Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Jul 27, 2013


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 44

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Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 44

"One important area related to internal harmony and balance is sexuality. Unlike the European cultures, most of the American Indian cultures recognized that sexuality was a continuum. Sexuality was not male or female, but included a full range of feelings and expressions. Thus, individuals who did not fit into the male or female concepts were not only accepted by society but were able to maintain their internal harmony and balance." ~ Ojibwa for Native American Netroots.

"Them ain't the words I wanted to hear, Earl!" Womack yelled across his desk in his church office, "You should be much further along by now infiltrating Bubba's world, and all you got for me is you kissed him? That ain't gonna' get it, Earl. God is very unhappy with you. Jesus is weeping `cause you let him down. He done told me so, and I'm sick of heart you ain't got more for me," he added.

"Get off my back, Preacher, it just ain't that easy. I asked him where he got money to go out and buy a brand new bed for his'self, but the minute I asked, I felt him withdraw from me. He told me the less I knew about his life and finances the less you'd know. I couldn't argue the point with him. He was right. He won't share nothing with me `cause he suspects I'm telling you ever' thing. You're asking me to betray the only brother I got so's you can destroy him. I thought you'd be pleased I'm making progress. As suspicious as Bubba is right now, if'n I's to throw off all my clothes, lie on my back, throw my legs in the air, and tell him to have his way with me, he's gonna' know in an instant I got other motives; especially, after I done told him how dead-set I am against having sex with another man. He's pretty much done with me, Preacher, but he feels sorry for me and my mother. He offered me a job doing menial work around his ranch -- carpentry and painting," Earl said.

"What did you tell him?" Womack asked.

"I told him I'd think about it. He said he'd pay me minimum wage," Earl replied.

"Are you nuts! You should a' jumped at the chance like a starving dog on a juicy bone. Nobody is paying minimum wage in this town. Minimum wage is nine bucks an hour but every business here is only paying three-fifty to five bucks tops. Not even top hands on ranches is get'n nine bucks an hour. They're paid a flat monthly salary, but believe me, it don't add up to no nine dollars an hour for the amount of work and the total number of hours they're expected to work. The old saying `a cowboy's work is never done' ain't no lie, Son. You got to really love the cowboy life and be dedicated to it to work so hard for so little pay. It's just expected of them and has been for a couple hundred years. Nobody pays attention to the clap-trap the Federal Government puts out anymore. Everyone's corrupt from the top down. Finding a job what pays nine dollars an hour in Texas is like finding a gold mine.

"It would be a perfect opportunity for you to make some decent money for you and your mother, and if you work hard and do a good job, you could ingratiate yourself back into Bubba Kirkendall's good graces; but, the key word is `good' job. For nine bucks an hour, you can't do a half-ass, piddling, so-so, enough-to-get-by job. You gotta' put chore' all into it and always do just a little more than he expects from you. Be at work an hour earlier than start'n time and don't leave for a hour after quit'n time. You gotta' show him you're making an attempt to change, improve your lot in life, and be his friend. Then when the next window of opportunity opens, and I assure you it will, you leap at the chance to become his boyfriend," Womack said and almost hissed after the word `boyfriend,' "Oh, yes, and I will expect to see your pay checks and be waiting for my twenty percent every week," he added like the final nail in Earl's coffin.

"You ain't asking much, Preacher," Earl said sarcastically.

"Beats being forced to work ten hours a day, eating swill for food, and get'n forcibly butt-fucked several times an evening in a prison cell," Womack responded, "The next news I better hear from you is you accepted Bubba's offer to work for him. One way or another, I'll get what's rightfully mine from that dumb country bumpkin," Womack said.

"He can't be that dumb. He done cut chore' water off," Earl said and sneered at the fat little piece of shit sitting before him.

"Watch yore' mouth, boy, or I just might forget I'm a man of God," Womack said.

"I got my doubts about that, too. I think you done forgot you's a man of God a long time ago. If you ever was a man of God, I'm pretty sure he dumped your ass by now," Earl said, turned, and walked out. He paid no attention to the ranting and the threats Womack was yelling after him.

* * * * * * *
The bull of the hill country delivered as he promised the next day. Elmer, Vox, Oatie, and Jethro, drove up to the Daniels' ranch in one truck followed by the ramrod of their other ranch, Perry Reed, and their neighbor, Mick Flynn. Billy noticed Perry and Mick together a lot lately and Elmer could see the wheels turning in his young apprentice's head. "E'aup, you guessed right. I think them twos about to become an item," the bull said, "They's two lonely stars what's caught up in each other's gravitational pull. I suspect it's only a matter of time they begin to shine as one. It's fine with me. Relieves me of some of my responsibilities. Don't get me wrong, Son, I would never say `no' to Mick Flynn if'n he needed me, for the same reason -- he never once't, in damn near fifty years, denied me a piece of his fine tail when ma' balls ached so bad they's turn'n blue. `Sides, they's some damn sweet plow'n to be done in a fine field like Mick Flynn's lower forty," Elmer added like an amen to a prayer.

"I guess a bull has to tend his herd. I'm beginning to see the connection between us and why I's destined to become the apprentice and master to the master bull of the hill country, old man," Billy said and grinned.

"It's about damn time. I thought I was gonna' have to sit down with you on my lap and explain it to you, and while we's at it, who you call'n `old', Cowboy? You looked at chore' soul in a mirror lately?" he asked and returned Billy's grin, "You's carrying the heaviness of them ancient's wisdom on your shoulders and they's start'n to droop a mite. You can't tell me you ain't beginning to feel the weight of their burden," Elmer accused.

"Cain't gainsay that, Master Bull. My biggest problem is seeing to the lives of my herd, trying to make sure everyone gets a fair shake, and problems get settled with the least amount of trauma for everyone concerned," Billy confided in Elmer.

"What you's going through now is train'n ground for much bigger things to come. Them ancients is feed'n you one problem at a time to solve, but it ain't all their fault. It's just the way of the universe. It's everyone's problem what's got the balls to take responsibility for others' lives, but don't look to yore' old bull as no poster boy, Son. God knows, I done fucked up royally a number of times - more'n my fair share - `at's fer damn sure. I should a' stepped in sooner with my grandsons, Oatie and his little brother, Stan, and I'd have me two fine calves for my herd instead of one. I waited until Oatie come to me and by that time, I figured it was too late for his little brother unless he come to me on his own. I's hope'n Stan would follow his brother's lead, but he didn't. I should a' pulled up to their ranch in my truck and ordered them boys to get their things, they's come'n to live wiff' me, and throw'd a bucket of water on the witch what claimed to be their mother.

"And to top that off, my boy, Pete, done come to me with his hat in his hand, sorrowful, looking for forgiveness, asking for a second chance, and I rejected him. I sent him pack'n. I was angry with him. I was guilty of the sin of pride. I could have done more for him, but I didn't. I pretty much slammed the door in his face and sent him away with his tail between his legs. I was still so raw after my youngest grandson took off, and we ain't never heard nothing from him. The reasons I wanted what I was promised all them years ago was a chance to set things right, and to be here to help you, Son," Elmer said.

"When will I learn about them secret things, Bull?" Billy asked.

"Soon. Things is come'n to a head. Be patient a while longer, Son, and all will be revealed to you and a couple of other men what know bits and pieces, but not the whole story," Elmer replied.

"It ain't too late to bring your boy, Pete, on board, Master Bull. I heard me some good things about him lately. You gotta' admit Pete's trying hard to make a comeback, and it just might be the hand-up he needs to make a success of his'self. Why don't you consider invite'n him for the smack down this weekend?" Billy asked, "If he can make arrangements, bring him wiff' you tomorrow, and let him see, first hand, what his old man and son have evolved into," Billy added.

"You wouldn't mind?" Elmer asked in reply.

"Hell no! I got me a feel'n Pete's ripe for something more rewarding than working his ass off trying to support his ex-wife and daughters. How much longer's he got to go on his child support?" Billy asked.

"Less than a year for the youngest, and he's home free. Pete was lucky. Him and Janice went before Judge LaFleur. The old judge knows how hard it is for a man like Pete to keep a good job in today's world. He only let Janice have what money she needed for the girls. He didn't provide any for her. When she got smart with him, he told her to get a job. He was split'n responsibility for the young'uns between them, and he didn't intend it to be no free ride for her. Her reputation of trying to destroy Pete's son, Oatie, who became a town hero, and her other boy, Stan, who disowned his family went a long way in the old judge's mind to go easy on my boy. I always been grateful to LaFleur for his consideration. Pete don't have the money to send them to college, but neither one has expressed an interest in going. He don't have to pay Janice squat after the youngest turns eighteen in August. Pete told me he thinks Janice is gonna' get married again anyway. She's been dating some guy what drives a truck for the sand plant. He's been married three times before, but since then he's found Jesus. What are the chances?" Elmer asked and they shared a wicked laugh.

"Do you see your granddaughters very often?" Billy asked.

"Naw, after Oatie come to live with me, they took it upon they'selves to preach to me the gospel according to Saint Janice about what a pervert and sinner their brother was. They reminded me of younger versions of their momma. I set them down and told them a few hard facts about life the bitch what whelped them done conveniently forgot to tell `um. I told them they had a choice to change their way of thinking, or I would cut them out of our lives along with their mother. They made their choice and sided with Janice and Jesus. We rarely ever heard from them after that; maybe a Christmas card telling us to repent and come to Jesus. I'd seal it up, write across it in big letters - refused - and send it back to them. I hope they have good lives, but I hope they don't come to me when they marry some cowboy what believes in treat'n women the way them bible thump'n morons teach from their pulpits," Elmer replied, "It might have worked in the eighteen-hundreds, but that dog won't hunt long today," he added.

"What about great-grandsons from your granddaughters?" Billy asked.

"It depends on a lot of things, Son. I ain't thought that far ahead, but I can see me jumping in with both boots when one of them is get'n picked on or mistreated. Blood is blood! I'ont care whose hole it pops out of, if h'it's got my blood run'n through its veins, I feel like I got some responsibility to it. I ain't going out of my way, but chances are, they's gonna' wanna' know about their great-granddaddy, why their momma' keeps them away from him, and the rest of their family? Hopefully, by that time, there will be greater acceptance for folks what don't choose to live their lives by the dictates of self-serving little pieces of shit like Clarence Womack," Elmer replied.

"Amen to that, Daddy Bull, and a loud `Hosanna,'" Billy said and patted the big man affectionately on his back.

Elmer took Billy in his arms, and didn't hesitate before God and everyone gathered, to plant a big, sloppy, buckaroo kiss on his young master. Billy wasn't expecting it, but held nothing back from the huge cowboy. He returned the bull's kiss with equal passion. When they finished, they held each other tightly for a few moments as their family applauded their public display of overwrought emotions and brotherly bonding. "Thanks, Bull, I needed that," Billy whispered.

"I know you did. I felt it, but the truth is, you didn't need it a whit more'n I did. I'll take you up on your offer and make it a point to invite Pete. If'n he's amenable and Oatie won't be uncomfortable, we'll bring him with us tomorrow. I ain't gonna' explain or tell him nothing. I'm just gonna' throw him into the deep end of the swimming hole, and he can either sink or swim," Elmer said and laughed wickedly.

"You know it's fine with me, Brother," Billy said.

"You know you can come to me anytime for any reason, don't chu, Son?" Elmer asked quietly.

"Any reason?" Billy asked with a sly grin.

"E'aup, even that. Ain't never seen me a bull yet what couldn't use a good straight'n out by another equally strong bull from time to time. It'll give you a new perspective on life, smooth out the kinks in the road, and straighten you right out," Elmer replied and returned Billy's grin.

"I just might take you up on your offer, Master Bull, it sound mighty tempting," Billy said.

"Anytime, Son," Elmer replied.

"You know I'm ring'n my pa tomorrow?" Billy asked.

"No! You's shit'n me! I ain't heard a word. When?" Elmer asked.

"Right after Oatie examines Joe, and we do our cowboy-angel number on our blue giant. Nick felt left out since my other two cowboy-angels are ringed. Of course Balthazar was already ringed by Madam Spartza, but remember, Clyde requested his after he watched me ring Orville Higginbothem. It weren't my idea, Master Bull, but if ma' pa wants it, and it will bring him comfort, who am I to deny my dad a little happiness?" Billy asked and grinned wickedly. "We's planning on a small ceremony and all our brothers are invited," he added.

The men were still holding each other with their bodies pressed tightly. Billy felt the Bull's more than considerable cock begin to grow until it was roaring hard, poking Billy in his belly. Elmer looked into Billy's eyes and grinned, "You got another set of them rings for a large bull, Master Billy?" he asked.

"I do, indeed, Master Bull. I recently stocked up on `um. My pa done told me we's gonna' have a run on `um after I ringed him," Billy said and grinned.

"Fuck! See what chu' done to me just tell'n me about it, boy? Don't you think it's about time this old bull git's his'self ringed by his master?" Elmer asked.

"I think it's time, Master Bull. Would tomorrow be soon enough?" Billy asked.

"Tomorrow will be perfect. I want my boy, my grandson, my mate, and my small herd to pay witness to my dedication to my young master," Elmer said.

"Should we seal our contract wiff' another one of them fine bull of the hill country special buckaroo kisses, Master Bull?" Billy asked.

The great bull didn't reply, but to everyone's amazement, they joined again in the most outrageous display of cowboy bonding they ever witness. Someone mentioned a bucket of cold water, but it didn't stop the bull and his boy from finding deep meaning and pleasure in their coupling. They didn't break off until sometime after they both visibly reached climax and ejaculated in their Wranglers. It was apparent to everyone witnessing what happened. The cowboys went crazy laughing, hoot'n and holler'n, boot stomping, and applauded for them. When they finally broke apart, Elmer took Billy's hand and turned to the gathered cowboys. "Master Billy just told me he's ringing his pa tomorrow after we refurbish his giant. I asked my young master if he would ring me, too, and he graciously agreed. We just sealed our contract with each other with that kiss. I apologize, Captain Nick, I didn't mean to steal no thunder from you, but we done got a little carried away and got more'n we bargained for from our contract signing; however, at my age, I'll take it anyway I can get it," Elmer said and the cowboys roared with laughter and provided more applause. Nick laughed the hardest.

"What about us ladies?" Kate and Zelma was in the back watching and listening.

"It would be up to my pa and my main bull, Grandma?" Billy replied.

"I think it's about time we broke the barriers of taboo about what us men think women should or shouldn't be allowed to watch, Captain Nick!" Elmer exclaimed.

"Preach on, Brother!" Zelma Jane Redbone exclaimed, "Where's my damn tambourine when I need it?" she asked and everyone broke up.

"While our young master is good enough to take our druthers into consideration, Master Bull, I heartily agree with you, men shouldn't feel they have the right to determine what women observe; however, the decision ain't up to us. The buck done stopped here. As his slaves, and members of his family, it's up to our young master to make the decision for us," Nick replied.

"I agree, Captain, the decision should be made by our young master, sir," Elmer declared.

"Do you ladies understand the men present will be naked except for their boots in deference to my slaves being ringed? Clothing for them ain't optional; however, you may have the option of wearing clothing if you prefer. Your attendance will be enough honor for my slaves," Billy said.

"We know what you men do, Billy. Your granddaddy and his men used to think they could keep what they do secret, but Zelma and I knew. Right precious?" she asked Zelma.

"Yes, my darling, we used to laugh at Travis and Daws and their little secrets. We would be honored to attend, and we accept your conditions," Zelma said and everyone cheered.

* * * * * * *   
Billy announced to the village with Joe and Crunch present, things would be a little different this year. Both giants would be given a complete examination by a doctor to determine their physical and emotional conditions before lock-down Friday afternoon. Crunch would be first at two o'clock Wednesday, and Joe's examination would be the next day at the same time. Neither one had a problem with it and seemed impressed their new master cared enough about them to be concerned for their well being.

Billy didn't want it to seem unusual for Crunch while he was having his exam. He only wanted Jethro as Oatie's assistant and Captain Nick present so the giant Ork wouldn't get nervous or upset with a lot of people around. Billy told Oatie he didn't care how long he took; just make it look convincing he was giving Crunch an examination. Oatie laughed at him and told Billy he weren't no actor. He was fully capable of giving Crunch a complete and competent medical exam. Oatie promised he would be as thorough as possible considering he didn't know much about Ork physiology. Crunch worked on the ship with Jethro and was comfortable with him being Oatie's assistant.

Meanwhile, Billy suggested Elmer pick out twenty-five of the Irin cowboys for his ranch and for Ramrod Reed to pick out twenty-five for the other Breedlove spread. While Billy was getting Crunch set up, the other cowboys told Elmer and Perry Reed how pleased they were with the choices Boss-man Randy Rutherford and his right hand man, Rand, picked  for their ranch. They assured Elmer it weren't no joke. They said Billy discovered Randy had a talent for seeing people's auras and would know within minutes of asking them several questions if they were the right cowboys or cowgirls for the job. The boy and his man worked together like clockwork and gave Tron and Moss the names they thought would best be suited for the job. They strongly advised Elmer and Ramrod Reed to do the same. Billy grinned when Elmer confronted him with the information. "I weren't hold'n nothing back from you, Master Bull. I didn't say nothing about Boss-man Randy 'cause I just assumed the bull of the hill country would want to pick out his ranch hands himself. There's only one stipulation. Out of the twenty-five, you must choose six to eight females," Billy said.

"I trust my brothers. I don't think they'd shit me about something as important as choosing the right hands for the job. I know your uncle wouldn't lie to me. Your own cowboy-angel, Clyde, done assured me they's telling me the truth. If Randy and his straw-boss can make my job a mite easier, let's get him over here," Elmer said.

"I'm sure if you was to ask him right-nice he'd jump at the chance to come give you a hand. Next to me as his big brother, and my angel, Balthazar, as his bestest buckaroo buddy at the Daniels' ranch, he's got you in his sights for his very own personal big daddy. Can't say's I don't share my little cowboy buddy's taste in men," Billy said and grinned.

Billy punched the number for the Rutherford ranch on his cell phone and handed it to Elmer. The big cowboy took it and reintroduced himself to Ruth Rutherford. He explained his situation and wanted to know if Boss-man Randy was available, and if he and Billy's cowboy-angel Clyde could fly over and bring Randy and his strawboss, Rand, to the Daniels' ranch to give him a hand?

Billy could hear Ruth laugh. "I don't mind, Mr. Breedlove, as long as I know he's over to the Daniels' place and isn't making a nuisance of himself, it's fine with me," Ruth replied. "Here, I'll let you speak with our `Boss-man,' and maybe he can work you into his busy schedule. You can make arrangements with him," Ruth said and handed the phone to Randy.

"Howdy, Boss-man Randy, this here's Elmer Breedlove your favorite bull," Elmer said and heard Randy giggle.

"You got that right, Master Bull!" Randy exclaimed, "What can I do for you, sir?" Randy asked.

"I need your help, young man, like you done for the Garretts, to help me pick out fifty ranch hands for our two ranches," Elmer said.  

"Wow, fifty? That's a lot. Can we break it up into two sessions? One today and one tomorrow morning, perhaps?" Randy asked.

"Of course, we can, Son. I was gonna' suggest it myself. Just tell your ma, you and your man Rand Snoddy's gonna' have supper with us and stay the night," Elmer said looking directly at Billy who was shaking his head it was fine with him.

"When do you want us, Master Bull?" Randy asked.

"Muy pronto! ASAP! Right now, Cowboy! Me and Master Billy's angel Clyde will wing-up and be there in a few. You need some time to get ready, Son?" Elmer asked.

"Naw, sir, Master Bull. I just gotta' walk down to the foreman's house to gather my straw-boss, and we'll be ready to fly. Tell Clyde to direct you to the foreman's house. He knows how to get there," Randy said.

"We'll give you thirty minutes, and we'll see you then, Boss-man," the big rancher said and grinned.

"We'll be waiting, Master Bull," Randy replied.

Elmer got the biggest grin on his face, handed Billy his phone, and sighed deeply. Then Elmer's demeanor changed to one of despair, "H'it ain't right, Master Billy," Elmer said shaking his head, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

Billy knew Randy triggered the memory of Elmer's other grandson, "It ain't too late to look for him, Bull. Why, I'll bet I could put my posse on the task, and they could track him in a few days. Unless he went and changed his name, he's got to leave a trail somewhere. How long's it been?" Billy asked.

"Almost six years, maybe a little more," Bull said.

"Do you want to find him, Bull?" Billy asked.

"Yes, Master Billy," Elmer replied quietly.

Elmer and Clyde winged-up and transported to the foreman's house on the Rutherford ranch. Randy and Rand were waiting for them. Randy ran to Clyde first, gave him a big hug and a kiss. He jumped into Elmer's arms, and they exchanged hugs, kisses, and fond greetings. "It's so good to see you again, Master Bull. Ain't seen you since last Sunday. That's too long," Randy insisted.

"Let me know anytime you want to come to our ranch. I'll clear it with yore' Boss-lady and fly over to pick you up. I'd love to show you around the place. You can even bring your straw-boss and Ludo. We'll have us a big time," Elmer said.

"I would enjoy seeing your ranch, sir. I think we's ready, Master Bull," Randy said.

They transported back to the Daniels' ranch and the cowboys were waiting for them. They knew the drill and handed sheets of paper to about thirty Irin slaves. They were returning their papers to Perry Reid and Mick Flynn. Randy and Rand sat down and started going through them. They stacked them in fives and Randy was telling Rand the symbols to write on the papers. Only they knew what they meant. The were thorough and fast. They announced the number each would be interviewed. They invited them into the barn, asked a few benign questions, thanked them, and sent them on their way. They would make copious notes using their symbols and rating each cowboy. It took them even less time to have a complete list for Master Bull for his cowboys. Elmer Breedlove was stunned by what he watched happen. He believed his cowboy brothers, Randy and his man were good, but they worked together like the men said, clockwork, and there was no doubt in Elmer's mind the list they created was the finest of the lot interviewed for the day.

* * * * * * *
It only took Oatie about an hour to examine Crunch. He asked him a few questions. "Are you aware you are a chimera, Crunch?" Oatie asked quietly.

"Crunch half Ork, half human," he said firmly.

"No, there's two separate people living in the same body. You must know another person dwells inside you. You hear his voice," Oatie said.

"How you know that?" Crunch asked.

"You speak out loud to him and tell him to behave or shut up," Oatie said.

"No, no, no! Crunch talk to himself. Everyone talks to themselves," Crunch insisted.

"Yes, but they don't answer themselves like your other half does once in a while," Oatie said.

"Don't matter none! Crunch in charge. Crunch dominant male. Crunch master of his body and mind. I used to listen to him, but sexual urges grow too strong. I can't kill him or make him go away, but I can make him be still, be quite, and give me peace. When he obeys me, we get along fine, and I can forget about him. He annoys me with his useless nagging and complaining, so I hurt him if he don't behave and leave me alone," Crunch said.

"How do you hurt him without hurting yourself?" Oatie asked.

"Easy, I do things he don't like. Eat foods he hates. Hold my breath until he passes out. An Ork can go without air much longer than a human," he replied.

"Wouldn't it be better to cooperate with your other half and get along?" Oatie asked.

"I did once when we were young and with Joe. I become tired of compromise. Don't have to no more. Crunch grow strong and getting stronger. Strong and demanding of mate. If I win `close-skillet' two more times, Joe become Crunch's slave for rest of his life," he bragged, "Joe not strong enough to defeat Crunch. He will lose this time and next time, and then he never tell Crunch what to do again," the huge Ork said.

Oatie knew he was dealing with a volatile creature who was probably once mellowed by his human half, but he suppressed and intimidated his chimera until his inner man was afraid to do anything. Oatie knew Crunch realized he couldn't kill his chimera without killing himself, but he could make life a living hell for him.

"Why do you stay with Joe?" Oatie asked Crunch.

"Joe take care of me when I was a young Ork with no one to turn to or place to go. Even though mother was human, Crunch not fit in with humans. Other Orks would kill us immediately and eat us if they find out Crunch was part human. Joe raised us. My other half fell in love with the big giant. As we grew older, other half begged me to have sex with Joe, bond with him, and we did; only human bond; not me. It was all right for a while, but Crunch grow up and take over weak human inside him. I don't stay with Joe. I allow him to be my slave when I conquer him in the arena," Crunch said.

"But I understand you stayed with Joe when he won many other `close-skillet' smack-downs," Oatie said.

"Joe not treat Crunch like a slave after he win. Joe in love with human half and tolerates me. He likes my strong Ork body. After the first humiliation of defeat, Joe treats me like I'm his other half; like his brother. It is degrading to an Ork. Better him humiliate me and treat me like his slave, but his race is gentle and kind. He can't bring himself to be the master a strong young Ork like me needs. He makes a mockery of trying to control me. Joe could never become so demanding I would consider worshiping him as my master," Crunch declared.

"Do you love Joe?" Oatie asked.

"Ork warriors not love weaker races. Orks don't love their slaves. They use them like any other animal. They're there only for our use," Crunch proclaimed, "Soon Joe will be my permanent slave, and he will be happy to serve me the rest of his life or until I tire of him and give a great feast to roast and eat him. It may take him a while to adjust, but he's made great strides this year. He will make a fine slave for me, and he knows I will best him in the arena this year," Crunch bragged.

"Well, good luck with your rut, Crunch. You're in fine shape," Oatie said.

"Don't need your luck, Human. Crunch fearless warrior and the strongest. Crunch will prevail," Crunch bragged, assured of himself. "Pride goeth before a fall," he added in another smaller voice, "Shut the fuck up, damn you! I will punish you, and I will hurt you bad, weak human!" he yelled to his other half.

* * * * * * *
Captain Nick, Oatie, and Jethro winged-up to transport Crunch back to the ship, but before they were ready to go, Jethro asked his master if he should morph to his demon form? "If I do, I won't be able to wing-up and help you and Captain Nick transport Crunch," Jethro said.

"Says who?" Captain Nick asked.

"I didn't think the Kagoli had wings, Captain Nick?" Jethro said.

"You better check your parts list, Son. The Kagoli grow beautiful black leathery bat-like wings what were as powerful as angel wings; equally handsome as well. Morph and wing-up. You'll see," Nick said and smiled.

Jethro disappeared in a flash and returned with a set of handsome black leather wings. Oatie thought he'd seen it all, but this was too much. All the blood drained from his face. He thought he might swoon and drop his load, but he managed to get himself together, disappeared, and reappeared with his angel wings. Even hard-ass Crunch got a smile on his big face from Jethro's new appearance. "Nice -- handsome," he remarked, "I could easily become your slave, sir," he complimented Jethro.

"This demon is not available!" Oatie replied emphatically, like a large jungle cat about to show his claws.

"Crunch mean no disrespect, Master Oatie," Crunch said.

"None, taken, slave," Oatie said, to remind Crunch no matter his relationship with Joe, he was still a slave to someone, and in his case, that someone was Master Billy Daniels. Oatie didn't have to be a soothsayer to imagine Master Billy's reply to Crunch's words. He almost felt a twinge of pity for poor Crunch -- a very tiny twinge. Then he smiled to himself, and it warmed his heart.

The two cowboy-angels and one Kagoli winged-demon transported Crunch back to the town square of the village. It was just what the village folks were hoping would happen. They were gathered in the village square for the past hour hoping they would get to see and visit for a few minutes with their Jethro. When the men materialized there was a great hush came over the crowd to see their hero with their Captain, Jethro's cowboy-angel master, and himself gloriously resplendent in his demon form with his huge black leather bat wings. They only thought their demon was stunning before. They were like Oatie. They were stunned. The kids weren't stunned for long. They were the first to rush him and were all over him, in his arms, on his back, laughing, crying, carrying on, and generally wanting to touch him to reassure themselves it really was their hero, Jethro.

They were hugging him, shamelessly stealing kisses, telling him how much they love him, how much they missed him, and how they were counting the days until his return. It was a fan mob to rival any rock star -- only on a smaller scale. Nevertheless, Oatie Breedlove developed a new love and appreciation for his mate. Jethro didn't stop until he dried every tear, held each one, told them how special they were to him, how much he missed them and their kisses. The great demon Jethro kissed and hugged every one, and listened patiently to what they had to tell him. Jethro was their friend, and in the name of all the forgotten gods, he belonged to them.

Oatie was impressed his slave came to mean so much to these people in such a short period of time. It reminded Oatie of a home-coming for the Wizard of Oz. Oatie thought Jethro must have inherited some super-hero powers from his Kagoli transformation, and then it dawned on him the super-hero he entertained in his own bed for the last several days created the same need inside himself he was witnessing from these folks. Nick looked at Oatie, grinned at his personal epiphany, and shook his head. Oatie just smiled back knowing Nick realized the same thing. It didn't seem to bother Oatie his husband developed another family in such a short period of time, but Oatie was convince, Jethro couldn't have picked a better group of people to love or have love him.

Oatie felt certain they became Jethro's support group and those who were most important to his life aside from his master. Oatie was sure, in time, they would come to love them together, and perhaps he might become an Aunt Dorothy to them. He wasn't sure about the last, but the thought made him laugh. He looked up to see Captain Nick laughing with him and blushed. "You got too heavy a five-o'clock shadow to play the part of Dorothy Gale, Master Oatie. You look more like an Uncle Tin Man to me," Nick said, "I was sure you were gonna' shove your oil can up Crunch's butt a couple of times," he added, and they shared a laugh.

"Did you know much about him and Joe before our conversation with him?" Oatie asked.

"No. Almost nothing. I swear to you, I never knew what was going on. Other than the rut once a year, I thought it was de rigueur -- they were following strict established traditions set down between them years ago which defined the parameters of their relationship. They became good, faithful, and trustworthy crew members. Crunch can be a bit hard to take from time to time, but Joe always seemed to keep him in line. I never saw a need to investigate their relationship before now, but it's all coming to a head on my master's watch, so I'm inclined to believe whatever is going to happen will happen the way them Ancients want it to. It will be a great lesson and a test of his abilities to lead," Nick said and gave Oatie no reason to doubt his word.

Oatie couldn't help be curious what Billy's reaction might be when he gave him his report. He shared with his husband, he didn't think he could be impartial when he told Billy about his conversation with Crunch. He remembered an old saying from Dryden: 'Jove is impartial, and to both the same.' However an early civilization conceived the king of their gods `Jove,' Oatie Breedlove certainly didn't see himself as some deity who could set his feelings aside to make a judgment. He told Jethro he found the same unbending hate-filled evil in Crunch he suffered from his mother and younger sisters. There was no charity, personal doubt, or compassion in his family's narrow misguided view of life; neither, could he sense any from Crunch. In fact, Oatie was almost emotionally traumatized by Crunch's total lack of empathy. Oatie wondered if Crunch was an exception or if all Orks lacked compassion for other races. To form an opinion about a species or race from only one exposure, without proper research and thorough investigation of the whole, was an anathema to Oatie, and he wouldn't allow himself to fall into that trap.

"I want you by my side when I tell Master Billy what we learned, Jethro," Oatie said.

"Rest assured, I will be, Master. With all due respect, I wouldn't allow you do this alone, Oatie. I may become a mite impatient with you sometimes when you're being petulant or dense when the obvious is lying at your feet, but I promise, I'm not insensitive to your needs and will always be by your side to support you," Jethro said quietly and brushed his lips lightly against the skin on Oatie's neck behind his ear. Oatie turned into Jethro's huge strong arms and wept silently. "There, there -- ain't no need for tears. Not for a superhero quarterback of the Texas gridiron tradition. Besides, how a' my suppose to maintain my evil demon dad persona when my baby boy's hurt'n bad and soiling his dad's new wings. The salt in human tears is so hard to get out of leather wings. It will take a full box of Armor All cleaning wipes, and have you priced that shit lately?" Jethro asked dramatically, but he moved Oatie from tears to laughter.

"You're so bad, Jethro," Oatie said and giggled.

"Good, glad you appreciate your old demon dad," Jethro shot back and elicited more laughter from his master.

"There once was a super-hero demon-dad with a spiral of black bumps running the length of his enormous smoldering red cock. When he fuck me really hard he was  very, very good, but when he was bad and docked his big red demon cock in my ass to bake for the night, he was frick'n fantastic!" Oatie exclaimed.

"Was that suppose to rhyme like a limerick?" Jethro asked with a grin.

"Naw, it's more like a work in progress sort of thing," Oatie tossed off and laughed.

"I like the sentiment, but lemme' know when you finish it," Jethro said.

"You'll be the first, Dad," Oatie answered.

* * * * * * *
Billy sat with Randy in his lap listening to Oatie's report on Crunch. Jethro de-winged but was still in his demon persona wearing his black leather harness and his leather kilt. Nick was by Billy's side to confirm everything Oatie was telling his master. Oatie finished by telling Billy, Crunch's check up was fine, he was in top condition, but he had reservations about telling Billy about their conversation.

"Why, I trust your word, Oatie. If there was any doubt, we could replay the entire conversation from the robo-cams you got on you, 24/7. Boomer, bring up a screen and show us a part of Master Oatie's conversation with Crunch," he ordered.

Boomer waved his huge hand and a large transparent screen popped into view above everyone's head. In minutes the screen was filled with one camera on Oatie, one on Crunch, and one from a distance taking in both of them. Billy watched along with the other men who were stunned by the technology. "That's amazing!" exclaimed Oatie, "And they're on us all the time?" he asked.

"Yes, for your safety, and your master's peace of mind," Billy replied.

"And other things?" Oatie asked.

"It's all there. What time? When?" Billy asked.

"Last night about ten P.M.," Oatie said.

"Boomer! Make it so!" Billy commanded, and with another wave of his husband's hand, the video switched to the bunkhouse on the Breedlove ranch. Oatie was riding his demon dad's cock like a pony express rider late with the mail. Three shots appeared. One of Oatie's handsome face with the most serene look of pleasure one might imagine, with just a hint of a Mona Lisa smile on his lips. A second shot of his demon-dad's enormous cock with black bumps spiraling the length which caused it to corkscrew into Oatie's rectum like an Archimedean water lifter; obviously, to his master's delight, and one distant shot which took the both of the them in and displayed the satisfied contentment on the dark red face of the huge demon under him. It was so sudden, no one knew what to think. They were too busy enjoying the view to give it much thought. As is the case with most cowboys, their cocks reacted quicker than their brains and immediately filled with blood so effectively their facial muscles were pulled tight into a permanent sardonic grin.

"Now, that's a cowboy!" Randy exclaimed and broke everyone up. Oatie started blushing but Jethro was laughing his ass off.

"You asked for it, Master," he said.

"Thank you, Master Billy. I think that's quite enough," Oatie said and Boomer cut it immediately.

"Awwww" went the cowboys. Randy jumped down and ran to Oatie for a hug and kiss. "You get my vote for best all round cowboy at the Rodeo, Master Oatie," he declared.

"Why, thank you, Buckaroo. 'At's mighty nice of you. `At was one of ma' better rides on a fearsome stud us cowboys like to call the Red Demon Stallion. Stayed on him for a full eight seconds and then a few more just to showoff. Too bad you didn't get to see my dismount. It was a thing of beauty. It's what won the prize for me in the judges' opinion," Oatie replied in his best cowboy bullshit. Everyone laughed. Elmer laughed the hardest. The bull was proud of his grandson -- he trained him well.

"Is Ramrod Rutherford going to be invited to our ceremony tomorrow, Master Billy?" Elmer asked.

"I don't see why not. I think keeping secrets from kids breeds more contempt and fantasies than the actual experience might create for them. I been honest from the beginning with Randy, and he seems to be taking it all in more factually than having to create fantasies with guessing. I wish't I'd been more included in men things when I was a kid. Besides, when he's got some tough questions, it won't be me he comes to for answers," Billy allowed and grinned at Elmer.

"`At boy's welcome in my lap any-damn-time he needs some straight, no-bullshit talk about some'um he don't understand. You understand, young'un?" Master Bull asked pointing a finger at Randy.

"You'll be the first I come to, Master Bull, I promise," Randy replied.

"Good! See that you do. It's important, Son," Elmer said.

It seemed to Billy, even in the moments of despair when he learned some unacceptable things about one of his slaves and was faced with having to make a major correction, his family would come through with some silly nonsense which could turn the situation around in an instant, and have everyone laughing at their joy in sharing their foibles of life with each other.

"I apologize for my crew, Master," Captain Nick bowed deeply before his master in front of his family.

"I believe you knew nothing about the details of their relationship, Tonto," Billy replied using the familiar cognomen, "but were you never curious?" he asked.

"When I was first given the ship, I only had a skeleton crew of my rag-tag group of protectors. Joe and Crunch didn't come along until later. I had Beauford, Leon the Lion Man, Pan, the Panther Man, Raza, the Dragon Man, and my halfling warrior Cloog. Talk about learning to fly by the seat of your pants? I knew nothing about running a ship and everyday was a new learning experience. Between Beauford and Cloog I somehow managed to collect a full crew from our travels through several galaxies accepting contracts from the more advanced civilizations. Joe and Crunch didn't come along until most of the folks you see on my ship were well established residents. No one knew much about them, except they were big, strong, and were a team. When we needed heavy lifting, our giants were called on. After their first disastrous rut occurred, when they damn near destroyed the entire village, with their muscle we built the arena and never had another problem with them. They did their jobs and kept to themselves. The village folks loved Joe but never seemed to care much for Crunch. Since Joe was in charge most of the time, there was no problem. Everyone accepted them as a bonded couple. You can see how much the villagers are looking forward to this year's smack-down. They want Joe to triumph and the major money is on him to win. They can see the way Crunch treats their beloved blue giant and they want Joe to be happy. They don't know the personal ramifications behind the giant's relationship. They will be told, of course, but only after this smack-down and when something has been decided," Nick explained.   

"I hope our viewing audience out there in the greater universe watched and observed Master Oatie's conversation with Crunch as he was examining him. Several things I would like to point out. There is no slavery on Captain Nicks ship or within our extended family circle here on Earth which doesn't fall under my jurisdiction as master. Other than those who have been given to me or have fallen into my purview through assimilation by accepting their master as my slave, there is only one `punishment' slave I have actually bought. That slave is Orville Higginbothem, who, I'm pleased to report, seems to be making an effort to accept his position as my slave and make the best of it. We are hoping for change, but only time will tell.

"Joe and Crunch's concept and employment of the term `slavery' in their relationship is a misnomer on their parts. Any slave who wishes to take another as his slave must seek his master's permission. I won't apologize when I say my word must be and will be final on the matter. A slave of a slave means he must serve two masters, and that has been proven time and again over the centuries not to work. I will not even consider it beyond a metaphorical connotation or a social bond meant to convey the ultimate in love, appreciation, and dedication. Are we going to rig the smack-down this year to make sure our beloved blue giant is the winner?" Billy shouted, and answered his own question, "You can bet chore' ever' love'n asses we are!" Billy exclaimed loudly.

"Hosanna!" shouted Clyde with a big grin on his face, with a raised fist like an inverted exclamation point.

"Hosanna, in the highest!" replied the other members of Billy's family, holding up their fists to emphasize their agreement.

"Damn, I never get to shout the first `Hosanna,'" Randy said in frustration sitting in Master Bull's lap. Everyone laughed at him.

"The next 'hosanna' will be yours, Buckaroo, I promise. Will everyone please point to Ramrod Randy Rutherford when the time comes for another?" Billy asked. Everyone laughed and agreed.

Billy continued, "I have called a gathering of the Order of the Wings for tomorrow afternoon to join us in pumping as much rejuvenation into Joe as we can. Since a combination of Ork and Human semen has proved to give him a psychological and physical boost, Master Oatie took several blood samples from Crunch. Those of us who can morph will taste his blood and morph into Orks for Joe to drain just before he goes into lock-down on Friday afternoon. By my count, there will be at least six Orks, so we need six human cowboys volunteers who might enjoy a giant-sized blowjob to balance our Ork jizz," Billy said.

"Now?" Randy asked.

"No. Wait for it," Master Bull said quietly and laughed.  

"Furthermore," Billy continued, "finding myself in a position of possibly having to make a firm decision affecting the lives of two of my slaves, I must point out some major flaws in reason which would make null and void any ideas Crunch might have about his role on Captain Nick's ship or his relationship with Joe. As I understand the facts, Joe has been the winner of their annual smack-down, `close-skillet,' or whatever you want to call it, multiple times in the past and his successes in winning have exceeded three to four times in a row. Am I correct in my understanding, Captain Nick?" Billy asked.

"You are correct, Master Billy, we kept records of every smack-down," Nick replied.

"Does anyone have any idea where Crunch came up with the idea if he wins three smack-downs in a row, Joe will be required to become his slave for life?" Billy asked.

"As I understand from the two young grooms who are apprenticing under Balthazar to care for the great Shedus, it is an Ork tradition Crunch is claiming by birthright to force Joe into complete submission. They suspect Crunch is becoming lazy and doesn't want to go through the effort of an all out battle every year, so he's made up these `three strike' rules thinking he can bluff his way into total control of Joe. He has become delusional enough to believe his claim of Ork traditions as passed down to him from his father, gives him that right," Jethro said.

"But Crunch was born to a human female. His father was an Ork and yet the father of his other half was a human; a human male. Crunch's chimera, his other half, would have a greater claim to societal customs and traditions than Crunch. However, Crunch has emerged as the dominant personality. He has broken and intimidated his human half almost into total submission. Now, he's trying to buffalo his way into an easy ride by claiming complete mastery over Joe. It sounds very much like a metaphor for our modern political situation in our country. Am I correct or is there more to this story we're missing?" Billy asked.

"So far, you're relying on secondary hearsay from our two grooms who are decidedly more taken with Joe than Crunch which would color their perspective. We don't know how much of their insights come from Crunch either. Perhaps we should hear Joe's side of the story before we make any decision, Master Billy," Captain Nick suggested.

"Agreed. Let everyone consider what we've discussed here today, and we will continue further discussions after Joe's exam, interview, and enhancements tomorrow, but I want everything wrapped up neatly by lock-down on Friday afternoon," Billy said firmly. Billy nodded his head. Every family member and cowboy pointed to Randy.

"Hosanna!" Randy exclaimed, raising his arm with his little fist clenched.

"Hosanna, in the highest!" Everyone responded and raised their arm with a closed fist.

"Well done, Boss-man Randy! Ain't never heard me no better `hosanna,'" Elmer exclaimed, hugged him, and stole a kiss.

The other cowboys complemented him on his 'hosanna' and Randy was a happy buckaroo.

* * * * * * *
It was early afternoon and Jack McCormick's cell phone played the theme from Chariots of Fire by Vangelis. "You got McCormick!" he answered.

"What chu' doing, Brother?" Bubba asked.

"Nothing. I'm paralyzed," Jack replied and laughed.

"Somebody might come along and take advantage of you like that," Bubba said concerned.

"As long as they kiss me first, they's welcome," Jack shot back and Bubba broke up.

"Why you paralyzed, Brother?" Bubba asked.

"I can't think a' nothing else but that damn Daniels' ranch and the coming weekend festivities. I ain't looked forward to nothing like 'at since I got tickets to a Grateful Dead concert in Austin when I's a kid. What chu' up to, Bubba?" Jack asked.

"Cleaned out the house this morning of almost all the old furniture. Me and ma' brothers done set it out down by the creek. It was gone in an hour," Bubba said.

"Watchers?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, they's funny. I know'd they's watching us as me and my fuzzy mates set the stuff out. I's gonna' throw kerosene on it and torch it, but they come to me and ask politely if they could have it. I told them sure, be my guest. I imagine, by now, it's in a cave or an old abandoned line cabin some'ers," Bubba said.

"Having six watchers to lend a hand must have made it much easier on you," Jack said.

"It shore' did. Some of that old furniture was heavy, too. Even ma' guards were huff'n and puff'n after hauling a couple of them pieces. I plan on pick'n `um up some special treats tomorrow. I's sit'n here wait'n on the delivery truck to bring my new bed. That's all I'm interested in for right now. I don't mind sleeping in the loft with my animal brothers, but I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep in my own bed," Bubba said.

"When you gotta' be over to the Daniels' place?" Jack asked.

"Tomorrow noon, for lunch, and a command performance; a calling together of Master Billy's flock of cowboy-angels for a large concentration of power to revitalize their blue giant for the smack-down," Bubba said.

"What? They's planing on rigging the outcome?" Jack asked.

"No. More like even'n the odds as I understand it. There may be more I don't know, but I'm only a Junior Bird Man. I do what I'm told until I get a little more experience," Bubba said.

"Damn, I'd love to see that," Jack said.

"Fuck! Come go wiff' me, Brother. Just drive over to my place. Hell their front gate ain't but ten minutes down the road. You's one of the Daniels' clan now anyway. Besides, you's ma' big brother, ain't chu?" Bubba asked.

"You know it, little Brother," Jack laughed at his oxymoron. Bubba was far from being little.

"What chu' doing this afternoon?" Bubba asked.

"Nothing. I told you I's paralyzed," Jack said and laughed.

"Drive on over here, and we can wait for my bed together. I loaded up on groceries yesterday. I can make us up some spaghetti and a salad for supper. Besides, I ain't been in them forbidden barns of my uncles other than the day Master Bull come over with his posse to give us a hand. I wanna' take a look around, and you done told me you wanted to be wiff' me when I do," Bubba said, "It 'ud be better'n sit'n on yore' thumb at home by yore'self," Bubba added and laughed.

"Good point, Buckaroo. My old thumb's get'n a mite sore. Should I wear my pith helmet, my Punjab khakis with my high-top safari boots, and bring along my elephant gun?" Jack asked.

"Whatever for?" Bubba asked in reply.

"Have you forgotten? Hunting the wild Aunt Helen?" Jack asked and laughed.

"You know what? With all what's been going on and a thousand other things I been think'n on, I done plumb forgot about her. Of course we'll hunt for Aunt Helen, but buckaroo clothes should be sufficient and an elephant gun might scare the crap out of her -- if she has any in her," Bubba replied and laughed.   

"Okay, gimme' a few minutes, and I'll drive over. The thought of going through them barns and exploring the unknown world of a genius like your uncle's, is just too damn tempting," Jack said, "See you in a few, Brother," Jack added and disconnected.

Bubba smiled at his protector and walked over to him. He gently took him into his arms and laid his head on Brute's big chest. The huge animal started purring and stroking Bubba. "He's good for you, Bubba," Brute said quietly.

"I agree. I hope we can develop a brotherly relationship; one what won't have strings attached; maybe bros, wiff' benefits," Bubba said grinned.

"I think you can. Jack is almost twenty years your senior, but it don't mean he wouldn't enjoy the closeness of a younger brother. I don't think he's looking for more. Besides, his dream is only a short time coming, but when it does, you have to encourage him to run with it," Brute said.

"Can you see the future?" Bubba asked.

"Bits and pieces. It's not certain, but it's similar to astronomers charting the path of two comets which could possibly collide with each other. In Jack's case there's a body headed his way what will rock his world. You got to be his little brother and encourage your big bro," Brute said.

"How will I know?" Bubba asked.

"Won't be no doubt in your mind, my sweet Bairn," Brute purred.

After the men disconnected, Bubba went to the kitchen and started getting out stuff to make a quick supper for him and Jack. He remembered the many times he made a simple supper for him and his Uncle Brad in the evenings. He knew his uncle wouldn't eat if he didn't fix something. Bubba would get everything ready, and go ring the bell at the door to his main barn. Brad Kirkendall would stop what he was doing, walk to the house with his nephew, and they would enjoy a meal together. Their routine started when Bubba was in grade school. He never asked his uncle. He just did it. Some of his meals were better than others, but Brad never once complained. Bubba wondered if Brad would have starved himself to death in those barns if it weren't for him. It was about the only time Bubba got to talk with his uncle, and they would find out what was going on in each other's world. Brad never told Bubba much about his world, but he was interested in what Bubba was doing, his school work, he athletics, and the local gossip around town.

Brute sat on a kitchen stool. Bubba got out six large Delicious apples and six Navel oranges, put them in a plastic bag, and handed them to Brute. "Take these to our brothers on the porch. There's an apple and an orange for everyone. Tell them it's just a sweet treat and a small token of thanks for their help today. Without them and you, I couldn't have done it. Tell them I'm very grateful, but I will also tell them myself in a bit," Bubba said and Brute left to share the fruit with his brothers.

It didn't take Jack but about thirty minutes to drive to the Kirkendall ranch. He pulled up into the compound and parked in front of the huge two story ranch house. It wasn't as big as the Daniels' house, but it was just as elegant and had a particular charm about it the Daniels' ranch house couldn't touch. It seemed to have a lot more attention paid to appearances with lots of extra gingerbread here and there to gussy it up a bit. It was classic late nineteenth century design. Sitting on the porch enjoying their fruit were Bubba's six watchers who greeted Jack. Jack greeted and acknowledged each one. "Master Bubba's in the kitchen, Master Jack," Brute said.

"Thank you, Brute," Jack said and walked into the house. The screen door was propped open to allow Bubba and his beasts easy access while carrying out the old furniture. Bubba didn't get around to closing it yet. Jack was impressed how bare the place was and how his footsteps seem to echo throughout the empty house. He noticed something large rolled up and covered with heavy brown wrapping paper and the ends and middle tied up in burlap bags with heavy sisal rope -- the kind you might see protecting precious freight on a cargo ship. Jack could even smell the pungent odor of the sisal. It reminded him of a storage house or a museum. He found Bubba in the kitchen washing lettuce with several other vegetables on the drain board to make a small salad. "I was told by the welcoming committee on the front porch I'd find you in the kitchen," Jack said quietly as he walked over and put his arms around Bubba's waist, hugged him, and kissed the back of his neck, "Why do I feel like I'm about to read another Maurice Sendak children's book when I drive up to your house, Bubba?" Jack asked rhetorically.

Bubba wiped his hands with a towel, turned in Jack's arms, and kissed him on his forehead, "`Cause it's Where The Wild Things Are?" Bubba asked, growled, and laughed.

"And here I find you in the Night Kitchen," Jack said.

"I didn't think about it, but to make your fantasy more authentic, I probably should have taken my clothes off first," Bubba allowed, and they shared a laugh, "God, I loved Sendak's books when I was a kid, and as big as I am, that little kid inside me still gets goose bumps when I read them today," Bubba allowed.

"Can I lend a hand?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, get a potato peeler out of that drawer and clean a couple of k'wutts," Bubba said like Elmer Fudd.

"K'wutts is for Wabbits," Jack said and giggled.

"Yeah, but they's good for us, too. Makes your eyes bright and shine with intelligence whether ya' got any or not," Bubba said and they laughed.

"Being the recognized genius he was, were you ever intimidated by your uncle's brilliance?" Jack asked.

Bubba almost had to stop what he was doing he was laughing so hard, "Uncle Brad? Brilliance? Intimidating? You used both them words in the same sentence about my uncle?" he asked and laughed some more, "My uncle was about the most down-to-Earth cowboy you'd ever meet. Well, you met him. You knew him. You done work for him over the years. He was the same to everybody. If you didn't happen to know he was highly intelligent there weren't no clues. Every morning he would pour his coffee in his saucer and blow it to cool it enough to drink. Now if that ain't cowboy enough for you, I'll kiss yore' ass," Bubba declared and laughed again.

"I agree with you about the idea. I do think he kept me away from what he was doing, so I wouldn't be intimidated by his brilliance. After going through some of his drawings and plans for projects, I have to say, I never knew the extent of his intelligence. I think he wanted me to love the basic man beneath the genius. The more I discover the more I'm convinced, I became his lifeline to the real world, and as he grew older and more apart from society, it was only through me he could visit the world of the common man. I should have come home from the service and took care of him, but I didn't. I didn't think on his needs. All I could think about was he just wanted to use me to get the ranch started up again. I was too busy running around sniff'n Earl Hickson's butt, for what little good it done me. I never got me a taste of that sweet thing. What a waste of time and money, but still ma' old heart twinges and my pecker drips a little ever' time I think on Earl. The ranch seemed really important to Uncle Brad, and I let him down. Even now, I feel his ghost directing me to get back into ranching for both our sakes. This time I won't let him down, Jack. I have to make a go of this ranch, but he provided me the means I don't have to live on a shoestring to do it. I decided I'm gonna' take Billy Daniels' offer to form a co-op with him and his family using his slaves. I'm guaranteed a steady income and a cut in the profits. All I gotta' do is be the Boss-man and see things run smoothly," Bubba said, "I'd be a fool not to," he added.

"I couldn't agree with you more. It's a sound offer, and I think's it's a wise decision on your part to participate. You're a different man than the kid what walked into my office a couple of weeks ago, Bubba," Jack said, "I'm a bit overwhelmed by your transition from a lost lamb to a young bull of the hill country, but I can't say it ain't attractive. It suits you well. Since your uncle said them words to you on that video, I done watched your world begin to unfold. It's good to see, Brother," Jack said sincerely, "I wouldn't beat myself up about what was done in the past, Bubba. I don't think Brad held anything against you. If he did, he wouldn't have provided for you like he done. By the way, what's that big rolled up thing on the floor of the living room?" Jack asked.

"Don't know. I think it's a carpet of some kind. I ain't had time to undo it. I wanted to get your opinion on the floors and what to do with them. All I know about it is a handwritten note in my uncle's handwriting up to the top what says, "She didn't like it," Bubba said and smiled, "They's six of 'em rolled up and stored in the attic. Even with the help of my beasties, we had a devil of a time wrestling that damn thing down three flights of stairs. It's a heavy mother!" Bubba exclaimed, "They's another the same size in my bedroom," he added.

They finished making a nice small salad they would share. Bubba covered it and placed it in the fridge to chill for later. They walked out into the hallway together. "All right! I want to see your wings, little Brother?" Jack demanded.

Bubba grinned as he took off his shirt and handed it to Jack. "Back in a flash!" Bubba exclaimed, disappeared, and reappeared in a flash of light, fully fledged in his resplendent gold wings. He raised them just a bit for Jack to get the full effect.

"Holy crap!" Jack said in awe, "My God, they're beautiful, Brother. You weren't kidding me none. They's ever' bit as handsome as Master Billy's wings. If you weren't so damn big, folks would think you's brothers. Well, Hell, I guess you are brothers under the wings," Jack allowed.

Suddenly, Bubba raised his wings to better show them off to his friend. They began to gather energy from the universe, and he began to glow with brilliance. Bubba was like a huge angelic capacitor storing up energy with nowhere to release it. Billy didn't tell him what to do with his charge or the overflow which started falling from his wings in great globs of light and energy dropping onto the wood floor. Fortunately, it didn't start a fire; however, it would clean the floor down to the raw wood but not mar the surface. Brute saw the light display and came to the front door out of curiosity. Bubba looked at him with horror in his eyes, and Brute knew his master was in over his head; Bubba didn't know what to do.

"Direct the flow into Master Jack, Bubba!" Brute yelled.

Bubba move a few feet toward Jack and placed his wings over and around him. His charge immediately started to pour into Jack's body. Poor Jack's body went rigid with his fist clenched to his sides, then threw back his head, and Bubba could see the most serene smile on his face. If Jack wasn't in pain Bubba figured he was enjoying what was happening. Bubba began to think healing thoughts and every now and then a nasty one would cross his mind as his collected energy was flowing steadily into Jack. The middle aged man began to look younger to Bubba, and he could smell Jack's male sexual pheromones increasing in strength until it began to cause both men to become erect. Bubba put his arms around Jack and pulled him close. That's all Jack's body needed, he spasmed three time, and went limp in Bubba's arms. He passed out. Bubba lowered his wings, and the connection was broken. `Why didn't he think of that simple movement to break the flow?' he thought. He panicked, froze, and didn't know what to do.

"Kiss him, Bairn, and you will take back only enough from him to make Jack awake," Brute said.

Bubba gently placed his lips on Jack's and felt another jolt in his body like a spark on a battery terminal. Jack took in a deep breath of air through his nares, but never broke Bubba's kiss. He woke up firmly wrapped in his little brother's massive arms, engaged in a kiss that was like no other he ever experienced, and felt like a young boy sharing a forbidden, but wonderful secret stolen moment with his brother. Bubba felt Jack's entire body relax, melt into him, and their souls conjoined. They lingered in their kiss for a while, until Bubba gently broke it off, and kissed Jack on his forehead. "What happened, Bubba?" Jack asked in a whisper.

"I ain't got me no clue, big Brother, but you ain't gonna' believe how good you look. How do you feel?" Bubba asked.

"Like I's twenty years younger, and I just come in my wranglers," he said, "I remember dreaming about having the greatest damn orgasm of my life in your arms, Bubba," he added.

"I don't think it was a dream, Brother," Bubba said, "How does it feel down south of the border" he asked.

"Damp, like I wet my nickers," Jack replied.

"I better get you some paper towels," Bubba said breaking their embrace and headed back to the kitchen, "Go look at chore'self in that mirror over there," he urged Jack.

When Jack moved he could feel his gizz running down his leg, but continued on. He stood before the large antique mirror in the hallway which was used for checking oneself before leaving the house. He was stunned by the younger man looking back at him. Bubba was right. He looked twenty years younger, and he felt every day of it. He smiled and saw a perfect set of teeth. Jack agonized over his teeth for years. He practiced good oral hygiene but kept the local dentist in business year after year. Bubba returned with a roll of paper towels and held them as Jack undid his Wranglers and lowered them to his boot tops. He cleaned himself and Bubba handed him a warm, damp, dishtowel to finish. They giggled like two young school boys who just discovered what their penis was for other than pissing.

"You think the change is permanent, Bubba?" Jack asked.

"I'd bet my best pair a' boots on it, big Brother," Bubba replied.

"Did you plan to do this for me?" Jack asked.

"I swear to you, Jack, I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. We's just lucky I didn't kill ya.' I weren't kidding none when I told you I's a junior bird-man. Other than de-winging and transporting from place to place, I ain't got me no clue what I's doing. I ain't doing nothing like `at again 'afore I get an operations manual or take a class in `Wings 101.' I better retire these damn things `afore I hurt somebody and do some permanent damage," Bubba said, disappeared, and returned in a flash without his wings.

"Amazing!" exclaimed Jack, "I don't know if I'll ever get used to that," he said and grinned.

"Ahh! Just think on me as your crazy little brother what grew a pair of wings," Bubba said.

"Everyone should have a crazy little brother like you, Bubba. I think now I know what all them `hosannas' is about around the Daniels' ranch," Jack allowed.

Bubba wadded up a handful of paper towels and handed them to Jack, "Here, stuff these down yore' pants until they dry," Bubba said, "I used to do it all the time when I's around Earl a lot. I'd come in my Wranglers ever' damn day watching that little butt of his. I don't no more. I got me a bigger, better butt in mind now," Bubba declared.

"Orville Higginbothem?" Jack asked.

"E'aup, I sort of adopted him as my pa, and he come to think on me as his boy. I know it sounds crazy, Jack, but it just happened between us. Master Billy done approved it, and I got full control over Orville. I will have until his first fuck'n. He asked me to be his first, and I promised I would make him my first. We's planning on losing part of our virginity together. I got a bet wiff' Master Billy, I can make Orville come just by fuck'n him. You's invited to attend if you like. They's gonna' be a passel of cowboys there for old Orville's grand opening," Bubba said like it was nothing; another show at the Daniels' ranch.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, little Brother. My little brother's grow'n up. He'll be get'n his first piece of ass right directly," Jack said like an admiring older brother, only now, he didn't look much older than Bubba.

"I think what happened between us was planned. Somebody wanted you shinning like a new penny or as that Brit cross-dressing comic Eddie Izzard might say, tarted up a bit," Bubba said.

"What are you talking about, Bubba?" Jack asked.

"You's about to meet mister right, big Brother, the cowboy of your dreams, and it's all part of a plan to make you irresistible to him. Like in one a them Saturday morning cartoons, he'll take one look at you, his jaw will hit the floor wiff' a big thud, his red drool'n tongue will roll out his mouth like the carpet to one a' them Hollywood back-slap'n awards, his eyes will bug two feet out of his eye-sockets, and you will see his old heart trying to leap out of his chest just a beat'n ninety-to-nothing," Bubba allowed.

"That's bullshit, and you know it! You's making this shit up! You's blow'n smoke up my butt, Cowboy," Jack accused.

"Naw, I ain't! You afraid to make a wager?" Bubba asked.

"Time frame?" Jack asked.

"Two weeks -- max!" Bubba replied.

"Bet?" Jack asked.

"A blow-job?" Bubba asked in reply.

"Oh, Hell no! I'd suck ma' little brother off without the bet," Jack shot back, and they fell together laughing.

"I can't think a' nothing," Bubba said.

"How `bout if I lose, I'll personally supervise a complete remodeling of the interior of your house using Master Billy's slaves for labor, but you foot the bill for supplies. If you lose, you gotta' fix me a gourmet supper every Friday night for three months?" Jack asked.

"Done and done! Shake on it!" Bubba said and spit in the palm of his hand. Jack spit in the palm of his right hand and they shook. Bubba handed him another towel to dry his hand.

Bubba discovered his watchers loved slave chow and the nutrient biscuits slave owners fed their slaves most of the time. He bought several sacks and would feed his watcher guards twice a day. They seemed to thrive on it. He even had them carry a couple of sacks of each to the wild watchers and daddy long-legs living in the limestone caverns around his and the Daniels' ranch. He bought several huge sacks of horse carrots for his watchers to eat as treats and a couple extra for his new buddies, the head guard bulls, Thor and Zeus, at the Daniels' ranch. He appointed his personal watcher, Brute, as his Number One Captain and disperser.

"Number One, feed them handsome beasts early this evening and give `um two cups of slave chow, two biscuits, and a handful of them carrots for their help today. I told my number one to thank you for me, but I want you to hear the words from my mouth how much I appreciate your help," Bubba said, and they told him he was welcome. Then, everyone of them disappeared in an instant. "What the -- !" Bubba exclaimed.

"They saw the delivery truck coming down the road, Bubba," Jack said and pointed over his shoulder.

"Quick think'n, Guys! Good on you," Bubba said knowing they were there listening.    

 The delivery truck pulled up in front of the house and two enormous cowboys got out. "One a' you men Echeb Kirkendall?" the biggest one asked with a Texas drawl the size of the Rio Grande.

"Echeb?" Jack asked looking at Bubba and grinned.

"Hesh-up, big Bro!" Bubba demanded and giggled. "Naw, but I's Bubba Kirkendall, Echeb's big brother," Bubba said and grinned.

"Don't care for your first name, huh, Bubba?" the biggest one asked and grinned real big, "I go by `Hoss' myself, cause my first name's Percival, and I ain't about to be called `Percy.' It would a been an instant death sentence for a kid where I come from," he said and laughed.

"Glad to meet a man what understands, Hoss," Bubba said and shook the big man's hand. The four men shared a laugh.

"Where you want chore' bed, Mr. Kirkendall?" Hoss asked.

"Come, I'll show you," Bubba replied and led the two men to a downstairs bedroom which was completely bear except for another bound up carpet Bubba and his watchers got down from the attic. "Rye-cheer, in this bedroom will be fine, sir," Bubba said.

The men quickly unloaded the bed, took off the store wrappings, and set it up. They also brought in Bubba's bedroom furniture he bought and set it up. They were finished for that load. "You got four more loads coming. I was told to ask when you wanted them and how soon?" Hoss asked.

"One delivery a week, any time Tuesday through Thursday. I won't be home or available Mondays or Fridays," Bubba replied.

"You're easy to work with, Mr. Kirkendall. We'll give you a call the day before we deliver and try to be here as early in the day as we can, so's you can have the rest of the day to go about chore' business. Sorry we's a mite late today, but now we know how to get here, we'll be more prompt the next delivery, I promise," Hoss allowed, and turned to look into Jack's eyes, "And who might this handsome young cowboy be, Mr. Kirkendall, a relative of yorn?" he asked.

"We ain't blood, but we's bonded buckaroo brothers. This gentleman is my attorney, Mr. Jack McCormick," Bubba introduced them. Hoss stuck out his huge ham of a hand and clasped his other around the back of Jack's hand to shake. "I'm L. P. `Hoss' Dewberry, Mr. McCormick. Damn good to meet chu,' sir," he said sincerely, "H'it ain't often I git to meet me such a fine look'n buckaroo, sir," he added.

"Call me Jack, Mr. Dewberry," Jack replied and blushed like a school boy.

"I'm just `Hoss' to you and Mr. Kirkendall, sir," Hoss said, "Here's ma' card, Jack, if I can ever be of any service to you, call me day or night, sir," he said handing Jack his card. Jack thanked him and put the card in the pocket of his Western shirt. The men said their farewells and started to leave when Hoss turned to Bubba. "What were them huge men we saw on your porch what seemed to vanish into thin air as we's come'n down the road, sir?" he asked.

"Watchers what's been around our ranch since as long as I can remember. I grow'd up wiff' `um. Me and my uncle, who died recently, feed `um and help `um when we can. Six of `um live here on the ranch wiff' me and protect the place when I'm gone," Bubba said honestly.

"You mean like Bigfoot?" Hoss asked.

"Yes, sir, some folks call `um that," Bubba replied.

"I'd almost give my left nut to see me one up close and personal. I done had me dreams when I's a kid about them, and I seen a couple ma'self once't," he said.

"You believe in the cowboy way, Hoss?" Bubba asked.

"Damn right I do, Mr. Kirkendall! I's raised a cowboy, sir. So's my partner, Doug, here, he's my cousin, and we both believe in the cowboy way," he said.

"Then you know when another cowboy deems you worthy to share something special with you, you got enough horse sense to keep your damn mouth shut about it?" Bubba asked.

"Absolutely, Mr. Kirkendall. Cowboy's word of honor, sir. You Doug?" Hoss asked his cousin.

"I swear on my daddy's grave, Mr. Kirkendall," Doug replied.

"Brute! Show yourself for these good men! They's okay," Bubba ordered and Brute materialized between Bubba and Jack. He threw one big arm over Jack's shoulder, one over Bubba's, pulled them to him, and stole a kiss from each.

"Son-of-a-bitch! Well, I'll be Goddamned if h'it ain't a Bigfoot, and a fine look'n one at that," Hoss said. His partner's face went white and looked like he was ready to take a big dump. "Thank you, Mr. Kirkenball, It's been a real pleasure, sir. Thanks for sharing both your friends with us. We'll be on our way, sir. Ya'll have a good day, now, ya' hear!" he exclaimed as Hoss climbed up into the big truck and started the engine. Jack, Brute, and Bubba watched as they drove off toward the blacktop and out of sight.

Bubba looked at Jack with a big shit-eat'n grin on his face. "Did you watch that introduction, my sweet beast?" Bubba asked Brute.

"I did, Master Bubba, and the big man responded positively to Master Jack's pheromones," Brute said.

"All right, you two, that's enough," Jack said and blushed again.

"What room you gonna' start on first, big Brother?" Bubba asked and fell out laughing.

"Fuuuck!" exclaimed Jack in frustration, "I never wanted to lose a bet so bad in my life!" he said. Bubba and Brute were holding each other laughing. "He was everything I ever dreamed about in one huge cowboy package," Jack declared, "Instant hard on, except I was so spent from our close encounter, I couldn't even raise a flag of surrender," Jack lamented.

"Hoss didn't seem to have no problem. His old pony was dripping in his Wranglers," Bubba declared, and the three shared another laugh. "C'moan, you two, let's us head on out to the dark jungles of my uncle's lair and hunt us some wild Aunt Helen," Bubba said.

* * * * * * *
It was warm and the family decided to have supper outside. There were so many folks joined them for the afternoon there were too many for either the kitchen or the dinning room. Nobody cared. Outside was fine with them. It had a picnic festive feeling about it, and Ramrod Randy and his man were in great spirits. Randy and his popularity with the family was beginning to rub off on Rand and he was coming out of his self-imposed shell. Everyone could tell Randy adored Rand and the fire-plug of a cowboy was finding himself being caught up in the young boy's charm.

"You said anything to yore' boy, Master Bull?" Billy asked across the table.

"Not yet. I's gonna' wait `til after supper," Elmer replied.

"About what, Granddad?" Oatie asked.

"Master Billy urged me to ask Pete out for the weekend and bring him with us tomorrow noon. I done told him I wouldn't consider it until I talked wiff' you," Elmer replied.

"If you men think he's ready for it, who am I to say `no'? I don't hold no grudge against Pete. I'm light-years away from worrying about what he might think. I could care less. I don't mean it the way it sounds. I still care about Pete, but since we foreclosed on his ranch, he don't seem to care about us no more. I didn't do it to hurt Pete. I done it to cut Janice's water off. Pete got hurt in the backwash, but I still think we done the right thing," Oatie said and grabbed Jethro's hand and held it in his lap.

"Part of it was my fault, Son. I pushed you to do it without giving Pete a grace period like you wanted. After it was done, the smoke cleared, he come to me seeking forgiveness and asking for help, but I turned him away. Don't chu' think he deserves another chance?" Elmer asked.

"I think Pete's been working hard to change his image. He's cleaned up his act, stopped drinking, and hanging out with them low-life types. He's held the same job now for over four years. I talked with him several times this last year, and he's always been polite and considerate. Seems to me like most of the folks sit'n around this table have been given second chances. I don't see why Pete should be any different. What he does with it, is his to deal with. I can't says I wouldn't be pleased if he done a turn-around and began to see things in a different light. I won't be cold or cruel to him, but I won't call him my dad. If he proves to me one day he's really changed, I might reconsider, but for the time being, I got me enough dads and bulls to keep me content and happy for a good while," Oatie replied, "However, I have to say, bringing him here, with or without an explanation, is going to be a Baptism by fire," Oatie added and grinned.

"I agree, it will be that, Son. I don't plan to explain a thing. I'll just tell him he's get'n a second chance, and it's up to him what he does with it. Fish or cut bait. Sink or swim is the way I plan to put it to him," Elmer said.

"Sounds good to me, Master Bull," Oatie said, "Hosanna, in the highest," he added.

"Hear! Hear!" said Nathan, Tron, and several of the other cowboys.

"How do you know when to say 'hosanna' or 'hear' 'hear,' Master Bull?" Randy asked Elmer.   

"You'll get the hang of it, Cowboy. You's trying too hard. Relax, forget about it, and I promise, it will come to you," Elmer gently encouraged the young cowboy.

After supper Elmer took out his cell phone and punched Pete's number. "Hey, Son, this is your old man calling," he said.

End of Chapter 44 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2013 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved~
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com
WC = 15700

Next: Chapter 45

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