Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Nov 3, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 31

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 31

“I believe we develop our own codes of conduct for living in harmony with each other, based on our ability to reason. We have the freedom to choose right from wrong, and our quality of life will be largely guided by those choices. There is no hell, no eternal punishment nor ‘judgment seat.’ Those concepts are the creations of ignorant men or those with alternative agendas." ~ Al Stefanelli

The Night of the Great Fledging ~ Part I

Friday Evening Early ~ Upon return of Billy’s posse from Retikki Prime.

Billy left the wellbeing and protection of his new charges under the faithful and competent care of his giant black angel, Balthazar. Billy made arrangements with the great Shedu beast, Beauford, the Lord High Protector of Nick’s ship to have the ship’s disburser credit each of the six Sun Bear families with enough credits in case they needed anything for the evening. He planned to have Balthazar transport the lot of them to the main ranch house to spend the following evening of fledging who would experience the metamorphosis with the rest of the adults who were enhanced by the Grigori and Irin. He wanted everyone who would be suffering to be near so he, his angels, and slaves could attend them. Ramrod Matt Quigley told Billy the female Sun Bears would fledge as well as the males, and so would Roz. She was raised several levels without her knowing. As a surprise, Billy didn’t plan to tell her about her new enhancement until she began to be distressed. He didn’t withhold the information from Kate, Zelma, Abigale, and Dorcas so they would be ready to bring her to him when she began to complain. He remembered the pain and suffering he endured when he fledged.

In typical gung-ho cowboy fashion, Tom McMartin, Enoch Redbone, Moss and Tron Garrett, and Billy’s uncle, Nathan Daniels couldn’t wait. They were chomping at the bit to get their new wings. Kate and Zelma kidded them mercilessly. They saw it as a ‘man’ thing. The men were like a troop of Boy Scouts awaiting the jamboree. Billy wasn’t sure if Ramrod Andy, Buck, Hank, or the twins realized they would fledge as well. He never asked about Vox but just assumed he got the full package along with the sheriff and his dad. Vox was going to create his own problems when Billy decided to teach him how to morph into Roxanne and back. It was going to be a long, exciting weekend.

Clyde transported most of Billy’s family to the main ranch house and they were sitting around the table enjoying dessert when Billy and his crew arrived in the living room. When they walked into the kitchen, everyone stood and gave Billy and his angels a round of applause. It momentarily embarrassed him, but he got himself together and graciously thanked everyone. Randy was busy telling his family all the wonders of Retikki Prime, getting to meet Ramrod Quigley on Fort Adam Lear, and being enhanced by both Ancient races. He was careful and wise enough not to tell his mother and grandmother about the sniper who tried to kill Balthazar in the town square on Retikki Prime.

“Will you grow a set of wings, Randy?” his sister Kayla asked.

Randy was sitting in the lap of his huge protector, Ludo, who had his arms around the boy like his was too precious to let go. “No, not right away. Not until I reach puberty. I ain’t real sure what that means, but I think it has some’um to do with becoming a man. Cowboy Billy said he would explain it to me sometime soon when we can sit down together at my computer,” Randy said. Everyone smiled and nodded knowingly. Kayla didn’t press the matter further. Ruth and Evelyn Rutherford were pleased talking with Randy about the facts of life was on Billy’s agenda. They looked at each other, smiled, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It came time for the Rutherfords to leave but Randy and Kayla asked if they could stay at the ranch for the weekend. Kate didn’t have any problem with them staying. Kayla could share Dorcas’ room where there was an extra bed. Billy said Randy could stay with Ludo in one of the larger bedrooms. Billy said it might be good for Mary and Evelyn to share some time alone with each other without the kids around, but for them to come back over for Sunday dinner. After they spent the afternoon with them, he would transport Randy and Ludo over to their ranch after they arrived home. There was no way they could take Ludo back with them in Mary’s SUV. He was just too damn big. Mary talked it over with Evelyn and decided it would be a good idea. They said their 'goodbyes’ and left.

The sheriff decided he needed to get home and check on Miranda and Everett. The next day was Saturday and he had to go to work in the morning. He missed the previous Saturday so he didn’t want to miss another. Kate and Zelma loaded him and Buster up with care packages of food and desserts for the men, and scraps for Miranda. They took off soon after they returned from Retikki Prime, promising to return tomorrow afternoon early or as soon as the sheriff got off work and drove out to pickup his dad. They were invited for the day and evening.

Vox was alone, but he was feeling good and in great spirits. Billy looked at him and smiled. “Ain’t it about time we rescued your husband from that rest home in Brady?” he asked Vox.

“If there were a God, I would certainly petition him to make it so, but alas, Elmer Breedlove is only my husband in my fantasy and my dreams,” Vox lamented.

“Perhaps, with a little bit of an overhaul on old Elmer, the bull, we can change that. I’d love to perform a marriage ceremony for the first couple in our family to wed; that is, if’n I’s asked. Even so, as it is, I’ll bet that old man still lies in his bed at night and thinks on you as his ‘little darlin,’” Billy said.

“He calls me that a lot,” Vox said and blushed.

“And what bull who likes to jump the fence from time to time, wouldn’t appreciate a dual person, who can bring to him his druthers upon demand depending on his mood?” Billy asked.

“We’re certainly ready to try, Master Billy, as soon as you teach us the steps,” Roxanne replied.

“Good for you. We’ll take care of that a little later this evening, so you may practice for your bull,” Billy said. Billy turned to his uncle, “Uncle Nathan, I’d appreciate it if you and Mr. Garrett would call Doctor Breedlove and his partner Perry Reed and ask them to come for a barbecue tomorrow starting at noon, and plan to spend the day with us?” Billy asked, “I got to think’n on what my uncles-in-law on Retikki Prime and Ramrod Quigley said about offering my neighbors the same deal we’re doing for the Rutherfords and their two ranches would be a great boost in our plans to bring them under our wing. Since I plan to do the same for Tron and Moss, and the Tate men, it only seem right we make them the same offer. Tell Doc Oatie to be sure to bring his granddad. Offer our big van for them to use with the lift-gate for his wheel chair,” Billy said.

“We’re on it, Son,” Tron replied.

Nathan called Doc Oatie Breedlove. He figured he’d invite the main man first and let him call his partner. Oatie sounded groggy on the phone like he just woke up. “Breedlove ranch, you got Doctor Oatie Breedlove,” Oatie answered.

“Howdy, Doc Oatie, this is Nathan Daniels over to the Daniels’ ranch. We’s calling to invite you, your granddaddy, and the foreman of your other ranch down the road from us, for lunch, an afternoon of entertainment, and a barbecue in the e’nin tomorrow. You okay, Son, you sound like you just woke up?” Nathan asked.

“I did. I just took an afternoon snooze, but I need to be up and get some things done around here before nightfall. Funny you should invite my granddad. I planned to call my ramrod over to our other ranch and ask him to drive to Brady with me tomorrow morning to pickup granddad for the weekend. We’ll be happy to spend the day with you,” Oatie replied.

“Good. Can I leave it up to you to invite Ramrod Reed for me? We’d like the three of you here, and we know you have a partnership with Mr. Reed. We’d like to discuss a business matter with you gentlemen,” Nathan said.

“I’ll be happy to call Ramrod Reed as soon as I get off the line, Mr. Daniels, and thanks for the invite. It sounds like it will be a nice day,” Oatie said.

“We hope it will be fun and beneficial for everyone. By the way, Son, we got us a brand new lift-gate van what would make it easy for you to load and unload your granddad in his wheelchair if you’d like to borrow it. Just have Mr. Reed drop by here first on his way to your place, and we’ll give him the keys. It’s a huge thing. It will seat a dozen or more,” Nathan bragged.

“That’s awful nice of you, Mr. Daniels. We just might take you up on it. That’s one of the problems with bringing granddad home; getting him in and out of a vehicle. I’ll talk with Perry about it,” Oatie said.

“That will be fine. Also, Vox Humana is staying with us for the weekend, and he would like to go with you to get your granddad, if’n it’s all right with you,” Nathan said.

“Of course it will be all right, but the last time I took Mr. Humana with me to visit granddad he was in such bad shape himself, he swore it would be his last trip with me due to his crippling arthritis. Is he better?” Oatie asked.

“Much better. He looks like a new man, but we’ll explain when you come to visit. Vox can fill you and Mr. Reed in on the way to Brady,” Nathan said and chuckled.

“Well, that’s fine, I’m certainly glad to hear he’s feeling better. Is he still able to play the organ for the church?” Oatie asked.

“He’s missed a few Sundays, but either my mother or my nephew, Billy, filled in for him. But he’s so much better now, that won’t be necessary anymore. He’s more fit than he’s been in years. You won’t recognize him,” Nathan said.

“Good. I’ll certainly look forward to seeing him again. It’s been a while. I should be more involved with my community, but since granddad’s been living over to Brady, I find myself withdrawing and keeping to myself most of the time. He always was the social lion of our family and kept me stirred up to be more connected and concerned about my fellow citizens. I dearly miss that part of my grandpa in my life and feel severely deficient without him. I sometimes wonder who it’s been harder on since I had to put him in that home, me or him,” Oatie said.

“Well, we’re hoping to help you change that, Oatie. I won’t go into particulars, but maybe we can help. I hope we can. We’s certainly willing to try, but we’ll let you and him decide,” Nathan said without giving away much.

“Great. I’ll look forward to seeing you good folks tomorrow, and thanks for the kind invite and offer to borrow your van. I’ll call Perry Reed and talk with him, Mr. Daniels,” Oatie signed off. They said their ‘goodbyes’ and disconnected. Oatie had a warm feeling about being invited to the Daniels ranch by Nathan Daniels. He always thought Mr. Daniels was one of the finest looking men of the hill country and was one of the few men who was kind and considerate of Oatie when he was in his last year in high school suffering the nastiness of his hyper-religious family. Oatie lay his head back down on the bed and drifted off to sleep again.

* * * * * * *
Billy asked Vox to join him in the room Vox was using while staying at the ranch. They slowly walked arm in arm talking quietly. Billy explained it was time for Vox to learn to morph and become his sister for a while.

“Will it hurt, Billy?” Vox asked.

“No more than a tingling sensation which I find rather stimulating,” Billy confided.

“I’m as concerned as Vox. I’m a bit fearful for us. What if Elmer is so used to Vox he won’t find me to his liking?” Roxanne asked.

“You forget, I grew up around that big cowboy. I know him well. He will love both parts of you equally,” Billy replied, “What man wouldn’t?” he asked.

“Billy!” they heard Kate call from behind them. They turned to see Kate with Zelma, Abigale, Roz, and Dorcas standing behind her at the end of the long hallway. “Does Roxanne need our support?” she asked sheepishly.

“Tell them I would be honored, Master Billy,” Roxanne said quietly.

“Will you be nervous, Vox?” Billy asked.

“Of course not. They know our situation and are sympathetic; especially Kate. After all, we shared the same man for thirty years. We became brother and sister to each other, and for a long while she was the only sister my other half had; even before I knew about Roxanne. How can I deny them their love?” Vox said sincerely.

“Well put, Mr. Humana, you are truly a noble man,” Billy said, “Of course, you ladies are welcome to join us,” Billy replied to his grandmother.

They waited until the ladies caught up with them and proceeded to Vox’s room. After they got there, Billy told Vox to remove his clothes, and he started to do the same. No one said a word. The ladies were there to observe and support, but that didn’t mean they had to be seen and not heard. After both men removed their clothes there were various comments being whispered back and forth.

“Rule number one!” Billy exclaimed quietly, “If it’s a comment worth making, it’s worth sharing with everyone,” he said, and the ladies giggled.

“This evil woman sitting to my right just asked me how long I’d been hiding your other talents from her, Billy?” Kate asked and fell out laughing. The other ladies joined her.

“Master Vox has nothing to feel ashamed of either,” Zelma said trying to redeem herself.

“I’ll second that,” agreed Abigale, and the other ladies agreed with her.

“Excuse me for a second, Vox and Rox,” Billy said and disappeared. He returned almost as quickly fully fledged. He raised and ruffled his beautiful golden wings like an old hen taking a dust bath, as if to get them to lie in proper order. It was more for show than anything else, and he winked at Vox as he did it. The ladies were duly impressed.

“Show off!” Kate said and grinned wickedly.

“If ya’ got 'em -- flaunt 'em,” Billy replied haughtily and knocked the ladies over with laughter like a clean strike in a bowling alley. Even Vox laughed.

There came a knock at the door. Kate went to the door and found Nathan and Tron wanting to join them. Billy heard their request and Kate turned to him. “It’s up to Vox and Rox. It’s fine with me,” Billy said.

“Vox should have his side represented. Who better than two men he loves and respects as much as Mr. Daniels and Mr. Garrett,” Roxanne said.

“Let ‘em in,” Billy urged his grandmother.

Nathan and Tron went to Vox and each gave him a hug and a kiss on his mouth to encourage him. Vox was almost in tears. The mature cowboys weren’t the least bothered he was naked as the day he was born nor were they shy with their affections and best wishes for him. Billy was more than a little impressed by his stoic uncle and his mate’s expression of solidarity for their smaller companion. It was like they came to see their close friend off on a new voyage of discovery for his life, and they wanted to wish him their best. The big cowboys sat down on a window seat in the large room and held hands. Billy was amused but touched by their small show of affection for each other. Billy walked up to Vox and enfolded him with his arms, held his much larger body up close to Vox’s smaller, more petite form, and slowly encased him with his wings.

“I’m embarrassed, Master Billy,” Vox said quietly but loud enough everyone in the room could hear him.

“You’d break my heart if you didn’t get an erection, Vox,” Billy said and kissed the smaller man on his head, “it would mean I didn’t do my job properly restoring you,” he added. Everyone laughed, “Don’t worry, you will lose it soon enough when we begin the transition. Are you ready, dear heart?” he asked.

“We are ready, Master Billy,” Vox replied for both.

“I’ll take it slow -- step by step -- so you can get the feel. It should only take a couple of times for you to get the hang of it,” Billy assured them.

The room began to glow with gathered light which began to concentrate on Billy’s golden wings and pass through him into Vox and Rox. Their small audience began to watch in awe as Vox slowly, but surely, turned into Rox. It didn’t take long at all when Billy announced the transformation was complete and began to power down his reserves. He still continued to hold Roxanne and petted her gently as she broke into tears. “Hosanna, Master Billy, I am woman, hear me roar! Hosanna in the highest!" Roxanne exclaimed through her tears.

“How do you feel, Vox?” he asked her suppressed other half.

“Like a dream come true for us. Better than I imagined. I just feel like I’m missing a part,” Vox replied.

“Don’t worry yourself, honey, that big cowboy will provide you with that missing part soon enough,” Zelma volunteered and everyone in the room laughed.

“Now -- let us see you for the first time, Roxanne,” Kate gently urged her. Billy took his arms from around Rox but held her hand as she slowly turned from Billy. Roxanne was a beautiful middle aged woman complete with small breasts and a beautiful small vagina what would make any bull bellow with joy and drip from the sight of it. It was completely hairless. Billy explained it was his idea, but he would show Rox how to grow hair if she preferred. She seemed to like it the way it was. The men excused themselves to leave the ladies alone. Billy stayed. The ladies had to touch and admire their sister without the other men watching. Somehow, maybe because he preferred men, Billy was okay with them; almost like a great physician; an angel of the healing arts. They considered Vox probably needed Billy with him, and he rather enjoyed their attentions to his sister. He was learning as much as she was.

“Well, if that beautiful little thing don’t rope and hog tie that big bull of a cowboy, nothing will, darlin,’” Zelma allowed and the rest of the ladies agreed with her, “From rumors, I’ve heard Elmer Breedlove is as large as a bull. Take it from a woman who was married to one of the biggest cowboys Texas ever produced, a large man can be uncomfortable, and if he isn’t gentle, he can hurt,” Zelma warned.

“I took Elmer’s size into consideration from Vox’s memories. I made adjustments for Vox’s throat as well as Rox’s vagina. I’ve also enhanced them to make instant adjustments for themselves if necessary. They can make either bigger or smaller to best satisfy their mate. I gave them talents most don’t have. I figured they lived all these years with each other doing the best they could with just Vox’s natural talents, they deserved a reward for their perseverance,” Billy allowed.

“Hear! Hear!” the ladies said in agreement, and added, “Hosanna in the highest!”

“What should I do with my hair, Kate?” Rox asked.

“Nothing. You let us worry about that. Vox has been wearing it longer these days because it’s been too hard on him to get to a barber or sit in a chair long enough, but I’ll sit you down in a barber chair we have in a store room off the other barn Billy uses to milk the watchers, and give you a pixie cut like Roz’s in thirty minutes which will suit you well. Don’t hide behind them old wigs we smuggled up here for years, Rox. They were for camouflage or make believe. Now you’re the real article, sweetheart; become natural in all things. You don’t need a lot of makeup. You’re a lovely and appealing woman like you are without a lot of artificial nonsense. Leave it to us old cows, darlin,’ we’ll see to it you look like a winner,” Kate assured her.

After about a half hour of talk and conversation, Billy dismissed the ladies and told Vox they were going to morph back and forth until he could do it by himself; however, even after Vox/Rox got the hang of it, Billy didn’t want them morphing on their own until he determined they could fly solo. Rox and Vox agreed. They spent an hour or more morphing back and forth. After about the fifth time, they were confident they could do it on their own. They made a grand attempt, and while they weren’t as fast as Billy, they managed to get through one complete morphing cycle. Billy was pleased and encouraged them with lavish praise. He promised several more sessions until they got it down pat. They were thrilled, but Vox insisted Billy help them morph into Rox to spend the evening. Billy could help return them to Vox the next morning to go to Brady with Ramrod Reed and Oatie Breedlove.

Billy agreed. He was tired, and he knew his immediate family were dog tired. They needed some rest. Billy got Boomer, Nick, and the twins together, said their ‘goodnights’ and transported to the line cabin.

* * * * * * *
Perry Reed saw who was calling him on his cell phone and smiled. He hadn’t heard from Oatie Breedlove in a while and was thinking about him all afternoon. He pressed the receive button, “Howdy, Bossman, I been think’n on you, wondering if I might be lucky enough to hear from you this weekend,” he said.

“Yeah, I been think’n on you today as well. I don’t know what’s going on in my daddy long-legs’ head lately, but he done a number on me this morning what put me in the dumps all day, and despite my education and medical training, when it comes to matters of the heart, I’m as vulnerable and mindless as the next man; the old forest for the trees analogy; you know the bit. They’s only two cowpokes in this miserable world what can make me see reason and help screw my head back on for me. Unfortunately, one is in a rest home in Brady, but the other is only about a fifteen minute drive from here. I’m so down, I’s think’n on round’n up both you men, throw’n ma’ rope around yore’ asses, set’n you on a lazy Susan on my kitchen table, suck one off, then spin the Susan and do the other until I get’s me fill of cowboy love,” Oatie said in his best cowboy hyperbole. He could hear Perry laughing, “I wanna’ drive over to Brady to get Elmer tomorrow morning to spend the weekend with me, but I don’t wanna’ ask Jethro for help. You got a busy schedule this weekend, Ramrod?” Oatie asked.

“Naw, hell, it’s quiet over here. We got a lot done this week. Funny you should mention about going to get Elmer. I just got off the phone with the Daniels’ ranch owner, Nathan Daniels, and his ramrod, Tron Garrett. It seems they wanna’ talk to us about a business arrangement. I told them I’s only a work’n partner with you and yore’ granddad, but they said that didn’t matter none, they’s planning on inviting the two of you anyway. They’s invite’n us to spend the day wiff’‘em tomorrow for lunch and a barbecue later in the evening after some entertainment, and they want us to bring Elmer. Have you heard from them?” Perry asked.

“Yeah, they done called me a while ago, and I’s just calling to tell you about it. I come up here to the big house and threw ma’self across Elmer’s big bed to be close to him. Before I knew it, I was out like a light and jes’ woke up a while ago. Their call woke me up. I must have fallen back to sleep for a while, and they decided to call you themselves,” Oatie said.

“So, you need me to give you a hand with your granddaddy, Pod’na?” Perry asked.

“Yeah, I’d really appreciate it, sir,” Oatie replied.

Perry smiled to himself. As much as Oatie accomplished in his life, he still showed Perry Reed his respect. The cowboy way runs deep in a man, no matter his station in life. “Mr. Daniels insisted I stop by their ranch first and exchange vehicles. Seems Billy done got his’self a brand new large van with the lift-gate. They thought it might be easier loading and unloading Elmer in his wheel chair,” Perry said.

“Yeah, that would be great. Remind me, and we’ll fill the tank for them on the way back to the ranch. Mr. Daniels told me Vox Humana, the little man what’s been the organist of the Methodist church in town for as long as I can remember wants to go wiff’ us. He and granddad were pretty damn tight for a number of years. Granddad supplemented his income every month for years. I still send him a check every month out of our joint account. I hope he’s feeling up to it. Mr. Daniels said we wouldn’t recognize him,” Oatie said.

“I been hearing rumors from my cowboys they’s been some unusual things going on over there to the Daniels’ ranch, and the local Bigfoot and daddy long-legs never miss one of their concerts. The word is they have a musical concert ever’ weekend for guests and their herd of Highland cows. You know how cowboys can enlarge a story, but a couple claim they rode up on the ridge overlooking their barn from the rear and watched them cows dance’n to the music like they’s a bunch of human teenagers,” Perry related.

“Well, I guess we’ll find out tomorrow, Ramrod,” Oatie said.

“I hope so. It may be just cowboy hyperbole, but wouldn’t it be nice for just once to find out something really unusual is happening around here?” Perry asked sadly.

“I hear you, Ramrod. I’d settle for a nice weekend get together wiff’ you and my grandpa. My soul is lonely and hungry for both you men,” Oatie replied and laughed, “What time you plan on leaving in the morning so’s I can tell the home when to have Elmer ready for us?” Oatie asked.

“Mr. Daniels invited me to have breakfast with ‘em, and they sit down to eat at seven on Saturdays. I’ll be away from the house by six-thirty. An hour for breakfast should put us on the road to your place by eight. Why don’t you tell the rest home we expect to be there between nine and noon, and I’ll call you just before we leave the Daniels place,” Perry suggested.  

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll look forward to seeing you again, Ramrod. It’s been too long,” Oatie said.

“I hear that!” Perry exclaimed, and they disconnected.

* * * * * * *
Oatie called the rest home to notify them he would like to pick up his granddad the following morning to spend the weekend with him, and could they please have him ready by nine A.M.? He didn’t know his exact time of arrival, but he would try to be there as close to nine as possible.

“He’ll be thrilled to hear it, Mr. Breedlove. Since his roommate, Buster Tate, left the home to live with his son, Elmer has been in a mild state of depression. We’ll have him ready for you by nine,” the head nurse on duty said.

“Thanks, ma’am. I’d appreciate it. Tell him we been invited to the Daniels ranch for the day, and we’re bringing his old buddy Vox Humana with us,” Oatie said.

“I sure will, sir,” the nurse said and hung up.

Oatie pressed the number for his ramrod. He bought Jethro a cell phone and taught him how to use it, but he never used it much. He realized he must have one in case his master needed him in a hurry, but it represented a part of his responsibility to Doc Oatie which made him uncomfortable. He wasn’t into worldly possessions and looked upon gadgets as something for him to lose. If he lost it, he would have to explain. Jethro knew he needed something he wasn’t getting at the ranch to balance him, to make it all come together for him, but he couldn’t find the answer. Oatie Breedlove was the closest thing he experienced in his confused and disappointing life what made a shred of sense to him -- if only -- he had no idea what he wanted or needed. He saw it was Oatie calling and answered right away. “Hello,” he said cautiously.

“Jethro, this is Oatie. Ramrod Reed is picking me up in the morning to drive me to Brady to get my granddad to spend the weekend with us,” Oatie said.

“You need me to go along to help lift him from the wheelchair into the truck? I don’t mind riding in the back,” Jethro said with anticipation in his voice.

“No, I want you to stay here and watch the place. We’re not coming right back. We’re going to the Daniels ranch for the day, but we will be home later in the evening,” Oatie said without nuance. He didn’t care to give Jethro any more than he needed.

“I’ll be here, sir. My watcher daddy might drop by, but I won’t leave the property,” Jethro said.

“Good. If you see Catfish or some of your brothers, tell them hello for me,” Oatie said.

“I will, Master Oatie, and Master Oatie...?” Jethro started and stopped.

“Yes, Jethro?” Oatie asked.

“I’m sorry, sir,” he said quietly like a little boy with a broken heart. He almost moved Oatie to tears, but he decided he wouldn’t let himself be manipulated.

“We’ll talk later, Jethro,” Oatie replied quietly.

“Yes, sir. As you wish, Master Oatie. Have a safe trip, sir,” Jethro said in a rejected manner.

Oatie wasn’t ready to let Jethro off the hook so soon and decided to let him stew for a while. “Thanks, we’ll try,” Oatie replied without nuance and quietly disconnected.

* * * * * * *
The kitchen was busy the next morning. Everyone was up early getting ready for a big day and what equally might prove to be a big evening for those people who would be going through the fledging experience of growing a full set of wings. Billy figured he’d be grateful for any help he could get and was looking for Rory and Calhoun McMartin, and his little saddle buddy to come to his rescue. He knew, even though they wouldn’t fledge until puberty, they were still enhanced and could take pain away and work as mental empaths. Randy’s talents were more advanced that Rory and Cal’s, but Billy had him working with them to teach them how best to use theirs. One might think kids who found themselves in a position of learning they were given superpowers might quickly become insufferable little brats, but it was not the case for these young men. Rory and Cal’s dad and mom were no nonsense parents who would neither put up with their boys thinking they were special nor would they tolerate them becoming Prima Donnas. Tom, in particular, was washed in the blood of the cowboy way by three generations of Redbone cattlemen; his great-granddad; his granddad, and his own dad. Abigale was from an upper middle class family who would not tolerate such actions from children, and she wouldn’t either. Randy, on the other hand, was beginning to learn from his cowboy brother, it didn’t matter how much talent you possessed, it’s how you learn to use it to the best of your ability. Randy quickly learned to be ever mindful of respect, humility, but being true to himself while helping those less talented. Billy was proving to be the perfect role model for Randy. He taught Randy to help others, but be gracious and humble when they expressed their gratitude.

Per Billy’s instructions, Balthazar transported the twelve Sun Bears to the big house for breakfast and to meet the rest of their family. Billy planned to have them spend the day with them. If they must suffer fledging, he felt they should learn about the people who would see them through the trauma and see to their well-being. They were impressed by the size of the huge house and met everyone with respect and graciousness. Kate, Zelma, Abigale, and Dorcas were enthralled by the small creatures and fell in love with them.

“My God, Billy, not to be patronizing, but they are precious,” Zelma Jane allowed.

“And talented, my lady, beyond your wildest dreams. They sing and dance and can play several instruments. They will capture your dark entrepreneurial heart and they might even brighten it up a bit,” Billy teased and grinned.

“Unlikely, but I can’t wait,” Zelma groaned watching them sample the different foods the ladies were setting out for breakfast. They seemed to be omnivores, but preferred fruits and vegetables to meats. They liked eggs and fell in love with the several different kinds of melons Kate prepared.

Perry Reed pulled up to the front gate and across the cattle guard in his ranch truck but the way was blocked by a large gathering of Highland Cattle. Nathan forgot to say anything about the guard cattle. He pulled his truck right up to them, but they stood solid and refused to budge. He got out and thought he would shoo them away by waving his cowboy hat around to frighten them, but they just looked at him like he was daft. Finally, out of desperation he said out loud, “Please, ladies and gentlemen, let me pass. I’m expected for breakfast at the Daniels place this morning, and I’m already a few minutes late,” he hollered.

By that time, Zeus contacted Billy and asked if he was expecting someone. Billy told him his name would be Ramrod Reed. “Are you Ramrod Reed, partner to Oatie and Elmer Breedlove?” Zeus asked.

“Yes, I’m Perry Reed. Wait a minute! A talk’n cow? No! This ain’t happening. Neat trick Billy Daniels. I’ll turn you over my knee for this,” Perry shouted and laughed.

“No trick, Mr. Reed. That’s all you had to say was your name and you’re an invited guest. Return to your truck and we will part for you, sir. Have a good day, Ramrod Reed, and enjoy your visit to the Daniels’ ranch, sir,” Zeus said.

Perry shook his head and laughed all the way back to his truck. He just knew he’d been set up and there were hidden cameras somewhere recording everything. He was right, but he had no idea the scope and how many different intelligent creatures in the universe were watching his exchange with the Irin cattle. The cows parted and he drove on up to the compound and parked his truck. Out of the ranch house came Billy followed by the men of the Daniels ranch but there were several watchers with them. They were huge, and one was snow white. “Sorry about the guard cows. Uncle Nathan should have told you about them. I didn’t think to give them your name so Zeus, the head bull and his brother,Thor, contacted me about a cowboy at the front gate. I gave them your name. Were they polite?” Billy asked.

“You’re shit’n me, Billy Daniels, you mean to tell me them cows really talk?” he asked.

“They really ain’t cows, Ramrod, but we’ll explain as we go along. You’re gonna’ see some strange things today, but try to keep an open mind, and we’ll explain as we go along. No one is trying to bullshit you or do a number on you. You ain’t on candid camera, cowboy,” Billy said as he shook Perry Reed’s hand.

Billy introduced Perry to the Daniels’ men and then the rest of his extended family. Ramrod Reed recognized some of the men he met before. He never met Tom McMartin and his boys or Enoch Redbone, but he knew the Redbone name. When Billy introduced him to Randy Rutherford, a glimmer of recognition came to him. “Wait a minute. Ain’t chu’ the young man what was healed from some awful disease in the parking lot of WalMart in Fredericksburg?” he asked.

“Yes, sir, Ramrod Reed. I’m Randy, Master Billy’s wing man and saddle buddy,” Randy said proudly.

Billy introduced Perry to Boomer, Nick, Clyde, and Balthazar and told him who and what they were. His mouth never closed from awe. The rumors and hearsay from his cowboys began to fall into place. He wondered what other strange and wonderful things he would discover that day. He didn’t have to wait long until he walked into the house and met the ladies and the Sun Bears. He was agog over the beauty and intelligence of the small creatures. They were charming and each took his hand to introduce themselves. He waited patiently for explanations and Billy was good to his word. The story he told encompassed little more than a month in time, but what Perry Reed was being told sounded like something out of a science fiction novel. They sat down to breakfast and talk was lively around the table. Perry Reed mostly observed and would ask a question from time to time. They held nothing back from him and included him like he was one of the family -- who just had some catching up to do. As they finished breakfast, the phone in the kitchen rang. Kate answered and listened for a minute. “Billy, it’s for you. It’s Sheriff Tate,” she said handing him the phone.

“Good morning, Sheriff,” Billy said and listened,“When did you discover it? How bad is she?” Billy asked, “I didn’t think she would fledge this soon, especially since she just had a litter. We better get over there to see to her and give her a hand. Take it from me, having a pair of wings grow in can be a painful thing if’n y’ain’t got somebody to take the pain away and make a small incision to help the nubs break the skin. Give us a minute. We have Ramrod Reed over for breakfast. He’s taking our Ranch Van over to Brady with Oatie Breedlove to get his granddad this morning. He’s learning a lot,” Billy paused to listen, “I don’t see why not, lemme’ ask him,” Billy said, “The sheriff’s dad wants to know if you will stop by their ranch and pick him up when you go get Elmer?” Billy asked.

“Sure, we’re taking Mr. Humana along. We can take him too. We’ll be glad to pick him up,” Mr. Reed replied.

“He said fine. We’ll be right there, Will. Tell Buster and Everett to shield their eyes,” Billy said and disconnected. “You’ll have to forgive us, Ramrod, we gotta’ fly over to the Tate’s ranch. The sheriff’s female Ozzie Shepherd birthed a litter last Saturday. I enhanced her and the pups so’s they’ll be able to talk and grow wings. His little companion, Miranda -- her wings started growing in this morning, and we got to go give her a hand. Here’s the keys to the big Van. We’ll see you over there. Now, who wants to fly over to the Tate ranch with us to help Miranda,” Billy asked.

All the men’s hands went up and several of the Sun Bears. “Sun Bears stay here for the time being and stay in the house because of large animals outside. Cass and Poly see to your brother and sister’s comfort while they visit with us. Uncle Nathan, Tron, Moss, Enoch, Tom, and his men, and Randy you’s with me. Nick, Clyde, and Balthazar we need to wing up to transport that many. Hit it gentlemen!” Billy ordered and the four big man disappeared and reappeared fully fledged.

Perry Reed almost crapped his pants. “My God he weren’t kidding about growing wings. They’s angels,” he muttered loud enough several heard him and laughed.

“You’ll get used to it, cowboy,” Zelma Jane said to him like she was an old hand.

“We’ll see you over to the Tate ranch, Ramrod,” Billy said. The four winged men raised their wings over the men and the watchers they were taking with them, and in a flash of bright light, they disappeared.

“No! I saw it wiff’ me own eyes, but I don’t believe it’s possible. Where did they go?” he asked dumbfounded.

“They’re at the Tate ranch right now, Ramrod,” Kate soothed him. I apologize for Billy. He wanted to wait and break you and Oatie in slowly to our family, but if you’ll excuse the old cowboy expression, 'shit happens,’” Kate said and touched Perry on his arm.

“Do you know about all this, Mr. Humana?” he asked Vox.

“I do, Ramrod. I can fill you in on the way to the Breedlove ranch, Son,” Vox replied.

“Did Billy restore you to health and reverse the aging process for you?” he asked.

“He brought me back from the brink of death, Ramrod, but most of my restoration came from our visit to two ancient civilizations on two separate planets in two separate galaxies last evening. Wait until you see Buster Tate. You won’t believe your eyes,” Vox replied. "I know this is a lot to take in, but you’re young and able to adapt to new ideas more readily. I’ve been told to answer any questions you may have. Are your ready to go, Son?” Vox asked.

“I need to call Oatie and tell him we’re on our way,” Ramrod Reed whipped out his cell phone and pressed Oatie’s number, “Hey, Bossman, we’s on our way,” Perry said and disconnected.  

Oatie was waiting on the front porch when Perry Reed and Vox Humana drove into the compound of the ranch in a huge van with the “Highland Shire ~ Daniels Ranch”  beautifully painted on the front doors into a round medallion logo in bright green colors. He was amazed to see the older man, Vox, jumped down from the passenger side of the van and almost sprint to Oatie to give him a hug and a kiss. “Mr. Humana, what happened to you? Look at you? You look great! Last time we drove to Brady together you swore it would be your last trip ‘cause you hurt so bad!” Oatie exclaimed.

“An angel in the form of Billy Daniels happened to me, Son. You remember Buster Tate, your granddad’s roommate in the home in Brady. His mind was almost gone. Your granddaddy was one of the few people he could still relate to. He’s fully recovered and looks thirty years younger. He wants to go with us to get your granddad. Buster’s at his ranch waiting for us. Billy wanted us to take his van because it has a lift gate with which we can more easily load Elmer into it. Once we get him to the Daniels’ ranch, he won’t need his wheelchair no more,” Vox said like his word was gospel. “By the way, grab a set of your granddad’s Western clothes and his boots. I promise, knowing Elmer the bull like I do, he’ll want to change into his cowboy clothes,” Vox declared.

“I got a bag packed siting by the door, sir, just in case. Then there’s some truth to the rumors my daddy long-leg, Jethro, told me about Billy Daniels?” Oatie asked.

“Apparently so, Brother, I done already seen enough this morning to shake any man to his foundations. I cain’t even begin to tell you what I seen. You wouldn’t believe me no ways. Mr. Humana was kind enough to enlighten me some on the way over here, but I just done scratched the surface. I’m sure we’ll learn more. They want to tell us everything. I think they want us to become a part of their family. C’moan, jump in, and we’ll stop by the Tate ranch to pick up Buster. From what Mr. Humana told me on the way over here, I’m curious as hell to see a dog with wings,” Perry said.

“A dog with wings? No, it ain’t possible. Yore’ shit’n me fer sure! Let’s went, Ramrod, and on the outside chance you could be right, don’t spare them horses,” Oatie said, “Giddy-up, go!” he added after they got into the van. Reed and Vox laughed at his enthusiasm.

There weren’t any cars or trucks around when they arrived at the Tate ranch. For no vehicles there seemed to be a houseful of cowboys standing around, talking, drinking coffee, laughing, and having a good time with each other. There was much joy and conversation going on. Buster saw the men pull up in the Van and came out to welcome them. They shook hands all around, and Buster invited them in. Most of the men knew each other, but there were several men Oatie didn’t recognize. Billy saw Oatie come in and went to welcome him. Billy and Oatie became good friends over the years. Billy took Oatie by the hand to introduce him to the men he didn’t know.

Oatie thought it was strange Billy wasn’t wearing a shirt. He was bare chested as were the three other men he didn’t know. Billy Daniels filled out since Oatie last saw him and was now an exceptionally fine specimen of cowboy pulchritude. He was no longer a young boy. It was like he blossomed overnight into a mature handsome young man. His body was massive. The other three men were equally physically stunning and one was so black his enormous body seemed to have a blue sheen about it. Also, he had a heavy duty ring through his nose and a ring through each teat on his massive chest. He was bald as a billiard ball and sexy as the devil. Oatie stood in awe. He was stunned by the four men’s beauty, but Balthazar’s in particular. Behind them were three enormous watchers and three young boys. One of the Bigfoot was pure white. He seemed to be with the older two boys.

Billy went to stand by Nick and spoke. “I’d like to introduce you to my immediate family, Doctor Breedlove. This, here, stalwart, handsome man next to me is my adopted dad. He is also one of my protectors and my salve. His name is Nick Samuels. Nick, this large gentleman is our county Veterinarian, Slave Doctor, and caretaker of watchers and daddy long-legs. He’s well thought of in our community. You done already met, Ramrod Reed, his business partner and foreman of a large ranch just down the road from us a piece,” Billy said. Nick shook Oatie’s hand, smiled, nodded to Mr. Reed.

Billy went to Balthazar, “This enormous black man is my right arm. He is also my protector and slave. His name is Balthazar Grigori,” Billy said. Balthazar bowed to the two men and shook Oatie’s hand.

Billy went to Clyde’s side and hooked his arm through his, “This tower of strength and male beauty is my strong and sturdy workhorse. I think on him as my Clydesdale. He’s big, powerful but gentle, smart, graceful, and incredibly strong. His name is Clyde Irin. He is also one of my protectors, and he asked his previous owners if they would gift him to me. He is one of my slaves," Billy said. Oatie’s mouth opened as they shook hands. He was dumbfounded by the handsome men who were bare from the waist up.

Billy went to Boomer last, put his arms around his thick neck and kissed him on his cheek. “Last but not least, I’d like to introduce you to my bonded mate, my husband, protector, and the father of my son, Billy Junior. This handsome monster is Boomer Grigori-Daniels,” Billy said with pride.

Oatie didn’t know what question to ask first. Billy just rattled off the introductions without explaining anything. “We know you’ll have a lot of questions and like every man here, you’ll learn about us. We have no secrets,” Billy added from the look of confusion on Oatie’s face. It’s amazing how fast the human mind can adjust to the most bizarre situations in a short period of time. Perry Reed was watching his well educated friend and business partner at a loss for words. He knew Oatie didn’t even know what questions to ask. Oatie kept looking at Balthazar. “I’d like to learn about you and your men, Mr. Daniels. Let’s start with him," he motioned to Balthazar, “He has to be one of the most stunningly handsome men I ever met,” Oatie said in awe. “His rings complete him. I couldn’t imagine him without them,” he added.

“Neither can I,” Billy agreed, “Show him the rest, gentle friend,” Billy ordered Balthazar and winked. Balthazar grinned as he undid his cowboy buckle on his Wranglers, unzipped them, and shoved them down to his boot tops. Oatie and Perry’s mouths dropped open at the sight of Balthazar’s massive cock sporting a Prince Albert piercing with a large double O gage ring through it.

“My God in heaven!” exclaimed Oatie, “That’s amazing. It’s like the icing on a cake. That’s frick’n incredible. I would never think of such a thing, but on this man they are magnificent. Aside from the instant erection, they give me some ideas to think about,” Oatie said referring to his daddy long-leg slave. He could almost imagine Jethro wearing the same set and Oatie’s cock got even harder. “I have a daddy long-leg slave who gave himself to me for saving his life, but he lacks focus. I’m afraid I’m not providing him with some of the physical or psychological stimulus he needs to keep him satisfied and content in his position. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around him being my slave when most of the time we share the same bed. I love him dearly, and I treat him like a family member, but maybe I’m wrong. I wonder if he might benefit from something like that?” Oatie asked like he was thinking out loud.

“Maybe he needs a third party to talk with to give you a better picture of whats going on with him,” Billy said, “I’d be happy to spend some time with him. I have some small experience in managing slaves as family members as you can see,” he added.

“May I, Master Billy --?” Oatie asked stepping in front of Balthazar.

“Sure. Let him inspect you, slave,” Billy said gently to Balthazar. The big man put his arms behind his back and thrust his hips forward.

Oatie took his huge member in his hands, felt the weight, and closely examined his piercings. He could tell they were done by an expert, and he wanted to see exactly how it was accomplished. He let go and thanked Balthazar for allowing him to inspect his handsome piercings.

“Come, Doctor Breedlove, you’s just the man who might enjoy seeing a miracle happen to one of our little sisters,” Billy said and led him and Perry into the next room to Miranda’s whelping bed. There was a sad looking Miranda with two bloody stumps on her small back. Billy took away her pain and while she looked awful she was in good spirits. “Miranda, this here tall cowboy is our local animal and slave doctor, Doctor Oatie Breedlove,” Billy introduced her.

Miranda looked up into Oatie’s compassionate eyes and spoke, “Hi-row, sir, gud ta’ mee-cha,” she said.

Oatie’s mouth dropped open again. “Neat trick! Which one of you men is a ventriloquist?” he asked.

“Nobody, Doc, when I enhanced her and changed some of her DNA, I gave her the gift of speech and flight. Them bloody knobs on her back will develop into a set of wings so’s she can fly. Her pups will be able to talk and fly as well,” Billy explained.

“I don’t care if it’s true or not, I want one!” Oatie said like a little kid making a demand. The men laughed at his enthusiasm.

“Well, they ain’t all spoken for yet,” said Buster, “Miranda’s my boy’s companion, and I guarantee you Billy is telling you the truth,” Buster confirmed, “Our other family member here, Everett, has been working with her every day and slowly teaching her to talk. Everett’s doing a great job. We think she’s coming along fine,” Buster added.      

“May I take a closer look at your wings, Miranda?” Oatie asked.

“Luk. Naaa-tuch,” she replied shaking her head.

Oatie grinned real big. “I promise I won’t, sweet lady,” he said, “Oatie moved around her to get a better look. “My god, they look for all the world like chicken wings, and they seem to be growing at an accelerated rate,” he allowed.

“They are. They look just like mine did when they grew in. They’ll be grown in by this e’nin and then the fun begins,” Billy said and grinned.

“Fun?” Oatie asked.

“Teaching her to fly,” Billy replied.

“I gotta’ see that. A talking dog what can fly? I owe my daddy long-leg an apology. I thought he was blow’n smoke up my ass,” Oatie said, “You don’t have no wings,” he added.

Billy looked at his three angels, grinned, and spoke, “Wings up, gentlemen!” he said. The four cowboys disappeared for a moment then reappeared fully fledged with their heavy duty leather harnesses.

“Holy shit!” exclaimed Oatie grabbing his ramrod by the arm. “They be S&M angels, Ramrod -- rye-cheer’ in Mason county. Oh, God, don’t kill me! I repent of all them terrible nasty thoughts I done had about you men!” Oatie exclaimed, “Ah, to Hell with it, at least I’ll die a happy camper. Truth is, I ain’t sorry for 'em a bit. Them thoughts made my day,” he added. Oatie got the men laughing at his cowboy hyperbole.  

“I watched them wing-up before we left and they transported over here. Didn’t I tell you, you wouldn't believe me? We can find out more about these men later. Right now it’s going on toward nine o’clock and you know how upset the bull gets when we ain’t on time. C’moan, we got us a lonely cowboy to rescue. You with us, Mr. Tate?” Perry Reed asked Buster.

“If’n they’s room, Son,” Buster replied.

“Hell, they’s lots of room. See you men in a couple of hours out to your place, Mr. Daniels,” Ramrod Reed said.

The men left and drove to Brady. They were only thirty minutes late. When the cowboys walked into the rest home the nurses didn’t recognize Buster Tate. He was now a strong, stalwart, handsome, middle aged cowboy. It wasn’t until one looked him in the eye and almost fainted. “Are you kin to Buster Tate, sir,” she asked.

“I hope so, ma’am, since he’s me. I’m Buster Tate,” he said but didn’t bother to elaborate.

Elmer Breedlove cried when he saw Buster and Vox looking so good. He couldn’t believe Buster was so lucid and looked so great. They didn’t spend a lot of time in the rest home. It was a depressing place. Buster and Vox wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. They wheeled Elmer out to the van. The lift-gate proved to be a great boon getting him inside the vehicle. They locked his wheels and traveled back to Mason county in about thirty minutes. The men spent most of the time just trying to appease Elmer without telling him a lot. Oatie didn’t want to tell him too much to get his hopes up when whatever powers Billy Daniels might have, just might not work on his granddad. He wouldn’t be that cruel. Buster and Vox told him they were cured of their ills and their aging had been reversed by about thirty years. It was done by some aliens from another planet who invited them to visit their worlds. Elmer was overwhelmed. He cried a lot and would touch each man like he was made of gold.

It was a beautiful spring day, and the drive through the hill country was beautiful with the bluebonnets and Indian paint brushes in bloom. They stopped in Mason to gas up the van. Oatie paid the lady at the local store and Perry manned the pump. They arrived at the front gate and stopped after crossing the guard cattle. “Damn, them be some fine looking Highland cattle!” Oatie exclaimed, “You’d almost think they’s standing there guarding the entrance on purpose,” he added.

Ramrod Reed broke up laughing, and he got Buster and Vox’s giggle boxes turned over. Poor Oatie and Elmer didn’t have a clue. “That’s exactly what they’s doing, Doc. You got to get out and walk up to them two head bulls you see there and give them your name. They’s nice guys. The bigger one is named Zeus and the smaller to his right is Thor,” Perry Reed said trying not to laugh.

“You’s shit’n me, Cowboy. I know you Perry Reed,” Oatie declared and grinned.

“Go on, Son! Mind our ramrod! What can it hurt?” Elmer bellowed.

“Yes, sir, Granddad,” Oatie replied crisply. He wouldn’t dare question his bossman. He got out of the truck and walked up to the big bulls. “I feel like a durn fool, but I was told to come give you my name, and you would let us pass. I’m Doctor Oatie Breedlove,” he said.

“Good to meet you, Doctor Breedlove, I’m Zeus and this is my second in charge of guarding the gate, Thor. There’s no need to feel like a fool just to be polite and considerate, sir. We been expecting you, Mr. Reed, Mr. Humana, and your granddad, Elmer. Get back into the van and we’ll be happy to let you good men pass. Enjoy your day at the Daniels Ranch, sir, you’re in for a treat,” Zeus said.

“Thank you, gentlemen,” Oatie found himself saying politely, turned and walked back to the truck with a shit-eating grin on his face. He got back into the van without saying a word. He watched as the cows parted and Perry Reed started to slowly drive through.

“Well, boy, was the ramrod right?” Elmer asked bruskly.

“Yes, sir, Bossman, our ramrod was right. I just talked with a cow, and he talked back, sir,” Oatie said quietly. There was a brief pause of silence and the three men broke up laughing at Oatie.

“They forgot to tell them cows I was coming this morning. I had to get out and convince them two big bulls I was expected for breakfast. Finally they got word from Billy I was who I said I was and to let me pass. You can’t argue much with a big bull,” Ramrod Reed said.

“God! Don’t I know it!” Oatie exclaimed, referring to his granddad and slapped his leg, “But I thank God for them big stubborn bulls. I wouldn’t be where I am today without mine,” he added. The men shared a good laugh on the drive up to the ranch house. “I just want to know one thing, is my entire day going to be like this?” Oatie asked.

“Pretty much, Son, except you’s think’n a mite small. It’s been like ‘iss every damn day since we been brought into the Daniels family, and there ain’t never a dull moment. They’s something new and wonderful around ever’ corner of this ranch, but I promise you one damn thing, you’ll never want to go back to your old way of living,” Buster said and Vox confirmed it.

“Remember our phone conversation when I asked you, wouldn’t it be wonderful if something out of the ordinary would happen to us, Oatie? Maybe we should be more careful what we wish for,” Perry Reed said.

“Naw, not for me. Bring it on, Pilgrim. I plan to keep an open mind and drink in the Daniels experience like a tall cold glass of iced tea on a hot summer’s day,” Oatie replied.  

“I’m with my number one boy!” Elmer agreed, “And with our business partner, two of my best buddies and loved ones on either side, I got me a good feel’n about today,” he said rubbing his huge hands together, “I was promised some’um a long time ago and today just might be the day,” Elmer added.

“Trust us, Daddy Bull, you won’t be disappointed,” Vox said quietly.

“I guaran-damn-tee-ya’ what Vox say’s is the truth, or I’ll suck yore’ dick, Pod’na!” Buster exclaimed.

“Oh, Hell, brother, you’d do that whether he’s right or wrong,” Elmer shot back and broke up laughing. He got everyone laughing again.

“C’ain’t gainsay that, Cowboy,” Buster replied with a big grin.

They arrived in the compound of the main ranch house, and there was a bustle of activity going on in the yard. Everyone was out and about, including the Sun Bears. Billy thought it would be all right if they didn’t stray from the compound and were within running distance to a watcher, one of his protectors, or some of the bigger cowboys. Billy’s psyche’s reminded him of their abilities to zap anything what might threaten the beautiful little creatures, and he eased his restrictions. They were having a ball conversing and enjoying the company of the larger men. They had no compunction about crawling up into someone’s lap and sitting quietly or joining in the conversation. The picture was like something out of a story book.

Billy walked over to the van to help the men remove the great bull of the hill country in his wheel chair, but with the lift-gate, they pretty much had everything under control. They no sooner lowered Elmer to the ground when a couple of the Sun Bears ran over and climbed up into the big cowboy's lap gave him a hug and a kiss on his old cheek. “Welcome to the Daniels ranch,” the little female Sunsa’rah said.

“Thank you, darlin.’ Ain’t chu’ and your mate just about the prettiest dang things I ever did see? What are you called, sweetheart?” Elmer asked.

“We’re known as Sun Bears, but we’re not really bears. We’re more like humans, and what you see here, the twelve of us, are the last of our kind. Master Billy bought us from some bad men, space pirates, who enslaved us illegally. We begged Master Randy to intercede for us with his master and he did. We are now Master Billy’s slaves, but it’s more like being members of his family. If being his slaves offers us protection and allows us to flourish, then we’re in the right place in the universe,” she explained.

“Well I have to agree with you little one. The Daniels are the best people you could get hooked up with. I ain’t been around young master Billy in a while, but I hear tell he’s grow’d into a man what would make his granddaddy right proud,” Elmer told her.

Ramrod Reed, Oatie, Vox, Buster and Will Tate were watching and listening. They hadn’t seen Elmer so animated and filled with such joy in a long time. Oatie didn’t look surprised by the Sun Bears. He opened his arms to two of them and carried them around for several minutes. He was as fascinated by them as everyone else.

“We should probably take care of health care issues first,” Billy said standing in front of Elmer and his people. “How would you like to store that wheelchair in the barn, Master Bull, and enjoy the rest of your day on your feet?” Billy asked.

When Billy called Elmer ‘Master Bull’ his face brightened like he just looked upon the face of his savior. Elmer suddenly knew who Billy was. “Lazy old hound dog!" he exclaimed in reply. It was the proper response to trigger an equal awareness in Billy, “I ain’t never told nobody what I know, Master Billy. It was locked inside me until this moment,” Elmer replied.

“I know. Your response did the same for me. You been a good and trustworthy servant. Not to worry. Everything is in place. I have the two great Shedu’s under my protection, my faithful bull, and your time has come,” Billy said. Everyone was listening to Billy and Elmer but didn’t have a clue what they were talking about.

“After I heard about Buster and Vox, I thought I’d been forgotten,” Elmer said and broke into sobs.

“Here, here, stop that nonsense! Your master will have none of it! We carefully saved and prepared them for you. We knew you would want them by your side. You had to be last, but you’re certainly not least. You are the most important link. You’re the key to my past and the anchor to my future. How could I forget the great bull of the hill country? My life is for naught without you and your strength. You were burdened with a great secret many years ago, and only a man of your conviction, insight, compassion, and fortitude could carry it to fruition; a cowboy of the first magnitude,” Billy soothed and eased the old cowboy with reason. “Now -- today -- this very hour is your time, Otis Elmer Breedlove. I will return your youth to you so you may live, love again, have the son you always wanted courtesy of your grandson, and fulfill your purpose for me. Are your ready, Master Bull?” Billy asked.

“Only the chosen one could know my true calling. It tripped my awareness switch which was locked many years ago until my master was ready for me. I never suspected it would be you, Billy, but it all makes perfect sense. I will be proud and honored to call you my ‘master’ young man. You come from one of the strongest and bravest line of men ever to walk this planet,” Elmer Breedlove replied, “It is within my power to impart what knowledge I have to you, and be bonded with you and yours for eternity, Bright Angel,” Elmer said.

Billy’s family were as stunned as Oatie and Perry Reed. No one, not even Billy’s angels, knew what was going on between Billy and Elmer, but Nick witnessed something similar and applied one situation to the other. He surmised correctly Elmer Breedlove was the key to unlocking Billy’s past. The big cowboy was the link to the treasure trove of information Billy was carefully given before his birth and throughout his childhood. With the restoration of Elmer Breedlove, the circle would be complete, and the Highland Shire Project would begin to shine like a new star in the heavens. In fact, at that very moment, a new star was about to burst forth in the heavens which would become the brightest star in the night sky rivaled only by the full moon. Astronomers would speak of it in awe and compare it with other legendary signs in the sky. It would become known as the good son star in the constellation of Cancer the crab and called ‘The Peacemaker.’

“Grandma, ladies, please take the children and our Sun Bear brothers and sisters with you. We will be in the barn for a while, but will rejoin you soon. Randy, Kayla, Rory, and Cal don’t feel left out. Until you come of age there are certain rituals and ceremonies which we can’t include you because of possibly influencing your emotional and psychological growth. You will be adults soon enough. So forgive me for excluding you. I love you very much, and if you have any further questions, I’ll be happy to answer them afterward. You will have your watchers to talk with, the ladies, and Sun Bear brothers and sisters to keep you company,” Billy said.

The men wheeled Elmer Breedlove to the big barn where there were no loose boards for anyone to peak through and see what was going on. Billy and his men already set it up and were ready for Elmer. He had them move him from the wheelchair to lie down on several bales of hay covered by several clean horse blankets. “Let’s get his clothes off, and throw them damn things away. They ain’t no clothes for a buckaroo to wear no how,” Billy ordered. No one questioned him. Oatie figured his granddad knew what was going to happen, and he would abide by Billy’s wishes. It didn’t take them long. Billy asked if he was cold or needed a blanket. Elmer said he was fine. “Now, I have to collect the bull’s DNA. Semen is the preferred method. Do you have a preference who you would like to catch for you, Master Bull?” Billy asked with a grin.

“Do you feel up to the job, my love,” Elmer asked holding his hand out for Vox. Tears fell from Vox’s eyes, “As it always has been and always will be, it will be my pleasure and my honor to catch you, my beloved bull,” Vox replied.

“It’s been so long. I don’t know if I have enough in me. I doubt my stamina,” Elmer said.

“Nonsense, a great bull knows no age. He is still able to perform, and if he has a difficult time, his master has a long, well greased forefinger to massage his prostate,” Billy said showing Elmer his finger.

“Fair enough,” he replied, “do what must be done, Master Billy,” he added with firm resolve.

Vox went to work on his beloved bull and was in awe at his new ability to make his throat relax and take most of Elmer’s huge manhood into his hungry maw. Before, he was never able to completely take the big cowboy, because he was just too damn large; however, now he was consciously expanding and contracting his throat like he imagined a woman’s vagina might. Roxanne told him he was correct and urged him on to do his best. He worked and worked on Elmer while the huge man writhed beneath him. Billy saw Elmer would reach a point but just couldn’t seem to get through the gate of paradise. Billy strapped on a throwaway examination glove, greased up his forefinger, and slowly inserted it up Elmer’s butt. He gently but firmly felt for his prostate gland and found it. Vox could sense Elmer’s heightened excitement and went for the gold. Billy gently massaged the big cowboy’s gland and felt him began to ejaculate into Vox’s waiting mouth. “Oh, Vox, my handsome friend and worthy companion. Take me, sweetheart. Take all of your faithful bull,” Elmer yelled to his partner. No one laughed, but Oatie smiled to himself knowing the depth of his granddad’s affection for those he loved.

Vox collected him and held it safe for Billy. Billy kissed Vox, and he released his prize to his young master. Rox reminded him there would be other prizes for him. Billy swallowed Elmer and immediately began to collect the big cowboy’s DNA. He could feel it rushing through his system like he himself, for a few seconds, could experience and tell what it must be like to be the bull of the hill country. Billy had to admit, Elmer Breedlove was a bull among men. He never collected any sperm more masculine or powerful than that of Elmer the bull.

Billy stood over Elmer and threw a blanked over him. He looked into his eyes. << Words are no longer necessary, Master Bull, >> Billy sent and watched the smile cross Elmer’s masculine face.

<< My feet are cold, >> he responded.

“His feet are cold! Get this cowboy some boots!” Billy ordered.

Oatie ran to the suitcase he brought, and got out his granddad’s huge buckaroo boots, and with Buster’s help, put them on his feet.

<< Better, Master Bull? >> Billy asked.

<< Much better. I feel complete, >> he replied.

“My angels, please remove your shirts, we have work to do," Billy ordered, but he began to remove all his clothes. When he finished he pulled his boots back on and stood in all his youthful glory in front of his gathered family.

“Should we strip, Master?” Clyde asked.

“No, your assistance will only be required for the first part of our healing and restoration of our great bull. Let’s wing-up, gentlemen,” Billy ordered.

The four men disappeared and reappear in a great flash of light fully fledged. Billy’s gold wings were stunning in the light filtering through the skylights in the old barn. The four angels were always a startling sight and for some reason they were even more so that afternoon. Elmer Breedlove got the biggest grin on his face.

<< Why call upon your slaves when you have the Shedus, Master? >> Elmer asked.

<< My angels are my compasses and guide posts. They love me, and I love them. They must be included as a kickstart application. They will help me restore you to the point where I can milk you for enough information to control everything for the moment. Then they will drop out and support us on our journey, >> Billy replied.

<< First time out with the Shedus, Son? >> Elmer asked with a wicked grin.

<< There ain’t nothing wrong with your sense of humor or irony, Great Bull. I won’t have to supplement or repair that part, >> Billy replied and laughed.

<< Cowboy up! Let’s ride them big cows, Buckaroo!  >> Elmer said and they shared a laugh.

“Why do I get the feeling my granddad and Billy Daniels are sharing secrets we don’t know about?” Oatie whispered to the sheriff.

“No secrets. I can hear ‘em just fine. Can you dad? Vox?” Will Tate asked.

“Yeah, we hear ‘em fine. They’s just joke’n with each other in their minds. You’ll be able to hear them after you’re enhanced, Doc,” Buster said.

“You mean, you men can hear each other’s minds?” Oatie asked in awe. Perry Reed was laughing his ass off.

“Exactly, Son,” Buster replied, “Makes life a hell of a lot easier,” he added.

<< Them ancients really did a number on you, Son, >> Elmer complimented Billy.

<< You don’t think the gold wings are a bit ostentatious? Maybe just a tad too fru-fru? >> Billy asked and laughed.

<< Oh, Hell, no. On you it looks good. Gold and purple is the color of kings. Gold for wealth and power and purple to wear to appear compassionate and humble. Unfortunately, most kings were pretty one sided and their greed took them down when they claimed all the wealth for themselves and their people were starving. Hunger and need is a great natural balance between classes, >> Elmer said.

“Let’s do this men,” Billy said to his four angels as he removed Elmer’s blanket. They spread their wings and overlapped them standing around his body decimated by age and various ailments. The light began to gather and moved from the outer wings toward Billy’s and he would concentrate the rays of the light on different parts of Elmer’s body. Oatie and his ramrod watched in awe as they could see Elmer being repaired and rebuilt one section at a time. Billy started from Elmer’s feet and slowly moved to his waist on up to the top of his head. They worked on him for an hour or more. Most of the men pulled up a bale of hay and sat watching the progress. It was breathtaking to watch, little by little, the old man regained tissue strength and body mass until he was brought back to look like the man he was between thirty-five and forty years of age. Finally, Billy called a halt to their reconstruction, thanked his three angels, and told them to drop their wings if they wished and relax. They didn’t seem to be in any hurry to de-wing and sat around talking quietly with the other men.

Billy took Elmer’s hand, “Rise, Cowboy, and sit next to me. We’re halfway there,” Billy ordered.

Elmer sat up and leaned against Billy for support. Elmer looked wonderful. Billy wrapped his arm and his huge left wing around his new cowboy buddy and bussed a kiss behind his ear. Oatie witnessed their moment of tenderness and was so moved he began to shed a few tears.

“How do you feel, Master Bull?” Billy asked.

“Like I could drink a keg of beer, fuck ever’ man in the barn for an hour each, tap another keg, and call for a dozen more cowboys to fuck,” Elmer declared and got everyone in the place laughing at his cowboy hyperbole.

“Is that all, Master Bull? I thought a big bull like you could handle a posse of randy cowboys,” Billy shot back.

“Hell, gimme’ a chance to catch ma’ breath, Son!” Elmer bragged and everyone broke up again.   

“Come! It’s time we rode them big bulls together, Pod’na.’ It’s our destiny,” Billy said to Elmer.

“That’s gonna’ be a tall order, Son. You think we’re up to it?” Elmer asked.

“Got to, Master Bull, to complete you and your purpose. I promise you will feel better,” Billy said, “Stand on these bales of hay with me where you were lying,” Billy urged the big cowboy and helped him up. “Put your arms around me and hold me close, Mr. Breedlove,” Billy said.

“That ain’t gonna’ be difficult. Damn, boy, you done grow’d up to be a right comely young buckaroo,” Elmer flirted with him mercilessly.

“Y’ain’t so bad yourself, Master Bull. Hold on to me and think happy thoughts about pink unicorns or kindly thoughts about them two massive Shedu critters we want to tap for our final transformation,” Billy urged him.

The men sat entranced as electrically charged particles began to bounce around the two cowboys standing on the hay bales. They broke into highly charged energy what looked like it might have been created by Van De Graff generator. Suddenly, the electrically charged particles began to form themselves into a huge blue ball and surrounded Billy and Elmer. It became a solid sphere of plasma energy and none of the lightening like energy bouncing around could get to them, but it looked like it was drawn to the sphere. The men gasped as the big blue sphere lifted off the bales with Master Billy and Elmer suspended inside like they were in their own space craft. It slowly rose and hovered about ten feet off the barn floor. Surprisingly, for all the electrical energy, there were no fires started in the dry hay.

The winged cowboy and his older companion held each other and began to kiss a fraternal kiss which began the transfer of information from Elmer to Billy. The connection having been made, they broke off their kiss, and pressed their foreheads together. They began multiplexing information with each other and as they did, Oatie began to see an even greater transformation of his granddad taking place. Elmer was bulking up like he was before he lost everything from old age. He was slowly becoming the cowboy stud he used to be when he was a much younger man, but that wasn’t all. He also began to grow two large protrusions on his back. Billy felt them and with one finger shot out a blue laser like light to cut the skin to allow the nubs for a set of wings to grow through. They neither stopped exchanging information nor did Elmer stop growing his new set of wings until they were completely fledged. Billy showed him mental images of different sets of wings and colors. Elmer chose a handsome set of silver wings with black tips to remind him of his actual age whether he looked it or not. It took about forty-five minutes and they were done. By that time Billy was in control of the Shedu energy and gently sat the blue sphere down on the ground. It went away as fast as it was produced. Elmer was complete again, but this time with a completely new set of wings. He opened his arms to his loved ones and they ran to him. There was much rejoicing and admiring his reconstruction and his new wings. Elmer, the bull of the hill country was restored; he was home in the arms and company of the people he loved most.

End of Chapter 31 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved ~
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com
Visit Web Site: http://www.asstr.org/~Waddie_Greywolf
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Next: Chapter 32

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