Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Nov 26, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 32

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 32

“It is not because angels are holier than men or devils that makes them angels, but because they do not expect holiness from one another.” ~ William Blake

The Night of the Great Fledging: Part II

“If you wish to be enhanced, there won’t be a better time than the present. With my angels, I can get you in under the wire for the great fledging which will occur later this e’nin sometime after midnight,” Billy said to Oatie Breedlove and Perry Reed.

“By ‘fledging’ I’m guessing you mean growing a pair of wings?” Oatie asked.

“Yes, exactly,” Billy replied.

“And just what would the 'fledging’ do and what would it enhance?” Oatie asked.

“Since when did you look a gift horse in the mouth, boy?” Elmer asked sternly, “I done taught you better’n ‘nat!” he exclaimed,“The man just done told ju’ they’s a certain matter of expediency, but he’s willing to include you and Ramrod Reed in what may probably be his last enhancement for a good while. I know you must have a lot of questions, but now ain’t the time for ‘em. We ain’t got time to spoon feed you. The train is ready to leave the station and you gotta’ make up yore’ mind quick. This is one a’ them times in life you gotta’ make a snap decision or be left behind. Engineer Billy’s just about got a full train-load of cars to pull, Son, and he’s about to blow the whistle. All aboard what’s coming aboard.

“When did you stop listening to your old man? Take your bossman’s word for it, you’re gonna’ need what Master Billy is offering. You just witnessed his powers what done gimme’ a second chance at life. Has your education blinded you to the possibility there are much more advanced intelligences in the universe what operate differently from our understanding? What you just witnessed might appear to be magic compared to our current comprehension of science and physical phenomenon. It ain’t. It’s just more advanced. Them Ancients what enhanced Billy believe in free choice; sometimes, to the extreme. They didn’t tell him what being enhanced means. They ain’t that way. They give you the gifts, make a few suggestions, then sit back, and watch how you handle them. He had to find out for himself the hard way and some of it t’weren’t pleasant. If you do good, they reward you with more enhancements, but at a price; along with the goodies comes the burden of more responsibilities.

“Fortunately, Master Billy came to the rescue and saved the life of a major fallen angel what unexpectedly crash landed in his backyard who, as universal traditions dictate, gave himself to Master Billy to become his slave. Nick Samuels has become an invaluable resource of knowledge dealing with the Ancients. He taught his master what becoming enhanced means and what he can expect to accomplish. Master Billy was wise enough to adopt him into his immediate family as his surrogate dad; much like you and me come together and formed a similar bond years ago. If’n you ain’t caught on, the fallen angel he calls, Nick Samuels, used to be the right-hand angel of an evil alien entity known by the early desert tribes of the Middle East as Jehovah or Yahweh. Nick was originally known as the bearer of light, Lucifer, Samu’el, and in more modern times as Old Nick.

“Nick done got a bum rap and is better known today as the personification of evil as Satan or the devil; however, nothing could be further from the truth. It’s all religious bullshit; propaganda to shift the real blame and guilt of the world from those what caused it onto a scapegoat and telling us we are equally to blame because it is our lot to be born to poverty and sin. It’s bunk and balderdash! Fear, guilt, and shame from the wicked, corporate evil  of organized religion; an empire built on reveal, myth, superstition, and hearsay.      

“Where do I fit into all this? I am his missing link between his past and his future. I complete the circle of family he must collect here on Earth to complete his mission. We are to become his people, and he’s offering you and Ramrod Reed a place in his family. I will be along side him whilst he enhances you and Perry. You will have a part of me, as well as his angel-mates, transferred to you men. Listen to yore’ bossman, Son! Have I ever given you wrong advice? I promise, you will never have a moment’s regret,” Elmer said firmly.

“No, sir, Granddad, you ain’t never gimme’ bad advice. I was serious earlier when I said I wouldn’t be where I am today without your guidance. I’m thankful to have you back. If you say it’s something I should do -- as your boy -- I know better than to question my bossman. With you being gone for so long, I jes’ got out of practice, sir. I humbly beg you to have patience with me, sir, it may take me a while to adjust. I’m sorry, Master Billy. I know granddad took a huge step today, a leap of faith, and I couldn’t be more grateful for what you done for us. I would consider it an great honor and a privilege to be enhanced and become a member of your family along with my granddad and our ramrod, sir,” Oatie said.

“And you, Ramrod?” Elmer put to Perry Reed, whom he considered his other adopted grandson.

“Hell far!” he exclaimed, “I don’t wanna’ be left out, Master Billy. I been step’n to Master Bull and Doc Oatie’s tune for a number of years now, and they ain’t never led me astray. I been doing better, and been happier than I been in years since I threw my lot in with the Breedloves. All verbal agreements they made to me, they’s lived up to, honored ever’ one, and more. They done welcomed me into their family without reservations. They be the best damn thing what ever happened to me. I’d be downright proud to become a member of your family, sir. Mr. Breedlove and Oatie’s the only family I got, and I’d be honored to walk down the same path with them,” Perry Reed said.  

Billy instructed Oatie and Perry to strip but to pull their boots back on. When they finished Billy gave each, one of the horse blankets Elmer laid upon, told them to fold them, use them to kneel on facing each other, and place their hands on each other’s shoulders to situate themselves until they were comfortable. The men did as they were told. Billy, and his angels, including his newest angel, Elmer Breedlove, surrounded the men with their arms entwined with each other almost to their shoulders. They raised their wings and began to gather the radiance and power of the universe. They began to glow a golden color which slowly change to a bright orange then red and on until it was a brilliant white light. It seemed like there was a vortex beginning as there was a swirling motion of the light and a rustling sound like the many wings of more angels. The light began to grow so brilliant the observers had to hide their eyes from it.  

At the peak of the fury, everything became quiet like the hush from the eye of a great storm. The men in attendance watched in awe as a great blue sphere once again surrounded Billy, his men, and their two supplicants. As if in a trance with their eyes closed, Perry and Oatie rose from their kneeling pads and floated in the air. They let go of each other and stretched out their bodies until they were lying next to each other. They started to slowly rotate around and continued to do so as they were enhanced and given an overview of the Highland Shire Project and their place in the great plan. It was not only enhancing their natural talents and adding several more, but it was also educating them at the same time. The look on their faces resembled two little boys watching something in awe for the first time.

After about forty-five minutes of enhancement and education, the two supplicants were slowly and gently returned to their kneeling positions and reconnected with each other; only this time, they chose to hold each other close and sobbed in each other’s arms from the beauty of the experience. It was something which, not only bonded them as brothers, but they would also remember the rest of their lives. They physically looked to be ten to fifteen years younger, in peak male prime. Each sported a strong erection fighting each other for room between them. They smiled and kissed each other passionately as Billy and his angels powered down. The final enhancement was complete. There would be others from time to time, but not on such a large scale as was accomplished during the last twenty-four hours.

“We had no idea the scope or the breadth of what these ancient races have bestowed upon you, Master Billy. I hope sometime soon we get to meet the great Shedus who helped with our enhancements,” Oatie said, thanking Billy, his angels, and Elmer.

“We’ll make time. We hope you men can join us for the weekend. We have plenty of room and sometimes we do things on the spur of the moment. With your education in the healing arts, Doctor Breedlove, you should find your enhancements a shortcut to repairing and faster healing of your patients,” Billy said, “We have the rest of today to get to know each other better, so you gentlemen put on your clothes, and we will join the rest of our family. I think we’re just about to serve a light lunch, and the cowboys will fire up the barbecue drums for later this evening,” Billy announced. He and his angels already de-winged.

“What shall I do with my wings, Master Billy?” Elmer asked.

“You must wear them for several hours before we can teach you to de-wing, Master Bull,” Billy replied, “About six hours should do. Your heart must adjust to the greater flow of blood to supply your new attachments. You think you can handle them for that long?” he asked.

“Damn right! With the body you gimme,’ I can wear ‘em all damn day,” Elmer replied.

“Good. You look s’damn good in them, Master Bull. You look like you were made to wear a set of wings,” Billy complimented him, “What do you think, Vox?” Billy asked Elmer’s adoring smaller companion.

“He’s always been my cowboy angel, but to see him wearing wings just confirms it for me,” Vox replied.

“And will my little darlin’ be grow’n a set of wings this e’nin?” Elmer asked with his huge arm around Vox bussing a kiss on his neck behind his ear.

“He most certainly will, Master Bull, and he’ll need your strength, encouragement, and compassion to help him fledge. That’s one of the reasons I done went ahead and gave you your set early. Furthermore, I don’t know if you realize just how unique your friend is. Vox and I need to sit down and talk with you, Master Bull; perhaps, over lunch or later this evening. I discovered something quite unusual about your companion when I was healing and restoring him you might fine most interesting,” Billy said mysteriously.

“He’s always been special to me. I knew we were drawn to each other the first e’nin I spent with him, and I know’d it was more’n just sexual release. When I began to see him once a month -- after about six months -- we’s lying in bed one night, he told me he was afraid he was falling in love with me. I told him not to be afraid because I done beat him to the draw. I already was in love with him. I explained to him he become more of a mate to me than my wife ever was, and I meant it. We fit together like the last two pieces of a pitcher puzzle. I don’t think he believed me at the time and just thought I’s blow’n smoke up his ass; however, after my wife died, I was gonna’ wait several months before doing anything with anybody. Somehow, I got this crazy notion in my head, it was the respectful thing to do as a cowboy, but one thought began to nag at me. I remembered how little respect she had for my feelings or needs when she cut me off cold turkey. She told me her religion wouldn’t allow her to do such debase and nasty things unless it was to have children, and since we didn’t plan to have any more kids, she weren’t about to engage in carnal lust just for sexual release or to bring me a bit of pleasure and comfort.

"As much as I stormed around the house, yelled, threatened, or pleaded, she never gave in, and God as my witness, I ain’t the kind of man to force ma’self on nobody. I don’t have to. I’m a bull. You can take that any way you like, but I believe in my own personal worth; and, while it might not mean much to her no more, I knew I wouldn’t have no trouble find’n somebody who would appreciate my brand of cowboy loving. Never, in my wildest dreams, did I ever think it would be with another man, but once’t I realized I was in love with Vox, I ain’t never been sorry nor do I regret a moment I spent in the arms of my little buddy. As time went on, I knew I was falling deeper in love with him. There was just something about him other men, I’d been with for a good cowboy roll in the hay, just didn’t have. If I had to describe it, I would say Vox has a softness, a vulnerability about him which would come through his personality and gently wrap itself around my soul what would satisfy me so completely it kept me coming back for more.

“After about a month without Vox, I damn near went crazy. I didn’t even jackoff think’n on how much better it would be saving myself to share with him. Our Friday was coming up, and I called him. I told him I loved him too goddamn much to do penance for our relationship one day longer. I told him how bad I needed him, and did he feel like bedding his bull for the weekend? Being the sweet man he is, he asked how soon I could be there,” Elmer said, and he threw back his handsome head and laughed, “After a nice dinner, we got into bed and didn’t get out until Sunday morning when we had to get ready for church. We went to church, and I took him to dinner at the Willow Creek restaurant. Afterward, we went back to his place, made more love, and stayed in bed until I had to leave that evening to go back to the ranch.

"We repeated our one weekend a month -- sometimes more if he was free -- for a number of years. More than anyone, I wanted to be his bull, to become his protector, and I wanted and needed Vox to love me in return; however, like most men, I waited too long to act. I suffered unbearable grief in that rest home, not because I was getting older and couldn’t take care of myself, but I was in anguish for never having consummated our relationship with a greater bond. I misjudged what time we had left. It wasn’t until I found myself in that home, I realized what a great mistake I made by not making the decision to share the rest of my life with Vox. You can never know what you missed in life until you sit in a wheelchair day after day watching life pass you by, pondering what might have been if you only did something different. I began to understand, people don’t die because of age. They die because they have no other options left to them. They have slowed to a stop on a sidetrack and watch the train of life pass with blinding speed while they’re sitting still. The door is always there before them looming large. When they finally have enough, they give up all regrets, and if they’re lucky, forgive themselves for their trespasses, and gladly walk through the door. The most one can hope for is to die with dignity. I missed Vox so much. I won’t make that mistake again. I’m looking forward to making up for lost time,” Elmer added, pulling Vox closer. His buddy leaned against him affectionately and wiped away a tear. Billy smiled and winked at Vox. The smaller man blushed like a young bride. If Billy had his way, Vox/Rox would be married to the great bull before much longer.

Billy noticed Elmer’s Wranglers. The pair Oatie packed for his granddad were two sizes to big for him now his weight was adjusted to the younger man he became. “Shit, cowboy, you cain’t go to the ball look’n like that. Them Wranglers don’t fit chu’ right, and I need to add one more thing,” Billy allowed then waved his hand over Elmer like an orchestral conductor, “Salagadoola, mechicka boola, bibbiti bobbiti boo!” he exclaimed and Elmer’s Wranglers were instantly replaced with a pair of Wranglers what looked like they were painted on him. It showed everything, front to rear, from his huge member to his callipygian buckaroo buttocks, and instead of a western shirt he was wearing a powerfully built black leather harness which accented his massive chest, his huge pectoral muscles, and the black tips of his huge wings. He looked like a great statue of Atlas Billy remembered having seen on the Internet, complete with a slightly pronounced girdle of Hercules. The big man was stunning. Elmer wasn’t a pretty man, but he was handsome enough to deserve more than a second look. His features were strongly masculine and rugged. He was an impressive bull of a man and made a damn fine looking cowboy angel -- one Billy Daniels could be proud to call his own.

“Come, Gentlemen. Let’s have a nice lunch. We can show you the rest of the place and introduce you to everyone,” Billy said.

About that time the youngsters and the Sun Bears saw Billy and his posse retuning from the barn with a reconstructed cowboy angel walking with them. They were as stunned as everyone else, but they ran as fast as they could to Elmer’s huge arms. The poor man found himself engulfed with four kids and a dozen Sun Bears. They each had to have a hug and give him a kiss to wish him well. Elmer didn’t stop until he held and petted each one and talked with them for a few minutes. They all had to touch his wings and compliment him on how wonderful he looked. The kids and Sun Bears did more for the old man’s ego than any adult every could.

“He loves the little ones,” Oatie said laughing as an aside to Billy.

“They’re drawn to him like a magnet,” Billy said.

“I remember my attraction to him all those years ago, and to see him like this, stirs that little boy inside me. It’s so wonderful to have him back. You have made a number of people very happy, Master Billy,” Oatie said.

“Jes’ do’n ma’ job, pod’na,” Billy said trying to sound like a humble cowboy, “To be honest, yore’ old man makes my little boy git the happies, too,” Billy added and they shared a laugh.

There was much lively conversation at lunch and the ladies couldn’t get over Elmer, the bull of the hill country. Billy had to smile to himself. Old Elmer was not only a proven stud and dripped sex appeal, he was also a charming man without being rude or crude. Everyone was mesmerized with his gift of story telling and his sense of humor. He could recite long cowboy poems that were painfully funny and kept everyone entertained. He took a personal interest in Kayla and Randy and sat with one big arm around them and his other around Vox.

After lunch Billy’s family watched as the Irin cowboys got the stage set up and chairs carried out behind the big barn for the weekly Saturday night barnyard concert and hoedown. Billy asked his Sun Bears if they would be willing to perform for everyone, and they responded with great enthusiasm. They looked upon it as a pleasure to share their talents with their new family rather than have it choked out of them by the space pirates. They were eating well, comfortable with Billy’s family, and were eager to please. They brought their instruments with them to the stage in case they needed them.

Billy and his family opened the concert part of the afternoon with a reading of a new string quartet they ran through only once; Samuel Barber’s first string quartet. It is a brilliantly conceived piece of music with many contradictory sounds followed by moments of beautiful clarity and soul searching empathy. One could almost compare it with a political statement, or perhaps, a summation of the music and state of the world during the first half of the twentieth century, blatantly rejecting the dead-end street of serial music and striving mightily to fine a fresh new voice. No other American composer agonized as much to create something of honest beauty as did Barber. He became one of the stronger voices of the so-called American school which really became a bridge from the heavy syrup of late romanticism to a more modern idiom. However, it wasn’t until fourteen years into the second half of the century there came a startling new voice on the music scene that rocked everyone’s boat. It was Terry Riley’s 1964 minimalist composition in “C” which began to make musicians ask questions about the role serious music should play in society. There is a great probability Mr. Riley’s composition will be remembered as one of the most seminal events in music history and one of the ten most important contributions to art of the Twentieth Century. It ripped the concept of music from the hands of the academics and returned it to the people. Music was reborn from a morass of dark self pity and the heavy chains of twelve-tone dogma to become as inventive as life itself. Music was once again free to evolve along with the rest of humanity.     

Billy didn’t know how his audience might receive Barber’s quartet, but after his group played the beautiful and lyrical ‘Adagio’ of the second movement, everyone rose from their chairs with tears in their eyes, and demanded they repeat the movement. Billy’s musicians obliged and finished with the last movement. The twins, Roz, and Billy were bonding as musicians and their playing became something awesome to behold. They were becoming a family within a family. Billy knew he had to get a better instrument to play. The twin’s Strads and Roz’s Amati were much greater voices, but he was not in a hurry to replace it.

Next on the program Billy scheduled the Sun Bears to play their instruments and the males to do their folk dances. Billy sat in the audience next to Zelma. “Best Barber I’ve heard in a good while, Maestro Billy,” she said quietly.

Billy smiled at her double meaning, “You ain’t heard nothing yet, fair lady. My new children will knock yore’ support hose off,” he said and laughed. Zelma reach over to tickle Billy and got him laughing.

The Sun Bears were wonderful and had everyone cheering and applauding after several dances. They held nothing back. They knew they were playing to a home audience who would appreciate them for their talents and art and not because they were being forced to do so. They allowed their talent and charm to enthrall their audience. They were expressing their love and appreciation for their new family.

Elmer and his group were sitting on the front row with Billy and his family. “Can you believe what we’re hearing, Vox?” Oatie asked during the second intermission.

“You should have heard them on the two planets we visited last evening. There were literally thousands of people in the town square, and they couldn’t believe it either. You ain’t heard nothing yet. Wait ‘til Billy and his musicians play for the Sun Bears to dance. You won’t believe it,” Vox said.

“Is it part of their enhancements?” Perry asked.

“No doubt, but you must remember, Billy, Roz, Poly, and Cass were fine talents before they were enhanced. It just augmented and solidified their abilities. It brought them together to form the beginnings of a great musical family,” Vox explained, “I have been assigned the task of teaching and working with the new, young musicians to teach them the basics,” he added.

“I can see that as an enviable role; helping to create and mold new talent. It seems Master Daniels has room for everyone in his new family,” Oatie concluded.

The rest of the afternoon concert was taken up by the Sun Bears doing more of their folk dances to Billy and his musician’s performance of ‘Petrushka.’ Oatie and his family were again blown away by the performance and talent of the small dancing Sun Bears. They were a delight to behold and the difficult music was played to perfection.

The last part of the program was devoted to the country music hoedown. Billy and his musicians played the tunes so many times before it was almost like a second nature. After a while the Sun Bears took up their instruments and started playing with them. They didn’t miss a beat and added a great authenticity to the country sound of the music. The audience stood and watched both the players and the gathered Highland cattle as they began to do their dances to the music. Elmer Breedlove thought the dancing cows were the funniest damn thing he’d seen in decades. Everyone was laughing and applauding to encourage the cattle. They were fantastic.

While the concert was going on one of Billy’s cowboy lookouts stationed at the rear of the concert with a pair of binoculars came to him and pulled him away for a moment. He handed Billy his binoculars and pointed to a high ridge on the other side of the river. Billy looked through the glasses, focused a bit and was amazed at what he saw. Sitting on the granite rocks like a part of their audience sitting in the cheap seats in the balcony was a gathering of Bigfoot and daddy long-legs. There had to be fifty or more; approximately thirty watchers and twenty daddy long-legs. Billy was particularly taken by one who was wearing a brown leather mask over most of his face held in place by leather straps which tied in the back beneath his long blond hair. He had a lean but muscular body covered by scars which looked like he barely survived in a terrible battle, and he was completely nude. About half the daddy long-legs were naked.

Billy felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see the massive presence of his big daddy bull. He handed Elmer the binocs and told him to look on the rocky ledge just above the river on the other side. Elmer did as Billy told him and let out a low whistle. “Damnation, their numbers are growing, and them daddy long-legs are more than I ever saw before. Is this their first time?” Elmer asked.

“Naw, sir, Master Bull, my cowboys have been telling me they were sure we were being watched, but this is the first time I ever seen 'em come this close. They don’t seem to be worried about us looking at them. My uncle-in-laws told me they are now under my protection, and they own me and their masters,” Billy replied.

“And by ‘masters’ you’s including me. Why do I understand the concept without you explaining it to me, Son?” Elmer asked and grinned.

“Who owns you, Master Bull?” Billy asked and grinned.

“You do and everyone I come to love down to ma’ favorite pony,” Elmer shot back.

“Can I get a 'Hosanna’?” Master Bull.

“Hosanna in the highest!” Elmer exclaimed softly shaking his head like a solid period at the end of a sentence. “Lemme’ git ma’ boy. I want him to see this,” Elmer said and motioned for Oatie to join them.

Oatie came and Billy handed him the binoculars. Oatie looked through them and gasped. There on the rocks were Catfish and three of his buddy watchers who Oatie took care of a number of times including the daddy long-leg wearing the leather mask. He was the shyest of the lot.

“Recognize any of them, Son?” Elmer asked.

“Three of the Bigfoot live on our ranch, and the one with the mask comes and goes. I only see him about once’t a month. Sometimes more in the winter because we always leave food out for them,” Oatie replied.

“I thought I remember the big black buck,” Elmer said, “You named him 'Catfish’ because he has such a large mouth,” he added.

“Yeah, it’s Catfish, his number one and two companions, and the daddy long-leg I give the name 'Roamer’ because he’s been seen on every ranch on the two rivers. He don’t stray far from the river, and won’t never come up to anyone’s house. Catfish took me to him one time when he’s real sick. I give him some antibiotics. He never came back, but I kept track of him through Catfish,” Oatie said.      

After the barnyard concert the family and their guests enjoyed a leisurely afternoon relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. Billy urged everyone to get an early start to bed because the great fledging would begin sometime around midnight and everyone should get some rest. He explained, once it began, it probably would mean his auxiliary crew would be busy for the next four to six hours. Billy took Elmer and the boys out to the back of the other barn where there was an old rusty metal table set up for working on farm equipment. Several other men followed them. They were curious what Billy was up to and he encouraged them to join him. He told Rory, Cal, and Randy to gather some of the old, weathered boards sitting in a pile next to he barn and bring them to the table. They did as they were told.

“Now, Gentlemen, you men and our new cowboy angel here, is gonna’ become my helpers. I’m gonna’ teach you how to make a small cut on the back of a man what’s beginning to fledge and sprout his wings. Billy held up one of the boards, and with his index finger of his right hand, he shot out a beam of light like a laser and carefully wrote 'Billy Daniels’ in a florid style across the surface of the board. It was just enough to make an indention in the wood without setting it on fire.

“Rory, since you’s the oldest, you go first,” Billy said.

Rory picked up a board and concentrated. You could see him straining but nothing happened. Finally, he let out an exasperated breath and looked at Billy in disappointment.  

“You’s try’n too hard, Son. You got the power. Do I have your permission to get inside your head to give you a little push?” Billy asked.

“Of course, Master Billy,” Rory replied.

“Can I piggy-back your brothers and Master Bull so’s they can learn along with you?” Billy asked.

“Can you get that many inside my head?” Rory asked and grinned.

“Your brain is bigger than you think, Son. There’s plenty room for us,” Billy replied.

“Sure, Master Billy. They’re welcome,” Rory allowed.

Billy felt the other two boys and his bull connect with him, and he eased them into the boy’s mind. He told Rory to look in the file in his head labeled 'tool box’ and he would find a program called ‘surgical procedures.’ << Here it is, Master Billy. I found it, sir, >> he said.

<< Good man. Now point your finger toward the board, run the ‘surgical cut’ program on a low setting and aim at the board, >> Billy sent.

Rory did as he was told, the blue light shot from his finger to the board, and it burst into flames.

<< Lower the setting, Son, >> Billy said laughing at the look of horror on Rory’s face. His younger brothers and Elmer laughed with Billy. “It’s okay, Son, we ain’t laughing at you. They got their turn coming, and we’ll see how much they learned from your mistake,” Billy said out loud and the other men laughed at Billy.

Rory tried again with a much lower power setting and began to carefully write his name onto the surface of the board almost as skillfully as Billy did. Billy could see Rory’s dad out of the corner of his eye. Tom’s chest swelled with pride, and a pleased smile crossed his face. Billy got a picture in his head of Tom blowing up like a hot air balloon and floating away over the ranch. Suddenly every man there broke up laughing. The boys went crazy laughing at the thought in Billy’s head. Tom just blushed and grinned real big. “Y’ain’t a bit more proud of them boys than we are, Master McMartin,” Billy said.

Billy took off his shirt and laid it on the workbench. “Now, Son, use that setting to open my arm, with about an eight inch straight cut. Don’t be afraid. I cut off all feeling to my right arm,” Billy said.

“But, Master Billy?” Rory asked in horror.

“Don’t be afraid, Son, you can stop the bleeding and heal my wound like I done showed you boys how to mend them cows the other day,” Billy encouraged.

Rory got a frustrated look on his face and walked around to Billy’s other side. It suddenly dawned on Billy, Rory was standing on his left side when his master told him to cut him. Billy rolled his eyes and looked to heaven for help. Everyone roared with laughter at Billy’s faux pas.

“Thank them gods that boy knows the difference between right and left even if his master don’t!” Tron Garrett exclaimed dryly. Tron’s buckaroo put-down broke them up again and Tom McMartin laughed the hardest.

Rory got himself together and did as his master instructed. He opened a clean cut in Billy’s arm, and it began to bleed a bit. Rory waved his hand over the wound and it was completely healed. He whipped out his bandanna and wiped the blood from Billy’s arm. Billy pulled the boy to him in a hug and kissed him on top of his head. “Ya’ done good, cowboy. You’ll be a big help this e’nin. I think it only proper you help your dad into his new world of becoming a cowboy angel. What say you, Master McMartin?” Billy said firmly.

“So say I!” replied Tom with equal enthusiasm, “If’n I got two wings coming, they’s one for each son,” Tom added.

“Hosanna!” Billy exclaimed.

“Hosanna, in the highest!” everyone exclaimed in reply.

Billy repeated the procedure with Cal, Randy, and Elmer. The boys were naturals and had a bit longer to adjust to their powers. Elmer was a bit unsure of himself, but he proved to be quite skilled after several tries and was gaining confidence by the minute. He was, after all, he told himself, the bull of the hill country and had a certain image to uphold. He also quickly learned it didn’t pay to have thoughts like that when a bunch of randy cowboys were tuning into your mind. There were many snickers and a couple of downright guffaws from the other men. Elmer blushed beet red and laughed at himself. “Beware the sin of pride!” he said out loud and got another round of laughter from the men. Vox went to him and gave him a big hug and a pat on his back. “As long as my little darlin’ is happy wiff’ me, I’m a contented bull,” Elmer said, “Ya’ont me to have Master Billy put’n one a them big rings in my nose like that handsome black angel wears, Darlin,’ so's you can lead me around like I’s yore’ prize bull?” he asked Vox.

“Only if you ask to marry me, Daddy Bull,” Vox replied and everyone laughed.

“And if you said 'yes’ I would wear it with pride, my love,” Elmer allowed.

“I think we’re done here. After your men take care of your dad, I want one of you to stay with him and the other report to me,” Billy said to Rory and Cal.

“I’ll stay with dad,” Calhoun said, “I might be a tad better with pain control than Rory, but he’s more sure of himself and steady as a cutter than me,” the boy said.

“Excellent idea, Cal, but after you get your dad into a peaceful painless sleep, I want you to report to me. If he needs anything, your mother will let us know,” Billy said.

“Yes, sir, Master Billy,” Cal said.

“Randy -- you and Rory will help the twelve Sun Bears when they start to complain when they start to grow the nodules for their wings. You might want to remove the hair from both sides of their bodies so you can make a cleaner cut. The hair will grow back. Have Buck or Hank give you a pair of trimmers from our barber shop what have been cleaned and sterilized,” Billy said.

“Yes, sir, Master Billy,” Rory said for him and Randy.

“Nick, you, Balthazar, and Clyde will be with me. We’ll take care of our newly fledging family members. Roz will be our first lady angel,” Billy said.

“She won’t be the last, Boss,” Nick said and everyone laughed, “Them Ancients done opened a large can of envy when they enhanced her,” he added.

“I agree. The thought come to me, it won’t be long before my grandma, Mrs. Redbone, and Tom’s wife, Abigale, are gonna’ feel left out. Not to worry. The Irin and the Grigori agreed to give me the power to create my own angels. We’ll take care of them a little later when we have a slow down in activities,” Billy said. Several of the men laughed.

“And just when do you think that might be, Nephew?” Billy’s Uncle Nathan asked with a wry grin and laughed. The other men laughed with him.

“Good point, Uncle,” Billy replied shaking his head, “Like ever’ thing else, we’ll just make time for them,” Billy allowed.

“The sooner, the better,” Tron insisted, “I love to eat too much to offend them ladies,” he said and laughed. Everyone agreed.

“Boomer, you’re with me and my angels. Ludo and Caesar, you hang with the boys and Master Tom. See to their needs and provide them with as much comfort as possible. Stay close to your young masters and assist them anyway you can,” Billy said, and the giant creatures assured him they would.

“Do you plan to relax for a while with Vox in his room, Master Bull?” Billy asked Elmer.

“Sure as the Bluebonnets bloom in Texas, Buckaroo, but we got time if you got something else to take care of. I ain’t git’n tired. I feel like I could go all night,” Elmer replied, “How 'bout you, darlin’?” Elmer asked Vox.

“I’m feeing better than I have in years, Daddy Bull. It’s early afternoon. We got plenty time after the sun goes down,” Vox replied.

“Good. I’m glad you’re feeling better because you just may be up all night,” Billy said, “I don’t know if you heard about it or not, but I bought me a new slave two days ago and I ain’t had a chance to process him or do anything with him,” he explained.

“I did hear something about it. Buster was my roommate in Brady. The sheriff would come visit his dad and told us about some man what tried to kill another man what was delivering some heavy-duty equipment out to your ranch,” Elmer said.

“That’s right. His name is Orville Higginbothem, and the man he tried to kill is my big cowboy brother, Enoch Redbone. We knew he was gonna’ be found guilty so the sheriff made a deal with the court, and I bought him before he even went to trial. We brought him home Friday e’nin. I turned him over to two of my most trusted cowboy slaves to look after until we got back from our visit with them ancient races, and I had time to process him properly. I asked my slaves to create a special room off the other barn as an extension of our old barber shop. They finished it last week and done a damn good job. The Grigori gave us some special processing equipment what my slaves installed, and they told me they’re ready for me to try it out with old Orville. You men are welcome to join us if’n you like, but we might want to consider sending the young’uns up to the big house. They can join us later,” Billy said.

“Why?” asked Tom McMartin. "If they’re old enough to help with the fledging, I don’t understand why we should shield them from the reality of our current practices of slavery. Granted, you and the majority of your slaves have a different understanding of their relationship with you because of the social structure they came from, but forced slavery because of indenturement, or in Orville’s case punishment, is very much a real part of our society and as such, I think the boy’s should learn there are different forms of slavery and not all of them are as ideal or desirable as your more benevolent form,” Tom argued strongly.

“I can’t argue with such clear logic, Tom. I ain’t got no problem including your boys or Randy if you think it’s all right. Randy and I have a bond. I know he won’t discuss something with his mother or grandmother without asking me whether it would be appropriate or not. Right, Buckaroo?” Billy asked his young saddle buddy.

“Yes, sir, Master Billy. I understand there are things men do together or in their work they don’t need to share with the women-folk,” Randy replied.

“And do you men understand the same as Randy?” Tom asked Rory and Calhoun.

“Yes, sir, Dad. We understand certain things you men do and discuss wouldn’t be proper to discuss with the ladies,” Rory replied for both.

“Good, then bring your protectors along, and let’s learn something new,” Tom said encouraging his boys.

Everyone agreed they wanted to see Billy process his new slave. Billy took the men to the barber shop where they milked the watchers and each other when they morphed. They passed through the shop and through a door to a completely new room which was set up as a slave processing area. It was well lit and ventilated. They found Billy’s two slave handlers and Orville waiting for them. Orville was still wearing his harness contraption. Orville stood between the two large Irin cowboys with his feet apart and his hands behind his back at parade rest as instructed by his keepers. Billy gave his cowboy slave keepers instructions on what he wanted done and how the men were to see to Orville. He told them he wanted them to clean him up and remove every trace of hair on his body. Billy told them he wanted Orville completely denuded, and if they had to remove his butt plug to remove the hair around his ass, do so, but return it as soon as they finished. Billy didn’t have to tell his trusted Irin cowboys not to use Orville anally, but he did to stress it was their master’s prerogative to take any new Earth slave for his first time as was an essential part of asserting a master’s dominance. They assured him they understood and Billy could trust them with his wishes.   

It was a different Orville which stood in front of Billy that afternoon. Billy’s cowboys did an excellent job removing his hair. He was as smooth as a baby’s butt. Orville noticed three large cowboys with leather harnesses. One was black with a large ring through his nose and smaller rings through his tits. Orville thought it was unusual but on the huge black man the piercings looked like they belonged. He didn’t know why, but it stirred something deep down within his gut. There were more surprises to come. Orville’s eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw a huge cowboy following Billy and his group with a beautiful set of silver wings. He was also wearing a massive black leather harness. The reconstructed Elmer Breedlove, the bull of the hill country, was a magnificent sight to behold. Orville decided there could be no debate as to how many Elmer’s could dance on the head of a pin. Billy saw several emotions pass through Orville’s mind. His face was like watching a video screen. While he was in awe of Elmer, there was also a good deal of wonder and fear which registered on his face. His eyes would scan the men, boys, Elmer then he looked to Billy for any sign of explanation. He knew better than to asked. He didn’t have to. His face was one big question mark.

“Easy Orville,” Billy said gently. Everything will be explained to you in time. You will see many new and unusual things around this ranch. Some of these men you know and some you don’t. They are here to witness the first part of your processing as my slave. Have Ren and Stumpy been treating you well?” Billy asked.

“Yes, sir, Master Billy, they been better to me than I might expect. While they been firm and demanding, they also been helpful and considerate. They ain’t been nasty or mean spirited to me. They treat me like a brother they would like to see succeed as your slave. They been teaching me master/slave protocol and manners, sir,” Orville replied. He sounded like he was more than a little impressed with his keepers and grateful they didn’t abuse him.

“Good, you seem to be a bit more resigned to your situation,” Billy observed, “Has he given you men any trouble?” Billy asked his two Irin cowboy keepers.

“Not at all, Master Billy. None, sir. He’s been good to follow our orders and is making a satisfactory effort to comply. At first, he complained a bit about his plug being uncomfortable, but we tried to explain to him, it can only be removed when we clean him or when you make a decision to the contrary. He seems to have adjusted pretty well. We cleaned him out using the new equipment the Grigori provided us, and he seems to be accepting the idea better. It will take some time,” Ren replied.

“Glad to hear it. The more Orville cooperates, the better it will be for everyone concerned. I saw you looking at my black slave, Orville. Anything you want to asked me about him?” Billy asked.

“No questions, Master Billy.  Anything you care to tell me will be fine, sir,” Orville replied.

“His name is Balthazar. He’s one of my slaves, but I didn’t ring him. His previous owner, a very lovely lady, had him ringed. He is one of my protectors, and I’m very proud of him. Balthazar, would you be so kind as to show our new slave your other piercing?” Billy asked.

“No problem, Master,” Balthazar replied. He didn’t hesitate, undid his Wranglers, and let them drop to his boot tops. Balthazar took his enormous cock in his right hand and with his left pulled back his considerable foreskin so Orville could get a good look. The new slave gasped with surprise, but never diverted his eyes from Bathazar’s fine cock. Billy noticed Orville’s considerable penis immediately became engorged with blood and the head was peaking out the top of his codpiece on his leather harness. Try as he might, Orville couldn’t hide his excitement from seeing the large gage ring through the handsome black man’s penis.

“Looks to me like yore’ old dick’s got a mind of its own, Orville,” Billy said and laughed. Several of his family joined him.

“I guess I cain’t gainsay that, Master Billy, but I don’t know why,” Orville humbly said.

“Maybe yore’ old pony would like to feel the weight of a big ring through it?” Billy allowed. Orville didn’t reply, but just continued to look at Balthazar in all his glory. “Well I think we should make your old cock a happy camper. That’s what you will look like when I get through with you this afternoon,” Billy said firmly. “While you won’t be quite so handsome, you will wear the rings,” he added. Billy thanked Balthazar and told him to pull up his Wranglers. Balthazar smiled, bowed, and did as he was told. “Remove my slave’s harness, Gentlemen, but leave his plug in his ass. I don’t think he needs the harness to hold it in now,” Billy ordered his slave keepers, and they quickly removed Orville’s harness. “Get on this leather table,” Billy said slapping the examination table, “and put your boots in the stirrups, slave. It won’t take me but a few minutes to get chu’ ringed like a proper slave,” Billy said.  

Orville didn’t hesitate, got up on the table, threw his legs into the air, and settled his boots in the metal stirrups widely separating his legs. Everyone could see the large metal plug in his ass. The boys weren’t the only men fascinated by Orville’s conversion to a slave.

“May I ask a question, Master?” Orville asked politely.

“As long as you’re respectful, you may asked me anything, Orville,” Billy replied.

“Will it hurt?” he asked.

“I promise, you won’t feel a thing while I’m doing it, and after I have your rings in place, I will heal them so they will feel like they been in place for a good while. It will take some time to get used to them, but there will be no pain,” Billy assured him as he removed his cowboy hat and shirt. Billy disappeared for an instant and reappeared in a great flash of light fully fledged in his beautiful gold wings. Orville almost jumped off the bench, but Billy reached out and put his hand on the large man’s belly and held him down. “Easy, Hoss!” Billy exclaimed, “I told you, you would see some unusual things on this ranch,” he said.

“Jesus, Master Billy, are you and that other man angels?” Orville asked.

“No, that big hombre with them handsome silver wings is my Master Bull, Elmer Breedlove. Elmer’s and me’s lived in this county all our lives. Surely you heard of his grandson, Oatie Breedlove, who played for the University of Texas; however, Balthazar and them other two good look’n men wear’n harnesses are angels. You men wing up. I might need to call on you,” Billy ordered Nick, Clyde, and Balthazar. They vanished and returned almost as quickly in a great flash of light wearing their handsome wings.

“Oh, my god!” Orville exclaimed, “You weren’t kidding. They really are angels, and one is your slave?” he asked.

“No, Orville, the three of them are my slaves and protectors,” Billy replied, “Master Bull is my master here on Earth. Everyone must have someone to answer to,” he added.

“I understand I’m your slave, Master Billy, and in the last couple of days I come to accept my fate as being the result of my own selfish conspiring; but, where am I now?” Orville asked plaintively.

“You’re in the heart of the hill country of West Central Texas Orville. I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to say, this is the last place on Earth anyone might expect to find angels who dwell here. You have become the slave of a humble cowboy who has been enhanced and gifted by two races of ancient people who expect me and my family to bring about change in the world. You are my first fully human slave, if that gives you definition or direction. If you work hard for me and please me, you will be rewarded with trust and more privileges. If you fight me, you will be restricted and punished. You will be monitored twenty-four hours a day, so you won’t be able to cheat or conspire against me without me finding out about it. You will have rules to live and work by, but you will neither be overworked nor abused. You will be carefully taught to give up your old ways and take on new ways of work and cooperation. I plan to remake you and save you from yourself,” Billy said.

“This is certainly different than I thought it was going to be,” Orville said.

“I hope you mean it in a good way,” Billy said and smiled.

“I do, Master Billy. Do as you will with me. Remake me if you can. I trust you, sir,” Orville said.

“Good. Lets get to work,” Billy said. He held both hands over Orville and a bright blue light emanated from his hands. “You should be feeling a tingling sensation on your skin, slave. I’m making your hair removal permanent. I decided I like you without hair and you will remain that way as long as you’re my slave,” Billy explained.

“Yes, sir, Master Billy,” Orville replied as Billy moved over every surface of his slave’s body front and rear. Orville returned to lie on his back again with his boots in the stirrups. Buck and Hank got out some tools and brought them to Billy on a medical cart. Billy placed his hand on Orville’s head. You will see and hear everything going on, but you will not be able to move except for your mouth. You will feel nothing. We will start with your nose first. Billy took a needle and stuck it into the septum of his slave’s nose. “Feel that?” he asked.

“No, sir, nothing,” Orville replied.

“Good, that’s what we want. I want to ring you as my slave, not torture you,” Billy said.

Hank handed him an instrument and Billy swiftly punched a hole in Orville’s septum. The big man was a bit disconcerted by the crunching sound of the punch but never let out a sound. Billy quickly inserted the large stainless ring and cold welded it together so it was permanent. He nodded for Nick, he waved his hand over the slave’s nose, and it was instantly healed. Hank was right behind Billy and quickly cleaned up the blood from the piercing. They were finished. Billy did essentially the same with Orville’s tits and then moved to his cock. Orville wasn’t a handsome man, but he had a fine looking piece of slave meat. Billy inserted the stop tube into Orville’s urethra and with a large gage piercing needle drove it through the meat of his slave’s cock and removed a large chunk. As soon as he removed it Nick inserted the double ‘0' gage ring and cold welded it permanently shut. Orville couldn’t remove any of his rings. Only his master could. Clyde followed and healed Orville’s cock, and Hank cleaned up any blood. It took less than thirty minutes working together as a team and they were done.

Billy went to release Orville from his induced paralysis when he noticed tears flowing from his eyes on either side. “If you were in pain, why didn’t you say something,” Billy asked.

“No, pain, Master -- just deeply moved,” Orville replied, “I ain’t never belonged to nobody before, sir,” he choked out.

“Now you do. You’re my slave, but it might not be so bad as you imagined,” Billy said.

“I agree, Master,” Orville replied.

Billy released him and gave him his feeling back. “Any pain, slave?” Billy asked like a doctor with a patient.

“None whatsoever, Master Billy. Thank you for the consideration, sir, I’m afraid I’ve always been a coward to physical pain,” he said.

“Imagine the pain my brother Enoch endured until I could heal his leg, slave,” Billy put to him.

“I understand, sir. I’m embarrassed and sorry for my actions,” Orville replied.

“Now stand and let us get a good look at our new slave,” Billy ordered him.

Orville stood and once again assumed parade rest. He wasn’t shy or disturbed about being naked any more and thrust his hips forward to proudly display his new Prince Albert piercing. The men gathered around. The boys were in front gawking at Orville, but he didn’t seem the least bothered. Elmer started applauding and the rest of the men and angels picked it up. “Congratulations, slave, you look fine with your new body jewelry,” Elmer bellowed and everyone agreed.  

Billy walked up to Orville and took his big cock in his hand and pushed his foreskin back to reveal the beauty of his piercing job. “Whose cock is this, slave?” Billy demanded.

“It’s your cock, Master Billy. Not only is it yours by right, but because today you have made me yours. I never pondered being a slave before, but to my way of think’n it is far better to be owned by a master whose word you can trust and in whom you can be proud,” Orville replied.

Billy reached behind Orville and gently fucked him a couple of times with his plug. Orville spread his legs a little wider and pushed back to meet Billy’s thrusts. “And who owns your ass, slave?” Billy asked.

“You own all of me, Master, including my hole to do with as you please. Only you will determine what comes out or what goes into it,” Orville said sincerely.

“Are you a virgin?” Billy asked quietly.

“No, Master Billy. I had a buddy in the service,” Orville replied.

“Just as well. It won’t be such a trauma for you,” Billy said.

“As you wish, Master,” Orville replied.

“Return his harness to him, Gentlemen,” Billy ordered his slave handlers and they complied.

Suddenly Clyde dropped onto his knees before Billy and asked to pay homage to him. Billy was a little surprised, but knew Clyde could be passionate about his role as his slave. Billy granted his request and Clyde made a fine display of humility by making love to Billy’s buckaroo boots. “You are always welcome to show your master your love and homage, strong angel, but what prompted this display?” Billy asked.

“I want to be ringed, sir, if my master finds his slave worthy of the honor,” Clyde blurted out. Someone in the crowd yelled, “Hosanna!” and the others replied, “Hosanna in the highest!”

“Come to my arms and show me your love, good angel,” Billy commanded.

Clyde was in them in a minute and they were locked for several minutes in the kiss of death. The men began to applaud. They finally broke off their kiss. Billy held a tearful Clyde away from him and said quietly, “Git’ chore’ handsome cowboy angel ass on that there table and reach for the sky with them boots, hombre!” Billy growled, “Your master is gonna’ grant your request,” he added firmly. Clyde shot his load all over his master. Everyone laughed including Orville.

Billy and his posse did the same for Clyde except Billy used rings for Clyde’s nose and penis he could remove if need be. Being an angel, Billy assumed Clyde had most of the same powers he possessed himself, but he also knew, even without a spoken bond between them, Clyde would never remove his rings without his master’s permission.

After the barbecue supper, Billy’s family decided they would try to get some rest before the fledging took place. Vox asked Billy if he would accompany him and Elmer back to his room. He needed Billy to explain to the big cowboy exactly what he discovered when he was restoring and healing Vox. Billy walked Vox and Elmer to Vox’s room. They sat down and made themselves comfortable. Vox and Elmer sat on a love seat and the big man took the smaller man’s hands in his and held them gently in his lap. Vox nodded for Billy to begin.

“Me an my angels discovered something unusual with our brother Vox when we were in the process of healing and restoring him. I originally used his saliva to gain knowledge of his DNA structure, but he was failing to respond like I thought he should. Only about half his body was responding to my abilities. While I was examining him and probing about the lower portion of his body he became aroused and unexpectedly ejaculated on himself. I scooped up a couple of fingers and tasted it to get a better picture of his DNA structure and was almost knocked out a’ ma’ boots by what I discovered about him,” Billy said with excitement.

Vox looked into Elmer’s eyes, smiled nervously, looked back down to their hands, and blushed. Elmer closed his big hands just a bit tighter around his little buddy’s in a protective manner.

“What did you fine, Master Billy?” Elmer asked in eager anticipation.   

“What I’m about to tell you is remarkable, to say the least, but I made sure it weren’t just some crazy idea of my own invention. I had my three angels confirm my finding. Vox was one of a set of fraternal twins, each with a different father, whose eggs conjoined to become a chimera. The male egg dominated and became Vox, and his sister became the subordinate physical representation; however, we only recently discovered several of my family have known about his other half for many years, but since she never revealed herself consciously to her brother, Vox had no idea about her. So the thoughts you shared with us about Vox having a softer side to him are true. Not only have you fallen in love with Vox, you fell in love with his other half who calls herself 'Roxanne,’” Billy carefully explained.

“That’s incredible. Is this cowboy tell’n me the truth, Vox?” Elmer asked Vox.

“I’m afraid every word is true, Daddy Bull, but that ain’t the best part,” Vox replied.

“How could it get any better, Darlin’?” Elmer asked.

“Master Billy taught me to morph into my sister so our bull could make love to her as well as me,” Vox replied.

“No! I don’t believe it! That would be like finding a pot of gold at the end of the damn rainbow,” Elmer declared, looking from one to the other for any sign of deception. He found none.

“I guess we’ll just have to show him, Vox,” Billy said resigned.

“I guess you’re right, Master Billy,” Vox said dropping Elmer’s hands, standing and walking over to the bed. Billy gave him a hand with his cowboy boots, and it didn’t take Vox long before he stood naked as the day he was born before his cowboy bull. “Let me try to do this by myself, Master Billy. If I think I need help, I’ll let you know,” Vox said.

As Vox was undressing Billy explained Roxanne’s parentage. “Vox and Rox had different fathers. With a little detective work and several old family photographs we discovered Rox’s dad was a man of pure Spanish descent, named Juan De La Vega. He was a traveling roustabout in the oil fields of West Texas,” Billy said.

Billy watched proudly, like Vox was giving his graduation exercise in morphing to an audience of his teacher and one astonished buckaroo who’s mouth would not close due to wonder and awe as he watched Vox slowly change into his sister, Roxanne. Elmer was beyond amazed. He was overwhelmed by Roxanne’s feminine beauty.

“Miss Roxanne De La Vega, may I introduce you to my master, Mr. Otis Elmer Breedlove, the bull of the hill country; and Master Bull, may I introduce you to me and Vox Humana’s lovely sister, Miss Roxanne De La Vega,” Billy said. 

Elmer fell to his knees in front of the petite, pretty young woman, threw his arms around her waist, pressed the cheek of his huge head up against her belly, and began to sob. Roxanne smiled at Billy with tears in her eyes, enfolded, and caressed Elmer’s head with tenderness. “Roxanne is the part of Vox I come to need so deeply. I love them both equally, but you’re right Master Billy, she is the part I knew was there but didn’t understand. It’s all so clear now,” Elmer allowed, “Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!” he exclaimed.

“I think I’m done here,” Billy said, “You three got a lot to talk about. I been given explicit instructions from the ladies in my family, Master Bull, to warn you to go easy and be gentle with our sister the first time. Trust me, my good master, you don’t want the wrath of them ladies coming down on you,” Billy said and laughed.

“Message received and understood, Master Billy, and thanks, Son, for all you’ve done for us. Your generosity and compassion will not be forgotten,” Elmer said, shook Billy’s hand, and pulled him into a hug.

Billy left them alone. Elmer returned to his knees in front of Roxanne. “My God in heaven. You are perfect, Roxanne,” he said, “May I?” Elmer asked looking at her small cunt.

“Help yourself, Daddy Bull, it’s all for you,” Rox replied.

It seemed like a wonderful dream to Elmer and Roxanne. Vox saw a side of Elmer he never realized was there when he was making love to his sister. Roxanne didn’t close her brother off or try to hold anything back from him. Vox never knew about Rox but she shared in his and Elmer’s sex for years and enjoyed it as much as Vox; only now, she was having the bull of the hill country fill her body like the missing part Vox complained about. There was no doubt in either his or his sister’s mind, Elmer Breedlove was the missing part of their lives. The bull of the hill country was born to love them. Perhaps, quite uniquely, Elmer, the bull, was the only man in the great Lone Star state of Texas who could appreciate what they had to offer him.

“Are my tits too small?” Roxanne asked him in a moment of quiet.

“They’s perfect, Darlin,’” Elmer replied and kissed each one, “They’s nice, small, and perky. My late wife’s were like two huge jugs what were always git’n in my way. They weren’t attractive like yours. I know it’s probably vain for a man to compare his women, but I only did it to convince you you’s just what this old cowboy needs, Roxanne. I love Vox beyond any human I ever loved, but together I love you both more than I got words to tell you, sweetheart. Tell me yore’ daddy bull feels right inside you,” Elmer said.

“I couldn’t wish for more, Daddy Bull. Vox is enjoying our coupling as much as we are,” Rox replied. “We have promised to share everything with each other,” she added.

“That’s only as it should be, dearest, I would expect you to,” Elmer allowed.

As big as Elmer’s cock was, he was very gentle and easy with Roxanne’s virginity. There was no reason for pain and tearing her internally if he could ease into her without damage to her hymen. He was always a gentle but strong lover with Vox. Once he was all the way in, she dilated for him, and it was easy going after that. They fucked for an hour or more until they mutually decided to reach a climax. Elmer had no problem bringing his new partner to climax with him. After all, he was a proven bull and knew what to do with a pretty little heifer like Roxanne De La Vega. Elmer confirmed to Vox and Rox once again how he got his nickname. He was, indeed, the bull of the hill country. They lay together, making sweet love to each other as the light of day began to fade across the hill country. “Perhaps it’s bold of me Roxanne, but I know it won’t be for Vox, I don’t want to travel down my new road without you by my side. Say you’ll marry me, sweetheart,” Elmer proposed to his beloved.

“I don’t think it’s bold of you, Daddy Bull. I’ve known and loved you through Vox for over a quarter of a century. Of course we’ll marry you, Elmer, there’s no question, but do you think it will create a hardship for us?” Rox asked.

“No, not for you and me or those what love us, Darlin,’” Elmer replied, “Those what love us already want us to be together. Ain’t a one of them men we were with today wouldn’t be thrilled to see us git hitched,” Elmer said.

“I know, and I agreed, but what about our community?” Roxanne said.

“Any explanation you want me to give to them will be fine with me. We ain’t marrying the damn community, hon, we’s marrying each other, and I promise you, even if you didn’t exist as a tangible part of Vox, I’s plan’n on asking him to marry me. I love Vox that much I’s ready to take him on as my mate come hell or high water. Like I told Billy, I done got a pot of gold dropped into my lap with you two. We can tell them damn people anything you want to. Tell them Vox decided to have a sex change, or I ain’t afraid to tell them I turned gay and asked Vox to marry me. Texas is only one of a handful of states left where gay marriage ain’t recognized, but the federal government forced them to recognize gays what got married outside the state and relocated here. With Billy’s influence, I think it’s only gonna’ be a short time before Texas is the next state to recognize same partner marriage,” Elmer declared.

“Vox and I already talked about it, and we agreed if you asked, we will marry you, Daddy Bull. We’ll let our husband take care of the details. We’re not afraid. Even if Vox loses his job as organist of the church, there will be plenty of work for us to do training and giving music lessons to the children of the shire,” Roxanne said.

“I will have something to say about that, Sweetheart. After all, I been the only man of a quartet of men what’s been supplementing your income from the church all these years. I doubt seriously they’ll vote against me, but if’n they do, so be it. We'll make do. Billy and his uncle has already done talked wiff’ me and my grandson about running cattle on our ranch. He’s offer’n us a deal we can’t refuse. I can be as active as I wanna’ be in the running of the ranch and seeing to the slaves Master Billy’s gonna’ give us to work the ranch. I got faith in Billy Daniels and his family. We’ll be doing the same with our shared project with Perry Reed. He will be ramrod of our other ranch. Together we’ll have plenty income coming in to take care of all of us so’s we can live in comfort. I don’t need to be a wealthy man as long as we got each other and enough to be comfortable,” Elmer said.

“I agree, Daddy Bull. We come this far. We got us a second chance at love and life. Let’s get it right this time,” Roxanne said.

She pulled her bull deeper into her to keep him warm. Elmer kissed her gently and folded one of his huge wings over Rox to keep her warm and bring her sweet dreams. They faded off to sleep, but woke up in the dark with Roxanne sobbing in Elmer’s arms.

“Am I hurt’n you, Darlin’?” Elmer asked.

“No, not at all, love. We must have slept longer than we planned. The fledging has begun, Daddy Bull, and it’s quite painful,” Roxanne said.

Elmer immediately removed himself and urged her to morph back into Vox for the duration of the metamorphose. Roxanne did as her beloved told her and returned to Vox. Semen and various sexual fluids were expelled into a towel they were using and Elmer gently cleaned Vox. He rolled him onto his stomach and saw the nubs of his wings stretching the skin so tight he was sure it was causing him a good deal of discomfort and pain. Elmer quickly retrieved the clean rags meant to clean up blood and sat them on the night stand by the bed. He sat down next to Vox, placed his hand to the back of his head and took all pain away.

Elmer put him into a deep sleep. Now was his moment of truth. Burning his name into a board was one thing, but cutting into his beloved friend and sweetheart was another; however, the great bull was not a cowboy to be deterred by self-doubt. He pointed his finger and used the same setting he did earlier in the afternoon and carefully made two incisions on his lover’s back. The two wing nubs leaped up like they were on springs and being held in place by the skin on Vox’s back. Elmer waved his big hand over them and stopped the bleeding. He then healed the wounds. Vox’s wings were free to grow. Now, it was only a matter of time. Elmer made sure his mate was sleeping peacefully and was comfortable. He cleaned up everything and grabbed the extra clean rags to take with him to his next station. He walked to the door, and after a look around the room, walked down the hall to the stairs, down the stairs, and walked the long front hall to the kitchen. The house was full of lights and everyone was busy. The night of the great fledging had begun.

Billy went to Elmer, “How is Vox and Rox?” he asked.

“Done and resting quietly. I put him out for about six hours, like you told me,” Elmer said.

“Ya’ done good, Master Bull. How was Roxanne, sir?” Billy asked with a grin.

“Everything I might have imagined and more, Son. We can’t thank you enough. What a wonderful surprise. I’ve asked her and Vox to marry me,” Elmer said.

“That’s wonderful, Master Bull. Do I get to do the honors?” he asked.

“You don’t have to ask, Son. You know we wouldn’t consider nobody else. It’s a done deal as far as we’re concerned,” Elmer assure Billy.

“Great! Our first marriage at the shire. We’re on our way, Master Bull. Now, can you go up to the room next to Vox’s? There you will find your men, Oatie, Mr. Reed, the sheriff, and his dad. They should be starting to fledge at any minute. If you need an extra room for Oatie and Perry, use the room on the other side of Vox’s, but I think there’s two huge beds in Buster’s room. Whatever, you decide, Master Bull. Now you got the hang of it, you should have no problem. Welcome to your new world, Mr. Breedlove,” Billy said and grinned.

Elmer took off and started his trip back up the stairs. He heard the phone ring in the kitchen as he walked away. Kate answered and listened for a minute, “I’m sure he just forgot, Everett. He’s right here, I’ll let you talk with him. Billy it’s Everett calling from the Tate ranch. Did you forget he’s due to fledge tonight?” Kate asked, “and that ain’t all. Miranda’s pups are sprouting,” she added.

“Sweet Aunt Agnus! I forgot all about him, and didn’t consider the pups would fledge until later!” Billy exclaimed and took the phone from his grandmother, “Everett, hang in there, cowboy. Tell Miranda we’ll be right there,” he said. He quickly checked on Tom and the boys. They were staying together with the Sun Bears as a family and Abigale was playing the role of a modern day Florence Nightingale. She had everything ready for the boys to do their thing. Billy sent Balthazar and Clyde up to check on them. If they found everything going well they were to report to Hank and Buck’s room where they would find his uncle, his uncle’s mate, Enoch, Moss, and the twins as well. Billy told Kate, if Roz began to fledge to get Clyde to help her. If they needed help to get Rory and Randy.

Billy hollered at Nick they had an away mission over to the Tate ranch. Everett and the pups were beginning to fledge. Nick started laughing. “It don’t matter how much you plan, it seems they’s always something at the last minute what has to be done,” he said.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Tonto,” Billy said and laughed with him.

“Hi ho, Silver, let’s went, Tonto!” Billy exclaimed and the two cowboy angels disappeared.

* * * * * * *
It didn’t take Billy and Nick long to relieve Everett of his pain and to take care of the pups. They were impressed the way Miranda’s wings grew out and complimented her on them. The pups had their eyes open and while their mother was rightfully worried about them, she trusted Billy and his dad completely. Nick would hold one in his lap while Billy made two small incisions to allow the nubs to peak through the skin. Once they were done, Billy put them into a deep sleep and promised Miranda she would have some peace and quiet for a while. She seemed relieved and wished Master Billy well. He also told her someone would come with breakfast for her and the pups because Everett would be resting probably until late morning. She understood and knew if Master Billy gave his word she had nothing to worry about.

Billy and Nick returned to the ranch to find Elmer already took care of his grandson, his ramrod, the sheriff, and Buster Tate, but he was in helping with Hank, Buck, Ramrod Andy, and the twins. He even helped with several of the Sun Bears. For some reason they seemed to gravitate to the big man, and for all his bravado, they looked upon Master Bull as a gentle and compassionate soul.

The McMartin boys took care of their dad, and their mother was thrilled and impressed by the knowledge and skills Master Billy taught them. Rory and Randy went off to help Billy and a couple of his angels, but Cal stayed with his mother and dad the rest of the evening. After a couple of hours, they had everyone fledged and resting comfortable. Their loved ones who witnessed the fledging were amazed at how quickly the wings grew in once they were released from their prison of skin. The three boys carefully prepared the Sun Bears sometime before they actually began to sprout their wings. They clipped most of the hair from two areas on their backs where they were sure their wings would come through without problems.

It was in the wee small hours of the morning before Billy and his family could get away to the cabin for some rest. He left the twins to sleep through their fledging in the big house under the care and watchful eyes of Kate and Dorcas. Billy, Nick, and Boomer went right to bed they were so exhausted from the full day and the pressure of a family fledging. As expected, the ladies of the family wanted to know if Roz and Roxanne could become angels, why not them? Billy tried to assure them they were already angels, but knew they weren’t about to buy that. He promised he would see to it they got a set of wings within the next few weeks. The great fledging was over and a peace settled over the Daniels ranch like no one could ever remember. It was almost like the still quiet silence of a raging storm within the eye of the needle.

End of Chapter 32 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf  
All Rights Reserved~
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com
Visit Web Site: http://www.asstr.org/~Waddie_Greywolf
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Next: Chapter 33

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