new idea for a new age. A new religion that ain’t a religion; the religion of Secular Humanism; a religion of man,” Billy said.

“Catchy, but the word 'religion’ begs authority. Remember the Emperor with no clothes. The combined concepts destroyed American democracy. How about a new belief in the goodness of mankind and becoming shepherds to his fellow creatures through a new ideal of Secular Humanism. An ‘ideal’ implies perfection. No religion can claim that,” Nick said.

“That could work; although, you know what that means? I’d have to set an example. I’d have to stop being a practicing Pastafarian and give up my membership in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I’d have to renounce belief in his Holy Noodliness. Worst of all, I’d hate to give up my pirate costumes we wear in our sacred services. Damn, and I was just getting the “Arrrr,” in pirate speak down real good, too,” Billy joked.

“That? Coming from the mouth of a man what just may become the savior of this world?” Nick asked, raised an eyebrow, and grinned, “Sounds about right. We ain’t even talked about the Mormons and the crazy shit they believe. C’moan, enough talk about nonsense, them’s just some things to think about. Let’s us mount up and ride off to the bath, Masked Man,” Nick said.

“I absolutely refuse to give up my one legged parrot or my eye patch; I don’t care what you say,” Billy muttered and laughed as they walked out the door.

“The death of dogma and it’s fetishes ain't pretty, Son," Nick sympathized, “And don’t give up them Pirate clothes, neither. I may have them Shedu's make us a copy of “The Pirate’s of the Caribbean” next to the dungeon on my ship. What an exciting ride it will be. We can play Billy Budd meets Nasty Captain Nick, the insatiable butt-pirate; the lecherous old salt what forcibly, but lovingly, seduces handsome young sailors, robbing them of their virginity, and rides them down good and hard until he hears them start to sing, ‘Yo ho, heave ho, a butt-pirate’s wife is the only life for me!’ Arrrr!” Nick said in perfect pirate speak.

“You ‘arrrr ‘so’ perverted, Nick! I love that in a man,” Billy said.

* * * * * * *  
Everyone gathered in big bathing pools with a non-stop flow of warm water where the guests could soap themselves, rinse, and the water would be replaced like that of a flowing river of warm water. Billy thought it must be similar to the old Roman baths of antiquity. It was surprisingly relaxing and social. It was great for the boys to learn to groom their huge beasties; there was much playfulness and horsing around. Roz joined the men with no problems. Billy was surprised, the boys paid little attention to her. He was prepared for any questions his saddle buddy might ask. Randy’s mother got Billy aside before they left for Retikki Prime and asked if he would mind explaining the facts of life to her boy if the subject came up? She didn’t think she could do it and thought that sort of information should come from an important male figure whom she and Randy both trusted.

Billy promised he would if the subject arose but so far, it hadn’t. Billy remembered when his granddad took him aside and explained things to him. Billy watched a bull mount a cow one day and asked his granddad what he was doing? Daws told him it was the way all animals created new life, a male mounts a female, and shoots his seed into her. It grows inside the cow until she gives birth to a male or female calf; then, Daws simply added it was the way life began with all mammals including us humans. “That’s why you got that big cock hang’n ‘tween’st yore’ legs, cowboy. Someday you may wanna’ have a little cowboy or cowgirl with some lady you meet and fall in love with, and if she's willing and ya'll agree, that’s the way it’s done,” his granddad explained.

Billy accepted it as gospel, because he knew his granddad wouldn’t blow smoke up his butt, but somehow, he found cowboys more to his liking than cowgirls; although, he probably wouldn’t pass one up if some lady offered it to him. He just found sex with men less complicated. He wondered if his granddaddy didn’t enjoy the best of both possible worlds? Kate confided in Billy, Daws loved to have his cock sucked, but she just couldn’t do it. She tried a number of times and failed miserably. Daws was quite large and Kate was small. That’s where Vox filled the void or the other way around depending on your point of view. Together, they made sure Daws Butler Daniels was a contented cowboy and a happy camper.

* * * * * * *
When Billy and his family assembled in the garden they were dressed in their finest Western wear and their instruments were carefully loaded onto an anti-grav gurney for their trip to the Andromeda Galaxy and the planet, Fort Adam Lear.* This time, there was a large gate ready and waiting for them. Uncle Gregor and Albrecht wished them well and told them to enjoy themselves. Billy and his family stepped through the portal, and to Billy’s surprise, his family found themselves in what looked like a beautiful backyard at the rear of a huge but magnificent ranch house which might be found on any larger ranch in Southwest Texas. There was a swimming pool and everything was well lit with accent lighting making the place look warm and attractive as well as comfortable and expensive. It bespoke wealth. No expense was spared for the stylized comfort of the house or the grounds. The backside of the enormous house was all glass and looked into a sumptuous living area make of rough hewn beams and support posts with elegantly finished wood for paneling and heavy wooden furniture. It was all tastefully done with Texas written all over it. Inside were men and women of all ages, but mostly mature adults dressed fashionably, but not all in Western wear; however, the majority of men were dressed as authentic cowboys; a few even sported the ubiquitous tuck-a-chew can in their hip pockets.  

“So much for a roundup barbecue and a hoedown,” Billy said and got a laugh out of everyone.

“I don’t know Master Billy, I smell brisket come’n from them big metal drums what’s smoke’n over yonder, and that cain’t be all bad,” Hank said.

“I agree with my partner, Master Billy,” Buck agreed, “Where they’s brisket they’s hope,” he added and got another laugh.

About that time Matt Quigley and his posse noticed Billy’s family arrived and headed straight for them with big smiles on their faces. Matt was followed closely by his old cook ‘Cookie,’ his helper Banjo and several other of the ranch hands they met the night of their cookout on the range. “Ah, our guests of honor have arrived. Master Billy Daniels and his family -- welcome to Fort Adam Lear. How good it is to see you again, Son,” Matt said and stuck out his huge hand to shake Billy’s.

“Good to be here, Mr. Quigley, and nice to see you and your men again, too, sir,” Billy replied.

“Matt, Son. Now we got the familiars over with, just call me Matt,” the big cowboy said and put his arm around Billy as his other ranch hands shook Billy’s hand, and he introduced Matt to those of his family he hadn’t met. The slaves stood behind the others. Matt made over the three boys, and he won their hearts immediately. Matt Quigley was any boy’s ideal of the perfect cowboy hero, and they were duly impressed. The grown men were pretty damn impressed themselves to meet an exact duplicate of Tom Selleck. As Matt Quigley, the huge Irin cowboy produced so much testosterone he reeked enough sexual pheromones to keep a randy bunch of cowhands erect for several roundups. Not one would ever have the balls to challenge this boss man. Matt gave the term ‘ramrod’ new meaning. He was the epitome of male masculinity.

Matt seemed interested in each of Billy’s new family members. He took particular interest in the sheriff, his dad, and his new protector. Buster was greatly improved from the Grigori enhancement and further healing the evening before. He and Will worked on their new protector, Bear, for an hour or more in the tubs, and he was quite handsome for a long-leggedy beastie. Buster was still a bit unsure of himself, but Matt encouraged him. The Ramrod told him after the Irin enhancement, he and Vox would be returned to perfect health. They needed a clean slate to become solid member’s of Master Billy’s new family. Matt singled out Vox to tell him how much he and his people admired him and would see to it, he and his chimera experienced an easy, peaceful transition into a multi-sexual entity. He and Roxanne would be able to live in peace within one body.   

The slaves were last. Hank and Buck made big impressions as did Nick, and Roz, Ramrod Andy, and Billy’s newest additions to his family the Sun Bears. Matt complimented the twins and Archie and Edith. “Hell far and damnation!” he exclaimed. “This cain’t be them two rag-a-muffin halfling twins you brought with you last time?” he said using his best cowboy hyperbole.

“The same, Matt,” Billy assured him.

“Look at you men! You look like two buckaroos what’s been ride’n the range all yore’ lives, and I swear by some unknown god, ya’ll look more healthy and happy than the last time we seen you,” Matt poured on the compliments. Cass and Poly would have wagged their tails if they had one.

“We’re very happy to be Master Billy’s slaves and part of his family, Ramrod Quigley. We work hard to make him proud, and he’s very good to us, sir,” Cass spoke for the twins.

“Will you men make some music for us this evening?” Matt asked.

“It would be our pleasure, sir,” Poly replied.

“Good, we’ll look forward to it,” Matt said, as he tuned to speak to Billy’s Psyches.

“Ah, Archie and Edith, the heroes of the the town square incident on Retikki Prime. Nasty business, that,” Matt said shaking his head, “but fortunately the Daniels family was there to save the day and Master Billy’s two faithful and beautiful Psyches handily apprehended the would be assassin and immobilized him. Well done!” Matt exclaimed and hugged each one, “Each of you look more fit and fine than you did on your last visit with us. Are you sorry you chose to start a new life as Master Billy’s slaves?” Matt asked with a smile.

“Not at all, sir,” Archie answered, “We’re quite pleased and honored to be a part of Master Billy’s greater family,” he added.  

Matt took an extra minute when Billy introduced him to Nick. “Ah, yes, Nick Samuels, as your new master has aptly named you. We have been following your progress for centuries, and I must say, Master Billy has finally given you a name worthy of your accomplishments and talents. I would go so far as to say, you have finally met your match 'bright angel.’ This assignment should round off your rough edges and bring you around to being the valuable entity and companion you were created to be,” Matt told him.

“Thank you, Sire,” Nick replied, “sometimes my new young master intimidates me with his brilliance and talents,” Nick replied.

“Good, that’s what we were hoping for. It’s the way we planned it,” Matt said without further explanation. Nick smiled and bowed, “The two of you together -- two bright angels -- one artificially created, the other an enhanced natural, will write your names across the stars and no one will speak one name without the other. As the Grigori are wont to say, Hosanna in the highest!” Matt said and smiled.      

“And how is your conjoining projects with the Grigori working out for you?” Billy asked and grinned.

“Very well. Better than we anticipated and more rewarding than we imagined. Certainly better for you and your family. You have no idea how much your husband’s uncles love you and their nephew,” Matt said.

“We are overwhelmed and in awe of them and their love for us. We try to please them,” Billy said.

“Oh, you do. Trust me, cowboy, they couldn’t be more proud, but then, we’re very proud of you and your family as well. We’ve been following your progress. You and the Daniels family are the talk of our galaxy and several thousand more,” Matt said and turned to Roz, “And how wonderful of you to bring the lovely Roz Cumber with you, who, I understand, is carrying you and your husband’s son, Billy Daniels Junior. We are most familiar with this talented young lady and hoped you might share her with us. Since we plan further enhancements, we are pleased you brought her with you,” Matt said sincerely.

“We had to, Matt. Without her we wouldn’t have a quartet,” Billy joked. Roz poked him in his ribs, and he laughed.

Matt made over Boomer, shook his big paw, and told him how proud he was of the big monster’s work protecting Master Billy and his immediate family. He complimented Ramrod Andy for his new position as Master Billy’s ramrod over the Irin cowboys. Billy’s family stayed outside a few minutes longer as Matt’s cowboys got to say ‘hello’ and renew acquaintances with those they met before. Banjo and Cookie were particularly happy to see the twins again and asked after Mz. Maybelle. They were pleased when Billy told them she was with foal.

Ramrod Quigley saved the handsome Sun Bears for last. Billy asked Randy to introduce them. Randy told Matt and his company about finding the Sun Bears and Master Billy buying them from some nefarious space-gypsies. He carefully introduced each one of the six couples to Matt and didn’t mispronounce one of their names. When Randy finished they were more in love with the young cowboy than before. Matt seemed to be quite interested in them and asked Randy if they would perform for him and his company that evening. They bowed in unison to the huge man and Randy assured them they would be proud to dance for them. “Are you Sun Bears aware you will be enhanced along with Master Billy and his family later this evening?” Matt asked and they all nodded their heads and Sunsastubo sent to him, << We are looking forward to it, Sire. Master Billy told us it might mean the difference in our survival as a species, >> he said.

“That’s right, but you already have made a great step by agreeing to throw your lot in with Master Billy and his family. You are now under his protection and as his slaves will be expected to contribute what talents you bring to his family with love and cooperation,” Matt said aloud to them.

<< We understand and accept our responsibility to Master Billy as our master. We are proud and honored to be given a chance to become his slaves and family members. We will do our best for our conjoined families, >> Sunsastubo replied.

“Excellent! Come! All of you. Here, this evening, there are no delineations between freemen, slaves, and masters. You are the Daniels family and will be treated equally as our honored guests,” Matt said and invited them inside.

The evening progressed casually. Billy and his family were introduced to some of the highest ranking Irin on the artificially created planet, Fort Adam Lear, and other high dignitaries from several other planets. The Irin were not bound to one planet like other races. They lived on numerous natural planets, but within the last several thousand years began to build their own custom planets and place them in orbit around stars which were stable class ‘M’ or better solar engines. They were perfectly placed within an ideal comfort zone which neither got too hot nor too cold. They maintained an average mean temperature year round. Billy’s family was more impressed than ever they were hob-nobbing with such an advanced race of beings who could artificially create their own worlds to inhabit.

“Who needs gods when you can create your own world?” Tron asked drolly and everyone agreed with him.

“It does stretch one’s considerations of what’s actually possible by any race. To the majority on Earth these folks would appear to be gods to them, unless you were Clarence Womack and saw them as demonic because they might not fit his mold of what’s holy; and yet, as advanced as they are, they can make jokes and sly comments about ‘unknown gods.’ Could there be races even more advanced than the Irin and Grigori?” Nathan said.

“I think I prefer the term ‘god-like’ to actually giving any race a title of omnipotence. If a race is all powerful, they didn’t get that way by being singular. It had to be a joint venture, and if a god claims to be singular, he should be suspect. Why is he alone? Is he incapable of getting along with others of his type? The only way our race is going to finally walk out of its dark past into a more productive future is hand in hand, together, with the love and support from our growing family of intelligent critters,” Billy said.

“Hear! Hear!” replied several of his family.   

“We’ve advanced technologically only as far as big business has allowed because of the dependency on gas and oil which is quickly becoming depleted. We could have had clean alternate energy recourses but the big money of the dirty power industry squelched any new ideas. Unless we come up with something soon, our world economy will collapse,” Billy said, “It may be something to look into when we return,” he added.

Food was served, and while the predominate course of food was barbecue brisket and western accouterments, there were various foods for any taste. Certainly there were foods Archie and Edith and the Sun Bears preferred which Billy considered a nice and thoughtful consideration for his family. Talk was lively and many guests asked questions about Billy’s family’s lifestyle. Billy was proud of his family as they were mannerly and answered their questions politely and considerately.

“I think this is the best brisket me and my mate ever et,” Hank said and Buck nodded.

“We didn’t share our secret with you your last visit, but I think you can handle the news. That ain’t animal protein you’re eating. It’s vegetable. We can duplicate any food we choose out of healthier plant fibers and proteins to create a more healthy product,” Ramrod Quigley said.  

“But what about all them cows you had on the range?” Buck asked amazed.

“We still got ‘em. We raise and tend them mostly for by products and their waste. We don’t slaughter them for food. They live to ripe old ages and mostly die of natural causes. Others, who become too old and feeble or unable to feed, we put down without trauma and process their bodies for wild animal food and leathers. The waste they deposit builds our soil. Biological elements of soil are so complex even the most advanced races can’t duplicate what one cow or buffalo can do in a lifetime. You can irrigate the desert and make it produce, but unless you return a binding element to the sandy loam, once you stop irrigating, in a short period of time, it will return to desert again. Animal waste is not only a perfect organic fertilizer, it acts like a binder. You cowboys should know that. When you step in cow shit it sticks to the bottom of your boots like glue. It does the same for the soil and unless you replenish it, sooner or later it will start to break down, a big wind will come along and blow your top soil away. Once gone, it will take centuries to rebuild it. We have massive herds of American bison who roam our plains. Over the centuries they will build up a top soil which will then be used for agricultural purposes, and they will be moved to other sites which need enriching,” Matt explained.

“As animals, don’t we require certain animal proteins to live?” Buck asked.

“The meat producing mega-corporations on Earth would like you to believe it, but no, you can get as much protein as you need from plants without the carcinogens introduced chemically by artificially fattening of feedlot beef before slaughter,” Matt assured him. “You might want to consider urging your young master to refuse selling his cattle to those who practice the corporate way and sell his beef directly to the public as organically grown, free of carcinogens. It may cost the consumer a bit more, but certainly will save more money in the long run if families don’t have to pay enormous sums for cancer treatment. Because of your current ultra-conservative government who implemented strict austerity financial cut backs for the middle class, veterans, and the elderly so the two percent of the wealthy wouldn’t have to pay their fair portion of taxes, they have almost completely eliminated your middle class. You must begin to fight back, in a passive but persuasive manner, by cleverly refusing to play their game,” Matt said firmly.

“I ain’t against new ideas or going against the grain of business dogma set in place by the wealthy, but it makes me wonder about the legal ramifications and whether they can file suit against my corporation if we infringe on their imagined territorial rights,” Billy responded to Matt’s comment.

“In the world of competitive business there are no rights nor laws set in stone which can not be either broken or worked around to achieve your own personal goals. They make sure there are no binding practices of that nature so they can get away with as many nefarious, underhanded practices as they can, and they succeed by simply becoming the largest and loudest about their their products and selling the public the idea they have a need for it. So, you advertise better health supported by statistics for about the same price without the worry of getting cancer or some other incurable disease from eating cattle that can’t even walk to the slaughter house. Imply, if they buy your beef, in effect, they are getting an insurance policy big business would never allow them to afford in the first place. Which would you place your bet on if you were an average woman buying beef for her family?” Matt asked.

Several other of the Irin cowboys had some good suggestions for Billy and his family. By the time supper was finished, they talked about many things, including the significance of the installation of the pair of Shedu’s on Nick’s ship. “Things will become easier for you and get done at a faster rate once Madame Spartza is transferred from Retitkki Prime to  Earth under you and your family’s protection. We’re hoping for great things between her and the great Shedu Bull Beauford on board Nick Samuel’s ship. You will soon learn the ways of the Shedu and become acquainted with their powers,” Matt said.

“Of course, we are working and collecting donations for your work on Earth. Your family’s swift and heroic response to terrorism aimed at one of your protector/angels has garnered so much wealth we have not only augmented your account on Retikki Prime, our elders insisted the overflow be placed in an account here on Fort Adam Lear for your immediate disposal. It will be available for you any time you wish it transferred to an account on Earth and can be paid in any manner including silver, platinum, or gold bullion,” Matt said, “Clyde can assist you with that, and we have trusted members of our race planted in strategic positions around your world to intercede on your behalf. Your account in the Grand Caymans will be an ideal place to make your first deposit. Since your world is in a near financial collapse, may we suggest gold bullion? Say, one hundred billion to start and as soon as you can get your own bank started the Grigoir have decided to back you with another hundred billion,” Matt said without nuance.

Nick grinned and took his hat off to fan his young partner. Billy was about to swallow his tongue and starting to turn blue. Nick slightly hit him on his back with the sharp of his hand and Billy coughed into his fist. “That should start the ball rolling rather nicely,” Billy said in a choked voice. Matt laughed at him.

“You will need a solid financial background. We arranged for you to have an initial amount of one billion through various means to see how you would react to having a large sum of money. You haven’t let it change you a bit. You and your family cut corners where you can to get the best deal. We’re hoping you consider offering the same ranch leasing deal you offered the Rutherfords to your other family members. They can use the income, not only for their personal financial security but also to free them from day to day ranching chores so they may be free to work for and support the Highland Shire project. You will need their land for expansion of your operations. It will immediately create more job opportunities for your Irin brothers and sisters. You can bring more Irin personel on board your operation to work the ranches. With the added potential powers of the Shedus you should have no problem meeting your six month projection to incorporate the five hundred Irin we already have on your ranch. We have five hundred more who can’t wait to be transported to your ranch,” Matt said.

“When will I find out the rest of the things I’ve been taught as a young child and don’t remember? Will those things be revealed to me soon? Every day I wonder if I’m going to be able to do a job so great and complicated. If it weren’t for my family’s love and encouragement, I would have thrown in the towel some time ago,” Billy allowed.

“Very soon you will awaken to complete your past. You will learn everything there is to know about your task on Earth, and why you were chosen for this job,” Ramrod Quigley said, “But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Madame Spartza must first be installed under your protection; until then, let’s make merry this evening with some fine music. Will you and your group play for us?” Matt asked.

“What about your local Western band? Mr. Rogers and the Son’s of the Pioneers?” Billy asked.

“We invite them to play cowboy music for us on the range, but we were hoping to devote this evening to you and your family. Many of the Irin follow your family on Earth and have contributed greatly to your success. I’ve even caught a couple of barnyard performances and was stunned by what you’ve done with limited means. We’re counting on that part of your family growing, and we will provide the means. A society which does not encourage education and the arts will not survive on wealth alone. Business must walk hand in hand with the arts and creativity. Both must be equally tended for the whole to survive,” Ramrod Quigley said, “Fortunately, there are those on your planet who share the same ideals,” he added, referring to the Redbones.

“We will be proud to play for you and your guests, Ramrod,” Billy said humbly.

Ramrod Quigley and his men led Billy, his family, and his guests for the evening down a path through some beautiful trees into another clearing where there was an enormous barn. The inside of the barn was converted to a concert hall with a large stage at one end and comfortable chairs sitting around on a solid wood floor. Billy and his family took their anti-grav gurney to the stage and quickly got set up for a performance. Billy decided to do things a bit differently and started with the Ravel string quartet. It seemed every time his group played one of the quartets they played it better. Ramrod Quigley and his guests were as enthusiastic as the crowds on Retikki Prime. It was as if they were starved for good music.   
Billy didn’t play everything they did on Retikki Prime, but they played the major numbers which featured the twins and Roz, and in the middle of their concert, they played the Stravinsky piece while the Sun Bears danced. Matt and his guests were enchanted by the smaller humanoids and their dexterity with their dancing. They were one of the major hits of the evening. The other two big hits were the twins playing of the Bach double violin concerto and the group decided to go with Roz’s augmented ground bass which almost, but not quite, turned the second movement into a trio. After the last note sounded on the final movement, the gathered crowd applauded for the twins and Roz. Billy allowed them their moment to shine. The final work they played was the Vaughan Williams “The Lark Ascending” with Roz as soloist. When she finished playing the crowd was silent like they were mesmerized. Finally, Matt and his cowboys started applauding and everyone rose to their feet for Roz.

“Could you play one more piece for us, Roz? As an encore, perhaps?” Ramrod Quigley asked.

“I’d be happy to. I can play Heinrich Biber’s Passacaglia for you if you like,” Roz replied.

“Excellent. Would you mind playing it on an instrument which dates from the early seventeenth century on Earth made by one of the greatest instrument makers of the Baroque period, Nicolo Amati?" Matt asked, “It’s over four hundred years old and is considered one of his finest instruments,” he added.

“I certainly wouldn’t mind. I’d be thrilled, sir,” Roz replied.

Matt clapped his hands and one of his cowboys came from another room with a case and handed it to Roz. She carefully put her beloved hundred dollar mass-produced viola away in it’s case and opened the case to the Amati. It was a beautiful thing to behold. Roz could swear it began to sing to her before she removed it from its case. It was undoubtedly old but was in near perfect condition. It had been well taken care of.

“This is a unique instrument, Roz. It belonged to a famous musician who died on the Titanic traveling to America to give concerts. He handed it to his children who survived and his family sold it as part of their inheritance. One of our agents was there. He bought it and brought it to our home world. Since that time, it’s only been played a couple of times to show its beauty and splendid tone. We would love to hear it again,” Matt said.

“It will be my pleasure, sir,” Roz assured him.

After a few minutes of rosining the bow and a bit of tuning, Roz was ready to play. When she began to play, Roz was almost startled by the rich, full tone of the instrument compared with her practice viola. It seemed like the instrument knew Roz was a fine, talented musician and was doing its best to showcase her abilities. She couldn’t have played a better piece for the first time. The Biber Passacaglia, while simple sounding, is rich with texture and inventive musicality. Billy and the twins looked at each other like they couldn’t believe the difference in sound from the ancient instrument. Roz played it to perfection and got another standing ovation when she finished.

“Thank you Roz, we greatly appreciate your playing for us. You once again made the great Amati sing,” Matt said as Roz handed him back the viola in its case. “I’m sorry, Roz, did I forget to mention, we’d like for you to have it to take back to Earth with you?” the ramrod asked.

Roz lost all color in her face and turned to Billy for support. “Master?” she questioned.

Billy grinned real big, stepped up, and took the case from her. “Thank the good looking cowboy for his kind words and the generous gift from the Irin people, little sister,” Billy prompted her gently.

Roz threw her small arms around Matt’s neck, hugged, and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, Master Quigley -- you and the whole of the Irin people, from the least to the highest among you. It was a great honor and joy to get to play such a fine instrument, but to take it back to Earth, is a thrill beyond words,” Roz said.

“We made an investment in you, young lady, when we allowed you the chance to go to Earth and become a part of Master Billy’s world. You have proven yourself worthy and become an important part of the Daniels family. We are very proud of you and as you know, we reward talent and success,” Matt said as he held Roz in her moment of exuberance. Everyone applauded and came around to wish Roz well.

Everyone seemed in a mellow mood. Billy’s family was enthralled by the large auditorium. They took a brief break and enjoyed some sweet treats with a mug of fine coffee.

“We have but one final request before we break up and our Irin guests leave for the evening,” Matt said as he was holding Randy in his lap, drinking his coffee, and talking with the young cowboy.

“And what might that be, Ramrod?” Billy asked.

“Me, my cowboys, and the good folks gathered would like to hear you perform by yourself, Master Billy. You are a fine teacher, conductor, and supporting musician, but we have followed your progress for many years. We would like to share the fruits of your talent and labor. Besides, your three youngest buckaroo brothers have given you away and are your biggest fans. We would like you to play our grand piano for us we brought here from Earth. It was rescued from another great ocean liner, the Lusitania which sunk in 1915 and contributed to the beginning of the first world war on your planet. It seemed like such a waste to let it be destroyed by the ocean. It suddenly disappeared during the confusion. The instrument is now over a hundred and twenty years old but still in perfect condition. We even brought a technician from the factory to go over every inch of it and return it to it’s original condition. It only recently has been tuned, and I’m told the action is superb. Other than the technician, who himself is a fine classical musician, none other has played the instrument in all these years. You will be the first,” Matt said.    

“I would be honored, Ramrod Quigley, but I didn’t see a grand piano when we came into the hall,” Billy said.

Matt clapped his hands and the back wall began to lower into the floor at a dividing point at the back of the stage. Behind it was a massive organ, so big, it made Vox and Rox wet their panties. Sitting on a raised stage a little higher than the one Billy and his musicians played on rested an enormous nine foot six inch black concert grand piano with the name Bosendorfer in gold letters on the side.

“My Lord, is it the ‘Imperial’ model 290 with ninety-seven keys?” Billy asked in awe.

“You don’t have to be formal, cowboy -- Ramrod will do nicely, and 'yes’ it is the Imperial model,” Matt corrected Billy and laughed. Billy knew he was joking. “Bring it forward and uncover it, and open it for our guest artist, men,” Matt ordered his cowboys and six of them went to the piano, moved it to the front of the second stage, removed its cover, and opened it. Matt offered Billy his arm to escort him to the stage and the piano. Billy grinned, winked at him, and took his arm. Billy and Matt were still dressed in their cowboy outfits and looked strange on a concert stage. When they got to the piano, Billy removed his hat and set it on the left side of the piano on the side board.

Matt laughed, “Strangely enough, your hat looks right there,” he said, “I’ve been waiting a long time to see that sight, young man, and the time has finally arrived,” he added in a full voice so everyone could hear.

“And what shall I play for you and your gracious audience, Ramrod Quigley?” Billy asked quietly, “I would like you to announce what I will play to our audience,” he said.

“I’ve been following you since you first started lessons with your grandmother and used to listen for hours to you practice in the line cabin. There are three pieces I would love to hear this evening to introduce your talent to the hundreds of thousands of worlds who will be tuned into this concert. I want to hear J. S. Bach’s Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue, the three pieces from Stravinsky’s ‘Petrushka,’ and Prokofieff’s Seventh Sonata,” Matt said firmly.

“Holy crap, Ramrod! Y’ain’t ask’n for much. Do I look like a work horse?” Billy asked and laughed.

“Don’t gimme’ no shit, cowboy!” Matt said laughing, “I’ve heard you run through them pieces hundreds of times without working up a sweat -- well, maybe a little winded after the last movement of the Prokofieff, but if y’ain’t tired, you held back, and didn’t give it your all,” Matt allowed, “And like you been tell’n your demon dad when he’s get’n his’self some of the good stuff, I don’t expect you to cheat us none,” Matt demanded. They fell together laughing.

“At your service, Ramrod. This performance is for you, Sire, and I swear on the name of some forgotten god, I won’t cheat chu’ none,” Billy declared and grinned.

“'Sire' is better than ‘Lord,’” Matt replied and winked.

“I will play my favorite warm-up piece before I begin the Bach. Please tell the audience not to applaud after ever movement as it interrupts my concentration, and if they don’t know when a piece has ended to watch you,” Billy said.

Matt did as he was told and returned to the front row of the audience. He held Randy with his small head resting against Matt’s big chest while sitting on his lap with his huge arms thrown around Rory on one side and Cal on the other. Billy left his hat on the side of the piano, reached into his back pocket for his bandanna, and wiped his hands with it. He raised the key cover to the piano and was stunned by its beauty. It looked like a monstrous beast with several more teeth than the average piano. Billy thought it looked like the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the keyboard world. It sat there grinning at him with its huge pearly whites, daring him to make a move. It promised it would eat him alive -- consume him with one big bite. “Hear me well, you grin’n sum’bitch, if’n I can ride a two ton bull, I can shore’ as hell tame yore’ big ass,” he muttered. He turned to his audience and spoke. “To get the feel of the of this great beast, I will play a short piece by Domenico Scarlatti; his Sonata in E, K. 531,” he said and turned back to the keyboard to play. He played it perfectly and his audience applauded.

* * * * * * *
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, everyone was enjoying coffee and having dessert sitting around the table in the kitchen when Kate’s TV sputtered, blanked out for a couple of seconds, and came back on with a picture of a young cowboy sitting at a huge grand piano playing a Scarlatti Sonata. The music stopped everyone in the kitchen. “Zelma, turn that up!” Kate exclaimed, “I’d know that piece anywhere. It’s the first piece I taught Billy to play, and he uses it as a warm-up piece if he doesn’t know a piano well,” she said.

“It is Billy!” Zelma hollered back, “Where is it coming from?” she asked without expecting a reply.

“It’s coming from our home world, Mistress Kate,” Dociean replied and Dorcus agreed with him. “See! There’s Master Randy, Rory, and Cal sitting with our supreme leader,” he added.

Whoever was operating the feed was an expert at manipulating the several images the many cameras were picking up. The Rutherford family whooped and laughed seeing Randy sitting in the lap of the leader of the Irin world listening intently to his saddle buddy rip through a difficult Scarlatti Sonata like it was a piece of cake.

“The leader of your world is Tom Selleck?” Mary Rutherford asked.

“No, ma’am, Mistress Mary. He can look like anyone he wants. He just appears that way to make folks comfortable,” Dociean explained.

“I’m sure he would make me very comfortable,” Zelma Redbone quipped and giggled like a naughty school girl.

“I heard that!" Kate answered her, “I wonder how they can get a signal to us almost the same time it’s going on there?” Kate asked.

“The Irin have greatly advanced technology, Mistress Kate. I wonder how many folks here on Earth are picking up the transmission,” Dociean replied.

“Run out to the bunkhouse for us, Dorcas, to see if they’re getting it,” Kate said.

“Right away, Mistress Kate, but my guess would be they are,” she said and was out the back door.

Sure enough every TV set in the bunkhouse was getting the signal. Several of the cowboys took one of the larger screen TV’s out behind the barn and turned it on for the gathering Irin cows. When they heard the music, they came running. It almost sounded like a stampede to the back of the barn. The phone in the kitchen began to ring and Kate answered, “Daniels ranch, Kate speaking,” she said.

“Hello, Kate. This is Lima Bean. Bubba and me wanna’ know what Billy’s doing playing the piano on TV?” she asked.

“Lord, we didn’t know anything about it until a few minutes ago, Lima. Billy and some of our men took off to go see about a new piano one of the ranchers down toward Uvalde bought. Billy said he looks a lot like a younger Tom Selleck; you know, that movie actor from the last century. He remembered Billy played and wanted him to play a couple of things for a group of people he was having in for dinner. We don’t know how or why it’s on TV.  We’s just as surprised as you,” Kate said, and continued, “Maybe he’s got an amateur station or he’s recording it, and by some fluke it got sent out. You know we been having freakish weather this spring. Ever’ time you turn around there’s another major storm front coming through. If we hear anything, I’ll give you a call. They weren’t suppose to stay long. We expect them back within an hour or so,” Kate was improvising and leaving lots of open ground for a crash landing.

Billy played on and on. He threw himself into his playing and after Billy tamed the beast with his Bach, he made a pact with it. If it would help him get through this, he would treat it well, and allow it to sing. They formed an easy friendship. Whatever Billy demanded of the great instrument, it responded to his touch like it was inspired by magic. Billy was no longer the apprentice carrying the sorcerer’s baggage, he became the magician, and he made the great beast sing; perhaps, for its first time.

While the signal seemed to be local, everyone in the area wanted to know who the mysterious young cowboy was playing the piano so masterfully and beautifully. It hit Clarence Womack right between his eyes because it interrupted his evening feeding of hate and political lies from Fox news. Fortunately, Womack was blind in his third eye. His pineal gland shriveled up to the size of a dehydrated blackeyed pea the moment he uttered the words, ‘I believe.’ He could see neither the mystery behind the broadcast nor understand the miraculous genius represented by the incredibly difficult music he was hearing. All he could perceive was the limited fact, there, on his TV in his living room in color and stereo surround sound was his arch nemesis, his imagined Moriarty, Billy Daniels, playing the piano like the devil himself poured gas on his ass and set him on fire.

Billy wasn’t even halfway through the Stravinsky piece when Womack began to shout obscenities at the TV about the demonic music coming from it like it was inviting the devil into his home. He quickly tried to change the channel only to find Billy on everyone he tried. He yelled at the top of his voice for Satan to get behind him and pulled the plug on the set. His wife walked into to the room and asked about the beautiful music she heard on the TV and came to see who was playing it. Clarence looked at her like she was a crazy woman and told her not to turn it on again, then went off to his study to work on his next hell fire and damnation sermon. He needed money for a new project. He had to put the fear of god into them ignorant yokels by turning the heat up and rattling their superstitious minds to milk them for more money by promising them salvation for their immortal souls. The odds were not that good, but how do you tell a man not to bet on a dead horse when someone else has convinced him it could still win the race? 

Billy’s concert lasted a little over an hour, but it was never traced. Several who watched, swore they saw the Daniels men, the sheriff, his dad, and several large and small beasts what looked like Wookies and Ewok characters out of them old ‘Star Wars’ movies. Billy later explained them away as actors in costumes promoting another science fiction movie for the benefit of several Hollywood producers who were guests of his rancher buddy. Once the newness of the phenomenon passed, people quickly forgot about the incident -- everyone, except Womack. After the last note of Prokofiev’s Seventh Sonata, the assembled crowd stood and gave Billy a huge ovation. He agreed to play one encore and played Schumann’s lyrical 'Traumerei’ like a soft ‘amen’ to a great prayer. “Perfect!” said Ramrod Quigley quietly as the audience gave Billy another standing ovation. The moment the concert was over the feed to the hill country ended. There was a brief period of socializing and Matt’s guests began to leave. They were most gracious to Billy and his family and said they hoped to see them again in the near future.

“I wish we had time for more music,” Matt lamented, “Perhaps sometime you can make a trip with your family for the sole purpose of making music, and we will plan several days of luxuriating in the glory of your talents. While we have achieved great things through our technology, we have lost some of our connections with the wonder, the mystery, and the beauty of art and music. You are closer to your primal selves than we are, but that’s not a put-down nor is it a bad thing. Through you and the Grigori, we are beginning to rediscover our own personal heritage of creation. It’s only one of the many reasons we’ve become interested in helping you and your kind find a non-destructive path to a better future. That’s not to say there won’t be some who will be allowed to die out as a natural progression from the process of the evolution of a species. They will simply become an anachronism of a more reasoned and stable future. Their ideas and mores will become unacceptable in an advancing society which must make adjustments in their thinking if they are to progress and survive. The ideals of an open society can not and will not be denied. Those unable to adjust must be left behind, but we will work with you. You will have options,” Matt said.

Billy wasn’t sure what his words meant, but he got the general idea many people would not like Matt’s vision of the future for Earth. “My dad and I discussed something similar earlier this evening,” Billy said quietly, “I will do what is necessary, but I will not be ruthless; nor will I be without compassion,” he added.

“And that’s exactly why you were chosen, cowboy,” Matt dropped his big arm around Billy’s shoulder and walked with him back to the main ranch house. “I want you to understand, with this enhancement, we will be giving you your own set of abilities to enhance anyone of your choosing. I think you probably already noticed several people you helped have also benefited from your enhancements. The sheriff’s ward and her litter will be remarkable. Young Randy and Roz have been greatly helped, but it’s not been all your doing. They have natural talents. They just needed cultivating. You gave them an augmentation and added direction to their purpose. We will do the same for Vox and the rest of your family, but you alone will have the power to create your own angels. Choose wisely. Also, I hope you’re prepared for the fledging of those of your family who have not been enhanced until now,” Matt said.

“I am. I won’t let them out of my sight for twenty-four hours. They have already been warned and made arrangements. I remember my own fledging. I don’t know what I would have done without Nick,” Billy allowed.

“You really love him, don’t you?” Matt asked sincerely.

“With all my heart, sir,” Billy replied quietly.

“Do you have trepidations about his past or his being labeled as the ‘evil one’?” Matt asked.

“None whatsoever. If he was the embodiment of such descriptions, why would you allow him close access to me?” Billy asked.

“Good point, an excellent observation, and you would be right. You and Nick are like the opposite ends of a bar magnet. You are drawn to each other so strongly, we couldn’t have prevented your conjoining if we wanted to. Your coming together was not all our doing. Nor was it totally the machinations of our brothers, the Grigori. I’ll admit we had a small hand in its success, but it was so minor as to be considered inconsequential in the stream of the timeline. It was going to happen anyway. We just gave it a little shove in the right direction to make sure no one was hurt. If we didn’t, there was a good chance several on Nick’s ship would have been killed and Nick himself might have been more greatly damaged.

“You don’t have to worry about Clyde, Billy,” Matt volunteered, “When I gave him to you he was made to understand -- in effect, he’s hard wired -- to transfer all allegiance to you as his new master. To be honest, we had no option but to give him to you. He fell in love with you and is still very much devoted to you and your family. He may one day find a mate of his own, but he’s not really looking. If he does you must make it clear, his mate must become your slave as well if he's not already one. It is known throughout the universe, a slave cannot serve two masters; otherwise, he will love, honor, and cling to the one and dishonor the other. You can not ask a man to divide his heart no more than you can ask him to ride two horses or bend two bows. Unfortunately, chewing gum while walking is still too great an effort for many,” Matt explained and grinned. They shared a laugh.

“I’m in the last category, I’m afraid,” Billy said.

“Humility over truth can sometimes be a virtue, but it can also be a manipulative tool,” Matt replied.

“Did it work?” Billy asked and laughed.

“Of course it did. You quickly learned to milk me like a favorite old cow,” Matt replied.

“You make it easy, Ramrod. All joking aside, I’m grateful to you and the Grigori for the extra watcher milk. I can see demand growing within our family group,” Billy said.

“After this enhancement you will have the power to gather the wild ones among you and do with them as you will. I have no concern you will show them the same love and respect you do your own husband. From them and their brothers, the daddy long-legs, you will find solid answers for many of your family problems. They only exist to serve someone who will love and guide them into a new era of growth and cooperation. Also, when things get going, if you need a final force to come to your aid and that of your planet, let us know and we will deploy an artificially created race of beings who will act as peace keepers. They will be mostly passive, but strong and determined. They will be devoted to you and your vision of a new Earth. They are basically an occupation army until a planet can be stabilized and becomes capable of functioning on its own. When that time comes and is agreed upon, we will recall them and send them to another job in another galaxy,” Matt said.

“I’m anxious to get home and get started. I want to see some positive growth soon so I can feel like we’re accomplishing something and moving forward,” Billy said with constrained enthusiasm.

“Everyday you’re building a foundation for your and your family’s new life. Enjoy everyone, because when you have found the ‘way’ and the path becomes more easy, you may look back on these days and wish for new beginnings,” Matt said to him like a grandfather.

“I’ll consider your words, Sire,” Billy said.

“Now it’s time for your further enhancements. Gather your family,” Matt said.

Billy did as he asked, and they gathered around Billy in an great circle and joined hands. Matt walked into the circle and took Billy into his arms and kissed him gently. Billy responded in kind and returned Ramrod Quigley’s kiss with considerable passion. The two cowboys were entwined in each other’s arms and Billy’s family reacted like it was the most natural thing the two leaders could be doing at the moment of enhancement. It spoke volumes to Billy’s family about the respect and admiration each held for the other as they continued to swap spit through the process. Everyone was watching and forgot about the great lights and swirling eddies of wisps of lights like trails left by fairies on a damp October evening as they scampered about from vine to leaf and into the trees to cause a commotion and scatter more of their essence upon the waiting initiates. The moment had its own flavor. It was a mix -- a cross between A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Peter Pan with a dash of Tolkien and the Dark Crystal thrown in for good measure. Randy kept one eye out for Aughra, but to his disappointment, she never appeared; perhaps in spirit. Matt broke off their kiss as the lights began to calm down; their job done for the evening.

“That kiss was certainly welcomed, good Sire, but you have gifted me with the greatest gift of all,” Billy said softly.

“I wanted you to have my DNA on file. I know I can trust you with it; besides, you will need it in the near future. Also, I have a great favor to ask, but I will wait for a more appropriate moment when we can be alone. Knowing you, you’ll figure it out, but keep it to yourself until I approach you about it,” Matt said.

“I’m only sorry I couldn’t have collected your information and brought you comfort at the same time,” Billy said and smiled, “I would have enjoyed that,” he added.

“Hold that thought. We could arrange it for later, if you wish,” Matt said and stole another kiss.

“I will cling to the warm thought of milking my sweet old cow and offering him my comfort,” Billy said and grinned.

“Surely, you are becoming your demon dad’s son, my handsome cowboy,” Matt said.

“That’s the nicest compliment you might have given me this evening, kind sir,” Billy said, and they shared a laugh.

They were done. Their evening was over on the artificially created planet, Fort Adam Lear; an almost perfect copy of Earth, in the Andromeda galaxy. They transported back to Retikki Prime and were received by shouts and applause for Master Billy and his family. Everyone had to shake his hand and his musicians were made over by Gregor, Albrecht, and the palace staff. They wanted to see Roz’s new instrument. They told of watching a video feed directly from Fort Adam Lear by the graciousness of the leaders on that planet, and they couldn’t have been more pleased. They informed Billy he would find within the dungeon cell where he and his men hid his stash of gold another hundred billion in gold bullion and fifty billion in large denomination bills. It was all from donations from the trillions of fans watching the Billy Daniels Family reality show. Not only that, but they also deposited another hundred billion in gold bullion to his account in the Grand Cayman Islands to match the Irin’s deposit. He could now start his own bank. Billy was grateful, but didn’t give any indication he planned to become a banker right away. He remembered Dociean and Dorcas’s suggestion about waiting until he established himself as a sound business man. He attended their counsel and felt they advised him well.

After many hugs, stolen kisses, more than a few tears, promises to keep in touch, with good hopes to meet again soon, Billy gathered his family including the great female Shedu, Madame Spartza and her stablemen along with her close friend and confidant, Balthazar, and walked through the gate back to the barn attached to the line cabin on Earth. Everyone was tired from the long day and the sheriff had to be to work the next morning. Billy was hoping no one suffered time dilation-lag from their visit. He insisted, since the next day was Saturday, Will and Buster Tate drive out to the ranch for supper and spend the night. He wanted them around when they begin to fledge. He made sure Tom and Abigale would be around for another evening. Abigale thought her husband becoming and angel might suit him perfectly. She told Tom she always thought about him as her angel. Billy knew Vox would stay over and didn’t have any worry about him. Vox looked twenty years younger and was walking with a spring in his step he hadn’t experienced in ten years or more. He told Billy he and Roxanne were ready for their music students.  

Clyde took most of the family back to the ranch house while Billy, Boomer, the twins, Balthazar, and Nick, opened a gate for Madame Spartza, her grooms, and the Sun Bears to take them to their new home aboard Nick’s ship. She later confided in Billy she thought being aboard a spaceship might be a cramped affair, but when they came through the gate into the village square and the village people were there with their best costumes and decorations around the square to welcome her, she was impressed. She was even more impressed by the huge castle. Nick’s protectors were there to welcome her and pay homage, but Beauford was noticeably absent. She was not hurt as it was an expected custom. Beauford could not approach her without her express permission until after she got settled in and sent word she was ready to receive visitors. Even then, he would have to send a formal request for an audience with her at her convenience. It was all very stately and mannerly. Not something one might consider from bovines of such large proportions; however, one must understand, their civilization and their traditions go back to the beginning of recorded history. Even today, not everything is known about the Shedus and their way of life. Madame Spartza shared more with her long time companion and protector, Balthazar, than any other creature.

The village people saw the Sun Bears and immediately took them to their hearts. They didn’t need Billy or Nick’s admonitions to welcome them and treat them like new family. They were warm and gracious to the small humanoids, and the Sun Bears responded well. They were particularly pleased to find most of the inhabitants were their size or only a bit larger. They thought it would be easier for them to fit into the village. They were provided with temporary lodging until the next day when Billy promised he would return and make certain they had permanent living quarters and enough credits to buy those things they needed for personal hygiene and comfort. Billy gathered them around and assured them he loved each and everyone of them and would return the next day to visit and take care of the rest of their needs. They each had a hug and a kiss for him. They were worn out from their trip and looked forward to a good rest.

Pollux and Castor volunteered to stay with the Sun Bears for the night to make sure they were comfortable, but Balthazar assured the twins he would be happy to see to them. Balthazar was turning out to be an essential part of Billy’s team of protector angels, and he wanted to start slowly weaning him away from Madame Spartza. Balthazar also seemed to have a sixth sense about what Billy needed and expected from him, and he was always there, ready, when he was most needed without being intrusive. Billy was quite fond of his giant black angel. When asked if Billy planned to do away with Balthazar’s ring through his nose, his tits, and his enormous cock, he replied, “Absolutely not! As a matter of fact I’m seriously thinking about adorning the rest of my angel-slaves in like manner to make my handsome black angel feel more comfortable,” he said and everyone laughed. Nick and Clyde didn’t comment, but neither Billy nor Balthazar missed the erections they both sported.

End of Chapter 29 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved ~
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com
WC = 13572

* 'Fort Adam Lear,’ is an anagram of the planet, ‘Tralfamadore,’ Billy Pilgrim visited in Kurt Vonnegut’s absurdest 1969 classic science fiction masterpiece, ‘Slaughter House Five.’

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Next: Chapter 30

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