Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Apr 14, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 9

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 9

"If you want to really hurt your parents, and you don't have the nerve to be gay, the least you can do is go into the arts. I'm not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven's sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something. ~ Kurt Vonnegut

“Not only did they manage to get a two ton Shedu into stasis, they got the rest of you to safety as well. Wouldn’t you say that was a bit strange?” Nick asked. Nobody said a word. They didn’t have anything to say. “Joe and Crunch are damn big men. It would have to be someone with leveraging abilities and some other pretty spectacular powers to get the ship from the bottom of the river to this cave; to say nothing of carefully hiding it by sealing it up behind a wall of solid granite almost three feet thick in places,” he added like he was thinking out loud.

“Seems obvious to me," Billy replied, "whoever or whatever done them things, was looking out for you and your family’s best interest. Is it important to figure it out right now, Tonto, with all the rest of the shit we’s looking to get done in the next several weeks?” Billy asked trying to direct Nick’s attention away from his current train of thought. “Beside we got us a bigger problem how we’re gonna’ utilize, house, and feed your crew,” Billy said.

“My crew is self-sustaining. The ship is one large hypersphere. Basically, there’s a miniature planet inside. This village and all the land you see out there for miles is contained within a giant cube inside my ship. It’s a tesseract. It’s a large dimension stuffed inside a smaller one. They’s wild animal herds out there we keep for food for Leon, Pan, Joe, Crunch, Raz, and the village people hunt them.

“What village people?” Boomer asked.

“Eyee! Hosanna! The village people!” Nick exclaimed and slapped the palm of his hand against his forehead, “Here we are in the village, and I ain’t even thought about them. I just thought they’ s probably hiding. They’s shy around new folks. Seth where are our people?” Nick asked.

“Safe in stasis, Captain. You didn’t ask about them earlier,” Seth replied.

“You’re right, I didn’t. My mistake. Are they all right?” he asked.

“Two adults have broken bones. One little boy and his sister have major burns on their bodies, but they’re alive. The rest are fine, sir,” replied Seth.

“What about your wild animals, Nick,” Billy asked. Nick looked confused.

“How about them, Seth?” he asked.

“The outback is so large, they managed. There were a few casualties, but most survived,” Seth reported, “It’s good you arrived when you did, sir, sustainable oxygen for the ecosphere was becoming rapidly depleted, and the plant life was unable to replenish enough to offset the imbalance,” Seth said, “Perhaps now you might reconsider your crew’s suggestion of creating a tropical area which would raise the sustainable oxygen rate to ninety percent or better,” he added.

“Remind me later. I've changed my mind on the matter. I'm convinced. I think it's a good idea. Wake up our people and tell them to meet us here in the square, Seth,” Nick said.

“Right away, Captain,” Seth replied.

Nick turned to his crew, “Before they arrive I have an announcement to make. As you know, we were coming to Earth at the request of the Grigori and a couple other advanced alien species we never met to see if we could make a difference and turn their world around to one of knowledge, reason, and social equality for everyone, not just a few with money and power. I certainly didn’t count on our crash landing, but as a result, this young cowboy you see before you risked his life and that of his owner to save mine. As you well know, there are unspoken laws in the universe which must be upheld, and many of your species practice the same; if a man saves your life, you must give your life to him. I have no choice but to give myself to Billy Daniels to become his slave,” Nick announced.

There was surprise and quiet talk among his crew. Nick let them have their minute. “What about us, Captain?” Beauford acted as an unofficial spokesman for the crew.

“I ain’t really had time to think on it, but by universal law when I become his slave, Master Billy has legal right to everything I own, and it would include this ship, its contents, and all of you,” Nick said.

There was a massive silence. “Does he have other slaves, Captain?” Beauford asked.

“Yes, Boomer here, is his number one salve and bonded mate. Boomer is the nephew of the two highest members of the Grigori council. Master billy was give several slaves by the Grigori and five hundred others from the Irin, with another five hundred promised to him when we have room and can provide for them properly,” Nick replied.

“How long have you had these slaves, sir,” Beauford asked Billy.

“Only a couple of days, sir. It’s all happened since I run into you at the bottom of the river. I didn’t ask for none of this, Mr. Beauford. T’weren’t none a’ my idea. This is all coming together so fast I’m becoming overwhelmed. Then these damnably heavy wings grew in last night. I couldn’t get out of bed this morning 'cause of loss of blood from them breaking through the skin on ma’ back. Thank goodness Nick was with me to help me through my metamorphosis. I’m a young man by human standards, sir, and I ain’t got a lot of knowledge about life and living.

“I got me some cowboy smarts, and I’m a fair musician, but beyond that I ain’t nobody special. Maybe, if I had someplace to get away from the madness what’s going on in my world, and share some quality time with some wise creatures like you to give me advice, it might help and make me and Nick’s journey together a mite easier,” Billy said, “As I see it, I will only be your master in name only. Nick will still be your boss. He’ll see to your needs and wellbeing. Lord knows, I ain’t gonna’ have time to do much more'n visit from time to time,” Billy said.

<< Damn, that was smooth, >> Nick thought to himself, and grinned.

<< Thanks, Bird-man, but I’s jes’ shoot’n from the hip, >> Billy sent to him.

“While you folks slept, I had a chance to get to know this young human. He bandaged, and healed my wounded wing, and apart from becoming his slave, I bonded with him. While I’m not his number one, I will be by his side throughout our time here on Earth. I’m convinced the greater powers in the universe want us together, and we will stay here for as long as it takes,” Nick said.

The village people began to come into the square. There was a couple of hundred various races and sizes. At first glance the majority looked like normal humanoids with a little stockier build, but the males were much more muscled out and the females were more petite than humans. There were shorter ones who looked like pictures Billy saw of dwarfs; some looked like elfins and had gossamer wings; and a few even looked like what Billy thought Hobbits might look like. They even called their village the “Shire.” Then there were several variety of colorful monkey-like people with fur and tails. All of them were wonderful and seemed happy, healthy, and well fed -- except for the wounded, whom they pushed in on anti-grav gurneys like Billy used to rescue Nick.

The village folk looked at Billy in awe and shied away from him. The younger ones ran to Nick’s crew laughing and yelling their names. Each crew member had a couple in each arm, hugging, kissing them, and calling them by name. Beauford even allowed several on his back. They were not afraid of any of them including the dragon man. He was playing with several, holding them, and making over them. The children’s reaction to the crew told Billy volumes about the goodness and likability of Nick’s crew.

When Billy saw the little boy and girl in such pain from massive burns on their small bodies, he automatically went to them, and knelt over them. To everyone’s amazement, his wings raised up and out to cover them. The villagers were in awe of the beauty and grandure of Billy’s wings. They started glowing like they were receiving an unknown light source. They became so bright and radiant everyone in the shire was forced to cover their eyes. Billy smiled at the two children and held his hands about a foot over them. The light from his wings traveled down through his arms and out his hands to shine on the burned flesh of the children. Everywhere the light touched, it instantly healed the burns and returned their skin to its original state. There was no pain, and the children didn’t even cry out. They opened their arms to Billy, and he took them both into his arms for a hug and a kiss. The crowd was mesmerized. Even Nick’s crew was gobsmacked.

<< E’aup, them Irin done give you the grand deluxe package, cowboy,” >> Billy heard Nick in his head.

“Bring me the two with broken bones,” Billy said like a command.

The small folks brought in a male dwarf who looked like a sturdy warrior with a full beard and mustache. He was a handsome creature, but he was in great pain. He lay naked under a blanket they threw over him. Billy simply put his hand to his head, and it glowed. The man lay back in a deep sleep. “I put him to sleep, so he will feel no pain. I must set the bone in his leg before I can heal him,” Billy said loud enough so everyone could hear him as he removed the blanket and handed it to one of the dwarf’s relatives. He expertly took the small man’s leg and gave it a quick jerk. Billy could feel it pop back into its proper place. He began to gather the light again, and passed his hands over the man’s leg until it was completely healed.

When he was finished, Billy leaned over, kissed the man on his forehead, and he awoke. He got a funny look on his face with Billy so close to him, but he kept himself together. Then he realized his leg didn’t hurt anymore, and raised his leg to look. The smile which crossed his face was one of delight and thankfulness. He grabbed Billy, threw his small but mighty arms around his neck, and kiss him hard, right on the mouth. Billy didn’t pull away, but returned the handsome dwarf’s kiss in kind. Everyone applauded.

Billy then proceeded to heal the young woman who was the daughter of the male dwarf he just healed. She was more reserved, but equally grateful. Then all hell broke loose with applause and stomping of feet for Billy and his compassion for their people. Everyone came to him to take his hand and quietly thank him for helping their family members. So did the crew members including Raz who rarely allowed others to touch him other than the children. He broke his right wing and a bone in his back sometime ago. It healed wrong, he walked with a limp, and he couldn’t fly anymore. Billy invited the dragon-man into his arms, and Billy's wings began to recharge.

The two of them became surrounded in a brilliantly bright heavy light which poured into the dragon-man and came out like shards of light which fell to the ground and disappeared. Billy held him for almost ten minutes and hummed an old Bach choral to him as he held him tight. The old dragon shed tears, because he could feel his body rearranging itself, and he knew he was being returned to his previous state before the hunting accident. He would be able to fly again. When Billy was finished, he released Razza, and watched him walk around without a limp. Raz raised his wings together and began to flap them. The old dragon-man got the biggest smile on his face as he slowly began to lift from the ground and flew around the square to the applause and whistles of the people. He returned to Billy and gracefully landed before him. He fell to his knees in front of Billy, kissed each of his buckaroo boots, and spoke, “I can’t speak for my brothers, Master Billy, but if you will have me, I would be proud and honored to be your slave, sir,” he said.

“Come to your master’s arms, my good slave, and share your love with him,” Billy said softly.

The dragon-man was in Billy’s arms in an instant. Neither held back any affection or admiration for each other. Raz’s penis, hidden behind a bony shield, began to become erect and protrude from its carapace. Billy could feel it and grinned, “Why, Raz, you old demon-dog,” he said and laughed.

Raz threw back his head and laughed with him. “Sorry, my good master, you have that effect on me. That hasn’t happened to me in years. You made me feel young again, sir,” he said.

“Glad I could help such a fine looking demon, and I would be proud and pleased to call you my slave,” Billy said and stole another kiss. Raz was in love with his new master. He would do anything for Billy.

“Ain’t chu’ upstaging me there just a bit, Kemosabe?” Nick whispered, and grinned.

“An angel’s gotta’ do, what angels do, Tonto,” Billy replied.

“Do you want me to go through the ceremony before my people?” Nick asked.

“No, they ain’t interested in no ceremonies. They’s more interested in the details, and how it might affect them. You done already told 'em you’s gonna’ give yourself to me to be my slave, and answered their questions. I think we put aside any doubts or fears they might have, and they’re satisfied you and me ain’t gonna’ sell them down the river. That’s enough. I got no intentions of taking over your ship or people. It would be a wonderful get-away place for us to have some one-on-one time with each other. I think it might be a great place to store our extra gold until we need it, or if we need to hide some folks for a while. Our ceremony only has to be before two of our family,” Billy said.

“Boomer and Clyde?” Nick asked.

“Exactly,” Billy replied, “If’n you’s squeamish about it, we can just tell the others it’s a done deal,” Billy said.

“You’d be that understanding?” Nick asked.

“I done told ju’ the position of becoming my dad is still available. I weren’t kidding. What son would demean his dad by placing him in a situation which might be uncomfortable for him. I want you for my dad, Nick, but as we done seen, others desperately want you to be my slave -- demon cock, balls, and all. I don’t care how we do it, but if saying them words and paying homage to me in front of people is gonna’ cut chore’ balls off, it ain’t what I want. Yore’ cock and balls won’t be doing me no good hanging around my neck,” Billy said.

Nick broke up laughing at Billy’s cowboy hyperbolical metaphor. He calmed down, and said quietly,“I understand what you’re saying, Son, I hope you can forgive me. With your arcane knowledge of religions and the bible, I’m sure you’re probably aware I ain’t got the best reputation with mankind. Jehovah said he created man in our image, but we knew he neither had the talent, knowledge, nor the technology to create them. Like so many other things, he lied about them, too. When we found out the truth, he bought the human worker prototypes from the Annunaki priests who were supreme alchemist, me and my brothers tried to help them. When he found out what we's doing he went crazy and was gonna' make us slaves to them to punish us. We refused to bow down to them and acknowledge them as our masters.

“When he first to us for his slaves, he placed me and my brothers at his right hand. He told us we were most important to him, and he loved us without measure. You don’t do something like that to someone you love and respect whether he’s your slave or not unless you's bat shit crazy and more viciously cruel than a sidewinder. Jehovah’s problem was, he was total sociopath; claimed he loved you one minute, then treated you like shit the next. Because we stood up to him, we were accused of being arrogant, rebelling against him, and trying to usurp his power.

“Nothing could have been further from the truth, but truth and compassion was never one of Jehovah’s strong suits. I was the only messenger what escaped his wrath, and my brothers are still in stasis under Mount Ararat. Since then, I avoided human kind as much as possible, and now more than ever, I’m convinced them Grigori played a major role in getting us together. Truth is, Kemosabe, I just ain’t never met a man like you before,” Nick said quietly.

“Neither have I, Tonto,” Billy agreed with a sigh, “but I think I rather like the man I’m becoming,” he said.

“No argument here, Kemosabe,” Nick said, “only my feelings run a bit more deep than ‘like.’ I’m in love with you, Master Billy Daniels,” he added.

“It’s mutual, my comely bright angel. I love you, too, but one question lingers in my mind. Why didn’t the other angels rebel against Jehovah?” Billy asked.

“Fear and cowardice,” Nick replied, “That’s the way he operated was to instill fear and suspicion in everyone he dealt with. They were scared to death of him, and well they should have been. He was a nasty, mean spirited alien who only wanted one thing -- wealth, with no regard to anyone else’s wellbeing. Sound familiar?” Nick asked.

“I’d say the spirit of the evil Jehovah is still alive and thriving on Earth hiding under the guise of religion. Ain’t no doubt, it’s the way most of them operate,” Billy said sadly, "What about Clyde. Were was he during all this, and how did he escape?" Billy asked.

"Any advanced race could buy us from the Annunaki. Clyde and I were what you might call class mates and we was buddies growing up until we were sold to different buyers. I was sold to Jehovah and Clyde to the Irin. We never saw each other again until you brought him home with you. He told me he's been with the Irin most of the time with other adventures like the one he's on now by volunteering to come to Earth and be your slave," Nick said.

"Does that mean I gotta' give him back sometime?" Billy asked.

"Probably not. He knew when he volunteered, and his masters allowed him to go with you, it might be a life time thing; or at least your lifetime. Depends on how well he serves you, and how you feel about him, I suppose," Nick replied, "but I never met the Irin. I ain't got no idea how they operate," he added.

“Will your crew be able to make repairs on your ship, Nick?”

“Yeah, we got us emergency repair plans which will have the ship ready for travel in about three days, but other repairs will be made as time permits. Many of our villagers have been trained as backup mechanics and engineers. We school the brightest of their siblings on ship functions and maintaining the ecosphere. They’re considered junior staff, and they’re very proud of their abilities. They earned the right to be proud. Some are damn near geniuses at their specialties. More than a few times our junior staff saved our butts. I’m glad you thought we should come and check things out. You’re concern may have saved a lot of lives. What say we wrap things up here pretty quick and get back to the ranch?” Nick asked.

“If you’re satisfied everything is okay, and they’ll be all right for a while,” Billy said.

“Now they’re out of stasis, I can communicate with Beauford several times a day to check on things, or he can contact me if they need a decision made,” Nick said, “By the way, if you need ready cash, I got several hundred thousand dollars in American money on board. I didn’t know whether I’d need it or not, but it’s yours now, anyway. We don’t use cash on the ship. Everything is bartered and credits are stored and accounted for by our main computer, Seth,” Nick said.

“It sure would help us out of a tight spot right now, and I could repay you later when I cash in some of the gold, Tonto,” Billy said.

“Ain’t no need. Money means nothing to me. You and I will take a side trip to Vegas one day soon when we got a free day, and I’ll teach you how to milk the cash cow,” Nick said, and laughed.

“The Grigori told me about your nefarious ways,” Billy said and grinned.

“I like to look on it as a manufactured Darwin trait, Kemosabe, survival of the fittest,” he said, and grinned.  

Nick took Billy and Boomer to his personal quarters. It wasn’t just a large room, it was a small palace built on the side of a beautiful lake. It looked like something from a medieval story book. There was an actual moat stocked with fish, several pairs of swans, a draw bridge, with many rooms and towers. It was enormous and fully staffed with servants. It was magnificent and spotless. Not a stone was damaged in the crash. Nick explained the castle was where his protectors lived as well, and Beauford had his own stable suite with several keepers and grooms to see to his needs. Nick got two fine leather suitcases from a large cabinet, and set them on a nearby table. He undid the straps to one and opened the lid. Inside were stacks of American money in various denominations starting with hundred dollar bills with several stacks of five-hundred dollar bills.

“There’s a hundred thousand in each case, and I have a dozen more just like it. Will two of these do for a while?” he asked with a grin.

“It certainly will. It will keep me from having to get to the gold exchanger right away,” Billy said, “What do you think about my idea to store our gold here, Tonto? Would it be safe?” Billy asked.

“This is your ship, Kemosabe, or as the Spanish say, me casa, su casa. I think it’s a wonderful idea. There’s no entry to this part of the cave where the ship is resting. The only way in or out is by trans-location. No one can get to it here, and my crew will defend it with their lives. We certainly wouldn’t take off with it. We ain’t got no use for gold,” Nick replied, “Besides, when we bond as master and slave, I will be placed under universal law to see to my master’s wellbeing, to protect him and his property with any and all of my resources and talents. Them laws are strictly enforced and woe be unto the slave who don’t honor his troth to his master,” Nick said seriously.   

Nick handed Boomer the suitcases to carry, they headed back to the village square to say goodbye, and transport back to the cabin. Since Nick had his bearings about where the ship was located, and the navigation sensors were working, it would be no problem to transport directly. Nick checked with his crew for any last minute details or questions they needed answered, and they seemed to be happy everything was going to be fine.

Nick, Billy, and Boomer transported back to the line cabin to check on things. Everything seemed to be okay, so they made another jump and appeared in the living room of the ranch house. Nathan was in the kitchen having a cup of coffee talking to Kate and her helpers when he saw a flash of light down the hall coming from the living room. Billy’s uncle became as fascinated with the the halflings and psyches as the rest of Billy’s family. As they worked preparing the evening meal Kate had her stereo cranked up in the other room playing Ravel’s Daphnis and Cloe. The twins were listening intently. They remarked they never heard anything so sensual. Kate agreed with them, and said it was like one musical orgasm after another for forty-five minutes.

“I think our fledgling angel and his men have arrived in our living room, Ma,” Nathan said.

The twins looked at Kate. Out of respect for their mistress, they wouldn’t leave their station without her approval. She saw the look of anticipation on their faces, grinned, and nodded for them to go to their master. She told Archie and Edith to drop what they were doing and join them. The twins sounded like a herd of buffalo stampeding down the long hallway in their buckaroo boots they had come to love because their beloved master wore them, and they wanted to look just like him.

Billy had his arms open for them as they rounded the corner of the stairs, and started to enter the living room. Poly instantly stopped and Cass almost fell over him, but he gathered himself together and stopped to look at the tall imposting angel with bright shining gold wings standing before them. Kate told them about it to prepare them, but they were nonetheless gobsmacked by their master’s ethereal beauty. They fell to their knees and said quietly, “Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!” Archie and Edith did the same right behind them.

“Will you guys cut it out?” Billy said firmly, fell to his knees, and once again opened his arms for them. They were in his arms in a second hugging and kissing him like they hadn’t seen him in years. Archie and Edith were as generous with their affection as the halflings.

“Master Billy, you look...” Cass couldn’t find the words.

“Holy!” Edith exclaimed, and they all agreed.

“Yes, that’s it. You look like a handsome young god,” Archie said, and the halflings agreed with him.

“Funny, I don’t feel like no god. Ain’t they supposed to be om-nippy-tent and speak in a booming voice to scare the crap out of ever’body?” Billy asked, and laughed.

“So it would seem, Master Billy,” Archie replied, and they shared a laugh.

“Edith, remind me to show you good folks an old movie from almost a hundred years ago about the “Wizard of Oz" in which there is a man who tries to fool folks into believing he’s a god-like wizard when he’s nothing but a fraud. I ain’t nothing like him. I ain’t no wizard, neither. This is an unexpected gift from them Irin buckaroos we done visited on Fort Adam Lear when they enhanced us. They grew in last night, and Nurse Nick says I gotta’ wear ‘em for at least twenty-four hours to let them imprint on my physiology to be able to hide them away when I don’t need them or call them forth when I do. Learning to morph and trans-locate are next on the list. They’s heavy mothers. I’m exhausted from walking around wearing them,” Billy said, and sat on a large bar stool in the living room.

Kate walked into the living room wiping her hands on her apron, “We’re fix’n supper, and it won’t be long before we eat. We invited Moss and Tron again for dinner,” she said.

“Oh, Sweet Jesus, Moss is gonna’ think I’s a freak’n weirdo,” Billy lamented.

“No he won’t, Son. Moss loves you. He and Tron are part of our family,” Kate said.

“I know. Boom, give that suitcase to Uncle Nathan,” Billy ordered his number one. Boomer handed one of the suitcases to Nathan.

“What’s this?” he asked.

“Open it, Uncle,” Billy said, and grinned.

Nathan carefully opened the case, and his eyes got real big, “Holy Shit!” he exclaimed, “Sorry, Ma,” he said in deference to his mother.

“That’s all right, Son, I’d say it was an appropriate response for the enormity of the surprise,” Kate said, and giggled.   

“How much is in here, and were did it come from?” Nathan asked.

“They’s a hun’nert thousand in each case, and it's a gift from Nick. One for you and one for me for whatever we might need in the next couple of weeks. With chow to buy and more clothes for the staff we’ll probably run though it pert-damn quick, but by then we should have more. Try to pay cash for everything. I plan to give Tron some cash to operate on this evening so they won’t be so strapped and depressed. Don’t put more’n ten thousand in the bank. They’ll get nosey, and wanna’ know where it came from. They might report it to the feds,” Billy admonished him, “Oh, and by the way, when they bring them ranch vehicles, don’t let ‘em try’n charge you a delivery fee, ‘cause it’s already done been paid for by the Grigori. If’n they do, tell them you won’t sign for them or accept them. They can just take them back, we’ll notify the buyers, and the sale will be canceled,” Billy said.

“How do you know this, Billy?” Nathan asked.

“I don’t know, it just come to me. They’s like a voice in ma’ head what told me to say it. I just done what it told me. Obviously, they’s on our side, and don’t want us to get horn-swaggled by an unscrupulous dealer. You know how them jessie-god-bot business zombies can be. If’n they think they can bleed you for more, they’ll cut your throat to get it,” Billy said in a disgusted manner.

“Why don’t you let me take care of Tron, Son?” Nathan asked.

“How ‘bout a compromise, Uncle? You slip Tron ten thou, and I’ll do the same for Moss,” Billy said with a wicked grin.

“For a novice angel you got a wicked streak, boy. Does it for me,” Nathan said, and laughed. Billy stuck out his hand, and they shook on it as co-conspirators.

“I don’t know about leaving that kind of money around the house, Billy,” Kate said with concern.

“We got granddad’s big old walk-in safe built into the foundation of the house hidden behind that old hinged tool cabinet in the basement,” Billy said.

“I know, but we ain’t got the combination,” Nathan said, “Daddy done took it with him when he died. Mean'n no disrespect to ma' dad, but my old man kept a lot of things to his’self. I think he meant well. I’m sure he eventually would have told us, but he passed away so unexpectedly it caught him by surprise. We don’t even know what’s in there,” Nathan said, and shook his head.   

“I think I might have the combination,” Billy said.

“How? Did he tell you?” his uncle asked.

“No, but one of my favorite children’s books, “Why Cowboys Sleep With Their Boots On,” he read to me so many times I lost count. It was his favorite book to read to me, and it was something very special between us. I was in heaven when he read it. Every time he read it to me he made me promise I would take good care of the book. Granddad said he wanted me to keep it forever as a memory of our love for each other and our good times together. Granddad said he would always be by my side when I looked at it, and it contained more information than was in the story itself. There was a message within the book I would one day discover for myself,” Billy said.

“I remember that book. Daws spoke of it many times, and told me to make sure you never threw it away. It was as important to him as it was to you, Billy. You think he left you the combination to the safe in the book?” Kate asked.

“Only one way to find out, Grandma. Cass, you and Poly go up to my room in the tower and look in the top drawer of the night stand on the right-hand side of my bed for a small book with a drawing of a cowboy laying down getting ready to go to sleep and bring it to me,” Billy said. 
The twins were away in an instant. Everyone could hear their cowboy boots clomping up three flights of stairs to the tower were Billy’s room was. Billy grinned, “Ah, them little men’s boots is heavenly music to my ears,” he said, and everyone laughed with him.

“They been a god-send for me,” Kate said and sighed, “You sure you wanna’ make them into cowboys, Billy?” she asked.

“Grandma?” Billy asked indignantly and laughed, “What’s wrong with being a cowboy? My granddaddy would give you one of his blank stares what said without words, ‘Is you daft?’ Billy said and laughed again.

“I know. God knows they can’t talk about anything else but when they'll get to be ‘real’ cowboys. I just know they’ll be as good at it as they are everything else. I’m convinced there isn’t anything those two can’t do if they set their minds to it,” Kate allowed.

The twins returned and handed Billy the book. “Thanks, gentlemen, I’ll let you read it when we finish with it. It’s for a young kid. It’s silly, but me and my granddad loved it. You might enjoy it, but be careful with it, I want to keep it for a long time,” he said.

Billy began to look through the book, and on the very first page was a picture of a clock. It had a circle with an arrow drawn counterclockwise around it and the number 3 was circled on the face of the clock. At the bottom of the page was the page number and by it was a plus sign with the number 10 carefully printed next to it. Billy turned to page 11 and there was an 'R’ before the number and a another plus sign with the number 6 neatly written next to it. Billy turned to page 17 and there were more instructions until he had the complete combination for the safe. Everyone was agog over his granddad’s sly message. Kate and Nathan were stunned.  

They had to go to the basement to try it. Kate gathered her crew. The twins and psyches returned to the kitchen to continue helping Kate with dinner. They still had a lot of work to do to get supper on the table for their growing crew.

The old cabinet hadn’t been moved since Daw’s death eight years before, and it moaned and groaned when Billy and his uncle moved it to expose the great built-in wall safe. Billy spun the dial, and it was still in working order. He turned it three times counterclockwise to 11 and then right to 17 and so on until the last number. He cranked the handle, and the great heavy door unlatched. Nathan was overjoyed, and Nick was beside himself with anticipation.

If nothing else, Billy’s granddad, Daws, was a meticulous business man, and kept detailed accurate records of all his dealings. It was lucky they found the combination because the safe contained the family land grant records and many family historical records few people even knew about. It would take Billy and Nathan weeks, perhaps even months, to go through and catalog its contents. They didn’t have time to look at much, but were ecstatic they now had access to it. Partially hidden, stood up on its hinged end, pressed to the back on one of the lowest shelves was a large dark metal strong box a bit larger than the leather suitcases they brought with them.  

“Hello, and what do we have here?” Billy said as he fell to his knees to get a better look.

“What is it, Son?” Nathan asked.

“A large metal strong box, Uncle Nate,” Billy said as he began to wrestle it out from the wall.

It was really heavy, but fortunately had metal handles at each end. Billy huffed and puffed, and managed to get it to lay flat on the shelf. He took one end and his uncle took the other, and together they lifted it onto a small table at the end of the safe. It had a welded metal hasp with a substantial lock on it. “Well, I guess we’ll have to wait until we find the key,” Billy said.

“Not necessarily, my angelic nephew. When daddy died, ma gimme’ his keys to sort. I put the common ones he used every day on a ring I keep for duplicates, but those I didn’t recognize, about five, I put on this here key ring of mine thinking I might, one day, find the lock what they open. Let’s see...” Nathan said, and got the keys. He found one which looked like it might match the lock and tried it. It worked, and they lifted the lid together. They both let out a low whistle. Nick was peering over their shoulders.

“Holy mother of god!” Nathan exclaimed softly.

“Sweet Jesus,” allowed Billy.

The lock box was filled with carefully wrapped packs of thousand dollar bills and five hundred dollar bills. They even found five ten thousand dollar gold certificates issued in 1934. The serial numbers were in perfect sequence order with each other. Nathan picked up a pack of fifty, one-thousand dollar bills and slipped one out.

“Would ju' look at that, Billy. Bet chu’ ain’t never seen one like that before,” Nathan said. He could see Billy was puzzled. “Read the bottom of the bill, Son,” his uncle told him.

“Gold Certificate,” Billy read aloud.

“I’ll bet you the five-hundreds are silver certificates,” Nathan said, and grabbed one of the packs. Sure enough they were all silver certificates. “This money was collected and stored long before my daddy took over the ranch. These have to be from my granddaddy and dad just kept them in case of an emergency. He never talked with me or my brother about none of this. I doubt seriously ma knows anything about them. Yore’ granddaddy was a cowboy and kept his personal matters to himself,” Nathan said. “Now, they’s as much yours as mine, Billy. What do you wanna’ do with it?” Nate asked.

“Close it up, and put it back until we got time to go through it and think on it some,” Billy said, “We got enough money for right now, and soon, we'll have much more.  We don’t need this right now. This is all coming too soon and too quickly. A few things must be put on hold until we got more time,” Billy said.

“I agree,” Nathan said. They closed the strong box, and returned it to it’s hiding place on the lowest shelf.

They stored the two suitcases on separate shelves. Billy counted out twenty thousand dollars. Ten for him and ten he planned to give to Moss. His uncle took the same amount from his suitcase.

Nathan stuck out his hand to Nick. They shook hands. “I had my doubts about you, Nick. I ain’t unaware what the name ‘Nick’ might imply, but if’n you’s good enough for ma’ nephew to love and want as a close member of our family, you’s all right by me, Son,” Nathan said.

Nick was so moved by Nathan’s words he almost lost it. “I plan to give myself to Master Billy this evening before his family, sir. I appreciate your kind words, and I promise I will do everything in my power to protect him and help him accomplish whatever them advanced aliens got in store for us. I give you my word as an ex-angel and messenger, sir,” Nick said with conviction.

“Ain’t no doubt in my mind, Son. Together you men will make an unbeatable team,” Nathan said.

The three men returned to the living room to await their guests for supper.

* * * * * * *
Hank, Buck, Andy, and Clyde in the front door and joined them while they were in the living room. The four cowboys were filthy. Clyde wasn’t wearing his wings, and looked like one of the other buckaroos. Billy marveled at Hank and Buck. They didn’t look much older than his messenger or his Irin foreman. It struck Billy deep inside how intimate he was with each of them, and how much they meant to him. He knew beyond a doubt they would become two of the most important people in his life. He was grateful for that bit of enhanced insight.

The four cowboy were stunned by their master’s new wings. “Mistress Kate and Clyde done told us about your wings, Master Billy. They said they were awesome, but we never imagined anything like this, sir,” Hank said.

“Are you an angel, now, Master Billy?” Buck asked.

“No. I ain’t no angel, and I ain’t no god. I’m just a brown-dirt cowboy master what’s been given this set of wings by Andy’s supreme leaders. We all got enhanced by them. I think some of us probably got more than others, but I don’t know for sure. Just wait, buckaroos, you might find you got powers you ain’t never counted on. If you find out, be sure to let me know. I need to know everything about each of you for me to utilize your talents in the most efficient way to make things easier for everyone,” Billy said.

“Will do, sir,” said Hank.  

“You’s a filthy lot, but I like to see my cowboy like that. Tell's me they been doing some work. What chu’ men been up to?” Billy asked.

“We been cleaning up the bunkhouse, and got it in pretty good shape. The sun come out for a bit. We took the mattresses outside, beat the dust out of them, and let them sit in the sun for a couple of hours. They’ll do until we can afford some more. They ain’t a lot of linen, but all a cowboy needs is a fart sack to cover the mattress and a good warm blanket. We can rough it until we get better, more comfortable accommodations,” Hank allowed, “Buck and me, we lived in much worse places,” he added.

“I agree with Hank, Master Billy, we don’t need a lot to get started. What we really need is a place to have a cook shack. We can’t bring a lot more cowboys on line until we got a place to cook and feed 'em. We cain’t impose on Mistress Kate and Master Nathan to feed ten or fifteen cowpokes. Even if they ain’t cowboy’n all the time, they got other skills. Every one is a master carpenter, electrician, and plumber. They can do any kind of building from design, estimating material cost to building the final structure, whatever it might be,” Andy said.

“What about heat out there? I know that old water heater for the showers was on it’s last leg,” Billy asked.

“The big potbelly stove worked fine once we got it cleaned up, and the stack cleaned out. That’s part of why we’s so dirty, but you’re right about the water heater. It ain’t working a' tall. Besides it was only thirty gallons. For a group of cowboys to fill the bunkhouse you’ll need a couple at a hundred gallons each,” Buck replied.

“Okay, let’s start slow for right now, gentlemen. Andy, we can seat another couple of cowboys at our table until we get fully operational. Have two of your best men morph tomorrow and bring them to me. Clyde can outfit them. We’ll have Hank and Buck take measurements, and give me the figures. I’ll get on-line and order what we need. It may take several days for delivery, but we’ll save a lot on volume orders,” Billy said. The cowboys got blank looks on their faces.

“They don’t understand what ‘on-line’ means, Kemosabe,” Nick said quietly.

“I’ll explain ‘on-line’ and computers to you men later,” Billy promised, “but right now, you men go clean up for supper and return here. Your dirty clothes ain’t no problem. Grandma’s used to work’n cowhands at her supper table as long as they got clean hands and faces,” Billy said and grinned. When you men shower before bedding down for the night, we’ll have the twins gather your dirty clothes, wash and dry them, and return them to you in the morning so’s you’ll be fresh for tomorrow,” Billy explained.

The men took off for their rooms, and shook hands with Tron and Moss as they walked in the front door. Nathan met the Garretts in the front hallway, and graciously invited them into the living room. The mature rancher and his son were stunned by what they saw standing before them. Billy looked like pictures they saw of archangels, and they were cautious and reserved upon entering the room. Billy acknowledged the older cowboy first and shook his hand. “Good evening, Mr. Garrett, glad to have you and my cowboy brother join us this evening for supper, sir,” Billy said warmly and smiled.

“Thank you, Son,” Tron Garrett said in a reserved manner. Billy was almost as big as his son.

“And do I get a hug from my brother?” Billy asked.

“You's still, Billy Daniels, ain’t chu’, hoss?” Moss asked like he was confused.

“To the bone, Brother,” Billy said, and grinned as he took Moss into his arms. Moss gently hugged him back. Billy offered his hand, and Moss shook it. Billy noticed Moss’s hand where he was missing the little finger on his right hand he lost several years before in a haying accident. He was self-conscious about it, and hid his right hand most of the time. Being right handed, he learned to do a lot of things with his left hand just to hide his right one from sight.

“Would you like to have that finger back, Brother?” Billy asked.

“Yeah, but what’s done it done. I miss it, I don’t feel like a total man sometimes, but you and me, we live by the cowboy code -- cowboys adjust,” he said.

“Give me your hand, Brother,” Billy said. Moss instinctively gave Billy his left hand. “No, your right hand, Moss,” Billy said.

Moss reluctantly gave him his hand, and Billy held it in both of his. He raised his heavy wings, and they began to adsorb a tremendous amount of power and light from some unknown source. Billy’s wings became blindingly bright. Tron and Nathan had to turn their heads aside and shield their eyes from the almost painful blinding light. Nick didn’t move. He seemed to be enjoying watching the two young cowboys coming together within the light. It was like he was bathing in it and gaining strength from their bonding. He walked over to them, put his hands over Moss and Billy’s, raised his wings, and even more light began to spill forth from their conjoining.

Moss looked down and couldn’t believe what was happening. He could actually see the stub of his small finger begin to glow a stark white color, and he could swear it was growing. They stood together for almost thirty minutes with the bright light filling the living room, until Billy and Nick were satisfied Moss’s finger was fully grown and functional. Still within the bright light Billy spoke to his brother, “Move it for me, Moss,” he said like a gentle order. Slowly but surely Moss began to move his new finger until he could move it about and up and down. A great smile spread across the young cowboy’s face and tears ran down his cheeks.

“Oh, my God! Oh, my God!  Dad, look! he exclaimed. Tron came to his side, and he could see Moss’s new finger moving. The others joined them when they saw the bright light coming from the living room. They were gobsmacked by what they were witnessing, and they knew the conjoining of Nick and Billy coming close to the point of melding made what they witnessed seem like a miracle to them. Finally, Billy and Nick lowered their wings, and the light slowly began to dissipate. There was a great hush fell over the room.

Billy looked deep into Moss’s eyes and saw tears of gratitude and love for his cowboy brother who just gave him back his finger. “Now, my brother, can we try that hug again, but this time I better get me a kiss from yore’ big ugly mug what will curl me toenails, buckaroo,” Billy said, and grinned. Billy got what he asked for.

“Everyone in the room could feel the love which passed between them. Billy’s wings raised, and he began to absorb light again which poured into and out of both men. Nick walked to them, gently put his hand upon Billy’s shoulder, and motioned for the others to do the same. The entire family had a hand on either Billy or Moss, and they were drinking in the natural goodness of their love for each other like it was a cool spring of flowing water, and they were thirsty. It filled everyone with the most gentle and gracious unconditional love for one another, there was nothing which could be said to define it. It couldn’t be described. It was the ultimate feeling of belonging. They were bonding as family.

“Wow!” exclaimed Kate, “Never felt anything like that before. It certainly was an eyeopening experience. Since when have you been able to perform such miracles, Billy?” she asked.

“They ain’t miracles, Grandma. We should be far enough along now we don’t have to rely on the ideas of things we don’t understand as unexplainable as ‘miracles.’ What I just done for my brother is based on solid science, physics, and the laws of the universe. I was enhanced to be able to do these things,” Billy said, “I’m beginning to understand why I was given this set of wings. They’s not only flight worthy, they’s giant receiving antennas for collecting the healing power that exists all around us and is as plentiful as the dew, the very essence of the firmament, the physical application of the ethos of unconditional love,” Billy said.

“He discovered his new powers while we were on board my ship, Ms. Kate. He healed two badly burned halfling children, a dwarf with a broken leg, and his daughter who had a broken arm. He also restored one of my protectors who was hurt in a hunting accident many years ago and left crippled and unable to fly. He now walks proud and tall and can fly again. Your grandson made a big impression on my crew and the people of our village,” Nick said.

“We came to invite you men to supper, but got a bit sidetracked. Come, gentlemen, let’s gather for supper, and we can discuss this over a good meal. My fine helpers, and the cowboys, Hank, Buck, Clyde, and Andy worked hard today; they need a good feed. Come,” Kate said and made a motion with her hand for the men to follow.

Everyone moved toward the kitchen and left Moss and Billy standing together in the living room. “Thank you, brother,” Moss whispered softly to Billy, holding out his right hand to admire his new finger.

“You’re welcome. Your kiss paid for it in full, buckaroo. Ain’t had me none finer. I gotta’ admit I been want’n to do that for a good while,” Billy declared.

“Y’ain’t alone, brother. I been want’n to make a little love with you since yore’ granddaddy past away,” Moss said quietly.

“Let’s us get off by ourselves after dinner and talk for a while, partner,” Billy said.

“I’d like that, Billy,” Moss replied.

* * * * * * *
Everyone sat down at Mistress Kate’s groaning board and began to fill themselves. Billy thought he might have problems sitting in the chair at the table but the back wasn’t so high his wings could comfortably draped over the back. He saw Nick and Clyde do the same.

“How will you explain your new wings, Son,” Tron asked Billy.

“I won’t have to, Mr. Garrett. Nick tells me after twenty-four hours for my body to adjust, I’ll be able to morph them away like the Irin cattle can change shape. It’s not uncommon in the universe. Cass and Poly are masters at shape shifting and can become most anything I ask of them. When I first met Poly he was a huge white Great Pyrenees dog. Right, cowboy?” Billy asked and winked at Poly.

“That’s right, Master Billy. Me and Cass were both dogs that afternoon, but you met Cass in his natural form earlier,” Pollux replied.

“What chu’ men been up to today?” Billy asked.

“We mostly been helping Mistress Kate, but we helped the cowboys some out to the bunkhouse. Mistress Kate says she’s going to start teaching us to read music for an hour each day after breakfast,” Cass replied.

“Worming your way into the hearts and minds of my slaves, are you, Grandma?” Billy asked with a grin.

“No, just rounding off the rough edges,” Kate replied and smiled sweetly. Billy fell out laughing.

“You men pay close attention. She’ll take you to new heights in music,” Billy said.

“We’re looking forward to it,” Poly said.

“What did you men find in the safe?” Kate asked.

“We’ll give you a full run down later, Ma. It was mostly important property and personal documents with a couple of surprises we’ll share with you,” Nathan replied.

The supper went well, and everyone was sated. Kate decided not to serve dessert until later, and everyone retired to the parlor after the kitchen was cleaned up. Kate mentioned to Billy she and the twins worked up a little tune they thought he might enjoy. The twins got out their fiddles and tuned them. Kate sat down at the old upright grand and began to play Percy Grainger’s “Country Gardens.” Billy damn near fell out of his chair laughing. It was the first major piece of music Kate taught him to play for his first recital. So he wouldn’t be afraid for his musical debut, Kate wisely decided they should play it as a duet. Billy played the treble part and Kate played secundo.

After Kate played the melody through once, the twins joined her on the next round, and played the melody straight with Cass playing accompaniment. The third pass Kate played both, the twins riffed on the melody, and invented their own counterpoint. It was stunningly original. Billy was in heaven. Kate looked over to her grandson, smiled, and patted the bench next to her without missing a beat of the music. Billy slipped onto the bench just in time for the last go round of the melody.
Once again he and his beloved grandmother played the duet they played together so many years ago, only this time, they had two beautiful violins playing an intricate counterpoint over their plodding melody. It was fantastic. Grainger never got a better reading. When they finished everyone was on their feet applauding for them and the twins. Another brief but enjoyable musical evening had come to an end.

Kate and her crew returned to the kitchen to get trays of desserts ready to take into the parlor. The men continued to talk quietly among themselves. Billy wasn’t much interested in talking and invited Moss up to his room in the tower for a few minutes. He told him he had something he wanted to show him. They climbed the several flight of stairs and were breathing heavy when they got to Billy’s room. Billy turned and took Moss into his arms. Moss had no problem returning his younger roping partner’s embrace. “Now, where were we?” Billy asked quietly.

“I don’t recall, but I know I need me another one a them buckaroo kisses from my partner,” Moss replied.

Billy didn’t need another invitation and shared a passionate kiss filled with all the repressed love the two young men held for each other; a love which found no outlet, no release in the strictly ultra-conservative confines of the hyper-masculine cowboy world. All the taboos and false equivalences of relationships of any kind were swept aside in a moment of carnal lust. The two words which most adequately describes the attraction two people of any sexual appetite have for each other, cheapened, and made to sound dirty by the foaming foul mouths of rabid evangelical preachers who repress their own sexual desires to such a great degree they became twisted and demonic beyond their wildest rants about their self-styled inventions of perversion. Self hate for the demons inside distill over time to become a strong liquor they became drunk on and would be caught performing the most foul sexual acts. They became that which they condemned.

None of that mattered to the young cowboys holding each other in a shared moment of unvarnished, uncomplicated love for each other. “Fuck it all, Moss. I love you so goddamn much I almost pissed ma’ wranglers,” Billy whispered after they broke off.

“I’m confused, Billy. I feel the same way, but I don’t see how I can fit into your world with all them devoted folks you got around you, and it looks like you’s even gonna’ have many more,” Moss said voicing his doubts.

“You let me worry about it, Hoss. I’ll make time for you and me. I got my bonded mate, Boomer, but he’s my slave. He also owns me, just like I tried to tell you one time Samson owns me, and you laughed at me. I promise you, it’s true. 'Slave' is just a word. All them folks down there own a chunk of me, and I won’t let none of ‘em down. Same with you brother, but I don’t want you for no slave, Moss. I want you for a partner. You’s my big brother and mentor, with privileged access to my heart, my mouth, my cock, and my asshole, if’n you so desire.

“Nick plans to give his’self to me tonight as another slave, and I will accept him. I have to. This moment has been carefully planned by a handful of super intelligent, highly advanced benevolent alien races what want to see mankind join them among the stars, but won’t abide them bringing the baggage of myth and superstition with them. What role is Nick gonna’ play? The daddy I ain’t never had, and I’m to act as a buffer for his sometime erratic behavior. I’m still growing and learning, Moss. I need me a daddy, and Nick needs somebody he respects and admires to love him, believe in him, and trust him,” Billy said and stopped for a minute.

He reached into the back pocket of his Wranglers and pulled out a wad of five hundred dollar bills. Moss’s eyes grew big. Billy carefully counted out twenty of the bills and put the rest into his back pocket. He gathered the bills on the table and handed them to Moss. The big cowboy didn’t offer to take them. “We’d ju’ get money like that, Billy?” Moss asked like he was dumbfounded.

“Nick give it to me to tide us over until I win the Super Lotto tomorrow night and get a chance to exchange some gold I brought back with me from Retikki Prime. I want you to have this. It’s ten thousand dollars with only one string attached,” Billy said.

“I can’t take your money, Billy? That’s a hell of a lot cash. That’ s more’n me’n and ma’dad make in a year,” Moss lamented, “Besides, what’s Nick gonna’ think?” he asked.

“You don’t think I’d do nothing behind his back, do you? He knows about it and encouraged me. Just look at it as an advance on yore’ salary as my right hand man. Considering it’s an entry level position on my staff, I’m offering you a thousand per month, under the table. With this I get me ten months work out of my brother. You got any better offers lately I don’t know about?” Billy asked wickedly and grinned.

“You know better,” Moss lamented.

“Just take it, and put it in yore’ pocket. If’n you’s gonna’ work for me, h’it ain’t charity, Hoss,” Billy said convincingly, “And you will work. During the early stages you may find yore’self doing dirty work right along side my cowboy slaves. Whatever needs to get done to get this operation off the ground and running smoothly, I will expect you to pitch in and help,” Billy said.

“I ain’t no proud man, Brother. You know I can do that. What’s the one string attached,” Moss asked raising an eyebrow.

“You love me unconditionally,” Billy said tenderly.

“I already love you so gotdamn much sometimes I think ma’ fuck’n heart’s gonna’ break when I’m around you, Billy, ‘cause I want to hold you in my arms so bad I get the fever-quakes, and all I can think of is make’n sweet cowboy love to you,” Moss said with tears forming in his eyes.

“Then do we have us a deal, buckaroo?” Billy asked, holding his hand out with the money.

Moss reluctantly took it, and shoved it into his back pocket. The bigger cowboy carefully surrounded Billy with his big arms and embraced him. “Seal our contract with a kiss, Boss?” Moss asked.

“H'it's the best way to do business with a handsome rancher, what’s gonna’ become my personal ramrod,” Billy replied and they kissed a prolonged kiss which said more than all the words about love and faith in each other ever could. Billy and Moss bonded as partners. Their hearts were filled with joy and contentment for each other, and they hadn’t even made the beast with two backs yet. Yet. That would come as a matter of course, as natural as the drawing down of shades at the end of day.

They broke off their kiss when they heard two pair of cowboy boots clomping up the last flight of stairs and running down the hall to Billy’s room. Billy’s new enhancements added another dimension to his musical abilities. He could distinguish walk patterns and the pitch of someone’s boots when they walked like they were carefully tuned percussion instruments playing though a section of one’s life called movements. “My munchkins have been sent by my grandma to fetch us,” Billy said quietly.

“Will we ever have time alone, Boss?” Moss asked.

“Trust me, buckaroo, I’ll make time for my ramrod,” Billy replied.

Poly and Cass came running into the room. Poly ran for Billy and Cass chose Moss. Not unlike two lovable pets, they always expected a hug and a kiss. Moss couldn’t help be charmed by them. They seemed to be full of life and happiness. “Mistress Kate told us to come gather you and Mr. Garrett, Master Billy. She’s serving dessert in the parlor, sir, and it’s delicious. We done already et ours so’s we could help Mistress Kate serve them others,” Poly said breathlessly.

“Come, then, we’ll walk down together. No more running. You’ll wear yourselves out,” Billy said, and stole another kiss from Poly, “And nice Texas speak there, buckaroo. Proud of ya,” he added and laughed.

After everyone finished dessert, the dishes were taken back to the kitchen, and the family gathered together in the parlor again, Nick looked over and caught Billy’s eye, << It’s now or never, Kemosabe, >> he sent with a nervous look in his eye.

<< My heart is open, and ready to welcome you home, Tonto, >> Billy returned.

<< I wonder how many voices will be rejoicing out there this evening? >> Nick mused.

<< So many it will make the heaven’s bright with new stars what will be created in celebration of our conjoining, >> Billy answered.

“Folks, if I could have you attention for a moment,” Nick began, “I won’t bore you with what led up to this moment. You will find out the details as time goes on.  Billy Daniels and I have been brought together by several advanced, highly intelligent creatures in the universe to become a team. They have made it clear, I am to humble myself before him, a human, a son of man, and give myself unto him to be his slave,” Nick said.

“No, Samu’el, tell them more. If they are to trust us they should not be kept in darkness. They should hear the truth. What they choose to do with it will be up to them. When we get underway we must have the trust and faith of our base, or we’re doomed from the beginning. One contrarian heart in this room would be enough to upset the delicate balance of our mission,” Billy said in a commanding voice no one ever heard him use before.

“Aye, Master Billy, you are right," Nick humbled himself, “I am an immortal. I have lived for centuries and was once the messenger and slave to an evil alien named Jehovah and known as Yahweh to the Jews, who deceived the world into believing he was a god so he could control them to be his slaves to work for him and provided him with food. He was a hideous creature and would allow none of his messengers or slaves to look upon him. A few of us actually saw him, and he was a monster with long slimy arms or tentacles which he used to draw food into his huge gaping maw. To say he was Lovecraftian in appearance would be a compliment.

“Many of his messengers who were put in charge of his artificially created human slaves came to know and care about them. They began to teach them language; taught them art, hygiene, and many other things to better their lives until Jehovah found out about them. He wanted to keep the humans ignorant filled with fear and superstition so he could control them. He rounded up those messengers who disobeyed him and placed them in stasis deep in an underground cavern under Mount Ararat. They remain there to this day. Only one of the messengers who rebelled escaped and was rescued by the benevolent race of the Grigori of which our Boomer here is a member. They are known throughout the universe as the Watchers. The messenger who escaped was me, Samu’el.

“Samu’el was my original name when I was artificially created by the Annunaki and then sold to Jehovah as his slave. The 'el did not mean 'of god’, it meant the group type or model number given us by our Annunaki makers. I have been known throughout the ages by many names; Lucifer; Azmodeus; Beelzebub; Azazel; Samyaza; Satan, the devil; Mephistopheles; Old Scratch, and Old Nick. Jehovah did a character assignation on me through his bronze age propaganda machine of myth and superstition which became the religion of the desert tribes and later Islam and Christianity. Unknown to them, they have worshiped a monster of darkness, greed, and mammon all these centuries.    

“When Jehovah found out we were disobeying him and trying to help the humans, his original punishment was, if we cared so much about them he would make us their permanent caretakers -- their slaves. He demanded we bow down before them, pay homage to them, and beg them to accept us as their slaves. I refused, and so did the rest of the so called fallen angels. We decided his punishment was overly severe and despotic for a minor offense, and we stood up to him. It was the first organized labor union strike in history. We were hoping if we reasoned with him he might negotiate with us for a lesser punishment not so harsh, but he refused. We were falsely accused of the sin of pride and rebellion. He claimed we were trying to usurp his authority and take over as supreme being, as he liked to think of himself. The rest is history embellished with myth and miles of more superstition. However, even the smallest kernel of truth will shine and light the way through the darkest of nights.

Nick stood walked over to where Billy was standing by the fireplace, fell to his knees before his young cowboy savior and spoke, “Master Billy Daniels, there are many reasons why I’m kneeling before you tonight. You and I know them all. We discussed them at length, but the primary reason is because in a short time, I have come to love you and your family deeply, and I can’t imagine a future without you and them in my life. I have never been more sure about anything I ever done before, but I know beyond a doubt I must give myself to you, a son of man, to become your slave, sir,” Nick said. Suddenly Billy’s wings unfolded, and he raised them high over everyone in the room. The light they gathered from the frimament began to shine brightly and his radiance was given off to fall upon everyone of them as if each was becoming a part of this wonderful moment of conjoining.

Nick leaned over and kissed each of Billy’s buckaroo boots and spoke, “Please, Master Billy will you accept this humble ex-messenger, ex-archangel for your slave, sir?” Nick asked.

In a booming voice that sounded like the very voice of god himself, Billy commanded Nick to rise, embrace his new master, and share his love with him. Nick was in Billy’s arms in an instant sobbing his heart out. They kissed a kiss which moved the heavens and Earth. At the very moment they kissed, bells rang out from their small town and could be heard upon the mountain top. There was a massive wind passed through the upstairs ballroom and eerily passed through numerous organ pipes to make a cacophonous ethereal sound. Everyone laughed nervously, but were respectful. They knew they witnessed something as damn near sacred as they were ever going to experience in their lives -- the final humbling of the fallen angel, Lucifer, to beseech a humble brown dirt cowboy, a man of the Earth, to allow him to become his slave and Nick’s acknowledged master was the completion of a little known prophecy from centuries ago no one ever gave much credence. The circle was complete. The prophecy was fulfilled. The sky was ablaze with meteor showers that evening which looked like the very stars themselves were falling from the firmament as if its very bosom swelled with exultation and made a great sigh of release for the final resolution.

They broke off their kiss and Billy exclaimed, “Hosanna! The lost has been found and returned to the fold! Blessed be him who maketh the seven stars and Orion! Hosanna in the highest!”

Everyone replied, “Hosanna in the highest!”

“And on Earth, peace, goodwill to all men, and all the creatures who share this planet with them,” said the small voice of Edith.

“Hosanna!” exclaimed Billy more softly, smiled, and nodded to his pet in agreement.

Again his family responded, “Hosanna in the highest!”

* * * * * * *
The evening wound down. There was more talk as some drank coffee and others drank hot chocolate. Archie and Edith became quite fond of chocolate. It was one of their favorite treats. Kate was sure to have chocolate pudding with whipped cream for dessert at least one evening a week. The night was unusually warm after such a bitter cold snap for a couple of days, but that was Texas weather. They walked out onto the front porch, and enjoyed the heavenly fireworks display of the Leonid meteor showers. It coincided perfectly with Nick becoming Billy’s slave, or at least that’s what they told each other. A few had thoughts of their own; a bit more creative, perhaps, but it’s not a bad thing to let your imagination run wild from time to time if you’re firmly grounded in reality. You should also check your reality as regularly as you do your oil in your truck. Once every other month or so ought to do it.

Moss and Billy said their quiet goodbyes. They didn’t have to speak the words. They knew what was in each other’s heart. They understood the evening was a new beginning for them, and they were comfortable with their new relationship.

Nathan and Tron had a few words for each other with a promise made of a weekend over to the Garrett ranch together to knock boots while Moss spent a weekend at the Daniels' ranch with Billy. Tron turned to walk away to his truck where Moss was waiting for him, stopped, turned around, walked the few steps back to Nathan, and said, “Fuck it! I don’t give a good goddamn who knows no more, Brother, I done loved you too many years to waste any more time,” he said firmly, grabbed Nathan, and planted a kiss on him which made every man there get an erection and drool in their Wranglers.

“Ain’t nothing hotter than two mature cowboys saddled up in the lip-lock of death what would make the angels swoon,” Hank allowed to his mate. He was right. In fact, two did.

End of Chapter 9 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved~
Email to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 10

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