Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Feb 3, 2013


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 35

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 35

"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." (Matthew 15:11) "If that's not a license to suck cock, I don't know what is." ~ Antinous/Moderator/Boing Boing

Oatie didn’t ask for Jethro to stay the night with him. He was around Jethro most of the afternoon and evening. He watched Jethro work as an organizer and note taker for Billy. He could tell Jethro developed a strong bond between Billy, Billy’s watcher husband, and his four angels -- one, of whom, Billy considered his dad. Within a week it seemed like Jethro passively took over the extended Daniel’s family, won their hearts with his selflessness, and found a secure billet among their ranks as comfortable as a well-worn strap enters a buckle. The young boys sought Jethro out and didn’t seem the least bothered by his nakedness. They accepted the fact he was a slave on loan to Master Billy and therefore someone of interest to them. Rory and Calhoun were by either side while Randy was in his arms most of the day. After the Saturday afternoon barnyard concert, Jethro was stationed outside the barber shop door to accept the watchers who gathered to be milked by Master Billy and his men.

Jethro wasn’t overbearing or bossy in his job but kept things in order and under control. While he was working under pressure, Jethro remained polite and considerate of everyone. He saw to it things moved smoothly in good order. His previous people and critter skills he developed as a daddy long-leg running with the watchers became obvious to everyone. Granted it was an unusual talent, but under the circumstances, it was one in which Jethro excelled and flourished. Oatie never saw this side of his slave before, and he was amazed. He never considered Jethro might have people or critter skills -- but why not? The truth came to him with the speed of a blue Northern roiling across the horizon: he never bothered to get to know more about Jethro than to treat him as a respected male concubine. Oatie knew Jethro ran with the watchers for several years until he became his slave, but he just considered him a lost soul in need of direction and protection; like an abused animal, who will eventually come to bond and trust you if you’re patient enough and willing to work with them. All the signs were there. Why did he overlook them?

Jethro was an excellent horseman, and could tell Oatie what was wrong with a horse just by observing it for a while. Jethro knew more natural remedies and cures for animals than Oatie knew medications to prescribed for them. Oatie never had to worry about the critters around the ranch when Jethro was home; yet, he discounted Jethro’s efforts because he was unschooled. Oatie was well trained in science and the current state of the medical arts. He didn’t take time to consider something as unproven as natural healing might actually work and chalked up Jethro’s successes to chance. There in lay the crux of his conundrum. Sometimes the most obvious answers are overlooked due to an impenetrable wall of white-washed prejudice. Oatie built a fortress against the hatred and ignorance of his family with science and reason. It never suffered a crack until Oatie saw what Billy and his enhanced angels could do. Then Oatie’s perceptions of life and those around him began to change. His fortress came tumbling down. While he no longer had his imaginary protections to shield him, Oatie came to realize, he had a greater strength available to him from those around him who loved him.

He watched Jethro approach and make friends with watcher strangers who were never seen in the area before. These revelations, and to see him fitting in so well with the Daniels family, only made Oatie burn deeper with desire for Jethro to the point, he didn’t care how their relationship was defined. The only thing he could think about was lying beneath the big brute of a man, receiving Jethro’s big cock as hard and as fast as his slave could feed it to his ass. Jethro was right, Oatie couldn’t fault his fucking. Oatie told his ramrod, “You know you got the right cowboy fucking you when ever’ time he finishes, you swear he was better than the last time, the time before that, and there ain’t no way he can top that one; but, he always does, and he leaves you feeling like your ass is a worn out old saddle -- mind you, as happy and contented as an old cow, but you worry ‘cause you know you won’t never be able to sneak out a secret, silent fart again because yore’ ass muscle ain’t strong enough to control the pressure.” Perry Reed doubled over with laugher. Cowboy hyperbole comes in many shapes, forms, and sizes, but it’s always colorful and most times funny.

Oatie almost asked Billy if he could go with him and his immediate family to the line cabin for the night, but thought better of it after he ran the idea by his granddad. Elmer admonished him not to. Elmer and Vox told him to have faith in Master Billy and his slave would be returned to him in good order. Then it would be up to him to either accept complete responsibility for another life or return him to Master Billy who would gladly welcome Jethro into his fold. In other words, his granddad was telling him to either shit or get off the pot; become the master Jethro needs or give him to a man who will provide him a secure position with his family. Without saying as much, Elmer was by fair inference, implying Jethro’s insecurity and uncertainty was as much Oatie’s fault as his slave’s. Oatie wondered if he shouldn’t be the one taking lessons from Master Billy. He expressed as much to his granddad.

“You’re never too old to learn, Son, but I don’t think you need to worry. Billy Daniels will teach you everything you need to know to be a good master for your slave,” Elmer said, “But first he’ll take you to his owner and introduce you to him,” he added and grinned.

“Billy Daniels has an owner? He’s a slave to someone else?” Oatie asked in disbelief.

“In a manner of speaking, but like everything else around the Daniels ranch you witnessed, you gotta' think outside the box. I’ll leave you to think on it for a while, Son. It will become clear to you, I promise. It’s so simple, I guarantee, you will overlook the obvious,” allowed Elmer.

* * * * * * *
Jethro was invited to return to the line cabin with Billy and his family and he readily agreed. He didn’t expect more than he experienced the previous evening, but he was certainly willing if the opportunity presented itself. Since he was not a stranger anymore, he was more at ease and joined the family routine like a regular. After more coffee, herbs, ablutions completed, the family watcher washed, blown, and fluffed, and it was down to the three of them, Billy asked if Jethro would like to share his pa with him again?

“I would be honored,” he replied, “If I did a repeat of last evening, would it speed my genetic bonding with Nick’s Kagoli persona?” Jethro asked.

“It jes’ might,” Nick said and grinned like a Cheshire cat, “Couldn’t hurt none to try. I certainly wouldn’t say no,” he added, putting his huge demon arm around Jethro, wrapping his tail around the big man’s waist, pulling him close, and stealing a kiss.

They did a repeat of the previous evening, but this time, it was more leisurely and loving. Jethro didn’t hold back and was sure he could hear the Kagoli calling to him and complimenting him on his efforts. Nick was pretty complimentary, himself. Nick sent to Billy, it felt like Jethro was trying to suck a demon out of his butt. He wasn’t wrong. Jethro wanted the ability to morph into a demon dad more than anything he could imagine. He wasn’t unsure about his masculinity as a man or a slave. He knew his worth. He just thought it would be an extra added value to his person like the icing on a cake. Something he could provide for his master no other slave could. It would make him unique. Every man harbors such a wish at one time or another in his life; to be better than most at a talent or skill. Jethro’s talents were never tapped before. It was like Billy and Nick removed a stone covering a spring of water which, when freed, issued forth with strength and purity. Jethro’s childlike enthusiasm and simple pleasures from his new experiences helped him blossom into a powerful and compassionate force; a never ending fount of love for those who took time to love him in return.   

Sunday morning Vox returned to church accompanied by Elmer, Kate, Zelma, and Abigale. Billy stayed at the ranch with his family and guests. The preacher and many in the congregation were stunned by Vox and Elmer’s more youthful appearances and their look of radiant health. Kate and Zelma looked years younger and Abigale looked like a young woman in her mid twenties. There was much whispering and chit-chat. Many came up to tell them how good they looked, and asked their secret. Elmer told everyone it was clean living, vitamin supplements, a visit to a good chiropractor, and exercise. They didn’t believe him for a minute, but it sounded reasonable. Coming from the bull of the hill country, it even sounded believable. Vox/Rox played the organ so well many thought the church hired a new organist. They were magnificent and received many compliments. On the way out, Kate stopped by the church bulletin board. She saw an obituary notice with the heavy black lines at the top and bottom. She walked closer to see who passed away and saw the name. She took a breath and said to no one in particular, “Oh, Dear, I must tell Nathan and Billy.”  

During Sunday dinner around the Daniel’s table, talk was lively, and everyone wanted to know how the newly enhanced were received. “I couldn’t tell if they were happy for Elmer and me or if they were disappointed I’d be their organist for a while longer,” Vox said and Elmer agreed.

“Billy, there was an obituary notice on the bulletin board, Bradly Kirkendall passed away Friday and his funeral will be Tuesday morning at nine o’clock at the church,” Kate said, “We overheard several folks talking about it. No one knew about it until Bubba and Earl went out to visit with him Saturday morning and found him in his bed,” she added.

“Did you know about it, Sheriff?” Billy asked.

“Yeah, they called the station and me and my deputy went out there. Other than checking to see if he had a pulse, Bubba and Earl left him like he was. There was no evidence of foul play. The coroner didn’t find nothing to make him think it was anything other than natural causes. With all what’s been happening around here, I just forgot to say anything,” Will said.

“Who is Brad Kirkendall?” Tom asked.

“He was our neighbor up the road a bit on the opposite side. He owned the next largest ranch to ours in this part of the county. Remember the men who Billy and Sheriff Tate caught trespassing? The big one, Bubba Ray Kirkendall, is his nephew. Most likely Brad left the ranch to him,” Kate said.

“I thought Bubba was his son, Grandma,” Billy said.

“A lot of folks did, but Bubba’s parents’ died when he was just a toddler. Brad and his wife, Effie, took him in, but Effie died from cancer before Bubba started school. It was just Brad and Bubba all these years,” Kate said, “Brad took me to the junior prom when we were in high school together. He was a good man, but after his wife died he became somewhat of a recluse and kept to himself. About the only time we saw him was once or twice a year at church or when Daw’s and I would go to the local football games when Bubba was playing. Brad never missed a game and traveled to their away games. I don’t know how many times Daws and I invited him and Bubba over for barbecues or Sunday dinners, but they were always too busy. I think Brad and Daws got cross with each other once and Brad never forgave him,” Kate added.

“T’weren’t Daw’s fault, Kate,” Elmer said, “Brad was one of the the original four horsemen, but he got spooked and withdrew. He allowed myth and superstition get the better of him. We were told to replace him, but he didn’t take it kindly. He kept his mouth shut, but he held a grudge for years,” Elmer explained.

Several mouths dropped open around the table. “What’s Mr. Breedlove talking about, Grandma?” Billy asked.

“Oh, just an agreement, something the ranchers cooked up about twenty years ago. I really don’t know what it was about. Elmer would know more than I do,” Kate said and looked nervous.

“It was a secret bond between four ranchers in our area, Son, but I ain’t at liberty to tell you about it right now. H’it ain’t nothing bad, so don’t worry yourself none,” Elmer brushed it off like it was nothing.

“Were you privy to it, Dad?” Will asked Buster.

“I was, but Mr. Breedlove is right, Son, a pact is a pact and can’t be discussed outside the group,” Buster confirmed Elmer’s words.

The sheriff spoke up, “When me and my deputy were getting ready to leave, the coroner arrived, followed close on his heels by Clarence Womack. I don’t think Bubba or Earl called him. The coroner is a member of his church, and I imagine he called him; anyway, Womack was all over Bubba wanting to know what arrangements he made, and why didn’t he call him first? He was grilling poor Bubba about whether the old man left a will. Bubba didn’t look none too happy with him. The preacher was pump’n Bubba with all sorts of personal and private questions he didn’t have no right to ask about. He was being pushy, rude, and disrespectful. I felt sorry for Bubba because I know he’s confused about religion and life in general. He can be putty in the hands of a charlatan like Womack. Earl kept trying to calm him down, but you know how Womack can be when he smells money and gets wound up. I never heard Bubba agree to it, but Womack announced he would be officiating at the funeral. When Bubba reminded him his uncle went to the Methodist church, Womack said it didn’t matter none. He held funeral services in all the other churches but the Catholics. He told Bubba he’d get his merry band of shyster lawyers, Dewey, Cheetum, and Howe, to handle the legal matters concerning Bubba’s inheritance of his uncle’s property. Damn, he can be a pushy bastard, and he takes advantage of people in grief. He plays on their fears and guilt to get what he wants. He’s the scum of the Earth posing as a representative of a supreme being and his impotent son,” Will Tate allowed.  

“Amen to that, Brother. I plan on go’n to Mr. Kirkendall’s funeral, Billy announced.

“I’ll go with you, Billy,” Kate said.

“Me and Tron will join you, Son,” Nathan said.  

“Me and ma’ boy will be there,” Buster said for him and Will.

“I don’t know if I can take off work, Dad,” Will said.

“A couple of hours for the sheriff to attend the funeral of a man what was well thought of in our community ain’t take’n off work, Son. It’s part of your job. It’s the politically correct thing to do,” Buster said.

“Yes, sir, Dad,” Will replied quietly.

As the folks left the dining room and moved to the parlor, the great bull spoke, “Yore’ dad is right, Son,” Elmer backed Buster, “As ya’ll know our other ranch is across the road from the Kirkendall place. Me, my grandson, and our ramrod will be there to pay our respects,” he added like it was a done deal. Oatie knew better than to say a word. He learned his lesson. When his bossman spoke, he listened and obeyed. Oatie thought it strange, he experienced a great comfort from the feeling. He realized his granddad’s strength and strong will was something he greatly missed. It was like a missing part of him rejoined his total person, and he was whole again; except, for the emptiness he felt from missing Jethro. At that very moment, Oatie looked up and caught Jethro looking directly into his eyes. The big slave caught him off guard and smiled at him. Oatie blushed a deep red color and immediately looked away. Billy caught the exchange, winked at Jethro, and shook his head.

Sunday was over and the guests left the ranch. The ladies fledged, and Billy and his men took care of them. They made sure the ladies had an easy time of it. The household came to a halt. Tom had to get back to Houston and took his boys with him. Abigale was staying the week with Zelma and Kate until she was used to her wings, she could be taught to de-wing, and learn the basic care and feeding of her new appendages. Billy and Nick were so impressed by the way Jethro conducted himself in an excellent manner to support Billy and his slave handling abilities, they grew quite fond of him. Nick and Billy invited him to stay with them Sunday evening as well. Billy, Nick, and Boomer took him to the barber shop into the slave handling area beyond. It was Jethro’s idea. He wanted a private and secure place to talk with them, and he felt comfortable there. Billy told him to sit down and tell them what was on his mind.

“You were right about ingesting more enzymes from you in your demon-dad state, Captain Nick,” Jethro said, “I thought my body was slowly changing yesterday, but today I’m sure of it. Last night’s session made a great change in me and gave me the courage to confront Master Oatie. It also has given me the courage I need to make a major decision. I have you and the Kagoli to thank for the added strength to make a solid commitment, Captain Nick. With your permission and blessing, Master Billy, I know what I want and what I must do,” Jethro said.

“You have our undivided attention, Jethro,” Billy said quietly.

“Captain Nick helped me understand, he had no choice but to become your slave when you saved his life, Master Billy. My situation with Master Oatie was about the same for me, but I lost sight of my pledge and commitment to him because of my self-doubts and insecurities. The more I become changed, the more I understand what he needs, and how I can get what I need by being his slave. I’m ready to begin my transition to become the slave Master Oatie needs, sir,” Jethro said firmly.

“Wow!” Billy exclaimed quietly, “That is a big decision. I won’t press you for more if you’re certain. We been monitoring you closely and watched a great change come over you in the last couple of days. You’ve become a pleasure to have around, Jethro. I can sense you know you’re sure it’s what you want, and we stand ready to help you any way we can. You think you’re ready to talk modifications?” Billy asked.

“I don’t want to wait -- for a couple of reasons. I don’t want time to think about it. I just want it done and get it over with. You said you would work with me. I want to be altered as soon as possible to live with the changes next week, to become accustomed to them, and feel comfortable when folks see me naked with my new appearance,” Jethro explained.

“Sounds reasonable to me -- you, Pa?” Billy asked Nick.

“I agree, but I got me a feel’n when you get through with him, he’ll look so good, my inner demon might have an uncontrollable urge to sit on his face,” Nick said and grinned.

“As long as you like, Captain Nick,” Jethro replied with equal enthusiasm.

Billy and Nick shared a laugh. “For a minute there, I thought he was gonna’ sit up and beg like a dog for a bone,” Billy said and laughed again.

“I sure will, if’n ya’ont me to, sir,” Jethro offered. They laughed at him again.

“You might wanna’ consider postpone’n turning him over to his master until Easter weekend, Kemosabe,” Nick said and grinned wickedly.

“Not a bad idea, Tonto. I need several conference sessions with Oatie anyway and don’t know if I’ll have the time this week,” Billy said and winked at Nick. The men shared a laugh. “Holler at our brothers, Pa. We’re gonna’ need us some extra backup power for this job,” Billy said and Nick contacted Clyde and Balthazar to join them in the slave processing room.

The two cowboy angels appeared in a great flash fully fledged, completely naked, except for their boots, and wearing their heavy leather harnesses. Billy grinned and nodded to them. He knew Nick sent them a mental message, told them what was up, and how to appear. Jethro wasn’t used to angels appearing so suddenly and was a bit taken aback. “Holy shit!” he exclaimed, “Sorry, Master Billy, Captain Nick, they just sort of startled me,” he apologize, and added, “Damnation, they be good looking men -- angels -- whatever,” he said and grinned.

“What we got here, Master Billy? We gonna’ repair and build us a new brother this evening?” Clyde asked walking up to Jethro to put him at ease by placing his hand on the big cowboy’s shoulder, gently squeezing it, and smiling at him.

“I think so, Gentlemen. Our new slave has sort of grow’d on us this past week. Ain’t no secret we done fell in love with him, and we need to fix him up for a new chapter in his life he’s gonna’ start living after next week as Doc Oatie’s slave-dad and protector,” Billy explained.

“Well, he’s certainly got the body and the basic raw material to work with,” Balthazar said walking up behind Clyde, put his hands on his brother’s shoulder, and looked at Jethro. “He’s gonna’ need major repairs on his abdomen and them scars on his shoulder, neck, and face repaired. You got him on file, Master?” Balthazar asked.

“Yeah, I caught him the other e’nin when he joined me and ma’ pa in rousing game of leap-frog,” Billy replied and grinned.

“May I examine your piercings, sir?”Jethro asked Clyde.

“Help yore’self, Son. I just got mine last week when Master Billy ringed his new slave, Orville. I knew about Balthazar, but he was ringed by his previous owner. I never thought Master Billy would ring a slave, but I was wrong. It really bothered me. I got so hot when I watched him ring Orville, I got to think’n, ‘I’m his slave, why can’t I be ringed, too?’ So, I dropped to my knees, paid homage to his boots, and humbly begged him to ring me. I’m happy to say he granted my request, and I’m proud to wear his mark. They take a little get’n used to. I kept a solid erection for several days, but I’m better now,” Clyde said taking his large penis in his hand and holding it for Jethro to examine.

“The ring through Orville’s penis is permanently wielded. You and Mr. Balthazar’s got two small balls on yours. Can you remove them?” Jethro asked.

“He can’t, but I can,” Billy interjected. He walked up to Clyde, took hold of the head of his penis with one hand, unscrewed the threaded ball with his other, and gently removed the ring. Clyde’s big cock immediately sprang to attention. “My slaves understand, when I ring them, they are never to remove it without my permission,” Billy said firmly, as he gently returned Clyde’s ring to his cock and replaced the stainless metal ball-stop.

Jethro’s large cock was standing tall and hard as a rock. “God, help me,” he said softly and lost all color in his face.

Billy grabbed him by his arm and held him. “You okay, Bubba Bear?” he asked.

“I’m fine, Master Billy, I just got a rush. It takes so much blood to fill my cock it cheats my brain when it happens so fast. I’s so jealous of them two men I could bite clean through a sixteen common nail. I got light-headed for a minute,” Jethro said.

“Is it what you want, Son?” Billy asked.

“More’n anything, sir. I want to become Master Oatie’s slave and wear them rings to show the world I belong to him,” Jethro said.

“What other changes or attributes do you want, slave?” Billy asked.

“I never liked my hair. I want to be hairless like Orville, but your littlest buckaroo told me he wanted me to have facial hair. He went to a lot of trouble to print out a pitcher of a character from one of his games he plays on his computer called ‘Team Fortress 2' of a big bad-ass bald guy with the shadow of a dark beard and mustache. He left it in the top drawer of the cabinet over there for me. He said if I told you he wanted me to look like that man, you’d do it for him,” Jethro said.

Billy retrieved the picture and laughed. “You look enough like this character to be his big brother, slave. I can understand why Randy wants you to look like him. He’s hot. I gotta’ have me a talk with our cowboy,” Billy said and laughed, “I can do that for you. Anything, else?” Billy asked.

“You men got foreskins. I was robbed of mine when I’s a baby. Can you put it back, sir?” Jethro asked like he was almost afraid it couldn’t be done.

“No problem. You want a foreskin, Buckaroo, you’ll get one. No cowboy should have to go through life without a foreskin. H’it’s just plumb barbaric,” Billy declared, “Put yourself in our hands, Bubba Bear, and when we get through, we’ll let you take a gander at yore’self in the tall mirror over there. If you want an adjustment, we’ll work with you, but I promise you one damn thing, when you walk out of here you’ll be a happy camper -- er, slave!” Billy exclaimed, corrected himself, and laughed.

Jethro dropped to his knees before Billy and bowed his head, “Permission to pay homage to you, Master Billy?” he asked.

“Permission granted, my handsome slave,” Billy replied.

Jethro lavished his love on Billy’s buckaroo boots until Billy pulled him up into his arms. “Show your master how much you love him, slave?” Billy said quietly. Jethro put his all into it, and the the men of Billy’s posse popped boners watching the display of unbridled passion between a devoted slave and his master. They finally broke it off and Billy spoke, “Help me wiff’ ma’ boots and clothes, slave. I need to wing-up and get you processed. Clyde, be an angel and help ma’ pa off with his clothes,” Billy said.

Nick took Billy into the other room for a minute, “You planning on the ‘full-monty’ enhancement for Jethro, Kemosabe?” he asked.

“Don’t see why not, Tonto, it would only increase his ability to protect and amplify his master’s enhancements. I come to look on Jethro and Doc Oatie as a reverse Batman and Robin team. Oatie is Robin and in charge, but Jethro is the strong, imposing, silent brute, the heart and brawn of the dynamic duo, who will keep his young master’s brilliant mind well-tuned and his sexual-psyche freshly fucked to present his best efforts to fight the horrors of the corporate stronghold of Gotham City. We got the rest of the week to work with the Dark Knight as we recreate him in our image and bring him up to speed. Besides, it’s become sort of a ritual with us. We do the full-monty on those what we come to love. Any doubts in your mind?” Billy asked.

“None whatsoever. I was kinda hope’n you might. You know me well enough to know I don’t speak up for many, but in Jethro’s case, I would argue for you to consider him. Life ain’t been real good to him, and he’s like a forgotten rose bush in a dark corner of the garden waiting for a little light to come his way to make him bloom. You will provide the light he so desperately needs and his brothers will tend, cultivate, and encourage him to grow,” Nick replied.

“Jesus, Pa, sometimes the words what come out chore’ mouth shake me to my core. I’m more convinced than ever our coming together weren’t no chance thing,” Billy said, “I’s just lucky I guess, standing on the right corner when the love-bus come along,” he added.

“So say you?” Nick asked.

“So say I, Pa,” Billy replied.

Nick took Billy into his arms, and they engaged in a passionate kiss; a kiss which Billy’s slave and two angels in the other room could only watch and be amazed by its power. Nick and Billy were surrounded by a brilliant light which emanated from them in their moment of shared intimacy. It could only be described as the love which surpasses all understanding and binds two hearts as one; the greatest power in the universe.  

The men worked on Jethro for a couple of hours or more until they got everything just right. They gave him a full set of perfect teeth. They corrected all old wounds and battle scars, beefed him up another sixty pounds of solid muscle, gave him a handsome foreskin which covered the head of his penis almost to the fresh Prince Albert piercing Billy gave him, They rendered him hairless, added a heavy dark black beard and mustache, darkened his pubic areas so the slave would look more natural without hair and did the same with his facial area where his new stubble of jet black hair was beginning to grow. Lastly, they gave him a butt what looked like two bowling balls in a Powder Milk Biscuit flour sack. Billy wondered for a minute, then asked his angel assistants why they were suddenly rendered mute? Nick irreverently explained, they couldn’t speak because their tongues were too hard from the sight of Jethro’s butt. Fortunately, the condition didn’t seem to keep them from laughing. The cowboy-angels stood around with raging male pheromones pumping through their systems while working to create a flawlessly handsome, hyper-masculine cowboy.

Four hard angelic cocks dripped pre-sexual lubricating fluids onto their boots and the deck beneath them. Billy took a deep breath and let it out with a sigh. “Gotta’ give it to my littlest buckaroo buddy, Bubba Bear,” he alliterated, leaning over Jethro to steal a kiss, “The kid’s got good taste in how he wants his slaves to look,” Billy said and his angels agreed with him. “Now, it’s time for you to look and judge for yourself, Brother,” Billy said helping Jethro sit up. Billy told him to wait for a minute until his head cleared. Billy took one arm and Nick took the other to help Jethro down from the processing table. Once again, Billy held his boots for his slave to put his feet into. Arm in arm, they slowly walked him over to the tall full-length antique mirror in its own free-standing ornate wooden frame and left him standing to take a good long look at his new persona. What Jethro saw looking back was a new image -- the slave of his dreams. Master Billy and his angel posse took a lump of cowboy flesh, repaired his imperfections, made a few adjustments, and shaped him into something unique in the universe.

Jethro stood and looked in awe at the darker tones of his flesh as if he had a permanent tan from working outdoors year-round. His pubic area seemed to vanish into an even darker area so it was not so prominent to offend anyone’s moral sensibilities even when they first glanced upon him. Jethro’s new covering, his foreskin, encompassed most of the fine, large head of his penis and gave the slave a bonus mental relief he never considered. Jethro didn’t feel naked without his clothes anymore. Even with his new jewelry, Jethro looked and felt more natural naked than he ever did before. He felt absolutely no shame at being naked before anyone. The cowboy looking back at him in the mirror was the image of the slave he wanted to become.

“Did we get a good scald on you, Buckaroo? Can my posse cook or what?” Billy asked.

“There ain’t a thing I could imagine improving, Master Billy,” Jethro said as his eyes began to tear up, “How can I ever thank you, sir?” he asked.

“You might start by paying homage to your master, slave,” Billy said softly and smiled.

Jethro fell to his knees and went through the slave ritual with Billy. They finished with another ball busting kiss which got the rest of Billy’s posse sexually aroused again.

“Shit!” exclaimed Nick, “If’n your master don’t make you his slave, he ain’t the man we hope he is,” he allowed.

“Hosanna!” Clyde said.

“Hosanna in the highest!” the other cowboy angels replied.

“Does the full-monty slave package include a set of wings, Master?” Jethro asked shyly.

“It does, indeed, slave. Master Oatie is gonna’ need his’self a strong and dedicated protector, and you’s just the cowboy-angel what can provide the service for him. Along with your brothers, Catfish and Mouse, Master Oatie should be a well protected member of our family,” Billy said.

“You know I’ll do my best for him, sir,” Jethro said.

“I know, Son, you just been born to a new life this e’nin. You’re taking the first steps to a full, rich, and wonderful life,” Billy said, “Oh, yes, and did I mention you’ll be able to morph into your demon dad persona before I release you to your master next weekend,” Billy added and grinned.

“No shit, sir? I hope Captain Nick weren’t kidding about sit’n on ma’ face,” Jethro said with a grin.

“I’m count’n on it, slave. I plan to use that long, fat, muscular tongue of yores like an old time piano stool and spin on it 'til I hit bottom,” Nick said and laughed. Nick had everyone laughing at his cowboy hyperbole.

Billy got himself together and lashed out at his chosen partner, “Jesus, Tonto! You can really come up with some of the most god-awful, off-the-wall, graphically descriptive, cutting edge cowboy bullshit I ever heard,” he chastised his pa, “It’s like you done took an advanced degree in cowboy-lingo,” he added.

“It comes easy when you got the best teacher, Kemosabe," Nick said pointing a finger at Billy, “Besides, h’it didn’t seem to do Jethro no harm. Look at his cock!” Nick exclaimed pointing to the slave’s penis standing at full salute.

The cowboys fell out laughing at Billy and Nick’s exchange.

“Meaning no disrespect, Master Billy. I gotta’ agree with yore pa on that one. Thank you, Captain Nick, I would consider it an honor and a pleasure, sir, and while I’m at it, thank all you gentlemen for your help,” Jethro said humbly.

“It was our pleasure, Brother,” Balthazar assured him and Clyde agreed.

Billy didn’t seem to be in any hurry to break up the posse, and they spent more time together. Finally, they decided it was time to put on their clothes and head to the main house for supper. Jethro didn’t even ask. He knew he was to remain naked until he got to the house. He was proud of what he had become. A number of the men were standing outside in the warm afternoon air, and the fledged ladies were with them allowing their wings to breathe and dry as Billy and his posse approached from the barn. Jethro was walking tall and proud between Billy and Nick taking large, certain strides like any cowboy worth the name. He was not the least shy about himself or his nakedness. All eyes were on him. Tron let out a long, slow whistle which could best be described as dirty, licentious, and lecherous. Take your pick or choose all three, you wouldn’t be wrong with either or all. “What hath god wrought?” he asked in quiet awe just loud enough for everyone to hear.

“No god saw to this slave’s needs, but a posse of angels looking out for their cowboy brother surely did. They created a masterpiece, no pun intended. A wonderful, profoundly handsome beastie of striking beauty, strength, and unquestioned certainty, who any master in his right mind would be proud to own and have walk by his side,” Kate replied, “Jethro, to sum up your new look in one word, Dear, you look fantastic!” she exclaimed.

“Couldn’t have put it better myself,” Zelma said and Abigale McMartin agreed with her mother-in-law.

“Thank you, Mistress Kate, ma’am, and ladies. Would it be out of line for a slave to say he’s proud of what his master done for him?” Jethro asked.

“Not at all, Son,” Kate replied, “If Master Oatie should have any doubts about you after seeing you next weekend, tell him you’re sorry, but for him not to worry, there is another family who will offer you a home with open arms,” she added knowing full well Jethro would not be rejected by his master.  

“You’re most kind, Mistress Kate,” Jethro said.

“Not at all. Just telling the truth, Son,” Kate said firmly.

“Amen to that,” Nathan backed his mother.

They went inside where several of the slaves from the bunkhouse were getting supper together. Kate, Zelma, and Abigale were still convalescing from their transformation but gaining strength by the minute. Kate got Jethro’s robe from the hall closet for him to wear for supper and helped him put it on. “How soon will you fledge, Jethro?” she asked quietly.

“I ain’t real sure, Mistress Kate, but Master Billy done told me he gimme’ the super-deluxe, full-monty, protector package, ma’am,” Jethro replied.

Billy overheard and spoke up, “He probably won’t fledge until tomorrow e’nin, Grandma,” he said, “But he’ll be staying with us for the week anyway -- and -- due to unforeseen circumstances which I’m sure will arise, I may not be ready to release him to his master until the following weekend. I think, with it being Easter weekend and all, it should stand for the new Jethro and Oatie’s coming together as a rebirth of their relationship as master and slave. It will also make it easier to remember their anniversary that way,” he added. Nick grinned wickedly, nodding his head up and down like a bobble-headed hula-doll on the dashboard of a Chevy low-rider.

“You and your conspiratorial cohort in deception ain’t fool’n us folks for a minute, Nephew,” Nathan said, “You and Nick got chore’ heads together and decided you wanna’ keep Jethro for another week to play with like a new toy,” Everyone laughed at Nathan as he nailed Billy to the barn door, “However, if anyone deserves a pair of wings, it’s you, Jethro, for putting up with them cowboy’s nonsense,” Nathan said building up the big slave’s self-confidence.

“Thanks, Master Daniels, but Master Billy and Captain Nick have only been good to me, and it’s an honor and a privilege to be included in their immediate family, sir,” Jethro said.

Everyone seemed to join in the spirit of encouraging the fine looking man who could use a good word to bolster his lackluster ego. His physical restorations and transformation were doing wonders for the big cowboy slave. Billy took his posse along with his immediate family to the line cabin for part of the evening. Clyde and Balthazar seemed to enjoy any time they could spend with their master and be included as a part of his inner circle. They enjoyed some herb laced coffee and were well on their way to bonding before returning to their bedroom in the big house. Clyde and Balthazar shared a secluded room on the third floor of the great house away from everyone. They could do whatever they pleased without being overheard by the rest of the household. The herbs had the same aphrodisiac effect on them it did on everyone, and they were not quiet lovers. Billy, Nick, and Jethro had an abbreviated session, but when everyone was satisfied and content, they decided to call it an early night to get some rest. The following week promised to be full and Billy wanted to be at his best.

* * * * * * *
Billy’s Psyches, Archie and Edith, were kept busy working with their master’s main staff of Dociean, Dorcas, Roz, Hank, Buck, Moss, Enoch, Clyde, Balthazar, and Cowboy Andy; however, when they learned the Sun Bears were going to be staying on Nick’s ship to keep Madame Spartza company and help the small group of six Highland Cattle, whom Buck and Hank secretly arranged to morph into their humanoid analogues, the Psyches asked if they could stay in the castle on Captain Nick’s ship for a while to assist in the plans for the development of the Highland Shire. Billy kept referring to the six small humanoids as ‘Les Six’ as a metaphorical homage to a group of six French avant-garde musicians/composers from the turn of the twentieth century. He was secretly hoping their inventiveness would somehow span the gap of time to bring a spirit of fresh ideas and genius Billy wanted for the Highland Shire Project as channeled through his diminutive six planners.

According to feedback, they were morphed, housed, settled, and shown the area where they could start work by Friday evening. They were provided with computers and any materials they deemed necessary to plan their designs. Billy gave his money-men, Buck and Hank, an open account to buy anything they needed. When asked if ‘Les Six’ wanted to view the other Irin planner’s product, they unanimously declined. Their spokesman explained they didn’t want their imaginations or ideas contaminated by garbage. Billy and his staff laughed when Hank told them what the halfling said and agreed, there was nothing in their work worth salvaging.

Les Six proved to be expert organizers as well as planners, and by the end of the first day, assigned a task to anyone who wanted to be a part of their project. Several of the village people from the town volunteered their help. They were interviewed and according to their skill-set given an appropriate job. Without asking many questions everyone coming on board the project assumed the huge naked cowboy slave was one of Master Billy’s staff along with Buck and Hank. Billy watched it happen and began to wonder if Jethro might have some innate managerial talents, which before were woefully untapped. The big cowboy set right in making arrangements for rooms in the castle and settling small conflicts which came up. He soon became the go-to man on the project and was never rude or impatient with anyone. Nick looked at Billy with a blank look on his face like he was stunned by Jethro’s take charge attitude. Billy smiled back and shook his head like he was just as amazed.

By Monday morning they were well on their way to creating a prototype for the new city. One great advantage was, they had the two great Shedus under one roof and could draw on their expertise at any time. Having a naked human on call as a messenger for Madame Spartza was another big plus for Jethro, and she made it no secret she was as taken with the big naked cowboy as anyone else; however, separate input became cumbersome, so Madame Spartza and Beauford came to an agreement to forgo centuries of Shedu protocol and formally communicate mentally with each other, but only matters directly concerning the project. Secretly, they both saw it as an opportunity to move the painfully slow, elaborate courtship rituals along a bit more quickly and certainly more smoothly. To work together, if only mind-to-mind, and be able to communicate even formally with each other would be a great step forward toward beginning the Shedu courtship rituals. Those rituals could go on for months, until the lady Shedu felt secure and comfortable enough to allow even the smallest intimacy with the great bull. Billy and Nick were told the actual sexual experience of two Shedus was known to shift the magnetic poles of a planet. Billy was hoping the rumor was intergalactic hyperbole. Hank reminded him, cowboys will be cowboys on any world.

Hank and Buck were present at supper when Billy declared he probably would keep Jethro for another week. They didn’t know if he was serious, but the idea came to them it might be an opportunity to buy their planning team more time to come up with something really exciting to present to their master. Naturally, Hank and Buck wanted their team to succeed because they recommended them. More time meant more could be accomplished to produce a plan which would be pleasing and acceptable to their master.

“We can’t speak for the rest of your family, Master Billy, but we certainly can understand why you and Captain Nick might want to keep Jethro around for another week. If we could have one more week for our new crew to get better organized and have more time to plan your project, we feel it might payoff in the long run. We urge you to consider making Easter Sunday the deadline when the family will be here to enjoy the results. Of course, if you decide to extend their time, you most certainly will need your right-hand slave to help with details and act as a go-between, a small argument arbitrator, or backup memory for you. To be honest, he’s taking to the project like a seasoned buckaroo to a new outfit,” Hank said and grinned.

“Me and ma’ pa couldn’t agree more, Cowboy. I ain’t got no problem extending the time to Easter Sunday. It works for me, and you’re right, Hank, it would be a perfect excuse to keep Jethro for another week. I’ll just impress on Oatie how valuable he’s become to me helping organize this project and getting it underway. It won’t be no lie, neither. As a matter of fact, if things work out like I think they might, and since Jethro’s already done show’d signs of taking the bull by the horns, I just might let him run with it, and make him one of our project managers along with you men. He would work with you as one of my staff to get the Highland Shire Project under way. I think it would be a good way for Jethro to gain some management experience, assert himself, and give him a better sense of his own self-worth. He needs to accomplish something outside of just being Oatie’s slave-dad. Even after I release him to his master, he could transport back over here in the mornings and work with us on a daily basis until the project is finished. He needs something to do and not just follow Oatie around like a sad-eyed puppy dog,” Billy allowed.

“We couldn’t agree more, Master Billy,” Buck said.

“Will elevating Jethro to a managerial position mean he git’s to wear clothes to work, sir?” Hank asked with a concerned look on his face.

“Oh, Hell, no!” Billy exclaimed, “And miss seeing that hunk in the wherewithal ever’ day? Ain’t no fuck’n way! Shame on you, Hank! You should know me better’n 'nat, Cowboy,” Billy said and the four men broke up laughing. Nick laughed the hardest.

“What a relief!" Buck exclaimed, “Our old hearts almost stopped, think’n we might never git to see Jethro in the raw no more,” Buck said and they laughed again.

“You dirty old men!” Billy accused them and everyone laughed.

“We ain’t got much room to talk, Kemosabe,” Nick accused, “Jethro’s been our sandwich spread for our late night snack several nights,” he added.

“Yore’ right, Pa. It makes me sad to imagine Jethro wear’n clothes. The thought alone makes me want to bite my knuckles and cry. Besides, Hank and Buck know full-well it’s one of the main reasons I took them on for my slaves. I do so love me some dirty minded mature cowpokes,” Billy declared and they all laughed, “Makes life a bit sweeter,” he added.  

* * * * * * *
Monday was a full day. After another evening with Jethro, Billy and Nick were up early, refreshed and ready to go. After breakfast at the ranch house, Billy and his posse transported to Nick’s ship to see how things were going. They were pleasantly surprised to find their planning crew got an early start, partook their morning meal, and were already working laying plans for groundwork. Billy and Nick had other things to attend to and left Jethro with Hank and Buck. Billy told Jethro he trusted him to take care of minor problems, but if there was an emergency decision to be made, if it couldn’t be postponed until he could take it up with his staff, he was to have Hank or Buck contact him.   

Billy and Nick took care of the failed team of planners. Billy didn’t make them morph back into cattle, but they were taken to the new bunkhouses and assigned jobs. He initiated a talk with Thor and Zeus and told them he did not condone politics or favoritism within the herd. The insidious cancer of internal politics, racism, favoritism, and jockying for positions would cease immediately. He stressed he didn’t care what individuals were responsible, he would not tolerate social infrastructures, pecking orders, or any attempts to manipulate him or his mission. When he asked for people for a certain task, he wanted everyone in that job description considered regardless of size, race, or color, and his staff would make the final decisions. Billy warned them, he wanted it made clear each one volunteered to come to Earth to be his slaves and do his bidding, not theirs. If anyone disagreed with his policy he would consider their petition to be returned to their home world.

The lead bulls agreed and apologized, but in their defense, they insisted they knew nothing about any power struggles. They approved those their trusted associates recommended. Billy assured them he knew of their loyalty and didn’t hold them responsible; however, he urged them to get to know their people better on a more personal basis. They said they would see to his wishes, and assured him it wouldn’t happen again. They knew Billy was well within his rights to send the offending slaves back to Retikki Prime as rejects where they would be disgraced and ignored. They would find themselves relegated to the bottom of society as failures, and would have a difficult time regaining a semblance of their former status. Billy refused that option. He believed in giving people a second chance, but he made damn sure Zeus and Thor understood and passed his displeasure on to the herd. He also warned them not to try his patience or take his goodness for granted. Since the ‘Master Billy’s Family Show’ went universal, the top people in government on Retikki Prime and Fort Adam Lear were swamped with applications from volunteers to come to Earth and become Master Billy’s slaves. He made it quite clear he would neither entertain incompetence nor would he put up with internal politics within his greater family.   

* * * * * * *
Tuesday morning, Billy and his family got ready to attend Brad Kirkendall’s funeral. The Daniels family included Nathan, Kate, Zelma, Nick, and Billy. Billy decided they weren’t going to be gone for more than a couple of hours and he would leave Boomer with Hank, Buck, and the twins. Abigale chose to stay at the ranch and help get lunch ready. The Garrett family, Tron, Moss, and Enoch rode into town with them. They arranged to meet in the parking lot of the large brick church at eight thirty with Buster Tate, the sheriff, and their new family member Everett. Elmer and Oatie Breedlove were there waiting for them when they arrived. They got there early so Vox could take his place at the organ. He was already inside playing softly while the people gathered. There was only a handful of people other than Bubba and Earl. The Daniels family was the largest contingency to arrive. Earl looked over his shoulder as the group entered the back of the church, and he nudged Bubba to turn and look. Bubba was pleasantly surprised to see Billy Daniels and his family. They were the last people he expected to come to his uncle’s funeral to pay their respects after what he and Earl did to trespass on their land. Clarence Womack’s eyes almost popped out of his head. He certainly wasn’t expecting them, but what luck for him.

He had the Daniel’s family as a captive audience for a while, and he didn’t plan to squander his chance to drop a couple of stink bombs in their collective laps. Womack heard rumors of the sheriff’s dad, Buster Tate, the church organist,Vox Humana, and one of the most important ranchers in the hill country, Elmer Breedlove, being restored to perfect health, but he was unprepared for just how much younger and stronger they looked. He was sure he was looking at more than a miracle. He was looking at a local phenomenon; perhaps, even the work of the devil. He told himself he had to be careful and not tip his hand he suspected anything. Unfortunately, for Womack, he was about as subtle as a train wreck. He loved nothing better than to stir up shit within the community and stand aside to watch everyone react, squirm, and try to make excuses for the smell. Bubba caught the look on Womack’s face. He looked like a turkey vulture siting on a high-wire what just saw an injured animal drop in his tracks, was about to spread his wings, swoop down, and take himself a big bite out of their butts. Bubba got a sinking feeling in his gut and turned to Earl, “I got me a feel’n this ain’t gonna’ turn out good, Brother,” Bubba whispered.

“I saw that look, too, Bubba. If Womack had a chainsaw in his hand, I’d swear we’s about to watch a rerun of the Texas Massacre. Lord hep’ them folks,” Earl lamented, “You know, Bubba, Billy Daniels, and the sheriff ain’t been bad to us. I hate to see that two-bit little huckster use your uncle’s funeral as a means to embarrass them good folks. They don’t deserve what I just know is about to happen,” he added.

“You’re right, Earl, but what could I do when he insisted on officiate’n for Uncle Brad’s funeral? Remember, he talked you and me into joining his church. I never thought in my wildest dreams them folks would care a whit about me or Uncle Brad, much less come to his funeral. I’m beginning to think we done got us a mill-stone dropped around our necks with that crazy-ass preacher,” he whispered.

A couple of other people, neighbors in the area, came and sat down behind Bubba and Earl. It was nine o’clock and time to start the service. Womack got up and strolled to the pulpit. He stood behind it, placing both hands on either side of the lectern, and looked coldly out at the gathered people acting like he was looking into their souls. A small sneer crossed his lips as he gazed out at the Daniels family. He waited for a good while like he was making a dramatic statement about the power and strength of his presence which must be recognized as the voice of divine authority on Earth and especially this small backward community.

“We have gathered here today to say goodbye and pay our final respects to our neighbor, friend, and relative, Bradly Danvers Kirkendall. Brad was a good man, but like all of us, he had his flaws. We are all born into sin -- everyone of us -- and God has made it our task in this life to rise above it. Through our belief in him and his son, our savior, Jesus Christ, he has given us the opportunity to be forgiven for our shortcomings; to be forgiven for our sins to join him and our Holy Father in an everlasting kingdom beyond our short lives on this planet. Amen!” Womack exclaimed for emphasis. “Brad was a believer and one day those of us who are ‘true’ believers will join him in heaven to share his love and friendship again,” he said, “Unfortunately, some of you won’t,” Womack added, shaking his head and grimacing like he was in great pain to make his announcement.

“Oh, Sweet Jesus, here we go,” Tron said, and everyone around him looked to their laps or put their hands over their mouths to keep from being seen laughing.

Womack missed neither their irreverence nor their laughing at him. His face grew red with rage that this group of ignorant redneck West Texas cowboys would have the audacity and blatant disrespect for his office and position as the only true spiritual leader of their community to mock him. Womack was furious. He was determined they would show him the respect he was due.

“It has come to my attention there are some unusual things going on in this community which can only be accounted for by demonic possession. Since I am the only true representative of our Holy Father and his son, Jesus Christ our blessed redeemer, within this sinful town, it becomes my responsibility to stand up before the forces of evil and say your kind you are not welcome in our community!” he exclaimed loudly pointing his finger at the Daniel’s family group, “You are not welcome among us!” Womack’s words rose to a shout, and he banged his fist on the lectern to emphasize his point. He let his words of accusation ring out into the auditorium and dramatically paused to let his words sink in. There was a stunned silence for a few minutes.

Slowly, the biggest cowboy among the Daniel’s family clan stood. There was an even greater hush came over the place as Elmer Breedlove stared Womack down. “There is no one in this gathering who is more representative of evil, the devil, or demonic forces than you, Womack. How dare you even suggest such a thing about the Daniels family, which we all represent as our chosen clan. We come to the funeral of our friend and neighbor. We didn’t come to this church to hear no half-baked hell-fire-damnation sermon from you. We come to pay our respects to a fallen comrade and friend we grew up with, who we watched over the years become a good man, a fine neighbor, and a friend we come to love and respect. You’s a late comer to our town. You ain’t live'd here all your life. You never even knew Brad Kirkendall. He was a better man than you will ever be. You ain’t worthy to lick the cow flop off’n that cowboy’s boots. Certainly Brad’s memory don’t deserve your brand of hate filled religious bullshit. You don’t represent the god of our fathers, Womack. You worship an evil god created in your likeness by your own limited imagination; a great Frankenstein monster sewn together from gathered bits and pieces of myth and superstition from ancient text which have little or no relevance to modern life what you claim gives you a divine right to interpret as holy words.

“Nothing could be further from the truth. Neither are your accusations. Our world and the good folks who live ordinary quiet lives doing their best to survive, be good to one another, and live the best lives they can under hard circumstances, grow tired and weary of the untempered insanity of hard-line fundimentalist like you.There comes a time when men of goodwill and compassion must stand up to decry loudmouth radical bullies like you who make grandiose but false claims about being God’s representative here on Earth to befuddle, confuse, and pit neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend, and family against families, for their own thinly disguised self-serving purposes. Only a handful in our community -- your devoted followers -- cain’t see through your politically motivated facade as an inept, lazy, money hungry, angry little parasite who is an unwelcome blot on our community. You have no idea what you’re dealing with, but let my words be a warning to you -- you better put down your flaming sword and reel in your holier-than-thou attitude or you just might find yore’self being run out of our town, tarred and feathered, sitting East on an ass going West. I’ll leave it up to Brad Kirkendall’s only family left in this community. Bubba, do you want us to leave, Son?” Elmer asked the big cowboy.

“Naw, sir, Mr. Breedlove. You done said the words of comfort about ma’ uncle I come to this church to hear. H’it t’weren’t my wish to have his funeral turned into no uncivil war, sir. I’m grateful and honored you and the Daniels family thought enough of Uncle Brad and me to come pay your respects. Please sit down, Preacher, ‘afore you make things worse than you already have. You done said enough,” Bubba said to Womack.

“But... but...?” Womack sputtered.

“You heard what the man said, sit down and shut up,” Elmer boomed out in the auditorium.

Womack left the pulpit in a huff, yelling at the top of his lungs he would have his revenge for being so terribly mistreated. Billy Daniels and his family had not heard the last of him, and he would one day soon send them back to the hell from which they came. Those who were left in the church were stunned. Kate was having none of it. She arose from her seat and walked to the front of the church and stood just to the left of Bubba and Earl. “Bubba, I’m sorry our presence brought such anger and hostility to your uncle’s funeral, but I knew Brad and your parents all my life. Your momma was one of my best friends in high school and Brad took me to the junior prom. You lost your mom, dad, and your lovely aunt early in life. You were left with your uncle to raise you. Under the circumstances, I think Brad Kirkendall did a good job, and you certainly belong in our community,” she began. Kate talked about Bubba’s relatives, from his great grandparents through his parents and told noble stories of their achievements and accomplishments. She told a couple of funny stories about her and his mom and another funny story about Brad and her. Bubba was crying one minute and laughing the next. Finally, Kate hollered up to Vox in the organ pit, “Amazing Grace, Mr. Humana, if you please,” she said.

Vox gave a mighty introduction and Kate began to sing in a clear, pure contralto voice, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that save a wretch like me,” she sang one verse by herself and the folks in the church were reduced to tears. “Everyone!” she called when she finished the first verse. Everyone stood and joined in with another rousing chorus of the old Scottish hymn. It was a moving finish to Brad Kickendall’s service. Bubba opened his arms to Kate, and she held him close while he cried. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Daniels, I will never forget your kind words for my family and uncle. I know Uncle Brad would be pleased,” he said.

“It just seemed like the right thing to do, Bubba. You seen enough pain and suffered enough in your young life. I hope you have an easier time and a better life to come. If we can be of any help don’t hesitate to call on us,” Kate said.

“Thanks, ma’am. I certainly appreciate your offer,” Bubba replied.

The Methodist preacher went to the graveside with the funeral party to say final words over Brad Kirkendall. Everyone in the church traveled to the cemetery to be with Bubba for the lowering of his uncle into the grave. As they were leaving, each came by to shake his hand with some words of sorrow, comfort, and hope for his future. Billy took Bubba’s hand, shook it, then spoke softly, “Fuck it! Gimme’ a hug, Bubba!” as he threw his arms around the big cowboy. Bubba broke into tears again and apologized to Billy for trespassing on his land. “You heard my Grandma. If you need help, come to me,” Billy said firmly. Bubba nodded his understanding. Billy walked away talking with Earl.

Elmer Breedlove and his grandson, Oatie, were the last in line. Oatie shook Bubba’s hand and told him how sorry he was for his loss. “Thanks, Mr. Breedlove. You always been one a my heroes. I secretly admired your strength when you went through the trouble with your family. I went through much the same thing when I come of age, but I never told nobody. I told Uncle Brad, but he told me I’d grow out of it. I didn’t. I never did. I remembered how strong you were and how you got through it. It gave me hope it would get better and easier for me. It did get better. Then you went on to become my all time greatest sports hero. I can’t tell you how much your coming to my uncle’s funeral has meant to me, sir,” Bubba said as tears ran down his face.

The last was Elmer, the bull of the hill country. Everyone else walked away including Earl and they were alone. “Your uncle and I grow’d up together, Son. I loved him like a brother. We shared some wonderful times together,” Elmer said.

“He always spoke highly of you, Mr. Tate, and Mr. Daniels,” Bubba said.

“I couldn’t help overhear what you told my grandson, Bubba. You and Earl been knock’n boots?” he asked.

“Naw, sir. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to, but I just can’t bring myself around to asking him. I’m afraid it would ruin our friendship and he means a lot to me, even if he can be a bit crazy now and then. We done shared women together, but we ain’t never done nothing with each other. I don’t know if he’s like me and Oatie or not. We know’d each other so long and been best buds, it don’t seem necessary to talk about it,” Bubba replied.

“It’ll happen, Son. We see the way he looks at you sometimes. Someday you’ll become the daddy he ain’t never had and temper some of that wildness in him. He needs your strength and direction. You’s the strong one between you, Bubba. Earl git’s you men in trouble because you love him like he’s your little brother and you just can’t say ‘no’ to him,” Elmer said.

“I won’t say I ain’t dreamed about me and Earl, Mr. Breedlove,” Bubba said, “How did Oatie keep from falling apart after his family kicked him out, sir?” Bubba asked.

“Simple. I took him in and became his daddy. I ain’t called the bull of the hill country for no reason, Son. Ever’time he started feeling sorry for his’self, I made him get in the shower, clean out his little cowboy cunt, and I’d fuck him until he hollered ‘calf-rope,’” Elmer said with a wicked grin. Ever’day after school when he come home it was his job to take care of his bossman. I’d come in from the range, all hot and sweaty, hornier than a bobcat in heat, he’d be on his knees in the barn wait’n for me. He’d suck me until he got his prize of a big ol’ shot of bull cream. If he planned to become some cowboy’s husband, I planned to make damn sure he knew how to please him. When he git’s a little too high and mighty, I still order him to clean his cunt or wait for me in the barn. He knows never to say ‘no’ to his bossman,” Elmer said firmly and winked at Bubba. They fell together laughing. “I don’t have to do it much anymore. Oatie’s got his’self a big bad-ass slave what’s become his daddy, and he takes care of him most of the time. Just as well. I done asked Vox Humana to marry me last weekend, and we’s plan’n on a June wedding at the Daniels’ ranch,” Elmer bellowed and laughed.

“I never knew. Thanks for sharing with me, sir. It means a lot,” Bubba said.
* * * * * * *
The Daniels clan followed the Ranch Van back to the ranch for lunch, and after lunch they planned to go their way. Oatie wanted to know where Jethro was and Billy told him he was on Nick’s ship supervising the planning project for Billy’s new town and wouldn’t be available for him to visit until the following weekend. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to release him to you as we planned next weekend, Doc. He’s become far too valuable to me right now. He just sort of took over, and I decided to let him run with it. I’m sure you understand. He’s become my right hand man and problem solver on this project, and it won’t be finished until Easter Sunday. I thought Easter would be a good time for you to come together,” Billy said and laughed, “No pun intended, Doc,” he added and grinned.

Oatie was a little disappointed but didn’t say much. Elmer was off talking with Nathan, Tron, Moss, and Enoch. They were laughing their asses off and Oatie saw they were watching him as they talked. “I take it Jethro has been put through the Master Billy re-make machine,” Elmer said.

“Oh, yeah! We don’t even know where to start,” Nathan said.

“That good?” Elmer asked.

“Beyond your wildest dreams, Bull. Jethro has captured the hearts of every human and critter on this ranch. He’s been transformed into an icon of physical strength and rugged masculine beauty. He’s made a few angels weep. He gives the term ‘cowboy daddy’ new dimensions. Billy don’t want Oatie to see him until next weekend. He’s working closely with him and Jethro is responding better than anyone might have predicted. In fact, Billy’s talking about offering Jethro a full time job as his personal assistant after he releases him to Oatie. He could transport over here every day to report for work after Oatie goes to his clinic. It would give him something to do rather than follow Oatie around like a puppy dog. It would give them time apart. It would build Jethro’s self-confidence and self-esteem which would help him become the daddy Oatie wants and needs,” Nathan explained.

“Then Billy done give Jethro the full package?” Elmer asked.

“According to Billy, he decided it would be wise for Oatie to have a fully fledged protector to watch over him,” Tron said.

“I won’t gainsay that,” Elmer said, “After today, who knows what the future might bring. Wish’t I could get a peak at him,” Elmer said.

“Ain’t no problem,” Enoch said, “Come to the slave processing room with us, and we’ll transport you to the ship for a few minutes, you can take a gander at your new improved son-in-law, and we’ll come right back,” he allowed.

Billy and Nick knew where the cowboys were going as they laughed and slapped each other on their backs while they headed to the back of the barn. Billy and Nick managed to draw Oatie’s attention away from them and got him interested in other things. Moss and Enoch transported to the planning area many times in the last couple of days helping where they could and being on call if they were needed. Billy announced the Saturday after he visited he wouldn’t make a return visit to the ship until they were finished. He wanted to see it completed and not watch it go together. He felt he might be tempted to make suggestions which would influence or curtail the planner’s inspiration. He wanted it to be their work and theirs alone. If they wanted to accepted suggestions from his attending crew, it would be up to them.

The cowboys arrived in a great flash of light. Everyone was so used to someone transporting to and from the ranch, they didn’t bother to look up from their work anymore. Jethro was pouring over drawings a couple of the halflings brought him. He was bending over a table and all you could see was his perfect ass, his muscular back, legs and his buckaroo boots. He stopped leaning over the table and straightened up. Elmer gasped to see his bald head and then chuckled to himself. “Oatie will love his bald head,” he said quietly.

“Brother Jethro!” Enoch called to him. Jethro stood tall and turned to see who was calling his name. Elmer and Vox almost fainted when they saw Jethro standing fully ringed and buffed out to the max. The big cowboy had no scars and was stunning to behold. “Come over here and meet your father-in-law and his fiancée, Son,” Tron urged him.

“Sweet Jesus! Would you look at him, Vox,” Elmer said like a little boy.

“We better make sure we carry a roll of toilet paper with us when Billy shows him his new slave,” Vox replied, and they shared a laugh.

“Two rolls,” Elmer agreed.

Jethro came strolling over with the confidence of John Wayne and fell to his knees before Elmer. “Fuck the slave ritual. We got plenty time for that nonsense later. Come to these hungry arms and give your father-in-law a big, wet, sloppy buckaroo kiss, Son,” Elmer bellowed. Jethro rose and threw his arms around Elmer and they inhaled each other’s love while exchanging a big, wet sloppy cowboy kiss. Vox required the same of Jethro and he gave the smaller man his equal measure of love.

“We don’t mean to interrupt your work, Son. We just come back from a funeral and stopped by the Daniels’ ranch for lunch. We got to get right back, but me and my mate here, we done heard all the talk about you and wanted to see for ourselves. They failed to warn us just how good you turned out. I know you and I met several times before, but I don’t remember you looking this good. Master Billy done you up right, Son. You look great. You ready to become my grandson’s husband, slave?” Elmer asked.

“It’s my greatest wish, Master Bull. Do you think my master will be pleased with me, sir?” Jethro asked.

“Ain’t no doubt in my mind; yours Vox?” Elmer asked his mate.

“No doubts here, Daddy Bull,” Vox replied.

“If Master Oatie gits tired of me look’n like this I can always morph and become his demon dad like Master Billy and Captain Nick taught me,” Jethro said.

“Can you show us, Son?” Elmer asked with enthusiasm.

“No problem, sir -- stand back aways,” Jethro said and began to morph into a handsome bald-headed Kagoli devil with horns, tail, rings through his nose, tits, and the head of his super cock with black speed bumps spiraling down to the base.

“Impressive, Son. What man wouldn’t love to have a slave what could become such a fantastic sexual creature? Oatie will love you as a big, bald cowboy slave, but he will come to adore you in this form. What do you think, darlin’?” Elmer asked Vox.

“Does Jethro know I can morph to become my sister?” Vox asked.

“No, sir, nobody ever said anything to me about it,” Jethro replied.

“Should we show him, Daddy Bull?” Vox asked.

“If you like, sweet-nums,” Elmer replied.

Vox undid his cowboy belt buckle, dropped his Wranglers to his boot tops, took off his shirt, handed it to his husband, and began to morph into Roxanne. While still in his demon form, Jethro watched in awe as Vox’s body changed. Jethro fell to his knees and began to shed demon tears at the beauty of Rox’s small cunt. “Now I understand. It’s perfect. You’re a perfect match, Master Bull. What cowboy wouldn’t want to marry a partner what has it all?” Jethro asked like an amen to a prayer.

“Would you like a taste, Son?” Elmer asked.

“If you please, ma’am,” Jethro looked Rox in the eye.

“Of course, but be gentle,” she replied.

Roxanne was unprepared for Jethro’s long black snake-like studded tongue with black bumps like his cock. He easily inserted it into Rox’s small cunt and began a gentle screwing motion. Rox sucked in a deep breath and pressed back against her bull as he surrounded her with his huge arms and kissed her gently behind her ear. “How does it feel, sweetheart?” he asked softly.

“Unbelievable. I can’t hold on for long, Jethro!” she said, arching her back. Elmer held her tight while she climaxed. Jethro lapped it up and swallowed her as his prize. The cowboys standing around never saw Vox morph or saw a cowboy change into a sexual demon before. What they witness left them hot and frustrated beyond their sexual norms.

“Thank you, Mistress Rox, it was a pleasure serving you,” Jethro said as he morphed back into his cowboy slave form.

“Would you like for your bull to learn to morph into a demon for you, Darlin’?” Elmer asked as Vox morphed back to his male persona.

“It’s up to you, Daddy Bull. I got all I need in you, but if you find it an entertaining novelty, I wouldn’t say ‘no.’” Vox replied.

“Do you think I could learn to morph like that, Son?” Elmer asked.

“Probably, sir, but you gotta' kiss the devil’s ass to be able to do it,” Jethro said and smiled.

“You mean kiss Nick Samuel’s butt?” Elmer asked.

“Yes, sir. It ain’t to subjugate yourself to him or a put down. He carries the enzymes from a race of gentle demons called the Kagoli in his lower track. When he morphs to their shape the enzymes infect a humanoid person like they done me and Master Billy and cause their DNA to become attached to our DNA. We carry their DNA within us allowing me and Captain Nick to morph back and forth. I made love to Captain Nick’s ass for several nights until Master Billy and his angels enhanced and remodeled me. After each time, it becomes easier to morph into a Kagoli demon. I rather like becoming a demon. They come twice as much and for a longer period of time,” Jethro explained.  

“I’ll have to think on that one; although, I gotta’ admit, it might be worth it,” Elmer declared. “Son, forgive us for rushing off, but we need to have lunch and get back to our ranch. We’ve taken you away from your job long enough. Here, gimme’ one more sloppy kiss and us buckaroos will return and leave you be,” Elmer said.

They exchanged another kiss, and Vox gave Jethro a hug and a kiss on his cheek. In a great flash of light they disappeared. Jethro turned to see his co-workers standing with strange looks on their faces. One started applauding until the the rest picked it up, and they gave him an ovation. Jethro bowed and thanked his new friends. He blushed a deep red color; almost as red as his demon skin. The head of Les Six stood on a stool and spoke. “How many of you want to work with Jethro in his demon form?” he asked and every hand shot up around the room, “Okay, starting tomorrow, Wednesdays and Fridays will be ‘demon’ day. You are to report for work in your demon form those days, Jethro,” the leader said and everyone cheered to support his decision.

“It will be my pleasure, sir. Becoming a part of your team means more to me than I can express, but working with you in my Kagoli form will be a real treat. It won’t be like work,” Jethro said and they all cheered again.

* * * * * * *
The cowboys returned from the back of the barn laughing and having a good time just as Kate walked out to the porch to ring the triangle for lunch. Everyone headed for the house. The Irin slaves under Roz, Docian, and Abigale’s supervision made a fine lunch and everyone was satisfied. You can bet talk was lively and animated around the table. Elmer and Vox couldn’t keep their hands off each other and kept giggling like two school kids sharing a terminal case of puppy love. It was hard to believe the huge man who gave Clarence Womack such a tongue lashing he was at a loss for words, was the same man sitting at the table making small talk with his loved ones.

“Granddad, Billy told me I couldn’t see my slave until next weekend,” Oatie said.

“You listen to our master, Son. There’s method in that cowboy’s madness, and it makes perfect sense to me. Your slave is busier than fireman put’n out a five alarm fire. Furthermore, he’s not gonna’ be able to spend any time with you next weekend to amount to much. He’s project manager of Master Billy’s team of architects and mechanical planners what are working around the clock to meet a deadline of Easter Sunday to have a workable presentation for him to review and accept or reject,” Elmer declared firmly.

Billy could have thrown his arms around the big cowboy and kissed him on his cheek.

“Have you seen him, Granddad?” Oatie asked.

“Only for a very few minutes, Son, to meet him again, give him a hug and a kiss and welcome him to our family,” Elmer replied.

“How is he? Did he ask about me?” Oatie asked almost like a plea.

“He’s fine. He looks healthy and fit. Yes, he asked about you. He said for me to apologize for him not being able to get away to see you, but his first responsibility was to Master Billy and the project he assigned him. While we were standing there, no fewer than ten people -- was it ten or a dozen, Vox -- came to him for answers or to get something for them. We had to follow him to even get in a few words. There ain’t no doubt in my mind he’s in charge of the project,” Elmer replied.

“I counted at least a dozen, Love," Vox replied to Elmer’s count question, “Oatie, Darling, your slave looks better than I ever saw him. He’s in his element, and it was obvious to me he’s growing and looking forward to expanding his horizons. He’s in the right place at the right time. I don’t think you should distract him until Master Billy feels it’s time for you to come together. It will only make you long for him more, and it will take his attention away from his goal to help his team complete their task on time. This is very important to Jethro, and he’s become a demon tiger; albeit, a gentle and compassionate one. Why, we watched Jethro give a nice looking lady a tongue lashing what was so loving and gentle she come in her panties,” Vox said strongly. Billy was impressed. He never saw Vox so demonstrative and animated. Elmer and the cowboys damn near swallowed their tongues trying to keep from guffawing at Vox’s little riff.

“Well, maybe you’re right. I sent him here to find himself, to learn from Master Billy and his slaves. If you’re satisfied he’s in the right place and gaining some confidence in himself, then that’s what I want for him. I’ll just be patient,” Oatie lamented.

“Easter Sunday will be here before you know it, Son, and you can see Jethro when we go to Nick’s ship to review their work. Perhaps when you see what he’s helped accomplish, you will feel differently about your slave,” Elmer encouraged him.

Before they left Billy got Elmer aside. “Thanks for running interference for me, Daddy Bull, and you too, Vox.  Moss and Enoch told me about the demon tongue lashing. I damn near laughed my ass off. He’s git’n pretty damn good at morphing into demon form,” Billy said.

“We understand why you might not want Oatie to see Jethro until the following weekend. You have created his fantasy slave daddy, and we can see Jethro growing into the role. If Oatie was to see him, I don’t know we could keep them apart for another week. It’s just best we stay away next weekend and plan on a big blowout celebration for Easter,” Elmer said.

“You know you’re welcome. We’d love to have ya’ll over, but whatever you decide we’ll abide by. Just let Oatie know we ain’t trying to pull a fast one on him. He’ll get his slave when we’re ready. Talk with him about leasing Jethro to us on a daily basis. He can have a sheltered job to come to which will give him self-confidence, and he can make his master some extra money,” Billy said.

The guests went their way to return to their worlds for the rest of the week, and the family was alone. Hank and Buck came to the house for supper, but Jethro declined. He was invited to join the village people for their evening meal, and he had some other things he wanted to get done before he settled down for the night. He fledged the night before and was a quick study when it came to the extras his enhancements afforded him. He learned to morph and transport with ease. He told Hank and Buck to tell Master Billy he would transport to the line cabin when he called for him. He learned quicker than anyone how to use his mind to reach out and communicate with someone. One of his favorite fans caught him while he was relaxing for a moment with his temporary family at the line cabin.

<< How did your enhancement turn out, Jethro? >> Randy sent.

<< I’ll let you decide for yourself come Friday e’nin, but your suggestion and the pitcher you left for me was a real winner. Master Billy thought it would be a great idea. I look a lot like the guy with a heavy shadow and a dark beard. The rest of me is perfect. Just like we talked about. I know you’re gonna’ like what you see, Cowboy, >> Jethro sent.

<< I can’t wait until Friday, >> Randy said with enthusiasm.

<< Ask Master Billy. I know you’s tight with him. He can look at me and send you a picture, >> Jethro said.

<< Naw, I’m just gonna’ dream about you and wait. That way I’ll have something to look forward to, >> Randy replied, << I better go for now and let you get some rest. See you Friday, Buddy, >> he added.

<< Friday, Cowboy, >> Jethro replied.

“How’s ma’ favorite, buckaroo?” Billy asked Jethro and grinned.

“He’s fine. Looking forward to seeing what you men done to me,” Jethro replied, “How’d ju’ know, Master?” Jethro asked.

“I seen the way you look on him, and you get the same look when he tickles your mind,” Billy replied.

“Randy’s my ideal of what a perfect son would be like. I’d like to have a son like him one day,” Jethro said.

“I hope you do, Jethro. I think you would make a wonderful dad for a kid. You’re gonna’ learn a lot being Oatie’s dad. You probably know more about it now than you give yourself credit,” Billy encouraged him.

“You may be right, Master Billy. Are we going to play this evening?” Jethro asked.

“No, you been working hard all day, and we had a busy day. We’re just going to get a good night’s rest and get an early start tomorrow,” Billy replied.

“I like my job, Master Billy, and I want to thank you for giving me a chance,” Jethro said.

“I have faith in you, Jethro. Make me proud of you,” Billy said quietly but firmly.

“I promise, I won’t let you down, sir,” Jethro said.

End of Chapter 35 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Right Reserved ~
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com
Visit web site: http://www.asstr.org/~Waddie_Greywolf
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Next: Chapter 36

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