Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Feb 29, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 03

Him Who Made The Seven Stars

By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 3

Sleeping with his new family was an experience for Billy. The days and nights on Retikki Prime are fifteen hours making a total of thirty hours in a complete cycle. As a cowboy, Billy’s internal clock was not in sync with fifteen hour nights, and Boomer was unaccustomed as well. The boys seemed to gravitate to each other in their sleep and Billy found Boomer surrounding him with his huge body pulled up as close to the big monster as he could get. He was spooning Billy’s backside and the cowboy could feel his enormous cock resting in his crack. Billy gently reached back with his hand and spread his butt cheeks to make a bun for the big beast’s penis. After Billy took his hand away and wiggled his ass to make it comfortable for him and his new slave, he heard Boomer give out a contended sigh like a big bear might make scratching his back on a good sturdy tree.

“You awake my handsome slave?” Billy asked.

“Yes, Master, I ain’t used to fifteen hour naps,” he replied softly so’s not to wake the little men.

“You feel mighty good back there, big brother,” Billy said and ground his butt around on his slave’s hard shaft.

“I may have to go to the restroom and relieve myself after a while, but for now, I’m about as contented as a slave can be spooning his cowboy master and holding him in my arms,” Boomer allowed.

“You happy, Boom?” Billy asked.

“I don’t think I could be more happy. I was dreading having to work for my elders without some greater interaction between us. It would be like it was before. I’ve always been your protector, since you’s just a baby, but most of the time you never knew I was there. You got better at detecting me as you got older and we had several run ins; especially, when I didn’t keep myself clean enough. I know you could smell me sometimes. I would see you sniff the air and get a funny smile on your face I just knew was from a memory of me. It would make me so horny I’d have to go back to our cave and play with myself five or six times until I was exhausted. You don’t know how hard it’s been on me to follow their rules and laws of staying away from humans when I wanted nothing more than to be by your side. I never wanted to consume your every waking moment. I just wanted to be able to spend some quality time with you without being greedy-- or needy, for that matter,” Boomer said, “I envied Sam. I would a’ switched places with him if I could. I’d wear your saddle, your bridle, and bit in my mouth, to carry you anywhere you wanted to go,” he added. Billy smiled to himself. Boomer’s metaphor made his erect penis even harder.

“You were always welcome at the cabin. Uncle Nate knows about you. I don’t think he understands everything, but he knows we bonded as brothers. He’s seen us together before and told me about it later. He asked me one time if’n I loved you, and I didn't see no need to lie to him. I told him 'yes,' I love Boomer very much-- as much as I love Sam, but Sam’s ma’owner. I don’t know if he understood the connection, but he just shook his head and smiled,” Billy said.

“Are you happy with me becoming your slave, Master Billy?” Boomer asked.

“I’m glad I didn’t have time to think on it, Boom, but once I took the plunge I knew I done the right thing. I just hope your uncles realize I know they played you and me like a two dollar fiddle and and a pie-tin banjo with that master slave routine they done pulled on us. I done played my part, and I hope they’s pleased with my performance,” Billy laughed quietly. “I might have been a tad irritated with them talk’n about terminating the beast I love, but what the hell-- you and I are the big winners here. I’s happy know’n I’ll get to be with you more, and we can spend some quality time together. If nothing else to be yore’ husband and see to your care and hygiene. A healthy, well cared for animal-- or a slave, I suppose-- is a happy and contented beast because he knows his master loves him enough to see to his health and comfort.

“Remember the last time I took care of you in the cave and we lay together for days talking about all kinds a’ shit and what we could do together? I remember those talks we had with great fondness, and I wish’t then, with all my heart, we could be more to each other. Well, here we are with our bodies close to one another and my heart ain’t got a care in the world, content to feel my beast brother surround me with his love and his big rock hard penis resting comfortably between my buns. Am I happy? Of course I’m happy. Don’t get much better’n 'nis, Boom,” Billy said with all his heart, leaned back, and stole a kiss from his slave.

“Are you worried about what Nick will think when he finds out I become your slave before him?” Boomer asked.

“Naw, that’s begging trouble from tomorrow, Boom. Besides, unlike you, Nick has mixed feeling about becoming my slave. It’s certainly not something for which he planned, and right now he feels like he’s been set up and shot down. Yore’ fine uncles made me see some things a little differently. If they got it all planned out, and it’s inevitable I’m gonna’ be you men’s master, I plan to do my job as best I can. You let me worry about Nick. He may be an angel with angelic powers, but part of him is also a man what has the same basic animal needs we all do. I don’t plan to short change nobody in our family including our smaller members. Small don’t necessarily mean less valuable,” Billy said referring to the twins.

“I won’t have no in-fighting among my slaves for their master’s love, neither. For a while, I may need to show Nick more attention. For a bad-ass demon as Nick likes to think on his’self as being, inside he’s got the heart of an eight to ten year old boy what needs a pa just as much as he wants to become a daddy to my little boy. I plan to provide that for him with an iron fist covered with a velvet glove,” Billy said with conviction.

“What part will I play?” Boomer asked unsure of himself.

“Number one...” Billy said and left his comment open.

“Number one slave?” Boomer asked.

“E’aup, you and me, we got us some history together, Boom. You’s ma’ first slave. You got seniority. Even though we ain’t been together as much as either of us wanted, we been bonded brothers for ten years. That might not seem like much to a race what lives hundreds of years like yours or thousands like Nick, but to a human it’s a decade of his life...maybe one tenth of it....and that’s pert-damn significant. You will be my strong right arm and you will let me know when I’m being petty or unreasonable, but you won’t be alone in that position,” Billy said.

“Samson?” Boomer asked.

“E’aup, my owner. Because Sam owns me don’t automatically make him the owner of my slaves as well. I know without asking, Sam understands the concept. He’ll only ever own one cowboy and that’s me, but you know as well as I do nothing slips past that pony, and he can be a great strength for you to draw upon,” Billy said.

“I never considered Sam, but you’re right, Master. Sam is a fount of wisdom and observation about the people around him. He sees though the games and gets to the heart of the matter,” Boomer agreed.

Billy felt Boomer’s big furry hand adjusting his ass just a little to cover more of his enormous penis with Billy’s butt. Billy reached around with his hand and took Boomer’s in his and brought it around in front. He carefully placed it where he wanted it covering his cock and balls. Boomer made a cup with his huge paw and cradled Billy’s genitals within. “When we lay together like ‘iss, my slave will always cover his master’s genitals with his big paw to protect him from ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties and stranger things what go bump in the night. Is that understood, slave?” Billy asked quietly and leaned back to steal a kiss from his beast.

Boomer got the biggest smile on his face. “You’re humble slave will always defend his handsome master’s manhood even unto his death against all them things especially long-leggedy beasties and them foul ghoulies, sir. I give you my solemn pledge as your protector and watcher. So say I,” Boomer said with conviction.

“So say you, so say I; then, we shall seal our troth with a kiss,” Billy said and they kissed the most tender and gentle kiss, it brought tears to their eyes. “And your master will hear no more of my beast relieving himself by self-manipulation. Are you not my beast?” Billy asked firmly.

“I am, Master. I am your beast, sir. So say I,” Boomer replied.

“Are you not my slave?” Billy asked more firmly.

“I am your devoted slave and servant, Master. So say I,” Boomer replied.

“And am I not your husband?” Billy asked even more firmly.

“Aye, my young Master, I recognized you as my goodly husband. So say I,” Boomer replied.

“Good, I’m glad we understand each other. Then I should never have to remind you again of your place. Now roll over on your back and present your penis for your master’s inspection. Your husband will take care of his beast,” Billy ordered.

Boomer didn’t hesitate, rolled onto his back, grabbed his throbbing penis, and made it stand at full salute for his master. Billy raised up and took his prize from his slave’s hand and began to make love to his bonded brother, his friend, and his slave. Neither worried about making any sounds. Billy was as vocal as Boomer in his pleasure. The twins awoke and were thrilled to see two men they had come to love and admire going at it like two dogs in heat. They immediately began to play with themselves. Billy stopped making love to his beast’s cock.

“No!” he said firmly, “If you want me to become your master you will obey me beginning now. You will not play with yourself, your brother, or anyone else without my permission. If you men want to become a part of our family you will act like you are family. Click, you get on the other side of our handsome beast and begin massaging the right side of his chest, and Clack, you on his other side. Find his wonderful tits beneath his fur--one for each-- and suck on them while your master completes his responsibility as his husband.

And so it went. Boomer was huge, but somehow, he didn’t intimidate Billy. He wondered if the adjustment Nick gave his throat would apply to Boomer’s big cock. Sure enough he had no problem and surprised his beast by taking more than half him down his hungry throat. Billy captured all the wonderful masculine odors and smells from Boomer that drove him crazy from earliest memories and drank them down like a fine rare wine. The two little men were going crazy helping Billy pleasure their big beast. They really seemed to get into the spirit of family and togetherness.

Boomer yelled “Hosanna” when he ejaculated into his husband’s maw and several more as Billy drank him down-- all but his last, most voluminous volley, which Billy saved in his mouth. He snapped his fingers at Click and pointed to his mouth. The little man’s eyes lit up like a Roman candle on the fourth of July and his lips found Billy’s in an instant. Billy released about half his mouthful to Click and motioned for Clack to do likewise. They both moaned and acted like it was manna from heaven. Billy fed Clack the last of his beast’s heavy cream, but held back enough for one last tasty gulp of his long-leggedy beastie’s hardy broth. The twins were wowed their master shared such an intimate moment with them. They went from Boomer back to Billy to hug and kiss them for letting them share their love.

“When your husband wants a hearty, beefy meal he will take his beast. And now for dessert...” Billy said and winked at Boomer who grinned real big. Billy grabbed Clack and Boomer grabbed Click, threw them on their backs onto the bed, and began to fellate them. The small men were flabbergasted and gobsmacked at their good fortune. They never were shown such a spontaneous outpouring of unconditional love as Billy demanded of them and gave them in return. As Billy was sucking away and fucking his throat with Clack’s fine cock he got to thinking how comfortable it was as opposed to the Olympian effort he had to expend on his beast, but his prize was every bit as wonderful and meaningful as a gold medal.

By comparison, Billy decided Clack’s cock was downright munchable. His brain made a connection seeing these masculine little men as members of the very butch Lollipop guild, and his musings followed naturally from there. He couldn't understand why he didn't see it sooner: Click and Clack were the only survivors of the original race of Munchkins. Gregor and Albrecht told him they had no species name. They had very little knowledge of their origins or even of their own birth. What Billy did for Boomer, he felt as his slaves, he had the right to bestow upon the little men, a heritage of his invention.

The munchkins were so enthralled with the two larger men pleasuring them they began to sing. It was such a lovely melody and their voice blended so beautiful it was like the song of sirens temping sailors to their doom. As they emptied their dessert cream into their beast brother and new master respectively they sang “Hosanna in the highest.” There was much groaning and 'yums,’ from Billy and Boomer for the sweet treat they were consuming from the munchkin’s little man cocks.

“We love you, Master Billy. We love you, too, Boomer,” they cried.

Billy, his beast, and the munchkins lay together enjoying the afterglow of their release. The three had their heads and upper bodies draped over their beast and using him like an earthquake pillow in a big shake. The conversation was quiet, but Billy didn’t really say whether he would take the munchkins back with him. They kept asking questions about life on Earth and Billy and Boomer would answer but give them little to build their hopes. Billy had every intention of accepting Gregor and Albrechts offer but thought it would be best to discuss it together with the twins present.

“It’s morning on Retikki Prime and we need to clean up. We smell like four hogs in a wallow in a stinky hollow,” Billy declared. His rhyme set the munchkins off on a round of giggles. Cum’moan, you two, you can help me bathe our beast, dry him, and comb out his fur. Families do things together. That way they get things done, and it don’t become a burden for anyone. They went to the showers which was a huge room with several shower heads.

Billy and Boomer set the water to be most comfortable for everyone, and they got to it. Billy bathed Click and Boomer bathed Clack; then, Boomer bathed his master, and the munchkins and Billy bathed their beast. Click and Clack bathed below his waist and Billy did the upper parts he could reach. When he couldn’t reach the top they had Boomer sit on the tile floor of the shower, and they all had a go at him.

Billy carefully watched the small men and wondered if they ever experienced anything like this before; like what it meant to be a family and do things together. Boomer listened with wonder as Billy inquired about whether they enjoyed doing things together with him and Boomer. They seemed to be thrilled to be asked to join them in anything they did from exciting to mundane. Billy and Boomer discussed it later and decided because of their small size they were never asked to participate in anything other than entertaining others. No one ever showed much interest in them as individuals, but when Billy and Boomer did, they seemed to blossom into uniquely caring and giving men full of the greater joys of life that only belonging can bring.

Boomer and Billy led them to the same garden they were in the day before. They were to meet Gregor and Albrecht for breakfast. The huge giants were waiting for them with smiles and more ‘Hosannas’ as greeting. The munchkins ran to them to be picked up and raised on high and made over with much giggles and squeals of glee. “These ain’t the same men what left here yesterday afternoon,” Gregor declared to his mate.

“Don’t think I ever saw such a glow on them two,” Albrecht said referring to Click and Clack. He was beginning to use Billy’s cowboy vernacular.

“To say nothing of them two,” Gregor nodded his head toward Billy and Boomer. Billy watched Boomer blush. He thought it was cute. “Did you take good care of your master last evening, Nephew?” Gregor asked.

“His husband saw to his beast's needs,” Billy spoke up for Boomer, “He did a great job of protecting me and the munchkin men from dark and evil things that go bump in the night,” Billy said like one good turn deserved another. Boomer put his arm around Billy and kissed him on top of his head.

“We helped our master husband his beast,” Clack volunteered.

“Master Billy shared his feast with us,” Click added like they were really excited to be a part of Billy and Boomer.

Gregor and Albrecht laughed with joy at the little men’s enthusiasm. “And I see your master has given you a species name. You are no longer the small or little men,” Gregor said and grinned, “Master Billy’s name fits you perfectly,” he allowed.

“After me’n the munchkins shared our beast, me and my slave decided we wanted us some dessert so we took them,” Billy said, “I tapped Clack and Boomer tapped Click. While I’s chow’n down on some sweet munchkin cock to get me some dessert I got to thinking, compared to the jaw breaking task of husbaning my slave, Clack was downright munchable. One thought led to another, and they became the munchkins,” Billy explained. Both giants laughed. Albrecht even knew about munchkins.

“Well what do you men have to say for yourselves?” Albrecht asked the twins.

Clack looked at Click and nodded for him to speak for them. “We love Billy and Boomer, Masters. We love you, too, but...” Click trailed off not wanting to hurt or offend his giant caretakers.

“We understand. With them you feel more like family,” Albrecht finished for Click.

“Yes, sir,” Click replied quietly.

“You want to become Master Billy’s slaves and go with him and Boomer to a strange world?” he asked.

“Yes, sir, we trust Master Billy and Boomer. We see the way Master Billy treats his slave like Boomer’s his family, and we want him to treat us that way, too, sir,” Clack said.

“Have you asked him nicely to take you men for his slaves?” Albrecht asked.

“No, sir, we been waiting to find out if he wants us,” replied Click.

“Well, there’s only one sure way to find out. You must ask him,” said Albrecht.

Click and Clack ran to Billy and stood before him. They looked at each other but got nothing back. Clack nodded for Click to speak for them but Click shook his head like he didn’t want to be the one. Clack let out a sigh, sucked in a deep breath, spread his stout little legs, closed his fists, stuck out his impressively muscled chest, lowered his head a bit, looked Billy in the eye and spoke, “Master Billy-- Master Daniels, sir-- we want so much to be your slaves and go live with you and Boomer, but more than that, sir, we love you and Boomer and come to think on you as our family. After tasting the joy of belonging for the last couple of days, we would not do well if you and Boomer returned to your world without us. We want to become part of your family, Master Billy. Would you please consider taking us for your slaves, sir?” Clack asked bravely.

“Well, I thought a lot about it, and you men have done a fine job of convincing me I can’t live without two smaller men as my slaves; however, there are some questions I have what need to be answered before I make a decision,” Billy said in a serious, business like manner.

“We’ll answer any question you might have, sir,” Clack said.

“Have you always been known as Click and Clack?” he asked.

“May I answer for them, Master Billy?” Gregor asked.

“Of course, Uncle Gregor,” Billy replied.

“When they were brought to us, they didn’t speak any known dialect. For a good while they couldn’t communicate with anyone but each other. We put them in our cooking unit to be cook’s helpers with our head chief. They were eager to please and learned fast. They quickly became two of his best workers. The language they spoke had click vowels and lots of guttural stops against the teeth which sounded very much like clicks and clacks with pops and gurgles. The chief in charge started calling them Clickity and Clack, but that got shortened to Click and Clack,” Gregor explained.

“If I take them for my slaves may I assume I have the right to give them new names?” Billy asked Gregor and Albrecht.

“Absolutely, they will become your property. As their master you have that right,” Albrecht replied, “To be honest I’ve never been fond of those names. ‘Click’ and ‘Clack’ certainly doesn’t define them today nor does it fit them anymore,” Albrecht allowed.

“Do you men understand what I demanded of you this morning, that you are never to masturbate or have sex with each other, or anyone else for that matter, without my express consent? And if I’m not available, my number one slave, your big brother Boomer, will approve or deny your request?” Billy asked in his best voice of authority. He could see Gregor and Albrecht smile at his question. He knew they agreed with him.

“Yes, sir,” they replied.

“And do you understand if I discover you disobeyed me, I will punish you, but I will never inflict pain nor abuse upon you?” he asked.

“Yes, sir, Master Billy,” they said in unison.

“Do you have any question for them, Number One?” Billy looked at Boomer and asked.  

Boomer grinned real big and his chest swelled with pride at Billy’s cognomen for him. “No, sir, Master Billy,” Boomer replied.

“Fine, then I’m satisfied you men will make fine slaves and will become contributing members of my family. Your answer is 'yes’ I will take you for my slaves,” Billy said. They couldn’t contain their joy and were running from one to the other for hugs, congratulations, and kisses. After a brief ceremony the Munchkins became Billy’s slaves, and he gave them their new names. “Which of you was born first?” he asked. They looked at each other and shrugged. They didn’t know.

“All right, we’ll go by the first twin I met. I will name you after twin brothers who loved each other very much. Click, your new name will be ‘Castor,’ and Clack, your new name will be ‘Pollux.’ The brothers became the two brightest stars in a constellation named for them, Gemini, which means the twins: Castor is known as Alpha Geminorum and Pollux as Beta Geminorum. You will be known as the twins Castor and Pollux Geminorum. But on Earth, you will have three names. You will also be known by my family name as Castor Geminorum Daniels and Pollux Geminorum Daniels,” Billy explained.

“Perfect names for them,” said Albrecht, “Where did you gather such knowledge of the universe, young man?” he asked.

“Trivia from the Internet,” Billy replied, but got a blank look from Albrecht.

“If you’d followed Earth’s culture...” Gregor said quietly and sighed deeply.

“I know. I know. I would understand our cowboy’s reference. I pledge to you, my brother, and you Master Billy Daniels, I will rectify that flaw in my knowledge base as soon as possible,” pledged Albrecht. “Since we have the question of a future for the twins settled, let us break bread together for the day. Hosannas for our gathering together to start our day,” Albrecht said.

“Hosanna in the highest!” everyone responded.

They set down to a table filled with food and treats. Gregor passed a beautiful silver tray stacked with what looked like small sponge cakes. They were an inviting golden-yellow color, oblong, and rectangular with a rounded top. They looked for all the world like Twinkies.

“Try one of these, Master Billy. We call them Hosanna Cakes. They are cream filled and I promise, with every bite you will want to shout 'Hosanna,’” Gregor said and grinned knowing Billy’s penchant for cowboy hyperbole.

Billy took one of the small cakes and bit into it. The cream filling burst onto his taste buds like a memory bomb. A big smile crossed his face and he yelled, 'Hosanna in the highest!’ The rest of the group burst into laughter. “This is remarkable. They’re delicious. This tastes just like...no, it couldn’t be....” he said and looked from Gregor to Albrecht who had wicked grins on their huge faces.

“We had our scientists analyze and synthesize the flavor component of our twins’ ejaculate. We liked their taste so much it seemed like the right thing to do. We had to do something to protect the poor things. It seemed everyone wanted to try them. Their little penises were sucked raw and bleeding from our greediness,” Gregor said and double over with his booming laughter.

“Believe it or not, we have a similar confection on Earth, but not nearly as delicious as this. I can’t believe I just been given my very own Twinkie makers,” Billy said and joined Gregor in a good laugh. The two seemed to play off each other and enjoy their exchanges. They got everyone around the table laughing at them. Everyone had a great time and the twins couldn’t sit close enough to Billy and Boomer. They had to have one hand touching them at all times. They were so thrilled and excited to become Master Billy’s slaves and to be going home with him and Boomer. When they finished breakfast, Gregor and Albrecht dismissed the twins and Boomer to be alone and talk with Billy in private.

“Are you enjoying yourself on our world, young master?”Albrecht asked.

“More than I can express. So far, I’ve enjoyed a truly remarkable and wonderful time. I couldn’t ask for better host and the accommodations are excellent. I’d like to thank you for your time and generosity to me and my slave,” Billy replied.

“You’ve been a delight for us, Son, like a breath of fresh air,” Albrecht said, “We wanted to talk with you alone about Lucifer,” he added.

“I was wondering when you might get around to it. I need information and certainly the wisdom of your guidance," Billy said.

“I knew we picked the right man for the job, brother,” Gregor said quietly.

“Indeed, I must agree with you, my brother,” Albrecht replied and continued, “Nick, as you call him, has been known by many names; Samu’el, Samyaza, Beelzebub, Azazel, Aza’el, Satan, Mephistopheles, Lucifer, and by slang terms such as Old Scratch and Old Nick. The name Nick was an incorrect reference to Nicodemus being a wizard and practicing the dark arts during the time of Christ. He was falsely accused of consorting with Azmodeus and Marduk for his powers. Amazingly enough, there are various accounts of a chosen one who was eventually cast out from others who held power over common man in all civilizations on Earth,” Albrecht explained.

“First, let me establish before we go any further in our conversation, Nick is neither a bad nor demonic creature. He is as brilliant and beautiful as his original name which freely translated from the earliest Sumerian texts as the son of the morning star. He was and still is known on more enlightened worlds as the bearer and bringer of light. Since being cast out by the wicked alien who inhabited Earth in the early days, Nick has spread knowledge, intelligence, intellect, reason, enlightenment, and compassion throughout several galaxies.

“He swore never to return to Earth because he was so badly abused and treated by the evil alien Jehovah, also known as Yahweh. However, the second name mostly refers to the basic tree of knowledge-- of which the first three letters make reference to a graphic representational spelling of human DNA. Modern humans were an early hybrid created by the Anunnaki as slaves to mine gold ore for them so they could extract a mono-atomic particle from the gold itself to provide them with a superconductor element which allowed them to live for centuries. The element was extracted from gold much like Uranium 235 is extracted from yellow cake. What was left was a white powder which has the power to extend life a thousand fold.

“There is much more to this story which will be revealed to you over time. You will begin to understand where you and Nick fit into the picture. Until then, we have arranged for Nick to become your slave. For a hybrid entity who has been uncomfortable with the very thought of humans, it will be a humbling experience for him; however, if he doesn’t agree to become your slave he’s aware of the consequences,” Albrecht said.

“Would you actually terminate a creature so beautiful and full of potential as Nick?” Billy asked like he was presenting a challenge.

“What do you think, Son?” Gregor asked.

“I think you just asked a man what believes in the cowboy way the wrong question, Uncle Gregor. You never want to ask a cowboy what he thinks unless you’re ready for the answer. Remember, I already done seen you people in action with your threat to terminate your nephew to get the results you wanted. I knew what you was doing when it come out chore’ mouth, Uncle Albrecht. Terminate you’re nephew? Yeah, like that’s gonna’ happen. I see the look in you and Uncle Gregor’s eyes when you look upon your nephew. You brighten up like two old whores what just caught the eye of a big spender. You love Boomer like he done come from yore’ own loins.

“Just as you would never cut out yore’ own heart, you would never consider doing such a thing to your nephew. If’n you’s serious you would a’ sent him to me long before now with his hat in his hand ask’n me to take him for my slave. To have Boomer for my own, I would have agreed to anything, and did; when he save my life and asked me to become his slave, I agreed without hesitation just to have a closer walk with him. It’s been over three years since I saved Boomer’s life the last time. Ain’t nobody come knocking on my door to tell me I won a prize for risking my life to save his, and dropped Boomer in my lap to be my slave. Furthermore, I done saved his life twice. What happened to my credit for the first time when I’s only seven years old? Did that one count for nothing in yore' scheme of things? I never heard nothing about Boom becoming my slave and at that time I just lost my parents. I really could have used an understanding and caring companion like him.  

“What you done yesterday was dishonest, but yore’ deceit weren’t the worst part. What cut me to the core and chapped my cowboy butt, big time, is if them rules you conveniently pulled out a’ yore’ ass were written in stone, Boomer and me could ‘a been together love’n on one another as much as three years ago. I may not know nothing about no shrubberies, but I can damn well tell when I’s get’n smoke blow’d up my cowboy butt,” Billy said like he was really miffed with them.

“We did choose the right human, brother,” Albrecht said looking at his mate and shaking his head.

“Ain’t no question in my mind. Never has been,” Gregor confirmed.

“Look, gentlemen. I’m already in too damn deep with you, Boomer, ma’ little brothers, and Nick to back out now. I ain’t here to challenge your plans nor chastise you for your methods. Ain’t none of my business until you become disingenuous with your manipulations. Then I will stand up to you and cry foul. I will work with you, but not for you. From this point forward, I demand you be honest with me about your intentions, your methods, and your intended goals. When I’m ready, and I think the time is right, I will take Nick for my slave; not because I give a damn about yore’ threats, but because I’m genuinely concerned about Nick, and I care about him. I  already done bonded with the big handsome bird-man, and no cowboy worth the name takes his bond of friendship lightly. You either jump in with both boots and get it all over you or don't bother. It's as simple as 'zat, gentlemen. Besides, I want me a pair a' them purdy wings," Billy added as an honest afterthought and grinned wickedly. The giants laughed.

"In a way, I guess I’ll become a confederate to your deceit by not being honest with him, but I got me a plan to go around your threat. With Nick, I see his becoming my salve as a carrot before the horse. He wants to be my slave, and by the time alloted for me to say them magic words, he will be convinced it will be the best for both of us. He needs to be a daddy to a younger man he admires, and he’s convinced I need him. When he becomes my slave, all you got to do is play big daddies what will threaten to squarsh him like a bug if’n he don’t obey me. He already has a healthy respect for your kind. He’s scared shitless of you and your powers. I can see my job riding him like I do my owner-- only my owner is a lot wiser and more together than Nick at this point.

“As my slave, I will metaphorically fit him with a bridle and bit and gentle him to my saddle; then, together we can ride him where we want him to take us, but I will be at the reins. In return, I will husband him and give him all the love he can handle, but as my slave, I will not tolerate abuse of Nick in any manner. I wear spurs with kindness rowels with my owner, and I’ll use the same on Nick if I must to get his attention. Just like I told the twins, I might punish him if he don’t obey me, but I will never physically harm him nor will I abuse him. I think Nick's done seen enough of that in his life. I already done got me a lot invested in a beautiful creature what's hurt and confused. I don't give a shit what he is-- if'n he's the devil incarnate or an unjustly persecuted fallen angel. I see it as my lot in life to see to it he gets a better deal, and I swear on the graves of my parents, with my family and Boomer’s help, I damn well plan to see he gets it,” Billy said with firm conviction.

“You care to share a big slice of that humble pie you’s about to eat, brother?” Gregor asked his mate and grinned.

“We underestimated you, Billy Daniels, as you put it-- big time. At this point there isn’t anything to be gained by trying to deny our misrepresentation of fact. I would offer an apology, but I don’t think that’s what you care about. What I will do to make amends, is promise there will be no more manipulations, unless you approve them,” Albrecht said. "Give us a break, here, Son. With your cowboy way philosophy of clearly defined definitions of right and wrong and ample horse sense can you not imagine where our manipulation might be to everyone's advantage rather than the few?" he asked.

“Certainly, but it's difficult to play the innocent card with egg on yore' faces and two cards hidden up yore' sleeve," Billy said. Gregor slapped his leg and fell over laughing. "Futhermore," Billy continued, "you don’t owe me no apology because I saw through your little act when you done it. There were too many signals went off in my head what said you weren’t being honest, but I chose to go along with yore’ bullshit to get what I wanted, and that was your nephew. I come close once, but this time I decided to beat you at chore' own game. Boomer's my slave now. Ain’t a gotdamn thing you can do about it, neither. We’s bonded so tight as master and slave you couldn’t separate us with a twenty mule team pull; however, I do expect and demand you apologize to my slave. Boomer will not leave this planet thinking his uncles he loves so dearly would actually snuff him because of some silly arcane rule. You abuse or hurt my slave-- a creature I love more than life itself-- then, gentlemen, you do grievous injury to me,” Billy said with firm conviction. There was no wiggle room in his statement or demand.

“You better make that two big pies, brother,” Gregor said and grinned wickedly, “I told you not to do it-- just give them the option,” he added and continued, “I told you Billy would understand why we wanted it to happen,” he said.   

They talked for several hours and outlined their plans for Nick as Billy’s slave. Billy began to see their nefarious manipulations in context would be a win-win situation for everyone involved. They skipped lunch to continue their conversation. The more Billy learned the more room he found himself giving the giants and renewed his conviction to work with them. With most of the meaty conversation carved and processed, they came down to discussing personal matters.

“I have a rather delicate subject to discuss with you gentlemen,” Billy said.

“Feel free, Son. I think we tore down any barriers between us. We understand each other, and there should be no subject we can’t discuss,” Gregor said.

“I want to lose my virginity before I leave Retikki Prime,” Billy said.

“Before we jump to conclusions, perhaps you might want to explain a bit more,” Albrecht said.

“I want Boomer to take me for my first time. It’s something I dreamed about since I first saved his life when I’s only seven years old, and I want that dream to come true for several reasons,” Billy said.

“Boomer is your slave, Son. Do you think it’s wise?” Albrecht ask. Billy watched Gregor standing behind his mate put his hands together pointing up, rolled his eyes upward, like he was praying to heaven Billy wouldn’t rip his mate’s throat out. Billy almost bit his tongue to keep from laughing.

“Wisdom ain’t got nothing to do with it, Uncle Albrecht. Love, desire for someone I’ve wanted for a decade, sexual pheromones, and raw boned animal lust has everything to do with it. You’re right, yore’ nephew is my slave. Don’t never doubt it. I accept him as such, and I’m his husband. It’s my slave’s duty to protect and care for his master. It is also his duty to pleasure his master and see to my comfort. If I order my slave to take me for my first time, I damn well expect him to do it with no argument, and he better do a damn good job or I’ll punish him by making him do it over and over again until he gets it right!” Billy exclaimed.

There was a great silence; then, the two giants fell into each other’s arms laughing their asses off. “Hosanna!” shouted Albrecht.

“Can I hear a big ‘Amen,’ brother?” Gregor said with tears running down his face.

“Anything to save me from this young human,” Albrecht said laughing.

“Our cowboy is asking for our help, Albrecht,” Gregor said, “Do you feel like sharing more with us, Son?” he asked.

“Boomer is my first slave; my number one,” Billy declared.

“And you want him to become your number one in bed to continue or strengthen that bond?” Gregor asked.

“Yes, sir.  I knew you’d understand, Uncle Gregor,” Billy replied.

“And you’re doing it so Boomer will not become frustrated with what attention or physical love you might have to share with Nick. He will be one up on Nick. He will know you chose him to be your number one,” Gregor said like he was working it out in his mind, “Brilliant, cowboy. Good solid thinking on your part,” he said, “Do you plan to tell Nick of Boomer’s status?” Gregor asked.

“Absolutely,” Billy replied, “Do you think I could deceive him?” he asked.

“No, that wouldn’t be good. You have my blessing. I think it could work,” Gregor said, "While it's a terribly romantic thing to do, it's also a strong political statement," he added.

“How naive can I be? I never saw it that way, Billy. I guess I’m getting old. How can we help, Son,” Albrecht asked.

“I have no means to clean myself internally. Do you have a facility in the palace where we can be purged? I want both of us to be cleaned, because I plan to ride my beast and break him to my saddle after he rides me,” Billy said.

“Of course we have such a facility in the palace," Albrecht replied, "It’s staffed by several human slaves. A couple you might find particularly interesting, and I can promise, they will handle you with care. They are well trained and exceptionally skilled in the art of cleansing male humanoid species for intercourse. We avail ourselves of their services several times a month. They will please and pamper you. We have special rooms in the same area for you to enjoy each other and you will not be disturbed. If you need anything, there are attendants on duty around the clock to see to your needs. We will assign you a special team."

“Can our session be recorded?” Billy asked

“Absolutely. What are your wishes for distribution?” Gregor asked.

Billy hadn’t considered it, but it made sense. “I want a copy set aside for me and my slave to review with our family our last evening on Retikki Prime. You and your mate may have a copy for yourselves and may share it with anyone you choose. Hell, I ain’t shy. You can broadcast it to your world if’n ya’ont to,” Billy replied.

“We better not. If it goes viral there will be a great demand to see a live performance with offers of untold wealth,” Gregor said honestly.

“Do it! Then if we’re ever invited back, me and my slave can make some money to support our cause,” Billy said.

“We were going to offer you the rest of the day to see our city. Boomer and the twins know it well and can show you places the average tourist doesn’t get to see,” Gregor said.

“That's a wonderful idea. I'd love to see more of your world, but like Cinderella, I have nothing to wear to cover ma' balls, sir,” Billy said.

“You don’t need clothes on Retikki Prime. Very few wear clothing. We don’t look upon our bodies with shame,” said Albrecht.

“I guess no one should. I’m good with it, as long as I can wear my boots,” Billy said.

“You may wear your boots, cowboy,” Albrecht said and smiled.

* * * * * * *
Boomer joined them carrying the twins. They had their arms around his neck shamelessly stealing kisses from him. Billy’s beast must have been enjoying the attention. He had a big smile on his face. When they heard the news they were to take their master for a tour of the city they were overjoyed. Gregor and Albrecht asked Billy if he would mind leaving his slave behind for a few minutes, and they would send Boomer to them directly. Boomer had no idea what they wanted but Billy did and gave his approval for his slave to remain with his uncles. Billy told Boomer him and the twins would wait for him in their apartments.

Billy took the twins back to their apartments to wait for Boomer to begin their tour of the city. Castor and Pollux told him of their favorite places in the city and the open-air farmer’s market on the square. People of all species would gather to sell their wares and entertain each other with their talents. They would have musicians, magicians, story tellers, acrobats, and artist who would draw a portrait of you in a matter of minutes. They were excited about what they might show him.

“Before we forget, Master Billy, me and Castor talked it over and we just want you to know how much we appreciate you taking us for your slaves. We been happy here, but we don’t fit in like we hope to with you and Boomer. No matter what your planet is like, you have offered us one important thing no one ever has,” Pollux said.

“Family?” asked Billy.

“Yes, sir,” they answered in unison.

Billy had an arm around each and kissed Castor first and then Pollux on their cheeks. “I come to think on you men as ma’ little brothers,” Billy said, “I think we’s gonna’ have us some good times together,” he said.

“Can we start talking the way you do, sir? Is it the preferred speech patterns where you come from, Master Billy?” Pollux asked.

“It is, indeed, the accepted speech patterns, but like anywhere else, not all folks talk the way I do,” Billy said.

“Would it make us fit in better?” Castor asked.

“It’s jes’ might, but beyond that it would please me very much to hear me two fine looking buckaroos speak the same way I do,” he grinned and hugged them again. “By the way, later this evening after we return from our tour of the city and we share a light evening meal, your master is taking his number one slave to another section of the palace where we will be spending the evening together. Since we only have tonight and tomorrow evening left to visit, I want you to stay with your other master’s this evening to say your goodbyes. You will obey them like you have before. Then, we will be together tomorrow and you will spend the evening with me and Boomer,” Billy said.

Billy and the twins talked some more while waiting for Boomer. It was his first chance to have them to himself without any one else around, and he had their undivided attention. Without others to draw their attention they were different men. They were more calm and collected without the frenetic edge they displayed when around many people. They were polite, highly intelligent, good conversationalist, and a delight to be around; to say nothing of their magnificently perfect bodies.

The ‘new’ just never seemed to wear off for Billy. He had a difficult time keeping his hands to himself, but the twins didn’t care. They were just as tactile as he was and actively tried to seduce their master into petting them. They began to tell him of a great lady seer, a Madam Spartza, who could see someone’s future. They swore they set before her and she told them a handsome young master would be visiting their world, would fall in love with them, make them his slaves, and would take them home with him to his world to become a part of his family.

“Madam Spartza even told us you would honor us by giving us your family name, Master Billy,” Castor said.

“Then I must meet this Madam Spartza,” he said, “Will we need credits to pay for her time?” Billy asked.

“We’re sure Master Gregor and Albrecht will give Boomer credits. He has credits of his own he’s never touched. You don’t need to worry, Master Billy. A master never needs credits on this world. It is the responsibility of his slaves to provide for him. Boomer and us will pay your expenses. Credit exchanges are done through DNA recognition. Watcher DNA is a triple strand as opposed to your and our double helix,”explained Pollux, “But we never worry about credits, we will earn enough in one hour to last us the day and show our master and big brother a fine good time,” he added.

“How?” Billy asked.

“You’ll see,” Castor said and grinned.

* * * * * * *
Boomer returned with a big grin on his face. He gently took his master into his arms and kissed him lovingly on top of Billy’s head. Billy turned his face up to his big beast’s and they shared an even more tender kiss on the mouth. “Throughout all that’s transpired while we been here, have I even once actually told you I love you, Master Billy?” Boomer asked quietly.

“I can’t remember, but then, I can’t ever remember me telling you either,” Billy confessed, “I think it’s jes’ one of them things we gone beyond, Boom. We done loved each other for so long we just know we love one another, but you know what?” Billy asked.

“What, my beloved Master?” Boomer asked.

“It’s alway nice to hear the one you love tell you he loves you,” Billy said.

“I love you more’n all the stars in this galaxy times a hundred thousand constellations just like it,” Boomer declared.

“Is that all?” Billy mocked him, “I love you more’n all the stars in the known and unknown universe put together, my good slave,” Billy said and smiled.

“So say you?” Boomer asked.

“So say I,” Billy said softly and they shared another kiss that got the twins excited. Their ample little man cocks stood at a grand salute like they were getting ready for a military parade. They threw their arms around their master and number one and shared in their moment of togetherness.

“After your solo visit with yore’ uncles, are we still good, slave?” Billy asked rather cautiously and grinned.

“Better’n good, Master. Perfect. They’re sure, in another incarnation, you made the seven stars and set them in the heavens to shine for all to see,” Boomer said, “Thanks, Master Billy,” he added quietly.

“No problem. We can face anything together, Boom. I done told ju’ that years ago. I still believe it,” Billy encouraged his slave, “And this evening a part of us will become as one. We will share a bit of each other’s souls,” he added.

“So I’ve heard, my good Master. This will probably be the longest day of my life. It will be like living in slow motion,” Boomer said and grinned.

“So say you?” Billy asked.

“Absolutely, so say I,” Boomer replied, and they shared a laugh.

* * * * * * *
Billy’s new family left the palace and headed for the public tram. It was an anti-grav mag-amp device that floated between four rails that looked like pipes. Inside the pipes ran the electrical superconducting material that directed the flow of electrons and moved the carriage in the proper direction. The front and rear were of opposite polarities so no two carriages would ever crash into each other.

The carriages themselves were made of a gleaming copper, or brass with rivets holding them together. The inside was plush with red or green velvet seats in what could best be described as a Victorian style which wrapped themselves around you when you set down. The entire shape of the carriage was like that of a large medicine capsule with automatic doors which opened to allow entry and exit. Billy thought the carriages looked very steam-punk from different examples he’d seen on the Internet. Billy loved anything steam-punk. He kept a file on his computer just for steam-punk art and applications. He even made a steam-punk keyboard for his computer out of old manual typewriter keys that was a work of art. Billy couldn’t have been more pleased with the transportation and found it a comfortable and somewhat exhilarating ride.

When they entered the compartment, Castor swiped his hand over a scanner four times to pay for their passage. Billy asked him about it. “We are given a monthly credit allowance from the palace treasury for personal needs and transportation, Master. Pollux and I rarely use over a tenth of what they put into our account and have a large amount of credits on deposit. Since we’re going with you to Earth, we will no longer need them, so we decided to spend some of our good fortune to take care of you and our big brother if it’s all right with you, sir?” Castor said.

“I’ve been told it is the way on this world for a master’s slaves to see to his needs,” Billy said remembering their earlier conversation.

“That’s true, Master. Not only would we be remiss but it would be considered dishonorable of us if we did not show our good master our love for him by providing that courtesy,” Pollux backed his brother, “Besides, we will earn enough today to provide a fine time for our master and our big brother,” he added.  

“Do you know what he’s referring to, Boom?” Billy asked.

“I do, Master, but I been sworn to secrecy with the threat of not getting any dessert for a week if I tell. I think I’d rather suffer your most severe punishment if you don’t mind, sir,” Boomer replied and grinned.

“And such a punishment it shall be,” Billy said and laughed. The twins laughed, too. They were beginning to learn their master’s sense of humor and delighted in it.

“The tram came to a halt on the outskirts of the huge market place. They exited the tram and walked down the steps to enter another world. Billy was stunned at the enormity and variety of the place, to say nothing of the unusual and wonderful creatures coming and going about their daily routines. It was a place one could spend weeks exploring and never see all of it. The giants were right. Very few wore clothing and those who did only wore bits and pieces for decoration or support of a body part like a woman might wear a bra.

They walked for an hour or more taking in the sights. People would wave to Castor and Pollux and would come up to them to speak in languages Billy couldn’t understand. After the twins would explain their companions, some would bow graciously to Billy in respect for him being the master of the group. Billy would bow in return and smile. Several admired his buckaroo boots and commented they heard an off world master would be visiting, then they would offer their welcome.

They finally came to the center of the square where there was a large variety of entertainment. You could walk from one attraction to another. A couple of performers the twins were taken with, and they stopped to watch for a while. Then they would walk over to the stage and swipe their hand over a scanner.

“What are they doing, Boom,” Billy asked his slave.

“If they like a performer or an act, they contribute a few credits to them. Depending on the quality of the act some performers are able to live on their talents alone. A few are extremely gifted artist, and they live quite well,” Boomer explained.

They walked some more and came upon some strange looking musical instruments. They were being played by a couple of men. The instruments were large circular objects about the size of a large tractor tire on Earth set side by side which the players set in front of with a double set of mallets which they used to hit a wooden block. When hit, the block itself would resonate with the purest wood sound like that of a marimba on Earth, but it also controlled a solenoid which, depending on the depth of the stroke with the mallet, would release wind into the chamber to blow across an aperture like an organ pipe and create the most ethereal sound. The possibilities for combination of sounds were endless.

The two young players were blue skinned humanoids with brilliant yellow eyes and they were quite accomplished. The music they created was wonderful and caught the listener up in it, grabbed them by their souls, and would not let go until they made the final sound of their intricate composition. Then the crowd went nuts applauding. They stood and took several bows. People moved forward to swipe their hands or comparable limb across the scanner to support them. Castor and Pollux got in line, shook their hands in congratulations, and swiped their hands across the scanner, twice.

Billy noticed many of the folks the twins introduced him and Boomer to began to gather in the park. Another team followed the ones playing when they arrived, but they weren’t nearly as good or accomplished as the blue skinned team. Nevertheless, Castor and Pollux went to congratulate them, but only waved their hand over the scanner once for their performance.

Suddenly the crowd started chanting, “Gemma-note-te, Gemma-note-te,” over and over again. Boomer leaned over and spoke softly, “Gemma-note-te” means twins in the common dialect. They are calling for your slaves, master,” Boomer said and grinned.

“No,” said Billy flabbergasted. Boomer just grinned real big.

The twins went on stage and bowed to accept the mallets from the previous set of players. They walked to the center of the stage while the crowd went crazy with applause, stamping of feet, and whistles. The twins bowed to the audience and Castor held up his hand for the audience to be silent so he might speak. He explained how he and his brother petitioned a young master visiting their world from another galaxy to take them for his slaves. He kindly granted their petition, they became his slaves that very day, and they would be leaving Retikki Prime the day after tomorrow. They were given new names, and he shared them with the crowd. He pointed out their new master and everyone applauded for Billy. Billy was somewhat embarrassed but not bad. Boomer had his hand to his back to support him. Pollux told them this would be their last performance and they would like to dedicate it to their new master and big brother, Boomer. Again the crowd went crazy.

The twins took their place behind the large instruments and prepared themselves. Castor nodded to Pollux to begin and he started a single rhythmic pattern of a series of three then four beats. It was hypnotic as he continued to add to the first three beats another, always followed by four beats being the end of the phase. After several minutes it evolved into multiple patterns of three against four in a never ending cycle of beats. At first it was difficult to follow because it went by so fast, but it was the overall effect the people got caught up in and they became absolutely mesmerized by Pollux’s playing.

Pollux finished his first set of ragas and nodded to his brother who proceeded to add the most lovely melody Billy ever heard. He was stunned by what he was witnessing and listening to, and to think, he now owned these two magnificently talented little men. But this music was not the playing of small men. His twins stood on the shoulders of musical giants and thumbed their noses at them. There was no other word for what he was hearing but pure genius. Castor and Pollux’s playing was so far above anything else heard that day people began to arrive in the square until the place was packed with alien bodies swaying to the lovely music.

Castor and Pollux played on and on until they reached a huge climax and all melody ceased. There was nothing left but the single beat played by Pollux and he continued until he played the complete raga cycle in reverse order as his playing got softer and softer until it drifted off into the silence of eternity. There was a stunned silence from the crowd. Then it exploded into applause, yells of ‘Gemma-note-te!’ 'Gemma-note-te!’ Boomer placed his huge paw to Billy’s back and the crowd made room for the young master and his number one to approach the stage.

Castor jumped from the stage into Billy’s arms to hug and kiss him. The audience went crazy again. Then it was Pollux’s turn and Billy held his arms for him. He kissed and hugged Pollux while Castor was in Boomer’s arms hugging and kissing him. Again the crowd went nuts. They pushed and shoved each other to touch the young men and swipe their hands again and again over the scanner to show their appreciation. That was how Castor and Pollux earned a wonderful afternoon and early evening for their master and his number one slave.

The twins took Billy and Boomer by the hand and led them away from the crowd down a side street to one of their favorite bistros where they served the tastiest food and a dark drink that was a mild stimulant. It certainly worked. They were feeling good, very much alive, and in love with each other. Billy wondered how he could love three men so deeply it made his heart ache from joy and gladness. “Hosanna!” he said softly to himself only to hear his family reply equally softly, "...in the highest!”

The twins went to pay for their treats but the owner came out to wish them goodbye and told them it was on-the-house. He heard them play so many times, and they brought great joy to him and all the people, it was the least he could do to show his gratitude for their gifts. The twins insisted on setting the scanner for staff gratuity and ran both their hands over for a healthy tips for the servants. There were tears and many hugs goodbye, and the family left the establishment.

“Come, Master Billy. Come, brother Boomer. We go see Madam Spartza. She is our Retikki Prime mother,” Pollux said. Billy applied one situation to another and concluded Madam Spartza must represent the same concept as an Earth mother might someone into new age religion and arcane arts on his planet. When they arrived the twins spoke to the huge black human at the door. He had a cock on him that would make most stallions question their gender. It was long, black, and big around like it was an extra limb hanging from his body. Billy would never argue the point; he was more than a little impressed.

Billy thought correctly he must be a slave because he had rings in his teats, one in his penis in a standard Prince Albert piercing, and a heavy one through his nose.

“I’m certainly glad we came. He has given me some ideas,” Billy said and smiled at Boomer.

“I would be proud to wear any or all of those as your slave, Master,” Boomer said and immediately sported an erection. Billy saw it, reached down, and lovingly petted his slave’s big cock.

“We’ll talk,” he told it, grinned, and winked at Boomer.

“The twins returned for their master and big brother. “Madam Spartza will see us now,” Pollux said and took his Master’s hand and Castor took his big brother’s. They led them into a huge salon made from an old greenhouse or atrium and standing in the middle surrounded by many kinds of tropical plants, exotic birds, and a couple of cat like critters, was an enormous creature with the body of a large bovine and the torso of a fine looking woman. She had no arms and no breasts. Billy could imagine she probably had a milk bag somewhere underneath her huge body.

Madam Spartza was draped with colorful tapestries which looked similar to Oriental rugs on Earth. Billy could see they didn’t fit the contour of her body and seemed to bulge in the wrong places. When he looked down at her hooves, he was struck dumb. She had hooves that shown like highly polished brass mixed with gold and were polished to perfection. He then surmised the conundrum of her ill fitting decorative coverings were very probably hiding a set of golden wings. He couldn’t help be fascinated by her. She was an imposing presence. Introductions were made and Billy bowed deeply to her out of respect. He wondered if she knew she was not alone in the universe.

“Welcome, Master Billy Daniels from the third planet in the Sol system. You are a long way from home,” she said and smiled.

“Indeed, ma’am, a very long way from home,” he replied and smiled.

“You have a bright countenance about you, young human, and your body is a magnificent specimen of human male beauty. I have always been partial to the more human of the humanoid species. As you may have noticed my slave and companion is human, and the twins you have accepted as your slaves are a human subspecies,” she said.

“Thank you for your kind words, Madam Spartza. Would it be impolite or indelicate of me to ask your species?” Billy asked.

“Not at all, young man, certainly not when asked in such a polite manner. Alas, I am the last of my species. I am known as a Kerubim,” she replied.

“I’m truly sorry to hear that, ma’am, but why do you hide your lovely wings, Madam Spartza?” Billy asked. The twins and Boomer looked at Billy like he might be out-of-line with his question.

“How do you know about my wings, young man?” she challenged.

“The drapes with which you choose to cover them, while beautiful, don’t fit the contour of your lovely body. They hide the strikingly awesome beauty of your completeness,” Billy said diplomatically. The twins and Boomer relaxed. Madam Spartza was even more impressed by the young Earth man.

“There are those who seek to eradicate my race completely and few on this planet know about my wings,” she said.

“No one will find out from me or my slaves, ma’am. You have my word, my solemn oath as a cowboy, we shall never speak of this again beyond ourselves,” Billy promised her, “However, I would like to bring you a word of hope, Madam Spartza, you are not alone in the universe. You are not the last of your kind,” Billy said.

There was a resounding silence in the room. Only the sound of a small waterfall hidden among the plants and a screech from one of the birds interrupted the silence.

“Have you seen another?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am, I have. A short time ago I rescued a fallen angel from his crashed spaceship, but before I could go on board, his protector, a handsome male Kerubim appeared before me to ask me what my purpose was and whether my intentions to his wounded master were honorable. When I couldn’t convince him, he asked my owner, Samson, another hoofed quadruped on my planet who allows me to ride him, if I was a good man. Samson assured him I was and he allowed me entry to the ship to save his master’s life. Would you care to see him, ma’am?” Billy asked.

“You can project a picture of him?” she asked.

“Only with your permission, Madam Spartza,” Billy replied.  

“You have my permission, young human,” she said.

Billy closed his eyes and felt for her mind. When he touched her he called up several remembered pictures of the handsome great bearded Kerubim from Nick’s ship. He showed her the steam escaping from his full nares and his beautiful golden wings. He showed her the full side shot of the magnificent creature from Nick’s video of his rescue. She began to weep and her black human companion went to her.

“Mistress?” he asked concerned.

“I’m fine, Balthazar. I’m just a bit overwhelmed. I think the young human is telling the truth,” she said, “Who is this fallen angel?” she asked.

“Just like I will never tell your secret, Madam Spartza, I’m not at liberty to say,” Billy replied with regret.

“He’s telling the truth, Mistress,” Balthazar said, “I checked with several of my sources and Master Billy and his slave are guest of the highest members of the council and are listed as on both a diplomatic and recreational visit to our planet.

“How long will you be here, Master Daniels,” she asked.

“Day after tomorrow, ma’am, we will depart Retikki Prime early in the morning,” Billy replied.

“Will you be returning to Retikki Prime?” she asked.

“I can’t say for sure, ma’am, but perhaps my slave, my number one, might know more about that than me,” Billy said.

“We will be returning from time to time, Madam Spartza, but we can’t give you a time. We just don't know. The two highest members of the council are both uncles of mine,” Boomer said.

“And they trust this young human to be your master?” she asked in awe.

“They do, but they had no choice in the matter. Master Billy saved my life and now my life belongs to him as his slave, but Master Billy and I fell in love with each other many years ago. I’ve been Master Billy’s protector and watcher since he was born. After our visit, and a conversation I had with my uncles earlier today, I can guarantee they trust him completely, ma’am. They joking told me they were sure my master could walk on water if he chose to do so,” Boomer said.

“I told the twins they would have a new master they would love very much who would take them to another planet in the Sol system to live. I see it has come true. And do you love him, my darlings?” she asked the twins. They ran to her and hugged her.

“More than you can ever know, Madam Spartza. Master Billy is more to us than just our master. He has become our husband,” they said. Madam Spartza had no problem understanding their meaning.

“What can you see for me and my family, Madam Spartza?” Billy asked.

“You may approach me, Master Billy, place your right hand behind my neck, and let it rest upon my back. When you feel my heart beating leave it there, and let me know when you’re ready,” she said.

Billy did as instructed and felt the steady beat of her big bovine heart. It was soothing to Billy, like a balm to his spirit, and he closed his eyes. “I’m ready, ma’am,” he said. He felt her touch his mind and invite him into hers. In her mind she had him crawl upon her back, and she started running through the halls of time and space. Billy saw things happening and scenes going by them at tremendous speed. He was looking down on the large complex of a new ranch for him, his uncle, his grandmother, and his growing family. There were several more slaves and a few hired hands working the ranch. It was expanded considerably and his core family of Boomer, the twins, Nick, and two cowboys-- an older bonded pair he took on as slaves-- and a pair of primates with beautiful wings to rival the most lovely of the butterfly species, were the base core of his immediate family.  

Madam Spartza turned around and returned in the opposite direction, but walked more slowly back to their beginning. Billy could see more and at one point saw his roping partner standing by two open graves. Billy didn’t ask but knew it was his parents.

<< When? >> he asked Madam Spartza in his mind.

<< It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly, Billy; a year, maybe two. He will desperately need your understanding, strength, and love, Master Billy, but he will fit right in with the rest of your unconventional family. Just be honest with him and tell him the truth. Hide nothing from him. He will be born again unto you. He will come to understand, only a true brother, a bother by bond, closer than siblings, would share such wonders as you will with him. He is a good man with a strong heart who will become your rock. You could never ask for a more faithful friend and human servant, >> she replied.

<< I feel a deep sadness in you, Madam Spartza, >> Billy sent trying to comfort her.

<< I was hoping to get a better glimpse of your Kerubim through your eyes as we traveled, but alas, it was not meant to be, >> she sent to Billy, << Will you tell him about me, Billy? >> she asked.

<< Only if you want me to, ma’am, >> Billy replied

<< I think I would like that. Tell him and show him with your mind, >> she said and blushed.

<< Then may we have a full look at your beauty, ma’am? >> he asked gently.

<< I will arrange it, >> she replied.

Billy opened his eyes and took his hand away. “Thank you, ma’am. It was a wonderful experience. I will never forget our journey together,” he said.

“Balthazar, help Master Billy remove the drapes from my body, please,” she ordered her slave.

The men carefully removed the drapes and the scarf covering her head, and she stood before them in all her regal glory. Madam Spartza was truly a magnificent creature and her humanoid part was as beautiful as any human female. Boomer and the twins were as stunned as Billy. The twins never knew she had a double set of golden wings.

“Words fail me, Madam Spartza. As impressed by the the angel’s male protector as I was, I’m even more taken with you. Never in the eighteen years I lived on Earth have I seen such beauty,” Billy said, and being a cowman he knew good stock when he saw it. She shed a few tears at Billy’s compliment, and the twins went to her to offer their comfort. Billy memorized her from stem to stern and drank her beauty into his memory. They exchanged some tearful goodbyes and she made Billy promised to come see her again whenever they could get away and visit. He promised he would. She didn’t want to take their credits, but the twins insisted on paying her anyway. They paid her double her usual price.

Billy and his young family decided it was getting late, and they should make their way to the tram to leave the city. They were scheduled for an early supper with Gregor and Albrecht, but this time there would be several more council members present. They took their time and walked slowly to the tram. There was a small crowd gathered and cheered when they caught sight of the twins. They came to see them off and wish them well. There were more hugs and kisses with good wishes for them, and then the men got on the tram for the return trip. Castor and Pollux set as close to Billy as they could get. Billy had an arm around each of their waists and cupped their genitals with his hands like he taught his number one slave to do for him. Castor and Pollux thought that was the most loving gesture anyone every showed them. They had a big day. They were physically and emotionally exhausted and slept part of the way back to the palace in their master's strong loving arms. Boomer looked upon his family like a protecting angel might. He was proud of the twins and his master. He could only imagine, the best was yet to come.

* * * * * * *
The contingency of the Daniel’s clan was in great spirits from their day in the city, and they radiated the joy of their shared experience to Boomer’s uncles and their guests. There was a glow and aura about them of a greater intelligence coming together to create a union, an implosion that coalesced into something far brighter, far more important than the sum of their individual parts. To be around them was like witnessing the beginning of a proto-star; warm, giving, inviting, but not overwhelming. The Daniel’s family were patient and charming to a fault.

The other members of the council were enchanted and wowed by the men’s wonder and awe of their day. Billy and Boomer were not unaware the impression they made on the other members would go a long way to solidify and support Boomer’s uncle’s position of power. They also realized it would cement an even stronger bond with the Knights that say 'nee’ for them. Even the twins seemed sensitive to the situation, and while they participated, it was not with their usual frenetic need to be heard and appreciated. They no longer seemed to feel the need to suck love and attention from others with their brilliance to make up for their feelings of inadequacy from their small stature. They wallowed in their sense of security being an honored and respected part of Billy’s family.

They had never been a part of something larger than themselves; thus, they were never allowed to grow up as individuals. While they saw and understood they might be developing separately, they knew they would always be within each other's sphere of love and influence. With Billy and Boomer to unify them, they readily embraced the concept. They would each have a large, strong pair of training wheels to keep them on the right path. Showing their new found maturity, the twins quietly and politely waited for prompting from their master or big brother, and would intelligently and respectfully answer any questions a member of the council asked them. Uncle Gregor and Uncle Albrecht couldn’t have been more proud or pleased with the men, and the evening was a great success.

* * * * * * *
The early part of their evening came to an end, the guest left, and those who remained were the Daniel’s family and their uncles. Billy and Boomer talked and decided to be honest and upfront about everything with the twins. For their size they were fully mature men, but sometimes seemed naive and immature when it came to sex and interpersonal relationships. Billy decided it was mostly because no one took them seriously enough to explain things and listen to them. They sat and talked with them for a while before they took off for their evening together.

“We’re leaving you with Uncle Gregor and Uncled Albrecht this evening for a couple of reasons. First is for you to spend some quality time with them and say your goodbyes; second is because your master is a virgin to anal sex and this evening will give up his virginity to his number one slave whom he has loved since he was a young boy of seven years. As Boomer’s master I will also be taking his virginity this evening. In a way we will be practicing the golden rule of the universe: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; that is, if Boomer wants a good fuck’n he damn well better fuck me pert-damn good,” Billy explained and laughed. Everybody else thought it was pert-damn funny, too.

“We’re telling you because we love you and didn’t want you to think we’s doing something behind your backs. We can’t include you in our evening together, but we’re having a video made of your master and his number one slave making the beast with two backs. I promise we will share it with you tomorrow evening before we go to bed,” Billy said. The twins grinned real big. They were happy with that bit of news. They said their goodbyes to their master and big brother. They shed a few tears when they kissed them and wished them well for a happy coupling.

With their master/number one slave parental duties taken care of, Billy and Boomer left the twins in the care of Uncle Gregor and Albrecht. A fine looking human slave arrived to escort Billy and Boomer to the part of the palace where they would be groomed for their bonding. They took their time and walked together hand in hand one step at a time toward their future together.

End of Chapter 3 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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