Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Mar 14, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 05

Him Who Made The Seven Stars

By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 5

Skip, skip, skip to my loo; flies in the buttermilk, shoo, fly, shoo; off to Texas two by two; skip to my loo, my darlin.’ ~ Scottish Patter Dance

“Archie and Edit ain’t got but a few personal possessions, Bossman," Hank said and watched Billy’s reaction closely. His young master’s grin and nod told him what he wanted to know. For his new slave to use the cognomen ‘Bossman’ was fine with Billy. “Come to think on it, we ain’t got us a lot of stuff, neither,” Hank continued, “During our sixtieth year on Retikki Prime, we cleaned house, and if’n we ain’t used something in a year, it went to the recycle shops. Cowboys don’t need much more’n a steady job, the tools of his trade, a good pony, a fine pair of boots, a two-dollar gee-tar, a chunk a’ cow slow cooked over mesquite, and a pot a’ beans,” Hank waxed poetic.

“Well, pod’na, would a pot a’ homemade deer chili and beans do until we can get them other things for you?” Billy asked.

“That would be a little taste of heaven, Son. Buck and me searched ever’ market we could find within a reasonable distance, but we ain’t never found nothing on this planet what resembled chilies. They’s some hot foods, but h’it jes’ ain’t the same. Chili would be wonderful,” Hank allowed.

“Tell me, Hank, what do you miss most about Texas?” Billy asked.

Hank didn’t bother to think about it, “‘At’s easy,” he said, “Buck and me, we done talked about the seben B’s so many times them words is like holy-writ burn’t across our skulls: Bluebonnets, blackeyed peas’n okra, barbecued brisket, and Blue Bell ice cream,” he said like a preacher explaining scripture with a bible in his hand.

Billy roared with laughter and nodded his head in understanding, “They still make Blue Bell ice cream, and them others is just a basic part of Texas. Me, my Uncle Nate, and Grandma Kate can go through a half gallon of Blue Bell vanilla bean on a hot summer’s afternoon, and anywhere they’s a cowboy, and you smell mesquite burn’n, you can bet chore’ boots they’s brisket close by,” Billy said, and they shared a laugh.

More high members of the government on Retikki Prime came for breakfast in the garden of the palace. Billy and his family were the center of attention and several men and women of great wealth brought gifts of financial aid for the young family. Several of the more austere of the huge male watchers surrounded Hank and Buck to give them substantial sums of credits as rewards for their work over the years. The old cowboys were reduced to tears a couple of times at their client’s generosity. The eldest, most important looking one spoke quietly to them, “We certainly wish you men the very best, but if things don’t go well, and you have no other option, you are welcome to return to Retikki Prime. There will always be a place for you here,” he said sincerely.  

Billy was beginning to understand how much his family meant to the denizens of the large planet. They wanted to know when they would be returning for a visit. Billy looked to his watcher uncles by bond for an answer.

“We expect a visit and update from our nephew’s cowboy master and a couple of his staff on a regular basis. Probably once a month their time, which would equate to approximately six months our time.” Uncle Albrecht said. “Your gracious and generous gifts will be held in accounts for them here, which will be made available to them when they return. Their master will be given equal allotments in gold which is a much more precious metal on their planet than ours; so your gifts will actually be tripled or in a some cases, depending on the fluctuation of the gold market on Earth, quadrupled or more,” he added, “From our projections, they will be taking back with them more than enough funds to establish a strong base of operation to work together comfortably, gather more trustworthy people among them, and grow,” he explained.  

Breakfast only took about an hour to complete, but there were lingering guest who had one last question or concern to speak to. Billy was gracious to a fault, but he could tell some of his family were chomping at the bit to get away and get things done to make their trip through the gate as easy as possible. Billy dispatched Hank and Buck to help Archie and Edith collect their things, and sent the twins along to help.

Four enormous anti-gravity bins were brought out for them to transport their belongings and a fifth, smaller platform for gold and important documents for Master Billy. It didn’t matter how heavily they packed them or the total combined weight of the gold they were taking back, the anti-grav platforms could be pushed by one finger even by the smallest of their team, the winged primates. They contained a self-adjusting breaking system that wouldn’t allow a heavily loaded platform to get out of hand or crash into anything.

There were several meetings with Gregor, Albrecht, and a couple of their staff on what to set up first, and how to get their operations functional. Billy was glad Boomer was by his side. Watchers never forget a thing, and Boomer became his Master’s de facto recording secretary and memory elephant. Their night of bonding seemed to close any gaps, expunge any doubts, and buried any fears either of them may have harbored concerning their relationship and love for each other. They were a united team and began to think as one.  

Billy was amazed by the resistance inroads the watchers already established on Earth by sympathetic humans who became disgusted with the current right wing theocratic dictatorship. Some were enlisted by others, or were previously established people rescued from the grays or greens, as the reptiles became known, who found themselves on the parasites menu for consumption. A life saving incident, plus generous funds to reestablish someone, went a long way to promote trust, strong bonds of friendship, and loyalty among the disgruntled natives.

There was a feeling of dread and foreboding over the populace, and many came to believe anything had to be better than the soul draining demands of living in an Orwellian theocratic corptocracy. Dealing with benevolent aliens was not only a more lucratively rewarding venture, but it was considered safer than any established underground resistance which could more easily be infiltrated and compromised by the right wing hounds of hell. While ruthlessly rigid, the uber-conservative fascist were sometimes not the brightest pennies in the jar. Most made Colonel Klink seem like Einstein, and it’s difficult tracking down those conspiring against you when you’re wearing an oxygen re-breather and depend on an electric go-cart for transportation. Alas, Sinclair Lewis’ comment was a bit too charitable. When fascism came to America, it was riding a mobility scooter, wrapped in excess body fat, and carrying a misspelled sign.

Billy needed Earth type transportation right away, and was told he would have a couple of trucks, a van, tractors, and various ranch vehicles delivered to his uncle’s ranch within days of their return, no questions asked. They were already paid for and written off on other accounts to avoid any notice by local governments. They told Billy, if he was concerned about the safety of his gold and other securities, he could keep them on board Nick’s ship, and they would be safer than they ever might be in Ft. Knox. In fact, the gold which was in Ft. Knox was legally stolen (not an oxymoron) from the American public many years before by the international banking elite. All that was left in Ft. Knox was a hastily scribbled note: Thanks for the gift, suckers! Signed: The Corporate Elite.

Billy and Boomer sat in meetings most of the morning with Uncle Gregor and Albrecht and several of their staff. The underlings said little, but would speak when referred to by one of their leaders. They explained how they would install robo-cams to keep watch over Billy and his family around the clock. All their actions would be recorded by an evolved central intelligence. The high council would be notified immediately if they were in trouble, and they could be instantly removed from a dangerous situation. They also boasted several other unique functions Boomer’s uncles didn’t go into, but told them Archie and Edith would fill them in.

“Why are you going to all this trouble, Uncle Gregor?” Billy asked.

“We were going to share that with you today, but we’ve been asked to wait. You see, Son, there are even higher intelligences in the universe than ourselves, but we don’t really know how high up the chain it goes. In other words, for all our knowledge and technological superiority to your world, there is always another, much more advanced race of beings than us. We are rarely contacted by such, because either they don’t deem us worthy, they have a prime directive any contact might unduly interfere with another species’ development, or they’re just not interested; however, that changed with your visit, and we have been contacted. They are known as the ‘Irin.’ We know very little about them.

“Albrecht and I were visited early last evening by an artificially created intelligence similar to Nick; a being of great beauty and light with the most beautiful wings. He called himself, Clyde, and said he was a messenger from the Irin. He told us his supreme leader would like to have an audience with you and your number one this afternoon to let you know what’s at stake, and why you’ve been chosen for this job. Strange, all this time, we thought it was our idea. He consoled us by assuring us, while it most certainly was our idea, they had a few suggestions which you might like to consider. Following your visit, Clyde promised they would establish diplomatic relations with us to further discuss our mutual involvement.

“Clyde said he’d return the first hour after mid-day to gather you and Boomer, and for however long your visit, you will be returned to us within a few hours. While we’ve been aware of them for centuries, and they’ve indirectly helped us a couple of times, we’ve never been asked to visit them, let alone establish a dialog,” Gregor said, “We know of their powers and capabilities, and it would be impolitic of us to refuse them. Better to stay on the good side of a more powerful group than yourself, especially if they appear friendly and benign. It's always nice to have a more powerful ally; a big brother looking out for you. Clyde stressed they were as concerned about the success of your endeavor as we are, and have several gifts to offer, but only if you choose to accept them,” Gregor said.

“Well, I get the gut feeling if they’re standoffish to you folks, they won’t be as accessible to us as you will be in case we need answers. Beside, Boomer and me, we got pull with the top brass here, ‘cause we’s family by bond,” Billy said and grinned. Gregor nodded his head and laughed. “I guess another ally with a few more tricks up their sleeves, and a little side trip ain’t gonna’ hurt us none; but, when we return, will you go over with us what you expect in regard to what they tell us?” Billy asked.

“Of course, Son, but we can’t project what they will tell you. We’ll have to wait and see,” Albrecht said.

The cowboys returned with Archie and Edith and the twins shortly before mid-day. Hank was right, the winged primates didn’t have many personal possessions, and it took them little time to transfer their belongings to the anti-grav bins going through the gates. They were offered food and drink in the garden, but they declined to get other things done. Hank, Buck, and the twins wanted everything to be ready to go by evening; however, when they heard the news their master and his number one would be going on a side trip, they wanted to be there to see them off.

At the exact minute of the first hour past mid-day, the messenger Clyde appeared in the garden in a radiant light. Billy thought to himself he looked like a man named ‘Clyde’ should look. Billy remembered pictures of angels from some of his grandma's religious books, who were suppose to be God’s messengers, but they were long haired, pasty white, ephemeral, dress wearing, nancy-boy-looking critters. Not Clyde. He reminded Billy of a sturdy, studly, handsome Clydesdale horse ripped to the tits with massive upper muscular development to rival his own angel back on Earth.

Clyde’s neck was thicker than Billy’s thighs. He even had a mat of dark brown hair on his massive bare chest and a treasure trail which ran down past his navel. He wore Wranglers held up by a wide Western belt and what looked like an authentic rodeo belt buckle. He even had on a pair of bat wing chaps and spurs on his handsome buckaroo boots. Billy and the cowboys looked at each other, their mouths dropped open, and they damn near shit in unison -- but settled for an a capella fart.

“Why, thank you, Master Billy. That was a most flattering thought,” Clyde spoke in a deep bass voice with a decidedly Western accent, “I’m quite fond of Clydesdale horses, and we got us a good size family on my home world. I have the good fortune to attend them from time to time. As for the other thought what crossed your mind a few minutes ago, about why you couldn’t take the rest of your family with you? You may if you choose; however, not unlike Cinderella’s godmother, I see you men ain’t ready for the ball, but I can take care of that pert-damn quick,” Clyde said, waved his hand, and sprinkled what looked like stardust over Billy and his family.

As it settled on them, Clyde spoke words in rhythm like a square dance caller, “Aunt Pitty-pat’s giblets, how’s by you, allemande left, and Kalamazoo!” he said and grinned. Suddenly, the men found themselves dressed in full cowboy drag from hat, chaps, spurs, and boots, with big bandannas loosely tied around their necks. The messenger didn’t clothe Boomer or Archie and Edith, but he did provide Boomer with a large, loose fitting pair of canvas coverings for his big feet and lower legs.

Billy took one look at the twins dressed like two young buckaroos, and sucked in air over his teeth. “Shit! I’m a doomed man!” he exclaimed, as he exhaled and rolled his eyes, “Fuck me in the butt, ma' heart jes’ turned to warm jello, and run down into ma’ boots. I just knew it. They’s fuck’n adorable!” he exclaimed in classic cowboy hyperbole as everyone laughed at him. Everyone else was thinking the same thing. The twins ran to their master’s waiting arms, and Billy gave them each a big hug and a kiss. “All I can say is, you men better learn Texas-speak pert-damn quick,” Billy growled joking with them, and everybody laughed.

Hank and Buck were stunned. They never felt so complete in sixty-two years. They got big grins on their faces and tears begin to run down their cheeks. Billy hugged and kissed each of them. “Look’n good, buckaroos! You made ma’ old stallion stand up and take notice,” Billy complimented and encouraged them.

“Now you men are ready for the ball; which just happens to be a cowboy cook out under the stars of another galaxy three-point-five million light years away as the crow flies. Come, fly with me!” Clyde invited, “Archie and Edith, take my hands, and the rest of you men gather ‘round. All aboard Angel Flight number forty-two for the planet Fort Adam Lear, Andromeda galaxy, and connecting solar systems,” Clyde said. Archie and Edith each took one of the big messenger’s hands. The rest of the family gathered around him. Billy took Boomer’s big paw into his smaller hand, looked up, and stood on tiptoe to give his number one a kiss for good luck. There was a huge flash of light and they vanished.

There were a few minutes of complete silence in the garden. The two giant watchers turned and smiled at each other. “Our cowboy seems to garner the attention and interest of a number of intelligent life forms,” Albrecht said to his mate.

“For all our pride in our advancements compared to the majority of species in several galaxies, it’s a humbling experience, brother, to say the least,” Gregor replied.

“I agree, brother, and speaking of humility, don’t you think it’s time we done away with the Knights what say ‘Nee’ routine?” Gregor asked his mate fondly recalling their cowboy nephew’s speech patterns.

“Indeed, it didn’t have much effect on our cowboy, did it?” Albrecht asked in reply.

“No, and I’m glad for it. Besides, I certainly think we’re big enough to be sufficiently imposing as we are without them hoods and other props,” Gregor allowed.

“You make a good point, brother. Shall we bring it up at the next high council meeting?” Albrecht asked.

“Good idea,” Gregor replied.

“I have a feeling they won’t be back for a while. Shall we take the afternoon off and view our copy of the video our nephews made last night?” Albrecht asked with a wicked grin.

“You know what will happen, my pet?” Gregor asked his mate.

“I’m pray’n to some unknown god, it just might, my strong and ready warrior,” Albrecht replied.

“Ah, our chance to create another star somewhere out there in the vast expanse of space. You know we’ve been remiss in our star making duties, my love,” Gregor mused, “Is the star-bell still by our bed?” he asked his mate.

“It is,” Albrecht replied, “shall we make it ring?” he asked and grinned.

“Twice-- or more, if you like. I hear they could use a few more stars in the Rose nebula, and you know how fond I am of tight little rose buds,” Gregor replied with a bigger grin.

* * * * * * *
In an instant, Billy and his family found themselves on another world where the landscape looked like the rolling hills of Southwest Texas. It was night, but you could see everything by the light of the huge moon overhead. Billy looked up and thought it strange. It looked like the moon orbiting Earth.

“You’re right, Master Billy,” Clyde responded to Billy’s thought, “this planet and its moon is a recreation of Earth and its satellite, and this area is a perfect copy of Southwest Texas, but it’s a unique planet unto itself with its own name. Welcome to Fort Adam Lear, gentlefolks, named in homage of a fictional planet another famous ‘Billy’ once visited. Them rolling blue hills you see yonder is covered with Bluebonnets, and them cattle, horses, and the campfire you see down there in the valley, that’s where our ramrod and his men are waiting for us. Come, walk with me. Archie and Edith can fly so’s they don’t get no stickers or cactus thorns in their little feet. You men ready?” he asked.

“Lead the way, sir,” Billy motioned with his hand. “Archie -- Edith -- if’n you get tired, either Boomer or I can carry you part of the way,” Billy said concerned.

“We’ll be fine, Master Billy, but thanks for thinking of us,” Archie replied.

“If they tire, I can fly them the rest of the way, Master Billy,” Clyde offered.

“Thanks, sir. We appreciate that,” Billy said.

“Damnation!” Hank exclaimed, “I could swear I got me a whiff of mesquite burn’n some’ers.”

“Y’ain’t alone, pod’na, I smells it, too,” Buck agreed.

The men set out toward the inviting campfire, accompanied by the music of their spurs, the soft sounds of a guitar, and a French harp playing in the distance. Billy recognized the tune: Red River Valley.

When they arrived, there were half a dozen cowboys sitting on logs and tree stumps around a roaring fire. There was a cook wearing an apron and his two assistants busy working to prepare an evening meal. Billy could tell who the ramrod or foreman was. He looked just like a mature Tom Selleck, exactly like he looked in the movie “Quigley Down Under” complete with blue boilerplate Western shirt and red bandanna. The big man stood and offered his hand to Billy.

“Howdy, Master Daniels. Name’s Matthew Quigley, but you can call me, Matt, Son,” he said.  

“Yes, sir, Mr. Quigley -- Matt, I’s Billy Daniels -- jes’ Billy, sir,” Billy replied as he shook the man’s hand, “You shore’ 'nuff look like a famous movie star on the planet I come from,” Billy said.

“Mr. Tom Selleck? Yeah, I patterned myself after him, but his character Matt Quigley in particular. Since we enjoyed watch’n you lope yore’ old mule while you’s watching his movie we thought you might enjoy meet’n a copy of Mr. Quigley,” he said with a grin.

“I won’t gainsay that, Mr. Quigley -- er, Matt,” Billy said, blushed, put the back of his hand to cover his mouth, and laughed, “Allow me to introduce my family, sir. This here handsome beast next to me is my watcher and protector. He’s been my protector since I’s born. His uncles recently give him to me to be my first slave and companion. His name is Boomer, and as of last night, he’s ma’ bonded mate. We done made the beast with two backs -- a couple a’ times, and he’s carrying my son as a proto-embryo inside him. We’s gonna’ take him back to Earth with us, and Boomer’s gonna’ plant him in one a’ my favorite heifers.

“These two mature, handsome buckaroo’s are my slaves, Hank Renfrow and Buck Appleby. They’s real honest-to-goodness cowboys what was abducted from Earth by some bad aliens in the nineteen-sebendies. They were rescued by the watchers, and been living on their planet for the past sixty-two Earth years. They’s still young looking to be in their eighties, and they’s just as full of piss and vinegar as they was sixty years ago. I knew right away I wanted ‘em for my family, and couldn’t leave ‘em behind.

“These, here, two buckroos are my other two slaves. They ain’t young’uns, Matt. They be full grown cowboys jes’ like they is. They be twins, sir, and I jes’ recently give ‘em new names of Castor and Pollux with a middle name of Geminorum, but I’s think’n on jes’ calling ‘em Cass and Poly. After all, Polydeuces was Pollux’s full name in Greek. I also give 'em my last name. We don’t know their species.

“Last, but certainly not least, my last two slaves, Archie and his lovely mate, Edith. We don’t know their species, neither, but I been think’n on ‘em a lot and remember studying about butterflies on the Internet. While I know they ain’t insects, I was struck by the ancient Greek name for butterflies as ‘Psyches.’ Edith and Archie, they been good friends and bonded with ma’ other four slaves. It only seemed natural, somehow, I should accept them as part of my family, too, sir, and they seem to round out our family right nice-like,” Billy said, then added, “I think their beautiful wings brings a touch of class to us rather ordinary buckaroos and one large long-leggedy beastie,” Billy said and grinned.

“Ain’t a damn thing ordinary about you folks. I’d say you got chore’self a right-nice, fine looking family, Billy Daniels, and from what we seen and heard, a talented group,” Matt said. “Welcome to you all. Won’t you good folks join us? Find yore’self a log or a stump to sit on. We got some entertainment for you and some fine eats. I hear’d tell your mature buckaroos might enjoy theys’selves some barbecue brisket slow cooked over mesquite,” he said and grinned as he watched Hank and Buck’s eyes light up.

Whether all this was a production number just to impress or entertain, Billy and his family were wowed. Billy wasn’t convinced it was just manufactured for their benefit. He could hear the horses talking to each other. There were several choice comments about Billy and his two mature buckaroos which Billy found amusing. One casually wondered if such a fine looking young human was owned, and Billy sent a mental image of Samson to them. There were several 'oohs’ and a couple of 'aahs’ at the mind-sight of such a handsome stud. One warned the othes to be careful of their conversation, obviously the young human could hear their thoughts.

<< With an owner as handsome as that big stud, he can listen to my thoughts all he wants. I’d follow Master Billy home, across the stars, to share a stall with his owner, >> a pretty palomino Morgan filly named ‘Maybell’ said and giggled. Billy grinned at her comment.

<< Shameless huzzy, >> one of the older mares said to her, and the others laughed.

Billy began to think, maybe this was as real as it gets for these folks, and this was their way of relaxing or letting off steam to live a more simple life with benefits. Maybe it was a healthy way of hearkening back and reliving a more simple time which was less complicated and a bit more romantic than the sterility and uniformity an ultra modern world might impose. Maybe this wasn’t part of their original heritage, but through transmissions from Earth of old horse operas, TV shows, and movies sent out into space, they came to enjoy and admire the laid back life-style of the old West.     

“A little of all them things, Son,” Matt said breaking into Billy’s train of thought, “We’re free to indulge ourselves in any pursuit which makes us comfortable and happy. Are we gods? No, we’re just another technologically advanced race similar to the watchers, but a hop, skip, and a jump further up the ladder. We ain’t no better’n them, we’s just different. We got different perspectives and ways of looking at things,” Matt explained. Billy wasn’t sure he understood, but he reckoned Matt’s explanation would do for the time being.  

“Can we get you good folks a cup of coffee?” Matt asked.

“Real coffee?” Billy asked surprised.

“Real coffee, Son. We grow it here on the planet in our South American part just like you do on Earth,” Matt replied.

“I’d love a cup, sir,” Billy said, “How ‘bout you men?” Billy asked his family.

They all agreed especially Hank and Buck. They hadn’t tasted real coffee in sixty-two years. Matt yelled to his cook and his helpers to rustle up some coffee for their guests. Archie and Edith decided to share a cup. The twins, and psyches made a face when they tasted the strongly bitter black beverage. “Since you seem to be fully stocked, Matt, would you have some milk and a little sugar for a quartet of tenderfoots?” Billy asked. Before Matt could summon them, one of the young cook’s helper arrived with sugar and cream. Billy fixed Cass and Poly’s coffee, then Edith and Archie’s, stirred it, and handed it back to them. “Try this, buckaroos,” he smiled at them.

They took a sip and got a big smile across their faces. “Thanks, Master Billy, it’s really good like this,” Poly said and Cass agreed.

“Yes, thank you, sir, this is much more to our liking,” said Edith.

“Damnation, them little men be fine looking buckaroos no matter their size,” Matt complimented the twins.

“Thank you, sir, I’ve grown fond of 'em in the short period I been on Retikki Prime. Don’t knows I could do without ‘em. They have many talents, but I’ve only discovered a couple. They surprise me every day,” Billy said.

They sat around the campfire drinking their coffee and the smells from the grill were making the cowboy’s stomach’s growl. The smell of barbecue brisket was unmistakable. It was almost overpowering for them; however, they maintained their composure, and were perfect gentlemen. Billy was proud of his family and their excellent deportment.

“We’ll have something to eat here in a minute, good folks. Our cook and his men have just about got everything ready,” Matt said, stood, and pressed a small green light on his leather wrist cuff to protect his fine Western shirt, and a small screen sprang up before him. It caused a commotion with Archie and Edith. They were chittering away in their native language. Matt dismissed one screen, and pulled up another with a wave of his hand, which was a duplicate layout of the campground. He pulled up another page next to the image of the campground. He moved through a number of pages, until he came to the page he wanted, and selected six large wooden tables and benches. He put his finger on one, moved it into the screen with the campground, and twelve feet away, it sprang up on the ground. He didn’t stop until he moved six tables with benches from the screen to places around the campfire. “There,” he said, “that will make eat’n a little more comfortable and pleasant for us,” he said.  

About that time seven cowboys on horseback came riding over the ridge. The group was led by a fine looking cowboy with a big white hat and fancy boots riding a large palomino stud. The cowboy was a handsome son-of-a-buck. He looked like an old cowboy movie star from the 1940’s Republic movie studio. The closer they got, Billy was sure it was Roy Rogers, his all time favorite wet-dream cowboy when he was a kid.

When he was a young boy, Billy had a couple dozen of Roy’s pictures, comic book covers, pasted to his bedroom’s old and faded wallpaper. Since he didn’t have a dad, he dreamed one day Roy would come for him, pull him up behind him onto Trigger’s back, they would ride off into the sunset together, down them happy Western trails to his ranch, and Roy would make Billy his own son. Of course, he never gave much thought to how he might break it to Dale Evans he wanted to sleep with Roy. After all, it was his private fantasy.   

“Ah, I see our entertainment has arrived. I think you might recognize the cowboy on the big palomino, Billy. He’s the lead singer of our group, Roy Rogers and The Son’s of the Pioneers,” Matt said.

“I only know him from his movies. I seen ‘em all. I went to see his museum in Apple Valley, California one summer when I went to visit some relatives out there, but he already passed away by that time. I’s a little disappointed Dale didn’t stuff him and sit him on the back of Trigger. I’m sure he would have wanted it that way,” Billy said wickedly. Everyone laughed.

“Rumor has it, old Dale was plan’n on it, Son, but her family talked her out of it,” Matt consoled him, and everyone shared a laugh.

Roy walked over and shook hands with the boss-man, and Matt introduced him to the rest of the group. The image they created looked, acted, and sounded just like the real Roy Rogers. He was wearing an after shave that made him smell like a desert flower; albeit, a very masculine desert flower. He was as pleasant and genuinely awh-shucks down-home as Billy remembered him from his movies.

“You men feel like sing’n for your suppers?” Matt asked with a grin.

“Be right proud to do a couple of tunes for you, Ramrod Quigley; unfortunately, our two fiddle players come down with the croup, and we had to leave 'em back at the ranch. I know how you loves yore’self some fiddles with yore’ cowboy music. H’it just won’t have that Texas sound without twin fiddles,” Roy apologized.

“Maybe I can help,” Matt said, “Cookie, we still got them twin fiddles in the Prairie Schooner you bunk in?” he asked.

“Yeah, boss, but I ain’t seen 'em in a coon’s age. Since we got Mr. Rogers and his men to play fur us, we ain’t had no call for ‘em. I’ll send Banjo fur 'em. I think I know’d where they is,” Cookie replied. The stout older cowboy dispatched his youngest helper to his covered wagon. Cookie told the young cowboy where to look for them. It didn’t take him long, and he came walking back into the campground carrying two violin cases, one in each hand.

Matt thanked him and handed one to each of the twins. “I hear tell you men are some kind of musical geniuses. J’ever see a violin before?” he asked.

“No, sir, Ramrod Quigley,” they said in awe, “May we, Master?” they asked, and looked to Billy for his approval before opening the cases.

“Sure. Go ahead on. See what’s inside,” Billy urged them.

The twins opened the cases like they were holy objects, and inside were twin violins or fiddles. They looked just alike. They were exactly the same size and color. They carefully took them out and the cook’s helper gave them a hand. He showed them how to tighten the horsehair and rosin up the bow. He showed them how to use the pegs to tune the instruments, and explained the fine tuning screws at the base of the bridge. He played the banjo, hence his name, but sometimes doubled on the fiddle around the campfire. He was still learning, but knew enough of the basic licks to play a little Western music for Cass and Poly. The guitar player and the harmonica player backed him up to play “Turkey In The Straw.” The twins were agog. Banjo then played a standard country tune in three-quarter time, “Waltz Across Texas.”

On his second pass on the melody he motioned for Poly to join him. Poly put his fiddle to his chin and flawlessly joined in a third lower to harmonize the melody. The sound took the men’s breath away. Poly played to the end of the piece without missing a note and the men applauded for him and Banjo. Banjo smiled and handed his fiddle back to Cass, and the twins played the piece again. Their playing was so moving, it brought tears to the other musician’s eyes. Even Roy and Matt were deeply moved. Once again Billy and Boomer were gobsmacked by their little brother’s talents.

“Ain’t never heard me no better fiddle play’n nowheres,” Hank said softly.

“I agree, pod’na, finest I ever done heard,” Buck agreed.

“Com’moan, men, let’s us earn our supper,” Roy said and the group gathered around to play and sing.

Banjo ran to get his eponymous instrument. He wouldn’t miss a chance to play with Roy and the Son’s of the Pioneers. It sometimes took Cass and Poly a couple of measures into the tune to get the feel of the piece, then they would join in, and never miss a note. It was some of the finest Texas style fiddle playing anyone ever heard. The rest of the musician couldn’t get over how they could pick up an instrument they never saw before and start playing -- and playing not just pretty good, but excellent.

Roy and his men sang half a dozen songs before Cookie rang the triangle for their guests and cowboys to get in line for grub.

“Guests first, including entertainers, and ranch hands last,” Matt said loudly.

Matt graciously escorted his guests to the front of the line and gave each a large metal tray. As they went through the line, the cook and his helpers loaded their trays. At the end of serving table, there was a huge tray of various common and more exotic fruits. Archie and Edith got excited at the large selection and began chittering away in their language. They took several pieces of various fruits.

“Am I missing something here, Hank?” Billy asked motioning to the Psyches’ excitement.

“We thought they’s omnivores, Boss. They seem to eat anything we serve, but we noticed they don’t eat much. We thought that's jes' 'cause they's small, but maybe not. There ain’t a lot of fresh fruits available on Retikki Prime. They always seemed to enjoy and appreciate what little we could find for them,” Hank said.  

“Let’s look into it. Earth has a wide variety of fruits, and from the looks of that display, they got theirs from Earth and maybe some other planets. I want my family well taken care of,” Billy said concerned. Hank nodded and smiled as he followed Billy with his tray loaded with barbecue brisket, red beans flavored with oregano, cowboy potatoes, and a bit of salad. Buck was right behind them with a big smile on his face. The cowboys ate well that evening, and so did the rest of Billy’s family.

The twins thought Matt and Roy were two of the finest men they ever met besides their master, and didn’t move far from them all evening. They asked their master if the two handsome men were what real cowboys in Texas looked like. Billy assured them, they had to look no further than their buddies Hank and Buck to know what real Texas cowboys look like. While Matt and Roy were certainly fine looking men, they might be thought of as exceptions rather than the rule. The average cowboy wasn’t that handsome, but what he might not have in looks, he made up for in honesty and hard work. If he was a true man of the West, who lived and believed in the cowboy way, it didn’t make any difference what he looked like, he was considered a cowboy, and earned the respect of others by the way he lived his life.

The twins were the center of attention and enjoyed their moment of adoration. For dessert the Irin cowboys served real Blue Bell vanilla bean ice cream imported all the way from Earth in the Sol system. Billy, Hank, and Buck were in cowboy heaven.

The evening wound down, the camp was cleaned up, the tables removed, and the entertainers left to return to their ranch. Everyone was siting around the campfire, and the cowboy with the guitar was playing softly. Everyone was sated with the good food and even Archie and Edith had a glow about them Billy never noticed before.

“Well, Master Billy Daniels, the time has come to talk of many things: of shoes, and ships, and sealing-wax; of cabbages, and and kings; and why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings,” Matt said to get everyone’s attention, and grinned at his Lewis Carroll reference. “We have asked you here to offer our friendship, alliance, and support in your decision to take on the Watcher’s challenge to attempt to turn your planet around to one of enlightenment, compassion, reason, knowledge through education, science, and the arts, by manipulating the redistribution of wealth to rebuild your middle class; and, to restore the dream of a great democracy you’re nation once held within its grasp and lost to an evil, corrupt corporate sell out which has been allowed to run berserk without any checks or balances.

“It supports an ultraconservative theocratic despotic dictatorship as a front; a regime lacking any redeemable social qualities which hides behind their own warped vision and interpretation of ancient writings that have no credibility in a modern world. Their life sucking beliefs does its job to insure the top one percent maintains power. Their wealth buys them the politicians of both parties they need to manipulate your government to get their way so they can rule and decide the fate of the people on your planet. No matter how anyone tries to define it, the Earth has become a planet of a few wealthy families or corporations who own and control everything. They govern by the best government they can buy for themselves, and for no one else’s benefit but their own.

"They did it by feeding the myth to the true believers, if they worked hard, kept their noses to the grind stone, they could climb the ladder of success one day -- but only if the wind was blowing in the right direction, aided by the crumbs and sporatic drips and drops of wealth what might trickle down from the table of their overlords feeding frenzy. If all those things came together for them, their health held out, and they caught the gold ring on the merry-go-round, then they, too, would become like their wealthy overlords, be welcomed into the kingdom of the 'haves', and share in the greater bounty of the wealthy by earning their own reserved place at the feeding trough; but to do so, they must shun unions, all forms of social 'entitlements', and renounce any compassion for their fellow man. They must become as heartless and disinterested in the plight of their neighbors as the wealthy looked upon them. Blind faith in a political idea or religion, even when proven to be failure, is the most difficult of all human failings to undo and cannot be undone with logic, reason, or compromise.

“Now, this ain't new in the development of a species; however, by the time most species have developed as scientifically as yours, it usually puts aside its beliefs in myths and superstitions and begins to grow into a more complete, liberally integrated society. The cycle can go on for centuries as witnessed by your planet. Earth has seen many civilizations rise and fall based on the fortunes of the few growing fat from the backbreaking toil and sweat of the many, and always, at the central core to control the masses was some rabid form of religion to feed their superstitions, fear, and ignorance. The divine right of kings comes to mind; which, by the way, is a complete fallacy. There is no such thing.

“Until the late eighteenth century, there never was a society based on the idea all men are created equal and should be given the same chance as any other in a society, and protections put into place to assure those ideals. Your country was founded on that concept, and the founding fathers were wise enough to separate church and state within their constitution. They knew the suffocating effects fanatic religious beliefs could bring about, and were careful to put a muzzle and a leash on it. Only, they didn't go far enough. They never should have made religions exempt from taxation. 

“Within the last hundred years -- or more specifically since 1962 -- your planet and your country in particular, has been ravaged by an evil demonic plague of pseudo religious fervor in the form of rabid Christo-fascist fundamentalism which has been used as a means for the wealthy to ride roughshod over the general population in the name of piety and demanded tolerance for their beliefs no matter how crazy they became. They weren’t satisfied to keep their beliefs unto themselves, but formed strong political parties to insist their beliefs become the law of the land as opposed to civil law, a more humanistic approach to government, and living as a free and open society.

"All of these socio-political moves were well conceived plans to draw attention away from the greater problem of the unchecked rise of corporate communism. It's every magician's ploy to distract you, to draw your attention elsewhere, so you won't pay attention to what they're really doing. So it is with the one percent on your world. They feed the right wing politicians large sums to fight a never ending battle against more liberal civil rights, women's rights, abortion, science and evolution, to keep the real problems of their country from being considered. It’s an age-old story of power; who wants it, and what they’re willing to pay to get it.

"We’ve seen it happen before, but never so many times on one particular planet. It has been proven without fail, the best way to control a populace is through fear and blind unquestioning faith. Scare people into believing an invented evil is real and supremely evil, convince them your answer to the problem and your solutions are the only way, then set those ideas into stone by empowering them through religion. It grows even stronger when there’s a disparaging gap between the haves and have nots.

“Religious institutions pay no taxes and are suppose to be non-political, but in reality it’s quite the contrary; their never ending resources from true believers and support from wealthy corporations has bought them inroads to weaken every aspect of the democratic process until it recently failed completely; they took over, claiming they were the true patriots, and only doing what was best for the country. Like their beliefs, dogma, and everything else they do, it was a lie. It was only best for them and their wealthy overlords.

“Slavery has been reintroduced on your world by the very country who fought a civil war to abolish it. It came about as a politically expedient thing for the wealthy and greatly reduced their expenses for labor. Why pay for it when you can get it for free? That’s the core thinking of people who have money. They get the mistaken idea they are above the law, without any responsibility to their fellow man. Laws are made only for the common folk to keep the unwashed masses in check. After they privatized the prisons, and began the forced work programs, it was only one small step away from legalizing slavery. The ruling class were backed by the religious fundamentalist right-wing bureaucrats who declared, “If the bible says it’s all right, that settles it, I believe it -- end of discussion.”  

“We ain't telling you this to condemn you for taking slaves for your family. It’s currently the way of your world. We know where your heart is on the matter. At the moment, it’s necessary for you to claim you own slaves to blend in to hide your true purpose. Make no mistake, the family you gathered unto you, understands the concept of slaves owning their master, and will follow you to the ends of the universe, not because you hold a piece of paper what says you own them and they must do so, but because they love you, they have given themselves to you, and have chosen to look after you. There is no greater or stronger bond in the universe.

“Retikki Prime is a good example. As your slaves will confirm, Master Billy, they actually own the elite classes on their world. Much like you came to realize your faithful cow pony owns you, the slaves on Retikki Prime take care of and provide for their masters. They are in charge, and it behooves their masters to take them into consideration before any decision is made. While it might seem contrived or even convoluted to others, it works for them, and they have a successful socially progressive society.

“Like a cancer on the human body, the wealthy and the religious of your world have joined together to eat away at the body politic until it doesn’t function as a moral democracy anymore. All protections for the poor and middle class have been stripped away, and they stand naked and vulnerable to the whims and exorbitant price gouging corporate monopolies set for their services. Because they can’t afford them, many live without modern conveniences, which should be the right of any citizen in an advanced civilization -- and that ain’t only the poor. More than half of your middle class is living below the poverty index.  

“You and your family will become the antibiotic agent which will kill the infection from within. It will be swift and sure, but you must never lose focus by showing them mercy or the tolerance they demanded to screw your world. They displayed no remorse in 2000 when they convinced the heavily weighted conservative supreme court to give them the election when, in fact, they lost the popular vote. They haven’t stopped since and used every foul and underhanded means to insure their victory in future elections. You must become as ruthless at destroying their infrastructure as they were tearing down your country bit by bit.

“To do this you don’t have to resort to violence, but you must be cunning, sure, swift, and strong of purpose in any decision you make to take them down. You must steel yourself against the hypocrisy and adversity their kind of garbage produces. We have several gifts to offer you and your family which might seem to make you superheros, but in reality are based on solid science and advanced technology. It will give you a cutting edge, but it can’t be investigated should one of you fall into their hands. Furthermore, there are built in safeguard to prevent such from happening.

"We are offering you a work force of a thousand males and females of our species, who have special talents, and have volunteered for this project. If you accept them, they will be delivered to your ranch in the form of cattle; a rare but handsome breed of Highland Cattle. They will be quite recognizable and well suited for the colder weather conditions brought about by global warming. Needless to say, they are not to be used for food. They are most docile and gentle by nature; you will love them. One of our females would make an ideal birth mother for your son, Master Billy,” Matt said and smiled.

“We’re transporting them in cattle form so you don’t have to house and feed an army at a moment’s notice. You may call upon them as you need them. All you have to do is asked for their leader. He will morph for you, and tell you about their individual talents. Several are skilled cowboys. They will be a great help to you tending the herd, and seeing to their well being until needed. Even in cattle form they have the power to protect themselves, and can’t be shot or preyed upon by wild animals. They can live and survive quite well and comfortably in cattle form for years. They each have unique talents and all have overlapping abilities. They are the best of our young we have to offer. Of course we’re sending females as well as males; after all, a herd of cattle without cows and calves might become suspicious.

“And, if worse comes to worse, we have at our disposal, an artificially manufactured race of humanoids, much like Clyde and Nick without wings, trained to become a police force on alien worlds to insure peace and tranquility among the natives until major changes in their political infrastructure can be accomplished,” Matt said, and paused for a minute to gage a response from his guests.

“May I ask Ramrod Quigley a question, Master Billy?” Buck asked.

“Of course you may. Any of Master Billy’s family may ask questions as well as him. We respect your positions as his slaves, but signing on with his outfit means you have as much right to our information as your master. Besides, I’m bet’n yore’ master ain’t the kind of man to keep anything hidden from you good folks,” Matt replied for Billy.

“Ramrod Quigley’s right, guys. Ask your question, Buck,” Billy confirmed.

“Why are you doing this? What’s in it for you?” Buck asked.

“Good questions, since y’ain’t never been exposed to our race before. To be honest, we ain’t done much over the centuries to interfere with any species, because we never really had to before now. Like I said earlier, by the time most species get to your technological level, they cast off belief in gods, myths, superstition, and begin to come together to form more coherent societies with protections and safeguards for those who have neither had the breaks, education, nor the skills to provide a decent life for themselves; however, Earth is a special case. It’s suffered endless plundering and the natives have been genetically tinkered with to believe in supreme beings to make them gullible, docile, and more easily controlled.

“We are interested in correcting the errors made by advanced aliens like Jehovah who should have known better. Proclaiming himself their god, he ruthlessly exploited the lesser developed humanoids to rob them of their precious metals and have them provide food for him in the form of offerings. He was lazy, and it was easier for him to present himself as a deity rather than gain their cooperation through teaching them how to live and survive to gain their trust and cooperation. That would have been too much like an exchange; too much like work. Besides he didn’t like the way they smelled even after he convinced them they should cut off their foreskins to prove their faithfulness to him. Besides, why pay for something when Jehovah could get it for free by scaring the crap out of them, convincing them they would burn in a lake of fire forever after they died if they didn’t do as he told them and worship him?

“Anyone who truly believes the Jews were his chosen people were right only in one respect. They were nothing more than Jehovah’s chosen work force for him for a period of time. They were convenient. If he was a real god, as he claimed to be, he would have gathered all the nations of the world together to inform them he was their new big daddy. He didn’t, because he couldn’t. He couldn’t control every nation on Earth at the time, and he wasn’t interested. Again, because it was too much work. He got really upset when he found out the Israelites were making golden calves as idols of Baal; not because it was an image of another god, but because they were stealing and using the gold they were suppose to be mining for him. It’s only one small step from the collective memory of a demented, angry, ruthlessly greedy alien making horrible threats and demanding body modification to a religion based on his misdeeds.

“As a result, that’s what you have on Earth today. Jehovah’s influence poisons every facet of life on your planet, and it’s only going to grow stronger and worse unless someone throws up a major roadblock and says ‘no’ there is a better way, then lead by example. That’s where you folks come in. Together with the Grigori, we plan to assist you to make sure you have the means to set things right and turn the Earth around. Others have tried before you. The Anunnaki manufactured artificial humanoids as messengers to teach mankind knowledge, science, art, reason, enlightenment, and the truth of what Jehovah was doing to them. Until that time he kept them enslaved by ignorance and his bad ass attitude.

"He found out what the messengers from the Anunnaki were doing and sent his demons to capture the so called fallen angels. They were rounded up and locked away under a great mountain and remain there to this day in stasis chambers. Only one angel escaped because he was rescued by the Grigori, and has gone on to do great things for the inhabitants of many worlds in several different galaxies. As the Grigori told you, Billy, your buddy Nick ain’t no demonic entity. He has grown and evolved to become somewhat mellow as he’s grown older, and we see him becoming a great part of your new family,” Matt said to Billy.

“Is there any truth to the story Nick told me, higher beings in the universe require him to become my slave because I saved his life, or he will be terminated within thirty days on Earth if he don't comply?” Billy asked.

“Many societies in the universe and some on Earth practice the ritual; however, we would never terminate him if he chose not to become your slave. Nick believes it to be so. He thinks the Grigori planned his crash landing on Earth to set him up. They are powerful beings, but they have limits. To ease Nick's mind, he will beg you to take him for your slave. He also has a great need to bond with you to become a part of your family. He needs to give himself to you. Our advice, lead him on for a while, then when you feel the time is right, graciously accept his pledge. We know you’re clever enough to satisfy both your needs without ever demanding it of Nick. We’re sure of it. So, I think, are the Grigori,” Matt said and grinned, “I think you made it clear for them, Son,” he added and laughed. Billy grinned.

“To answer the second part of your question, Buck, about what do we get in return? We get a planet we’ve become very fond of as allies. What you see before you this evening ain’t no parlor trick. We have completely built a copy of your planet here, so we may enjoy some of the the things others might find mundane or consider without merit. We find great peace, solace, and inspiration from hard physical labor and accomplishing things together. I think you cowboys understand what I’m talking about,” Matt said and smiled. They nodded their heads in agreement.

“Furthermore, the Grays and the Greens, whom I believe Hank, Buck, Archie, and Edith met a number of years ago, who come from another dimension are raiding our worlds more frequently. From those we have captured and interrogated, we learned they have almost completely wiped out the life forms in their dimension and must travel to ours for food. They are an artless race who have no semblance of a soul or greater purpose in life other than to be parasites in any universe they occupy. They never cared to learn to raise and care for animals for their food. Why should they when they can get it for free by raiding, plundering, and stealing their food from more primitive societies? Do you see a pattern here?” Matt asked.

“Ayn Rand, the high priestess of corporate greed on your world, and her sophomoric ideas contributed greatly to the abandonment of a more stable economic theory in favor of an unchecked corporate controlled supply-side 'Reaganomics' or 'trickle-down' theory. It was like asking the fox to guard the hen house. Rand was an unattractive, chain smoking, bad tempered, sexually frustrated, attention seeking crone, who loved to be stroked, and told how brilliant she was. Sadly, she wasn't. Rand produced little more than a few badly written novels with worthless ideas most resonable people consider as adolescent narcissistic drivel and shun as socially stifling, implausable, and morally corrupt by the end of secondary school. Unchecked capitalism and greed is a fast spreading malignant cancer which will devour the soul of a society and kill it from within. The wealthy one percent on your planet have become your Earth bound parasites killing it from within by destroying your middle class, while the Grays and Greens rob you from the sky,” Ramrod Quigley added.

“The Grays and Greens developed technology before they matured as a species, and never evolved into caretakers. It became too easy for them to be hunter gatherers in space, which eventually caused them to evolve into parasites. They are thieves, robbers, and killers. Soon all the more advanced worlds will be forced to join together to fight them as a common foe. We will need Earth’s help, but before we will provide a practical means for man to leave Earth, either in ships or through gates, we must feel comfortable your planet has reached a level of social maturity to handle such technology and join us. The powers that be slowly choked off funds to your space program at the turn of the century because several advanced races contacted your leaders and told them they would not allow them into space if they brought their religions with them.

“As much as the Grigori have come to love you, Master Billy, I’m sure they feel the same way. Ask them about it on your return,” Matt urged, “To give such information to your world, as it is now, would never be shared with the common man. It would be kept secret by the rich and powerful military-industrial complex. You will discover they’ve known about other clean, unlimited power sources they’ve kept hidden for years to insure your dependency on oil and other dirty fuels such as coal and fracting wells. The wealthy have the technology to go to the stars, but know if it was ever discovered, the people would demand to know what other things they kept hidden. To share our knowledge with them would be counterproductive. They would only use it to further their own selfish greed and use the technology to assure their continued grip on their seat of power. That’s not what we hope to accomplish, and we won’t be a party to that happening. They must be cut down one by one as a tall tree in a forest. So for the sake of the universe, it is imperative you succeed in your endeavor, Master Daniels,” Matt said with firm conviction.  

“It don’t sound like no stroll in the park on a Sunday afternoon, Matt,” Billy said without nuance.

“It ain’t, Son, but you been trained and carefully raised for this job. You just ain't aware of it yet. Soon, the memories of your dreams will begin to come to you, and when you’re faced with a decision you will have the answer available. If not, you'll know where to find it. Both the Grigori and ourselves, the Irin, have tutored you from before you left your mother’s womb. You are not only a fine cowboy, and a good, kind-hearted, decent man, Son, you are a child of the stars, Billy. Your destiny is being followed and written about in several thousand galaxies,” Matt said quietly.     

Billy was stunned by the implication, and his family gathered closer to their master to offer their support. “You won’t be alone,” came the sweet, small voice of Edith, “Ramrod Matt’s right, we do love you, Master Billy. In the sixty two years Archie and I lived on Retikki Prime we never felt right about trying to have little ones. Outside of our love for Hank, Buck, and the twins, we never felt like we belonged. We don’t feel that way with you. You make us feel needed and wanted,” she said, hugged Billy, and gently kissed him on his cheek. Edith’s sincere comment and small kiss opened a flood gate of feelings and emotions in Billy’s mind. He thanked her and Archie for their support.

“We feel the same, Boss-man,” Buck said and motioned to Hank and the twins.

“All right then, if we been chosen for this task, lets get on with it. We will accept your gracious gifts, Matt. I think we’re gonna’ need all the help we can get, but will we be able to contact you if we need your counsel or advice?” Billy asked.

“Absolutely. I’m giving Clyde to you as your slave. He will be our go-between. Now you will have a matched set of messengers,” Matt smiled.

“Is it all right with you, Clyde,” Billy asked.

“More’n all right with me, Master Billy, I asked for the assignment. I'd be downright proud to be your slave and call you my master, sir,” Clyde said as the big angel dropped to his knees in front of his new master and kissed each of his buckaroo boots, “Please, accept this humble messenger as your slave and part of your family, Master Billy,” Clyde said.

“Come to your master’s arms and give him a kiss to seal our bond and our troth to one another, handsome angel,” Billy said in a gentle but commanding voice.

Clyde rose, took his smaller human master into his huge arms, surrounded him with his beautiful wings, and kissed Billy tenderly. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind who witnessed their bonding, it was as solid as gold is precious.

<< Don’t forget me, Master Billy, >> came a cry from among the cow ponies.

Billy smiled and looked at Matt. The ramrod had a big grin on his face. He heard Miss Maybell’s plea. “She’s yorn if you want her, Son,” he said quietly, nodding his head in the ponies direction.

“Sure. Why not? I won’t have no time to take care of my owner’s needs when I get back, and he needs a good mate. Me and ma’ uncle just ain’t had the money to buy him a filly. We’s some of them poor folks you were taking about earlier, but I got a feeling we won’t be much longer,” Billy said.

“You won’t, I promise. Ms. Maybell will be a fine addition to your family,” Matt said, “Front and center, Ms. Maybell if’n ya’ wanna’ go with Master Billy,” Matt hollered.

The beautiful Palomino Morgan came running up kicking her heels with her mane and tail flying in the breeze. Billy and Matt smiled at the comments they heard from the other ponies. << Well, I never! Can you believe her? Of all the unmitigated gall! Brazen huzzy! Pushy tart! >> they said.

“You ladies hesh up over there. I intended to offer Master Billy a mate for his owner all along. Ms. Maybell just happens to have the pride and the spirit to speak up for herself. She will make a fine mate for Samson,” he said, and after several grumbles and a couple of snorts, the comments died out. Maybell was all over Billy nudging him to pet her and show her a little love. He laughed at her as he petted her, and continued his conversation with Ramrod Matt. “Can we cut the initial shipment of personnel in the form of cattle in half, Ramrod? I’m gonna’ have to explain all this to my Uncle Nate, and he might not be ready for a thousand head of rare breed cows. It might be a little easier on me and him. Then Clyde and me can let you know when we’s ready for the second shipment,” Billy said.

“No problem. You, your family, and Clyde decide when you need the rest, and we’ll know immediately. Whatever Clyde knows, we know,” Matt said.

It made sense to Billy, but he got a twinkle in his eye, “Does that mean, if I take my new slave, my handsome messenger to my bed to share a little love with him, you will know about that, too?” he asked and grinned.

“Absolutely. We’ll share equally in his pleasure as well as yours,” Matt replied and grinned.

Billy paused for a moment, looked up at Matt and grinned, “I can live with that,” Billy said, and they shared a laugh.

“Now we will bestow upon you and your family some extra powers you might find useful, and may need on your journey. Gather together with Clyde,” Matt instructed.

Billy’s family stood together including Maybell. A bright light came from the sky, and descended upon them. It made their skin glow and their hair stand on end like it was electrically charged. They looked funny to each other like they were frightened by a ghost. The light surrounding them would intensify, then subside, change colors, intensify again, then subside again. Each time it subsided their hair would return to normal. Then when it intensified, their hair or fur would stand straight again. It kept it up on a regular cycle for about ten minutes of different color cycles. Billy thought it was a unique way to download information to their bodies and minds.

He heard an echo of agreement from his family, like they were standing in a great hallway, and their thoughts echoed and reverberated down thought the endless corridors of time and space. Unknown to them, among the enhancements, they were being transformed into live video transmitters to create the ultimate reality show for several universes to watch and enjoy as Master Billy’s family struggled to save their world from the evils of ignorance, intolerance, and unchecked greed; however, it would not be free to those worlds. To follow the daily saga of Billy’s band of misfits, they had to pay a subscription similar to Hulu.com or Netflix into a fund to help finance Billy and his family’s crusade. However, the family’s immediate benefit from the enhancements was to gain powers to insure their success -- to achieve a happy ending for their story.

“Do you think you might ever get to our neck a’ the woods, Matt?” Billy asked after the enhancements were done.

“I might, if’n I’s to be invited right nice-like,” he replied and smiled.

“You have an open invitation to visit anytime you can get away,” Billy said.

“They’s a lot of folks what would pay big sums for the chance to visit you and your family, young man,” Matt said.

“Maybe we could start up a visitor’s center or lodge where they could come, stay a while, and find out what it’s like to live and work as a cowboy,” Billy mused.

Matt grinned at his suggestion. “With creative ideas like that, you don’t have to worry, Son, you’ll do just fine,” Matt said and smiled.

Billy and his family thanked Matt, shook all the cowboy’s hands, and told them what a good time they had. They were getting ready to go when Banjo walked up with the twin fiddles and handed one to each of the twins. “We took a vote and decided we want you men to have these, so if we come visit or you come back with your master, you can play with us again,” Banjo said, "And since the only radio station where you’re going plays only country and Western music, we’ll expect you to be old hands to the music the next time we see you,” he said. The twins were all over Banjo thanking him, then they went to Ramrod Quigley and gave him a big hug and a kiss.

“You men take good care of them fiddles. They’re very old. When you get to Earth, look inside each one, and you’ll see a signature: Omobono Stradivari Cremona 1740. They were twin violins made for a pair of twins. They’s the last two instruments made by Antonio’s son before he died two years later. Some say they ain’t as fine as his dad’s fiddles, but they ain’t never heard them played like you men done tonight. If old Tony Stradivari could a’ heard you men play his son’s instruments, I think he would be right proud of his boy. I know we were,” Ramrod Quigley said.

Cookie brought a large bag filled with goodies and handed it to Billy with a wink and a nod. Billy graciously thanked the old gentleman, gave him a hug, and personally invited him to Earth when he could get away; he and his two helpers were always welcome. All goodbyes and good wishes were said and Clyde’s Angel Flight flew them back to Retikki Prime.

It was still early afternoon when they arrived back in the garden. Uncle Gregor and his mate Uncle Albrecht were alerted the Daniels family returned. The giants were relaxing in their bed enjoying the afterglow of creating stars for the Rose nebula; however, they only got to ring the star-bell twice. They promised each other they would work harder that evening to bring more light to that section of the universe. Since they only got to watch the first section of their nephew’s video before they rang their second bell, they knew it would be an excellent stimulus to create several more.

“Do we get to keep these fine duds we be wear’n?” Hank asked.

“Sure,” replied Clyde, “they’s a gift from Ramrod Quigley. Ya’ll need some clothes to go back to Texas with anyway,” he added. Everyone was happy.

Gregor and Albrecht were overwhelmed by the Irin’s generosity, and now, Billy had two angels to help him. They were enchanted by Ms. Maybell. She was friendly and polite, and the size of the two giants didn’t seem to bother her a bit. She was too busy munching away at the luscious grass in the garden.

“May we inquire what’s in the bag, Master Billy?” Uncle Gregor asked.

“Some special food for a very special little lady and her handsome mate,” he replied.  

Edith overheard Billy and walked to him, took his hand in her’s, and kissed the back, “Only a real cowboy, a true man of the West, a man who knows how to be a master, would be thoughtful enough to think of us that way, Master Billy. We’re very grateful and humbled to be going home with you. We have no fears, and you should have none either. We know you will take care of us, sir, and as Master Quigley told you, you must trust us to take care of you,” Edith said quietly.

Gregor and Albrecht were gobsmacked. For once, they didn’t know what to say they were so moved by what the smallest member of Billy’s family told him. They looked at each other with their mouths open as if they were going to ask each other the same question they already knew the answer to. They closed them and laughed with each other.

They had plenty of time before the evening meal was ready to be served in the garden and the giants sat down with Billy’s family and discussed, at length, their goals and ambitions for Earth and the change they hoped to bring about. Billy, Boomer, Clyde and the rest of Billy’s family told them everything Ramrod Quigley told them and what the Irin hoped to accomplish seemed to coincide perfectly with the goals of the Grigori.

“Ramrod Quigley urged me to ask you gentlemen if you agreed with him and the Irin that Earth was not yet ready for the scientific knowledge to leave their planet, and they wouldn’t help with that information until they were certain we were ready for it?” Billy asked.

“Absolutely, but to take it one step further, we will not allow it until religion is sequestered to the point it is a quaint memory assigned to history like the Roman, Norse, and Greek gods of antiquity, and that encompasses all religions on Earth. We know it sounds like an insurmountable task, Billy, but once you return and get organized, others of like mind will join you, and it will grow from there like a small snowball rolling down a hill growing logarithmically from its mass and weight. When you’re ready our people will begin to come to Earth and give you a hand, but you will be in control of everything,” Uncle Gregor explained.  

Billy, Boomer, and Clyde continued to talk with the Watchers as they ate their evening meal. They were joined by a number of other watchers who wanted to sit in on their conversations. They didn’t have much to add, but would nod their heads in agreement from time to time. Billy’s family were stuffed from their excellent meal on Fort Adam Lear and Billy dispatched his cowboys to gather their belongings and bring them to the garden area to pack the anti-grav carts. Archie and Edith’s things were already carefully packed.

Hank and Buck had the most, and the twins had surprisingly little. As the Watchers talked with Billy, his number one, and his messenger, his family carefully packed  their belongings in the carts. They managed to get everything condensed onto two of the large carts. There was only the smaller cart to pack, and Uncles Gregor and Albrecht’s slaves were carefully packing it as they supervised from their places around the great table in the garden.

When Billy’s family were satisfied they were finished, they joined the rest of their family.

“Did you pack them precious seeds we talked about, cowboy?” Billy quietly asked Hank.

“Aye, that I did, my good master, and several other rare herbs what are little known even on this planet. It took me mate and I ten years to track them down, and then, we were only able to buy two seeds of the eight different specialty herbs at a great price; however, since that time we’ve multiplied that number a thousand fold and have done well selling them as a side business,” Hank explained.

“What about you men’s grooming equipment?” Billy asked with a grin.

“Packed away and on board, by your command, sir,” Hank replied with a wicked grin.

“Master Billy, Buck and me are giving our apartment in the palace to Archie and Edith for their comfort this evening,” Hank said.

“No problem. You men will stay with the rest of us men. Boomer and me already planned to have the twins stay with us and watch our video together. Since we got Clyde, you men may as well join us. We got two big bedrooms, and you know the size a’ them watcher beds,” Billy said, “They’s room enough for all of us. I doubt we’s gonna’ get much sleep tonight anyways,” he added.

Buck put the twins on the back of Ms. Maybell, and was leading her around the garden slowly so Cass and Poly could get the feel of being on the back of a horse. They were having a ball. Buck made them take off their spurs and pack them away. Since they weren’t experienced, he didn’t figure Ms. Maybell would appreciate two tenderfoots accidentally kicking her in the flank. Billy whistled for them, Buck helped them down from Mr. Maybell, and they ran to their master’s arms. They were still in their cowboy clothes. They didn’t want to take them off and run nude like they usually did. They liked being cowboys like their master and their big brothers.

“How ‘bout you men get’n out them two fiddles Banjo and Ramrod Matt give you and play us a tune?” Billy asked quietly. Cass and Poly ran to the anti-grav cart and returned with the violins in their cases. They carefully removed them under the watchful eye of their master and got ready. Clyde was standing close and leaned over to speak privately to Billy, “May I join them on my guitar, Master?” the big angel asked, as a handsome guitar appeared out of nowhere in his hand.

“Absolutely, my handsome slave,” Billy said and grinned from ear to ear.

“Uncle Gregor. Uncle Albrecht. Esteemed guests, most worthy slaves, and dear friends -- my two slaves were gifted a twin pair of violins or fiddles by our host, Foreman Matthew Quigley, on the occasion of my family's visit to the Irin world of Fort Adam Lear in the Andromeda galaxy. The instruments were made on Earth over three hundred years ago by the son of one of the most famous violin makers of all time. Cass and Poly will be accompanied on the guitar by my other fine, handsome slave, our messenger from the Irin, Clyde,” Billy said with a big smile on his face. There was a brief applause for the men. “Gentlemen,” Billy said to his musicians.

Clyde started with an intro to “Waltz Across Texas” and the twins pick up the melody on the second pass. Such playing had never been heard in the palace garden for hundreds of years. Staff poured from the rooms, kitchens, and surrounding shops into the garden to hear the beautiful sounds of three angels playing the music of heaven. When they finished the piece, there wasn’t a dry eye to be seen, and everyone gave them a huge ovation.  

They played the other piece Banjo taught them, “Turkey In The Straw,” but Cass and Poly made it their own. All Clyde had to do was provide the harmonic base to the piece, and the twins took it from there. They played it straight through once, then after the first pass they broke into a fugue which chased each other up, down, and around until the final ending of the piece became a great chaconne which Clyde masterfully matched with his expert playing. As the last sound died, the men sat stunned. They never heard anything like it. Then all hell broke loose. The twins and Clyde were swamped with congratulations and good wishes. Billy always remembered that evening in the garden as his real introduction to the people of Retikki Prime. They were good, hardworking folks who appreciated fine music and  entertainment as an enrichment for their lives, and as a supplement for their well ordered souls. Somehow, Billy knew the joy of music the twins and Clyde could bring to his life would be a great solace during the more dark days which were sure to come.

The crowd wouldn’t let the three musicians go without a couple of encores. The first Clyde joined them on, but the last piece the twins picked out of their talented heads. It wasn’t country or Western music. It was of classical intent, and showed off the virtuosity of the fine instruments as well as the twins innate genius for music. It was a piece to make Paganini pale by comparison played in perfect harmony without a hint of a mistake. It was like the twins were reading a score from the same page within their minds. It was phenomenal. They were exhausted when they finished. To say they put their all into it and played their hearts out, was an understatement. The crowd went crazy with applause, but the twins ran to their master’s arms for his approval.

“How could I wish for better. I’m very proud of you men; proud to call you my slaves, and even more proud to call you my brothers,” Billy whispered tenderly to them as he hugged and kissed them both.

* * * * * * *
The evening came to an end. Billy and his family retired to Billy’s apartment, but not before they escorted Archie and Edith to the cowboy’s apartment and wished them a good evening. Billy asked Boomer carry the large bag of various fruits to leave with them in case they got a mite peckish during the night.

The rest of the family headed back to Billy’s apartment. Everyone undressed and looked more comfortable. No one saw Clyde in the buff before, but everyone was impressed. He was hung like a young bull with balls to match. Billy invited everyone into his bed for the viewing of the video he and Boomer made the night before. He explained to Clyde how Hank and Buck were their grooms, prepared them, monitored the video, and helped edit the final cut. Since the twins couldn’t be a part of his and Boomer’s bonding, Billy promised them a showing that evening. Clyde was as anxious to view the video as the twins and cowboys. While Hank and Buck helped create the finished product, they never watched it from beginning to end.

Billy told his family anything goes in the privacy of their gathering; if someone wanted to masturbate or bring his partner some comfort they should feel free to express themselves. They started the video. Billy was lying between Boomer and Clyde with an arm around both. Clyde seemed to be enjoying the closeness and camaraderie of Billy’s small family, and begin to play with himself. Soon everyone was playing with themselves, but it wasn’t done with intent of ejaculation. It just felt right to slowly stroke themselves while watching Boomer fuck his master. It was sympathetic manipulation for what they imagined their master must have been feeling at the time.  

Everyone behaved themselves through the first two parts of the video, but when Billy mounted his beast, and started riding his monster’s huge shaft like the cowboy he was born to be, all hell broke loose. Every man grabbed the closest partner, and from there it was a veritable smörgåsbord of taste temptations. It was difficult to concentrate on sex while watching the video with one eye, but no one wanted to miss a minute of their master’s prize winning ride. At one point, Billy broke off from sucking Clyde, as Clyde was sucking Boomer, and put it to his family: “Show of hands, buckaroos. Who thinks we should take a copy of this video back with us?” he asked. Every hand went up, and they went back to what they were doing.

The video came to an end and Billy’s slaves applauded for their master and his number one. Billy and Boomer stood, held hands, and bowed to their appreciative audience. After that they collapsed, everyone into the same bed, and slept together as a family. Clyde managed to surround most of them with his wings and they slept peacefully together. Billy’s last thought before drifting off to sleep was: the family what plays together, stays together. Billy planned for his family to be together for a good, long while.

* * * * * * *
Cowboys are notorious early morning risers. Hank and Buck got everybody up and rode herd on the twins while moving the rest their family-herd to the showers. They smelled of raw animal sweat and male pheromones. Delicious, wonderful man odors in private, but not so great for meeting the public. Hank and Buck scrubbed the twins until they hollered. Billy tended to Boomer and everyone helped with Clyde. It was sort of like landing on 'free parking' and winning the jackpot getting to touch the handsome angel. The twins insisted on helping him clean his fine set of tackle. Clyde seemed to appreciate the attention.

They put on their Western clothes and left the apartment for the last time. Everyone carried a small bag with them. They gathered Archie and Edith and headed for the garden for a quick breakfast with Gregor, Albrecht, and more guest who came to say final goodbyes and wish them well. They ate more Hosanna cakes, and Billy talked one of his favorite kitchen slaves into giving him a box with a dozen in it to take to Nick. You could almost smell the excitement of Billy’s family they were so looking forward to their brief journey through the gate to a new world for some and home for Billy, Boomer, Hank, and Buck. Billy arranged for a gate to open in the barn. He knew it would be freezing cold in there, but he could get a fire going quickly enough. He warned Archie, Edith, and Ms. Maybell they may be cold for a short while. They didn’t seem worried.

The Grigori provided two gates. One large gate for the barn and one for Billy and Boomer to enter the cabin from which they left. Clyde told Billy and Boomer to go on ahead, he and the cowboys would get the carts and the rest through the gate into the barn. The time came for them to depart, and after many final hugs, kisses, a few tears, and fond farewells, Billy and Boomer stepped through the gate back to Earth within the line cabin.

They surprised Nick. They left naked and Billy returned fully dressed in cowboy duds. “How long we been gone, Tonto?” Billy asked and grinned.

“Less than ten minutes. I’s just about to get my second cup of coffee,” Nick replied, “How long were you there?” Nick asked.

“On which planet?” Billy asked and laughed. Boomer joined him, and they held each other.

“I’s expecting you to bring more folks with you,” Nick said.

“Ah, hell, bird-man, we’s just the first wave,” Billy said. About that time the bell rang from the barn. “That’s them now. Prepare yourself, my handsome demon, and you too, Samson. I done brought you a pretty mate, pod’na, all the way from the Andromeda galaxy,’” Billy said. He walked over and opened the barn door. Ms. Maybell came through first, and took her place in the stall next to Samson, followed by the twins, the cowboys, the psyches, and big Clyde brought up the rear. As Billy closed the door he heard Nick exclaim, “Clyde? Clyde, my brother? Is it really you?”

Clyde opened his big arms, and Nick was in them in a second bawling his heart out like a baby calf what just lost sight of his momma. Clyde folded his huge wings around his friend, comforted him, and kissed his tears away.

End of Chapter 5 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright  ©  2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved ~

Next: Chapter 6

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